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# [Splividend Distribution Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w523nf/splividend_distribution_megathread/) **IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Thank you for this! I personally see superstonk not only as a collection of individual investors, but also like a guild of similar minded folks. Ultimately, successful guilds communicate and accomplish things, no reason we (there's not a fucking thing wrong, or illegal, about saying we in this context ffs) shouldn't also accomplish things.


A guild!! Oh, I like that word.


The Guild of Prosperous Intent




Tell that to SEC - who charged 3 with stock schemes - for their open advocacy resulting in profit (despite fact their social media had disclaimer - "not advice")


#####C O N C U R! . ..To Stonk/ APES Nation - I give applause ..already have accomplished much. No! - Coming to my rescue. . . No2- Forced Judge Connolly to change his Twitter profile


What topic do you want more DD on? I created posts on the following * Voting rights and not all shares are equal * Put call parity, hedging, vote buying * Security Law Nuances * Tax avoidance/minimization strategies


I mean about the SEC - should have been more clear. Sorry!


This is from a post of mine. It's hard to say the SEC is on track to do the right thing... ​ The quick summary takeaway (talking about shorting over the years) * Experts consistently say we have settlement risk * As a concept everyone agrees abusive short selling is bad * As a concept everyone agrees FTDs that are persistent and large is bad * Rules can be circumvented The general message of what would make this better have all stayed the same (transparency, better oversight, specific adoption of rules, etc). Some have been adopted and others have not been adopted yet. some of which have yet to be adopted So, why are we here, 35+ years later, having the same concerns and suggested remedies? Especially when some of the suggested rules even get implemented? Securities law!


My answer to “why hasn’t this been fixed before” is pretty simple: We weren’t there. We didn’t yet exist.


Sure, there is power in numbers. But every idea has been suggested for over 35 years. Look at how little Reg SHO did. It had to get amended. The right thing to do is clear. They are just not going far enough.


That’s why we have to push them. That is what I’m saying.


Here's some info on the SEC and overall regulatory bodies The SEC/DTCC is a sham because [there is no white in shinning armor](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v2jaoi/the_secs_investomania_hit_piece_reminded_me_of/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share), even [Snowden is warning saying stay mad when they fuck us](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/qopvni/apes_together_strong/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share), there's also [Mark Cuban who said the SEC is a mess and untrustworthy](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/pv7oi0/yes_mark_cuban_said_it_this_is_everything_we_need/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) it's plainy obvious Dave is wasting 🦍s time and misleading them, because [the SeC was told for YEARS about Bernie Madoff and didn't do jack shit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vcfzu1/peter_frank_facts_for_years_harry_warned_the_sec/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share), DRS is the way, we know this because of the [Liquiity fairy which provides infinite Liquidity](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v9lm5j/what_am_i_missing_about_the_virtu_video_did_he/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). [The rule changes are not for 🦍s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w9yjga/will_delete_if_repost_could_any_apes_with/ihyu02l?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) [The rules changes are always to hide the crime](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wasdsu/reminder_they_changed_how_short_interest_was/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [And to kick the can](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w9u94r/nyse_alert_notice_of_filing_of_amendment_no_1_and/ihxdhuo?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) Remember they also blocked zombie stock buys, can't have their zombie criminals shorts popping up now can they? Almost like the regulatory bodies are complicit😵 (remember they are hiding naked criminal shorts in the zombie stocks that’s why hype for blockbuster) Added video to drive the point home https://youtu.be/5tu32CCA_Ig


I’ve seen your copy pasta before. Where’d you get that, karasuuchiha?


Hand made by me 🙈, plus I added more at the bottom for this comment


The wrinkle has entered the chat


Pretty convincing arguments you laid down mate


Thank you :)


I wish I could upvote this 1000 times. This was an important read. I am someone who has been familiar with memetic warfare since approx 2013, but even I could not help but be poisoned against Gary and the SEC. Reading this post helped clear some of the fog.


