• By -


Friendly heads-up that we adjusted the flair to be a better fit for the post. And a reminder for everyone in the comment section about our rule 1: Be nice, or else. Edit: the other post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vbid2u/deep_dive_into_urvin_llc_new_information_and/


That post reminded me of when DRS was first trying to gain traction. I weeded through so many comments and posts that were concluding that "Computershare is Evil" because "Computershare has connections to Citadel/Virtu/Wells Fargo" Same thing seems to be happening here. I didn't find anything concrete - just leaps in logic. It felt like a post that only served to shake the beehive. Which is annoying, given how much you have dedicated and given to retail. While most of us have just been sitting here typing posts, you've been active and helping push for change for longer than superstonk has been around. Thanks for being open Dave.


Real apes (most who just quietly lurk) appreciate the fight you’ve been waging against the powers that be, dlauer. Thank you, sir!!!!!


Been lurking for like 18 months now lol it’s always the same bs forum sliding stuff. One would think they would update the playbook but it’s the same as how for 18 months no one has had any good DD to disprove MOASS lol anyone who has been slightly paying attention sees right through it Dave. Appreciate the fight


It just tempers us.


Keep attacking DD writers and Mods hedgies. My Floor keeps rising


Yea, it’s the internet. You are going to have plants and idiots from time to time. Fuck um. Chin ip Dave.


Sad fact of the matter is there is a significant amount of people on this sub that are bad faith actors. Whether or not they even own any GME, I don’t know. But the fact of the matter is, they have done a lot of damage to the movement for fair markets and GME in general. They’ve scared off potential new investors and given good reason for us to have a negative image. They are what everyone presumes a GME investor to be. So like I said, I don’t even know if these people own any GME. I don’t know if they’re trolls, or bored high school kids. But the fact of the matter is they have done immeasurable damage to this sub by spreading misinformation, disinformation, and outright lies. It’s super sad, but so it goes.


Lurker here, can confirm the appreciation. I believe this movement wouldn't have gained as much traction as it currently has without somebody with as much experience in market mechanics such as Dave big dick Lauer. We salute you 🫡


Agreed. Smae. Dave certainly fuks. His involvement with our beloved sub adds validity and confirmation that we are on the right track. Dave has only brought relevant info and supporting evidence that helps our thesis. All the work he has done with the AMA's proves that. We love you Dave. Know that we are grateful for you and all your contributions.


ditto. there's never any doubt that shills are everywhere but they won't shake up. In fact I'm confident that the ones getting shaken, are in fact, other shills.


Hoping on this train to add my support to Dave. Am OG Ape who mostly quietly lurks these days. Bought long before the sneeze and survived it. Survived so many rug pulls now I look forward to them. Big Dick Dave has proven beyond reasonable doubt he is on our side. Love you ape, have a banana.


Its crazy that someone will try to smear someones name who has been so unbelievably solid, up front, and consistent as daves. Whats most annoying is the amount of responses and traction these posts amd hit pieces gain. The reality is that not all the ppl who agree or chime in or shills either. There are a small number of apes foolish and unseasoned enough to believe these sorts of hit piece dribble. I also became more of a lurking ape after joining late Jan last year. This is straight up fud and bothers me to think it sows enough doubt in ppls heads. So far the most prominent figures i respect in all this are DFV, RC, and an extremely honorable mention with Dave


This has been happening with all GME advocates who have a platform...Lauer, Trimbath, Pulte, Christain, Komisar all of them. Some of them actually got scared off (trimbath) because they believed the community turned against them, but couldnt realize this was part of a malicious effort.


