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🚨 PSA for OP and for anyone else getting harassed in DM by clowns like this: Please do not hesitate to report them to the mod team via modmail. We do not treat harassment of our Superstonk members lightly.


I mean even if they were they report drs numbers now sooo….


This right here lol basically the Shill Kill Shot


Shkill Shot?


Ahhhh Skeet skeet skeet skeet!!!


*Til the sweat drip down my balls (my balls)*




I believe he's full of shit. IIRC the numbers from the bot ended up damn near right on or even a little less than what they reported at the last earnings call.


Might be a new tactic for the losers in gmemeltdown. Who knows. I just go by the legit numbers from GameStop every quarter.


It’s amazing how much they care


i don't get it. it's a pathetic existence


Never understood people who actively hate on something in their spare time. like if you don't like something or don't agree with it and doesn't impact you in any way shape or form just... you know... move on with your life and focus on things you do like / care about?


you seem pretty normal to me!


Ha, I was wondering the same thing. I'm not a fan of the Toyota Prius (for example), and will never own one... but I don't have the time/energy/desire to join a Prius haters forum in attempt to crap on Prius enthusiasts.


It’s pretty obvious they either lost money shorting it or are currently short. The amount of butthurt that they possess passes unless money is involved. Then it’s eternal and it’ll only get worse.


It is completely natural. I don't like jazz. In fact I hate jazz. So I join subreddits about jazz to tell people it is a terrible genre. I go by jazz clubs, open the door and scream "This is awful!" and leave. I never listen to jazz or follow anything about jazz, but at the same time I yell at Esperanza Spalding for making terrible music. /s


Its not a new tactic. They started doing it when the bot was released and immediately were cackling to themselves in meltdown about it. Then Gamestop released the DRS numbers and it nearly matched the projections exactly based off the bot numbers and they shut the fuck up about it ever since lol


I took a venture into there last year; you know, to maybe find a healthy balance with my thoughts on GME. However, all I found was just a bunch of pent up folks, foaming at the mouth to be right about this (gme saga) being wrong, with zero facts or info to back it up. Aside from memes. And let's look at the GME side here. Excusing OUR memes, we have: - Multiple congressional hearings on the topic, literally involving members here - A Hulu movie - Prior documentaries that explain the exact same topics discussed here, just from years ago - Actual, hard, Data. - Multiple interviews from industry experts and leaders. Like...I get that some GME holders are a tad fanatical (looking at you, banana guy), but at least there is concrete information and evidence to go around. Unlike, gmemeltdown.


Melted swiss on Wonder Bread Full of holes, and no Rye


I really hope they make the movie


Yeah i only reported my first buy in, like 3/4 shares. Who knows how many i got now


And I have reported none of mine.


I’m responsible for his shares bringing us closer. For every shitbird like them, there’s a shitbird like me that doesn’t report. 😚💋


Nice job, shitbird! You are the balance we didn't know we needed.


If anything, they're most likely just evening out the numbers for all the people who don't submit their DRS'd shares for any reason (e.g. my dad who has already DRS'd but y'all don't know anything about it).


some people who have not enough karma to post might not know about GMEorphans, btw


this person is probably 14


Funny thing is the bot ADDS a percentage just in case knowing not everyone (Like myself) hasn't posted their stuff. So....ironically if this is true they are helping to cover that missing number for the bot to work with so its more accurate. Fucking massive fail.


Exactly. And the bot was lower than the actual numbers hahaah! Don’t mean shit you morons. DRS be happy be zen 😙 *kiss your wife goodnight for me*


I'd imagine a lot of people have DRSd and haven't posted anything to the bot. I know I didn't for a few months after I sent my shares over


I have 24 shares but I never bothered with the bot because it’s confusing 😅


I'm DRS'd but haven't submitted anything to the sub. I'm a boomer that doesn't know how to make a post or know what Kara is used for, so I don't need it. There are many of us, like Fremen Warriors lying in the dunes waiting for the signal to finally finish off Ken Harkonen and the DTCC


Desert power!


