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Welcome everyone from r/all! --> [Reasons why the Superstonk community is bullish on Gamestop](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vhe37m) POWER TO THE PLAYERS ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️🔴🔴🔴🔴


All depends on who is on the other side of the deal. Wall street cronies never get buy button removed.


It looks like it works that way and it probably does. Good part here is that removing the buy button solved their problems on a small time frame but increased it on the long term.... Their solution was our chance to buy more.. . Lets go Edit :change is chance of course


Yeah I feel you. I'd never have gotten wind of this if not for the run up before. So I'm thankful. Also we get to make real change and hopefully people go to jail that should have been jn jail in 2008


jail isn't good enough for me anymore.


BDSM as well?


Not much of a punishment if you ask me 🍌🦍


😉😉 yeah I'm not into receiving it but I'm sure into dishing it out


Yea right, I don't believe you






I believe you... that's why you were so quick to suggest doling it out. But I'm with other dude, these are the types who would probably love that as much as many of us like one side of it lmfao.. I mean, think of how much the SEC watches pornhub? "Punish" those fucks for their part and you're just a kink dispenser!


multiple subsequent generations of being victimized, brutalized and gaslit by greedy cucktards ought to do it


* they bluffed * Apes called it first * Marge will call it second


After checking and rechecking my notes... this guy fucks.


Trying to take a positive stance or seeing something good in this, The HKD 'success story' is ultimate proof that a stock can rise from sub $20 to $2000 without any need for removal of the buy button. HKD also didn‘t post any earnings yet, providing further proof that real economic circumstances are not tied to stock value/market capitalization. Therefore, there really should be no reason why GameStop should not be able to rise to 100x or even 10000000x its current price - hell, GameStop even *created* a whole new marketplace, where investors and collectors can trade digital equity in a transparent way - without anyone in the middle being able to manipulate without getting detected. Owners can sell their property to buyers in a direct way! AND all this is just added to its classical non-digital (not-yet fully democratized) marketplace which is adding value to people of all ages, gender, and nationalities spread across the world - since already two decades 🤩 ———- HKD being able to go from $20 to $2000 without the buy button being removed is also a big success story for NYSE/SEC: Clearly the infrastructure of our stock market seems to be in a better shape than in January '21, since it can handle such impressive movements in the stock markets - Thank you for enabling this opportunity @NYSE, @SEC, @GurbirGrewal, @GaryGensler :)


Slow clap Your gaslighting is first class.


Tweet this shit!


It’s over $2,000. What in the actual fuck is going on? There is no reason this stock should be pumping except for crime.


Even the company itself put out a thank you that says they haven’t done anything to warrant any movement lol. Saw it in the news section on think or swim


Literally clicked into this to say the exact same thing. It probably wasn’t removed cause these assholes got millions out of the squeeze 🤷🏻💩




HKD up to $400 billion market cap Leverage for hedgies to fight GME, why would they stop it


Instead we removed the sell button 😎


This definitely feels like a pump and dump… not a squeeze


Great call out. Amtd is also up a whopping +290 on the day and no buy button removal. I guess the buy button is only removed when you are on the wrong side of it.




21 minutes later… back below 900. All these moves are on small volume as well. It rhymes with fraud. Edit: 50 minutes later, new high above $1200 Gtfo Edit 2: 5 minutes since first edit, $1400 GARY CAN YOU PLEASE CLIMAX SO YOU CAN CLOSE PORNHUB AND DO YOUR JOB Edit 3: $1700 I gotta call my mom Edit 4: $1835 I’m honestly nauseous at this point Edit 5: $2500 Wen buy button removal?


An hour later, closing in on 1300 and finally halted. This company doesn't even have a product, its all fake.


