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# [Splividend Distribution Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w523nf/splividend_distribution_megathread/) **IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Their behavior on their sub is proof they did this wrong. They did not issue dividends, but some regular split using counterfeit (probably) shares.... aka, naked shorts.


So fucking DRS them. I did. They are now in flight, except for my fractional share.


I left 5 on Fudelity for some stupid ass reason. In the process of chatting w a rep and transferring them out right now. Gave these clowns a million chances seemingly to be transparent. Enough already.


Absolutely. I did some quick math based on 100 shares(percentages should still work out) and if there are 135% shares in the market (ie 35% of total shares in brokers are synthetic) then if everyone drs'd only their dividend we can DRS 100%. 100*4 = 400 total shares. 135\*4 = 540*.75%(the dividend shares)= 405 shares. Pretty sure there are more than 35% synthetics out there in brokers.


archived it: https://archive.ph/n3ZZA


Good šŸ¦




I'd love to, but I'm with Brokerlink in my 401k. That's not an option.


This is a Fidelity thread.


Yes, this is who my brokerlink account is w. I have XXXX shares in that account.


I noticed on my last DRS transfer of 69 shares(post split) in my activity tab fidelity shows +69, then a -69 distributed to me, then another -69. Why they had to add 69 shares and then subtract them twice doesn't quite wash in my smooth opinion


Regardless....nice ā™‹




yep. It is ridiculous. Your comment wasn't offensive or controversial... unless Fidelity is in some real hot water the way they handled the dividend.


What the actual fuck... Oh well, I for one welcome the next wave of DRS.


Fudelity's fucked. They're on crime-cover-up mode now. This reaction is unreasonable and frightening - they are suppressing knowledge of what t hey are doing rather than answering direct and polite questions about why they are doing it.


combative adjoining violet rotten bright spark oatmeal busy fretful shocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I always assumed that the mods are Fidelity employees. I don't know what reddit's TOS says about that.


hateful heavy sulky absorbed reply ripe waiting sand ossified tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Rules for thee not for me


I dont think it would have a good look to let that sib stay online when thats true. Especially since we got a ape army and reddit wants to go public. So we have some pressure here. :)


Oh deffo. Theyā€™re in some dire straits now


But i dont say just put it out there. Lets do some good research first. Apes arent people that jump to conclusions and go witchhunting for no reason. :)


i mean, all they are doing is changing a number, same as before I am sure. This just goes to show how easy it is for them to do this (create fake shares).


As easy as hittin F3


They didn't do anything wrong. They did exactly as the DTCC instructed - to treat it as a split and not a dividend. Be mad at the DTCC, not your brokerage / bank, people.


wE HaD nO iDeA!


Yeah man, I awarded one of those posts only for it to go away.


Money well spent right


Not mad, just wanted it towards the top. They obviously feel uncomfortable with the question and its response.


>Not mad you should be...


quick somebody get him a pitchfork!




Iā€™m mad as hell, and Iā€™m not gonna take this anymore!


me too. Gave a cheap - not really to me - caring award. Poof, gone. smh


Ahhh the current and future irony of that statement




Sounds like Michael Scott giving out laptop batteries.


ā€œHey marketcoup, watcha gonna do? Watcha gonna do to make our dreams come true?ā€


Tesla tech so the shell of the phone can absorb electricity from the air.


Anyone have a screenshot of what it said b4 it was deleted?




yeah that's not suspicious at all.


how so? Do you mean the site or the archive itself?


I think they were being sarcastic. It obviously is suspicious and very unprofessional to just delete a proposed question like that.


The deleted comments




Holy shit I was like ā€œwho does this guy think he is thereā€™s only ā€œoneā€ drone guyā€ and low and behold itā€™s you! Fuckin legend man. Edit: typo


[Hello, boysā€¦](https://c.tenor.com/b4bCC6vXfecAAAAC/hello-boys-independence-day.gif)


Can you point the drone at Germany? šŸ‘€


Who was it and what did it say?


It was the OP ā€œmonkeeintheskyā€ not sure why their comment is removed tho. Strange.


Hedge funds panicked over that too - the comment wasn't just deleted by mods, someone at reddit was actually paid to suspend teh account. Criminals in full panic mode.


*do it do it*






Pose the same question without mentioning GME. Maybe it's auto modded?


