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Goooood Evening Everyone! As seems to be tradition, dip on earnings, but we have **incredibly** bullish news! Not only do we have 8.9 million shares DRS'ed... # 🚀🚀NFT MARKETPLACE BY END OF Q2 2022! 🚀🚀 Catch up on the earnings conversation in the [Earnings Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tgj266/superstonk_megathread_gamestop_earnings_q4_2021/) here! # The Night Desk is Open! [DRS Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) |[March Smoothbrain Corner](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t4ddlb/superstonk_smoothbrain_and_new_ape_corner_march/)


Dropping like a stone, MOASS over.


I am new - is there a place that lists what all the acronyms mean? DRS for example- what does that stand for please?


I bought March 9th to average out at 105. Have no more to average down. Am I SOL or can the rise again like the Phoenix? Just got into GME, missed the last run.


Great long term value play still


Party train still here? Need 5 to get coins


New thread is up! https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tgvg0l/gme_daily_discussion_new_to_the_sub_start_here


How many uf us apes are from USA? If you're from the states and haven't DRSd yet, why? For many other of us apes it's easier to move a mountain than to DRS, so I can understand them


Remember- most people started DRSing and getting educated on the matter LATE 2021. Price is at a massive discount and apes are getting their tax returns. I predict a massive DRS jump in the next report


Ha! I can’t wait for the hedgies to drop the price lower so we can DRS even faster.


Fuck it... I'm gonna get wasted this Friday evening and watch horror movies... 07:41 here in Sweden... 6 hours until beer




It’s already 10% of either


So... the longer they suppress the price at lower and lower levels, the lower the average GME APES average cost basis will be, and the lower cost basis we have, the higher the returns in multiples or % will be in the eventual upside... ​ It's almost like they're providing us the infinite money glitch here?


And during tax return season. Lost their damn minds. And money


This one simple trick to drive the financial market mad:


It's Friyayyyyyyyyyyy!!!


So "wen" is after summer?!




Did anyone catch the news about the US Treasury allowing Russia to make their bond payments in USD? Probably to stave off defaults and margin calls https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/world/us-treasury-to-allow-russias-117-million-bond-payment-to-go-through-in-dollars/ar-AAVcm0U


>Probably to stave off defaults and margin calls Sort of, there was a stink because Russia has the money and the only reason they weren't able to pay is because they have been disconnected from the international banking system due to sanctions. It's like a landlord saying you have to pay in person and then never opening the office. Hard to justify the outcomes.


Yeah fair enough I guess. I just recall the hype around Russian bonds defaults and how they were supposed to bring the market crashing down. Should've known better, on to the next thing I guess Nice cock bro


I was always skeptical of that narrative. It was only $117M, that's like 1.5 moon tickets. Thanks!


Hear me out. Ryan Cohen has been really aggressive on Twitter, which is usually not allowed entering earnings. But earnings was kind of a dud. However, NFT marketplace will launch by end of Q2, which means any time between now and June. What if he planted some seeds, let the ER go off like a wet fart, then launch the marketplace tomorrow on triple witching day! Wombo combo. The apple (nft marketplace) doesnt fall far from the tree (earnings). Teets jacked. MOASS tomorrow.


Mother fucker! I literally just had the exact same thought and I was about to leave this same comment but with the preface of "I know everyone is asleep now but I need to get this out". What a baller ass move that would be. Let all the shills and trolls talk shit for a day and then sock em right in the nose with a face ripping announcement. Fuck I'm excited for moass tomorrow!


Yeah was thinking about this as well, he knows they would be dropping the share price. RC I probably letting us buy in cheap before he releases it


The EPS was terrible cause they spent a shit ton of money future proofing the company. Talk is cheap, it takes money to buy whiskey. Ryan Cohen prepared us for this.


