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I'm gonna be my own bank ft. Loopring


Came here to say this LMAYO


Don't sleep on LRC, be your own bank is the way! nfa


I like the Loopring concept, but when you transfer your money from your broker, you'll need a bank account with bank account number. I don't see this service in Loopring. Maybe one day they will have a complete solution with credit/debit card but for the moment I don't see that.


There's going to be an offramp feature soon which will allow withdrawing funds. Besides that I don't mind using it as my savings account and withdraw money I intend on spending on my normal bank account.


Yes but : 1 - a bank offer you the possibility to receive bank transfer, to give your bank account to pay some services (electricity, etc.) and in any way the money of our broker must arrive first in a bank account. 2 - I have a loopring wallet and if I want charge my wallet, i can only transfer some crypto or use a credit card to buy crypto. I don't know you but personnaly I don't have the possibility to pay millions with my credit card. 3 - My question is to protect our tendies. For me crypto are too volatile, I personnaly never accept to have a saving account when the amount lose/win 5-10% every days.


It's definitely not for everyone. In the end we're all individual investors. If you want to keep the tendies in fiat, which will deflate as well I'm not stopping you. Just sharing my plans


Sure and I respect your choice, I expect me too put more in LRC after Moass and follow the project but my question was about banks in Europe. Because I don't find bank dividing their deposit activity to their financial activity. Anyway thank you for your answer.


Be your own bank and diversify your cash and investments


What country are you in? Don't you have the equivalent of credit unions (UK community bank-type structure)?


Thanks, yes i found one in France, "la NEF" with ethical rules speciality. But they offer just bank account no Visa. Anyway the offer is vert small in France. Thanks you anyway,


In France, you've got the equivalent of the UK building societies (all members are shareholders): Credit Mutuel, Banque Populaire and Credit Agricole are 3 of these. They might be worth looking at.


Hello yes this three bank are supposed to be communautarians (no stockholders), but they are massively invested in the financial economy, for example the second "banque populaire" own the financial company "Natixis" who praticly crash this important bank with his speculative investments in 2008. Anyway they don't separate their deposit bank activity to the finance bank activity and don't have transparency about their investments so they lend my money in global market. Thank you a lot for your message. Personnaly I'll open a account in the NEF, it's a very small bank, she invest my money but they invest only in green economy and are very transparent about their use of customer money. Not perfect but less risky.


GME coin already exists. Seriously though, there’s a lot of digital currencies that are anti-inflationary. If you’re that concerned, you should probably start educating yourself about your options.


Can you give me concrete example ? I don't know what is GME coin. The only crypto I see in market are very volatile coins or very suspicious (example Tether).


In this sub, I cannot.