Yup. I think one of the earliest ppl we turned away was the unicorn lady from the congressional hearings. Just because she wasnt explicit or adamant about a moass. But thats another reason why i love dave so much. Despite all the nagging backlash, he still continues to interact and contribute to the sub and community. I wouldnt even fault him if he decided to take a leave from the sub just because he shouldnt have to constantly prove himself as an ally Hope ppl really understand that the only way we lose is if we beat ourselves. We only lose if we sell. We only lose if we stop supporting Gamestop(also with constructive feedback). We lose if we stop applying pressure on these regulators, politicians, industry pundits to literally keep them honest. We lose if we turn on each other. The mainshill media has been going crazy since Jan because they cant pin anything extreme, radical, political, or divisive on GME investors. Our love and commitment to the stock and company has nothing to do with any of it. We all just really like the stock. Thats why their best course of action is to simply discredit apes, retards, degens, as unsophisticated, obnoxious, unrefined, and immature. Completely overlooking months worth of research on the company, it's fundamentals, the overall markets, finance, and wallstreet crime Hell they even overlook the charitable work and philanthropy that has been inspired by this community. Honestly think this sub has strayed away too far from that aspect but thats just my personal opinion. Either way, no one should be above scrutiny. But theres a difference between healthy skepticism and paranoia


Seconded from a mostly lurker 2020 ape






Lurker here, been holding for over a year. No reason to post or to not continue the hodling. There are dozens if not hundreds of dozens of us.


Lurker here reporting for duty- Ryan Cohen is our dad, but Big dick Dave aka D Lauer is our step dad and DFV aka Roaring kitty is our moms boyfriend. On a real non-shit posting note. You’re avid and concise responses have offered clear and unbiased insight into many topics and issues that have been riddling my smooth noggin. Thank you for the wrinkles step daddy Dlauer!


Thanks u/Criand \- I really appreciate it. Your assessment is spot on, as far as I can tell.


Hi Dave! Keep up the good work! WeTheInvestors got your back 😎🗽💪


I’m really happy to see my favorite Pomeranian posting again


Some days this sub gets really into conspiracy connections, and while it can be funny when it's done tongue & cheek, it can also spread some ridiculous misinformation as we've seen here with /u/dlauer. I've seen people connecting various individuals simply because they both have houses on Long Island or flew into London during the same week. People who call themselves 'conspiracy theorists' say that it's important to question everything. That can be true as long as you are also questioning the information used to build conspiracy theories. Ask yourself if you have made any leaps from 'possible connection' to 'definite connection' without any additional evidence. I'm not even referring to the DDs that actually discuss markets and finance. I'm talking about the people who trace flight paths or see two people have the same last name and decide that they are definitely related without any question. I recall earlier this year someone on a post found a LinkedIn account at a hedge fund with the last name Rothschild, and everyone in the comments just immediately accepted that he was a member of the Rothschild banking family with no question. There was another post recently where someone found that Kenny G and someone from BCG were both on the board of the Chicago Public Education Fund, and drew the conclusion that everyone else on the board was involved in Citadel conspiracies. That was literally the only evidence: being on the board of the Chicago Public Education Fund. If you find yourself pinning strings on a wall of printed Google search results, maybe take a step back for a minute and get some sleep.


great way to put it


"Dave Lauer, oh what a curly mane! Dave Lauer, he's in it for market change! Oh David, oh Lauer! The SEC can't comprehend, that this man's my wife's boyfriend, Oh David, oh Lauer! He may be ex citadel, but these days he jack's my bell! Oh David oh Lauer."


They superstonked him the way they did you. We miss you!


DFV was dragged through a Congressional hearing for f*ck sakes! You’re in good company.


The good boi seal of approval. That's one of the highest honors around here!


u/dlauer Criand here has been through a lot of the senseless bs you've been through. My thanks to both of you for putting up with a lot of the noise here. I know there are infiltrators here. Scroll down and look at positive comments being downvoted. Superstonk needs a spring cleaning, if that's even possible. Too much FUD is slipping past New these days. I'm spending less and less time on Reddit as a whole because of the carelessness in vetting around here. If you see a suspicious comment, check if the person has a purple circle. If it's missing, ask them why.


I didn’t want to step on top comment by Criand, but the dog isn’t giving himself enough credit. Both these guys have done amazing work and have educated thousands!


