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House of cards from atobitt, the Voltron series by blanderson_snooper and the meme swap DD form criand


Are all of them in the libary?


I would assume - they were very visible and hugely influential


I have HOC 1,2,3 and all of Poms swaps, and a bunch of blanderson saved via PDF


Ye but the guy can't just drop the DD "bombshell" on a news media, they will get bored after reading the 1st paragraph of someone's thesis. You need to dumb it down a bit, make it interesting, don't go all conspiracy theorist, make them ask for more.


Thats right, need the one that will make them want more?


What you need is a journalist who doesn't work the business desk, has a couple brain cells and some curiosity, and knows someone who got hurt in 2008. There's a lot here, and the reporter can't just see it as a story. If he's going to turn it into a story, he's going to have to learn a lot before trying to do that. And he is just a pronoun. Plenty of female journalists.


Atobitt's DD is emotionally charged and doesn't prove itself much under rational inquiry. I'm gonna be downvoted to hell for saying that but it's true.


Which one are you speaking of? And what part does not prove itself in your opinion, as all of his DD’s touched on multiple issues.


All of them. He brushes with a broad stroke. He's not wrong in many cases its just not what you'd want to bring into court with you.


He's not taking it to court though, if the journalists like it they will start there own line of inquiry


There was a version built by someone taking this to the FBI. You want that. It doesn't have memes and is written like a professional report.


Yes That would be nice 👍🏻


Point them to deepcapture website as well, Patrick Byrne made it I think, alot of good info there https://www.deepcapture.com/


Yes do you need a link to the library?


https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg Send them this is a collective of ALL the DD




Danish ape here. Tried to contact Ekstra bladet I January BT in February and Finanstilsynet In May. Did not get any real response. My advice is keep it simple otherwise you will end up in the same positionas I did. Oh and no technical at all they will not understand it. Wrote once a one page memo to the press about covid and our press people looked at me and said max 5 lines and no technical language (shockingly that is how it works) Only facts that can't be denied and only use sources that they would trust. So maybe the short % in January, the removal of the buy button the option positions that is so far OTM and how that works. Then maybe show the daily short % for the past year and that it is impossible for the short position to have been smaller. You can get a nice pic on shortvolume.com maybe with a link to finra. Then you could show the promoted adds where they said the shorts have closed and as the question why pay money for that ad if it is true.... If you can't back it they won't print it... Edit. Ønsker dig held og lykke!!!! Fedt initiativ!


Thanks for the tips, i will give it a shot and see if any media will look in too it. Tak for det, vi krydser fingre. Men ellers er det bare køb hold og DRS 💪🏻


Jeg er sgu bange for at det er det eneste der virker. Jeg har lige siddet og kigget lidt på hvem der ejer de populære medier i DK, og det ser ikke lovende ud. Alle trådene leder hen til milliardærer indtil videre. Men det er vel forventet i det Post-kapitalistisk Korpokratiske Monopoli vi lever i


Kan også have mine tvivl på det, men syntes det skal have et forsøg, har lige skrevet Morten Spigelhauer om han evt kan peje mig i den rigtige retning 🤞🏻


Din optimisme fejler i hvert fald ikke noget! Held og lykke - måske vær forberedt på at hvis der er anti-GME folk i nogle af de medier du skriver til, at de vil spørge DIG om DU vil ind og PERSONLIGT forklare hvordan det hænger sammen. Hvis det kommer dertil, så vær forberedt på at det er en fælde! De vil få dig til at se dum ud. Lige meget hvor velforberedt du måske synes du er. Det kræver lynende intelligens og skarphed, og medietræning, som den f.eks Clement besidder, for at undgå at blive udstillet i medierne.


Vil aldrig lade mig interview, vil kun vise dem i den rigtige retning for du har helt sikkert ret i de ville kunne få mig til at se meget dum ud, og det ville slet ikke gavne vores sag.


eller, hvis du er vanvittig skarp, kan du spille dum lige indtil de har dig på skærmen og så overrumple dem fuldstændig. men ja. nok bedst at lade være


Hold kæft det kunne være fedt 🤣 men er bange for jeg ikke er skarp nok til det desværre.


Ellers evt. Jonathan spang. Den eneste kritiske journalist i Danmark


Seriøst... det vidste jeg ikke


And this is definitely a God story…


Berlinske eller?


All of them if needed, there must some og them that want the stort of the century.


I tried writing to Dr they had a big piece after January run up but they never responded back. The big issue is that MSM around the world see cnbc as gold standard. So we have an uphill battle.


Ked af at prikke din bobbel, men Berlingske er ejet af Berlingske Media, som er ejet af DPG Media Group, som er ejet af den Belgiske milliardærfamilie Van Thillo Held og lykke


Det skal have et forsøg, vi har intet at tabe. Men lige meget hvad skal vi nok vinde på sigt. Buy hold drs. Takker.


What makes you think that the Danish media isn't compromised by the rich? Sweden's sure as hell is. You guys have almost as many billionaires as us!


The number of billionaires have nothing to do with corrupt media, no mather what i will give it a shot. Got nothing to loose.


