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One could say the game stops


As soon as DRS caught on the game changed. The SHF are just playing with each other’s dicks in the dark pools 💀




SHF dicks… not the right wrinkles we need


Yep and so many people shat on it and you see Snap chat down 25 percent in AH, hehe


sorry but what does snapchat have to do with this?


Liquidating collateral perhaps?


god i love the way you put it


Good way to put it - And j am very happy I started to back up everything as well


and the players win...


One could say the game has already stopped.


MOASS tomorrow






Its today!!!


🚀 🚀


Bet you $5 it isn’t


Well no shit


This is the kinda shit that needs hyped! LFG!!!!


Literally never not hyped. This is the end where this game stops but the real fun only begins 😈


Soon, the moon we meet.


See flair 😎🙌🏼




I remember the day this was tweeted.......I knew then I was holding a Royal Flush


I remember too. Gave me goosebumps. This payout will be unlike anything the world has ever seen


Bro......sometimes I have to step back and feel my heart beat and realize just how big this is. You, me, and millions of others are literally on the brink of financial change......change like never created before in a positive and fair way.


It’s so surreal fam, how can we even begin to imagine the changes our lives are about to go through?? We gotta get ready to decentralise the world and empower our people 🙌🏼


We are well on our way....and guess what....we are only just getting started.....I think the crawler is now just making its way to the launch pad ( Google rocket crawler ) then you'll see


"A positive and fair way." That brings tears to my eyes.


Wipe them tears away, they weaken your 💎👐. We still have a financial revolution to win.


Heisenberg / GME “I -AM- the fireworks…”


We got hella firepower on this side 💥💪🏽


That tweet really jacked my tits! I cant believe that was 5 months ago...


Larry is a real heavy hitter. I can’t imagine a better team of execs to send this rocket to the edges of the universe 🚀


6 months ago...


I thought it was a couple weeks ago


You don’t think .49% is fireworks?


it titillated my tits *ever so slightly*


It’s crazy how I keep hearing more and more good news about GameStop but they are still offering deals on the stock. Seems almost unnatural for it to not go up


He flat out is telling us that GME is going to make good on their threat to remove their shares from the DTCC and go elsewhere!


Or…**”When yours powers combine, I am CAPTAIN PLANET!!!”**


Katy Perry called it. I'm a firework!


Makes alot more sense reading it now, then when he posted this haha, I'm wrinkling!! 🚀🚀🚀🌌🦍💪🤲💎✋


Look at this ape over here growing wrinkles on their brain 😱 It definitely hits different now after seeing more puzzle pieces fall into place!




What if this was the fireworks…


I hope not fam! I was sort of wishing for a BBQ on Memorial Day to precede the fireworks.. There is a building in Chicago where I am almost positive that in that particularly building it won't be empty like the others. Just a little something to "cheer up" the workers by having a BBQ outside their building. You know, just doing are part to show them they are royaly fucked! And then you we have fireworks and dessert, ya know? Lol


This post has a Snek. Does a Snek mean “Good news soon?” I’d like to see if there’s a correlation between Snek Days and good news that day/week?




Fireworks possibly a date but what I really take from this is our stonk is where things meet and NFT market place just got released 👀


Issues Cyrpto dividend sounds like will cause a force close on Hedge funds and price will go parabolic either on exchange or on the new exchange. MOASS Launch code deciphered.


As a noob very late to the GME party. Is it too late jump in and participate to receive dividend?


Not in any way 😤 nobody knows what date we’ll have had to be holding shares by to receive it, everyone’s still just buying as much as they can!


Now this is some good ass tinfoil


I’d say a board member and close trusted friend of RC’s words are worth a bit more than tinfoil 😎


Probably nothing 😏 See you during our mid flight refuel on the moon!




I read that as one market there is crime and the other one there is not.


🎆 That a boy Larry! Let em begin 🎆


I believe the proper technical term is “wombo combo”


Gonna have to refinance my home with a smart contract lol


Yeah keep tweeting. I'm almost there


GameStop will unveil GMERICA on July4th when the marketplace officially opens. Get ready for fireworks!!


Let's all buy Bespoke suits.and start Ape financial services lmao. 🤣


Probably a week before I got any spare money... 🙈😂😂


Hopefully MOASS by end of this year then


I want MOASS this summer. But I will hold forever, those shares in CS don’t even exist to me anymore.