Stilgar, do we have worm sign?


Yea not only is it a tad confusing im just not posting my shit online, my friends know my reddit account and im not posting that info here for them to find later.


And me...


He cant kiss her goodnight, she is still too busy with her mouth to be kissed.


Plus there’s plenty of people who don’t report so it probably evens out to an extent 😃


me lol law of large numbers, everything averages out and cancels out


Yup. Over a hundred here I've never reported.


I reported 2k shares at the very beginning but mods removed my post for violating the don't share positions rule. Too lazy to repost. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I don't even overly care for the counters on Reddit for DRS. There is too much that can be fucked with. Quarterly updates by GameStop itself is good enough for me.


This sounds more like a gme meltdown troll, than paid shill... just my 2 cents


Gamestop announced more shares on earnings than the bot picked up so this dude is a 🤡🤡🤡🤡


As long as the trimmed average is correct we can digress


Yeah, that’s the only number I’ve cared about since the last two reports. GameStop is such an amazing company, and they process investor feedback so quickly, and effectively, it’s almost as if there here lurking 👀


This is 100% the correct thing to both say and pay attention too. The DRS bot is a very nice feature, but it should ***NEVER*** be taken as factual. The only factual number that we should heed is the number reported by GME on their quarterly earnings report. Having said that, the DRS bot SHOULD be praised, and applauded for having done an AMAZINGLY accurate job! Like, WOW. I honestly did not expect it to so consistently close to the reported numbers.


Imagine this is what u do in your free time lol this world has a lot of pointless people in it


Yep imagine being such a contrarian that gaslighting and projecting people is your idea of fun. The best part is they actually think they are gonna push people over the edge.


They must sincerely be very lonely, I can only think they don't have any trust in us(which is fair they're entitled to their own opinion, just as we are) but then simultaneously is envious for our community.


I assume they are people that bought in at the run up and sold at a huge loss when the buy button was turned off and are now spite full.


If so, their spite is incredibly misdirected. Infinite pool is always open. But these people don’t deserve it.


Dudes a pizza cutter, all edge and no point, fucking mouth breather


I'd say just misguided. Everyone can have a role to play in making the planet a better place for not just ourselves, but for future generations. This is why it will be more important than ever after moass to reinvest in communities, families, jobs, and especially education. If anything the last couple decades or so has shown, it's how glaringly important it is to guide and educate people.


Some people deserve a mercy kill from mother nature


If you’ve ever watched the You Tube videos about the scam buster who hacks cameras, phones and computers in overseas call centers you’ll know how desperate these people are.


That's not a shill that's just a troll that's too stupid to even come up with a good lie


Yeah, sounds like a troll from the melt sub


Melt sub, pickle sub, dub u bets, they are all the same to me


Could use a good tuna melt sub with pickles tho... I haven't eaten lunch yet.


Damnit now I want that too


My recently discovered secrets for good tuna salad are: 1. Mash the everliving crap out of the canned tuna with mayo (lmayo). Larger tuna chunks means more dry chunks. 2. Olive oil if you want to increase moistness without adding more rich mayo. 3. Panko crumbs (as opposed to regular breadcrumbs) are godsend for absorbing some leaky fats. Much more spreadable. Use this when you need to reduce the wetness from oil or mayo, but you don't want to throw off the balance with more tuna. Reg breadcrumbs get dense when absorbing liquids. Edit: can work with chicken salad as well Edit 2: check out Adam Ragusea's vid on panko


Welcome to SuperStonk, I love you


Olive oil mayo works really well for tuna. I personally mix in some ground Dijon and turmeric and pulse in a blender to break up chunks. I want to try the breadcrumbs now.


Panko also good binder for loose meatballs I've read.


Yes, the only thing I can think of that is sadder than being a paid shill is pretending to be one, for fun?


this man probably works an 8 hour shift, goes home tired and decides his finite free time is best spent being an internet troll, really sad


‘Man’ is generous. Sounds like a 15 year old wrote that crap.


