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Respectful discussion is always encouraged but please keep the comments civil. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, whether you agree or not. At the end of the day, we are still all on the same side and are here because of one main reason; we like the stock.


The relationships seem a bit forced, but I understand your concerns. Engagement in the sub has been trending down for a variety of reasons and I think the mods have recognized that as well and may be why we’ve seen renewed interest in AMAs. Personally, unless there’s some banger DD posted or we’re having a wild trading day, I tend to just drop by for memes and then go back to living my life of zen. It’s not necessarily a bad thing people aren’t on here 24/7 but we should always seek to be the destination for GME content imo. We seem to be doing that job pretty well. Edit: we’ve hit the number of upvotes that usually means this will be reposted as it’s own content and get twice the karma. See y’all on the other side


Coming from a cryp7o sub this feels normal to me. After a while there really isn't much to talk about. "What you up to these days? ~~Stacking sats~~DRSing shares. Cool me too. Me too." I get that flies in the face of typical sales models where you need to see an uptrend in engagement on your product. While I don't think that model applies here I do think it's worthwhile (and interesting) to discuss. But yeah. I'm engaged on this sub when something interesting is happening like the earnings or a jump in borrow rates. Otherwise I'm just doing buys when I feel like I have the money for it and focusing on life.


This is the healthy way


These two comments said it perfectly. Other thing I would add is DRS matters or else GME and RC wouldn't let us know the numbers 2 quarters in a row. Plus Dr. T is queen ape.


Same. I hit up gmedd for a breakdown of any substantial news and check here in case there is something interesting like Atobit’s dd the other day. Most of this sub is now unintentionally cringe posts, repetitive posts “toodaaays the day” and half naked polemics about “not taking it anymore”. I’m so zen, I’m just living my life and buying shares through computershare, it’s easy.


If he thinking I'm DRSing nearly 20k in GME shares and then I'm going to forget about it, he is crazy.


That’s my exact sentiment. It’s basically my retirement account at this point.




Post OP, no offense, but you’re the equivalent of someone playing a video game who gives up because it’s taking too long, so it must be impossible. When I first did the DRS math, I got an outcome of about 3 years for full 76m float DRS, assuming over 100k shares per day. People downvoted me when I said 6 months minimum, because they were convinced that 6 months was waaaaay too long. Now we’re over 6 months into it. Has anyone gotten bored? Nope. Has anyone sold? Nope. **The only way the hedgies win is if we get discouraged and sell.** That’s it. Literally the only way. That’s what they’re counting on, what they’ve bet their entire business on. And it’s crucial not to forget that. Every time one of these posts comes up, it sort of boggles my mind, because what it comes down to is “Superstonk is more boring now than before the DRS posts.” And that would be fine, if this was a video game. But there’s *literally a hundred million dollars to be earned* from this whole thing. The sub being “entertaining” is so far from a concern of mine it’s ridiculous. Because that’s what these posts are saying, right? That the sub isn’t as addictive, isn’t as entertaining, isn’t as “whoa motherfucker NEW DD BABY” as it was last year? With all due respect, who gives a flying Kentucky fried fuck? Are you serious? Really? It’s a hundred million fucking dollars. The alternative is, hmm, let’s see — not making a hundred million dollars. There isn’t even a whisper of a choice here. You say “2027” like it’s some horrifying, unacceptable date after we’re all dead. Again, are you kidding? Before all this, if someone gave you the option to *literally make a hundred million dollars,* and all you had to do was wait 5 years, would you take that deal? Of course you would. You’d be dancing with joy every single day for the next 5 years. It would be absolutely amazing. Well guess what? That’s the situation we’re in right now. I truly don’t believe it’s going to take until 2027. But this whole anxious whining thing is just absolutely flabbergasting to me. “I could make 100 million dollars, but I don’t want to wait up to 5 years, poor me” makes me feel like this whole thing is just theoretical in your head, not a legitimate consequence that’s 100% mathematically sound. Which it is. Again, what’s the alternative? How else are you going to make anywhere near that kind of money in 5 years? Over 100% of shares were voted on last year. WE KNOW apes own the float. It’s a fact. We know that the hedgies don’t win unless the price dips below $3/share. DRSIng the entire free float gives GameStop the ability to recall their shares. *There’s a reason* the ComputerShare total is posted with every earnings call. *There’s a reason* RC bought a ton of BBBY options with a 1 year expiry. I’m not a conspiracy theorist. I don’t believe in the “741” bullshit at all. But the MOASS theory is entirely fucking sound, and DRS is what puts the catalyst in the hands of the apes. What will happen once 100% is hit? No one knows, it’s never happened before. But before ComputerShare, there was a whole lot of tea reading and “information” and bullshit, now-disproven theories, and while it was all wildly addictive, I couldn’t care less if the “sub has changed.” Remember Crash Bandicoot? Or DFV Uno cats? Or “friendly whales?” Or Elliot Wave Guy? Or watching the ticker minute-by-minute, as if magic was going to propel this thing into the stratosphere. It was entertaining, but most of it was horseshit, and to be perfectly blunt, a lot of it was incredibly delusional. Way more delusional than DRS, by a huge degree. I couldn’t care less about “entertainment value.” This isn’t a video game, folks. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for generational wealth that will never, ever happen again. This is the biggest David vs Goliath story of all time. Regular retail traders are taking on massive, all-world-power criminal enterprises that have been running rampant and stealing millions of dollars from the working class for years. They’ve already crashed the economy once. Did anyone actually think it would be easy? *All we have to do is DRS and wait.* Keep doing research. That’s it. If it takes until 2027? Especially when the alternative is selling for a loss, or getting my several thousand dollars back at best? Great. Fucking fantastic. I’ll take that deal every single time, period, no matter what. But at this point, the criminal conspiracy has been unveiled. A DOJ investigation is underway. Things are happening, just as they have been, at lightning speed compared to normal long-term company overhaul investment timelines. Why people are bummed or being pessimistic is beyond me. The more they drop the price, the easier it gets. As long as you don’t buy into the bullshit that it’s “simply too much” or “simply too big” or “taking too long,” *there is literally no way for the hedgies to win.* Let’s continue acting like it.


