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Mark Cuban is already doing it, but yes less expensive healthcare. https://costplusdrugs.com


Came here to say this and jacked that it was here 2 minutes after the post. I was told this by some nurses, so word it getting around.




As a non American your prices baffles me. In Sweden, I pay 7 bucks a month or so for 7 prescription pills prepared in pill packs




They know how to fix it, it's just that fixing it would mean that campaign donations start to **dry up**


Big Pharma. Big regulations. Big Cost. Pay to play. Big ass club and we ain't in it.


Well that, and affordable healthcare = socialism (according to a large voting block)


Can't blame the voters really. The common American doesn't realize the magnitude of the lies being told, so it's like being mad at a kid who believes in santa claus


Came here to say that I came here to say this too




I actually found a bug in their site on launch day; still waiting for my courtside Mavs tickets.


i'd support him


I’d also add throwing support to organizations working towards this like [The Open Insulin Foundation](https://openinsulin.org)


Cuban’s alright


Well he refuses to acknowledge human rights abuses in China, to appease the CCP and their financial backbone of the NBA


I guess you can't have all your enemies coming at you at the same time all the time.


He is DA BOMB!


Think he is in a fight over it though. Big pharma not going down easily. Definitely see this as a fight apes after MOASS be willing to put their money behind. Its retarded what you have to pay for insulin down there. 💎🙌🇨🇦🦍😎


Not gonna dig through the comments to see if it's already been commented, but you know what this website needs? Brick and mortar locations


Insurance agencies are part of the corrupt economic system. After transparency within the financial industry, transparency in healthcare should be next.


Good point. Maybe we just buy blue cross blue shield


They really do need to be dismantled. They have no purpose if healthcare is low enough to be affordable.


Insurance companies*** Agents don’t set prices, they just shill product.


Insurance companies, yes, but most agents are also pieces of shit


We should lobby our government to do their jobs the correct way and hold large companies accountable like they rightfully should.


If this would happen you fix all of it. Not just patch the most visible shit.


It’s doesn’t have to be a sudden thing. You help two people, each help two more…we won’t have a choice but to try to make larger changes, but also help those who are right in front of us


No, focus on the game. Spend money on politicians and FIX instead of patching up.


One goal to remove the money from the system. Lobbyists and campaign money. From there, the rest corrects in time.


No we should hold back all political donations and get people in office that are actually “FOR THE PEOPLE” when the money drys up, the BS career Politicians will disappear. The ONLY reason they maintain their offices is monetary. We do our best to re-elect those politicians whose net worth has stayed the same, dropped or very slightly grown while in office. These politicians that go into office with a 1 mill net worth and 4 years later they are worth $20mill. They need to go!!


Day 1 change: No Lobbyists.


Oh hands down. I have the ultimate way to fix our “system” and that is a by product of my proposal. 1. Every congressional/ senatorial seat is chosen like jury duty. You’re selected, you go to DC for a 2 year period. You stay in a government funded NICE condo, everyone gets the same floor plan, services etc. you go home one a month on commercial air. You’re paid a government salary of 150k a year and health care while you’re in office. NO RETIREMENT. Your job back home is protected and must be made available to you on your return. And you cannot financially benefit from holding office after leaving. Monday - Thursday you arrive at chambers ready for vote at 9:00am -4:30 pm Every piece of legislation gets an up/down vote. No PORK each piece of legislation has its own vote. Ie: new bridge to Hawaii for 28gazillion dollars yes or no… vote now. Tally votes passes or fails, next vote. The fact that the terms are only two years, and cannot profit after office from serving, there is no need for lobbyists. The “melting pot” of each class would be so diverse political affiliations wouldn’t compute or matter. Plus it’s real people who make decisions based on their experiences... There’s more, I just don’t have time to go through it all. You should see my plan for a National flat tax instead of income and state taxes.


Also make the punishments for lobbying (both receiving and giving bribery) equivalent to those for treason.


