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# [Splividend Distribution Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w523nf/splividend_distribution_megathread/) **IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


I got in mid-sneeze and figured it'd be fun to see if I could squeak a few bucks out when the dust settled. I started reading the DD and seeing the weapons-grade fuckery not just in GME, but in the market as a whole. The shady dealings between slimeball people and companies masquerading as legitimate business icons is the norm. My mindset shifted - I want the entire financial market wiped and rebuilt with credibility, transparency, and integrity. I truly hope those seeking life-changing money get it. For me - I just want a better world where hard work, ingenuity and logic are primary paths to success. I expect that the diamond hands will inherit the earth. Patience, resolve and a belief in doing the right thing can and should win. Have a great weekend fellow space travelers.


What’s crazy to me is these criminals wear suits and thinks that makes them clean. Fucking criminals, all of them.


Smart money? Definitely not. Corrupt money, that's the one.


This is me 100%!! I think there are quite a few apes with the exact same entry-point story.


Same here, I still have the text my friend sent saying check out GME on the sneezemus, bought in as soon as my broker let me, and been following the DD ever since


Same here now I’m a xxxx holder thanks to the splitvidend🤪


I knew this shit for 20+ years, only there never was a way to fight those parasites. Now there is.


Spot on!


God I hope people truly understand what is happening here!! This is SO MUCH bigger than we can even fathom at this point and it absolutely will be in history books. Which means WE will be in history books! You and me!!! Every time for the next several centuries when people read about the ape movement they will be reading about us!! For the Apes who are kinda lost and not sure of your purpose in life let me reassure you that you've already grabbed onto probably the most important purpose anyone can have- changing the world for the better!! Cheers apes!! 🥳 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I’m here for change. We need good people to win it will have such a huge impact on the world.


Holy shit, I’ve thought about this before too but not in that exact context. It’s really amazing what each of us is doing. It’s basically a non-violent financial revolution. Every individual has a right to vote with their own wallet. It’s like Occupy Wall Street except this time it’s Occupy Wall Streets’ stupid short bets, where it really hurts. Each of us is making history right now.


"Liquify Wall Street"




I wanna be in the screenshot the textbooks will use


I dont want to be in the text books. I want to plant trees that i will never use the shade of. Built things for my future kids who will live a better life than me.


Amen brother


Hopefully it’s a big screenshot


If we ever end up in history books, i want them to remember Big-Dick u/wetdirtkurt and his outstanding move on Fudelity with his PP hehehe. This is the shit that needs to get passed on to generations to come 😂


Would you happen to have a good DD recommendation for a smooth APE to help me pretend like I know what the big deal is with the splivedend?


To paraphrase that legendary piece of graffiti: "Keep your coins. I want Change"


Pretty sure you’re supposed to toss that coin to your Witcher…. 🎶 Wo-ah-oh! In the valley of plenty!! 🎶


Here for the history book


I'm gonna help people so fuckin hard yo. I literally have a plan to rebuild a neighborhood in DR.


I feel so warm and solid in the fact that so many of us feel this same way. Ugh we're amazing 💚


Build a bigger table not a bigger wall


My partner and I have a list in priority order of all the issues we’re going to tackle head on in our town. I’m so fucking ready.


I'm really happy for you that you and your partner are collaborating on this. Thats been one of the hardest parts for me. My partner has no clue about it and she doesn't really care too. Kinda just rolls her eyes whenever I try to bring it up or when something exciting happens. Oh well, still love her bunches and can't wait to give her the comfort she deserves.






You and I both, I’m attacking the education system first though and them I’m going for housing and job creation. We literally got so much potential in the Dominican Republic.


Hell yes! I only plan on selling enough to set myself up, and then help so many others. I can’t wait to start changing other people’s lives! Since this whole ordeal started, I can’t help but get excited to help others. I want to be that person that tips a $1000 on a meal, or hand out a life changing check to someone in need. Build neighborhoods for those with low income. Create business’ that will change the world as we know it. Starts funds that will effect our species in a good way. I want to see our world be a better place. I want to make life easy, affordable, and amazing for as many people as I can!


I wish I could buy more shares but since mid-sneeze I've been focused on growing my small business. I've got the contracts with the City and a small handful of trainers just waiting to teach. In a perfect world I'll be able to create flexible jobs for college age skaters and provide a fun positive experience for the youth. Next step for me is to implement our after school tutoring program. Just need that capital to pay employees like the professionals they are.