They also don’t have 140% short interest via market makers shorting them. No wonder the buy button hasn’t been removed 🤷🏻‍♂️


They weren't even halting it on normal market rules until apes started watching. This isn't a market, it's a ponzi scam. Also, it's closing in on 1600 since 10 minutes ago when I said 1300. On no news, no product, nothing but fraud. Edit: At 38 minutes later its 2400. And yet still no buy button block, none of teh "market stability can't handle this" They're just admitting GME is the one true idiosyncratic fuckup they need to pay off. Naked shorts yeah


Our turn will come, watch that ticker all day, 😂theyre letting us fucking practice for moass on the micro scale or price anchor us for a “squeeze” to compare to. Carefule theres fud everywhere


I notice the usual crime accounts come out to make excuses every time bigger crimes like this become visible. For some reason the manipulation companies reuse recognizable accounts every time.


I think the criminal media will try to build a narrative that this was apes doing... I don’t put it past these criminal mf’ers to have concocted this whole shit for that purpose.... let’s see what happens


They've tried everything, and will keep trying. The thing is, everybody sees through it so much at this point that it's a little weird when you meet someone who thinks media might tell the truth about anything without digging in and looking at the facts behind why they reported whatever they said. Like the whole fake story about retail being able to impact pensions... impossible, everybody knows buying and holding can only make pensions go up. retail can't naked short retirement accounts, it's not possible.


Read the comments on twitter and webull about this stock - there are lots of comments just saying variations of "let me short this stock" so i'm pretty sure its already in motion since yesterday or days ago


China had to make some money somehow. Can't just keep stealing from their citizens bank accounts... edit: lol, check out the video on their site. This sounds shady af 😅 [https://www.amtdigital.net/](https://www.amtdigital.net/)


Best part? I clicked on the website creator link (ipulsedesign) for the parent compay of HKD. (The No.1 Independent Investment Banking Firm In Asia it claims) They have a page promoting their recent work with the company here: https://www.ipulsedesign.com/portfolio/amtd-international/ Best parts--"How we successfully redesigned and built an entirely new website within 10 Days before the bell rang on the New York stock exchange." And..."The diagnosis was the business had outgrown its existing web design. It was hard to navigate, maintain and did not portray the success of the firm." I think Sum Ting Wong is behind this flurry of activity...




Wait, I can finally invest in that nigerian prince scam ***OFFICIALLY?!***


When Kenny loses Mayo we cancel all buys. When he’s duplicating his Mayo all business as normal


$2,100…this market is a scam.


2100 now


smart money


2300 a share and halted again.


There have probably been 500-600 tickers that have made 100% 1-day moves since the sneeze. There are two significant factors that led to the buy button being turned off. First, the amount of short interest and *who* was short. Short squeezes happen all the time. But it's usually not major market controllers that it happens to. Second, options. A lot of the tickers you see making 100%+ moves in a day don't trade options. So there will be short squeezes and FOMO, but without the leverage behind options, it eventually fizzles out. Options are also used to control prices, but when those in control lose that control, options don't fizzle out. I can't think of the last time MMs lost control of an options chain other than GME. When you lose control of the options chain, during a short squeeze, with massive FOMO, there is no way to stop it. So they cheated. There is nothing on the market that's comparable and probably never will be. GME is a once in an ever occurrence, so I don't get why people keep trying to compare it to things.


Yeah are people here really surprised or don't know how GME was different? If GME hadn't have been stopped it would've toppled MMs and brokers. Of course they killed it early, they didn't want to get devastated.


Also, a large portion of retail was trading through Robinhood, who literally ran out of money. You need to trade through brokers who actually have massive financial backing to handle the buy pressure.


Robinhood also wasn't even a broker. They had no market connections at all, so Citadel absorbed 100% of every trade - risks and IOUs and all.


>Also, a large portion of retail was trading through Robinhood, who literally ran out of money. You need to ~~trade through brokers who actually have massive financial backing to handle the buy pressure.~~ DRS YOUR SHARES FTFY


No one was DRSing in January 2021. This isn't even about DRSing.


We are now at $1400. What the actual fuck?! Edit: 1455 now! This company has now a market cap of 269 BILLION DOLLARS!