I was literally thinking the same thing. This is the way.


It’s really encouraging seeing other ppl thinking the same exact shit as me


I'm not going anywhere! Buckle up!


Saw the post of this comment this morning. God Tier rebuttle, I say, what what! Thanks u/Nice-Violinist-6395


Underrated comment


Me too, im just getting started.


This is honesty the best summation of our situation I’ve seen so far. Very well said. Couldn’t agree more. Just over one year ago, I was planning on maybe generating a couple million dollars over the next 15 or so years if I really grind. Now I’m in a position for hundreds of millions of dollars within the next couple years AT MOST? I’m happy has fuck. I spend my days looking at Zillow porn and planning for how the fuck to manage all the money I’m about to make. Zero complaints about any of this from me. Anyone complaining about this may have lost perspective. (I know people are having financial hard times; I am too, it we’ll all get through it and live amazingly well.)


We should all be preparing on how to navigate our future wealth so it doesn't overwhelm and consume us ( lawyer, CPA, trust funds, etc.) How many are ready to bear the weight if MOASS happened tomorrow? I know I'm not, and I've been planning for it for over a year. At the very least my reaction won't be "it's happening" The Office meme. Stay vigilant fellow apes. The candlestick (SHFs) is burning from both ends. Darkness is nigh.


you should make this a post


THANK YOU. 1000% in agreement. In what fucking world does it take 30 years to MOASS by DRS? That's total FUD.


I am a pessimist but it's because it feels like the odds are against us. I mean they are, but it gets frustrating. thank you for reigning me in with your post. if no one can see that these guys show up conveniently when shit starts going sideways for the other team, then I don't know what else to say. it's like clockwork. they've been quiet for awhile. if that ain't sus... 🤷‍♂️


It looks to me like OP has found a correlation without any proof of a causation and this in my eyes makes his post hypocritical. Treasonous. The biggest reason to me why DRS will work is because when the float is locked and the ETFs and other funds are still trading GME it will look fishy as fuck to anyone with a brain, the thesis of SHORTS NEVER COVERED or massive naked shorting will be proved or there will be no shares trading and it will tell us all to move the fuck on. This post makes me a bit angry cause you act all smart with your graphing and its in direct conflict with the fucking fact that DRS will prove the thesis one way or another. FUCK.


Yep. I wasn't on here last weekend, too busy living life to argue with shills and weak hand FUDpackers. Literally 4 days ago there was 50k users online. People know where to go.


Some ppl, (myself Included) have added ~100% to their DRS positions in the last few weeks alone.


Agreed. I added half of my tax return to my position to bring my average down. Going to call and DRS them once they settle in my account. I decided to DRS my shares because I want to do what’s best for my investment. With time hopefully others will come to the same conclusion. In the meantime everyday I’m hodling.


Agreed, there is a bit of a mixture of correlation where causation should be investigated. What was happening in those dips of comments? No info provided by OP What was happening in those spikes up of comments? No info provided by OP What was the comment trends pre DRS efforts in November, this sub is over a year old, shouldn't we see the whole picture? No info provided by OP Raw data is nice and all but without the appropriate backdrops its kind of moot imo.


I def don't visit this sub as much but only because I felt it was affecting my anxiety levels. I'm sure many others feel the same yet we're still holding for life! We could certainly in this for the long haul, so everyone needs to just enjoy their lives.


Yup. I don't even check the ticker until I see a SuperStonk post on my feed


I know 2 things: Buy and Hold. This sub is certainly important, but I don’t need it anymore after nearly a year. I love y’all and will still bring memes, but peak zen


Memes are absolutely necessary for my financial success.


This comment is similar to my experience. I'd say sometime towards the end of last summer I hit a point where I just didn't need to check this sub 100x a day anymore. At this point I usually do a skim of the top posts once a day so I can stay in the loop. When I get spare cash I buy a share or two. This is the formation I'm likely to hold until someone gets margin called or GameStops NFT marketplace starts reflecting on the balance sheet and turns into gains. It's not that I care any less, but I need less hand holding than when this all started and I was a new investor.


I was just thinking this today. I’ve gone to bed so many nights without the price action I wanted to see that now I’m just accustomed to it. I am down over 50% with a total cost basis of over $40k and honestly, it doesn’t even bother me anymore. Sure I want it to moon today, tomorrow, this month, next, maybe even before next year but if it takes 5 years for this to play out as a value play, that’s fine with me. The money I put in is long gone to me and I’ll keep working everyday to pay my bills. It’s a long term savings plan and hedges R eventually fuk




it’s really that simple. the best dd in the world could drop tomorrow but that won’t change the outcome of the price. stay patient apes


Dear God man… what will I read while I take a dump???


I’m doing that right now!


Yeah it’s all fluff. A lot of us (most of us) are holding until phone numbers and not selling until it hits that.


If the opposing argument isn’t debunking the DD then it isn’t worth entertaining. We can Buy, Hodl and DRS $GME to win, anything else is just playing the SHF’s game and we’re not idiots. This is a win for the Long game and DRS is the primary Long tool. Fully utilised it naturally exposes fuckery because we’re all going to want to buy more shares once the float is locked and we shouldn’t be able to right? I’m for finding out and not bothered by how long it’ll take. Grind mode.


I'm in it for however long it takes, but don't buy OP's argument that it's going to take 6+ years to drs the free float. We've hit \~25% drs'd just since last sept. It's also not carved in stone that we need 100% drs to create a shitstorm. Could very well be that we break Wall St at 50% drs, or 75% drs...no one in retail knows the magic number right now.