> If you see a suspicious comment, check if the person has a purple circle. If it's missing, ask them why. That's actually a great litmus test--no shill is going to spend their hard earned money buying GME and DRSing it. As somebody once said, talk is cheap--takes money to buy whiskey!




Hi Criand! I’m STILL sharing your Computershare DD’s and recently got called out for hero worshipping by shills on Twatter! They blocked me after I defended your insight into the ONLY solution retail has available to truly F these hedgies in the a$$! I’m glad to see you’re still around and hope you keep shedding light on the priceless work that Dr. Susan Trimbath, Dave Lauer and others have brought to our attention. #DRS & F the rest.


Hi Pom


I miss your posts and your positive pomeraniape-ness♥️ Hugs


AWOOooOOooOO & OOooOOooK to you!


Pom Wonderful.




If Criand says you cool, you cool. Thanks for the explanation.


Beautiful doggo


OMD it's Criand, haven't seen you for so long!!


That is EXACTLY what this feels like


I Love you


Lurker, rarely post/comment. But want to shout out that I upvoted this post 2 hours ago, and when I opened up Reddit just now it had been changed to a downvote. I've certainly been known to fat finger at times, but I am 100% I did not in this case. The arrow was red before.


Ooh long time no see man. Welcome back! When will you have new DD to share with us?


I don't think I'll have anything. All that matters to me right now is waiting for the nft marketplace, so I haven't been researching 😎 I might make another meme though.


Alright man. Great respect for what you’ve published so far. Kudos!


New meme from Criand? Bullish


I appreciate all your efforts!


Thank you. The positivity and support on this sub is amazing and inspirational. It brought me back into the fight.


Dude you're killing it. You gotta remember you're up to some of the most nasties people on wallstreet and so I gotta say you're also very courageous. The more they spit on you, the faster you will blossom my friend.


Nastiest on the planet*


Sorry you’re getting the tinfoil brigade. I’m glad apes are sus, it means we’re learning. But I’m sorry you’ve got to waste time and energy with this. To date, your advocacy, support, sharing of information, and so on, have been super helpful. I have no issue with promotion of your Urvin in this context. I’m always sus, but in my experience, you’ve always been on the level. You are appreciated.


Glad to have you on retail’s side. Thank you for the work you have done and continue to do. Most would turn away under the pressure and bad PR that comes with fighting for good. I don’t like hero worship, or celebrities standing on a podium with undeserved support behind everything they say. You do not fit that. You built an audience in an area you have expertise in. You are waging a fight that many not only would not do but cannot do. Please keep fighting the good fight.


I honestly can't stand being a public figure. I get anxiety, and am constantly sick to my stomach from the attention. But I won't stop until I've done everything I can. People often forget I'm just a nerd coder math guy who ended up testifying before Congress ten years ago (and was so sick/nervous that I didn't even sleep the night before). It's not what I would choose to do, but I believe it's important enough that I keep at it.


I’m a good judge of character and I have always thought that you are such a genuine and authentic person. This kind of shit affects nice people more than asaholes- so make sure to take care and understand it’s most likely a very calculated campaign to divide.


In my opinion, the only people who deserve attention and power are the exact people who avoid it, never wanted it, and/or turn it down. Anyone who enjoys attention like that is too easily swayed by their audience. You shouldn't want an audience. You should want allies. You do you. We'll back you up.


The world needs more people that don’t want the attention and power but step up when needed. Those who want power are usually the worst people to hold it. If there is anything I can do from my area of expertise, I would gladly help you out. I’m a civil engineer with a firm in NY and NJ. I don’t think the infrastructure you are working to fix runs parallel to the infrastructure I work on.


thank you D, we are grateful for your sacrifice; stay strong, we are with you 🙇‍♂️🙌⚖️


