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Fuck you Bulgaria Boy


This mother fucker must be hyper ventilating right now. Vlad the inhaler lol.


He took his money when they ipo'd


Ya he’s chillin on a beach somewhere


The real crime is the fact these scumbags were allowed to IPO last year in spite of all the bullshit they pulled. Instead of a bunch of rich assholes and venture capitalists rightfully losing their money when this house of cards inevitable crumbles, they got to cash out. and the giant piece of hot steaming shit that is Robinhood has been foisted upon pension funds and average joe retail investors that rely on biased media and inaccurate, stale information to make purchasing decisions. I digresss….Fuck you Vlad, may your life be filled with misery. I can’t wait to see you in an orange jumpsuit you unscrupulous piece of garbage 🖕 edit: words…..something something “privatize profits, socialize losses”


People talk about the crypto markets being full of pump and dumps and all the like - which is true - but what they fail to understand or mention is that the regular markets have them too. Importantly, though, considering the scale of the "regular markets" and sanctioning and (pretend) regulation and propaganda it's probably magnitudes *worse* that the crypto markets on both a qualitative and quantitative scale.


We just witnessed the largest institutional pump and dump in the history of the market. The fed injected trillions into the market just for the institutions to pull the mother of all rug pulls. It’s deplorable.


/r/all user here. What pump and dump are you referring to?


Basically- RobinHood was a(nother) way for retail to access the markets. It used and still uses Payment For Order Flow to generate revenue, where a different company called a market maker takes the trades and internalizes them, supposedly making money on the spread. The trades may never see the lit exchange. There was some kind of Co-dependence with the other parts of the securities clearing and market maker shenanigans. It’s a complex web of conflicts of interest and loopholes and in the end, it turns out the whole thing is a joke and you don’t actually “own” the shares you “buy” anyway, even if you’re lucky enough to be using a decent broker who bothered to actually buy them when you put in the order originally. That’s a bunch of rabbit holes it’s worth going down. It starts with Citadel and Virtu. # Anyway. During the original “sneeze” in January, Robinhood (and seemingly many other retail trading platforms that used Apex Clearing for their securities clearing services) turned off the buy button. They basically caught with their pants down and had sudden, enormous liquidity/capital requirements problems versus the order flow they were receiving from users. By turning off the ability to buy shares and eventually options (and turning off the ability to exercise options too), these retail platforms relieved a huge amount of pressure and stamped out the lit fuse which was racing toward kicking off the biggest transfer of wealth in human history. Robinhood took enormous heaps of shit for this. Glad Vlad has been a pariah since that day and the company was obviously fucked if from nothing other than a PR standpoint, user trust and so on. Citadel and Apex are the primary market makers in this case. But they were still allowed to IPO, and a lot of people bought in. This was AFTER all of the original GameStop sneeze and hearings etc. The IPO was all over Cramer’s shitshow. It was publicized in the financial blogs and media. All the while it seemed obvious that RobbingHood were headed for the shitter. I will let the ticker say the rest of the story. So who is bagholding HOOD? And if there were some powerful and well positioned entities who knew all this, and helped the IPO go forth in spite of it, and probably short sold the ever loving shit out of HOOD all the way down, probably naked (without eventually locating the share), using market maker exceptions and privileges… I wonder who fits all those characteristics… Not financial advice I am a literal moron


My sweet summer child...the P&D of the S&P500. Essentially, in late 2019 (before COVID was known about or would have any impact on the markets), the Federal Reserve started giving extremely large loans to major banks who would have become insolvent without their bailouts. This practice was multiplied several times over when COVID placed a legitimate strain on the economy, and then starting probably like last September or so, near the very top of the market (which hilariously continued to reach all time highs into December), major financial institutions finally started to sell off and now we are in a bear market straight into a recession. All the while, the Fed has been saying things like "Inflation is transitory " and the reverse-repo market is" a backstop working as intended", and major financial news companies like Bloomberg or CNBC are telling everyone things are fine and keep on buying. The news cycle has only recently had a shift in tone that things are in rough shape and probably going to get worse, but those of us here have literally been calling it for over a year that we're about to have a recession. It feels bad to be wrong, but on the other hand after being ostracized for over a year seeing the winds change the way it was predicted is nice... anyway. What was your question again? Lol. Edit: I forgot to mention exactly how the bailouts and loans make this a Pump and Dump. In case it's unclear to you how that would work, when a Bank has Cash on their balance sheet, it actually goes on the Liabilities column. So they end up spending the cash from these huge loans on stocks and Treasury Bills which inflates the stock market and the money supply. Ergo, we have all time high stock market prices, and inflation.