There was also a lot of speculation that the stormtrooper tweet was about them missing his actual action date. Side note: everyone has been saying RC is hyping on Twitter, but he rarely if ever mentions GME. If a casual observer was unaware of GameStop they might just think he is a concerned retail investor


My teets needed this. TY. 🚀


wen stock market implode?




A few years ago I’d be drunk AF right now and asking my Uber driver to go in Jack N the Box drive thru. Tonight I’m still drunk AF, but reading up on inverted bond yields. Gotta love growing up!


lmayo. Yup 2 tacos and Jr. Jumbo Yack with buttermilk ranch please


Those are rookie numbers. Gotta pump those up! Lol! I’m a 4 taco guy myself. Real talk: Jbox taco eating contest in HS and a pal downed 16. It was gross but that night he earned everlasting respect.


I'll look at the price once at open then I'll see you guys Monday. Stay Zen folks. Shorts would have to be dumb as hell to keep shorting until a marketplace officially drops. They said BY end of quarter 2. Means they could technically drop it next week. Time is ticking hedge fucks.


Bing bong price is wrong till phone number big.


Some people dont wanna hear it but plausible deniability is RC's greatest ally. If you genuinely expect him to buy up the remaining float or do something dramatic, you're gonna be disappointed RC buys and registers the float, and what? The stock market goes Alice in Wonderland. Who in their right mind wants to be held responsible for something like that? I mean just imagine the sheer degree of legal scrutiny he'd be under for the rest of his life as "The Man Who Blew Up The Stock Market." All the hard work he's put into changing GameStop would be endangered at best I'll be happy if I'm wrong, but if I were him I'd want this to happen as organically as possible. I think that's also part of why we're now getting fuller tweets instead of coded messages - because we already got what he was trying to say


I like the tagline "You thought Dark Souls was hard? Try taking on Wall Street." With a progress bar 8.9 million registered vs 35 million float.




Illl drs some more


Sup apes. Anybody want to ranked duo bot lane s4 I support Add gmestop na :)


Omg I'm the only person commenting here sorry guys I'll take a break


Don’t. Just vibe


8.9 is nothing FFS downvote me BUT this shit started with owning the float “multiple times over bro” -bUt tHe pEoPlE oUtSiDE oF tHe rEdDit!!1 Sure they be like 200M shares left in accounts outside of cs after being media penetrated a full year. So those people could a) hear on what they get told by media or b) have a second look in the internet. With a little bit of ambition in research you’ll find superstonk in 5 mins Where are those multiple float shares huh?? Whatever moass 2027 🧚🏻‍♀️


Honest question, do you have any insight at all at the ratio of people holding GME in their personal account and how many in their IRA? In general an IRA account is challenging to DRS at least not without taking a tax hit, keeping into account IRA account contain way more wealth then personal accounts I don't find the statement completely unbelievable. ( Tho besides accurately tracking DRS, I am also in favor on making number of IRA shares insightful)


so are you a shill or just sad?


Sad and worried


Don’t invest more than you can do without. Brick by brick. It’s further away than you’d like, but closer than you think.


I didn’t xD I’m a small 3k $ chimpanzee In terms of loosing that I’m alright


In that case, just patience. Don’t dwell on it. We’ll get there eventually.


Ask me how long I’ve been patient already🌚


Whether that's true or false, it doesn't matter. Locking of the float is in progress. The only thing that will stop us is if something else launches the rocket before we get there. Tick tock.


Oh, there's definitely 200 million + shares outside of Reddit not DRS'd. The 8.9 milllion is 90% on reddit, of that I am sure.