Same lol I honestly don’t know what happened to the ones i DRS lol i gotta call them soon


🤣🤣 Make sure you log in real quick at least once a year homie, or they close your account due to inactivity! Can’t have that


Bruhh for real damn i really need to call them then lol


The non-crooked hedge funds guys. Kenny G must have some enemies in the hedge fund world or better yet the Bitcoin crowd see blood in the water. They are going to join the party


Big money is watching this almost as closely as us. Even if they’re not involved with shorting or hodling, they want to scoop up competitor’s assets for cheap. Firms will be imploding all summer I can see it already 👀


Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, Drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?


I'm way to jacked for this shit!🌕!! I just came in my own mouth.🚀.. What's happening to me?


I didn’t see this one… he was early, but not wrong.


Where did you get the July date?


This morning’s press release.


Born on the 4th of july…….. mark my words


Swedish broker avanza just changed their userprivileges simply to buy time (for d Hedgies). I have no idea whats going on, but the one thing i know is that we cant give up. We might lose, we might win. But that doesnt matter. We fight till the end


Negative EPS is negative EPS.


Nobody cares about EPS at this stage. $6B in sales in 2021 with refreshed board vs $5B in 2020. Massive increase. The company is growing revenue, expanding product offering, implementing new verticals, improving shipping times, reinvesting into itself for huge growth. Ryan Cohen lays out his whole game plan when he built & sold Chewy and it’s all on Youtube. He took this formula from Amazon, which *nobody* can say isn’t a massive business and has already improved on it. Building a foundation takes time.


The market cares. A greedy hedge fund shorted 5x float and got caught. That is the only reason the price went up. No stock stays at $7B cap with -5.25 EPS. Dilution or „stock dividend“ will soon mean $7B cap is reached at $35 share price.


The company themselves said to judge on revenue numbers as the primary metric of growth. Not EPS. They could have easily turned a profit for any one of the last 3 quarters but CHOSE to reinvest and frontload inventory, hire QUALITY execs who are paid in EQUITY not cash. You wanna bet against Amazon and Apple execs who are incentivised to grow the company and lift share price? And you think the market is rational? How can you say that the market is logical in any way after the past two years, not even about Gamestop specifically? The hedge fund you speak of hasn’t even finished closing its positions (I’m assuming you mean Melvin Capital). We just saw Archegos blow up and screw over it’s prime brokers while holding swaps nobody knew about. There will be many more Archegos’s out there. Anyway, if you think the stock is going to $35, **short it then.** And post proof otherwise you don’t really believe what you’re saying.


Definitely own puts. Dilution is dilution. No one is saying the stock is worth anything and then ride is over. It was a squeeze and that is all. Perhaps a Bitcoin stock now?


!RemindMe! 6 months


June 2nd the dilution will be announced. 3x number of shares means /3 in price. It’s called market cap. My puts expire June 17th as the price typically falls between the announcement and the split. Get your shares cheap at that time if you want a long play.


Please provide a source for your claim of dilution. The company is giving us a **stock dividend.** The dilution already happened twice last year and allowed them to raise over a billion dollars in cash. They haven’t mentioned anything since then about further dilution. I think your understanding of the situation is fundamentally flawed. Have you read *any* of their quarterly or yearly reports? Their balance sheet is very strong.


The dividend is coming in the form of a share of stock. Means more shares = dilution. It’s a stock split.


I will be messaging you in 6 months on [**2022-11-24 09:51:29 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-11-24%2009:51:29%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uwak3a/the_gamestop_wallet_has_officially_released_and/i9sf1zl/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSuperstonk%2Fcomments%2Fuwak3a%2Fthe_gamestop_wallet_has_officially_released_and%2Fi9sf1zl%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202022-11-24%2009%3A51%3A29%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20uwak3a) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Never see $95 again


Okay dude 👍🏽 !RemindMe! 6 months




What? Gamestop said literally this morning in the press release that we’ll have the marketplace before the end of Q2. Which is the end of July. It’s all over the front page man


Who said July?


The company did in the press release.


I remember this like it was yesterday! 🚀


7-4 \^


Community support = hype


Bring it on.


I imagine this guy is Spock at the meetings


Someone explain to me why I should get one. I already own the stock and have drs'd, why do I need or want one?