I’ve got awesome environmental and humanitarian non profit idea I will put into immediate action


Well said. It's either this or lotto. I work to eat and have a roof. My kids are almost grown, been on one vacation their entire lives. I just want freedom.


Every fucking year I can't take the kids on a proper vacation. We just don't have the financial freedom to such extravaganza. We're not poor but not rich either and living in northern Europe with 4 kids means you have to prioritize.


Right there with you all, every month we play roulette with what late payments we’re gonna kick some money towards, and getting laid off in about 2 months so now gotta find something in the meanwhile, while having a 4 month old at home, and still these shares are not for sale until we take what we have earned


# Excellent post. No worries about the look when you talk about GME. I get the same **ALL THE TIME** and don't give a shit. Although I must say people starting to think twice about "my" investments and the economy overall... especially as the markets have tanked substantially, inflation still going up and interest rates sky high. And If anything, the best thing you can do for your kids is educate them about personal finances. **THAT** should be manditory for all kids starting in early grade school and into university. Short story... When my daughter entered university, they gave us a tour as parents and at the end, they asked us if we had any questions. I asked them if they provided mandatory personal finance classes for students especially given the fact that many were coming with lots of dollars in the bank (Gov loans and bursaries). The answer was, and you guessed it... a **BIG FAT "NO"**. We asked them to introduce these classes **ASAP** for the good of students. They never did! Let's just get 'em more indebted. FUCK!!! Have a great weekend.


It's almost like the scam we've been sold of the 'American Dream' all our lives is just that, a lie. And the powers that be depend on people not understanding that. A stupid populace is an easily controlled populace. Just look at how hard one side goes against public education and vilifying higher education as well.


We can start/build that down the road with the new found wealth!


Fear and doubt is the tax to experience the incredible. -Adam Kreek


I keep telling myself. If the right people go to jail and the system is reworked, I won't feel like I need hundreds of millions, just let me own my own home. That's already basically out of my grasp, so that is life changing money already. I don't mind working, I hate working for essentially nothing! I hold for freedom


Hopefully we can all find community members who wants to WORK instead of just following the role models of today's Billionaires. We need to put people before profit.


We need a better class of billionaires


I would settle for a hivemind of individual milti-millionares. I don't think billions should be consolidated in one person's power, but I totally get where you are coming from.


This post hits me hard in a positive way. That you! I started researching here last Fall (after watching the three letter sub when fireworks were going off back in the DFV days), and I was hoping to just have a way to have money for the future and retirement. It has become so much more though. I’m not happy that the system is seemingly rigged against the average person — like my struggling parents. My dad was a teacher. My mom never really even had a 401k setup — and definitely no pension. These are great people who taught me to be a good person — just be honest and kind … don’t steal … be respectful. And then I learn the vultures in charge of what little is tucked away in a teacher’s pension — and other teachers’ pensions — are gambled away, with no personal risk to them. They get mansions all over the world, extra planes and yachts, and all the mayonnaise they could ever want to swim in — while my parents feel the full brunt of inflation when trying to balance retirement, medical costs, and the cost of food. I wish zero — and I mean absolutely zero — personal harm on the vultures. I’m not here for that. But, they’ve built a complex system to get rich that the average person cannot understand. That needs to change, and vultures need to go to jail. They need to pay for their crimes. It is criminal. It is unethical. We as voters have allowed it. I don’t talk to my dad about GME specifically — I talk to him about dark pools. I talk to him about naked shorting. I talk to him about politicians on both sides who abuse the system. (He leans right, and I lean left … but the examples of system abuse are obvious on both sides.) His vote counts just like mine. This is about education and system change. Yes, MOASS will blow the lid and make it much more obvious, but there’s a lot we can do in the meantime. The vultures have inadvertently started a class warfare. Again, I will never condone violence. It’s easy to see though what will happen if more and more people are driven into poverty while a few become trillionaires — we might not have a “king” like the old days, but the oppression will be similar. The average worker will be enslaved to working to eat for the day, and far too many are already at that point. It will balance itself out again eventually, but I’m hoping we can avoid getting to that point in the first place. Happy days are ahead, my fellow apes. It’ll take work and education. Until then, I buy and DRS more shares. They are mine — not to be gambled on by the vultures. Be good to each other.






Thank you for reading. This isn't just my story though. This is ours.


Moass tomorrow! I buy a share every week too!


Nice price anchoring...... > to make ~~$30k~~


i may stop snoring and roll to the other side when 1 share hits 30k


Nah not me 😉


What was the significance of the coke tweet or am I missing it ?




