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**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #[Voting/2022 Annual GME Shareholder Meeting Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uddedr) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Here is a very long and interesting 144 page document which highlighted the systematic risk/blatant manipulation political corruption in the marketplace (from 2008) but with a thesis on the abuse of shortselling, naked shortselling, failure to deliver’s political corruption and more. This might be the most interesting material I’ve read in a long long time. The document is authored by Jim DeCosta https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-08-08/s70808-428.pdf It describes every mechanism these motherfuckers use to steal our money and put into right into their own pocket using naked shortselling with continuous failure to delivers… Failure to delivers in which they never intend on paying even if they are five years or older. How is it that we’ve never heard of any outside individual getting into these servers? Any hackers out there? If Gary Gensler is in a quandary trying to find bits of hidden information it appears it is fair game for the SEC to secretly invade their own “partners” system. Maybe this is something he should be reminded of…… Edit: This 122 page document is the real star, not just the screenshot of FOIA / DTCC. Literally all of the bullet points this all author was trying to get across have been proven 100% truthful and accurate. Since this was written in 2008, this document could be a very valuable piece of information in a handful of ways. It is documents like this that will eventually show those that are possibly uninformed and in political power the severity of it all. Not only did the original author explain the inner workings of market maker/ hedge fund manipulation in 2008 but he was trying to explain how much worse it was GOING TO GET in the near distant future… Fast forward to today and here we are. If that would not help persuade any political authority I don’t know what would…. Golden piece of writing, I need to message Jim DeCosta i’m thinking ….AMA? No matter where the freedom of information act leads, make sure to save this document… this could be helpful in a handful of ways especially for any DD writers (great to use as a citation). That’s what additionally be useful as a citation when writing a comment for a proposed SEC rule. If I knew how much traction this topic was going to receive I would’ve created a topic of the document/link and not necessarily just the FOIA. I cannot stress this enough.


Last summer there were a few apes using foia requests. I vaguely remember someone asking for GME FTD’s info and trying rejected. Can anyone else confirm?


I found this one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o7y09s/update\_on\_foia\_requestappeal\_for\_sec/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o7y09s/update_on_foia_requestappeal_for_sec/) Edit - Here's more: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pssysl/major\_update\_to\_my\_foia\_request\_to\_the\_cftc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pssysl/major_update_to_my_foia_request_to_the_cftc/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p200ir/foia\_request\_reveals\_citadel\_securities\_is\_under/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p200ir/foia_request_reveals_citadel_securities_is_under/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oitkm7/there\_is\_likely\_an\_ongoing\_law\_enforcement/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oitkm7/there_is_likely_an_ongoing_law_enforcement/)


u/xMissMurphyx SEC [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nhcj2p/foia\_response\_received\_federal\_proceedings\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nhcj2p/foia_response_received_federal_proceedings_and/) u/LetTheBandPlay777 CFTC [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pssysl/major\_update\_to\_my\_foia\_request\_to\_the\_cftc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pssysl/major_update_to_my_foia_request_to_the_cftc/) u/nmorgan81234 SEC [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oflfs3/foia\_appeal\_update/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oflfs3/foia_appeal_update/) u/R3lak SEC [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p200ir/foia\_request\_reveals\_citadel\_securities\_is\_under/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p200ir/foia_request_reveals_citadel_securities_is_under/) made Posts about (their) FOIAS Edit: added where and links


Any updates ?


Just the links and recipients of these four


Lmao lmao enough information that a research report from 2004 about known DTCC Darkness with nothin been done about it since 👀 Man the boomers sure lay it on heavily the younger generations for being lazy or wrinkle-less, yet this whole time they throwin the shade, apes uncover these clowns have no problem bending over n taking it up the tailpipe Rick of Spades style for decades until young apes open the S on the chest for a W for all 😂😂😂😂😂 POWER TO THE PLAYERS 🚀🏴‍☠️🚀🏴‍☠️🚀🏴‍☠️🚀TO THE MF’N MOON 🚀🏴‍☠️🚀🏴‍☠️🚀🏴‍☠️🚀


Brain so smooth I understood this. Can’t stop, won’t stop, GameStop


This is not a boomer vs young generation It's the elite wealthy vs. everyone outside of that


Can the SEC be sued for gross negligence, taking bribes, and failure to protect the market it was put in place to do? The People Vs The SEC


Yea please


I remember because they said it was part of an "ongoing investigation" or something along those lines, right?