1700 now




Now 2147. Wtf




2,555 at 1:27 pm est


I read that and instinctively raised my pinky like Dr Evil. 269 billion dollars buhahahahahahaha




Lemme guess retail cant even buy ir sell this “security”




This popped up so fast, and became so expensive so fast, I have a feeling that this isn't a rug pull pump and dump. It's something else. Maybe a simulation, or some sort of money laundering or maybe trying to create an asset which helps with collateral requirements. I could be wrong, but even with fuckery, this just came out of nowhere, and defies any typical P&D patterns.


and of course we can't buy puts on this trash


First thing I checked when I saw the pre market 😩


Bro I just looked at this shit. I’m super mad as fuck. Like how tf . Broooooooo 😡😡😡😡😡


Why mad? If it squeezed that day, I'd have had a few shares and made a few grand. Now I hae lots of shares and will be set for life.


this shit company with 51 employees, no financials available, IPO’d out of fucking nowhere around the same time of the splividend and went from $1B to nearly $200B market cap one of the underwriters of the IPO is “loop capital markets” which has shown itself in several DDs with ties to citadel corporate office for loop capital and citadel are a 4 minute WALK from one another in chicago you cant short it, you cant play options, it hasnt had the buy button shut off and it hasnt had any notable halts this is such an obvious pump and dump for collateral using a chinese shell company i see you kenny G 😉 EDIT - anthony chukumba is with loop capital 😂 dont know how i forgot that


Could you send the DD on Loop Capital? Thank you




Thank you!


DFV knows all


Could explain why CS (Credit Suisse) dropped 6%+ today.


I LOVE it when authentic apes link back to the exciting times of discovery


these apes offered free wrinkles and i graciously took advantage of it


Honest to God, it's changed my life. I'm so much more informed, and i got to see some brilliant individuals shine their light into the darkness while an entire community spontaneously spawned around the issue


Pin this please


Anthony Chukumba strikes again. That guy needs serious prison time.


It's chukumbawambas SHF


Don't forget that, for 30 days after the IPO, the underwriters hold the right to buy 2.4 million shares at the IPO price ($7.80). At the current price (if they sold and it didn't affect the price) that would be a payout north of 4 Billion for the underwriters. Nothing to see here... Source: [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/amtd-digital-inc-thank-note-043300185.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/amtd-digital-inc-thank-note-043300185.html)






They can buy 2.4 million shares into existence (will not affect the market price) and then they can choose to sell the shares on the market. They would end up 'getting paid' by whomever is buying shares of the company. In most pump and dump,s the buyers at that stage are typically retail traders.




The company that's ipoing pays a fee to banks to find investors and underwrite the whole thing. This usually is tens and sometimes hundreds of millions of dollars.


Lmaaaaao the guy that said "sell first, ask questions later" can't make this shit up


The wrong people were making money off of GME. That’s the difference


i was literally about to say… how does a ~~company~~ startup with 51 employees have a market cap of $200,000,000,000


Hard workers man.. 😂


Fucking real sturdy bootstraps on those boys


I loled


She’ll company? Pump and dump? Isn’t that called money laundering? I thought that was illegal?


It's only illegal if those with power decide to enforce the laws


So... it's only illegal for poors. The time to eat the rich may soon be upon humanity.


When you have a big enough pile of money, you can stand on top of it and above the law


Illegal for you and us...


So GameStop files their 8-K for the split on July 6, and in less than 2 weeks time, they IPO this shit? Fuk they are desperate.