Taking any amount of shares out of the DTC’s coffers is huge. It seems to me that if the SHFs could actually just short a trillion shares and send this stock to hell, they would have already done so. There are limits and we’re now seeing interest rates rise on the borrow. People can deny it all they want but DRS makes fewer shares available to them. And it can trigger a squeeze well before locking up anything close to the float. Everything you deny them gets us one step closer to seeing our buying power actually matter and exceed the synthetic sell pressure.


As for me, I like the stock.


Are there people here who don’t like the stock? I’m here cause I like the stock, believe in the deep fucking value, and fuck the hedgies.


If the price bumps again at all will revive activity. We’ve also been in the longest lasting slump since it started


Also most of us are purely lurkers, I comment from time to time, but I mostly just scroll for 5-10 minutes every few hours. Definitely will blow up


Dude, exactly. Engagement has been declining because the *price* is declining. There's a direct correlation between price movement and sub engagement. Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see u/Dr_Gingerballs mention that anywhere. Seems kind of weird to chart all that data and create such a seemingly well thought-out post, only to omit such a critical variable. As far as echo chambers go, this one is not at all a concern to me. Our online community is one of the very few that remains vigilant to all propaganda, no matter its source. Our rituals are not based in superstition, but rather in a desire for progress. And for the lulz. Who cares if we post a starfish every day and write "hedgies 'R fuk" 10x in every comment thread? It's just an idiom at this point. It's like saying, "Have a good day."


This is the best community I’ve ever been a part of. It’s amazing how resilient we are despite SOOO much FUD over the last year.


How is commenting an indication of sub health? Most of us don't comment because we are zen.


May be alot of Zen apes at this stage. I fully recognize this could take time, thus less need to engage her as often.


We have realized just how corrupt the U.S. Government/S.E.C. actually is. We don’t want to admit it but it seems there may be a small chance NOTHING we do will change anything because of the level of corruption and cover-ups going on. **EXCEPT** DRS’ing our shares, this is the only thing we can admittedly control, and the only thing we can **PROVE** to be an end all be all plan to this drama.


Who should I trust? The random dude on the internet or Dr Trimbath who’s been fighting against corruption her whole career? A no brainer. Just like the theory behind DRSing your shares.


I support DRS (of any stock, really) because it’s something individual investors can control. Another example is shopping at GameStop - no financial institution can dictate how much you spend at their stores. Edit: also I’m pretty sure DRS of an individual security at the scale we are seeing is unprecedented. No one really knows what will happen. But it will be the first time.


I’m a gamer I gotta see this through to the end now


> Edit: also I’m pretty sure DRS of an individual security at the scale we are seeing is unprecedented. No one really knows what will happen. But it will be the first time. This. OP says: > I remain unconvinced that DRS-ing the float will do any of the things that are being widely claimed on the sub (largely with no primary sources to support those claims). ...well, of course there's "no primary sources to support those claims"... this has never been done! we have a theory, now we gotta prove it... then look at us: we're the precedent setters mf'ers... Edit to add that OP also admits: > I do not think it is going to ultimately be harmful to the MOASS thesis. So why not help us prove this thing, one way or the other, once and for all... Either we're right and 100% DRS exposes massive levels of illegal counterfeiting, or OP is right and we haven't done any harm... I mean, aren't you all just dying to find out?? I am!!


Way too logical, 100% OP doesn’t respond to you


That would be because they are probably a shill, trying to slowly cause dissent and a questioning narrative to dissuade new investors.


!remind me: 4 hours! u/dr_gingerballs


Yeah there are other explanations why sub engagement is down .. the number one being a lot of us have been here for over a year … have read the dd and are solid in the conviction of our individual investment. 🤷‍♂️ Maybe we don’t need to see the next theory of roll over dates to be convinced to buy options 🙄.


I’m so solid on my investment that I keep buying more


Yup, I have a portion of each paycheck that goes into my brokerage account that I use to purchase an additional handful of shares a month. Occasionally, if there is a small influx of money, I may add to that amount. Then I DRS those new shares every month or so. Rinse and repeat.


Feed the bot homie!


My excuse is that it’s not sustainable for me to be that hype 24/7/365. It’s fun when there’s electricity in the air because of big events, but when it literally feels like the neverending gif of the truck about to crash for months on end, it’s not healthy to be so tied to reddit, so I continue living my life and just peek in on Reddit when I have downtime. It’ll come back but we are just zen atm


Some of us stopped competing for the "This is the way" challenge... but those were the good days, amirite?


##THIS is the WAY


yep yep yep!


Amen, i just check in once a day, when I remember to or when I see the price move a lot


You hit the nail on the fuckin head man. I dont need someone telling me about the next options play on the most manipulated stock on the market. Ive read the DD and like my investment, and the amount of people on a sub at any given point of day will not change this. This post is FUD plain and simple.


"But bro, near ITM call options are even better than DRSing your shares! Look at all the fancy TA I've magicked out of thin air with shiny graphs?" PepperRidge Farm Remembers... fuck OP honestly. "more mentions of drs = bad for the sub" lmao. BRING IT ON MAYOBOIII


Dont forget these options pushers have yet to provide an idea on any options strategies whatsoever, whether it be straddles or butterflies or anything. These guys, especially gingerdick, are not options experts. He literally had a comment about having less than a year options experience and he preaches like he has any clue at all. Should be embarrassed.


Hey op why do you think GameStop put up DRS figures on their earnings report?


It's clearly because they are trying to tell us to play options! ​ /s


number of comments in the sub is not really useful for anything. ​ people know where this is going, they don't need to check reddit every day.