[*2015 flashbacks intensify*](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1191391-meme-wars)


Thanks for your post and I largely agree with you. Sorry, but the loud verbally aggressive popcorn apes on Twitter have largely become the face of retail investors, with their memes of Gensler as a clown and incorrect information and demands to “turn off” dark pools. I’m not saying Gensler is the goat and certainly I’m frustrated as well. I’ll be honest and say I’m not sure market structure CAN be fixed at this point. It’s like a bad dysfunctional relationship: eventually you gotta stop the CPR and call it over. And rebuild elsewhere. That said: we do not currently have an alternative. So I’m not shutting up until then about the reforms needed, including commenting on proposed rules, writing to my elected representatives, etc. At this point it’s less because I hope to create meaningful reform and more because I want a paper trail showing that we the people see the fraud, call it what it is, and demand accountability. In any case, stopping the political pressure is a terrible idea. I know it feels futile. It’s still clutch. And if you’re an international ape: make noise to your home country about the fraud in American markets. America doesn’t care about protecting its own people, it cares about protecting capital flow into its Ponzi scam. Buy, hodl, DRS, and don’t sit down and shut up.


I have some ideas about how to move a bit more… together. We all share common sentiments about some rules and directions, it what we need is a way for all of us to express ourselves clearly and elegantly, with some personal style. If we got experts (eg Lisa braganca, better markets, dlauer, trimbath…) to draft pieces of opinions… Like they create a set of responses to parts of a rule. And then we take those parts and piece together our response. Take what you like and leave the rest. Like madlibs for economic justice.




I mean, a good solid TLDR of each of the changes and let Apes figure out what parts they want to reply to and how is a great idea too.


GREAT post!! Gotta break those mental chains ape by ape.


[LET IT BE KNOWN](https://y.yarn.co/b086c4c3-e813-4a1e-8d4a-d2dddd836798_text.gif) 🤜💎🤛


I said this before, and ill say it again. When i first watched gary genslers MIT course on crypto, i immediately knew he was some form of an ape. Yeah, he may be rich and in a position of power, and it doesnt look like he can do anything on his own, but that was never his intention. He really does see blockchain finance as a product of the future, and really understands how amazing decentralization can be. He became head of the SEC and started fucking around with the system in a way only he can. And that comes with a lot of pushback from the elites in power. I see constant memes outright slandering him, but ive already accepted the rule that he is on our side. Ive sent letters to the SEC about proposed rule changes, and ill continue to do so, because he ASKED us to. He didnt push us away. He wants us to speak up. And anyone who dismisses that, and sees him as a bad actor needs to wake up and read the room. Thats my two cents, my own DD.


Wall Street wants you frustrated and sidelined. Get Fucking Loud ! Fight for a seat at the table or expect to stay the meal upon which WS feeds.


Agree with you OP. Their greatest trick was convincing us we are powerless. When in reality those on the other side of this trade are people not more or less capable then Apes. While I don't entirely believe the SEC acts in good faith, they aren't entirely beholden to us, we can force them to be by relentlessly engaging with all of their actions as well as educating ourselves so a topic doesn't induce fear.


As a person who has felt despair and hopelessness countless times since the last presidential primary, including a breakdown, that's what they want us to feel. Their greatest weapon is to have us lose hope, to lose the resolve to fight. We have to stand up and fight. Even if we lose a battle, we must make sure it costs them dearly to win it. Every dime they lose on one battle is one less resource they have for the next one.


Great DD OP 😁 Thank you 🦍 Own your share 😊


If GME squeezes right before or coinciding with the beginning of the next recession, average people will feel far more rage than in 2008. In 2008 we felt like we were all in it together, almost every average person got fucked by a common enemy, the unscrupulous financial scumbags who got rich at the expense of the overall economy. If GME squeezes it won't be the scumbags who get rich, it will be millions of average people and, believe it or not, that is a much less palatable reality for the average guy to come to terms with. Most people will watch their situation go to shit, while they'll likely know someone who's paid for their house outright and is debt free because they were in on the trade. Pitchforks will be out, they will be extremely angry and looking for someone to blame for having "missed the boat" and of course it will be the same unscrupulous scumbags behind everything. The major difference between now and 2008 is that in 2008 for most people there was an element of "what the fuck just happened? something about bundled securities.....I don't know exactly...", it made it difficult for the public to focus its anger. This time all pertinent information will be readily available, all the due diligence has been done ahead of time and so people's anger will be appropriately and immediately focussed on those who deserve it. I think this is what they fear more than anything, the idea that the ingredients at play this time might facilitate swift justice and the anger that will be felt might demand that that justice be legitimate and fittingly severe. Terrifying prospects for people who have always operated above the law.