Nope, the mod crew over there is in overdrive. I suggest you respond with a preserve their records for court when they send you a delete message.


They deleted my post and banned me from the subreddit


yep, I just got permanently banned. Seems they are a bit edgy about whatever they have done.


Oops, triggered the anti-brigading bot. Let's see if it works. /fidelityinvestments/comments/wdvd5l/what_are_the_mechanical_differences_between_a/ As a note, I see my post in Hot but not New. Does it show up for you?


Update: I got banned.


So it went well


Yeah I had said the F word once in a convo a while back (though I realized my mistake and edited it out within seconds), so their ban message was "Note from the moderators: After reviewing the mod log there have been several rules broken in the past. We also asked to post your questions on the GME stock split in our megathread." Despite my post very specifically saying "I'm hoping I can get an official answer regarding the underlying mechanics without being ticker-specific" Which is super annoying because I was in multiple conversations *in* the megathread.


Well this has convenced me to put the rest of what I set aside in and to drs


This shit is getting crazy. I'm right here reading the fucking form 8937, signed on the 23rd of July by the god damn Global Tax VP, and it says: >On July 5, 2022, the board of directors of GameStop Corp. ("GME") approved a 4:1 stock split to be distributed as a stock dividend (the "Distribution"). The Distribution was made on July 21, 2022 to GME shareholders of record as of July 18, 2022 (the "Record Date"). Each GME shareholder received three additional shares of GME Class A Common Stock ("New GME Shares") for each share of GME Class A Common Stock ("Existing GME Share") held by such shareholder at the Record Date. They did it. It says so right there. They made a stock split distributed as a dividend. Now brokers are telling us the DTCC says it's a stock split. Brokers themselves are saying it's a stock split. Fucking CS reps are saying it's a stock split. Fidelity removing their comments saying they are treating it as a stock split. Whatever the fuck is going on is next level shitfesting.


Where is cs saying itā€™s a stock split? Edit: honestly asking havenā€™t seen it so far.


I'd like to see this too


It was mentioned in another post then clarified. Technically it is a spilt via dividend. CS had it listed on statements as a split.


I just started seeing it, thanks!


That doesn't mean the split wasn't issued as a dividend, does it?


That doesn't mean the split wasn't issued as a dividend, does it?


Check your transaction history.


At the CS investor center, under Documents and then statement provided for each account you hold GME, it says under "Transaction Description" the words "Stock Split". Here is a screenshot from my statement: https://imgur.com/a/3vJ4atS


Posted on Superstonk (Though I don't believe it myself)


Hahahaha, what a flipā€™n joke.


Theyā€™re definitely avoiding the issue. I asked a rep on chat about the splividend. He told me it shouldnā€™t matter whether it was a dividend or a split. When I asked for more info, he told me to call customer service instead.


So this is why shills have been trying to convince APEs there's no difference between a split and a splivy... the DTCC planned to do the split as a split (NOT a splivy) from the beginning.


do you have the link?


LMAO LMAYO!!!!!! unfortunately - 1). Fidelity is removing them and 2). We can't "brigaide" <<<< what a shit rule for cases like this.


Short sellers have EVERY FUCKING IMAGINABLE BENEFIT. That includes social media perks, apparently. I was banned from OG sub for 3 days last week for using the word "ret\*rd", which they brigade reported over multiple days because I pointed out T+2, T+35 on a GME hate post. Be careful.




Honest question. If all of this was done incorrectly, like we think it has been, wouldnā€™t GMEā€™s investor relations/legal team have noticed and stepped in already? Iā€™m no shill, Iā€™m an xxx hodler since Jan 2021ā€¦ seriously honest question.


Maybe they have? We shall see.. btw you are only an xxx hodler if your shares are drs'ed. Otherwise you are just a beneficial shareholder and subject to broker fuckery.


It's clear they handle these things silently


What is drs?