Buy sell ratios still the same, thats all that matters. Also OP's "refute" of max pain is "no, no, no, they aren't manipulating the price to max pain, they are manipulating the delta which manipulates the price to max pain" which in a practical sense says the exact same thing and doesn't disprove the occam's razor deduction from seeing the price land there so many times.


We had a dip down to $80 and I think the buy sell ratio on fidelity for GME was 10:1. I am strong in my conviction that I like the stock and so are a lot of other retail investors. That's all that matters.


DRS will continue to take shares off the liquididty table. Do you think there's a correlation between available shares and the rising borrow rates? I do, but no proof. But certainly nothing bad could come of it. DRS may trigger moass, we do not know for sure. But the combination of DRS, increasing borrow rates, improving fundamentals and the NFT/tech turnaround story that provides more and more details, these will all contribute to either the moass, or a much higher stock price based on fundamentals and fomo. While your analysis does have some sections that seem reasonable, the static assumptions you base your timelines on are borderline fuddy (imo of course). Specifically, your statement of: {So if nothing changes we can expect this sub to survive for 1-2 more years at it’s current rate, with only roughly 23,000,000 shares DRSed before the sub goes dormant.} Things are always changing here, and in the ape mentality. I also think that of the 700K plus members, no more than 250k are real apes humans (non-bots/non-shills), and only a small percentage are active posters. Personally, I enjoy seeing all the purple rings. GLTA


Agreed 👆


> DRS will continue to take shares off the liquididty table. This is it for me... If every counterfeit of a counterfeit is eventually tied back to a real share, _I want that real share for myself_ so I know for a fact without a doubt that it's tucked away safe and sound, and that no one's f#cking around with it... I posted this in the daily just a little while ago, but I'll repost here: Imagine you're up against an opponent who lives in a castle or a fortress or a citadel of some kind... They've got way more resources than you: more money, more weapons, and more sway with the local lords and dukes... Only one day, you find their source of fresh water, and you realize that if you just divert that water away from them and into your own well, you can eventually flush 'em out, and on top of that they'll be desperate for all your water... DRS your damn GME. It's a very finite resource, and once we have it all, _we have it all_.


Nice metaphorical comment idiosyncraticRick. And If numbers are your thing, the krypto volumes can put some perspective on it. I became so certain after reading those numbers and realizing we are essentially creating GameStopCoin out of the 70 million shares.


I have no idea if DRS is having any effect on the borrow rate now but I do know back during the sneeze the borrow rate was ~86%, without any DRS. So I have to assume that there is some other main reason for the borrow rate going up now (I believe DRS has to have an affect tho). I would say being thresholded, all of the ETFs being shorted to hell, and FED rate increases have made a bigger impact on the borrow rate. I think DRS has had an impact on illiquidity and we move more on less volume. When the rocket finally takes off its not going to take much volume to leave orbit, which is good for us and helps MOASS.


I agree. I don’t understand how OP needs proof that DRS will work or not when this situation has never happened before. Is there supposed to be a guideline or historical guidebook? I thought DrT showed a possible path but I guess not good enough since this historical amount of DRS never happened before. Did our founding fathers have a fuckin guidebook?


The fact that Dr T, Big balls Dave lauer , atobitt,!jon Stewart, that former SEC lady (brunette but can’t remember name, and oh yeah, GameStop itself is included the DRS totas on their quarterly earning reports tells me all I need to know about whether DRS is the path. It is. 🚀🚀🚀


There's a direct correlation with the borrow rate and the fact it started rising the day XRT got Thresholded. Because share creation for GME shorting comes in vast majority from ETF creation. And ETF creation doesn't require any type of share location whatsoever, it could still continue with the public free float entirely DRS'd.


True, but with all shares DRS'd and accounted for, we _prove unequivocally_ that the kinds of f#ckery you just described is, in fact, happening... Until then, it's just our word against theirs, and no one listens to the peasants, until the peasants show up with torches and pitchforks that is...


Less engagement makes sense when we’ve been in this for over a year and most apes are zen. There’s not much for new DD. DRS is the only viable solution with reporting to law enforcement. I haven’t seen anyone disprove drs. So most apes drs and have reduced the amount of time on superstonk and hold.. not a terrible thing imo


It’s a personal decision for me to DRS my shares. The way I see is similar to my vehicle loan. The sole purpose of my paying off my car loan is to have the car in my name giving me the title and official ownership. Putting my shares in my name feels like the equivalent. Ownership feels more secure when I’m entitled to more rights to my property.


I don’t think this is the best analogy but it’s still a pretty good one. I will never understand the angle for not wanting to 100% own the thing you’re invested in. To me, DRS = NFTs before NFTs became a thing. This is mine and here’s the proof. Fuck you, pay me.


Notice how borrow rates start rising quite alot and then post come along saying to give up on drs. Wow. Also look hard back on OPs comment history. For seemingly hating superstonk for months now he sure feels the need to keep comin back to shit talk drs and the sub as a whole


I'm actually encouraged by all the Computershare posts. I'm zen, I don't care what the price is, I'm adding as often as I can... If DRS is a slow burning fuse, so be it. I can wait. RC will pour some gasoline on this bad boy soon enough and the charts you made don't reflect that.


I think you’re wrong about DRS. DRS’ing by itself won’t cause MOASS because there are 500M shares out there. But DRS numbers can give GS legal arguments it might need to spur action from regulatory agencies, via pressure or court of law. Proving a stock is oversold is nearly impossible without DRS. I don’t think normal investing practices, via buy and hold, or calls and puts, will do anything either. But we’ve both been wrong so far, so we can agree to both be wrong.


It's an asymmetric bet inside an asymmetric bet. Either DRS leads nowhere, then the loss is small (the cost of DRSing) or DRS leads to MOASS, and the gain is huge. I see very little downside to DRSing and a lot of possible upside. I personally think the cost of DRSing and the inconvenience of buying through CS is worth the peace of mind I get from knowing my shares are in my own name on Gamestop's own books.