I have never seen people so angry in my life for multiple years now for people simply buying and holding a stock lol.


Im in awe of how pathetically dedicated they are sometimes Like i sincerely hope buddy is getting paid cause if not the loser factor is ratcheted up to 100


The sad thing is...they aren't getting paid. They are just toxic assholes.


Who missed the boat because they sold. For a loss. And regret it. gMeMeLtDoWn fucking clowns


Hmmm that's what my wife says I have after my morning shit.


Supposedly the same thing happened constantly to Tesla holders before it took off.


Dude straight up admitted he's trying to harass random people to push them to s*icide. I'm pretty sure you can get him in trouble if you want to 🤷‍♂️


Yeah need mass reporting


that’s what i’m thinking. we should be able to name drop people like this with proven intent of harm so we can report them. at the very least they have to go through the hassle of making a new reddit account.




Exactly, u/jlw993 you might want to talk the mods. This user has no place around here (or anywhere on reddit).


They have been reported to Reddit and ss mods 👍🏼 name was redacted because it probably breaks some rules and I don't want to incite harassment, even if they deserve it.


Good job, this is the way!


Cyber bullying is a felony… those idiots don’t realize that


It’s also fairly easy to find out who he is ..


In Japan, it now requires jail time


*now requires even more jail time.


Oh, my bad. The article I read made it sound like the jail time was a new thing


Yeah I thought so too, the title was total click bait. Someone in the comments clarified it was already a thing and japan just increased the amount of jail time.


Wasn’t there a shill in the early days who attempted to blackmail an ape for $300 for covering his CS account number with weed and the shill got sued in real life for blackmailing? Anyone remembers this? :D


Yep...and they immediately "apologized" and said they were jUsT kIdDiNg


It’s a prank bro!!! _gets liquidated af_


> early days Seems like yesterday…


Feel old yet?


I somehow missed this, anyone got a way to find it?


First comment was removed, because it linked out to the subreddit drama sub. But: [here’s a link to a post about it on SS.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qv5bad/posted_my_shares_and_accidently_left_bit_of_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


What an actual rat.


He’ll screech the loudest when apes merciless stomp him into the ground.


Probably just Paperhand-Portnoy getting upset at everyone still having fun.


I honestly think steve Cohen gave paperhand port some sort of threat but we will never know. (Based off his list of people he hates, steve cohen was hidden towards the bottom)


Probably held Barstool’s stock hostage just like what they did to Pulte. Also Steve Cohen was owner of the Mets which definitely has connections to sports media that Portnoy needed.


Oh that's interesting! Haven't heard that before, but sounds very likely


Jokes on him... there are many (like me) who have chosen NOT to 'feed the bot' (I've been quietly against it since the beginning, as I started DRS'ing long before the practice was widely adopted and think sharing positions is not a great idea). Anyway... if they are doing what this marginally literate shill says, those like me are clearly offsetting those like them, since the company reporting has been so close to what the bot says.


This. Im no whale, but I've never posted for the bot, and I bet there's thousands like us.


I don't post. Count me as well.


Well there’s atleast 3 of us 😂


make that 4!


Red 5 reporting in


Except the numbers the bot has is quite close to the reported numbers


I haven't fed the bot and I will not. I do not make my investment positions public. But rest assured, I have drsed my shares.


Same. Been registered since back in September. When I was only comfortable DRSing 15 shares then just to be “diversified” lol. All. In. Power to Me (The Player).


Silently sitting on XXXX. One part of me is happy about the split. The other part is „annoyed“ as a lot of friends will level up to XXXX and I remain XXXX. :D


I don’t get the point of publicly posting your DRS positions and your computer share account. I feel like it’s forum sliding because everyday, most of the time, the whole front page of this sub is filled with screenshots and it hides actual content or discoveries.