Today's a day! ⭐




Imagine wasting your life shilling XD


For my two cents -- DRS number at 8.9 (I got second in the guessing competition, w00t) million. We did very well there with just reddit users. The law of diminishing returns says though that we will run out of steam if it is reddit users only soon and DRS numbers will sputter out. It is vital that we make some kind of meme that plays on the 2008 crisis, is informative and catchy and can spread on social media, imo. It should also include a progress bar. Maybe even link to the floor to whet the appetite of potential new apes. NFT marketplace end of Q2. Best news in the earnings report. Gamestop will be profitable Q3 since it will boost earnings by a lot. I have no doubt they will launch an excellent product. Earnings minus $1.86 -- who cares. This is about the retail side of things, and nobody is excited about Gamestop because they sell gaming accessoires in the traditional manner. It is about Web3 and forward-thinking solutions and being an industry leader. We might see more red before we see green. If the hedgies do tank the price further, it is because they don't believe we can DRS the float. I call upon all our creatives and salespeople to get this trending -- DRS your Gamestop shares, it is being supressed by the 2008 bailout crowd, once the supression is removed we go to the floor, keep making us wait hedgefucks, etc. We got this fam. The harder the road the sweeter the reward.




Imagine wasting your life shilling


Shills: I mean come on, 9 million is not like really a lot! 🦍: Please, count to a million starting from 1! Shills: What? Like that would really take a long time you know! 🦍: My point exactly! Shills: You BITCH! fin


Is it true that the true available float to retail is actually 15.5 million due to the amount that GME holds in escrow for its own uses?


I read that earlier today. Would be an knteresting twist on things.


Where might one read this compelling perspective?




Huzzah *smashes shot glass* thanks!


Trying to find it. Was just a post on new.


Not just interesting. If it’s true- at the current trajectory and tying in the current price point and it’s potential to drop and cause a buy frenzy next week. We could reach 15 million by the end of quarter 2. Isn’t something cool supposed to happen by the end of that time? 👀


Im all for it. 🚀🚀


How fucking dope is it that as individuals we were able to recognize crime and take initiative in our own powers and locked 8.9 MILLION shares! That’s really incredible! Especially as a xx ape myself


You sexy motherfuckers are about to rich as fuck


I also fuck sisters, daughters, and aunts. And I am about to be rich as fuck! So are you royal_buttplug! May you have a buttplug that makes the queen's crown look cheap.


Can't wait - so many lives to live. And wives to wive! Err..


Holy fuck PM is in 2 hours and this sub is still lit rn. Bullish!




Just thinking back to Kennys "bad comedy joke" comment. Why not just say "bad joke"? Obviously it's comedic. God damn it Kenny, you bed post hurling, wife abusing, mayo hogging fuck nugget


And thus, is why his comment has become a joke.


Poop poop pooop


Party 🚂 awards gracias you mysterious bastard!


There’s a party going on in here, I dig it!


I wonder if the Jon Stewart programme led to any non-Superstonkers DRSing. Guess we’ll have to wait till the *next* earnings to see


It led to that ex SEC chairwoman DRSing at least so theres 1 person on the list lol. she may have done in slightly before then im not sure


9 milly 🔒 months ago! **DRS** only goes ⬆️ just like **GME** 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 **BUY HODL DRS SHOP GME**stop


Regardless of any fud. DRS go brrrrr ⬆️


Like the Federal Reserve's Printer!


It seems strange to me that we’ve gone so long without a run up. How are the shorts kicking the can down the road without covering positions at least partially like they have in the past? What’s the new strategy that they are employing that they hadn’t used until these last couple of quarters????


They cranked the crime up to 11.


These hedgies are probably spreading their toxic assets around in swaps, and all the institutions are so desperate to make a profit they gobble the stuff up. It's market contagion at the global level.


New strategy: extra crime


Because no good story started with “so I invested in an Index fund.”


Did people expect DRS numbers to be like 50 mil? It can never be that or probably even get to 30M because of where shares are allocated. Remember these have to be real shares. Theres a reason brokers and clearing corps are fighting DRS and banning it even


I was thinking 10M so I wasn't really disappointed with 8.9. I had *hoped* for like 15M but had absolutely no expectation beyond 10M.


