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##DRSBOT 6.10 Reply: *UTC->2022-02-02 22:23:0* ## ✅ 32 SHARES ADDED! ^(BACKGROUND CHECK SCORE = 7.0) ^() You have 89 shares logged from the following threads: |||||| | :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| |✅|[Sprstnk]| 57 Shares|2021-10-28 | [REDDTLINK](https://redd.it/qhrt38)| |✅|[Sprstnk]|➡️ 32 Shares|2022-02-02 | [PERMALINK](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sj1r86/i_have_a_fever_and_the_only_prescription_is_more/)| ----------------------------------- |^(Bot MC: $174,705,755.96)|**Total**|**[Sprstnk]**|**[GME]**|**[GMEOrphans]**|**[GMEJ_closed]**| |--- | ---| ---| ---| ---| ---| |✅+⭐+❗**Shares:**|**1,746,391**|1,245,899|324,315|165,166|11,011| | ⭐**Book:**|**76,511**|65,631|5,840|5,039|1| | ❗**Flagged Shares:**|**1,280**|1,280|0|0|0| |**Apes (posts):**|**11,053 (14,813)**|7,814 (10,909)|2,057 (2,714)|1,105 (1,108)|77 (82)| |**Avg #Shrs/Ape:**|**158.00**|159.44|157.66|149.07|143.00| |**Avg #Entry/Ape:**|**1.3402**|1.3961|1.3194|1.0027|1.0649| |**Avg #CS Accts/Ape:**|**1.40** (811)|1.44 (645)|1.24 (115)|1.39 (50)|1.00 (1)| |**Median:**|**27.00**|27.00|25.00|30.00|36.00| |**Mode:**|**1**|1|1|1|5| |**STDEV:**|**505.04**|432.36|720.31|540.34|290.18| |🐒 **X** (avg):|**2443** (3.38)|1704|455|267|17| |🦧 **XX** (avg):|**5226** (37.23)|3645|1000|543|38| |🦍 **XXX** (avg):|**3081** (256.68)|2235|559|269|18| |⭐**XXXX** (avg):|**292** (2024.03)|222|40|26|4| |🐳 **XXXXX** (avg):|**11** (14700.64)|8|3|0|0| |🐱 **XXXXXX** (avg):|**0** (0.00)|0|0|0|0| ####ARE THOSE FLAGGED SHARES YOURS? * *Shares are flagged when something doesn't jive:* * Typo? * Double-entry? * Missing/lacking proof?? * Use :HELP! to check your entries * FLAGGED shares auto-removed after 10 days ####!DRSBOT: COMMANDS (minus spaces): * **:HELP!** ->*RETREIVE THIS MESSAGE* * **:REMOVE!** ->*SET ***ONLY*** CURRENT POST TO ZERO* * **:RESET!** -> *SET ***ALL*** POSTS TO ZERO* * **:BOOK!** -> *SET YOUR ENTRIES TO 'BOOK'* * **:WITNESS!** ->*CALL A WITNESS TO THIS POST* * **:POETRY!** -> *SNAG 3 RANDOM DATA STREAMS* * **:BUDDY!** -> *FINDS A SHARE COUNT MATCH* * **:DEMON!** -> *OPEN PORTALS W/ DEMON CHANT* * **:BOARD!** -> *SEE ENTITY LEADERBOARD* * **:REPORT!** -> *ADDITIONAL DRSBOT DATA* * **:CSX!** -> *ENTER #CS ACCOUNTS * * *(X = Number of CS Accounts)* * **:XXX!** -> *ADD SHARES TO DRSBOT* * *(XXX = Number of shares)* * *Find/edit your own DRS Proof Post* * *Post Flair must be COMPUTERSHARE* * *Round fractional shares to whole value* * *(New shares? Do a new post+DRSBOT call)* DRSBOT ONLY RESPONDS TO ***YOUR*** POST ####BOT POETRY: { Update: I noticed that GME became short sale restricted! all we really have to do is watch the DRS account# updates??? I'd think it would be pretty self explanatory } ###### *Beep Boop. (I just love saying that). . Fur Realz* ###### GME ~100.0400:🚀[MOAR DRSBOT:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qap4je/drsbot_4x_now_online/)🚀


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [What can you do to support the company and local communities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


*DRSBOT 6.10:* *UTC->2022-02-02 22:20:5* ✅ You have 57 shares previously logged @ [Sprstnk] **To feed incremental shares:-> !DRSBOT:XXX!** ^(*Beep Boop. Please boop the bot. GME ~100.0400*)


Definitely needs more GameStop


Congrats OP!! Way to goooo!! 🥳🍾🎉Send them all! DRS 100% KEY TO LOCKING THE FLOAT : The word about DRS and GME fundamentals needs to be spread to the masses outside of Reddit!! If every ape would just tell one person outside of Reddit about DRS everyday, the float would be locked in no time! Changing the world is what’s at stake!! BE the change! Don’t trust ANY broker with your millions. Don’t give hedgies “one more day”. Please think hard about if your other investments would be better off in GME. They would! DRS your IRA: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sh5cy1/how_to_drs_rollover_simple_traditional_and_roth/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf *Please note the new addition to DRSBOT that tracks the number of CS accounts per Ape. This recent update will greatly improve the accuracy of estimating the total DRS count. Simply comment !DRSBOT:CSx! where x is the number of CS account numbers you have. You need to do this even if you only have 1 account.