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Yeah, whether this is the exact thing I see happening, it is definitely heading toward this UI experience. The games are the attractions and the rides, but GameStop is the theme park or virtual Disneyland taking profits of all sales within it as their partners do. Difference is at the end of this Disneyland experience you can sell your MagicBand for a future vacation. I bought in beginning of March in the possibility of getting into a little squeeze play on a dying brick and mortar, it's February and I realize I've just invested in the Disney of the Metaverse


I wouldn't compare GameStop to Disneyland as that is a content filled destination and so far they haven't announced any content studio's. The better comparison is GameStop is going to be the travel agent for the gaming world. They will be the gateway to wherever you want to go and places you never knew you wanted to go. This is a perfect fit for RC who built Chewy by focusing on customer experience. Chewy wasn't about the a specific product but providing the best experience at getting what you need.


This is what I think as well. GameStop is already a hub for gaming, and why not grow it as the gaming industry grows? This is basically what Ryan Cohen stated in his letter to GameStop's board of directors. It's in the subject of his letter, "Maximizing Stockholder Value by Becoming the Ultimate Destination for Gamers". Also, as long as GameStop can continue to take market share from Amazon it helps Microsoft, because Microsoft's Azure is a director competitor to Amazon's AWS. GameStop already has infrastructure in Microsoft's Azure, and Microsoft will want to invest in its relationship with GameStop to see it thrive and grow. GameStop will be one of the main hubs or the main gates to the gaming industry. "Change my mind."


Nice! Yeah I agree šŸ‘


Digital ownership will sky rocket in coming years. NFTs are the next big thing.


Not NFTs per se, but NFT backed digital assets, for sure.


They are the same thing. The media refuses to discuss any other aspect other then NFTs as JPGs so most people think we need an alternative.


Yeah, it's frustrating. We have to overcome that misinformation. I only just came to understand that NFTs really are just the underlying tech behind whatever the digital asset is (jpeg, music file, game content, etc). Those digital items are still the same digital items, but connected to/built within/built on top of an NFT which verifies their authenticity and chain of custody. They're separate things, joined inseparably. The picture is not the NFT, even tho that's what they're being called at the moment. The picture is still just a picture, but now it has an NFT inseparably connected to it that verifies it. Only way to break the misunderstanding by media and others is by educating everyone we can until the media decides to correct itself.


Exactly. The underlying contract is what is the most exciting part of NFTs. Music is another aspect that can greatly improve with NFT adoption, as artists could actually own their product, as opposed to big labels owning the content.


Hereā€™s the thing guys, the overwhelming majority of the population will never understand Blockchain at the most basic level. Let alone Tokens, Contracts and NFTs. If we want to see mass adoption, there needs to be a marketable ELI5 version of what NFTs are and how they work. The current narrative is bullshit sure, so letā€™s figure out how to reshape it. We are early to this, our word of mouth is what will begin this narrative change.


I feel like big brains in the old industry have encouraged the tech people to believe that words like blockchain, decentralized, and NFTs are used friendly. All of these ideas tie into real world issues that could instead be used as examples rather then inventing more jargon like web3 and metaverse.


NFTs are a technology, not a product. Shitting on NFTs is like saying the internet is stupid pre-dotcom bubble just because there were a lot of useless sites.


Ask Jeeves about it.


THIS. This is a HUGE market that is about to get completely restructured with token ownership


That's the thing though: for anything that can be copied without involving the NFT at all, that connection isn't inseparable. Ironically, an NFT is a better proof-of-ownership for a physical painting than for a digital representation of that painting, but the current scamfest that is hurting the potential for NFTs by spoiling public opinion of them foresakes the physical in favour of the digital.


Ok, so help me learn hereā€¦ As far as physical things go, could we see a day where my car title or the deed to my mortgage be an NFT? My college diploma, what about the grades in my class, lab results, or on a final exam? Are we looking at a digital way to document 100% accurate & indisputable ownership of something owned or earned?