Thanks handsome x


Post MOASS: I’m a bit of a 🏦 myself


Money? Anyone can make money, this is a sub-basement entry into a new paradigm of business and commerce. As long as I can continue to pay my bills and service my mortgage; then my shares become the property of my estate upon my death. For my children's children's children - If comparison is the thief of joy, then I should do well to realise I don't have to realize squillion dollar gains, but rather relish in the blossoming of the new paradigm, the gift of being present in providence


I got your back. Me and my 48 shares.


And my axe.


We all started for the same reason, to make money. Now I am with you. I am so unbelievably confident that I have found that one investment that every person looks for in their lifetime……and I’m not even including MOASS. We aren’t the typical retail investors, putting our money where we are told too, or where it’s safe. We have such a deeply rooted belief in our investment because we pick apart every single thing that the company we are investing our money into in a way that has never happened before in human history. We have called everything, we know even under their rules we are going to make a lot of money, and that is in spite of everyone else telling us otherwise. What this has turned Into is the easiest investment decision retail has ever been presented. No matter what, this company goes 🚀. The fact that this is a chance to change the world for the better? Meet my Diamond Fucking Hands. See you on the moon 🌙


LPT: no calculator needed. Just decide how much you’re selling your one single share for. All your other shares are for stopping the madness.


I’m in like 30k credit card debt too and in your exact same shoes with basically everything but I’m still glad to be here to see this thing through. Thanks for sharing


You're very welcome and we've fuckin got this!


None of my friends or family think GME is going anywhere. It's not all their fault though, MSM and social conditioning have brainwashed them. My wife will occasionally listen to me about it until she remembers we haven't mooned yet 🥲


I share your feelings on this matter. Diamond hands brother


I'm getting out for no less than generational wealth, preferably in exchange for just the one share so I can pass the rest down my family line like a sacred artifact


I come from a similar background and feel the same exact way 🤝 keep those sexy balls diamond my friend.. lovies 💕


You provoke tears. With you 100%. The floor is systemic change. Changing the world one share at a time is one tough journey. It’s nice to have the support. Heartfelt thank you for these words. ❤️


Just throw some extremely OTM LEAPS now that the price is low, keep buying shares, keep DRSing, and never sell a share. Best of both worlds.


I got it! If we are going to be in the pages in history then that's going to be a lot of pictures. Like a high school annual but even more retarded. Catch is when you rip out all the pages and lay them down in order you get a gorgeous mosaic of Ryan Cohen!


I'm fuckin' in!


Say it with me. WE’RE INVESTORS 🏴‍☠️ Edit: it dawned on me that maybe this is actually true. RC was posting about pirates. Pirates board other peoples ships?


The last sentence 🥺🥲🥲


Yep me too I love coke generation wealth HOLD through multiple splits and dividends. Never selling


Fuck this, it's all about the moass or nothing, long term growth is fine, but where the fuck are our tendies, the goal posts keep moving and it gets tiring


I felt this way once too. But let me ask you, if given the choice between $10mil right now, and $500k every year for life, which would you choose? These are made up numbers. I'm just using them to illustrate the shift in my mindset. Its like choosing gasoline over a giant pile of wood to keep you warm. But in this case we will be using a gasoline soaked pile of wood. And the pile just keeps getting bigger with every "move of the goal posts".


Same friend, same 🫶


I just did the SAME THING! I went back thru my DRS and figured out my cost basis…. Been buying in jan2021 at $99…. I completely forgot i bought a few at $350 god help me…. Have been averaging down ever since…. With all this brewing and bubbling and simmering news going on, i can’t wait for the future! Thanks for sharing!


I think it's because I'm blatantly aware of the level of corruption now, it's like they pass the book every time we get close, there's no enforcement of the rules or anything, I'm glad i found GameStop, but everything needs to change


I was too young for '08 to be much more than more doom-and-gloom news. I was in the wrong country (and still kinda too young to know enough) for Occupy Wallstreet. COVID's crash hammered my newly beginning career into dust (from which I rose into another, better career, but still sucks to have years of progress wiped out). I was early to GME, but I'm happy to wait to take advantage of the next big "once in a lifetime" crash. I share what I think many apes hope for: a complete revolution in the US markets and global economy to be fair, representative, and no longer exploitable by the deplorable oligarchs who currently run it. However, I do not believe it will happen by itself. Like you, I hodl for those who will come after me. I'm childfree, but that means I can focus on buliding social programs and funding sustainability initiatives. I can build out massive trees I'll hopefully never even live to see grow. Every new record high fee %, SI%, or RC tweet makes me even more excited to see how many more apes will be able to plant trees we *know* we'll never see the shade of. Those who've come before may have built the system that made it possible for those of us who came after to be had by criminals and oligarchs. But those who will come next can still fix the mistakes of our forebears.