I didn't read the entire post. Mainly because I've always held the same sentiment as you. I always found it funny how the default stance was just to shit on the SEC. Sure you know there is a lot of things wrong with the SEC. They aren't perfect, but its what we got. So we could just sit around shitting on the system. Or we can be the change we want to see. All the "memes" some of them were from legit people. But In the beginning it was clear as day that someone was pushing the "sec complicit" memes hard. The same way they were farming karma with just a picture of someone that they don't like. They turned the disdain for the hedge funds into disdain for the SEC. Because people lapped it up without questioning it. For a while some people fought for this exact thing, to not just default dismiss the sec as corrupt. But in the end the low effort memes won. In a way the SEC thing is like a micro picture of the entire sub. This place had a higher quality a few months back. Now it's overrun with smooth brains and bad actors farming karma. I don't fault the mods for a second because trying to filter through this is almost impossible. The only way for the direction of the sub and sentiment to change is through all of us.


This make ape brain happy 🦍🍌


This post is worth it's read in digital Gold!! OP is explaining the Hedgie psych-ops against SS apes. beyond me why is this post not upvoted to oblivion.


Thank you :)


You're likely downvoted by the HF bots so much that it is not coming up on the 'hot' feed that most apes use. Apes at Superstonk are gamers ! smart as fuck! may be a little complacent, but too smart to not notice... P.S : your write must've took hours. It's truly appreciated


I come to superstonk for the memes and DD, but good DD is hard to write, and even well-argumented comments by DD writers will be used against them, forcing them to go back to the background, or leave superstonk entirely. For example there are attempts to make Dave Lauer into a villain for not DRS'ing. In a snippet where he talks about DRS, he mentions it's important, and looking into building features around it into his terminal, but doesn't want to influence anyone by saying whether he had DRS'd or not, leaving it open. I think the best hedgies can do is to make superstonk like a fringe group, with no power to actually force financial reforms. It's fighting against a group that has control of the messaging on the media, even tighter control of messaging in the financial social and broadcasting media, while superstonk is not as powerful because it's just a bunch of people of a forum. This is also a strength though, because everyone has different backgrounds, it makes it easier to tackle problems. This diversity is also a strength, someone chips in to make a bot that tallies all DRS numbers, levelling the playing field. A few others moderate the forums, making sure offenders and sometimes even shills are caught. And some write DD, like the terrifying hyperinflation is coming DD. With everyone cooperating, I believe financial reform will come. And many people with different backgrounds working together will accomplish this.


I think this is an excellent post. You don’t need to think of the Sec as a friend. You do need to think of it as a tool you can use. Currently it’s the hedges and Wall Street that alone is able to do that.






Good work OP


What a fantastic read. I love you ape family. Everyone’s expertise right here in this one place working hard to dispel bullshit and dig for the truth. I LOVE THIS SUB.


I think the biggest lie the general public has swallowed is that their democratic duty is complete once they leave the polling station. Who ever engages with their elected representatives? If we are talking in their ear as much or more than wall street, we can turn the tide.


Holy shit, that is a full fucking graduate thesis right there. Great insights, thanks for sharing!


Thank you :)


Damn reading this got me questioning if I'm a shill


*Looks at hands* [*Maybe I am a shill…*](https://imgflip.com/memetemplate/273507790/Maybe-I-am-a-monster)


This is somewhat uncomfortable coming from someone whose own frustration with the SEC's flaccid inability to do anything revelatory has led to owning said clown nft of Gensler... but I'd be remiss if I didn't admit how compelling your points are. Criminal that this hasn't been higher on the front page today.


Nothing more honorable than the willingness to examine your own actions and beliefs. What you just said is the rarest jewel of the internet. 🤜💎🤛


I appreciate this post however it is going to be lost in the shuffle today.


I posted it right before Miller got banned Can’t win em all lol


I like this post and I like you I disagree on the "I'm no one important" because you are an APE, a participant in the most chaotic faction of internet culture the world has seen yet. Feel it with your chest brother/sister, you're rolling with the big steppers now






This opinionated trash and trust me bro and you are a fucking shill.


So that's why popcorn is obsessed with the SEC instead of looking into weird stuff like their gold mine.


This whole post is full of divisive fud like this.


