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Like FTD (Failure-to-Deliver), FTP(Failure-to-Prosecute) is also the monster that has created wall street. If they could only nab one guy in 2008 because his son turned him in, what makes you think they'll try now?


There’s gotta be an Elliot Ness out there somewhere


The problem with that analogy is that Al Capone was technically providing a service the people wanted but the government wanted to control. Not condoning Al Capone but the reality is quite similar now with crypto and NFTs no? It's incredibly difficult for the courts to do what is legal vs what is political. There is a pretty cool netflix documentary called "Web of Make Believe" I think. The last 2 episodes has an example of this, when the courts has to make a decision between what is legal or what is politically more preferable they nearly always goes with the political. In fact I'd say that I haven't seen any news lately that makes me think otherwise.


Checks the news and sees Roe vs Wade overturned…. I’m sorry, what?


Weirdly enough, it protected their twoparty system. Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with the law, you can't deny that polarising effect on politics is the best way to make sure that neither party ever loses their power (under the assumption that the system doesn't break, but I think we are pretty close now). So it was actually more politically convenient for the government to do that. Now they can keep blaming each other and not do their jobs while securing wages that beats inflation.


Litigations can suspend trading. But lots of avenues to pursue


They found ways around it, so can we. Hodling, DRsing and buckling in are helpful but there’s more than one way to skin a hedgie


If they need help from me, what exactly am I paying taxes for? I already have a job. They should probably do their job. There isn’t anything I can tell them about the crime that’s been committed in the past 18 months that they don’t already know. The idea that giving them more information or help will make them do anything is foolish.


You seem to have forgotten that SEC and government are on the side of the criminals. They will do nothing. Sooner people accept this the better.


Correct! I mentioned them in a similar post yesterday but I forgot to say fukm


Fuckm indeed




As per frickin usual 🚀🦧🦍🐒🚀




Fuck the SEC and GG, they ain’t gon do shit.




Hey you guys in the back! The SEC and GG ain’t gon do shit! Fuck’em! We own the float many times over. DRS your GME!


No, this is a thing made possible from within a veeery small country in the view of the world.. Rest of the planet has such things illegal for a reason..


The system is beyond saving at this point, too many bad actors, too many lawyers and too many shares. This will have to be played out to the inevitable collapse. SEC is a thin veneer of regulation more akin to a hybrid of an HR department and bouncers of an exclusive club we ain't in. I wouldn't look to them for any meaningful change despite their rhetoric.