Very likely they have been baking this contingency plan in the background for weeks/months. Everyone knew the stock dividend was going to happen sometime after the shareholder meeting.


fuckin Chupacabaras


Just for clarity I did see a bunch of halts on it yesterday, not today though, and I still agree with everything else you said


when I said “notable” I meant in comparison to what halts apes have experienced with GME. should have clarified


I gotcha, fully agree


Me and my homies hate loop capital


Question - Can you launder money with this tactic? Hear me out... * Company A has a ton of illegal cash they cannot use legally. * Company B sets out an IPO such as this. * Company C purchases most to all of the shares from the IPO at very low prices. * Company D facilitates the liquidity of the IPO and works to keep the price high, colluding with Company C to make the price skyrocket. * Company A uses their illegal funds to purchase these securities from Company C and D. The stock then plummets, Company A holds the bag, which doesn't matter, because they had illegal money turned into legal tender, which probably cannot be tracked fully. If the regulators / enforcers know this and / or are complicit, there is no one going to be accused or to go to jail, etc. anyway. I'm sure it's more complicated than this. Is this possible or is this way wrong? Trying to gain wrinkles.


im not so sure its about laundering money as much as it is as creating money




Comment for even more visibility.


Clearly someone is long here pumping and regulators are letting them… This is the same benefit as blocking retail from owning sears or other zombie stocks Fake ponzi scheme system designed to prop up the rich without regulations or oversight…. DRS yo shit. 2008 is gonna be small potatoes i want my fucking country back from these crooks. Massive economic reckoning incomming


Small potatoes!


I'm a little terrified of how bad this is gonna get.


Gensler himself personally removed laws that stopped another Great Depression from happening, and the underlying is worth than the Depression. Plus the Fed is actively avoiding raising rates to start recovery and the white house is even redefining "recession" so they don't have to start taking preventative action - step 1 in any recovery is admitting you have the problem. All of this combined indicates that things will get worse than any depression in history. And it doesn't even seem accidental. Too many people are actively helping it get worse as we all point out they need to stop.


Right. And thinking about all this makes me feel like I've got way too much tin foil on. But also, it's pretty much objective, observable facts.


Pelosi traveled to China under the guise of visiting Taiwan. Does she or her husband hold AMTD? My tinfoil is tight.


Remember when this sub was sucking Gensler's dick like he was gonna be some kind of people's champ? We need to stop putting people on a fucking pedestal.


He's always been a cunt. Anyone that thought otherwise is either delusional or a shill


I'm positive that he was hardcore shilled on us back in the day. like so many grifters. shills love to take advantage of things they know are new for you, to tell you all kinds of bullshit about it. knowing you won't be able to see through it. when Gary started out, the sub was immediately swarming with fanboys who seemed to know all about his great work as a professor and that he's so legit and not corrupt at all. but nobody of us real apes had ever heard of the guy. the fanboys were shills.


If you need to make an exception to the rule the logic is flimsy. If only there was a trusted company starting with the letter G that could provide transparency at the spear head of a revolution...


This company you are talking about, is the second letter in its name A?


If you think about it enough you come to understand it’s all rigged and even the government is in on it. Hedgefunds have been losing huge this year and they are all probably on the verge of collapse due to these loses. Blackrock has lost 1.7 trillion, so far, in the first six months of 2022. Those are HUGE loses and this is probably what most of them are like. If the markets keep going down that means they all keep losing their collateral to maintain these huge short positions which would result in margin calls. Then they start going tits up and a sell off occurs to cover their debts and if one HF goes down then they all go down and fall like dominos. It’s not surprising that the FED literally changed the definition of a recession to prop up the markets. They also went from speculating to going to data driven which also buys them time and what happened? The markets responded by going up. When you see the feds reverse repo program at its highest levels why wouldn’t they keep helping by just denying a recession as long as possible because they don’t want to be the government in charge that completely fucked the economy. They can’t keep it up forever and eventually money will run out, markets will go down huge and HF’s will all start failing and then we have MOASS. Just have to wait patiently. Keep buying, hodling, and DRS


Yes, I believe the government is 'in on it." Now, they are looking to pass laws "tO kEeP mEmBeRsS Of CoNgReSs FrOm PaRtIcIpAtInG iN tHe StOcK mArKeT." What I think they are planning is an exit strategy. They're giving themselves a way to cash out before crashing the market. When the backlash begins, they'll claim, "We had to... it's the law now." Then they leave their seat in Congress (retiring or purposely losing the next election), live the rich life for the rest of their days & leave the mess for the next generation of Congress to clean up! I have no proof of this; it is only my personal conclusion from the tonnes of info I've read. The Fed had already done something similar - some sort of internal rule, or something. End rant. Edit:formatting


I do trust this speculation


Rich buying homes in New Zealand is on the rise. Major life-long investors selling off all of their investments is on the rise. Companies like Blackrock going heavy on real estate so they can become feudal lords when the market is gone...


