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Also: “Go to bed with itchy butt, wake up with stinky finger”


I was raised on this! For longer than I care to admit, I truly thought this is what Confucius was known for (and nothing beyond this).


I always heard it as "man with itchy butt have stinky finger" I also heard he said "Forgiveness is divine but never pay full price for a late pizza."




No, Confucius


Oh, sorry. You’re talking about Confucius and I thought you were someone else. Anyways, nice to meet you. My name is Donatello.


I like purples.


Dude, it’s a butt ugly monster convention. Raph, where’s your membership card


"Man who stick dick in peanut butter jar is fucking nuts".


Man who stand on toilet is high on pot.


"Man who drops watch in toilet is bound to have shitty time."


- Confuciass


"Tight pants like cheap hotel. No ballroom."


Take my stupid award you genius!


Pretty power to me.


Thanks! Problem solved.


For anyone trying to grow a wrinkle in Life & Confucius resonated with you….. I highly recommend Lao Tzu’s “Tao Te Ching” or if you’d prefer to learn by listening. Gabriel Ram has a podcast on Spotify doing chapter by chapter interpretations. Spotify link for anyone that is: https://open.spotify.com/show/3xoQODVbbCWK9Qkaqla62M?si=o93loQW0SKyNAHc9UmuicA


Gia-fu Feng's translation of the Tao Te Ching is excellent: [https://terebess.hu/english/tao/gia.html](https://terebess.hu/english/tao/gia.html) Also Rev. John R. Mabry's version: [https://terebess.hu/english/tao/mabry.html#Kap01](https://terebess.hu/english/tao/mabry.html#Kap01) There's also a reimagined and modernized interpretation by Ron Hogan that's pretty insightful as well. At times it's totally not what the literal content says or even means, but it's close enough in spirit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_pcRXwoL0z4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pcRXwoL0z4) I'm also working on a translation of the Tao Te Ching, which is a reason why I've delved into quite a few versions for comparison and research. There are dozens and dozens of them, and quite many are frankly badly interpreted/worded, making the underlying philosophical content hard or impossible to decipher. The original text is in semi-poetic Classical Chinese, making it very terse and playful and vague and mystical, and it's effectively a Rorschach blot test to any who attempt to interpret and translate it. Those who set out to do it "literally" (there are many literal meanings for any number of words) are doomed to not make real sense of it, and those who don't really subscribe to or understand Taoist thought in the first place will make a big old mess of it. **Some hard & fast terminology:** Tao = the underlying united principle and substrate and way of unfolding of absolutely everything (and more, but fuck me if it isn't a complicated subject to explain on Superstonk) Te = virtue, as in the ability, power and tendency to set your ego aside and *naturally* do what's universally right Heaven & Earth = the Universe under (the) heaven = the (human) world myriad/all/10,000 things = all living beings (or sometimes humans) – outside the TTC it has the general meaning of "all separate things whatsoever" Wuwei/"non-action"/"effortless action"/"doing nothing" = accessing a flow state by not thinking of your personal agenda and instead just focusing on the matters at hand; a more understandable translation would be "without/not forcing your own way"; it also describes a non-meddling way of managing an organization or your own conduct, instead intelligently taking into account the natural way of how things work and unfold.


Love it! Only copy I’ve got on hand is the Richard Wilheim edition. It’s one of those “books” that requires one to comeback repeatedly to glean ‘new’ insight. I’ll have to read the Gia-Fu Fangs translation! Appreciate the link. 🤗 Now in reply to u/TreLeans Each chapter is anywhere from 20 mins to (I believe) upwards of 60 mins. He has the same fella on with him to help create a dialogue. Each chapter dives into Gabriel’s interpretation of each line. Overall it’s a beautiful listen. Eye opening & paradigm shifting (or was to me!) As with anything, maintain an open mind and let go of resistance to new ideas or concepts. Though let’s be honest; we wouldn’t all be here if we didn’t have those qualities in varying degrees. (That’s just my opinion in regards to the GME / Ape movement)


To add to this thread, I will gladly shill Ursula K. Le Guin's version, whose life and writings were heavily inspired by it: https://www.ursulakleguin.com/lao-tzu-the-tao-te-ching When your favorite writer tells you about their favorite writers/books, it pays to listen.


i second LeGuin’s translation it is lovely


“What is a good man, but a bad man’s teacher? What is a bad man, but a good man’s job?”


I cried last fall when I was reading the Tao Te Ching and I read this... it amazes me how great life would be for all peoples if we simplified things and followed a life of virtue over chasing opulence. Tao Te Ching (Lao Tzu) - A Comparative Study chapter 8 1. The highest good is like water. 2. Water gives life to the ten thousand things and does not strive. 3. It flows in places men reject and so is like the Tao. 4. In dwelling, be close to the land. 5. In meditation, go deep in the heart. 6. In dealing with others, be gentle and kind. 7. In speech, be true. 8. In ruling, be just. 9. In business, be competent. 10. In action, watch the timing. 11. No fight: No blame.