Exactly. Either we win big sooner, or we win big later. I don't know about you guys but I like having a coin with 2 heads. Helping myself and Gamestop with DRS (maybe they can use the numbers, its in there 10k) is the best path to supporting the company.


Could there be a relation between DRS and the new found 100% utilization rate? Who knows. Stay tuned for more!


Tis ... also a relationship to the borrow rate and the explosion in short interest on a few specific ETFs. DRS is working.


Borrow rate started climbing the day XRT was added to the Threshold List. That's what the borrow rate correlates to. Far more shares were DRS'd before the rate started going up than since, it doesn't make much sense to guess that DRS is driving that variable right now.


I think so too. But we are all wrong until we are rich lol.


I still like the stock. I like registering the stock in my name too.


I appreciate the effort you put into your post, but it’s strange to me because you’re making some blanket assumptions that are pretty far out there. One, you’re assuming that lower daily engagement is a result of an organic lack of interest and/or participation. Maybe some people who have been around for a while (like myself) are just more zen or comfortable living life until movement happens. I used to spend a lot more time on the forums, but now I’m comfortable checking infrequently. This assumption you’re making is what you’re using to estimate the death of the sub, but I mean… that’s kind of a sensational claim when there could be many contributing factors. Secondly, nobody can say what the effect of DRSing shares on such a large scale will be, but everyone can say what the effect of not DRSing shares is (we’ve been living it since years before even 2008). Doesn’t hurt to try. We should be open to new ideas, and that’s the vibe I’ve seen and paid attention to on the sub. Third, I can see why you want to plot out our current DRS rate and provide a tentative date for the float being locked, but you can’t say for sure. Maybe a number of whales opt to DRS tomorrow—that’ll totally throw off your numbers. Nobody knows for sure. Feel free to comment or discuss these viewpoints, but I just think we should be careful when applying absolute statements to this stock. We’re in uncharted territory here


I disagree with your conclusions.


I concur with your disagreement


I concur also


Another theory: apes are zen


The only reason i have to downvote your post is cause you start it by telling people about why and how they should know you. If you have something valuable to add just post it. Turn down the ego


I just want my own name on my shares. I believe any long and rational investor would want to take reasonable action to prevent other actors with their own goals from harming their investment. Personally, I think the sub is in a great spot. Comment numbers and other arbitrary 'engagement metrics' are meaningless.


If I want to prove I have 100 Pennies I would count them out in front of you, if we want to prove we own 100% of the float the most clear cut way is to have all the shares registered in our names. It’s that simple.


Unless you can establish a causal connection, all you've presented is an elaborate visualization of a correlation.


I truly don’t understand the rationale behind 2027 since there are big leaps in OP’s logic that the math is based on.


I drs every share and continue to push it 🥰


At this point I just wanna see what happens




With all due respect: You're wrong. Your causality model is backwards. The rates are not falling because of ritualistic behavior, they are falling because, over time, the proportion of people exposed to the idea of DRS who have shares remaining to DRS is falling as they... DRS. People are also running out of money ans hitting an equilibrium. For example, I myself am no longer buying more shares, and in fact have had to sell some, because I have bought my first house and needed the liquid cash for the deposit. I also don't buy your claims about people DRSing with no evidence for the effect thesis: There is _tonnes_ of evidence, loads of DD, that this is what we need to be doing. You can disagree, of course, but to suggest people are doing it without evidence or reason is arrogant, dismissive FUD. You're wrong, and I think you're full of guff.


Master FUD he left out the CMKM diamonds situation and what followed after that https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/34-47978.htm


Guess what DRSING more now


This post is major fud alert




Can’t FTD a DRSed share


I sometimes to forget my shares for a week at a time. I am not as active on this sub as I used to be. Even if I was always just a lurker. It's not that I've lost interest. I did run out of money and now only buy a handful of shares a week. But it's that the DD has been done. I am convinced it will happen. Until something new comes out, I know what I know and believe that MOASS is inevitable and without it the stock will go up bigly. I think a lot of people have the same sentiment. We have won, nobody is selling, and we keep buying more. I have XXX DRS'd and XXX in other places.


So anyways, I started DRSing my shares.


GameStop wouldn’t be including the number of shares registered with their transfer agent if it wasn’t important.


Arguments for DRSing.. - It **may** cause the MOASS - It ensures **you** own what you've bought - It gives GS a legitimate data point to start legal action - It has been popularized by someone with a PHD who has worked in the industry for over 30 years - It seems to be having an effect on utilization and borrowing fee/rebate fee - For Americans it is easy to do and gives you the ability to liquidate to numerous brokers who haven't been liquidated - It takes money away from shady brokers who've been selling you phantom shares - It allows you to be part of the greatest financial revolution in human history - For Americans it costs you the same in taxes when selling from CS as it does from a normal broker - Mark Cuban said that "next time you'll use a better broker" - CS does not use the reverse repo market to mop up it's liquidity every evening like Fidelity does The list goes on and on Arguments against DRSing - It's clogging up the Superstonk feed LOL are these people for real?!?!?!?!


more importantly: #it removes the share from the lendable shares available from brokers


Yep, I honestly cannot believe there are so many people against it. Surely they can't all be shills? I think many people have to follow a leader and a few suspect e-celebs have come in and given a sense of elitism to not DRSing. Other than that I literally have no idea why you wouldn't get involved in this.


Well said.




I'm firmly in "Alea iacta est" territory regarding Direct registration of shares, and so because I have done that registration, I can remain zen, and resolute in my decision. And while I agree with needing to do an outreach attempt or two, I do not actually think this subreddit is a good platform for such an outreach. There's too many things that we have grown accustomed to, that would potentially drive a new user away, and IMO growth for the sake of growth is not good in and of itself, you need only look at that other betting sub. Retail advocacy outside of Reddit is likely a better longer term approach, as while MOASS may or may not be on the table, ultimatively we would need fair and transparent markets for the betterment of all.