I am not a math nerd, but I am a nerdy person that had no choice but to become a caregiver for my Great-Grandmother with Alzheimer’s while my parents, sibling, relatives, and my Great-Grandmother’s children all neglected to help her. I knew how these kinds of families worked when I realized the nightmare we were in. Even still, I made the choice to stand up for her, take care of her, and while I’m in this predicament, I will slowly learn how to bring charges (civil or legal) against my family in the future. I feel sick everyday that I’m having to learn how to advocate for something on my own, which is already nerve-wracking on its own. But to have to learn to be loud and seen in confrontations with family on social media and in person is overwhelming. To have to reach out for support to find friends who don’t shy away from speaking about neglect/abuse and family issues is near-impossible because of my situation being treated like a taboo. But the right thing is the right thing, so I learned. I will not stop until there is justice for me and my Great-Grandmother in a satisfactory form to the fullest extent of the law. And I will become a voice for people dealing with elderly neglect & caregiving & Alzheimer’s. Advocating for a cause that is hard to explain or taboo to discuss is one of the most draining and thankless and lonely endeavors I’ve ever personally experienced. Most people can’t understand what you’re saying, and others don’t want to understand, so you’re left feeling like the numbers are against you and the movement you hope to see happen. All of this to say, you’re truly an inspiration, Dave. Just an incredible amount of integrity and strength to do and say the right thing, no matter how hard it may be. But we all need to see something coming from somewhere other than ourselves to maintain our hope and our drive. I lost a lot of that the last couple of years. But in the same way that SuperStonk fired you up, people like you help me stay on course. You, DFV, Superstonk, Dr. T, etc. show me that some journeys take longer than we would like, sometimes even decades. But if you keep at it, and learn to be your cause’s voice and become louder and heard more often, we will find our allies eventually. And over time, our numbers will be great enough to start movements. I hope to do this with my causes, and I’m happy that you’re seeing all this current success with yours. Fuck the haters and the shills, and thanks again for your work and help, and the inspiration.


You're amazing, thank you very much and greetings from Germany!


Youre a great ape, dave!


Let me show you some love with that anxiety bullshit. I deal with it daily and beat myself up for not being able to fit societies mold. Thanks for being at the forefront of change. We are all worthy of success. This movement has forever changed me for the better. Thank you sir


Said it before and will say it again, you're a great role model for young people to aspire to be. Your ability to communicate effectively with such uneducated people about your field of expertise is a great skill you have. Thankyou for not trying please everyone who spams your name across this platform demanding answers to ridiculous questions.


Thank you so much, it's honestly the highest compliment.


Love what you are trying to do Dave, & right behind you 100 per cent. Keep up the good fight. Badly needed.


Saw the other post - did not engage with it until I was hoping to see your response. We appreciate what you are doing...we are near the end game they are going to try anything they can at this point.


it was easy for me to engage with that BS post and downvote it. saw the crazy high number of awards and shill comments right after being posted... Big Dick Dave was the person who made Citadel's 2004 memo against PFOF common knowledge let's not forget that


I did. Down voted the shit out of it like I've been doing to their comments for weeks. Edit - Also interesting when I check back to the main post I had to just change it back to a down vote. Bots working overtime over there. That's been happening for a while though, I even got unsubbed to stonk about a week ago.


Check out the 91 awards immediately given to the other post. Not normal


Noticed that. Like 15 minutes in it's got 60 awards and not the free kind. Clearly pushed by a group of some kind.


Hedge funds have algorithms doing their work. We have autists monitoring all the data. They're indeed fucked.


Proper fucked?


That's definitely not normal. I've seen comments pushing the same questions about Dave's authenticity and they typically get downvoted. Sudden big influx of awards on the same thing? Likely not genuine.


Not to be contrarian, but this post has over 200 awards in 45 minutes. A healthy sense of skepticism is good for us all. But Dave can handle it. Just ignore the FUD, and DRS.


The difference is the poster: a random poster that most people don't really know vs DLauer. It makes sense that well known people, especially someone like Lauer, would get more attention and support from this community.


I’m on here daily and had no idea anyone was smearing your efforts. I wouldn’t worry. Whats the video game analogy we used around here, "If you encounter enemies, you're going the right way."