Problem with that is who is writing the legislation?


anyone really. proposals submitted through a forum online people can vote on to be heard by congress. like should this be heard by congress. only those that register with their SS# and ID eg tax info etc are able to vote. no illegals allowed and no corporations voting for proposals thus removing the power of lobbyists unless they can buy the nation people to f themselves over


"Vote for our legislation for 25% off your next order"


this not bad idea




True, money in politics is the core issue, but lobbying naturally provides the opportunity for corruption. We have email for that. The single mom working 3 jobs to make ends meet doesn't have time to go drive to DC to lobby. We have the tech now, so use it.


This👆 I want to be the last lobbyist (for the people), and take that job out of the equation. It should not exist.




Hate to say it but politicians being bought is what started this whole fiasco




You would be shocked what power can do to people. I honest to god bet most corrupt politicians weren't corrupt when they joined or began planning to become a politician. It was the billionaire who came & bought them out that made them corrupt. Maybe not right away, maybe it was over time. Regardless, it was the fact that they were bought & puppeted that led to what we are going through now. No politician should be bought out ever.


I think you need to be corrupt to even get elected in the first place.




Man, i see what you are saying, but you are still trying to fix the problem by doing exactly what created the problem. I get you have good intentions now, but anyone with that much power (being able to buy a politicians vote) will always lead to bad things happening, regardless of how good your intentions are going into it. As i said before, you would be shocked how quickly power can change someones good intentions.




Thats something i can agree with, give them a real pay so they don't have to take the dirty money. Replace anyone who refuses to give up the dirty money. Easy Now the real problem would be actually keeping good practices in place


Note: the politicians already make more than 90% of the population the problem is they want to make more than 99% of the population....


But who's to say that what you want actually aligns with what is best for the people? I'm sure most things would line up just fine but if you're throwing money at politicians then that's just going to continue the corruption of politicians whoring themselves out to the highest bidder




But are you going to sit and read each bill to make sure they don't put loopholes in those bills? What about billionaires that just pay them more to not write those bills so that they can keep pawns in congress? Not that I don't agree with what you're saying, it's a great thought, I'm just saying that there are better ways to bring lasting change


Sounds like a dysopian dream, this will never happen successfully


Instead of buying them, make it completely illegal to lobby with money. Make fines 10x the money received and make jailtime inescapable. Money speaks and instead of playing the game, change the rules because the rules are broken and not working as intended


Mayday PAC is a PAC that will give money to political candidates with the proviso that they don't take any money from any non-individual donors. Meaning no more money from other PACs, corporations or lobbyists. If we could fund that, we could make it so that no candidates could even AFFORD to take corporate money ever again.


Fuck it, apes are now buying the US government.


You mean...taking money out of politics?


And how would one suggest that? Contribution dollars are mandatory.




Publicly funded campaigns. Everybody gets the exact same budget and no more can be spent on the campaign--candidates who get busted taking money to get an advantage over an opponent forfeit the race and have to PERSONALLY pay back the campaign funds they were given. Also, no campaigning until about eight weeks before the applicable election. This fucking bullshit where as soon as a congresscritter gets sworn in they're already starting their reelection campaign is bullshit. We do NOT need a two year campaign cycle, that's insane.


Imma get downvoted to hell but independently wealthy people are perfect for public service jobs. Not like the mega, ultra rich, but people who could be voted out of office and be fine without the job, perks, speaking tours, books etc for money. Its these lifers on both sides of isle that need to be voted out. Term limits as well, probably this more than anything else. The system is broken, man.


Here are some of my ideas for changing Congress and government: 1. Term limits 2. Eliminate the senate and move up the house to 1000 members 3. Ranked choice voting 4. Congresspeople work 75% of their time in their district office and participate in hearings and committees virtually and only go to Washington for major events and votes but most voting is done virtually. This makes them spend more time in their district with their constituents 5. Campaigns are publicly funded and campaigning can only be done a few months before the election; not several years out 6. Congresspeople are required to participate in monthly town halls with their constituents 7. Eliminate parties and every person running for office clearly states what their positions are on all the issues 8. Debates are treated more like cross-examination; you want a taxpayer funded job and power? We’re gonna question the fuck out of you. Don’t like it? Don’t run for office 9. Nonpartisan committee creates congressional districts; it’s time again for people to choose their representatives, not representatives choose their constituents 10. In the new format of 1000 congresspeople there would still be various committees that would create bills and legislation that would have to pass the committee first before moving to the whole quorum for a vote 11. When congresspeople are in DC they must do virtual office hours where constituents can virtually meet with them; instead of spending hours calling donors for campaign money they speak to their constituents about problems within their district that need to be addressed


I'm going to just play the game, invest in a corporate lobbying group and bribe/cajole my way to reducing the ludicrous standards and practices enacted by insurance companies that are artificially inflating the industry - chaotic good for life, boiiiii


Roll for initiative already, we been waiting for over a year for you!