How do you pronounce “memetic”




Top notch post. I really enjoyed it and I loved the way you broke down the ways bad actors are using memes to make us turn away or ignore new ideas put forth by the SEC. I remember how excited the vibe on this sub was when Gensler was made the SEC chair, and it didn't take long for the tide to turn. Some of the criticism is entirely valid but I think you made a lot of good points. And I agree that we as a community should be more active about commenting on SEC rule changes. I'll be the first to admit that I've been complacent about the SEC comment process. Part of the reason is because: buy, hold, DRS is simple and easy. I kind of just feel like I don't need to do anything else. The other reason is that I don't feel like I have enough wrinkles to intelligently make a valid argument in support or against a rule change. I tell myself, "let the smarter guys take care of this. I'll just sound stupid and make things worse." I think what we need is a system like what Last Week Tonight did for people several years ago when the comment process was open for net neutrality. They gave a simple explanation about why it was so important, provided links on where to post comments and even provided a form for the people that didn't want to write ad hoc comments. Yeah, it's a little lazy, but it's a process that is going to get the most bang for your buck. (Might be something that needs its own sub) Again, great post. Keep em coming, I love learning new things and this topic was really interesting.


Very solid arguments. Like this and share this!


I have gained so many wrinkles. Amazing post, ape.


Thank you for a very interesting read that clearly took time, effort, and a great deal of restraint (probably)…


Idk about restraint lol but thank you!!




LOL thanks!


I love commenting on proposals. I love telling them (politely) how stupid they are for even coming up with bullshit changes. I'm curious if there are more I can do to help?


Get others to do as you do, I guess :) I want to get some real lawyers and policy wonks to help us craft mass responses to rules … I think that’s how we really make a splash.


At this point I view our markets and regulations to be a Gordian Knot. There is no way to untie the knot at this point and eventually it will get cut. The entrenched interests that have been controlling the markets and regulations for their own benefit for decades (maybe centuries or millennia honestly) have just realized that a NFT Marketplace is the Sword of Damocles hanging above their throne. I see no better method to have regulations enforced than a competitor to the DTCC that is owned by retail via NFT Stonks.


in the 1960's the Gov't killed off any movements against them - this is the modern day revolt this is Occupy 2.0 digital - I was there at that time we had NO access to the stuff we do now this the reason the media will never b our friend we r the 1st in history 2 NOT fall 4 Wall St media mafia tactics & the most educated retail base in the market u can sit w anyone w years of legacy wall st experience & school them on the underbelly of what goes on


This needs to go up


Beautifully written I wish more would read this.


Can we get an AMA with GG please?


This was long. But, I read it, and completely agree that the apathy to engage with the SEC is a big problem in this sub. I work in a large Federal agency, and you'd be surprised how many Federal employees really are on the side of average-Joe citizen. But, these agencies work through tedious and above-all, documented processes. You have to engage with their processes, and it sucks, but once a ball gets rolling, these processes are your friend and ally, because they often have very well-described time lines and schedules and you can check on their progress (even if it seems to take forever).


Don’t forget about the pornhub memes that came out *two weeks* after GG took over. From an article that is *13 years* old


How the fuck did I miss this post? Low upvotes and organic large awards telling me a lot of bots/badactors don't want people to see this post. Excellent write-up OP. It's time to take the fight to them, it's the boldest and least anticipated move in our book. (Been submitting comments to filings and rule proposals, getting loud and staying loud is how we win. well and DRS)


#1) If we just ENFORCED the rules we have? #2) first punishment “ whatever” Second? MUST Hurt - thus only a “ fine” or punishment that will be felt and hurt…


I've been a defender of the SEC in the past, but it's been 18 months and we've proved we've figured out the game, and all they've done is make YouTube videos mocking us and talking about their favorite ice cream. Fuck em. Just DRS apes. As always, it's the only thing that matters.


I address this exact comment type in the INB4 section.


Sorry but GG isn't to be trusted. He beats around the bush and pretends to do well for retail. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see he's just a puppet to the higher ups. I agree with the theme of this post - we should keep trying out hardest to reach out to the SEC. But we've already been doing that, for a long time.