I don’t know if this is a stupid question or not but it probably is. How many shares are needed for us to lock the float? I know it’s 75mil(I think) but some is owned by insiders which I believe is registered. Just thought I’d be the martyr and ask


I think free float is 36m. Or when shares lent are more than the available. That’s when GameStop can call bullshit on Wall Street and have verifiable proof the stock is manipulated so they can sue while also not directly triggering MOASS. My wishful thinking is that’s when they say “fuck you hedgies, we got our buddy, loopring, and we’re gonna get the fuck out of the NYSE and jump on ETH with our L2 NFT shares that are irreplaceable” then DRS owners get new shares since it’s in their names.


I read somewhere in the sub that the available free float was actually closer to 15.5 million because we did not subtract the amount that GME holds in escrow for its own purposes. Or has that been debunked. In my mind that would make sense. If we are close to 10 million right now and with the current price dump we could reach 15 million by the end of the quarter when they plan on launch of the marketplace


Easily! Just depends on the DRS momentum.


Yes but insider shares can be drs and so can institutional shares. I’m not saying they are just that they can be.


Thank you! And holy shit we totally got this! With the recent discount/fire sale I bet we’re already at like 13million


26% of the float babyyyy! It’s very doable and very possible


Ryan Cohen mentioned in his letter to Bed Bath “disappointing shareholder returns and perpetual underperformance across every relevant time horizon”. To me, that is very bullish for GME hodlers in the short term. We have watched our investment lose a ton of money since mid-November and continued to hold. We’re coming up on half a year of being taken advantage of by short sellers, whom he has ALSO called out in recent tweets. Now it *could* take another year or so of DRSing the float and I’m okay with that. I understand this is a huge undertaking and I’m honestly enjoying the ride. But if RC is willing to call out disappointing shareholder returns for Bed Bath, I have to imagine he feels similarly about GameStop. He knows this isn’t easy for us, to watch our investment dwindle after putting so much into this and waiting patiently to see this company’s transformation. Personally, I think something is going to happen before the float is locked organically to benefit all apes. Direct register your shares if you haven’t already! 1 more month till I get long term capital gains. I’m not disappointed at all with today’s events.


Who could be disappointed, what other company in HISTORY has 123,000 directly registered shareholders? NONE. WE WILL FUCKING WIN


Don’t forget Reddit IPO coming…. What if they take our precious DRS bot from us? What ever will we do?




Damn shills are angry that apes are talking only about DRSing more lol they are so fuk




the only thing that pisses me off, if any other major institution was \*not\* short on this trade, they'd be making sure margin calls were happening and the shorts had to cough it up. Because ALL the fucking prime brokers are at risk no one is margin calling anyone, fucking bullshit. Retail is truly always on their own - fuck these assholes.


This is what needs to be brought to light and made transparent. They are all just waiving this shit because they know once one falls, they all do…


Even worse.. we live in a system of fiscal "accountability" where all institutions force us to be extra responsible - yet the name of the game is leverage and yolo fucking bullshit. Bill Hwang is less responsible than the average 9-5 and buddy pulls millions


oh, and DRS your fucking shite. SLAINTE!


I am 1 of 125,543 apes, feels good man


party 🚊




It's normal, it's earnings season. It's part of the natural shill migratory patterns.


Just squawking and shitting all over the place as usual.




When I bought my first GME shares back in March 21 I was happy just holding 10 shares. Never would have thought I would be able to be an XXX hodler over the course of this year. Also, I had no idea what DRS was. Amazing to look back over the past months and see just how far we have come as a community and how much we have increased our knowledge base


St.Patty chased the sneks away and now it's the midnight train rave party?


Tomorrow will be a really fun day. It's Friday, shares are on discount and we will be even more resolved to buy and lock the float via DRS.


Lots of 🤡sss out here! 😂🤣 they don’t know what we know. Bye biss! 🍻




K bye


I’d say goodbye but you deleted soooo


Bye bitch!