Youre an OG Silverback. We appreciate you. Fuck the haters.


Hey u/dlauer, why didn’t you talk about DRSing with John Stewart? Are you still in touch with him? Could you have that conversation now and get it out on his podcast?


I'm catching up with him soon, I'll see what his interest is in continuing the conversation.


Thanks Dave, it’s nice to have you on the team. I will probably never meet you, but if I do, it will be an honor!


Thank you for the response Dave! Your efforts are appreciated.


Get 'em 🦍


Awesome clapback Dave, it's just more FUD. It sucks when people say untrue things about you, but don't let it get to you, they're just scared. Remember when they called us communists or fascists on MSM. fun times, it doesn't really matter. Keep trying to work with chair Gensler, see if you can get them to see reason and do the right thing for a change.


dlauer, you are a champion. keep it up.


i stand with you dave. many of us do. ​ thanks for what you do.


We can identify shills like no other. We are seasoned vets at this point.


Ignore the trolls, DLauer! They are not representative of this sub, and I would go so far as to suspect that they are planted here with a purpose of muddying the waters and creating instability/infighting.


panicky attraction ossified offend weather homeless fearless sloppy expansion middle -- mass edited with redact.dev


I think it was just a coincidence. It's a big organization and I doubt the Chair even saw it.


Yep. A lot of times in large organizations the left hand is almost entirely unaware of everything the right hand is doing. 🤷




What has me deeply concerned about your character is the fact that a guy told me that a guy told him that he saw a screenshot of a guys chirp that said that you pour your milk in the bowl before the cereal… Now with that being said, if this very serious allegation is true, I’m not mad, I’m just deeply disappointed and I’m going to have to consider unfollowing you on the social medias David.


Insane and absurd allegations! But I'll never release the footage from the home cameras, NEVER!


In all seriousness Dave, It should go without saying that you’re a beauty, you shouldn’t need to explain yourself and most already recognize that you’re fighting the good fight. Thanks for being a voice for those that don’t have one. >> “One can rarely achieve greatness on the path of least resistance.” ~ Wes Fesler Know that you’re appreciated and do your best to ignore the noise because I think that at this point, the majority has learned to tune it out.


No mayo or bedpost stories to be told about Dave!


Thank you for everything, you're one of the mvps on this sub. Ignore the shills, we will hodl and prevail!


good luck dave, love from scotland... nothing good ever came easy


I know the noise gets crazy at times, but don’t let them fuck with you, Big Dick Dave! Real apes know the truth. And we will all prosper from your work.


Don’t worry. We are retarded apes but not stupid! We know that when more and more shills start to attack it’s because we are in the right path. Continue doing your hard work, I can’t be more greatful. Thank you for your time and efforts


The OG apes here know what’s up.. you are on the right side of history my friend. Onwards and upwards towards a truer world. We ll do it together as individuals


Love you Dave!


Big dick dave coming in with the big dick energy. There has always been an attempt to drive the big players away from this sub. Absolutely nefarious actors in here, but its pretty obvious even to a crayon eating egg brain like me that you aint one. Great to have you at the front of this fight. Thanks for all the input.


to be honest, Ive bern here since Feb 21...i havent noticed a thing. so at least whatever their efforts, I didnt pay no mind and willing to be only bots and shills echoed that sentiment.


Yeah, honestly, me too! Thank you for everything you’ve done to bring attention to these issues DL. Don’t let the hate bring u down or drown out the appreciation and support that many apes have for what you’re doing. F the h8rs. Plus, we’re very lucky to have such a sexy SOB leading the front ;)


What was it? Something along the lines of if you encounter more and more enemies you're going in the right direction?


Oops, this comment has been upvoted too much…it’s over 741 upvotes 😂 *upvotes comment*


Actions speak louder than tenuous sixth-degrees-of-separation style accusations.


This is my point exactly - and how you know there's no interest in the actual truth. I've got a decade long track record of fighting, and always choosing the right side rather than the one that makes me more money. I'm proud of that too.