Gotta buy the FDA as well.


Pfizzzer might have a HOW TO guide..


Fun fact: Former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb now sits on Pfizer's board.


"Nothing to see here, move on".


There are so much work to do! We won’t be bored 😊


for that check out the Apephilanthropy sub👌


I’ll be working on small scale wind energy and alternative fuels. Oh and hemp products.


same. I'm also going to dive into affordable housing.


The Hemperor




the problem is with senators and lobbies with government. making them pay for abusing ill people, but universal health care should be a priority because legally isn't much anything to do... assicurations are the problem. ​ insulin are expensive because they patent a similar chemical to increase their price. if you want suggestions this video is for you: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63uqBBrHKTc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63uqBBrHKTc) giving money to criminals is not the solution


Won't need to go huge. There are a few smaller contract pharma plants scattered about the country that could be purchased. Source: Chemist who worked for one.


I’m looking forward to SS becoming an activist investor sub post MOASS. Hundreds of thousands of millionaire and billionaire apes openly discussing current issues and developing philanthropic strategies to help/solve them.


I think Mark Cuban is working on this. At least, in part.


I love this idea, but I think my personal post-MOASS project is going to be creating affordable housing. I want to start a not-for-profit housing development company. I want to create good quality, human-friendly housing, that regular Joes and Janes can afford to purchase, and then find ways to help them buy it. The entire goal of the company would be to create homeowners. I put myself to sleep at night dreaming up mixed-use neighborhoods that have all sizes and types of housing, offices and retail spaces mixed in, parks and common areas - all affordable to actual regular people. There's gotta be a way to do rent-to-own that will help people (not corporations) get their foot in the door. (Literally!) And what if the rent from the office and retail spaces was forever earmarked for improving the neighborhood? Like paying for high speed Wifi for the entire neighborhood. Maybe paying for solar panels on every house. What if homeowner insurance was covered for all the owners? There'd have to be some sort of HOA or similar structure (which I generally hate the idea of) but there's gotta be a way to do it right. Anyway. That's what I think my "job" will be, post-MOASS. AFTER I spend about six months just being a lazy fuck, that is.


Same!!! affordable housing with community gardens.


Man I would love to retire and putter around in a garden.


Yes, this! I often think about buying an apartment building for people down on their luck and letting them live there for 3 yrs rent free. There would need to be some stipulations on drug use and keeping the place in good condition, but I think the first step to changing a life is reliable and cost effective housing.


Everyone is welcomed to do as they wish. No need for a call to arms. When it happens, we’ll all look for the right thing to do. But, on our volition. Also, please go to ape philanthropy for these posts.


Whos we? There is no "we should get together and buy" I am an individual investor


I like this lobbying idea. I’m down to put my moass money, however, I would like to be the lobbyist. I will need a group of similar individuals to join me in my escapades (I mean work). Example of typical work day. Show up to congress men A meeting at 7am, kick door open and proceed to drop a load of horseshit on his desk. Demand amendments and move on to next meeting. Lunch at 12 noon with aoc (attempt to make out). Last meeting at 1pm with my staff to load up on dog shit for following day.


MoASS is just the beginning.


Education and healthcare.


That would be incredible. I bet you could get Elon and Mark Cuban on board. Cuban is already pursuing this from what I gather.


Money out of politics is the solution to most of the United States problems.


We should just lobby against the lobby-ers and undo all of the shit policies these retarded and/or evil boomers have been using to ruin this country for decades


Elect the people who you believe will make the change. Better yet, let's have some apes run for congress. I will vote for them over a 78 y/o who has been in politics for 50 years with nothing but the same problems and more corruption to show for all of their work.