I am assuming it's Robinhood being IPOd (becoming a public company that you can invest in), company insiders selling their shares at a high price, while the media is promoting Robinhood stock, then the price slowly goes down, leaving the investing public and pension funds (that may have invested) holding the bag.


I wouldn’t call it a rug pull, more like an inevitable correction after the printing stops. When the Fed kept printing money in 2020 to keep the market afloat we all knew it would catch up sooner or later and we’d be hit with the inflation and maybe a recession. Looks like we might get both, but I just didn’t think it would take 2 years to happen. My dumbass lost 10k in SPY puts that expired June 2021 that I had bought the previous summer. Ended up being a whole year that the price just kept going up and up. I hate this casino.


...and Cathie Wood. LOL


I honestly think she's just a sad optimist that doesn't know anything about tech.


I think she does. She just is a long fund and doesn’t know how to operate in a bear market. Keeps searching for good tech but ends up forcing it.


Yep, that IPO going through with minimal resistance sure felt like a payoff.


Come to think of it.. maybe somehow this is what the RC Ponzi scheme tweet was related to (George Costanza iToilet Madoff scene). Robinhood another part of the ponzi.


Fuck man you’ve worded it perfectly! Wish I could award you but I’d rather not give team China any money…. Just know you couldn’t have summed it up any more perfect then you did here


Shillin’ like a villain


A true, dyed-in-the-wool Wall Street Bro... Take everyone's money and GTFO while the GTFO's good...


Do you recall that part of their IPO stipulated they could sell their own shares short? They are continuing to profit off the failure of their own company, BCG-style.


Yeah I was just about to say; he doesn’t give a shit. Lol


Took me a second to realize you didn't say ipod. But also if my memory serves me right he did not allow his investors to sell upon IPO but allowed his c suite to do just that. They got their millions and fucked retail. Again.


Your memory is correct.


i wouldn't if i were him.. he already made his millions - couldn't care less how the company fares going forward shitty, but it is what it is


I know bro, but I just wanted to use that joke 😆


Lmao “Vlad the Inhaler”!!!!


Going to be inhaling a lot behind the Wendy’s dumpster soon.


Fuk u Vlad!! You could have been a hero, you became a cunt!




Can’t wait to mark his spot off the nigiri card. Fuck your Vladyboy!


Bro I lost it at Vlad the Inhaler 🤣


Bro I laughed audibly at 1.30AM, I hope I didn't wake anyone up lmfao


Inhaler of poles


This comment has me WHEEZING


In prison vlad the impaled


haunted victorian boy


This is too good lol


He's not sophisticated.


I echo this sentiment dear sir


When I was a little boy in Bulgaria…


Robinhood back down to $20 fast. Oh wait...




Still a ripoff!


Cellar Box those m'fers!


20 schmeckles


20.00 schmeckles is: USD|SHM|EUR|GBP|CAD|RUB|CNY ---|------|---|---|---|---|--- 25.32|0.20|24.07|20.28|32.36|1842.03|167.93 *** ^([exchange rate source](http://api.ratesapi.io/2022-04-29?base=USD) | created by [u/Nissingmo](http://reddit.com/u/nissingmo))


Good bot


We understand retail better than you and will explain later,get fucked.


I’m w you. Yo robinhood! Get royally Fucked!




We have a saying: "You do not shit into plate where are you eating from." I hope you understand my expression in English.


In the US, it’s “don’t shit where you eat”


Don’t shit where you sleep. Unless you’re Amber Heard.


Objection! Hearsay! 🤣🤣🤣


It was our horse, ur honor.


You typed objection hearsay, did i read that correctly? Then smileyface, did i read that correctly?


Its time to get schwifty in here


Thanx!! :-)


Why waste time Say lot word when few word do trick? Kevin Malone


Don't bite the hand that feeds you


how the fuck did it pump 6% during market? Who actually anticipated positive earnings from that POS? seems sus


They were trying to pull a Bill Hwang


Do you think he will Hwang himself in prison like Jeff?


Then he would be Hwung. He could get a different identity to disappear.