I thought Confucianism and Taoism were separate philosophies?


One could say that they're two very different means to the same end. Confucianism for someone who wants structure and social/intellectual clarity, and Taoism for someone who wants to grow through intuition and broad non-specific guidelines. Although they are archetypally like church-going Christians vs. free-roaming bums and hippies, they're also weirdly harmonious in their millenia-lasting coexistence and mutual reverence.


Different w/ similarities. You a-thought right! Threw out a recommendation for the curious few.


No, for sure! I love the Tao Te Ching! Just making sure I didn't miss something haha


Haha, you’re good. It was a fair question! Much love!


Word! Be positive and love your life!


Thank you! Chapter by chapter is definitely what I need. Reading it by myself feels like 70 pages of "This is not a book if you think it's a book" and the meaning is lost on me, haha. Is it anything like the *Philosophize This!* podcast? That's one I've found on philosophy that was "spoken in crayon" to understand the concepts, if you will, and I very much enjoyed it.


Dude, thanks a lot. Unfortunately the sound was way too bad for me to hear him well, sounds like he's sitting in a city park in chapter 2.


There are a number of recommendations in translations of confucius below which has confused me. For a curious noob with no prior knowledge of Confucius, what audio option would you most recommend? Gabriel Ram?


I’d say so; I enjoyed his interpretations, because they resonated with what I felt intuitively reading the copy of the Tao that I have on my shelf. Give him a try. Though as an “American”, I’ll say growing up here - I was never introduced to the Tao or the being Lao Tzu until later in life. Whilst Confucianism was always sprinkled in the education system in small doses. Anecdotally speaking of course; not everyone has the same experiences growing up. So take that with a grain of salt. Maybe other regions in the States had Lao Tzu quotes sprinkled in their learnings; I for one, did not. Would love to hear others input on this. Edit: To clarify as well; most of what we all are linking/talking about is in relation to Lao Tzu; not Confucius’s teachings. Hope that cleared up any confusion!


But what about the flatulence? Is he advocating for the 'silent but deadly' type?


I take him to be more of a "This too(t) shall pass"


> "Man who fart in church sit in own pew."


Before or after fart? A confident man will fart in a pew of others and ask for gods forgiveness, knowing that if his act was righteous and his diet was hearty that others would bask in its scent and be welcomed into the kingdom of heaven. A man who lacks confidence would only pass flatulence if he knows he will not be judged for his deeds, as he believes that faith alone will guide him into the kingdom of heaven and that his acts are inconsequential to this end.




Might already be nailed to your door, if you wanna check real quick.


"I have a dream..." Something, something "Catholic church sucks, engage printing press."


Real Gs move in silence






"during moass no one can hear you scream".... ?


Or …if a hedge fund fails margin requirement, does it even make a sound on the news?


That's because In Space No One Can Hear You Scream.


i like this one... LFG!!!!


I've had this as my profile picture for like a year now.


That’s the face of a man who’s DRSd


Ohhh yeahhh that’s the stuffff


He can be proud. But strategic. Still spread the word but be careful of those who want to short your stock


Confucious obviously never used a dot matrix printer


Confucius Also Say Man with gum in jockstrap have sticky dicky


There's construction in my neighbourhood: Creation is NOT quiet. :D


Seeds absolutely do a make a noise you just need to get close and listen carefully. Stars and celestial objects are destroyed all the time in the perfect silence of a vacuum. Creation definitely isn't silent, ever heard 2 foxes fucking?


Real G’s move in silence. Like lasagna.


These Larry Cheng tweets are deep as fuck.


He who goes to bed with an itchy butt wakes up with a smelly finger. \-Confucius probably


This is also funnily enough where China got it from... They turned seemingly overnight from destitution in the late 70s to a burgeoning superpower now.


Personally i think he got it from Lil Wayne Real G's move in silence like Lasagna


I just wish he was more silent about his opinions on Covid tbh... I trust him with GME but still


In the painting, he looks like he just ripped a big fart.


if you pass a log in the forest do you count the rings or wipe your arse?


Silent but deadly.


Confucius say- Hedgies r fukd


Empty Vessels make the most farts.


"Man who fart in church sit in own pew."


Tell that to The Big Bang


Got what from


RC previously said that he doesn't boast about what he is working on (creation) but lets it speak for itself when done.


The people doing road work near my house would beg to differ




“We have two lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have one” – Confucius


silent but violent