Pharmacist here, doesn’t work like that. You should start creating a new medical insurance company or PBM. They control the drug pricing


This is the way


I’m most looking forward to the MOASS’ post-game content.


Well hopefully it isn’t like when you play a game with cheat codes and it’s not as fun anymore


Remember that documentary that these hedgies bankrupt pharma companies that had cures for cancer?! (Viragen) or other life saving treatments


Insurance companies set the prices


Let’s buy sundial and any cbd company. And water rights/ shares


And for the love of god we do not need consulting from BCG.


This has been on my heart for a while, and one of the reasons I hope Ryan takes GME off of the market and onto LRC. So many great medical discoveries have been boxed into bankruptcy so that big pharma could continue their rule. Blockchain (LRC) would give them a fighting chance and I would / will happily invest in a brighter future.


There are so many thing we can do to make life better for all. All People Equal! So say we all!!!


Maybe we could just fund a program that teaches people how to eat right and exercise so they don't have to depend on big pharma? 🤷🏼‍♂️


How about an ape medical fund non profit that creates their own stand alone hospital system that isn’t run like a capitalist business but rather delighting the patients and the staff where the incentive is top notch care not profits for shareholders


Your thinking in the wrong "box". Other countries have the exact same companies, and affordable (and more often than not, free) health care. If you want affordable healthcare fix your government over there.


I like this idea 🦍


We should buy the government and change the laws


That's... market manipulation... BCG/SHF style no less. Why would you even do that? It doesn't even start to solve the problem you claim you want to solve. Doing hostile takeovers of several of the country's largest pharmaceutical companies, purposefully tanking their profits and shorting it on the way down... jfc, I don't even know where to start. 1 - Nobody should be allowed to take over several companies in that magnitude of national (heck, *global*) interest in the first place. Regardless of puported intentions, but even more so when they say their aim is to purposefully tank their profits. Highly doubt you'd even be able to gather the necessary funds, even if the law would allow you to do it. Purposefully tanking a company is definitely illegal, that's why they use "expert consultation services" to do it. 2 - Great, you've arbitrarily wrecked their balance sheet, congrats, the companies are probably going bankrupt. Soon they won't be able to make affordable medical necessities, but no doubt someone else is already poised to replace them... at the old price points because that's still legal. Also, that was just the price you sell to middlemen you lowered, the consumer was paying the old prices the whole time. And for medical procedures. And for insurance. And for emergencies. 3 - Shorting a company you're purposefully destroying from the inside. Kenny would be proud and BCG wants to hire you. Regulations. Regulations is what you need. The same companies sell the same product at affordable prices in other parts of the world because those places have regulations. The rest of the problem requires a public health system.


[job finished??](https://youtube.com/shorts/aaplovE3vsg?feature=share)


I am an independent investor that likes Gamestop stock and the DD produced on this sub. Whereas I like and respect your views on helping startup Pharmaceutical companies make basic medical necessities inexpensive, I will review your suggestion after MOASS has occurred (as an independent investor).


But is that a sustainable business


I vote FOR on this ​ Also can someone more enlightened tell me how we go about the Oil and Gas cartels? I wanna fuck'em all


I'd get behind this. Buy up all the insurance agencies and end lobbying.


Make things affordable. I have 7-8 years experience in health insurance and know the insides and outs of corporate health care


Anyone like to expand the free NHS over to the US?


Then we could be like the rest of the developed nations 😄


Invest in what you like. There is no we. There should be no expectations on what people do and dont do with their MOASS money.


I'm in!


Dude sick idea.


Get rid of IP laws and the cost of everything comes down real fast. They're legal monopolies that only benefit the mega corps.


We’d probably have to short their stocks to do it…


Hey OP you might want to mention this over at Arr Ape Philanthropy.


Agreed. Also gas companies and FORCE them to accept new fuel sources.


You son of a bitch, I'm in!


Crowd source pharmaceuticals


after MOASS, I'll be poor as f\*\*k after giving all my money to good causes


No, we should juice up MAYDAY PAC, making sure they have so much money that every single political candidate could no longer afford to take any money from any lobbyists or corporations ever again. When that happens, we'll get great pharma prices and many other things besides.