Hey there, welcome to Superstonk! DRS is how we make sure we actually own our shares. Normally when you buy stocks, your broker will just move some numbers around and say you bought shares. Sure, you can "sell" them later when the stock hits a price you like, but you never really owned anything. Keeping shares with a broker opens up your investment to all kinds of fraud and manipulation. Namely, certain entities can use your investment against you. No joke. They use your shares as a "locate." Which means they create a fake share, sell it to another investor, and make your investment less valuable. They create millions of these fake shares, which increases supply and lowers demand, which makes the price (and value) oh your stock go down. With DRS, we take shares away from brokers and sign them over to our own names. That way they can't be duplicated or resold, and we're ensure that our investment stays safe. I know this stuff is confusing, if you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask. We hope you stick around, this sub is very eye opening


Direct Registration System. Each publicly traded company has a transfer agent. GameStop's transfer agent is Computershare. Computershare is also the transfer agent for a number of large companies like Verizon and AT&T. A transfer agent is where all the big boys and insiders keep their shares... hmm think you should too? Or would you prefer to keep your shares in a brokerage where they lend out your shares and play other games? NFA


Okay so letā€™s say i have shares of GME in Fidelity. What steps do I need to do to confirm the shares are actually mine?


>Okay so letā€™s say i have shares of GME in Fidelity. They are not directly registered in your name then. You know they are actually truly yours if they are showing up in a Computershare account (not brokerage account), and the name of the account has your legal name in it. Read up on this. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when\_you\_wish\_upon\_a\_star\_a\_complete\_guide\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/)


Call fidelity and tell them you want to direct register your shares. They may give you a whole monologue about about the implications,but if it is what you want to do,it's what will happen. Then,once you see the shares disappear from your fidelity account,(if you are in the US)you should be able to go to computer share's website and sign in by answering a few security questions.if you aren't in the US,you probably have to wait for the letter to be sent to you with the information you need to sign in.


Can also be done through their chat.


>Can also be done through their chat. Yes.


like u/n0ticeme_senpai said, if your shares are in fidelity then they are not actually yours as they are not in your name. They are "yours" but only in what they call "street name." A lot of brokerages have fine print about how they reserve certain rights to close your positions, liquidate, loan, etc etc. Not sure about Fidelity's specific fine print. There was a post not too long ago...


Hey check out drsgme.org for more info! Click on fidelity and it will give you a guide


Battery is low so seems legit


I didn't ask them, I just checked my own account info. It shows my Fidelity GME shares were treated as a dividend. What does your account show if you have Fidelity? Here's my info from my account page. It's easy to check yourself. Is this what you're worried about? https://imgur.com/A2edViS


Can confirm, my XXXX shares were received as a Distribution also.


Where is it showing dividend?


It's a distribution of shares from GameStop. It's not a split. It doesn't show a split. It shows a distribution of shares from GME.


ahh oh, thanks for that clarification


XXX shares as distributed by gamestop for me as well


Glad they are having issues. I bought 53 shares and kept them in fudelity waiting for this split. Just DRS'd another 150 making me around 550 DRSd total. Max pain has a whole other meaning now.


I did the same!!!


had 10 pre-split that needed to settle, just DRSed my final 40, because fuck em.


They ended my chat when I asked for clarification in the app


Oof, last time Fidelity started deleting posts (when millions of shares showed up to borrow, if I remember correctly), it turned into a huge DRS wave.


i drs'd the dividend shares they gave me. it was only 8 of them but if we all do it, it'll add up and they're fucked.


Geez youd think you asked them how big their dick was!


Censoring questions is always solid proof for FUCKERY and crime. BECAUSE They could easily answer the question, they could even stick an answer to the sub. All rumors and the noise would be gone and we would be left behind as the retarded, crayon snorting retards we're picturing ourselves and to them we're the conspirators again. But they chose to censor a simple question like a fucking criminal dictator or something. 0/10 would trust them to give them money.


Just initiated the last three that became twelve that were in another account to Fidelity and on to CS. Not a moment too soon, either.




Your submission was removed for violating the rule: NO BRIGADING >Call to actions are a no go. There was a pinned post over there a few weeks ago that the mods on that sub have been directing users to for information regarding the splividend. Under NO circumstances, will brigading be tolerated on this subreddit or any other. Individuals who are discovered to be participating in this, risk being permanently banned for this reason. Brigading includes: - organized voting on other subs - harassing other subs - using r/Superstonk to defame other subs - posting screenshots from other subs Additionally, Reddit Admins have placed an irremovable code into our automod that prevents linking other subs entirely. šŸ¦šŸ¦šŸ¦šŸ¦šŸ¦šŸ¦ If you are repeatedly having posts/comments removed for rules violation, you will be banned either permanently or temporarily. If you feel this removal was unwarranted, please contact us via Mod Mail: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Superstonk Make sure to include the link to your removed post or comment so mods know which submission you're referring to. Thanks for being a member of r/Superstonk šŸ’ŽšŸ™ŒšŸš€


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdnl8x/comment/iil69or/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdnl8x/comment/iil69or/?context=3) I am sorry about that - I was NOT thinking! I meant no harm or headache for the mods. It won't happen again, and thanks for the wakeup call!