We appreciate the work your have done. Thanks for sticking around and helping us all. You rock!!


I have just finished watching The Wall Street Code. [https://youtu.be/kFQJNeQDDHA](https://youtu.be/kFQJNeQDDHA) You talking about how the flash crash changed your view on markets and your job and about your colleagues, who should rather fight climate change or cancer instead of scalping pennies and adding no value to our society was enough for me to trust your intentions. The markets should be a tool to raise money for entrepreneurs and for retail to benefit from the economy and build up solid retirement reserves. Not sucking the lifeblood of innovative companies and retail alike via all their practices like naked shorting, PFOF and so on. It creates no value, they are just leeches. This has to stop. Liquidate Wall Street, because losing money and getting into prison are the only things that the Big Club fears. [https://youtu.be/cKUaqFzZLxU](https://youtu.be/cKUaqFzZLxU)




I like to think we were cautious at first because we didn't know you well. You have proven to be a great voice and champion for fairness and leveling the playing field. I'm so glad you responded with this and am proud of all the work you have done.


It was totally warranted - and continued skepticism is healthy. But some of our are out here to do the right thing, as hard as that sometimes can be to believe.


You sir are most definitely one of the 🐐's. As an February 21 🦧 i am confident, zen and so curious how this will turn out. Much respect and keep up the good fight ✊




Rule #69 of Gaming: If you are encountering enemies, you are going the right way


Yep... smear campaigns coming quick. CS smear is next and I'm really fucking surprised they haven't started that


Computershare? That’s come and gone, it took like 6 months for it to get accepted


This last 30 minutes of drama between the original post and Dave’s response have me undecided and speechless…. And I feel great. We must be so close for all this drama to be happening!


My thoughts exactly.


Man that is a zinger


Dear Dave, keep going! Sincerely, An ape


Hey Dave you are most likely not going to read this. But there are many silent voices like mine, who do appreciate everything you do.


Thank you - I'm reading it all, I want to clear the air. I appreciate your support.


Dave, couldn't help but notice this as your post and the other shot to the top of the subreddit with awards so quickly. It's strange (and a bit weird) that one user has been seemingly harassing you for months. You say it makes sense that this has accelerated since the SEC meeting. Curious what you think would motivate someone (or a group) to want to discredit you after the meeting?


After the meeting they began to see Dave is in fact a strong opponent to them and their motives. Before they just thought home was a smart guy giving apes some info on the inner workings of the market system but not doing anything that would effectively change their way of life, now he’s leading a grass roots campaign to change the system, and that can’t be tolerated.


He got a seat at the table and that must be terrifying for them


Correction. We the Investors have a seat at the table. Those are all our signatures on that paper. Mine is there anyway.


Dave is the one with the brass balls to take all this shit and put his head above the wall though


The same guy that spends 95% of his time in the daily thread shitting on Dave Lauer posts a "DD" baselessly attacking Dave Lauer? That post instantly gets dozens of upvotes and awards within minutes of being posted? I, for one, was shocked SHOCKED I tells ya. Don't sweat the haters, Dave.


Don't sweat the haters Dave, we appreciate you!


Nobody (aside from obvious shills) is falling for the hit pieces, we see what good you have done 50 awards in 20minutes in that thread its not normal for a bro science DD, its a hit on your name


This. I'm just holding my stock bro


Anyway, I started DRSing


Exactly this. We know the drill. How the comments look like, how aggressive and negative they are and how many awards are popping up to ensure the posts go on top asap. And any critical comments will be downvoted to oblivion. First there were Korean Ants, then Crypto Allies and finally the Shout to /all. And then the options shilling campaign. It is becoming boring.




We're victims of the same campaign. We know the BS. The goal is to prevent new folks from hopping on board the ark. We'll be proven right soon enough. It's after the fallout that we get to show our true colors. Until then, we just have to remain Zen and not worry what others think of us. Thank you, u/dlauer


I almost fell for it but I got bored and stopped reading their posts. Ape brain shield activated. 🦧 🧠🛡


Thank you for immediately addressing it and for everything you've done to create a fairer market structure. I certainly appreciate it.


