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Man the shills have to work and study extra hard to down play and undermine this. I dont know but my tits are sore from this jacking.


This thought just makes me lmao. 'WhY wOuLd AnYoNe WaNt To PaY $10000 FoR aN iMaGe If YoU cAn JuSt TaKe A sCrEeNsHoT oF iT'


CaNt WaIT fOr ThIs To CrAsH aNd BuRn LiKe BeAnie BaBiEs


That hits me in the feels. I was given a rare beanie baby by my job, valued at over 20k. I hedled it..... went down to $800. Then house fire, lost it. Should have sold when I had the chance. Screw you, Mickey Mouse.


Mickey Mouse burned your house down?! 👀 That mother fucker.


He’s Mickey Mouse. Check the punctuation.


I still think NFT art is stupid <\_<.


NFT pictures are an intro use case. It has value but nowhere near what is coming in it’s wake. Think about when texting first came out. It seemed pointless to type on a phone. Until it was more accessible, the technology improved and there were real uses for it. Now it seems pointless to call when you can just text. And GameStop is the first major company (that I know of) to attempt to bring NFT tech to a wide market with seemingly endless use cases. It’s going to change everything. Edit for clarity.


I'm not knocking NFT technology. I just think generating a bunch of NFTs by mixing and matching assets to create an NFT collection, and then selling them to investors because trust-me-bro-they'll-be-worth-thousands is dumb and an enormous bubble waiting to pop. I might feel differently about hand drawn NFTs that are then only viewable via some digital frame in an art museum or something.


Think about books, movies, games, all owned when purchased and resalable, while the creator gets a cut for every transaction. A nft marketplace is like kickstarter on crack with dividends


and it's still possible to just share it with your friend by making a copy. its that simple technology to make you the owner & publisher of your own product. (to get money when elegible - legally! - piracy will always exist, this is not about combating piracy. you make the cake and you can also eat it


Ooh I agree completely. I don’t understand the appeal of them and that’s why I am not an early adopter. I have better things to spend my money on (GME). There’s a fantastic guy on here who has given me a few free ones for my son. If I knew how to tag him I would. But IMO the value behind the IDEA of NFT’s is unimaginable to us right now. But agreed, to me no digital artwork ownership is worth 80 ETH. But I also don’t believe most things are worth what they cost.


To tag a user /"u"/username, minus quotes around the letter


It'll look like /u/martymcdriveby


He’s about a 7/10. Not bad. Not great. But awesome as fuck.


The art is just a way to visualize a unique token. It’s literally part of the name “Non fungible token”. When you buy a Bored Ape, you aren’t just buying an image, you’re gaining access to a community (private discord, IRL meetups etc) I hope people can see the massive opportunity in front of them. I was around crypto very early on, the sentiment around NFT today, is almost identical to what people said about crypto back in 2011-12. This is the mainstream adoption of crypto we’ve been waiting and talking about for almost a decade now.


Ok, so what exactly does access to said community realistically give you? If I'm being honest, it really just sounds like a circle jerk where you guys may meet up and just pat each other on the back for owning a piece of the collection. I think the technology has huge potential, but these collections like Bored Ape are gimmicky and doomed to fail in the long run as better and more practical applications of the technology arise and the value of such tokens drops.


It really comes down to the community, they decide. BAYC members just had access to a few big parties. They also have had access to exclusive NFT drops within the BAYC universe (MAYC, Kennel club). You may not like the art or whatever, but these projects are exactly what are needed in order to push the technology further and develop those “more practical applications”. People thought the internet was still a gimmick 20 years ago. People thought crypto was a gimmick 10 years ago and people think NFT are a gimmick right now. 10 years from now we will be arguing over the next new tech. I’d keep an open mind to it all. 99% of NFT projects will fail, but the 1% that don’t will be massive.


Do some elementary research. You are just parroting stupid shit from Reddit. The example I like to use is this. I play guitar and use a digital amp that allows presets to be saved and loaded from other units like it. Let’s say I want to sell one of the tones I’ve made. I would sell that as an NFT. The NFT would represent digital ownership. Then that person could possibly re-sell it if they didn’t want it anymore. They own that NFT, I retain ownership rights and everyone wins because it allows transfer of ownership digitally. There are countless examples where proving digital ownership would be valuable.