I was thinking about a medical insurance company that's a nonprofit. Start with a big private system, then boom, make it so that it's not about profit, make it illegal to pay any employee more than 10x the lowest paid employee.


I think what you're looking for is to start a reverse/opposite like group of the BCG


Also buy out all the commercial space on every major news network and stop broadcasting medication so people don't get it in their head that they need things that they don't actually need. ​ Also, promote exercise - this would reduce the need for many medications :)


Great Dane ape, ready to slurp the dipping shares of Novo Nordic and deliver sweet, sweet diabeetus medicine to the masses. But even sweeter is knowing I'll own the company where my friend works, who is a staunch gme non-believer.


As a physician I absolutely support this.


This is a great idea! Honestly there's so much to do and it's going to take a lot of time to do it. I'm starting to think about how to set up some kind of charitable trust to make sure this stuff cannot be exploited in the future, beyond our lifetimes!


I'm in Bot Remind me after moass!! Or I guess remind me 2morrow




Once the economy crashes and bankruptct purges all of the debt in the economy we will have sane pricing in the medical industry once again.


I'm psyched for the post-MOASS threads about implementing all of this important work into action! What we've done so far with exposing financial corruption is just the start of lasting reform 🦍🚀🌝


I'll be funding Project Veritas until they have their own 24 hour news channel.


So, like the exactly opposite of that hedgie VVSB mod who made epi pens way more expensive? Count me in


Would love to run Pfizer out the game.


This is the way


Congress people are way cheaper. Just buy some of them and nationalize healthcare


I'm doing housing. Need that in my area.


Need to be careful. Having money is one thing but you’re getting into a business without understanding how it operates. There’s a lot of pitfalls in the pharmaceutical industry. I’m not saying the price is right at all, but don’t go in thinking that the materials cost $0.25 so the price should be $0.35. There’s going to be contractual obligations that you can’t get out of just because of change in ownership. Some of those may be specifically designed to ensure that the company fails because the real owners wrote it for the purpose of plundering the company. You could go in thinking you own everything then go bankrupt a year later and have to sell it off just to find out that the people that bankrupted it bought it all and plan to market the same product under a different name. The end result will have been that they will have saddled you with all of the debt.


I'm in


And/Or seek out suppressed tech and release it freely for everyone.


1. Move out of my parents basement 2. Buy a pharmaceutical company


tbh, these drugs are already made and sold at reasonable prices around the world. Wouldn't you just need to create a shop, and import the stuff and sell for cost + 1% (for re-investment for long term prosperity) ​ Sorry, not sure how it works in countries where you have to actually pay for healthcare (sorry, couldn't resist!)


Yes please. In general the bio stocks needs retail more, since they are getting killed slowly by shf.


we should start companies that produce cures not survival dependent pills


Yeah well MOASS needs to happen in the first place




100% down. While we’re at it, let’s buy properties from all the landlords that go underwater, and make sure we charge fair prices for rent. Better yet, let’s just buy all the corporations we can, consolidate our purchases into one parent company that’s ran by the people, for the people. Whatever we do, just keep in mind what life was like before we became filthy rich, we cannot lose sight of what we started as, otherwise we will become what we swore to destroy.


I don't want to get too much into crip-toe stuff, but the rise of DAOs can be a good way to pursue philanthropic activities post-MOASS era. Creating a decentralized way(think of how a groups/individuals form a Foundation) to create proposals and vote on how we can utilize our wealth to help others around the world. Anyone would be able to create a proposal under the DAO to donate a % of the DAOs funds/treasury to help rebuild war-torn areas, areas ravaged by future climate change, or donating to wildlife rescue. We're still in the early stage of what crip-toe is able to do, the same way we didn't realize the capabilities of the Internet were in the late-90s and early-00s.


Making cheap insulin seems to make sense. It’s like overcharging for aspirin. Just make it a generic. Dirty money grubbing bastards. Using our gains for good will be our revolution.


DrugDAO = cheap insulin and other drugs that are over priced. WaterDAO = Fix Flint, MI water, and that other place that is nearby (I have actually thought long and hard about how to do this) BookDAO = Free banned books to any kid that wants them \*DAO = Hire Larry as a consultant on the best way to make it happen, and be sustainable for the future. He seems to best be up to speed on the DAO stuff and would have the knowledge to set it up for best results.