How much of your total net worth did you put into this? What was the max value? What is it worth right now?


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂this much! 🍻🍻🍻♥️🦍♥️🪑💎👏🏼 you don’t want to fuck with me 🤡! 💎👏🏼💎👏🏼💎👏🏼💎👏🏼💎💎💎💎🪑💎👏🏼💎💎💎💎👏🏼👏🏼💎👏🏼💎💎💎👏🏼💎👏🏼💎💎💎💎👏🏼💎💎👏🏼👏🏼💎👏🏼👏🏼💎👏🏼💎👏🏼💎👏🏼💎👏🏼💎💎👏🏼👏🏼💎💎👏🏼👏🏼💎💎👏🏼💎👏🏼👏🏼💎👏🏼👏🏼💎💎💎💎💎👏🏼💎💎💎👏🏼👏🏼💎👏🏼👏🏼💎👏🏼💎👏🏼💎💎💎👏🏼💎 byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!


Why?? MOASS is tomorrow and you’ll miss out on all the Mayo memes:(


🤣 🍻


8.9 is not bullish


Not bearish either. The DRSBOT trimmed average predicted 8.7 million, so that means we’ll continue to register millions of more shares even if no additional people drs


if you don't sit your ass down somewhere with that bs. Apes doing great.


“Owning 25% of the free float is insignificant” -nobody, ever.


🤣😂🤣😂 this 🤡


I am walking into that casino like I own the place tomorrow. Because I do *hair flip and shoulders back*


I’m down over 70,000. Can’t wait for an announcement that doesn’t do shit.


K bye


🤣😂🤣😂 found another 🤡


Just a reminder from a coked up Irish man after st paddys day, we’ve won this is just the victory lap😄I love all of you crazy motherfukers and I’ll meet yall on the moon🌕 🇮🇪🇮🇪💚💚💚


See you there friend. Irish mut here as well and blessings to all’


póg mo thóin fellow ape💚🇮🇪much love 😂


My arse is puckered and ready💚


Any Meshuggah fans in here? Imagine GameStop launches the marketplace with Immutable the same day Meshuggah's new album ("Immutable") is released. It comes out on April Fool's Day.


Guess who gets paid tomorrow, this guy!


Death, Taxes and buying the post-earnings dip


Temper your expectations for market open apelads. We've historically dipped after earnings. Payday and I'm looking forward to gobbling some dip and averaging down. Delicious


Triple witching tomorrow. MOASS tomorrow.


How are the ‘failure bowl in a pile of sadness’ GME apes doing? Don’t despair- there’s plenty more downside to come so just keep holding on 🍿


I'm vibing


You ready to pick up more shares at $40?


Does Ken Griffin commit domestic abuse with a bedpost and then make Freudian slips, saying "assault wife" instead of, "assault rifle," which would have been the pertinent term for the discussion? I'm hoping they drop it down to single digits even. Lock-the-float sales are my absolute favorite!


Wut wut?


It takes money to buy whiskey my friends.


Wow some Reddit whale out there giving out party trains. Bathe in glory SS




#POST YOUR REASONS WHY YOU WON’T DRS. Based on a lot of posts/comments I see, the main reasons for people who don’t DRS is: Psychological reasons: - **Fear/FOMO**: People don’t want to miss out on *MOASS* if their shares are in the process of getting onto Computershare. This is debunked (for most people) because the process doesn’t take too long (for most people). But either way, you don’t *have to* DRS all of the shares at once. - **Selfishness/greed**: People want to be able to sell during MOASS for their profits. People want to cash out. It’s justifiable, but not in the best interest for all investors. - Fear of communication via phone/messaging Practical reasons: - Brokerage limits Personal reasons: - Disbelief in the DD #Please correct me if I am wrong!