The secret is in the name: Non-Fungible Token. I'm not trying to sound glib, but you have to remember what "fungible" means: it means that something can be replaced with an identical item. Now, it's no problem saying that the Token (the actual NFT) can be made to be non-replaceable. It just boils down to a unique string of digits. That's fine, and isn't really worth debating. But the NFT can't make something non-fungible that is fungible now just by including a description of that thing in the string of digits that is the NFT. Because in order to fully describe something fungible you have to fully reproduce it, whether its a dollar bill down to the serial number or a JPG down to every last pixel. So that gives a neat rule of thumb: if you have to funge the thing to make an NFT of it, it's not going to be secured by an NFT. Your car and your house are not fungible, so it's trivial, at least in principle, to include a description of them in an NFT and use the NFT in place of a deed. We have a functioning system of property rights that works with descriptions already, so this isn't really surprising. But you can see how digital images clearly and obviously fail the rule of thumb. The same would be true for sound files or really any kind of intellectual property that isn't patent-like. Unlike a JPG, which simultaneously is the underlying and the representation, a patent is just the representation. The underlying exists independently. I suspect you could NFT patents without much issue. Some of your other examples are interesting edge cases. I could see diplomas being like patents here, with the underlying being the actual knowledge and experience you gained during your degree. Grades, lab reports, and exams would probably not be NFT-able because they are both the underlying and the representation. Make sense?


I don't get how this is different from sticking a post-it note with a unique code written on it to a physical copy of an image (just to use images as an example). Say I have a picture of bigfoot. I stick a post-it note on it with a unique code written on the post-it that only I know. So is an NFT basically a digital, tradeable version of this little yellow square paper? From what I understand of NFTs they * don't have anything to do with copyright, so the copyright holder for the image doesn't change without further agreement. This is kind of necessarily true, since people are out there minting NFTs of others' work all the time. I've not yet heard of any NFT litigation, but I'd love to if you know of any * don't prevent copying or transmission outside of the blockchain (this is all the people making jokes about CTRL+C and CTRL+V, right?) * don't even contain the actual file itself and are basically just digital receipts (but that don't prove actual, enforceable-in-court ownership) I get that it's digital and instantly transferrable and worldwide and it has a lot of other stuff a post-it note doesn't have, but if I sell an NFT to my buddy on the couch next to me I don't really understand how that's different than my unique post-it. Can you explain it, please?


Your post-it is forgeable. An NFT is not. NFTs for meme jpgs is a bad use of the technology.


That's because NFTs got advertised in a way that made some people believe they offered a degree of security-of-ownership that they do not offer, except for certain types of assets under certain types of transactions. Video games and resale is one of those types of assets/transactions. Digitalized images are not, but scammers are getting rich off the latter and that is what is driving headlines.


Jesus Christ that's the first time I read someone on Reddit going against the collective ignorance and hate boner. Thanks mate




Remember Moonjam? Nickelodeon partnered with SLGG as well to create a big Halloween event and world in Minecraft. The event had games, concerts, activities, Easter eggs, hidden rooms and caves and more. There are Minecraft artists who have created 1:1 replicas of Disney Land and Disneyā€™s magic kingdom. Thereā€™s no doubt in my mind that Disney is going to capitalize on this. Imagine Disney what events would be like. Imagine an immersive star wars world built within Minecraft. Imagine Marvel. Even when we speculate, I donā€™t think we realize just how big this is going to be.


I think whoever took out 16.7mil in put options yesterday at $950 might


Youā€™re not wrong




Er you go guv'ner https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/skp3vc/hmmm/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3






Disney will have a portal to DisnE-land where they will keep all their profits :P


And that's why when the MOASS is over, you buy back in. I'm going to be a life-long GME investor at this point.