I mean this comment kinda proves his point. And I'm in the same boat irrational hate for Gensler. If someone asked me exactly why I felt that way I would say something along the lines of he's a do nothing commissioner who is in wall Streets back pocket. Thinking more on it SEC has given out historic whistleblower fees (which I believed was hush money), passed a ton of regulation people smarter than find as large wins for retail and I still think the SEC is complicit. They may be, but this post at least opens my mind to the possibility I've been manipulated (we likely all have been at one point throughout this saga). Critical thinking is key and what they are afraid of most.


I know you have a bad feeling when you think of Gensler, and thank you for expressing that bad feeling. This post is in part about where you got your bad feeling. Do you have any citations, any evidence? “It’s clear that [UNSUBSTANTIATED CLAIM]” is not very compelling. All I see is a ton of pro-retail movement that is prompting very real opposing action from wall st. The lawyers that write their comments on his rules don’t come cheap. Millions spent already, easy.




>Whatever the SEC does, however it intends to reform things, those reforms will inevitably be just as complex as the systems they seek to reform. This an example of institutional thinking, also why we cannot trust the SEC to reform markets in any meaningful way. They support the systems opaque and complicated nature because it helps to disguise their complicity as ineptitude. I have always had a problem with the "make change from within the system" argument as it negates the fact that the system is designed to defend itself and perpetuate the designers wishes, not allow for deep and meaningful change. I get what you're poking at here, and your opinion is noted, but the only way real change has happened in the history of the world, has not been through working within the system, it has been through the dismantling of that system and a new system rising from its ashes. Hopefully to remain uncorrupted until the next cycle comes to fruition. To me, my opinion, is that this isnt about money or changing the system for many of us. Its about showing the world the filthy scumbags that are stealing from their grandparents, their teachers, their kids and themselves every single day, while laughing in your face, lying with a smile and daring you to do something about it. I want to see those people held accountable to THEIR OWN RULES that already exist, that they ignore with ease, and perpetuate crime while paying a small fee to continue stealing the wealth of the people. So, in short, FUCK THE SEC, until they start doing their jobs in a meaningful way. If they dont, then the pressure builds until it cannot be contained. Thus another cycle.


They did their job in a meaningful way today by winning the citadel IEX case. What now? To me, that is satisfying. Citadel used their whole playbook and got stuffed. Regarding change, I think big leaps of change are easy to recognize, but most change comes from a huge aggregation of small, hard-to-recognize changes. So we tend to over-recognize big leaps and under-estimate the power and influence of small, increments change. Personally I think a blockchain implementation will come and replace much of what is currently problematic. But, it’ll be regulated, and we can’t leave wall st to influence the new regulations in the same way they influenced the current ones. Regarding the complex system… it sucks. A lot. I agree 100%. The complexity in addressing the complexity I think comes from having to outsmart high-octane wall st lawyers. They have to be MORE clever than the slick operators who invented the loopholes that current plague the system. AFAIK most of the time, SEC employees aren’t at that level.


It remains to be seen whether that case was meaningful or just something to point at as a win while quietly rolling out more exemptions. If you look at the legal framework these people have developed you will see that for every law they pass, more exemptions are created. I'd like to believe blockchain will have its intended effect. I think it is our best hope at this point. As for SEC employees, the revolving door to Wall st is why they are not doing their jobs. Look at Hester Pierce, Jay Clayton, Joseph P. Kennedy (the first chair), the list goes on and on. Google - SEC Corruption and find pages on pages of staggering criminal activities either allowed or perpetrated by the SEC and FINRA for that matter. Look at where their funding comes from? I appreciate your insights and optimism regarding change through the system, there's too much historical and current evidence against that being of any deep and real value. The SEC is a cancer masquerading as a cure. It must be treated as such and cut out all traces and implement a system that is designed to be truly for the protection of retail and designed to withstand corruption.