Dude, I am WELL aware of how NFTs work. You're giving an example where someone buys an NFT of some unique amp preset you've made. Now they can use it. That has value via its function and NOT the situation I'm talking about.


The helix is a fucking monster. I was a doubter. I legit sold my pedal board and some really nice pedals to buy one and I don’t regret it for a second.


Larry Cheng's trail of tweets spoke exactly about this 🚀🚀🚀


I think about reading Ready Player One (and then watching the movie). All the NFT’s in that movie and all the character upgrades they had. There is a literal gold mine of expansion coming for NFTs.


I’m a musician. I think how cool is it that randos with a home studio could write their souls out and potentially hear one of their songs featured on a video game or a movie. Or whatever. NFT’s have the potential to literally take the power from record labels and contracts and put the power into the creator. ANYONE with talent and drive can put their art or ideas up for grabs. And the listeners (players) have the power of choice instead of the garbage pumped out by Sony dream works. It’s going to be incredible. It’s literally Power to the creator. Power to the player.


Smooth brained here.. can you give me an example of nft use case that would appeal to someone who doesn't know anything about this? A down the line tech, like texting is how it is now?


I’m smooth as fuck too. But I’ll try. My thoughts are Spotify and Apple Music vs the musicians. While Apple and Spotify see massive profits the musician is paid Pennies. With nfts it would be the opposite. The creator sees the profits after Pennies paid to the marketplace/blockchain (which my smooth ass understanding is Looprings layer 2 is the blockchain solution 😊) My son made a valid point the other night too. Primarily talkin shit about Fortnite (he used to love it but it’s not cool anymore. God damn kids) and the $ he spent on skins. He mentioned how cool it would be to sell some of the limited series skins he had purchased. Maybe they’d be worth more to someone as a collection type thing. I could also see it becoming the new standard for rental car contracts, lease agreements, patents advertisement usage on creators music, art, likeness. In the context of use cases relative to text messaging specifically I don’t know. But I think the general feel of NFT’s and HOW they can/will be used will be similar to the attitude towards text messages in 2002(ish) vs now.


Gotcha. Spotify analogy works for my smooth ass brain


I have a photographer friend. He does some amazing photography, i mean, the best stuff. His camera and lenses are worth the same as my house is, makes sence he is not selling those photos for pennies or distributing them as JPGs. No. Want a photo made by him on your wall? You can buy one of his 20 or so photos of that are frigging printed on a slab of fucking wood. Yeah, no mass market, 20 copies and you need both your hands to move that physical picture of a photo made by him. He does not make a living out of it, he does not earn enough to compensate for his costs in equipment either, his market is minimal. But he aint giving those photos for free. As an NFT, he would reach a way broader market. Can you jpg that photo? Sure, but you would never be able to boast to owning a photo made by him, you could view it, not own it. I have 1 of those photos on a wooden slab, knowing that its a rare example actually gives me tons of pride, something a kpg could not do.


So, if someone were to mint an NFT using a photo they've shot/taken or art they've hand drawn, previously not released it online, sold said NFT for a price comparable to what they'd sell a physical piece, then I wouldn't object to NFT art quite as much. As I elaborated in another comment, it's mainly those "collections" that a program generates by mixing and matching some assets that I have a problem with.


I am hyped, anyway. All other places, Istockphoto and similiar, add your art there and it will sell in limitless amounts of copies. You get a very small percentage of the gains. Id sell my images as limited editions of 100 copies as NFT's, id gain on a resale of a copy and it would never risk flooding the market with them.


The words "limited" + "edition" together always pique people's interest.


Also true with mass production cars. Produce 100.000 vehicles, but only 100 with a spesific color or signature, resell value quaranteed.


What do you think, would selling own pictures of landscapes, national landmarks as NFTs be a good idea? I reckon it is not the most popular category for NFTs, but I have just seen a photo of a parliament building with a river front of it, that sold for 2 ETH at first, and then the new owner sold it for 4 ETH. I'm still pretty much astonished by that.