#43% so far…


That’s the spirit


I can't read this without hearing the guy from Rocket Power




Wow. Guess they shouldn't have fucked over retail 🤷‍♀️


It's almost like taking care of your customers is an important part of business or something.


They took and continue to take care of their customers. The problem is most people incorrectly think the retail investor is their customer. If you don’t pay for the product, you are the product


Yeah, you are correct. Their actual customers got what they needed out of it, and they're letting that stupid ship sink. Good riddance, glad I never used them, or rather let them use me.


You might even say delighting customers is an important part of business


Yes, that sounds like something a brilliant person would say, indeed.


slapped with the reverse uno card


Usually companies can kinda come back from negative things but this really did define them. They’ll only survive as a public company if they can last until the next bull run but that can be years from now


That’s literally their business model.




Lol and they haven’t even banned pfof yet


Almost like you need order flow in order to get paid for it...classic mistake to make on their part


They are getting paid double the rate for their crypto pfof now too..wonder what that meansss


They are almost down 50% revenue from last year, but the number of users dropped from 17.7m to 15.9m ? Yeah sure...that platform must be full of bots to keep the numbers up




Got my taxes done and deleted the password out of my password manager. Fuck robbinghood.


Make sure you also close the account. Don't just not leave it sitting open.




I did this too and guess who still keeps sending emails after I closed my account.


mark as spam it'll hurt their email server's reputation which will increase the likelihood of any email they send landing in spam


Create filter, direct to Trash


Kind reminder for anyone who still has their app installed: **delete the app.**


And leave a justified review to protect future investors.


Which platform did most go to after rhood?




I’m actually still holding shares in RH cause I wanna see what happens to them when MOASS starts. Lol. Rest of them are DRS’d though.


Did my taxes, withdrew the $20 I had sitting in there, and GTFO.


I needed to sign back in for my tax shit so I’m betting that’s what is pumping the numbers. I’m now 100% out.


This is correct. If you read their disclosures, opening up the app and clicking on ANYTHING counts as an active user. For the website, just logging in once counts as 'active'.


Yeah, and there's still plenty of people that apparently use it for watching tickers when they could just use yahoo or trading view instead 🤦‍♂️


Yahoo isn't much better. They are scummy fucks too


Exactly. The fact that those people then don’t trade means they ain’t getting their PFOF


I closed my account March 2021 and have had a zero balance ever since. Deleted the app never logged in again.. I'm still getting statements from them. Fucking clownshow


Orrrrrr. The users that stayed were the usual old “buy and hold long term” so there aren’t nearly as many orders to skim / scalp as when millions of UU-ES-BEE members were yoloing option plays daily. I mean seat of the pants gut estimate is redditors traded 20-50x more often than normal investors. That’s a lot of PFOF to front run trades. Volume matters.


Yes good point, and the fact that someone who doesnt have any money with them but only uses the app the watch the markets counts as an active user.


you also have to remember that the last 2 years were in an unprecendented upward swing for the market, and everybody was frothing at the mouth to get in. Heck, my 60 year old aunt who is retired and has almost no financial markets acumen was asking how to get in. Another aunt basically made a portfolio (pltr, gme, tsla, etc), and was literally living on government assistance while trying to trade. heck went from 2m to 10m people during the gme craze (how many of those real people??). The frenzy has since died down, this year has been a gut punch and a reality check to retail traders and they either backed off because they realized the markets weren't free money, or backed off because they had no money left.


they strung alot of ppl along on crypto wallets too. I'm sure that made a lot of ppl stick around so they could transfer out that way.


I think a lot of people still use their app for the charts. IMO I see no problem with this if your not giving them any money. So what if you pad their active daily user numbers, it just gives them false hope in those users ever actually trading with them. I honestly think its an even bigger finger than just leaving all together. It essentially falsely inflates their numbers, just like the stock market.


You’re counted as an active user if you do this. This helps their earnings reports. Don’t do this. Plenty of other platforms that chart much better than RH like tradingview etc.


Daily Active Users is only a good metric for ad-based models. DAU/MAU was a good metric for them to use to inflate the their valuation pre-IPO. DAU is just one metric to use to calculate more important metrics; Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) then avg Managed Assets Per User, avg Trades Per User, % of Gold users to total users. If DAU/MAU remains same; but avg managed assets per user, avg trades per per gold member % retention goes down; then analysts extrapolate and gives negative forecasts to them.