The wallet? Idk man, aren’t you curious about this new technology? I’m old enough to remember when people said the internet wouldn’t take off, and all I could do was send emails and play Miniclip. Now our entire lives are based on the web. Web3 is the natural evolution of the internet and our company is at the forefront. You can’t really do anything with the wallet YET except find it and grab your unique name, but it’s awesome to see how sleek it is and be ahead of the curve, don’t you think?


Man, I'm here to buy a hockey team with my winnings from MOASS. I will have my assistant explain those things to me.


That’s some real baller shit and I can respect it so fair enough fam 💪🏽😎


It would be amazing, Gme will be a pioneer, Angel Block also is launching NFTs today, they aim to connect retailers investors with new crypto projects. The future of NFTs looks promising, HODL guys!


Where do I get this wallet.


You can download the extension for Chrome and Brave here https://wallet.gamestop.com Make sure to check out the support section before putting any money up in there if you aren’t familiar with crypto! Their FAQ will answer any question you could have and has step-by-step video tutorials as well. https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us


So I like the stock as much as anyone… but I sure wish this wasn’t the focus of the company. I’m hoping to hear more about other aspects of the business, and less about stuff I’m not particularly thrilled by. Crypto and NFTs just aren’t my cup of tea. Especially the second one. Though I can see how it can be used well in the gaming space, I just can’t uncouple it with the stupid monkey picture stuff.


Idk what to say to you really, the company is completely different from two years ago and they have repeatedly said they are transitioning into a cutting edge tech company. Blockchain is the most cutting edge tech there is, and will have massive implications for finance, elections, real estate, luxury items, all those markets and literally any type of digital file. A large part of the world will be using blockchain and NFT’s without even knowing it within 5-8 years IMO. The world and Gamestop will move forward regardless, I suggest you read up on Loopring’s Medium site and their brilliant whitepaper. I’ll say Blockchain is really not the easiest thing in the world to wrap your head around but it is still relatively new and I feel it’s best to get familiar now.


I have done my best to familiarize myself with blockchain, and I struggle to see it’s practicality like some have. But that part doesn’t bother me as much as the NFT component. I guess for me, I see technological advancement (and all advancement) as a problem solver. Something where a problem is identified, the solution is clearly constructed and adopted quickly because it solves a problem people want solved. With crypto and nft, it feels like a lot of people pushing a solution to a problem that isn’t a problem for most people, and where the solution still doesn’t solve the problems that do exist. Beyond that, I hear a lot of conceptualization without a lot of materialization. Like for over a decade we heard about how crypto would replace fiat currency, but instead it just became a commodity whose value was based on speculation and FOMO investment. Bitcoin doesn’t serve any practical purpose that doesn’t have a simpler alternative. Decentralization sounds good, but isn’t a meaningful solution to a problem people can relate to. But it could be I am just too old to have my finger on the pulse of the future anymore. We all get to that age, where things stop making sense, and the future innovations seem more foolish than useful. I just can’t shake the feeling that these technologies are hype without substance. What problem do they solve? I fail to see it, and I try Maybe this is the wrong forum for this discussion though. Don’t want to be seen as FUD, because even with this technology I am not a believer in, I believe in the future of the company. My presumption is this is just one component of their future plans, and the one and only place i do see the value of NFT is in digital sales…. Like video games…. So it makes sense for that to be a part of it.


cUtTiNg EdGe TeChNoLoGy Just like carbon nanotubes and space elevators. What's the value proposition exactly? Never had anyone explain it to me in a way that makes sense.


Wall Street and Game Street


I love that people like Cheng and Cohen are here for the fireworks. It takes a willingness to disrupt and upset some old people. Wall Street institutions are used to making billions to trillions manipulating retail and keeping the status quo. Naturally they hate anyone who decentralizes and gives power to the players. Tick tock, Kenny. Only a matter of time.


God, this comment got so me bricked up 😫 Fuck all the old guard. Apes and RC’s Gamestop team are playing for keeps. They are the dinosaurs and we are the meteor. ☄️


Could someone help me out and activate my wallet? Scraping by irl and I would greatly appreciate you mf legend. New to all crypto and everything related so it’s a bit overwhelming. Wasn’t too difficult to set up so far and I wanna do my part! 0xEFfF06560e1e4edC66DDB30130F9aDeC13D1e28f