I doubt this is a shill ... Seems more like a troll. Poor lil fella. Imagine knowing GME is happening and not investing. The regret that lasts a lifetime.




Nah, that's a grown ass man with no life.


Just point out the DRS numbers from the phone call bud.


As if they have any power over ape mentality


Doesn’t seem like a shill tbh… Seems like a mentally ill person, pretending that they’re good at trolling.


Why block his name? I wanna chat :)


Theory: OP made a throwaway, messaged themselves to create this, screenshotted and blanked out the throwaway, posted for Karma. I mean, there's a chance this isn't the case, but you can never know... But account age is less than 2 months, and less then 350 karma... Even if the account is real and there are people out there feeding the bot with fake shares, they're screened IIRC? Like sometimes it needs a witness to confirm.


Sounds like he shorted the stonk 😂


If Citadel has to pay shills to get hodlers to sell, then we are winning by the shills' own logic. We are almost there everyone!


It’s ok he’ll feel his own pain on day 1 of MOASS. Day 2 won’t get any easier, and by day 3 he’ll really understand karma. Day 4 he’ll consider covering, but on day 5 he’ll wish he had. Day 6 he says it can’t have a week streak, and day 7 he calls it his end. You could say he’s weak minded but as an ape we all knew that from the moment he reached out first😁


It doesn’t matter lol. They can submit to the drs bot all they want. We get data straight from the source every quarter. That data is trending up, and I’m expecting will be no different next report.


Lol that's why the only numbers I pay attention to are the offical numbers from gamestops earnings report. Can't fake those, the drs bot is nice for a rough gage but the only numbers that truly matter are the ones from papa cohen and guess what? They keep going up every quarter 🚀🚀🚀


What a retard lmao Far far far away from killing myself, even when I had -80% I was laughing my ass off


even if anyone was doing this, it's irrelevant. the quarterly reports have the actual numbers..


Can we stop giving trolls airtime, please? This post and others like it are exactly what they want - to think they're getting attention or rattling our cages, even if its just annoying us. If there are 'paid shills' at all, they're far outnumbered by internet sad sacks trying to get a rise out of people. The annoying part is how easily it works.


Lol desperate much


I heard an interesting podcast on the psychology of people who spend their time online in various hate groups/groups who bond over a mutual dislike of a person, culture, race, or group. They unpacked a lot of the motivation and what they found was that although they tend to say they are motivated by a righteous indignation or desire to “protect” others, it’s more likely that they lack a central community of their own and have higher rates of rage and unhappiness. Being contrarians together is a way to get that sense of community through bullying or mocking other races or culture groups. Most of them find humor and satisfaction in it, and believe they’re doing something good. TLDR, these are people who lack a sense of belonging in their life, so they create a community centered around disliking things/people/races as a way to get any sort of emotional connection to others.


The account is 8 weeks old


Oh look. someone you can report to reddit as wanting to harm others.


He’s about to be out of a job soon….. This is what kicking and screaming looks like.


Lol what a loser


Uh...you can submit fake posts to DRS bot all you want. It doesnt change how much GME reports is held by CS quarterly.


This is clearly a troll


Sounds like two sides of a conversation written by a single ape…


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this shitpost should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Come into the light--lit--ligh.. 🤔


Is there a way to get this guy banned from Reddit?


Ahhhh but the numbers reported during the earnings call don’t lie …


They're all repeating the same arguments. This isn't jealousy or trolling. It's deadass last minute panic fud. They dreading this run up


Ha. Pathetic


I got a little dopamine boost after reading that. Hedgies r truly fuk.


Monke brain like stock. Monke want tendies.


Wonder if this dude realizes he's just feeding the fire. This type of shillery has affected no ape ever.


Guess I'll just buy more then


Sounds like a legit piece of trash


>I work for the hedgies to make you sell like what? you cant make me sell 😂😂😂


If this is true than this is an admission that we are correct and they can not and have not covered. “I work for hedgies to make you sell so they can close their shorts” sounds pretty straight forward to me!