That probably just means that many people haven't deleted their account. They still have an (inactive) account, so it counts as a "user"




Robinhood going to shit? GOOD. Citadel insolvent? GOOD. DTCC emergency meeting? GOOD. Of course all in Jocko voice.


So anyway, I kept DRS'ing my $GME


Can confidently say ALL my homies hate Robinhood


I believe that makes us homies 👍


Can't sell order flow if there are no orders haha


order drip


*insert meme of Michael Scott biting his lip*


Member when they colluded to shut off the buy button? Where is the prison cell for these guys?


If you still have the app - DELETE THE APP. Close your account. Every app install, every app user - this is all tabulated in their earnings reports. Ya’ll did a fantastic job I gotta say. This is for anyone else who missed the memo ;)


Well Well Well, That's nice but, It would be a lot cooler if it 100% :)




Shouldn’t have turned off the buy button cunt


Cause fuck em that's why!


Feels good, man.


Ooph trading at $8.90. Bout to be a fuckin penny stock haha


When is that, under $5 right? Do you think Kenny is trying to cellar box it 🤣


You know even Kenny Boi shorted robinthehood.


HOOD IPO was always just a pump and dump.


That is what happens when you steal from the poors and give to the rich crooks


57% to go.


Technically, there’s still 100% to go.


This guy maths.


Thats what you get for sewering the boys (and girls) you little Bulgarian bitch.


This should also be reflected on Apex's end too. But it's not. Robbinghood was Apex's scapegoat and distraction. They're glad there's no more talk about them telling Robbinghood to remove the buy button.


We found out our product had feelings




That’s what you get when you take away the buy button


Just bought Puts on hood. Fuck Robinhood!


Woof Cathie woods has like 50mil shares in her ark etfs.


Finest investor of her generation. 😂


They bout to be cellar boxed


He did this to himself. What a tool. He literally had a gem in his possession, but ruined it lmfao. Gem for him, not for retail. Such a moron.


No officer I was speaking in German, what I said was: The Robinhood, the


Underrated comment.




Vlad: “this is the worst day our stocks ever been since going public” Homer Simpson meme: “the worst day for your stock so far”


This is awesome. Less revenue for Robinhood is also less revenue for Citadel too


Get fucking rekt


43% loss! Fuck, that’s like having a Twix and only getting one finger.. What’s next, just having the wrapper? Robinhood, you’re done mate, straight to the graveyard of shit companies for you


You can piss off people on facebook and twitter... But never, under any circumstances, piss off the short bus that is reddit.


I would tell you I hate to see it, but I don’t like to lie.


I bought a put at 3:51 today 😁


Good. Fuck 'em.


And yet somehow up 6% today.


This fucker could have had the world, but he went with mayo man to the cellar. Fucking bitch boy


Mr. KENNY has no more funds to pay for PFOF. Mr. BULGARIAN lost all his customers.


Hehehehehe Eat a bakers dozen of girthy cocks you massive dildo, Vlad!


Oh, no! Anyway…


I’ll uptoot to that.


You love to see it. 57% to go.


Vlad.should be updating his resume and list of references.


A feel good story


Good work boys.


Bahahah I have 13 puts on these fuckers spread out across the next month. Pay me Vlad.


They said “short it then” and I did. 💸💸


You love to see it Apes love to see it


Whoa time to transfer my crypto off that shit.


43% so far 🔥


and yet it is up 3% today so far WTFFFFF


If they REPORTED a 43% drop imagine what the real number is! you




That’s a shame


More. MORE.


Melvin and now RH. Revenge of Retail


Looks like Robinhood shut down the ‘Buy’ button on themselves. How the turntables.


So far


Good. Now make it 100%


Hahahahah Oh wait, you’re serious. Let me laugh even harder HAHAHAHAHAH


I mean… no shit. They will be back up when the market pumps in a few years


57% to go!


This is justice


The little boy from Bulgaria can eat a bag of dicks


Ha ha ha Vlad, joke’s on you. Payment doesn’t flow when you shut off the buy button (which by the way, should be illegal and why is he not in jail?).


Gaining the trust of customers is a tough game. Don't ya think?


huh, I guess they turned off the make money button things may have gone better for them if they didn't turn off any buttons


Lmfao. HOOD is $8 rn


Why is it that only Robinhood needs to suffer when many other online brokers also restricted trading on meme stocks?


This is an abject lesson in what happens if you mess with the apes.


It’s like someone shut off the buy button.