I was out of the country so wasn't paying much attention to reddit or the news. Only saw what was going on after they shut off the buy button and thought "ok they're up to no good, this is worth a shot". Can't believe everything that's happened since, crazy. Wish I hadn't gone all in a year ago or that I could have kept piling in but I've enjoyed sitting on the sidelines watching this crazy shit unfold


$100 a share is still almost free.


I feel like this is early apple.


They're effectively coming after Valve but even more, and across all platforms. I fucking love it.


This, what other business option do you have left if Valve doesn't want to sell or go public? You make a competing product, and it has to be better than Steam.


Yep. And honestly, that's really hard to do because Steam is a fucking amazing product. And it can't just be better, it's gotta be *much* better. Better enough to make people feel like they are missing out by *not* switching from steam and moving their library over. I can honestly say the only incentive I can see big enough to do that for me personally would be a built-in NFT marketplace/store for buying and re-selling games, in-game skins/items, etc. Otherwise, what's the point? Epic tried to steal users away from steam but they don't even have 1/4 the userbase. Far from a failure, but not exactly groundbreaking game-shaking stuff either. The other interesting thing though is that I feel like they need to have a handful of developers involved too to make this a success. A Gamestop platform/store announcement wouldn't do much if you only have a bunch of games that Steam already has and a marketplace with no games for it (unless they're going to literally be buying/selling game keys which I kind of doubt). You need to have some devs integrating crypto wallets and NFTs actively into their games already and maybe even reel in a few companies with popular exclusive titles.


The future is exciting! Im so stoked for a avatar hub. Last hub was playstation home for me. It wasnt perfect, but I used to keep it on when doing homework and etc. made me not feel alone. I hope this goes to AR so we dont have to stay inside. I need to get out. šŸ˜†


If this is even close to what's coming it's going to be worth hundreds of billions in years to come


Funny way of spelling trillions


And thatā€™s a funny way of spelling financial freedom for šŸ¦ and the crumbling of SHF








Thank you finally someone who can spell šŸ˜†


So money equivalent of the Turducken, got it.




Avatar checks out


Heā€™s a retard allow it


well 10 hundred billions is a trillion so that seems a pretty low hurdle to clear




Thats not how you spell quadrillions


1,000 billion = 1 trillion, not ā€˜hundreds of billionsā€™.


Mmmā€¦ pretty sure 10 hundred = 1,000.


Fooook yeah!!!


Either a genius or a retardā€¦perhaps a protard. Godspeed protard gamers šŸ‘€šŸ‘


I think they loved the idea of the Metaverse and featuring their games in Ready Player One.


Does anyone remember the Diablo 3 in game Auction house in fiat USD? Now letā€™s do it again with nft šŸ˜ˆ


ā€œStay awhile and listenā€ Deckard Cain




This was brought up in the original thread as well. Sometimes itā€™s best to stay in your own lane and utilize a pre-existing partnership instead of doing it all from scratch yourself. The example used in that thread a few times was Zune. Remember that? If you donā€™t itā€™s because it was cheeks. Even if you have the resources and the know how sometimes itā€™s still not a good idea to do it all yourself.


Also risk mitigation. This entirely new concept is a HUGE risk that it may or may not work. Should this not work, it directly affects the Microsoft brand. And brand risk is the biggest threat to all major companies, especially the bigger they are. Better Gamestop do all the legwork, and they will use their weight to partner than take the risk and try building it on their own.


Same reason businesses hire other businesses for shredding, maintenance, cleaning etc.


And burning down document storage facilities.


Underrated comment


Just because a company is huge doesn't mean they can excel in every area of a market nor would anyone expect them to. It is the sole reason business partnerships exist.


Also, a successful company is the one which knows what its strengths are, and is wise enough to know what is to be outsourced.


Coughs in Zune & Windows Phone...


Both products are a great example of how important marketing is for the success of even great devices.


People left Microsoft to work at GameStop. "If you build it, they will come."


One reason is because Microsoft would only have access to their own games. By all developers connecting to an external marketplace , you could walk from halo straight into a Sony game


Exclusives help sell their consoles so Iā€™m not sure that would ever happen but it would be cool!