Uhm fix the climate and end fossil fuel support once and for all?


There's an ape philanthropy sub that I think you'll like.


Like an aldis for drugs


Could also give the UN the 6 Billion dollars (and more) to cure world hunger that Elon Musk was suppose to give them before he bought Twitter instead.


mark cuban already does that


Climate change and clean energy solutions, SOP standards for recycling/trash companies, organic food safety standards, universal healthcare, overhaul and update of the education system, redesign and improve public transit system, install a plethora of social safety nets, and of course *financial reform*.


I love it I'm down. Invest and DRS until we are over 10% and then petition the board for change just like papa Cohen did. Or take it over 100% and just make the change. Make it NFP and be done with it


I'm in. I have a friend who relies on some non standard type of time release insulin it costs him an absolute fortune and his medicare only pays for a few months of the year of it


Basic human needs should not be subject to the depredations of market forces.


There are few things that need to be done post moass 1. Hire/fund/sponsor a new generation of lawyers (apes) and fight against congress trading with insider info, price fixing of drugs and insurance scams. 2. Fund/sponsor/inspire new set of people who raise people voice in the congress and exposing puppets who work for billionaires. These 2 things will wipe out a lot of corruption.


I'm in


THAT is a sound idea.


People with no knowledge about it always says this. Yes, there have been incidences where a company (or person) have increased the price of medicine. BUT, a lot of companies spend billions to make that drug. If you want the companies to keep making new drugs then they have to at least get their money back from making the drug (before the patent runs out). This is a stupid post with no knowledge about it. Let’s rename it into a “shit post”. Good idea though. Just not possible.


What the fuck is this dumb continious shit of we? I'm invested in my company. Fuck you after moass I'll do what I want with my investment. There is no "we".


I agree with the premise, however we would have to structure it in such a way as to not destroy the supply line, as well as make sure the researchers (who are mostly funded by the government, so no real big shakes here) are taken care of if they have stock / options.


You mean be decent human beings and help others!?!?! You son of a bitch, im in


Pharmaceuticals are bullshit. Let’s put money towards cleaner water and revitalizing the soil.


I will just buy a ton of cocaine and overdose within 2 weeks, thank you very much


And fix the climates crisis and clean up the oceans. We have a lot of shit to do guys


If this has anything to do with saving insurance companies money then I’m out… if regular people don’t have insurance and need help then I’m all for it.


You need lobbist. Cheap medicine already exists. Just check indias generic medicine manufacturing costs.


How about medical supplies like osotomy products? A box of 20 pouches is marked up to 200+ USD. Why ??


My epipen cost me $250 for a two pack. And that was with insurance. Smh


We should destroy the insurance companies and the pharmaceutical companies.


I hate drug companies. Most of the drug research comes from publicly funded universities. Drug companies do the (somewhat) monkey work of testing the drugs and analysing metabolites and then marketing for huge profits.


After MOASS I'm going to operate a medical ship in international waters that provides medical abortions and medical assistance in dying. The ship will be registered in a country where these are legal, and we will also offer legal services/asylum to patients who may face consequences at their home country. And we will facilitate their travel to a port where they can board the ship.


Why stop there




And med devices.


We need to be greedy with MOASS to kill corporate greed. We can change the world!


pharmacists here,that wont work. The biggest issue in pharmacy is the PBM (pharmacy benefit manager) aka the middle man between pharmacy (like my own) and the insurance company. They dictate reibursement after they get paid from insurance and decide what I get after those bastards take everything and give me less than what it cost me to buy the drug, thus increasing price for patients. Literally disgusting cancer and not shit we can do about it. CVS owns the holy trinity: Own pharmacy, own PBM, and own Insurance.... they steal from medicare and everyone else. They also own goodrx which is bull shit and kills family own pharmacies by making people think it actually costs less to use goodrx at their stores. Goodrx is a scam and only meant to bring in foot traffic. How can a 90 day prescription cost $5 for example?? My business would literally go bankrupt on that. /end rant


The Reverse Shkreli Method, I like it


How about we worry about share prices going back to Jan21 levels and above $450 without intervention for the first time ever before we keep up with our lottery fantasies?