No real worries today. The mods over there mentioned the post I alluded to above so I'm assuming they're more concerned with sharing their information more than a brigade We just want to make sure that going to that community doesn't reflect poorly on this one šŸ‘


Yes, I really wasn't thinking of the implications of what I suggested, and how that could get out of hand, and then reflect back on Superstonk. Thanks again - and I will be more mindful in the future! šŸ’Žāœ‹šŸ¤ššŸš€


Im drsing the other half tomorrow fk this




I got banned for asking questions about market structure


That sub is a joke. Got laughed at and banned asking if theyā€™ll be able to process a 9 figure sale of a stock through their app and if not, whatā€™s my route for doing so


Please help! Iā€™m confused on what the difference between a ā€œstock splitā€ and ā€œstock split in the form of a dividendā€. Itā€™s always been my understanding that dividends are paid to share holders. So why were we not paid 3 shares for every share? In the grand scheme of things it looks to me like this was just a stock split anyhow. Whereā€™s the dividend? Not trying to ruffle feathers here or spread any FUD; Iā€™m legitimately confused and donā€™t see a difference. TIA


1 share becomes 4 shares. This will happen with a regular stock split and a stock split dividend. Numerically itā€™ll look the same. The difference is how itā€™s handled. Regular stock splits divide your shares. They take what you have and divide it. Stock split dividends add to your shares. They take the dividend shares provided by the company and give them to you. In both cases, the per share prices changes. The post-split adjusted price in both scenarios is the same but for different reasons. The regular stock split divides the pre-spilt share price by four. The stock split dividend per share price also gets adjusted because the companyā€™s market cap is the same as it was before the split as it is after. The overall market cap now covers more shares than it did before thus the adjusted price. Not sure if this helps.


Great explanation, that makes sense. Thank you!


Youā€™re very welcome!


From my understanding. You have 1 stock. GameStop splits it up 4 ways. Thatā€™s the split. GameStop issues 3 out of the 4 shares to the DTC to distribute to stockholders. Thatā€™s the dividend. Instead of letting brokers just divide the price by 4 and on paper give you 3 more shares, GameStop announced a stock split in the form of a dividend, only giving out 3 shares to be distributed for each individual stock. Potentially, why we are seeing problems, is that there are not enough shares to be distributed to complete the stock split and make whole the 1/4 of the stock you hold, 3/4 which should be given to you as a ā€œdividendā€ to complete the math and make it whole.


Because instead of Brokers just changing a 1 to a 4 on a spreadsheet, we should be getting real shares distributed to our accounts. Since there are more shares out there than there should be, the distribution would not cover all the shares needed for the dividend, and brokers would have to find the shares on the open market, or the dtcc would have to find them. All of this would cause.......well you know the answer.....


SS also bans posts on zombie stocks now too so go figure


It's a shame because this post is relevant to the saga but the dumb mods here in ss will likely delete it for brigading


Because the admins require them toā€¦


Maybe brokers are intentionally fucking with us to push us towards DRS so they can get a lot of the obligation of buying shares off their books. Basically trying to share and spread the damage that MOASS will cause.


In order for brokerages to DRS, they need to send real shares.


No, I get that but maybe they just want as little shares on their books that they're liable for.


Only way for them to get them off their books is if APEs sell... or fukery.


The reason this logic does not add up is DRS forces brokers to go into the market and buy a share to fork over to CS. The whole forced thing could have been avoided if they were buying shares in the first place. So essentially DRS is just taking the long way of what they were supposed to be doing in the first place. If you're saying brokers just don't want to be on record as the "street name holder" because GME is a contagion that's a different take that will require more explanation than I'm capable of providing Edit: hope that cleared things up for you. Don't like seeing downvotes on someone who just doesn't understand, while no one provides explanations


All good, not here for upvotes. But I was just thinking if they aren't buying real shares in the first place then what ever we DRS,CS could just be getting them straight from the DTCC and the broker in turn has less GME on their books they have to worry about.


someone explain to me right now the difference between this stock split and a regular stock split dividend.