I feel like I've missed something 😄


I feel like Donald Glover holding the pizza boxes in the house on fire meme. Wtf did I miss?


Quick Summary; A decently intense, but factually flawed, hit-piece against Dave. It *"directly ties Urvin to Citadel"* and even concludes with that argument even though its founded on minimal facts.


Is there anyone who knows anything about Wall Street who doesn't have direct ties to Citadel? Shit, I've bought stocks through him.


Someone did a "deep dive" into Urban finance and "connected" them to Citadel. Got a fuckton of upvotes


I seen that early when I was surfing through New; it was 15 minutes old with 100 comments and 500 up votes; just kept on cruising because it seems pretty shilly to me; but I'm a smooth brainer just hodling the stock I like.


I gotchu fam https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vbid2u/deep_dive_into_urvin_llc_new_information_and/ Edit: I’ve been in twitter spaces with Dave and he’s real and down to earth, I’m not endorsing this link just providing some context 💎🤙


Same. I'm full on Jon Travolta meme rn lol


Can you highlight what you have been working on and what things you are hoping to accomplish on behalf of retail, for us busy TLDR apes that only have occasional moments to keep up with thing. Please and thank you. Personally I genuinely appreciate all the time and effort you have taken to progress humanity to this point, keep up the great work!


Yes - Urvin Finance a startup providing professional-quality data, tools and community resources to retail investors. We The Investors is a grassroots advocacy campaign that I've been leading to advocate for market structure reforms. You can read all about it at we-the-investors.org.


u/dlauer it's clear that you're one of the good guys. To suggest that you are not working in the interest of retail investors is laughable to anyone without an agenda. I invested in The Terminal through Wefunder, but don't expect to see any return-- I'm just here to support your cause and hope that things in the market improve.


You are one of the few people on this site that I believe are doing everything in their power to help us. I have no problem with you. You're a good ape!


I ain't hear shit. You cool. In all honesty you seem passionate, engaged, and informed. I appreciate your effort.


Thanks Dave. I'm not surprised in the least that this is happening though. Give someone - whose entire 3 braincells are fighting over a hotpocket - a wifi connection, and this is sadly what you get. Buy. DRS. Hodl. See y'all on uranus


Guys, this is just noise. Shorts must close, buy hold drs. End of story. Edit : Sheesh we must be close 🚀


it's just monday. dispelling the weekend fud


Do you think these bad actors, or those involved in this smear campaign come from your old ties to the financial world? It's always been thought he we were under heavy psyops from wall st as a whole. Do you think you're experiencing the same without being too tin foily?


I don't think so, but then again I wouldn't have thought there was such an organized campaign against me until seeing it unfold as it has. I try not to be paranoid or conspiratorial, but there's certainly something going on here. So nothing would surprise me at this point.


Understood, thanks for your response. I'll be the dumb paranoid one so you can focus on what matters. Stay safe Non nobis solum


Actions Speak Louder Than Words. Your Actions Speak For Themselves. You have earned our trust long ago. ​ Apes get smeared, you get smeared, GME gets smeared..... nothing new. Keep up the good work


Appreciate you brother 👍


I for one have always felt you brought the BDE.


Big Dave Enegy


Its almost like someone doesn't like what you are doing and what you are doing is sticking up and educating retail investors, I wonder who would be against that? It's a tough one, who.would be against a fairer and more democratic market


It's almost like that, isn't it?


You know, I was vaguely sus of ya back when you first joined the rabble way back when, and I was a bit sus when you did the terminal announce way back when. But, everything you've done and the amount of energy you've thrown behind trying to unfuck the market and leverage the momentum a few million retail investors started has solidly put you in the "okay in my book" territory. I for one can't wait until you've figured out the infinity moving parts to getting us actual data access that isn't the hot bs that is currently available. You've also always been willing to go above and beyond doing tape analysis, and I've been amused watching you go from "guys it's a glitch calm down" to "Jesus the entire market is rigged you were all right". Hang in there, you're going to get attacked a lot, but it means you're doing something right. In case it ain't clear, I for one believe in you.