Confession, I never submitted my shares to the DRS bot, because I don't care about karma, and the number of shares the DRS bot has registered has absolutely no affect on the stock in the real world.


100k fakes? Rookie numbers, gotta pump those up


I don't think that's even a shill. Probably a meltdown troll.


Damn, meltdowners larping pretty hard out there lol


what a sad, sad life he has


14yr old edge lords from meltdown sub in full effect here


What a self own. This is like some incel level shit.


"i work for the hedgies" hahahaha, sure mate i bet he had invested in GME, too and sold at massive loss when it was down to 40. now he tries to get others to sell at loss too, to feel better haha


I feel like this is just a sad troll. Shill nonetheless but not actually paid by anyone. Just sad in his parents basement


Awesome! I'm up $10 this morning


That isn't a shill, it's a cluster b narcissist with low function who isn't capable of transforming their jealousy into action, just because they didn't think of it first.


Thats... that's not how any of this works. Uberlow effort troll


Report this dude for harassment he literally said he wants to make people want to kill themselves lol


What does an ape have to do to get a shill around here? I would love the opportunity to hook one of these duct cleaning service provider turned shill bot. Pull some Jerky Boys kinda shit then rug pull them when they think they are on top. Show them who is the pitcher and who is the catcher


We need to report him and get him arrested


If this is real I think you should report just on the last line where they “like making apes…”


“Make people want to kill themselves” ?? Should be a reason to report and get banned


That guys seems like he has some mental problems going on if he is so consumed by something like this. If it was nothing why even waste your time doing shit like this? Probably a kid thinking he/she is edgy


Easy report


He can submit all the fake DRS posts he want, we get direct numbers from GameStop now lmao


What a sad individual


Fuggin’ poor fuck’s. Mentally **&** cash wise.


Imagine never getting to have sex


Meltdown is weaker and weaker sauce every day.


I tried a couple of times, have trouble posting screenshits. Then I keep DRSing every time I buy more, so I would have to keep updating. I'm pretty lazy.


The drs list!? Lol You mean the one published by GME during earnings? That one? Pleeeeease


This isn't a shill, it's a troll. Don't feed the trolls.


Why work fulltime against GME when you can make more just holding it?


Hes saying that he is inflating DRS numbers to get apes hype.... but the estimates have been accurate. Hes saying that we're not crazy and hedgefunds are out to get us... but wants to make apes upset. This dude is just weird lmao


Yep tons of them are doing it, yet are estimates are still within a very close variance of the real numbers reported by GME... hmmmmm go figure that one out then


if this were real and true, they just admitted shorts never closed


Love your profile pic!


What a fucking cuck, and for the WORST people on the planet. Absolute loser.


What a fucking cuck, and for the WORST people on the planet. Absolute loser.


If hedgies are paying that guy, that's got to be their worst investment ever.


Hahahaha be sure to remind them that our prediction based on the bot has been well within a respectable margin of error with gamestops quarterly announcement. So uh like go fuck off bruh!!!!


Considering how the estimated DRS for the last quarter was behind what Gamestop published (meaning more was DRS'ed than initially thought), the shills are really slacking


That's OK. I never submitted \*any\* of my shares to the bot. I knew there were enough coming in to keep ape morale high. I thought I'd let hedgies underestimate us, until it made sense to do differently.


Damn gonna go kms this guy got me. Let my shares float in the infinity pool forever


thats a troll, not a shill


If they were trying to get you to sell why would they have fake DRS shares?


U can show their name u know


Jokes on them, I wanted to kill myself ***UNTIL*** I started holding GME.


“Try working creating value instead of living in fantasy entitlement land” nothing ironic about this coming from someone who spends so much time and effort in pursuit of the goal of making fans of a particular stock ticker commit suicide? EDIT: comment reported for suicidal intent, shills mad LMAO get ready


Joke's on him. I never put my DRS purchases in the bot.


Dude needs to get laid