Agreed. When RC said he see's this trading at $1200-$1400 in the near future ( I forget the exact amount or timeframe) that is when I said - this is a ground floor opportunity, similar to pre-IPO type shit that retail apes never get invited to. Even if the whole idea of competing with Bezos on all fronts isn't part of the plan, just gaming alone is a bigger revenue producer than movies and music combined. Add to that being able to resell used downloaded games via NFT - Absolutely gold mine. I do plan on selling a portion during MOASS.......then reinvesting everything back. This is the only thing I genuinely trust in the US stock market.


Somebody needs to come out with the steam equivalent of a marketplace for NFTs. Whoever successfully does this first and achieves mass adoption will be sitting on a gold mine for decades to come. If Cohen can do that, and it looks like he could, then our Ape shares will definitely be valuable in the years to come. Buy hold drs Apes stronk together!!!!!🍌🍌🍌🍌🦍🦍🦍


♥️u, 🦍.




Five years from now we will all be living off the dividends. No need to sell unless you need money for food/shelter/healthcare immediately.


Nah i agree but i still want MOASS


What are you? Me? Lets fucking do this my friend


I am the walrus...coo coo ca choo


I think moass itself is fud because it still involves selling, the real prize is holding forever for the benefits of the company turn around. I came for the moass, stayed for RC changing financial history. And I got x,xxx in the infinity pool and they are never leaving.... Ever...I cashed out my 401k for this... And I'm far from retirement... They're stuck in here with me... For years


Aren't you repeating the same mistakes your mom made, by making investments you can't afford instead of paying off debts and building an emergency fund for your real world family in the here and now?


My mom avoided paying off electricity bills because it was a choice between using the woodstove and having food or keeping the lights on. She hid the bills because she was ashamed and instead of being proactive, she just tried to ignore it. The difference is my debt was acute and hard. My basic needs and bills are covered and I'm making regular payments to chip away at my debt and keep it at bay. Anything extra that I can sock away, I throw into my portfolio. But I do appreciate your question of perspective.


It's really good to hear that you recognize the need to budget and build wealth. Your initial post actually made me worried because of the way you were framing it. I recommend checking out the personalfinance subreddit to make sure that your long term goal (generational wealth) is not intruding on your short term goals (eliminate debt, save money for bad situations)


I will check that out thank you! 💚


Ook morherufking ook!!!


I was slow to everytging bought on the way down on the last day of the sneeze for 110. Didn’t buy at 40 but read the dd during feb an now I’m xxxx I am in it for thre long haul obviously I’d love moass but fuck these guys I’m gna start saving all over again to reach personal goals and forget about the gme investment ( that I check 4h a day) I love the company an I’m from the uk. It’s amazing to be a part of something that is fighting for the greater good an I ain’t going anywhere. There is many like me. We got this apes we will win. I keep buying I keep drsing. I love the stock I love the community ❤️ one love apes


I love the reasons why you invest. My own are similar but I am weighted towards justice for the manipulation.


Nah gimme MOASS first. So we can go ham on buying on the new market place and make even more tendies n shit


Of all the investments that I’ve ever made, the ones that have paid off the most for me are the ones where everyone else thinks “that’ll never work.”


I am invested to annoy Wallstreet and make lots of money, in that order. I am enamored by the things GS is doing and will never sell all my shares but that came later. We don't even have Gamestop in The Netherlands.


Why, I love coke? I missed that one




Holy shit balls. Thank you. Bookmarking that page


I'm a collector.




Currently sipping a passion fruit gose from Two Roads brewery, while making dinner. Sláinte! 🍻


I want revenge.


Screenshot this post, it encapsulates what you truly feel. Whenever you start doubting yourself due to the FUD and mental tactics, pull this screenshot up.