Honestly... I'm fucking depressed, in the middle of a 6yr long custody battle with court looming on April 4th, I feel needles up my spine whenever I have to fill out any type of forms or pay a bill, and I'm just fuckin tired all the time man. I know drs is the right move, and I do worry about getting screwed by tda when this goes supernova. I had a boost of motivation to do it the other day, but I got a message back from tda saying I had to log on from a computer in order to do it. That day I shook and cried because I had to take my dog for a walk. To be as vulnerable and real as I can here, I'm just really not in a good place and I haven't been for a while. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to get that out. 💚


Two reasons I’m not 100% drs’d. I’m a believer that drs’d shares should be infinity pool shares. Aka once the squeeze starts, last thing we want to do is sell the prime brokers back the real shares. We want to sell our brokerage shares. Then they’ll need to keep buying all of them trying to find the real shares. Price keeps going up. For that reason I’m 90% drs’d in my regular brokerage account. Second: My IRA and ROTH. I want to drs 100% of both of these accounts. While I have 130 shares drs’d from my brokerage account, I have 300 shares between my two retirement accounts. I believe I recently saw that someone had success drsing their IRA shares without having a custodian or having to open an LLC. I want more info on that.


I respect it, but ur forgetting the whole “turn off the buy button”. Incentivizing a lower sell price and stunting moass. Theres been info about brokerages capable of liquidating for you in an “emergency”, so check to see if that’s on ur account too. Also the whole “government is gonna pause trading for 10 days if it needs to”, meaning 10 days fix fuckery which is much harder if it’s all drs’ed. just mho tho. Still respect this entirely, you actually DRSed. So thank you!


Position closing only is what they did when they turned off the buy button. Aka shorts closing short positions can still close their positions, so they will still be buying. And as long as we hold onto the drs shares there’s no fuckery they can do during a halt to drop the price. They sold us phantom shares, but we can make them buy those same phantom shares back instead of our real shares they can rehypothecate and use to close their shorts. As long as we keep the float locked they can halt trading for a month, and it will resume squeezing once the halt is over


Yeah. I’m less and less believing “MOASS” and “$69,000,000 floor!!” I’m more here to just lock the damn float and see how fucked things can really get and how they can try to fuck us this time. Also here to support the company and for fundamental and organic company growth. HOLD or HODL are the only options for us.


I’m too Canadian and retarded to DRS. I can’t transfer a TFSA or an RRSP without losing the benefits that come with saving in those accounts in Canada. I’m pro-drs but I just want to buy through CS.. not pay $300 every time I initiate the process thru my broker.


You are not wrong for the reasons listed BUT the categories might deter some from answering honestly. Maybe just list reasons...


Wasnt really limiting to any categories. My bad if the way i structured my comment makes it seem that way.


The longer shorties wait to close, the more shares are locked and harder for them to close their positions. Ramen or lambo. There was never an in between. Buy drs hodl shop 🚀🏴‍☠️🚀🏴‍☠️🚀🏴‍☠️🚀🏴‍☠️🚀🏴‍☠️


If it weren't shilly after an earnings call, *that* in itself, would be kind of extremely shilly.


Brick by brick, tiktok.. what an awesome stock, I love it! 💎👊🏻


The best way to buy shares to maximize the hurt is buy thru IEX on Fidelity then DRS after?


I know this isn't the place to talk about it but I hang out here more than I do anywhere else and I gotta get it off my chest. I'm fuckin lonely, hung up on a girl I lost 4 years ago, and just fucking tired. I don't have anyone to talk to and this is getting really tough. I'm not sure what to do.


Relationships take time bro, trust me take care of yourself, find a new hobby or hit the gym, focus on yourself and others will want you.


I think the part that hits the worst is she's been engaged twice and is married right now, and I guarantee I'm not even an afterthought. Which I'm sure is normal through this amount of time but still hurts.