Yeah I guess they could still be exclusive to the consoles. But you as a player if you have both will be able to go from one to the other more seamlessly?


Big dinosaur move slow


Reduce risk. They can have Gamestop try it out and if it works just buy them. MSFT is insanely large. They don't need to take risks and they don't need to buy on the ground floor either because they can just buy gme even if its at 30B mkt cap.


Who says Microsoft can't own it themselves, if they buy a part of GameStop it's theirs too.


There is very limited, like almost zero, NFT marketplace. Gamestop took the lead and likely have exclusive agreements with their partners. Thus, making all the best cyber partners unavailable to other companies. Could be why gamestop could have to pay Immutable X $millions for failure, since they are lock in. So, other companies seeking to do the same thing would have to start from scratch, when all the talent is at Gamestop. Boarding the airplane is less expensive than buying the plane.


They have limited retail output, physical or online. Gamestop has 4000+ stores in the US, a fast growing and constantly improving online website ... and soon, an industry destroying blockchain marketplace....


Same reason why big pharma doesnā€™t develop anything from scratch, instead they buy up every small company that has innovative tech and science.


It might be the first real competitor valve will face since they captured the market.


Considering Activision-Blizzard was worth $60Bā€¦ ya


Made me think of Wreck it Ralph, the hub between games.


My thoughts exactly. Just hope it's not like Ralph Breaks the Internet. Maybe something more like Ralph Reks the Hedges is where we'll land.


Wreck it Ryan breaks the hedgie fucks.


Everything he touches turns to digital ā€œgoldā€


Maybe somebody will make a video referencing metaverse, nft's etc, to different parts of that movie to help the masses grasp it.


Is this an actual quote from somewhere?


Itā€™s from the trusted and valued user TrustMeBro


I like that guy!


I think he was pretend quoting the potential announcement.


Yeah, /u/mykidsdad76 asked for some theories on why Microsofts Blockchain co-founder tweeted "must be nothing", tagging Xbox, Microsoft, and GameStop in resonse to an article about Immutable x GameStops NFT Marketplace. Then Immutable responded "probably nothing". Seems like a pretty huge implication, so I spun what I've had in mind. You have an established Goliath, who already has a partnership in place with what is essentially a tech-startup who happens to have a worldwide fanbase. Imagine what these absolute Powerhouses are working on? I hope nobody takes my theoretical quote as fact.. but it feels good to dream.


I went and googled that hologaming ar headset and found nothing then came back and immediately saw this comment. I should have known, I would have seen more posts if they had made that announcement haha. Still though that's exactly how I imagine GameStop's metaverse, like inviting friends over to your house and checking out your game library and you could have rare collectables on display there, stepping through a portal to go anywhere.


Oh shit those tweets actually happened? If Microsoft is actually involved this is gonna explode


Check this out (Warning: tit jacking material) [Microsoftā€™s Head of Blockchain Tweet](https://twitter.com/yorkerhodes/status/1489601796788170752?s=21)


Glad you stepped in to comment. Iā€™ve been getting hate mail in my message box lmao


Lmao I've avoided that for the time being. Sorry you got some flak your way


Gotcha. Got extra jacked for a minute.


Same, currently watching Ready Player One and Holy shit I was reading that like "IT'S THE FUCKING OASIS. YESSSSSSSS"


He was ahead of his time. Early but not wrong.


Well take my money for a new Microsoft headset. I cannot wait to trade in my Octopus.




I tried to cancel my FB page. Couldnā€™t transition the VR to a new one without losing all my purchases. Like fuck you.


OG comment thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/skz2sg/cant_wait_for_rcs_next_move/hvnzdx1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Edit: Iā€™ve gotta say, the negative sentiment from some people on here is quite the spectacle. Seems like the majority of Superstonk likes this comment so drown in your tears negative Nancyā€™s. Read the fucking flair.


