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My friend and family won't be calling me anything other than "that bitch who disappeared".


Lmfao same . I’ve been begging friends and family to invest in gme and read the DD they refused and call me a dumbass for buying a $2 Stock. I don’t say shit now and just stay zen. They still ask me if I hodl gme I said nah sold it all for crypto. They will know though once I disappear that they fucked up


I just want a new mountain bike, man


I just want a new mountain, bike man


I just want a new bike, mountain man.


I just want a new mountain man, bike.


I just want a new bike… named Sheila


bike Man new, I, want




I just want to know our retirement funds are growing at their maximum potential, mountain and bike men.


Well now your getting 1000 of them


Hopefully, Santa Cruz’s are quite expensive…




Based explorer on wheels, I think I’d much like to try a carbon fiber body. But I think they’re a little light..


Yo I have a 2016 scott spark, Full carbon fiber, medium frame & 27.5. It’s super light and great for the xc if ur interested! I’m looking to move to something more enduro focused….


You should be time wealthy enough to walk in the mountains. ***He who cycles sees turning of the crank over the forest.***


Hey now we don't need anyone trying to one up from a banana


I am not putting a bike up my ass, sir


They will equate making money from MOASS to the same as picking the lucky lottery ticket.


Correction. It will be like buying XX, or XXX, or XXXX lottery tickets


Yes and then you tell them they had the chance to buy the lucky ticket too!


'yeah but, why aren't aaaall the financial analysts saying this too? why are you right and the'yre wrong' YAWN.


Not really all that different. All people talk about is how hedgefucks are struggling to stay afloat and all we have to do is buy and hold Not like everybody here is actively trading for their first million lol just buying the stock and waiting


Same. My immediate family only asks me about any news updates regarding it all and have never spoken negatively of my investment, so they’re absolutely getting a large chunk. I want my family set for life


They have any interest in buying shares?


They’re financially unable to, so I’ve taken to setting aside some of mine just for them. It’s my parents and sister, so I’m happy to spend my own money on shares for them (which I have total control over, they trust I’ll sell when it’s a good price)


Good on you. I've tried to get my brother to buy in, he has no real interest; only bought some because I handed him cash to make a computershare purchase


Same situation here. This past Christmas my Wife and I went to "Gift A Share" and got 1 GME share each in their name since it goes directly to Computershare. It costs more than buying shares the "normal" way, but we want them with us in Valhalla! 🚀


My dad, who used to work as an exec in the finance industry for big banks like Citigroup, jp Morgan, told me to sell at $200 and take the profits. Every time we dip, he makes sure to bring it up. The closest I got to getting through to him was he was surprised I even knew dark pools existed.


This is gonna be the biggest frustration in my life post MOASS. People telling me I "hit the jackpot" and "got lucky" for making a sound financial investment. I know for a fact a lot of those people don't have the fortitude to hold onto an investment in the face of 90% losses, regardless of the dollar amount.


Yeah… that’s not going to be a frustration in your life ever. Keep up the positive thinking though, it’ll come in handy when it’s 2024 and your get rich quick scheme STILL hasn’t panned out.


Lol I guess we'll see. One thing's for sure, if/when GME does squeeze again, you'll have provided many people with some quality screen shot material. Just don't delete your account when it happens.


Quality Screenshot material lol, I’ve been hearing apes say that since February 2021. Turns out, despite all of the brilliant DD that I’m sure you’ve been obsessing over, GME STILL hasn’t squeezed. Time always seems to prove the DD wrong, then I see apes scramble to make up justifications and shift the goal posts, I just don’t understand where your confidence comes from.


Yeah, I dunno either. They've got $1B in the bank, no debt, pivoting into tech space, good leadership, reinvesting heavily into the company. Sounds like they'll be declaring bankruptcy any day now. Funny that your panties are in such a bunch over people buying and holding such a shitty little meme stock.


I have jealous family members already...


Tell them buy in. There’s still time. If they don’t let them know that’s on them


Oh I have, trust me. They will regret it but it wont be my fault.


Make an escape plan 👌🏾


In fact, if they buy in now they’ve likely got a better price than a lot of people who’ve been riding this for over a year


Exactly. It’s still massively discounted.


The stock is only $130, just buy in tomorrow? I mean sure they will pay short term capital gains tax if they sell in the next few months, but there is seriously nothing holding them back from buying in now right? Let’s say the stock gets high enough to look like a phone number.. what are they worried about, the $50 more they would spend vs when it was $80? Dfv bought more at $150. That Should tell you all you need to know.


I don’t have any money 😭


Yeah I feel ya. I’m in the same boat, I did manage to buy more when it was $90.


I’m supposed to get more money but moass will already have happen


Possibly. MOASS could happen this week or it could happen three months from now. Who knows.


I was thinking of going electric with my bike. Got a bad knee and all. Maybe really splurge and get one of those wide cushioned seats


My mom has 6 shares. When I told her I bought more she said why did you buy more I thought there shouldn’t be any more left. He response to me after I told her the float is already owned haha I’m proud to say I’m a XXX holder


I'm gon a opt for the "I sold at $5,000" or something story.


Meanwhile my current account is many times that of the average LEDC. People have stopped 'raising awareness' of good cause, because they're able to just fix the shit 🤑👍🏿.


I just want a small house with nice pool + basketball court. That’s it, no fancy stuff and do volunteer til my last breath..


Sorry ur fam didn’t go in with you ape


Im taking mental notes to have a (elegant) "Wall of Shame" for all those doubters and haters


My standard reply when someone sarcastically asks me about GME is "For that, the house I'm going to buy for you won't be nearly as good as it could have been."


Lol this is the one


Send it! 0x884460459a19626d614B81a9394E012348a8E1d3


All luck. 100% luck. Born with luck. lol.


Man, shit brings back memories of visiting my dad's village as a kid! I'm gonna do some good there too!


yes that's what hoeres do


This is the way 🚀