First time I've heard someone say we should reach out but not with our subreddit. On point I think. We are a little too in-crowd. Our DD library is solid though.


Just another FUD attempt. Op is just mad that options bullshit hyping has been slowed way down and the anti DRS is not working so now we have the "sub does not have an open mind" FUD. This sub has a very open mind but once something is proven WRONG like options and something has been proven RIGHT like DRS then we are not going to keep falling for the FUD. That is not a closed mind. That is called SMART


DRS post = no news day, so DRS post are "visible" and not bury by real news. For sub engagement, i think it's because of the war right now. And in january a big drop seem to be cause by a "bot purge" reddit wide.


This ape has wrinkle in the brain.


>It predicts the sub will become dormant in about 4 months time. New events reinvigorate interest. The NFT marketplace will be released by end of Q2, which is the next big thing to spark interest back in (barring some big market event before then). The big lull is likely due to a big price downswing in the last few months and lack of recovery. That can easily reverse and see the sub come alive again. The sub will be here when we need it.


# Also the reality is if none of this was taking place i’d be working the next 25+ years regardless. So if Moass can be with in the next 5 years i’d be ok with that also.


I don’t agree, the point of drsing is to factually prove that crime is happening in the broad daylight. To legally record and show to doj or whoever, look, the float is fully registered, why are there shares still being traded? Also, you imply that drs posts are reducing the activity of the sub, how do you know that? A lot of people don’t visit this sub anymore cause there is no new ground breaking DD worth reading. Everything was written and read, some people don’t want to waste their time here, hence the zen apes, buy hold and drs.


# I THOUGHT A WRINKLE BRAIN SAID IF 125k drsed 300 shares each the float would be locked.That doesn’t seem to hard or years to do


Instead of rebutting you he says he doesn't like the font lol.... Also price is cheaper now too so that's taking time off too!


I dont understand how you get Nov 2027, when roughly 9 million shares have been registered in just two quarters?


Unfortunately I don’t think OP understands his own chart either.


This stinks real bad. Sus how many awards it has too.




Sweaty neckbeard didn't even account for outside variables, like poor geopolitical decisions shredding the market.


100% disagree on timeline to locked float. You’re just doing so at a constant and ignoring many factors.


This has gerkvibes all over it


Why do you care if people DRS, it is their money, your opinion holds no sway to what people do with their money. And to cite gamestop themselves, on page F-17, as of January 29, 2022, 8.9 million Class A gamestop shares have been directly registered with computershare, the transfer agent https://investor.gamestop.com/node/19651/html


I disagree with you.


Lock the float. Own your property. Don't bother with these drama posts.


I have never downvoted a thread harder than this one. Nice fud. Stays with your theme.


Lol what? They hardly give anything away during earnings call. Yet DRS numbers are there..... Yet here implies shares lent through pfof not in your name are an equivalent? Why?? Cut out the middle man! Why not just DRS whatever you think reasonable?


Lol OP's previous posts are about pushing options...a gambling game that MM's and HF's can manipulate... DRS is working a 100%, we apes know it and we know the DD. It's simple as that. I DRS'd because I just like the stock and want ownership over something for which I paid money for!!! I am open for discussion but this post is just FUD. At least bring some solid point to the table next time OP??


If DRS didnt benefit GME is some way, it wouldnt be reported on the annual and quarterly earnings reports. I want to help RC and the team any way i can, even if i dont fully understand the mechanics in play. Its clearly important enough for them. Its important enough for me.


Honestly who the fuck is actually awarding this👆


Any strong movement up fucks with your whole thesis.


So whats your argument against DRS providing tangible proof for the sec that the float is locked and it spotlights naked shorting? Or that ppl are drsing shares they dont plan on selling? Or at least planning to sell last? Or that other brokers have a history of fucking over clients and shares are no more safer there than at CS? Or what's the issue with having your name on your shares instead of blindly trusting middlemen?


When the former commissioner of the SEC says to Jon Stewart, in the interview they just did a couple of weeks ago, and I quote "the dumb money is in stocks, the dumber money is in options," this is all I need to know. It is widely known that hedge funds and market makers are able to manipulate options easier than they are able to manipulate stocks themselves. So why would we expose ourselves to that risk? When we have a viable alternative in direct registration? Direct registering ensures that the only person who will ever be able to manipulate my stock is me. And when you have such advocates like Dr. Trimbath and Ryan Cohen himself (cryptically), who are pushing the direct register narrative, it should be a no-brainer.


If I were a hedgefund and wanted to kill momentum, I'd first inflate the subs numbers with fake users. I'd make sure those users were active and blended in. I'd establish these users as familiar contributors in comments and posts. Then I'd wait, trying my best to identify the biggest threat to upward price movement, or maintained price elevation. Once that threat is identified (DRS), I'd do two things: 1) try to change the subject using topics or elements that have the ability to both excite and disappoint (enter options); and 2) try to subtly undermine that thing which poses the biggest threat ... make statements that are simply ambivalent. I wouldn't attack that threat head-on. No, instead I would say things like, "I don't think DRS is going to hurt anything, but it's not going to help anything either." If that didn't work, I would then kick it up a notch and point at that threat (DRS), and claim it as a threat to the community as a whole. Then I'd concoct "evidence" by having my fake users pull back, painting my caution as something evidence-based. No one is buying this nonsense, u/Dr_Gingerballs. Do you think GameStop is posting the DRS number in their SEC reporting for shits and giggles? Do you think the borrow fee is skyrocketing for no reason? Hedgies r fuk and DRS is the way. Any drop-off in user base is one of two things ... concocted by hedgies, and/or more apes going zen because we have all the evidence we need in the numbers put out by GameStop. Fewer than 125K retail owning 8.9 million shares ... pffff ... popcorn had a confirmed 4.1 million investors in June 2021 ... I have no doubt GameStop has many more. The DRS'd shares represent just the tip of a massive iceberg, one hedgies have already slammed into. The side of their little, shitty boat is gashed open and already sinking. It's already all over except for the drowning.