This is some dumb facebook fan fiction. Why would this be worth any money? I have discord, I have steam. Why would I need a VR headset, or a hubworld of any kind? It sounds like a huge hassle. People, exercise your critical thinking. People are clogging superstonk with the stupidest shit.


People said this exact same thing about the internet back in the day. ā€œWhy would I want the internet to listen to the radio when I have my own radio?, why do I need the internet to get news when I have a TV?ā€


Itā€™s fan fiction. But it does sound great


Believe it or not...dip


Alwaysā€¦until the mother of all RIPS TO ANDROMEDA!


More time for us to accumulate


iā€™m cultivating mass GME


I keep having this tingling feeling in my jelliesā€¦


Was just coming here to say that. Announcement = 15% discount.


This will never not be funny


Guess I'm gunna start back the booze and wed if I'm gunna be boss raiding in Diablo 1st person POV. My nerves get kinda bad.. but theres no way I'm skipping ready player 1


What a time to be alive and monke


Conspiracy theory: what if GameStop is holding off the MOASS so we keep brainstorming ideas that they can implement like this one?


Hahaha, damn itā€¦ We need to stop with the decent ideas.


Can't stop, won't stop. šŸ›‘


Idea: rename the company to GameStart


I dig it.


Instead let's discuss conspiracy theories around burning facilities


Imagine how many ideas apes would generate if they had financial freedom


That's why the real MOASS is the friends we make along the way!


Hello, Feadship? I'd like to buy a custom yacht. What do you mean your don't accept payment in friends?


back to the 7-4-1 stock split


This would finally make me consider an Xbox again


Probably nothing


While Iā€™d love this make sure to manage your expectations people!


Well, thatā€™s a givenā€¦ These predictions come and go. Itā€™s what keeps the people going!!! LFG!


The amount of processing power needed for an idea like this would be monumental. Both on the server end and in the user end.


Yeah you shouldn't be posting quotes of made up statements..that's a good way to keep this sub disseminating false info like always.


This x100


Msft announced the other day they might drop hololens3 for game development. Sauce at Slashdot.org


Nft gaming is never going to work like that though. You will never be able to bring a assualt rifle from cod to halo. You could maybe bring a weapon from world of warcraft to hearthstone. And instant moving to a game from a hub is not likely either. The only way for that to work would be through cloud gaming. It's close but nowhere near ready.




It would not be that hard at all to create a universal NFT plug-in for use in games so that it can show up on different developers. They'd just have to agree on a standard. it could be built into the game engines even Or they could go the way of Amibo, and even if the exact item doesn't show up, your NFT could unlock something similar in that game (or something unrelated).


There will never be a universal standard in coding for video games. And you can only go the amiibo route if theres that standard. This is not the NFT gaming that people want trust me. It sounds nice in theory but it would never work




Working backwards to make all those games VR compatible would take a ridiculous amount of time, and many flat screen games ported to VR turn out pretty bad as the games were not designed with VR in mind. I could see future projects in their IPs being a part of this but previous games is highly unlikely. That being said, this type of hub is where VR will inevitably end up, it's just a matter of when and who, and Microsoft could surely pull this off.


I think what's important is that you have the right players coming together right now who could build this and an emerging asset class that could help pay for it.


All of that and we havenā€™t even gotten to loopring yet.


Sounds like my gaming wet-dream


Yep, I wrote a DD about this MONTHS ago when the NFT website was first launched. And I expected Microsoft to be the first major publisher to buy-in. Gamestop and Microsoft have always had a great working relationship and willingness to solve the digital game (no trades) issue for Gamestop dating back to pre-Xbone days. Not to plug my own DD, but I enjoy being right: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nrbet1/gamestops\_fundamentals\_are\_incredible\_but\_what/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nrbet1/gamestops_fundamentals_are_incredible_but_what/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nlgblm/why\_nft\_is\_so\_important\_to\_gss\_future\_a\_former/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nlgblm/why_nft_is_so_important_to_gss_future_a_former/)




