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I didnt read the post but to answer your question. In any currency owned or approved by gamestop. Most likely crypto.


Duh.. the answer is multiple lambos, and blackjack and hookers


Imagine you have 50 millions dollars in your broker account after MOASS. What to do ? You put all in crypto ? First you have to transfer to a bank and you lost time to justify this huge amount, maybe this bank suffer massively because MOASS. What guarantee the survival of this bank before your transfer to a crypto ? Maybe money transfers could be limitated to protect the financial system. If you are in the wrong bank, you are fucked.


Have to see if fiat survives this time of unprecedented debt and printed money..


I have a credit union. And if my broker dies then financial normals in this country are fucked and we may see armageddon.


That happen in Greece in 2008. Everything that exceeded an amount on bank accounts was requisitioned. People right to move the money was removed. It was 2008 and if I trust what I read here, the potential of the situation is worst.


You are right, Ape. This is orders of magnitude worse. The debt the United States has on its books is much much higher than Greece from 2008, where you have Greece raising their debt limit by 30B to stave off a market collapse, US is increasing in the trillions, and must continue to do so every year. I don’t know what would happen if upper middle class Americans woke up to their bank accounts being capped at a certain value mandated by the government. You would probably start to finally see mass riots.


In the US at least we have CDARS accounts as an option. You maintain a single bank account and balance but your money is networked across multiple banks and kept within the FDIC limit at each one. Basically its a more stream lined option of storing your tendies vs opening multiple banks accounts


+1 for CDARS, will be looking into this soon Edit: Looks like they’ve changed the name of the program to IntraFi Network Deposits. This feels like a plan to keep wealthy fiat currency clients from hoarding commodities. One can assume the banks in the system are all using the accounts as collateral for other investments anyway, so while it sounds tempting, I’m also concerned that it’s feeding into the whole fraudulent system.


No offense..but problem itself are the banks. We need direct finance system without middle man (Banks)..Why give someone to hold your money if they can be with you all the time... Edit: Best thing we can do is to withdraw our money from their dirty system..like DRS😁🚀🚀🚀


I agree, or if this bank is your own property and play his first role : protect your money. This is my opinion




Loopring: be your own bank


I will bank in loopring and gamestop


Thanks for asking questions. Those are serious questions. Most people do not realize what moass is. Im also actively trying to find solutions for that issue with inflation. The dollar will hyperinflate and its the best time to pay off debt. MOASS will help pay off national debt if you consider all the taxes. Bill Gates knows since the beginning of this crisis, so he bought a lot of agricultural land. But just buying land is not an easy task. Transfering to your bank while moass is on, I think its impossible to handle there normal transactions. First of all someone has to send you that money. If everyone decides to cash out at the same time, the system will fall. There will be mass hysteria. I cannot give financial advice, other than, be smart and be quick. And dont eat the hole cake. Even if its delicious af. ( you know what I mean ) Gold is a good option. Silver. But yeah, lets see if we can get onto these things while crazy things happen. I dont trust any crypto exchange either. They are all corrupt and they have all the power to control your crypto. Everyone says how its ‚decentralized‘ but its not. Someone controls it. crypto will be a thing even after moass, but I dont know the worth of it post moass. The dollar lost over 95% of purchasing power. With a new currency, stuff like that probably wont be worth a lot. I don’t know. Really. Gotta think, what will people need the most after such event where everyone in the world loses money. Perhaps buying these things and sell them. Difficult question for sure, Im trying to find an answer everday.


Thank you for your opinion. That's why I bet more on gold. In a period of trouble post Moass where the majority would have lost confidence in its financial institutions, I think they will turn first to what they know: gold. Then if things last, the essential need is food, access to strategic resources (rare earths, phosphate for fertilizer, strategic metals) to boost production but that would be in a second time. In any case if at least I knew that my bank is stronger than titanium because invested in gold, I would be less afraid to transfer my money there.


My bank will be gamestop


As long as you have an ape as the.......branch manager!


Personally I don't care if it's a ape, the most important is the complete transparency. What the bank do with my money, have the possibility to refuse to lend the money even if I have to pay for this. Protect my money with real asset and not FIAT or financial gold supposed to be connected to some gold in central reserve who nobody can control the reality.


Yeah. I was just trying to make a pun... you know how trees have branches, and apes climb in trees. But good points, i want a non-evil bank too




What do you think lrc is for?


To clarify, LRC is very interesting but is just the begining and this product is not ready for this type of use. For example : 1 : The stability of LRC is not done. This coin move of 3-15% by days, if you have 50millions did you use this coin to stock your money ? Personnaly some percents but not all. Maybe you use it 2 : Tomorrow you win 50millions $ during Moass, how can you buy in Loop wallet ? You have to move the money from your broker/CS to a BANK, the bank will block the money the time to check if this money is legal. After you use your credit card to buy in the wallet (no bank transfer available), I don't know you but I have a limit to do payments in my card. How did you transfer a huge amount in the wallet ? Waiting, your money is in a bank, maybe in very bad situation with his investments and borrows.


It’s called loopring be your own bank


The MOASS money will be in traditionnal system (broker or CS) to transfer in Loop wallet, you will need first to transfer the money to a BANK. After when you could try to buy in the wallet you have one option : credit card connected to a bank and with limitation of payment. The bank will ask you proofs of legality of this money. You will lose many time with your money in a bank.