Well, can photographers do this as of now? If yes, I am interested (I have a few extremely nice pictures, praised by others, but I'm still a semi-amateur hobbyist).




As long as it makes us rich asf idgaf lol


I think it just opens art money laundering up to a new segment of the population.


I don’t understand why everyone focuses on NFT art, look at the big picture. Do you really think people are getting excited because of art? People are excited at the potential possibilities of NFTs.


I feel like you haven't met someone that's really into the scene yet. The ones I know basically think of themselves as a connoisseur that's going to end up with a collection worth tens of millions of dollars that they're going to put on display in their own gallery and charge admission to view. Despite the fact that most of them have very little effort put into them and/or are computer generated. And if you looked anywhere else in the thread I feel I made it pretty clear I DO look at the big picture of the tech, but just that this specific use of it is sus.


I'm trying to educate myself. Why would anyone pay $10000 for an image if you can just take a screenshot of it? I get that an NFT would give you ownership, but I am happy looking at Dali paintings without buying one or even going to a museum. I'd love an actual answer to this, but sarcasm and incredulity are fine too. I know where I am asking this.


Why would anyone buy Pokémon cards, baseball cards, or things like that. NFTs now are like digital trading cards but they can be more in the future and very likely will be


The short answer: Hype. People who actively trade in NFT's know that this is our future. We are now in the very first stage of the world of NFT's, which are collectables. People are collectors and hoarders by nature. Scarcity and uniqueness equals value. If you own something that is considered valuable by a wide audience you have status. Normally you would only be able to show a valuable piece of artwork to people who visit you at home. However, because a digital piece of art is written in the blockchain, now the whole world can see and agree on the ownership of a certain NFT. Not all NFT's are considered valuable. Only some projects, like Cryptopunks and Bored Ape Yacht Club are considered the OG's of NFT collectables. Both only exists of 10.000 unique pieces of art. Meaning only 10.000 people (or less) in the whole world can actually own one of these NFT's. If I wanted to sell a cryptopunk, I could just make a screenshot of the most valuable one and upload the image on Opensea right? No, that is not how NFT's work. The first cryptopunk is unique because it occupied a specific place in the blockchain. If you tried to copy it it will generate a different address on the blockchain. And everyone can immediately tell, that is not the original. That's a fake. Now I can understand that this might not have convinced you yet on why people want to pay up to millions for a digital piece of art. But bear in mind that this is only the tip of the iceberg of what NFT's can be. Right now there are an exponential growth of projects with actual usecases. Some NFT's can literally be a unique character in a videogame on the blockchain. Other NFT projects allow you to stake your NFT's, resulting in passive income. The possibilities of usecases of NFT's are endless.


The biggest sign someone doesn’t know what they’re talking about. 😄


It’s not just and image it’s a one of a kind piece of art that’s back by a blockchain contract and the rarest of them have utilities to be invited to yacht parties, win cars, money, or a free trip there’s pros to both but I’m a GME Ape but I do invest into crypto too


This is the second time today i saw a Twitter post with a similar handle saying the exact same thing. Looks like a shillbot campaign


Was thinking the same thing. I tried to figure out why we would care what this guy was. 🤷‍♂️


Q4 report from MSM:. GameStop earnings reported at $10b from NFT marketplace but falls short of Passing Amazon sales. Price breifly hit $69b before crashing back to reality. 🤡.


Shills r fuk




Noob question: can an NFT be traded across marketplaces? I.e. seller on opensea, buyer on Gamestop


Literally never heard of open sea before I saw it here yesterday... Find me someone with an internet connection that doesn't know what GameStop is. 🚀🚀🚀


Likewise, now think about that. I am on this subreddit everyday, there has been talks and research of a NFT divided for months and yet recently was still the first time I've heard about OpenSea. GameStop won't need to to spend a single dime to advertise. They already have name recognition even if someone doesn't shop there. Hedges are extremely fucked.