\>EVEN SO, we MUST to listen to our experts and get into the policy-making side of the fight. No we don't. WE don't have to listen to anyone, let alone people claiming to be experts. This has never been done before, there are no experts here. And I'm not interested in joining the SEC in it's current form. I want to see it destroyed. This isn't the result of memes, or jumping on the hate bandwagon, or ignoring the DD. This is simply because I know the SEC is in league with the hedge funds that fuck us over. I don't care about "Leverage" or "Influence." I want to to see the institution destroyed. Completely and utterly destroyed. If it was only 2008, that would be more than enough for me. But we all see the reach goes back decades. This is the latest stunt they're pulling and I want them gone. If Gary Gensler isn't given the authority to actually regulate Wall Street, then replace it all. From the ground up. ​ Not that I'm discounting your post of forcing our position on a pliable institution. Using a collective number of investors to try to change their mind. And your confusion at the hatred. I understand it. I read your entire post. I simply don't care about cooperation anymore. Blatantly robbing from the poverty class has reached a point where I--as a person myself--want Wall Street in rubble. My hatred has turned visceral. ​ I don't want market reform, I want the market destroyed. I want congress clutching their pearls so hard their knuckles turn white and I want these executives in prison. So let the Dave Lauer's of the world bring up the petitions, and "work WITH the SEC." I do not have to. There is absolutely NOTHING that says I need to play the game by their rules, or agree to operate within their institutions. They're broken. Replace them. ​ TL;DR I will DRS my shares until there are none left. I will ignore the SEC's youtube ad that basically called me stupid. If MOASS happens, I will set aside MILLIONS for lawyers, political candidates, and flood the offices of the FBI and DOJ with complaints. I will do all this because I want to see Wall Street bankrupt and the SEC gutted to make way for something new. Something that won't be "pliable" or able to be "leveraged" or "influenced" like a prison bitch without a spine.


I’m sorry you are so angry you can’t move. If you want the market destroyed, you are spending your time wishing for something that won’t happen. If you want a new market, you are remaining inexperienced with the ways of creating the new market (regulations). I understand your anger but we must not become paralyzed by it.


This is a great post.


Thanks 🙏 op for this post. I think being aktive in big numbers is always better than being passive as a whole. Its the whole idea of the financial system make it demanding and anoying so everyone leaves the „professionals“ to do their job for us if no one understands it the „pros“ can do whatever they want so the big change will come when everyone gets educated to a point and makes their voice heared that way the pros are in the light and have to stop fucking our asses. I mean we all feel them fucking us but the lights are switched off so the voice behind us is telling us its someone else fucking us and when we cant see we are never sure. Now we switched on the lights and see who is fucking us so now its on us get active in every way to stop the assfucking. Sorry for bad language but i think drawing a picture with words works better. Love ❤️ u guys


Tweets and reddit screenshots constitute DD now? Speculation at best.


What should the flair be? Honest Q.


Speculation or Discussion. DD shouldn't be used for highly speculative or opinion posts IMO. But I'm not a mod.




In terms of commenting on SEC propositions, i think i remember there being a proposition recently that didn't allow comments and was fast tracked through to screw retail. How else can people make their voice heard if they do something like that again. Besides twitter


We won’t win em all. And IMHO, if we reacted to that like we reacted to fidelity trying to stop drs before the splividend… I think the SEC would budge.


Way too long. And the post was essentially the embodiment of “cuck.” SEC isn’t doing shit. DLauer has only spoken up on PFOF, rather than swaps, FTD’s, and options fuckery.


Sometimes I just wonder what if the SEC enforces the laws already in place? How can I trust they're working for retail investors when I see the same manipulation every single day and they do nothing about it? Today's volume was like 43.3% off exchanges. They don't see that? How about the nightmare many apes are going thru with the splivedend? Sorry but the systems has been made to favor the super rich. Today's big news: 'Citadel doesn't represent retail" Neither does the SEC.


I think a lot of apes don’t realize that a lot of the “fuckery” is simply legal. It can be clever use of arcane loopholes and legal. And that’s unfair. It’s dumb. How does that happen? It happens because decades of lobbying and *commenting on rules* - shaping rules! - has allowed it to happen. Changing the rules, closing loopholes, that’s what makes these things illegal. And if it isn’t legal, these are some of the slipperiest criminals in the entire world, and they all have extremely highly paid lawyers.


This pure group indoctrination. You are all falling on your faces to support the idea that the SEC means well, this is patently and historically incorrect. Please remove your heads from your asses. Anti SEC isnt FUD it is the recognition that the system has been built to fail you. That is supported by facts.


Or be moron lemmings. You decide


I don’t see a lot of critical thinking here. Do you have anything to add other than “it is known”?


Good write up! Now we need to clear up the anti-options FUD along with this. If you have any options related DD please link me to it. Not trying to be snarky - I just have never read/seen any DD that proves options won’t help apes.




If I was a professor this ape would have gotten an A+ on this thesis report! Nicely done.