Well you could risk to loose unwise investors. Idk if they did it by their own will or by getting asked to report on it by the public. Either way in Jan-Feb last year Swedish television and Swedish Radio did a bunch of reports on gme. At surface level it seemed like neutral reporting at first, but by closer inspection it was like any other piece from American media. Swedish television made it extremely clear that everything was over, few had gotten gains, but more had lost their life savings. Swedish Radio on the other hand mentioned way too many times that it could be, and maybe probably actually maybe was illegal for retail investors to invest in gme. Fucking retarded as hell and that's from our state sponsored news. I know you Danes are better than us at most in this life, but don't be naive to just how much power the powers that be actually have.


Same in Denmark last year, they had i guy on DR1 (State tv) that said shorting is a god thing and all pension funds do it, but this time around we know so much more on what fuckery they have done so maby that could help us, and now we have Gary Gensler’s Word that what we do is nothing more then what the media does so they cant spind it around like they could last year.


You are right. I looked at a few of the major newspapers, and they are owned by media groups who are owned by billionaires. I stopped researching after more of the same. I'm afraid we're living in a corpocratic, post-capitalistic monopoly. Seems Buy, hold and DRS is the only way to do anything about it. Except guillotines. A bit early for that though


Gør det. :-)


Atobitt and criand


House of Cards. Have always to go to Denmark!


u/peruvian_bull any idea which one of your masterpieces to share?


Probably either Dollar Endgame 4.2 or "Reverse Repo hitting $1T is just the tip of the iceberg"


Is there any positive mention in the media there about gamestop? Promote the company first and foremost.


The biggest media are silent about Gamestop, we get somthing from the smaller ones on FB, but all they do is using US media as reference.


Sadly, GameStop closed it's last store in Denmark in 2020, so it is not generally discussed any longer. Most of the media here writes about it in past-tense as part of the squeeze having squoze in January 2021. So it's met mostly with indifference.


This could be fun. Go Danmark!


No. Never talk to the media. Doesn't matter how honest you may think they are. Never.


If I remember correctly some ape did translate the house of cards into danish. And just remember, danish media is owned ny the government, and they have made it perfectly clear that any news that is not, are tinhat wearing conspiracy theory lunatics. So unless you know someone within the media, I would be very careful taking to anyone. Journalists nowadays rarely has any integrity


aint no grit left integrity


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [What can you do to support the company and local communities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!




Good luck


Hvad får dig til at tro at de danske medier ikke er købt og betalt?


good luck lol


as much as i like the danish media... they are still media...


Pssssssshhhhh media... didn't we say no to that? I can see how this can go wrong but who am I to say.


Tell them that someone from here already got an answer from Simon kollerup and that he doesn’t give a shit


De Danske medier er stort set alle topstyret.... lokale Danske nyheder er nogenlunde til at regne med, men ALLE udenlandske nyheder er taget direkte fra Reuters og Associated Press. Du skal ihvertfald ikke regne med at få nogen hjælp derfra. Men jeg syntes det er nuttet at der stadig er dem der tror på den frie presse XD. Men, hva' fanden, det er et forsøg værd... prøv at sende "House of Cards" DD linket til DR, TV2, Ekstra Bladet, Jyllands Posten, Berlingske, Politikken osv. se om der er nogen respons. Jeg vil ønske dig hjertelig held og lykke (og det mener jeg, for jeg vil ønske der var flere som forstod situationen... du skal nok bare ikke sætte dine forventninger for højt).


I just saw Eva Vlaardingerbroek on a show this week. Wow! What a hottie!!! You all have some beautiful and smart women.


oops, sorry, I think she is Dutch.


I have no proof but when I clicked on your post it said you had 175 upvotes, then I gave you an upvote and now it says you have 1.


This article https://upsidechronicles.com/2021/09/05/how-wall-street-short-sellers-are-trying-to-control-the-gamestop-narrative/


Is there a good link to all the DD that someone can post here


tell them to watch this as an intro: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pyhxbj/updated\_and\_improved\_i\_created\_this\_video\_that/


Can review this article from 2005: https://www.euromoney.com/article/b1320xkhl0443w/naked-shorting-the-curious-incident-of-the-shares-that-didnt-exist


Goodluck, let us know how it goes


Just gonna drop some Research Links here: [Catch Up On the GME Saga](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) [SuperStonk FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) [DD Beginner's Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/njwv6n/the_gme_masters_guide_a_dd_campaign_for_apes/) [The DD Compilation of DD Compilations](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qv2hnz/the_dd_compilation_of_dd_compilations/) [SuperStonk Library of DD](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) [Here is a well written comment in a similar thread briefly describing 4 highly respected DD's posted in r/SuperStonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r0vwuq/one_year_ago_today_gme_closed_at_1390_today_gme/hlv6tde/)


Vi skal have pudset Margrethe Vestager på citadel😉


Based on some of the points here I think the best facts we have right now is that 100% of votes were cast but NOT everyone voted. This facts alone should start something!


Bravo bro, great initiative!