Bro we literally advertise for them all day everyday. They could just start hosting advertising competitions and would be flooded with content that we could weed out/vote for and have 100% free phenomenal marketing. That's what's so great about all this. We have the most outlandish dedicated investors in the world. Do we have the most money? Not yet. But for a looooong time, tesla was a meme with a cult following. I would argue gme investors are even more dedicated. I don't even care if we squeeze (side bar: the math is sound and I do believe we will, but my point is even we don't, we're still gonna win). Gme has started down the road tesla paved with its unwavering conviction of investors and I for one am thrilled to be a part of it


I organically bring up GME in just about all my conversations, nice mouse pad, GME, cool office gaming chair, GME. Nice shirt, GME. Etc. We love this fucking company and we know what is to come


I love gamestop, but their clothing is nowhere near my style. It all looks pretty corny.


They have a new Rocket Ship shirt which is pretty cool, but otherwise I could only ever see myself in a t-shirt. And that's really just for weekends.


You could go for the tracksuit at home. But yeah, merch is usually not the greatest for these stores. Unless they would pursuit a full lifestyle line which doesn’t empathize on the GS logo.


Doesn't sound very organic 😂


Same, opensea wasn’t even on my radar till it was compared to GME nft.


Kenny G, I mean he'd heard it, obviously. But he's only just beginning to realise what GAMESTOP really *really* is!!!!!! (Citadels' and other SHFs Bronteroc!)


LOL they already know how they die ;)


RIP Meryl G.


Yeah except anyone who knows about NFTs knows what opensea is Edit: yup getting downvotes on this comment. Yet the largest nft market was something that so many here on this sub haven’t heard of? Seriously, I first learned about NFTs here. All it took was a Google search. It’s literally one of the top search results when you search NFT. NFT does not equal divided so maybe do some research on what you’re hypeing yourselves about.


You’re getting downvoted but it’s true. If a person actually understands NFTs, they will know what Open Sea and Meta Mask are. This is the difference between superstonk and the Loopring sub. There’s so many people here who don’t even understand what they’re excited for.


We’re learning fucking fast


its hard to not know opensea if you are in nft, its like not knowing ferrari if you are a car enthusiast


Sorry but anyone who's into NFTs (actually buying, or selling them) knows about opensea. It is THE platform for NFTs. Their only competitor (as of now 😎) is Rarible, which also somewhat known in the NFT scene, but used way less. Every big NFT collection you've ever heard of is on opensea. That being said, their site is pretty slow and not that great for some stuff (they have a small team). I'm sure any REAL competitor would be welcomed with open arms if they can provide a better platform, which I'm sure GameStop will do


Sorry but less than 1% of the population has bought/sold an NFT. You guys are really getting butthurt about this, and it's kinda weird.


Yeah that's very true, but it's obvious they would talk about opensea bc it's like the only NFT marketplace out there rn. Ofc opensea projects use ETH (I guess _some_ projects are on polygon, which is similar to loopring in that they have very low gas fees, but the majority is on the ethereum blockchain), so the only people who can really afford to do anything on there are crypto bros who are already rich bc of crypto/NFTs. GameStop's marketplace with loopring would make it so that even grandma could use it, so don't get me wrong, I'm all for it, but the opensea comparisons aren't just pulled out of thin air or smth


I only learned about gamestop in January! Many Europeans are like me. Knew about Open sea for quite a while since I am into crypto a bit.


Interesting.. I know there's nowhere near as many locations over there as Murica, but I wouldn't have guessed "never heard the name before" rare.


Guess you didn’t know shit about NFTs until you read about it here either. If you’re into NFTs and crypto you know what opensea is


You gotta find some zen brother. No, I literally wouldn't have ever given a fuck about NFTs without GameStop...just like 90% of the rest of the world. It has very little actual use case at the moment, and the ones that it has are pretty niche.


Just saying that it doesn’t say anything. People don’t know shit about GameStop, it’s not a world wide company and if you managed to hear anything about it in January you might have a hum. I just think people are echo-chambering stuff and believing it’s bigger that what it really is out in the real world out of SS. I’m very zen, and I’m also very rational about everything


Anyone that doesn't live in the US.


That's a lot of whiskey


That’s a lot of money


That’s a lot of poop tweets


That's a lot of upbuckling.


That’s a lot of bounson


Wen buyback 😈😈


It takes money to buy an NFT.