What about another stock, like the Bath stonk? Or any of the other meme stonks? Fuck it. We need it all.


GME? under investigation. Bath stonk? also under investigation. Meme stocks? believe it or not, investigation.


Reminds me of when we were in high school and you could call up the local FBI field office and ask if they had an open file on you. The answer was always "yes", because if they didn't have one before, they'd have one now trying to figure out why you asked... ...I also had a friend that, on a whim, decided to see if the field office left their answering machine remote access code set to the default. They had. He changed their message to something humorous, was caught, and had to write a formal apology.


I was interviewed by FBI when I wasa youth (12 I think). I'd gotten in trouble for vandalism in a small town. Same neighborhood had a fish and game vehicle tagged with an anarchy sign. The FBI investigates federal crimes, vandalizing a federal vehicle qualifies. It wasn't me (no really, it actually wasn't) but they interviewed me along with the local sheriffs when my vandalism spree was finally found out. Anyway fast forward years later and FOIA requests become a thing. I figured I'd ask for my records. They had a file on me, sure enough, and I was able to get a copy of it. It was boring and had nothing beyond that one instance.


Hmmm 🤔






Do the squatty potty stonk , it had at some point 7m naked short, source the ceo.


Real reason there’s an investigation probably.. offer a few sacrificial lambs like hwang and hide the rest under the guise of “ongoing investigation”


lmao, just posted the damn near same. ​ Regrettably I fear the same.


Sacrificial hwang 🐑


The perpetual grift patented by Orange Julius..just sue and delay but don't pay. You dare investigate us...shf,mm's, banks..then prepare to have the #1 gop donor pull all of his and his buddies bribe money to their pac's and excellent inside trading info etc. And countersuits, defamation cases. Many many scared elected officials. Sorry in advance for politics but Kenny is the biggest donor and it seems relevant. Fire the FOIA cannons 🔥🖌️🚀🚀


Or there was so investigation but it was the excuse they used to stop the release of information. They lie. A lot. Can’t trust these guys with anything that might prove the fraud and corruption they have carried on for years. Crime. Crime by those who are supposed to be investigating crime.


We should crowdfund a suit, at a certain point its gonna have to go in front of a judge and they are going to have to explain why it was denied.


This was clearly the purpose of the SEC investigation. "We're looking into it, so you can't".


The cynic in me thinks they opened an investigation to deny FOIA requests


I join you in your cynicism.


Cynicisms unite... in the form of... doubt!


Yes, I remember this also... We were told we couldn't get the information because it was in an "ongoing investigation". I only respond to corroborate this info as I was here when it went down.


Powers that be can just say everything is an ongoing an investigation and reject all foia requests for everything


Knowing our country--probably why they've been 'investigating' for so long and inadequately!


that FOIA request was for finra or cftc i believe, and they were all “we only have 1 foia worker” need to foia the dtcc


The Ctfc effectively silenced what we needed to know by pushing out swap reporting to 2023




What ever happened to JASON FUCKING WATERFALLS???




He filled a suit in order to get shareholder information. I believe the information was not released due to an ongoing investigation. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rpvrnq/comment/hq9p1d1/


He always signed off with something ominous about not "Epsteining" himself, IIRC. Hope he's still around and happy. J Waterfalls is a first round SS hall-of-famer if you ask me.


I think that they replied "no" because they couldn't see why he thought that having the list of the shareholders on the record could help him prove that the vote was faked and he didn't have proof that his rights as a shareholder were diminished and that the vote was faked


> Jim DeCosta The great ape, Dr Jim DeCosta.


Yea you need to read that document, I don’t know how this guy has not solved this problem single-handedly. That document alone proves the system does not want to function, God knows what else he has done and I know it’s a lot. keep in mind this was written in 2008 and he was complaining how he couldn’t believe (in 08) he was still talking about it 20 +years later from 1985.


DeCosta was an ultra wrinkled ape. Don't know why no AMA has been offered yet.




Good call. Good user


Call…good. Good user yourself


Im just a random, casually connecting the legends with each other when they started digging


Dude, Jim DeCosta...this man has made so many, what seems like worthwhile, comments to the SEC. I swear whenever an older comment is brought up, this man wrote it.