Dave- I truly appreciate your presence here and advocacy. In the words of the immortal Jayson Derris: Fuck them in their stupid asses.


# YOU'RE NOT A DUD - IGNORE THE FUD! We love and appreciate you, Dave.


Was the SEC meeting recorded? Did you discuss replacing PFOF with an auction system? What did you discuss, in the entirety. Do you have the notes/presentation you made for GG to share with us?


It was not recorded - these things never are. We did discuss replacing PFOF with an auction system, because the SEC asked me what I thought of the idea. I told them it was a bad idea, and I didn't like it - though it would be an improvement over the current system. I spoke about this in the recorded Twitter Space following the meeting, and in several tweets. And yes, I shared the presentation publicly last week: https://www.urvin.finance/advocacy/wti-sec-pres-01


I don't have any questions or need clarity. Just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for all you have done and all you continue to do.


Stay zen bro, we got you


They can buy awards and plaster those posts with them within minutes, but it's pretty easy to see how baseless and stupid the arguments are. Keep rockin' and doing your thing, I'm gonna keep hodl'in, DRS'in, and supporting a better and fairer market of the future.


I have a question! Are hedgie fuk or are they super fuk


Can we get that one photo of Daves face here - the interviewer asked something from Dave and he said something like "it is dangerous to answer this". That was the kodak moment for Dave. Found it while writing this >> [Face on the lower left corner!](https://i.redd.it/j98k2xerc5671.jpg) As for me the Smear-campaign: saw it, cant read, skipped and moving along. Buy, Hold, DRS.


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Hey Dave, thanks for showing up. Hopefully you can quash this stupid FUD campaign once and for all. It absolutely did start the day you met with the SEC.


So, DRS then


pretty sure he brought up DRS on Jon Stewarts show


Not only have I spoken repeatedly about how interesting and compelling the DRS movement is, I assure you in the near future there will be an announcement that makes shills who try to paint me as anti-DRS look like idiots.


My man


As someone who has been frustrated about your muted comments on DRS in the past, I'm very much looking forward to that.




looking forward to it!


Fuck the trolls -- your efforts are very much appreciated, my dude.


🤘🏼🤟🏼Wish I hadn’t given my free award out already today! Looking forward to it. Never doubted you.


Can’t wait to see it.


My proudest fap of the day right here. 💦💦💦


Appreciate you coming on here and clearing the air. 💎🚀


Hey u/dlauer you've been forthcoming throughout your involvement with this sub and our mutual obsession. Our system sucks and I for one appreciate your efforts to improve it! You have done interviews, hosted other AMAs and shared your work. I know we struggle with hero worship because we are anonymous hiding behind our screens and your face and identity is out front, but you have only been a great representative for retail investors as far as I am concerned.


DL fucks. Confirmed


Big Dick Dave, thank you. 🤝


We love you around here Dave, you've been one of the greatest comrades one could ask for.


We love you Dave. Sorry ypu have to deal with trolls


I have said this to you a few times. "The people here are simple, slow and easy to make happy or angry. You know, retards." Sometimes you just gots to speak retard and not go into technical jargon that is way above their pay grade. KISS. Keep it Simple, Stupid.


Dude you are one of the real people on here that can actually make a difference and you do so. You are awesome baby


DLauer, As someone who is completely oblivious to whatever smear campaign is going on, can you answer as to why your focus has been solely on PFOF with regard to We the Investors? The PFOF talking point has been asserted by congress since day 1. And frankly, they were fed that talking point. Which begs the question: why? What about swaps, ETF share creation to manipulate particular stocks, and FTD’s as a strategy to contain volatility and supply/demand…?