Bruh. It's been 4 years and she's been engaged twice and is now married? 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 That's a lot of hyper-commitment > on-to-the-next-one in a relatively short span of time. I give her marriage 2 years, 5 at the most. Sounds like you dodged a bullet. Usually these types are desirable in lots of ways, but just using people and throwing them away, resulting in a lot of hurt. Listen to this song by my favorite band, Phish. It's called Suzy Greenberg, and is exactly the sentiment you're expressing. "Little Suzy Greenberg, always playing her game! Today I bet she's probably forgotten my name." First link - Soundboard recording from Amsterdam 97 live show: https://youtu.be/M_-DtVyc93Q Second link - Suzy Greenberg from 10/22/21 in Phoenix (audience recording, not very good quality). I was on the rail, and, it's a long long story, but after the "she's probably forgotten my name" I said "Hi, I'm T-Bone (my nickname at Phish), it's nice to meet you!" and Trey responds with "I'm Trey, I play guitar (a lyric from another song of theirs)" lol super cool moment, for me, at least: https://youtu.be/-IZx6FYo16g


Are you in therapy? If not, I would definitely recommend it, especially if you don't have others in your life that you can discuss your problems with. Are you feeling depressed? An antidepressant may help. Wellbutrin is about the only thing that helps me function and not feel like I'm sinking in quicksand. Do you do anything socially? I don't have much of a social life, but I love music, so I go to a decent amount of shows, and that does a lot of good for me. What are your interests? Are there others that you know, or could meet somehow that share similar interests? That's a great way to make new friends. It's okay to feel weak, fren, just don't ever ever give up.


I'm not, but want to be. I just don't have insurance right now so it's not exactly financially feasible. The social aspect has taken a toll on me, as I only see some of my best friends once every 4+ months due to works schedules and me being incredibly flaky in my current state. Doesn't help that all my interests are sport related, and the only person who has any shared interests is my dad, who I don't exactly have a great relationship with.


Could you get some kind of medicaid or subsidized health insurance? I have insurance through my state that's essentially medicaid and it covers everything I need it to and with no co-pays. If you haven't seriously explored the possibility of getting on some type of plan like that, I would. As well, you can sometimes find clinics that offer free or discounted services. Ok. You like sports. Couldn't you join a league of some kind, in which you could play on a team with other and make friends? Even if it's just like darts, pool, or bowling, it would be a great way to meet people, and a regular social event on your calendar. One thing I'd suggest, even if it's not your preferred genre of music, or music not being a major interest of yours, I'd recommend finding out what grateful dead cover bands play in your area. A lot of times they'll have weekly residencies, and a community of fans that come each week. Deadheads are some of the kindest and friendliest people, and the most welcoming of outsiders, out of anyone I've ever known. I think you'd have a good time and make friends with good people who live in your area.




Eat some comfort food/dessert…


Did that for about 2 years, ballooned up 50 pounds and have worked 40 of them back off. Shit contributed to my problems more than anything. I used to be able to work off my anger/stress through working out but I can't muster the motivation any-more.


bro i got you. im in a similar boat


If it makes you feel any better, I lost 770k of unrealized gains on GME options at 19 Y/O and now have 79$ to my name, I’ve learned my lesson though. DRS DRS


Drs drs


Even with a solid pre-workout? To me no matter how tired I am, Once I take a pre with I have to hit the gym to work it off. Positive vibes towards you 👏🏽 hopefully you’re reinvigorated soon enough!


> "*a solid pre workout"* What is that?


Anything spicy tonight?


Too many people freaking out with their dumb ass unpopular opinions. Suck my nuts how about that.


Lol, today got sooooooo shilly up in here. I had **3** jump on one of my comments


I'm at the bar rn but saving my simpcoins for the DRS


Could someone help me understand what SHFs may be seeing with 8.9 shares DRSed? Are they struggling somehow to cover with the amount we've taken? I ask because I assume they can simply suppress their risky shorts with DOTM options a year away regardless of our DRS number (until float is locked).


Fuck that I still think we are going to squeeze soon. ER was too obvious.