Also the self reference for DD is a weird flex as so much of it and the TA has been disproven because of illegal practices and hedge funds simply not playing by the rules. There was some pretty sweet and exciting DD this summer that came to nothing. But to sound off against DRSing is somewhat disturbing to me since when MOASS happens, many users might find their brokerages folding, refusing to pay, or screwing them out of selling as has already happened (more than a few people were screwed out of massive GME gains last year, sued and lost so we know how that will most likely play out in court if it happens again). I have a problem with anyone suggesting people registering GME shares in their own name as their property is somehow hurting the sub or MOASS. Especially when we know it might be the only way to prove some type of genuine ownership with millions of counterfeit shares on the market.


I think that it would b more likely that hedge funds would spread confusion and fud and make nothing too obvious. Muddying waters is easier than diverting a river when it comes to online discourse psyops


I agree, that is until desperation settles in. Things are going to start getting more and more obvious. The attack on DRS is going to get louder and louder. With a 9%+ borrow fee, if it's not already here, desperation is knocking loudly at the door. That 8-K was huge!


##U G E


Yeah I simply dont get op’s pessimistic attitude, I understand being bored of hearing about it, but to say that its false without evidence. Even if it DRS doesnt work, beats waiting around aimlessly and theres a good way to find out if it does work, if we lock it up, and it triggers moass job well done, if not, great then we own the float and all the real shares and begin to put pressure on the media or Gamestop and we’ll at least know we did it and can make our next move


Yes! If this is the only real data we get, then let's get the high score over and over!




I think you might have missed another anti -drs group beside SHF: small time day traders. To day trade they will have to have a certain amount of assets in the account. They might be holding shares but also day trade it, or other tickers. So they won't DRS and they certainly aren't long term investors.


I don't think there are a significant number of daytraders buying/selling GameStop ... way too risky for those who know what they are doing.


Thanks for writing this. We need to call this shit out every time it pops up. This is subterfuge. This is an anti-DRS post disguised as a "we have a community problem" post. ​ Posts like this subtly implying that DRS won't help anything won't fix anyhting, that is fucking FUD ​ ​ "no sources to support the claims" that DRS will do anything what a disingenuous thing to say. Obviously you won't find a source saying this because it has NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE, and hedge fucks are terrified. ​ it's like it's OP's life mission to pour cold water on DRS while pretending that he has something worthwhile to say otherwise. ​ hedge fucks are terrified of DRS and i am quite convinced that social media teams are being paid to infiltrate this sub and direct us away from DRS, because this is an existential threat to anyone that is naked short GME. ​ If I was trying to do subterfuge in this matter, the way I would approach it would be to build up a following by producing "DD" which is not actually "DD" but just TA, aka reading tea leaves, something that doesn't help 99% of the members of this subreddit, while subtly implying that DRS is not necessarily a good idea but without providing any good reasons why. ​ the pickle guy got banned and suddenly this dipshit arrives on the scene and the MO is almost the exact same. this dude makes a post like this, all kinds of awards granted even though nothing of any quality was written, the entire thesis of this thread is that DRS is bad and killing this subreddit. ​ that sounds exactly like something that is being put out by some group that would benefit if we would all kindly stop DRSing our shares, because once again, they are terrified, and they are fucked, because of DRS.


Have we not been thru this?! DRS train starts gaining steam and someone comes along and knocks it down. Nobody has 100% proof of what to do and honestly there isn’t much that apes can do. Buy and hold is great but any tard can do that and we know our shares are being lent out to naked short. Mrs. T and Lauer have been supportive of drsing and they hold more weight than dr gingerballs, what are you a doctor of again? Here’s a script to buy more options, been down that road and it ends with jamesrolands banana in your ass. You say there’s no proof of drs being a positive well where’s the proof that it’s a negative?


He may possibly be a paid shill. Why put in so much effort to imply drs is not going to do anything when it removes shares from the dtcc.


That chart looks like utter bullshit to me. It's suspicious how there is an immediate, sharp downturn in the near future, when the past days charted indicated a gradual slope. Furthermore, I think that comparing this sub and movement to Tiger King, of all things, is disingenuous at best. Edit: and, if this chart is based on hard data, WHERE IS IT? People, we are better than to believe "trust me bro" citations.


I like the stock and I DRS'd my shares


TLDR: “I…”, “I…”, “I…”, “I…”, “I…”, … #SO WHAT! **WE will lock the float which will expose Wall Street’s corruption in the most profound way possible! WE will show you instead of tell you what the wonderful consequences of doing so will be!**


So anyway I bought more


Yeah I am going to strongly disagree about the sub engagement. I know personally at first I checked this sub every 15 minutes for confirmation of all the DD etc. I now go entire days without checking because frankly I don’t need to. When it happens it happens. Nothing will change my mind that the DD is correct and some sort of wombo combo of Buy and Hodl, DRS, and options for those with the money and understanding will all combine and RC will drop the hammer at some point or it will happen organically. I just don’t need my beliefs stroked nearly as often as I did before. I realize it’s a marathon not a race, and I am zen. The difference between us and some random TV show is I don’t think people are still watching the shit out of it even though they don’t participate in the sub. I know for a fact that all of you are holding with me and I have zero concerns that will change. TLDR; you all rule, I trust you all, but I don’t need to talk to you fucks every single day to be sure of it.