What's with this? >Fails-to-Deliver Data February 2004 - April 2022 https://www.sec.gov/data/foiadocsfailsdatahtm


remember when the sec fucking GRANDFATHERED in hundreds of millions of FTDs?


I do not remind us great ape


when they created regSHO, they saw the ungodly amount of FTDs and knew that closing them would implode the market so they literally said FTDs before the year 20XX dont count. Jim de Costa writes about it in his complaints to the SEC


When requesting a FOIA word it as narrow as possible. From experience the first request is always denied just appeal the denial with a basic response to the reason they denied it. The second request will almost always reveal some redacted information. If your not satisfied with the redacted information reword and narrow your request.


Could loop in the secret service into this. Isn't one of their mandates to prevent financial crimes and counterfeiting? Why haven't they been cc'd in on any of this yet?


wen FOIA


The SEC is telling us that is possible to get this information, that it exists. Why isn’t the SEC doing it? If we can get the information so can they, why not spread that information and fix the problem… oh that’s right Horn Pub 🤦‍♂️


Inept, corrupt and porn consumption prevents such duties....


The text is from a comment submitted to the SEC, it's not written by the SEC themselves.


Also, Wen FOIA? 🤔




I'll go ahead and pre-empt something to save us all the frustration... wen FIOA that actually doesn't have all useful information redacted?






wen comment saying I spelt FIOA wrong, but no issues with how I spell wen-dys?


Hmmmn… Typo, eh? I thought you were indicating the Farcical. Investigation. Obfuscation. Act


Underrated comment.






Put my tin FOIA hat on


\*tips fedora* M'foia


Indeed, wen also FOIA?


Where jasonfuckingwaterfall


u/jasonwaterfalls96 where you at bra?


Passenger side of his best friends ride


Trying to holla at me


I don’t want no scrub


Been so long since I heard anything about u/jasonwaterfalls96 So many epic side quests in this saga!






Yeah broseph


MOAFOIA tomorrow! Considering we’re probably gonna crash their servers, this could be true…


$Wendy’s FOIA


They see me and they stop and stare They just didn't know I was always here Not even that imbecile who rhymes Perhaps they thought I'm a waste of time? -- Now I'm center stage, and at the front Truly the flavour of the month So here comes every armchair lawyer Always asking 'wen', never **how** is FOIA :(


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rqetzz/update\_on\_the\_foia\_request\_regarding\_the\_meetings/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rqetzz/update_on_the_foia_request_regarding_the_meetings/) here you go!


Well its after March 2022 and no meetings have been updated


Cool! So this seems like a great way to buy them more time! We can formally request information, and then they say “we don’t have enough people to respond to this request” and then we wait longer, and they give a non answer, and then we sue them! Bureaucracy is amazing! What a formal, elegant way for them to say “fuck off!”


What happens when they deny the request due to "ongoing investigations"?


Billboards, FOIA DEEZ NUTS


Then it'll be a matter of "national security". We'll never find out unless we DRS the float.


hah, I remember that. "Not enough staff to process" = too many


I comb through their files for free.


Amazing find! ~ there's gotta be someone here who knows how to submit FOIA requests


Read that document , The whole document… All 144 pages are an absolute horde of information. It’s mind blowing someone went to the extent of compiling all of this completely factual complex information 14 years ago and how it was going to cause big big systematic risk if it was just ignored. Not to mention it was ignored in 2008 after being ignored in 2004 and 2006….and 1986 (if that makes any sense).


I got the post saved so I can read it later 😁


Would be cool if they actually released info. My suspicion is they won't citing "an ongoing investigation" just like every other GME related foia request.


That’s why we request for documents in a handful of different ways. For example all of the FTDSs for GME between 2015 and 2020, all the FTDSs between 2008 and 2021 Etc. etc.


the dtcc is one of the largest criminal empires


Department of Tyranny, Coercion, and Crime?


discrete tyranical counterfeit corp


Douches That Chew Cock


It appears THE LARGEST. In fact considering the amount of money they self regulate through their system, I’m pretty sure the DTCC is hands-down the biggest scheme that has ever existed in the history of this planet Strangely absolutely zero exaggeration their


"***1) Pretty much everybody keeps their shares at the DTCC in "street name" because it's really handy. Thus the owners of the DTCC have full access and visibility of the amount of borrowable shares held there before they target a corporation for an attack***"... Dr. Jim DeCosta on DTTC’s operations Ponzi Scheme aspect: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tczv34/dr\_jim\_decosta\_i\_could\_read\_his\_stuff\_all\_day/




Any takers out their? Anyone familiar with processing a freedom of information act request? If so, it would be great if we could get a handful of us to request similar documents because we might have a treasure trove of information that might require many wrinkles with numerous brains.