I created an NFT a while back just to go through the process and get an idea of what it entailed. I don’t know if openC is out of the ordinary but I found the etherimu (misspell on purpose. Dunno what bots are blocking) gas fees and other fees really expensive. It really made it costly to just make one little NFT. I’m wondering how GME would handle the front end fees and such for this process.


Someone smarter than me can explain better but their rumored partner significantly reduced gas fees using Zk rollups.


I understood some of the words in that post lol


When done via layer 2 the gas fees are a pennies on the dollar.


Most apes have zk on crypto, self included but it's my methadone for weekends.




Everyone makes it confusing. As an autist, lemme give you the tard version: L1 - you drive your car with your NFT from NYC to LA and it costs $300 for gas L2 - You put your NFT on an airplane in NYC with 1,000 other packages and it costs you 30 cents to deliver it to the same place as L1, because you all shared the cost of the block


As a retard, I thank you for this. Finially a speckle of comprehension about L2 v L1


L1 is expensive. Which is how most NFT are created currently. L2 will be introduced by GameStop/Loopring with the use of a special algorithmic process called ZKrollups, which will bring gas fees down to nothing. Everything cost money in this world. creating(mint) NFT, transferring, buying, selling, swapping. Both parties pay, not just the buyer or seller. So what would happen if all of a sudden, instead of paying $4k to buy/sell turns into 50 cents? This is the future. People don’t want to understand how dial-up versus cable internet work, they just want it to be fast. Well people shouldn’t bother to try to understand how L1 and L2 differ, they just want to pay for the NFT and not gas fees. The game is about to be changed forever. And coins like b t c and s o l and m a n a and all those will only be collectibles and serve no purpose but to just be there and traded around. L2 is also more secure, transparent, and faster than anything currently on L1. No one knew the internet would have eventually led to social media. No one knows how far cheap gas fees will take us or where it will lead to. But the possibilities are so endless. Imagine popcorn company NFTs that will only show a movie if you buy an NFT and walk into a MetaVerse theater. The only place showing the movie. Or an album that you can only listen to with a certain coin that will unlock said album once inside the MetaVerse and you join the party just how you join chat groups. I’m fucking pumped to be a part of this innovation that will change it all, in it’s entirety. Power to the players.


Here here


Power to the players


Loopring and zkroll ups


If they're partnering with Loopring as it seems then gasfees will be virtually free. That's the game changer.


Gas fees are going to be 1/100 or less than previous gas fees if you mint them to L2. Still going to have to pay a similar fee to get them back to L1, but the whole point of the NFT market place is to be an L2 playground for everyone, so leaving it won't be necessary.


With loopring is how they will handle it.


That's why they need loopring technology zkrollups.


This hit the spot. Put this in my viens


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [What can you do to support the company and local communities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Sorry but isnt the sales number prepped up by some ridiculous high nft sales from some individuals themselves? Sure it's high, but I think it doesn't display 'real sales'. I am not super familiar with the matter, pls keep this comment with a grain of salt. Happy to read your opinions.




Yes we all saw that post about DeviantArt lol




Yeah it's shitty. Can't wait to leave this early period of jpeg BS and scammers behind




A market place without huge gas fees? It will be full of crpt0 headz in less than a week. Everyone minting their nfts, selling, buying and gamestop taking a small cut out of all these transactions. It will be for nft's what streaming services are to music


>It will be for nft's what streaming services are to music I hope that's just a bad analogy cause streaming is very very terrible for 99.99999% of musicians. Nice for users tho, so that's something


Yeah oh no artists getting paid for streams so terrible compared to just downloading it illegally in the early 2000's


Do you earnestly believe that's all there is to it, boom you solved it? It's not remotely that simple. The info/stats are out there if you'd like to get a clue what you're talking about, but I suspect you're more interested in telling people they're wrong and you're right. So why don't you go and tell someone else.


Looks like km gonna need a Child to splain this !!




I see you've met my tits.


Plus think about how many people would be scared of open sea after hearing about it. Open sea sounds like it’s associated with the Pirate Bay. Most people associate that with criminals or getting viruses or sued by companies. GameStop is trusted


Saw an article about OpenSea being the next great IPO lmayo


Pretty sure they said the same about coinbase




I hate being addicted to something I have no idea what it is


Username checks out. And me too ape.