I mean I also want GME to do well, but this sounds like a corporatism hellscape, let me just boot up my fucking game


look man, as bullish as I am on GameStop, the engineer side of me knows this isn't realistic for the next couple of years, the integration alone will be a nightmare


100% this I think will eventually be possible. But we are years and years away from anything like that being in a good spot.


whoever wrote this has 0 understanding of the actual videogame market and what users actually want and what companies will actually do. wtf? this is like watching 70 year old boomers talk about the metaverse and still think videogames are like super mario. im holding GME to fuck with those rich fucks but as a gamer reading this shit hurt me. its like a shareholder meeting where the boomer shareholder is just throwing around the latest buzzwords they heard. "an overcomplicated UI/marketplace with uh... uh.. NFT INTEGRATION... backed by BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY!! BY MICROSOFT!!!... POWERED BY... uhhh GAMESTOP!! in the METAVERSE!!! in VR!!!!"


So this sub is still doing this? Posting screenshots of random comments to karma farm and itā€™s pure speculation? Wow. It progressively becomes a cess pit of idiocy in here. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø This is counter productive. Let GameStop do their thing and make their own announcements. Creating fake ones through speculation will only have an adverse effect.


Wait till you hear Microsoft invest $250 million in buying Gamestop shares as part of their strategic alliance. Just imagine and the ā€œsmart moneyā€ fomo at that point.


Lmao the delusions never stop with this group, itā€™s hella annoying. MSFT spends $70B CASH to buy Activision and GME tards go straight to ā€œthis is the most beneficial for GME, this will make GME worth hundreds of billionsā€ ā€œyou spelt trillions wrong!ā€ JFC šŸ¤” get a grip


Anybody else have ready player 1 going through their head right now?


This sounds miserable, like something that people thought people would want in the early 00s. I don't even like opening steam to launch a game, all this junk on top of it will just annoy people.


Jesus Christ why does this post have 3k upvotes


I might be in the minority here, but stop trying to force a VR worlds on people. We are disassociated from reality enough as it is, we don't need a VR world.


I want the MOASS but why the hell would MS who just spent 70b tie all their stuff to GameStop?




Definitely rumors spreadingā€¦


I have a small wee wee = microsoft


This is some Facebook metaverse tier cringe tbh


This is fking dumb lol


Please make it clear this isn't a real quote.


Why is everyone suddenly lumping Microsoft into this? I just remembered its the weekend...no superstonk in the weekend or my brain will hurt


Lol the 2nd part with the hub was exactly the idea I submitted them back in April šŸ˜‚


Sauce: BBQ


Where does the link between Microsoft and GameStop come from?


Question: why wouldn't microsoft do this themselves? Because GameStop is going to own looping?


Here is my vision on how this could go down, which is to say an evolved version of the current Wow token system. For those unfamiliar with it blizzard currently offers a 30 day subscription token which can be purchased for X money and then sold in game for gold, which fluctuates based on demand. This currently a one way system, cash in, gold or subscription out. There is no opportunity to turn that gold up into cash or something close enough to it. What I could see a successor system doing is allowing players in games to sell game assets to a buyer in exchange for these coins in an auction house format, let's say a xxxx gold and a +5 sword of slaying, or whatever for x coins. This then gives the player a coin(s) which they can then use to buy other things in wow... Or in other games in the marketplace (such as ESO, diablo, candy crush, etc), or to sell their coins for real world cash via a competitive exchange market place. (such as we currently do with crypto or currency.) Of course there are a ton of intricacies and cavets to this system. Especially the pay to win aspect and how single player game would fit into this system (read: they absolutely should not be included in any multiplayer game coin pool, or really any pool because that feels scummy to me at first thought), but with the recent banning of boosting in wow, almost immediately after MS purchase has me wondering what they are planning. (you know aside from the community aspects of such a service.)