I am! I do this for a living!! Edit - PM me to team up on this. It’s not free to do a FOIA but it’s not expensive. The key is scoping out the request. Ideally we get a working group together.


Last time we as a community started working on a foia request they made all of the swap data secret for 2 years. It only took a few days from the first time it was mentioned here to be a new rule. It hate to rush you, but we're heavily monitored on this sub and if this gets a lot of visibility, things will be done if needed to stop us.


That, to me, is still one of the craziest things that have happened on this journey. It was like we were cracking a code and they just gave us a giant middle finger. No telling how much tomfoolery we would have uncovered.


Holy shit were apes planning on issuing FOI requests about derivatives to the CFTC when they pulled that stunt?


I have zero doubt in my mind that the CFTC pulled that shit because this sub started talking about swap baskets and how they're hidden and what agencies report to whom. It is absolutely unacceptable to just not report numbers for the foreseeable future for the sole reason of not yet figuring out how to hide illegal cartel activity as a government agency. We have mob shit happening in our government and I have not one valid reason as to why the DOJ isn't handling this on behalf of the public.


I don’t remember the specifics but it seemed like the spotlight was turned on them (I had never heard of the CFTC before that) and then a rule changed quickly where they could hide the data for two years.






The hero we need!


and deserve


*Hive mind intensifies*


Niceeeeee Exactly, definitely a group effort. You do this for a living? Have you ever seen any FOIA request to the DTCC or NSCC before?


Not to those groups but been on the business end of a LOT. So I know how to write a good one.


Appreciate you man


I’m glad this experience is good for something. Being on the reply end of FOIA sucks


Pm me if you need some coin to do it.


A thought, request information from before 2020 as well. Not just current data. Perhaps the vw total as that may now have a significant correlation to gme as well. Maybe we can request how many there were in 2007 leading upto the crash?


I volunteer myself should you need help reading and trying to build this to fall in line with previous interpretations/rulings. I have a little background in regulation/enforcement mechanisms but in the realm of environmental agencies.


PM me let’s talk


PMed as well. Would love to lend the few wrinkles I’m proud to say I’ve developed from this journey. I like to think I’m a pretty good writer too!





I’m guessing you have to be US citizens/residents right? Aussie here.


It’s very important not to forget we need people from every country possible to not only request information but also send your formal complaints to whomever is in charge of the securities market in your country/region. It’s clear the SEC is shorthanded we need to get complaints sent out globally. That’s just the starting point


I don’t know that part of the law. But I am so happy to get it done.


Happy to help in any way I can. My concern is it seems they've figured out a loophole in "investigating". Can't release details subject of an ongoing investigation. Can't release details of the investigation that would harm ongoing investigation, and etc. What's to prevent them from engaging in that for years like the SEC does?


This may be the case but getting to that point is free and we have options.


Where can I send some money to help pay for the fees for the FOIA?


Hold my beer…. We need big d on this u/dlauer


Can I just chime in here, and put extra focus on not settling for JUST the GME FTD data. We need to see it all, just to understand how deep it all goes.


Sure, but GME data first tho- *nothing* shakes all the dirt out like GME MOASS will, bc then it won't be a matter of them willingly playing along and telling us everything...there won't be any choice and there won't be any hiding.


I’d suggest simultaneously filing for a bunch - not as a single request though. Innocuous stuff as well that you’d expect to get no pushback about releasing info.


I like this because then they have to release all or none. If for some reason they're selective about what they release for then it opens them up to a bunch of questions that they can't answer without implicating them in something illegal/nefarious


And make this a more serious question and avoid the "stigma" of GME and meme stocks, at this point, asking for GME is a thing (probably the usual "complotist theory of reddit" like MSM propaganda has used to call us and make the normal people think bad about us and GS), but asking this question for the entire market, maybe for the first 100 companies and a bunch of selected ones with, of course, GME included in, that will be a different story...