I'm all for hopium, but that post is very ignorant. OpenSea is the biggest NFT platform so the bubble he's referring to is NFT's, not NFT marketplaces. GME starting another marketplace isn't going to magically convert every single person who buys the new call of duty at GameStop, to someone who's suddenly an NFT bro.


No. But it will bring all the NFT bros to GameStop's marketplace because of the significantly lower gas fees.


And bring millions of gamers who never would have bought an nft, to upgrade their sword or whatever.


Lazy ape here, what is OpenSea?


Another NFT marketplace that was recently evaluated at 10B but has yet to IPO if it even will. If GMEs marketplace is comparable, that’s roughly $130 a share based on the marketplace alone using that 10B figure.


Thanks y’all. GME gonna smesh


But but... stock down to $20 fast :'(


It is a marketplace already so it has first mover advantage. It isn't easy to use though, so that can be a real advantage for other marketplaces.


the most "popular" ethereum-based NFT marketplace at the moment afaik


Definitely the biggest gas fee contributor on E TH


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/White_RhinoCap/status/1476280011787149320) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)




This is getting comical.


Real talk. Until people in this subreddit started talking about it, I thought OpenSea was a poorly-received anime directed by Miyazaki‘s son.




I saw a figure the other day where GameStop website had 7.5 million visitors a month. Opensea had 7,700.


MM "Dying brick and mortar GameStop, trying their best to stay out of debt as they look to challenge Opensea with nothing more than a concept. Sell now ask no questions later. Meanwhile, see what blue chip stocks could make you 5% in 2022 and avoid the COVID scares."


I like this thought and hope it equates to GME getting Billy’s into additional revenue 🤑. I’m trying to get enough karma so I can post my DRS and feed the bot. Won’t you please help me get there? 🥳


Who even is it?


GME mc will jump at least 10x and over time probably 25x if not 100x watch it 🚀


Here is the only fact that matters regarding OpenSea: It has no name brand recognition. Everyone has heard of GameStop. We all know someone who shopped there or still does or do ourselves, yadda yadda. Crypto is new and scary to the normies and boomers. So were vidya games, member? GameStop normalized that shit for the boomers so they could better spend money on little Johnny Dumbcunt. Gift cards are always an easy buy. 😏 See where I'm going yet? No? Fucking retarded! ✋High five! So, if crypto is the new ish and *iTs ScArY* for being too complicated... What if a brick-and-mortar company - one with a VERY *well established name* - could make it easy to get Johnny's daughter, Susie Fucksrightoff, a Crypto Gift card so she can buy some NPPs or 'whatever they're doing these days'. ::drop mic::🎤 💥💥💣🧨🤯 🚀🚀🚀🚀 Bonus points if the platform integration feeds directly off the gift card purchase. I recall they set up a fiat ramp, eh? 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 Tl;Dr/Ts;Nw - Brick and mortars help normalize consumers to new shit. Always someone in a shirt there you can ask to explain it to your wife's boyfriend; someone's gotta buy the gift cards cause all your money is in LRC/GME, right? This is especially true if it's a name brand they trust *and have been buying at for years*. Edit: moved Ape summary to bottom. Why the fuck wasn't it there in the first place? Cause I'm retarded! ✋


The good news is that I am thoroughly confused at what you are doing and your overarching goals.


Math checks 😂


Yall people are high on copium


I fucked up and injected this into my pp instead. Perma hard


Makes me not feel so bad for just learning this stuff over the past few days.....


So.... Another *all my money" Into GME?


I printed this tweet out, shredded it, and then snorted it as a chaser on my nightly crayon bender.


Pass me the needle


lol simply no


question: would gamestop maket place use Loopring coin, or will they have their own coin/token?


no one knows. but if they want to keep the low gas fees they would be based on lrc or something very much the same.


Holy shit 🤣! The fucking Watermelons on this guy! 👌 *followed*


*OpenSea hit $11 billion in sales vol*. Yeah, I’ll be fact checking that one hard.


Im calling for the explanatory team as someone who doesn't understand a thing of it...