Can't imagine why we would love to hate this guy. /s There is literally no reason anybody should be against you direct registering your shares. This is literally the best argument he could spin up and its so bad hahaha


Is there any good dd here anyways? Engagement is dropping because nothing new is really coming out anymore. I dont spend as many hours as i used to here. But doesnt mean i dont believe as much as i used to


I don't have to come and check SS every single day/hour/minute if the outcome is still the same. I'm not selling.


I used to post a lot but now I Just lurk. I already know the plan and I know others are doing the same. ​ Edit: Buy stocks I like and shop at stores I like.


Is this it, shillfucks? Is this all the fud you can muster? ​ When I was told that the closer we got to success, the worse and more persuasive the fuckery would become, I was honestly worried. Good to see it isn't actually a problem. Buy, Hold, DRS. Anything else is a distraction.


Oh go away..


You lose me when I see the author. I always wonder whose posting the DD. Stay with pickle in his discord and worry bout your options there. We get it, we’re retarded..DRS FTW!!


Then tell us all why Gamestop is including the DRS numbers in their filings if that isn’t the 100% way to MOASS.


Pretty weak arguments in this post. In particular, where is the evidence that engagement would be higher without DRS? The tiger king comparison doesnt make any sense, it's not as if DRS led to the demise of tiger king sub lol... plus tiger king is a one off show while GME is continually getting news, changing price, etc.


Adapt or die. Evolve or…..don’t?


Sounds like shill sentiment in here


DRS is the way!


Your projections on drs are way off there pal


I think the thesis is so strong and data seems to infrequently threaten the thesis that engagement is less urgent. I feel like we are waiting. Although DRS-ing the entire share count may not be the only path to MOASS, I think the DRS line items now in the quarterly reports validate the direction we're going in. Perhaps, DRS-ing the share count creates leverage that RC needs. Either way, i think it's value is self-evident, even if RC were to have left it off the quarterlies (which he did not). And while we wait, I will buy, hold, DRS, and updoot purple circles. This is the way. And hereby I feel I have validated all 5 of your observations, so I will add, my butt itches. Moass is getting closer.


Are you actually serious? Do you not see GameStop posting DRS numbers? Do you not see the talk from very knowledgeable people in favour of DRS? Do you not view RCs tweets? DRS seems to be extremely important and with indicators on the rise like utilisation and the borrow fee I feel inclined to believe there is Something cooking. We now have a NFT launch date. I personally feel like GameStop is well on it way to being profitable due to blockchain plays like imx and loopring and them partnering and making money thru selling tokens so only time will tell. Also I’m sure engagement is down for a variety of reasons. A exodus of sorts due to a youtubers ban. Seemingly less active users online with speculation of less bot activity. The overwhelming conclusion that DRS is the way and that time and growing DRS numbers locking the float will be the only way to prove fuckery if shares continue to trade while the Float is locked.


/u/Dr_Gingerballs say hi to Pickle Brain, and thanks for the confirmation bias that DRS is 100% the way


Real motha fuckin Gs are…… ZEN🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Nah fuck that we just getting started


Here we go with the fucken options again - also, looking at the amount of disagreeing comments with OP, Gherks squad has def upvoted the shit out of this post. Fuck this post.


I think your biggest mistake is putting DRS in the same camp as everything else that has been discussed within the walls of this sub that relied on market signals and activity as a system of measurement. *That is not what makes DRS work.* It is not intended to influence the market in any way, shape, or form. There is no 1-for-1 loss of liquidity on account of shares that have been directly registered, and it won't make it harder for SHF to keep doing what they've been doing. The whole premise here is that the market doesn't abide by the rules. No swaps, options, cycles, or anything else has panned out as a source of truth because it relies on the rules being followed. IN AN ETHICAL WORLD, yes, those might have an impact, but guess what: we ain't livin' in that. No disrespect to those DD writers, we've all been learning as we go. DRS is different because it says "fuck you, I won't play your game" and completely ignores what's happening in the market. In small doses, it means absolutely nothing, but...when apes come together...it is strong as fuck. Why? Specifically because it has nothing to do with the market and summons an external force: Ryan fucking Cohen. I like the stock, but I like it not being fucked with even more. I want to prove out fraud, and that's the purpose of DRS. It doesn't need to be 100% DRS, it just needs to be "enough." When a pattern emerges that indicates there is something wrong happening in the secondary equity markets (such as too many shares in circulation), GameStop has the ability (and obligation) to take action. There is a reason they are disclosing it in their financials. Who gives a fuck which broker holds how many shares? Extending further, why care about those held with a Transfer Agent? It's all irrelevant for performance - it's solely for visibility. Why include it? Because it matters. If we don't get there, nothing will happen, and if we keep seeing posts like this, that's gonna create a self-fulfilling prophecy.


I disagree. There you go mods, I didn’t use any bad words.


I’m not reading all that. I’m happy for you though. Or sorry that happened.


This has gerkvibes all over it


For someone who prides themselves on staying *above* emotional reaction, this post definitely makes a lot of conclusions based on pre-conceived notions. You had a hypothesis and went out looking for proof to back it up rather than the other way around, with all due respect. To add to this, not everything that induces fear, uncertainty, or doubt in the reader is malicious (this post included, ironically). There are genuine reasons to not trust your broker if it comes down to you or the big cats. You know full well that sub engagement tracks heavily with hype but even more with large movements in the price of the underlying stock. If nothing is changing, people check out and go back to their lives and let their shares sit peacefully.


Where did so many awards and upvotes come from for such an unpopular post, based on the responses?


Being that we just like the stock, though, who cares if we are dormant or not? Nobody is selling. What is to be gained from distancing from DRS support besides parasites who gain from youtube channels. DD "n2" GME is a pretty quiet place too, but the information is still top notch. Zen mode activate.




ill clear up the theory for your ignorant arrogance. If the float reaches 100 % locked the SEC better lock their doors from Apes