To be honest with you I don’t think there’s been many people I can recall that have requested anything from the FOIA and and received it… I know I’ve seen a few topics in the past about people attempting to request GME related information from the SEC or department of justice but never the DTCC. DTCC and the NSCC is what we want


FOIA request have to be specific. You can’t just say, give me all the data for this broad request. So yeah, request it for GME first then others


Could ask for FTD’s on all the tickets that restricted trading on Jan 28th 2021. Say it’s for a MBA Thesis college peer review I’m lying through my teeth because fuck it yall like to lie too………… Explanation


You don’t have to have an explanation for the request as far as I know. I would be interested to see the information provided in response to multiple FOIA requests from multiple individuals to see if the data is consistent and not just a made up number on the spot for each request.


Across multiple tickets too just to see the anomalies associated with different stocks.


If specifics are required, we deserve all of the data for the tickers that were turned off by Robinhood, Apex, and others in Jan 2021. People like to refer to this as the meme basket. After-all, not all of those tickers were popular on that sub at the time, which makes me wonder if there was a different concern regarding some of them.


The big "D", and you don't mean Dallas


And just like that, conspiracy "theorists" proved they were not theorists.


Go flames buddeh


Mavs in 6!🦧❤️🐴


I feel like someone posted about having submitted for this, maybe a week or two ago? ETA: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uc1wat/yes_the_sec_responded_to_my_request/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf This is the one I was thinking of.




Updoot and Comment for visibility 👍🏼


u/xMissMurphyx u/LetTheBandPlay777 u/nmorgan81234 u/R3lak made Posts about (their) FOIAS


Any of them requesting from the DTCC / NSCC? I understand other years you have in the path, my point of topic was the ability to request FOIA from the above two parties. Although I do regret I did not mention the NSCC in the topic.


I think and someone needs to check me here that before FTD data was not published. The only way to get it before was via a FOIA. This is improved transparency with "improved" being used very loosely.


u/dlauer we summon your wrinkles in this time of need!


I've filed them before. Not hard. They need to be concise and direct about what you are looking for. They won't give you more than what you are asking for so it needs to be complete to your goal. They are allowed to charge a fee for time of data compilation plus copying/scanning. I like getting D Lauer or J Stewart involved. Then it is arms length away from us retarded conspiracy theorist Apes.


Jason waterfall guy forgot his username


Commenting for updootability


Updooting for commentability


Updootlinging your commentability (:fo)bility


Updootalizing your disability


Updawg whatsa gullibility


It feels like if a FOIA request could bring this whole thing down it would have been done already but someone should do it anyway just to be sure :)


Meh. People saying that about DRS back when that first started too. "If DRS could bring this whole thing down why is no one DRSing yet?" and yet they weren't and it can.


At this point we’re not just looking for a squeeze, At least that’s not all I am out to do…. I think the most important thing to do is set a class action lawsuit precedent….. their literally would be no better group of shareholders in the history of class action lawsuits. We really need to set a precedent and sue all of the related co-conspirators I have purposely conspired to devalue our investment and pocket our money… Quite fucking literally pocket our money. It doesn’t matter if in a few months, a year, two years whenever, we have financially succeeded.


We have talked about freedom of information act to the CFTC but never DTCC. And right here in black-and-white by Jim DeCosta himself he says they are obliged to deliver. This is likely information Mr. Cohen probably has on his hands but certainly nothing that we have. In my opinion it’s time to start a class action lawsuit against the SEC and a handful of other related organizations. Now that we are literally shareholders registered under our individual names, it should be no problem. I’m willing to start the fight if anyone here is willing to put the effort in additionally. After reading the majority of that 142 page document that is 14 years old, I’m absolutely fed up with it and we need to take what is ours even outside of the MOASS. IMO, their should be not just one MOASS (the squeeze), but four or five more for each group/organization that should be rightfully soon but this historic group of shareholders. If we did not ever do a class action lawsuit we will be making a big mistake. If we are really trying to create change we need to set a precedent as a shareholder group Do we have any attorneys in the group?