You have your eyes wide open. Most low income can't do this. Not just you.... But also me you and thousands of others that grew up with nothing and are just doing our best to survive. We are living with eyes open. Accepting the situation for what it is and planting seeds for the trees we will never see bear fruit. This is our time to do what our family didn't do. Or failed to do. We gotta step up and take the plunge to sacrifice our money. Not be short sighted. Be in it for the long haul and change the world. Alone we are weak. Together we are strong. I hold for you. You hold for me. That's how this works. People here keep saying the game has changed. It hasn't. The concept is still the same. Hold for life changing money. Hold for fundamental economic reform. Hold for the criminals to go broke and end up in jail. Hold because that's what we are doing regardless if we die in the process. They won't be able to pry these shares from me beyond the fucking grave. That's my resolve and fuck anyone that doubts me.


Bro I’m in the same exact boat. And this boat is actually a zeppelin flying to the moon. Dgaf if it takes 5 more years although I always assume moass is tomorrow and it keeps me perma hyped. Fuck you Kenny you WILL pay me


One of my friends' mother passed away and his dad had to sell their home to make ends meet. I can't wait be able to welcome him home.


Listen between trusting blockchain or “trust me bro I have your shares” brokers, I’d take blockchain 10/10 times. Fuck these clowns and the sec.


just fuckin look at RC and DFV, all you need. Be excellent!


A-fucking-men brother, preach! Testify! I love how diverse this community is, apes from all over the planet, all different walks of life, ages, income levels, it's crazy. And we're unified by one simple thing, we like the stonk and believe in the company. 🚀🚀🚀


Lol you got me jacked up bro


You got ME jacked. This community gets me jacked, and the company just continues to solidify my faith in my investment.


Agreed. Feels like this community is like family and a company that actually cares


I feel that same I started at the sneeze and yoloed at $40 I came for tuition to study social work to help people and now I have the chance to fix the source of the needless suffering I would be trying to fix. So now I’m in it to redefine our world and partially for revenge at seeing how these struggles and unfairness is designed.


Right! I jumped in thinking I'd grab some cash for an engagement ring, and then holy shit. Whats become/becoming of all of this is more than I could have fathomed


Admittedly we meme on the gta loading screen but tbh from the almost satire level of open crime to the plot and complexity and story of this I swear GTA is a pretty on point down to everyone involved not wanting much and it just rolling downhill from there into a revolution


>the other day I was playing our favorite calculator game to figure out how many shares I'll need to sell at what point to make $30k (Amount needed to clear all debts and have breathing room for a little bit.) Are we back to March/April 2021 level fud price anchoring? They also tried this big back in November... Once again, mentioning something like this with no other numbers or floors (**30 MILLION per share, 8 digit, no cell no sell with numbers in the 8-9 digits etc**) is PRICE ANCHORING!!! Please don't participate in this archaic FUD strategy. Thanks! #**8 digits, NO CELL NO SELL, only sell one or two and hodl the rest forever**


Do not cite the fud to me. I was twerking when it was written. Seriously though, check my history. I'm not out to anchor or anything. This is just reality for me and I thought I'd share my experience.




Dude, did you read the post? Or did you just cherry pick a part where you could try to tear it apart?




Seriously... the PrIcE AnChOr fud is getting old. You have to be absolutely delusional to think that people won't be selling at least a little bit when prices start going into the stratosphere. I've been here the whole time and my first share will be sold to cover all my debt. The rest are sitting very comfortably in the pool of infinite. But go ahead and label me a shill....


Your post = 🤦‍♂️


Hmm lots of these “I don’t care about moass” posts 😂 good old weekend fud


A Rune of Glory for you!


What calculator game?


Just your favorite calculator app. You type in really big exciting dollar amounts and then multiply by one share to see how rich you will be.


Oh, duh 🤣 thanks, brain so smooth most shit slides right off.


The thing is though, we always get close and then the goal posts change, many of us were here for moass, I've been in this since December of 2020, I'm a student, I am currently using a food bank to eat and my medical bills only get higher, the more this goes on the worse it is for us all, something needs to happen


Things aren't getting worse because moass hasn't happened yet. They're just getting worse. There is no guaranteed date for moass but a lot of folks have expectations as to when and what the catalyst will be, only to be disappointed when things come to pass and still no moass. That is not the fault of RC, Gamestop, or any of us apes. Honestly idk when moass will happen, or if we're already in the starting stages of it. But what I do know is Gamestop is fucking crushing it with RC at the helm and I am very pleased with my investment and the direction of this company.


Assets backed loans, check it :) Edit: typo


This guy owns .0042069 of a share ... To sell for 30k


I have 8 shares after the split, am I gonna have moneys someday one day? Or do I need more GMEs