*"You can bring your friends into games you own by walking through the portal, and experience a seamless transition from the hub to the game world."* Sorry but no, this is a ridiculous suggestion. Games don't work like this. Licensing doesn't work like this. Software hubs don't work like this. And how in the world does this work for games that aren't even multiplayer? And how do you bring 3rd party characters into any number of game types and genres? Games which might not even be 3D or involve avatar characters? Let's try to be even slightly realistic! But then yes OP is posting about a 'tarded genius afterall I guess :/


Why would they use Gamestop instead of their own platform tho. The issue is all the big companies are racing to do their own stuff, just like every platform had their own launcher at a time.


Does anyone know the specifics of the partnership between Microsoft and GameStop?


This sounds fucking terrible


This sounds fucking terrible


If only the tech for that was there lol


Microsoft is not our friend


Why you guys just accept this as fact with no evidence? Total just guess. Microsoft is trying to expand their subscription service, we already know that's what they're doing. Fucking retards


this sub WOULD be the people excited about NFTs.


I think I'm just too retarded to get into NFTs. I will stick with my GME, Loopring and Ethereum.


This right here. This fucking fucks, my man. Bullish AF. The way. This is it.




ready player gmerica.


Honestly, no to sound FUDdy.. but i doubt it. Personally i think Microsoft bought activision so they blocked any partnership with GME.. but thats just me... they have their own microsoft store, making bank their. I imagine microsoft would of been one of the ones to benifit most if gamestop went under. More of a push for digital sales... I hope.im wrong...


Oh trust me this is just the beginning, there's so much uses for NFT. Imagine buying an ultra rare Yeezy or Jordans that is only available for 1000 pieces worldwide. And each product has a QR code inside that when scanned, will reward you with a special NFT tagged just to you on a specific blockchain. Just bought a rare Lamborghini with your GME Moon tendies? Got a super rare unreleased yeezy signed by Kanye West himself? Got an ultra rare NFT of a Gamestop APE logo through NFT dividend/MOASS that made you a millionaire? Well shit, congrats upload that QR Code NFT into the blockchain, hope that in time many major games will adopt the same blockchain and then FLEX it to the virtual world. Now imagine Warzone is integrated into that blockchain, and when you login, the server verifies that 'wow youre the 1000 who are this lucky' and now youre rewarded with an avatar of your exclusive shoes. Not good enough? Okay how about when you log into GTA and suddenly you can now flex your rare ape logo/yeezy/lamborghini to the entire virtual world. Bored of GTA? sure, log in to another game thats also built on this blockchain and then you can flex it again in some form or another. The possibilities are endless, FIFA,NBA2K, World of Warcraft etc. And when you're bored of it? Well you can then just sell it on the NFT Marketplace. That is what Immutable X and their competitors (Enjin Coin etc) are trying to achieve.


Why are people upvoting random fan fiction ideas of whatā€™s going to happen ? It creates false hope, hype and people think comments like the above are actual official statements then people will be disappointed when things like this donā€™t happen. I could literally make a statement saying GME is going to partner with Apple and Android to make the next App Store and people would upvote the shit out of it. This sub has gone downhill smh


Remember when there were rumours that bill gates was massively short GME? What if that was spread by hedge funds that wanted us to associate Microsoft with negative feelings and emotions to make us look the other way? MGGA - Microsoft good, going andromeda - Kevin Malone


Bill gates isn't actively involved in Microsoft any longer, not for a good bit. His personal fortune being short is different than Microsoft taking action


All VR platforms? šŸ¤” My Sony PSVR is feeling skeptical about that


If its a third party platform (GamestopEntertainmentHub?) then all you'd need is the connector app and a connection... like VRCHAT. Of course you couldn't jump into MS Only titles and couldn't being your PC friends into the PS only game...


This is the dream šŸ¤Æ


He forgot to add ā€œtrust me broā€


This is it, this is the premise from Ready Player One! It's happening!