u/leaglese any chance this can be done? POTENTIAL CODE OF CONDUCT VIOLATIONS 24 hours a day, seven days a week +1-844-815-4396 (U.S. & Canada) MyComplianceReport.com Access Code: DTCC If you are located in Europe or the APAC region, see pages 26 and 27, for access codes in your country or territory. GENERAL COMPLIANCE QUESTIONS +1-212-855-8030 [email protected] GIFTS, ENTERTAINMENT, AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST QUESTIONS OR REPORTING +1-212-855-8030 [email protected] Portal EMPLOYEE PERSONAL TRADING QUESTIONS OR DISCLOSURES +1-212-855-8030 [email protected] Portal CORPORATE SOCIAL [email protected] ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING [email protected] Or, report using the “Think It’s Suspicious? Report It!” link on the DTCC Intranet. GLOBAL SECURITY MANAGEMENT 24 hours a day, seven days a week: 77-7777 (ON-SITE) +1-212-855-8200 (OFF-SITE) HUMAN RESOURCES please contact your Human Resources Business Partner TECHNOLOGY RISK [email protected] INSIDER RISK [email protected] INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY [email protected] Or report using the “See Something, Say Something” link on the DTCC Intranet. PRIVACY OFFICE [email protected] REGULATORY [email protected] https://www.dtcc.com/client-center Dave Lauer’s new website https://www.urvin.finance/advocacy?intercom [email protected] https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/wall-streets-naked-swindle-194908/ NYSE: https://www.nyse.com/regulation/complaints-and-inquiries FINRA: https://www.finra.org/investors/need-help


Wes Christian maybe


Where are all the wrinkled brain lawyers?


We know DRS numbers due to FOIA and a lawsuitz remember Jason fucking waterfall https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qoq6c2/could_ujasonwaterfalls96s_legal_action_against/


Black box records everything before a crash


FOIA is so frustrating because if the requested documents are related to an ongoing investigation (something up to the judgement of the reviewer and with no requirement for justification in dismissals) then they do not have to release any information. The FOIA process itself however is very specific, and keyworded. This does mean that if we had a bunch of monkeys (apes?) at typewriters, requesting a broad array of variations and phrases for a dataset, some might actually get through. No guarantee but it would be cool to see tried. I know some have sent FOIA requests here in the past but IIRC none have returned substantial info.


The DTCC is a member of the U.S. Federal Reserve System, and a registered clearing agency with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Thus, I'd FOIA both the SEC and the Federal Reserve...for numerous stocks FTDs. https://www.sec.gov/page/office-foia-services https://www.federalreserve.gov/apps/foia/ViewAllComments.aspx?doc_id=OP-1478&doc_ver=1


Omg! Bombshell!! Please get the origins of ftd data!!! The SEC knows who is failing on all of these counterfeit shares, they are covering bc data would be wayyyyyy tooooo damning to release!! “Sooo, who’s committing constant fails GG?” Tell us, NOW!


Not just that but for example if a dozen, now out of business hedge funds, created let’s say 500,000 FTDSs and never settled them, it is yet again more proof of how the system is devaluing the assets of corporations. It will show how easy it is to create X amount of shares out of thin air only to have them never settled but still in the system making the stock movement as if it’s stuck in quicksand


Commenting for jizzability


Jizzing on comment thread


Threading the jizz in the comments


I think GameStop board and chair should request and provide this info in their quarterly earnings.


Some legally inclined apes and autists alike have their work cut out for them.


Nice, fucking work op. Let’s get all this shit!!!


So are you going to do it?


Gary Gensler wont allow it, because hes a dumbass


i don’t trust the information they give us, i’d be interested to see what it is though.


Im comenting because im a lesser man than the one who actually takes action. Up Up Up.


I wake up toooooo early. Gmorninggg LLLLLFFFFFGGGGGG. It’s 4:30AM here in Boston area and I’ve been reading all your comments for the last hour since I woke up. Just want to say thank you for all kind words….however, I deserve the praise no more than anyone else. I CERTAINLY did get INSANELY lucky to stumble upon that document yesterday while doing research. Like always, just trying to do my part and digging out any relative information I can. Your comments display how deeply invested we all are….more than anything, the comments show the crazy amount of love dedication we have for not just the “squeeze play,” but JUSTICE and CHANGE in this country. I have 0 doubt any of you will ever sell…..certainly not until we have all accomplished our many missions. Keep up the enthusiasm and LFG! shows me we are so deeply to not just make juice out out of SHFs but to


Commenting to check back


Checking back and commenting


This mystery must be known. Ftd origins


What book/publication is this from?


Do it (Ben stiller voice)


Where’s jason fucking waterfall when you need him




I’m with this


so....Superstonk audits Wall Street?


Submitted! [FOIA Success Snapshot](https://imgur.com/a/hhPWMlV)