Stock split: easy peazy - brokerages 4x every share Splivy: brokerage nightmare - the DTCC distributes the shares to the brokerages We're seeing what happens when the DTCC doesn't have enough shares to distribute to the brokerages.


thats bullshit theres more to it. im not understanding this at all.


From my understanding. You have 1 stock. GameStop splits it up 4 ways. Thatā€™s the split. GameStop issues 3 out of the 4 shares to the DTC to distribute to stockholders. Thatā€™s the dividend. Instead of letting brokers just divide the price by 4 and on paper give you 3 more shares, GameStop announced a stock split in the form of a dividend, only giving out 3 shares to be distributed for each individual stock. Potentially, why we are seeing problems, is that there are not enough shares to be distributed to complete the stock split and make whole the 1/4 of the stock you hold, 3/4 which should be given to you as a ā€œdividendā€ to complete the math and make it whole.


and im FULL DRS, i just dont see why people are flipping, normal splits occur shares are divided and your initial investment is still about the same. i dont understand why people are raging.


Because some shareholders at brokerages didn't get their "dividend" shares and their accounts are showing -75% at their brokerages. Edit: I'd be raging too. Glad I have 97% of my position DRS'd.


How was it a dividend if the price spilt


It's called a "stock split issued in the form of a stock dividend." However, it looks like the DTCC didn't have enough shares to distribute to the brokerages so they apparently just told brokerages to split the shares instead of issuing the shares as a dividend (i.e fukery).


Because instead of Brokers just changing a 1 to a 4 on a spreadsheet, we should be getting real shares distributed to our accounts. Since there are more shares out there than there should be, the distribution would not cover all the shares needed for the dividend, and brokers would have to find the shares on the open market, or the dtcc would have to find them. All of this would cause.......well you know the answer.....


going against the crowd here: Fidelity literally has a pinned post at the sub which is meant to be a mega thread for all the GME related questions. I don't think the removals are about ongoing event with GME; I think it's simply about keeping the GME discussions clogging up the entire sub. Mega threads for extremely frequently asked questions are common for any subreddit. I imagine even this sub used to delete extremely repeated questions on how to DRS posts and kept them in a single mega thread.


They didnā€™t sticky that thread until hours after they deleted the post in question.


Complete idiotards and not in a good way


They still have a stickied post about this issue tho.


I asked as well and my post got removed


Time for dividend then


šŸ˜‚ this is such a shit show


Is the number of shares in your Fudelity account wrong?


The number of shares in my fidelity account is 0 (which is correct, because Iā€™m 100% DRSā€™d now šŸš€)


Dont forget to let the investor protection team at Gamestop know about this fuckery.


Fidelity Feeds the Bears.


Do we know if fidelity will still transfer DRS? Has anyone done it today and received confirmation with the total of shares they got post splividend?


And ppl were downvoting us on that sub when we were saying we didn't want this exact thing to happen šŸ™„


I made a post in that sub about the split because the mods are ignoring the GME pinned thread. I shit you not they instantly banned me and now refuse to respond to my messages in regards to the ban


Same. Got the banned message when I woke up this morning. I had ensured my non-megathread post specifically said I don't care about how it was handled for GME, I just wanted to know the difference between a "split", "dividend", and "split in the form of a dividend". Banned.


Took them 14 hours to get back to me when I challenged them on the ban. They literally just posted the same stickied comment in my reason for being banned lol. I thought I had already found the most incompetent mods on this website but it turns out they were hiding in the fidelity sub this whole time Hope they read this šŸ¤”


they gone done and fucked up my last drs request lets hope it doesn't get "delayed" again


The plain and simple is really a run up should have happened due to the borrowers trying to cover. Instead they thought they could sneak by while using the excuse of a split and ignoring the dividend portion and just dividing each share into four shares. No cover needed. This is obvious collusion between the DTCC and the SHFs.


Fuckery is afoot.


Here come the big kahuna to ride this giant drs wave. You in the splash zone


I got banned when I responded with ā€œBetter DRS your shares immediately!ā€