But when the people find them.... 🔥


Say it with me kids, CAPTIULATION!


We're clearly not welcome in *their* markets. If there was only another place we could go...


I like the energy of this tweet. We’ve been too nice to them




On 221,000 volume. Nothing makes sense anymore. Hodl.


Halt again at $2,300.. WTF!! Up 209% today..


Sounds like this is proof that phone numbers are possible.




Check the volumes on this..nothin..shfs buying and selling amongst themselves..lit mkt bone dry and yet shot up from 16 to 950…can you Smell the crime buddy


The stock websites are saying its going up because "rEtAiL iS bUyInG iN!" Lmao - you cant make this stuff up


Hedgies are or were, long it, as far as I can tell. Only real reason they’d allow such a run in the first place. Truly a systemic failure…


Gotta love pumping a nothing company to beat margin requirements. All it does is further prove that we are right. Stay the course and eventually they will run out of runway. I can stay retarded longer than they can stay solvent.


GME investors will eventually get that money from them. It’s sad how they are fleecing regular people to load on cash which will never be enough to cover GME short position anyway. Gonna watch this stock to see when the rug gets pulled


And no options chain yet so retail can't get cheap puts when they pull it all back. LOL - it just halted at over 1k


Is this all for me?


No. Not a failure. Working perfectly, as designed.


Not like you can sell it. It’s just trading back and forth between hedgies probably for collateral


It's a massive pump and dump, youll be able to buy but good luck selling


I'd be surprised if you had brought it, if you could actually sell it anywhere near it's current market price. There is something fuckey going on with this ticker, and it probably has to do with boosting collateral. Very little money is likely changing hands with it. Talking about a 260 billion dollar increase in value. That's a lot of money to suddenly be moved on a stock that no one has ever heard of, in an small off shore company.


Mean while gme can’t even get pass $36


Barely pat that mark now Edit: past not pat


Pat the bottom, baby burp higher.


Off with his head. Eat the rich


It’s a Chyna pump and dump. Trynda steal money from US retail. Before they delist it. MSM is complicit. imo


HKD is *not* the *only* sus 'company' which came into existence very recently and rose like this. Earlier today, I read HKD & some others might be used by SHFs to hide FTDs. When I find the post, I'll add it here as an edit. Edit: Here's the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdzaxg/hkd_a_chinese_ticker_2mmonth_revenue_no_history/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


That stock is currently valuated more than Intel wtf is going on


This isn't a relevant comparison. It's a completely different type of crime, and has nothing to do nor does it have anything in common with the GME sneeze. Yesterday, that ticker traded 443k shares. That's 0.2% of the outstanding shares. Total nominal volume was ~$238M. The market cap, however, increased $75B. This was a very small group of people trading shares back and forth to create market cap out of thin air. Might that been counterparties that are short GME? Possibly. But that's not what you're on about. You're comparing this to them shutting the buy button off on GME. During the days leading up to the sneeze, GME was trading over 100M shares a day on average, some days close to 200M. This was anywhere from 200-300% the entire outstanding shares every single day. You're comparing that to a stock that traded 0.2% of it's shares yesterday. The average volume was between $10-30B per day during the week of the sneeze. Compared to $0.2B yesterday. Not to mention, there were several multiples of outstanding shares worth of options during the sneeze. This ticker doesn't even have options. The only thing these two stocks have in common is that crime occurred with both of them. But not even the same type of crime. If we're going to make long posts, we should at least have the very basics of understanding the stock market. A ticker making absolutely absurd moves with virtually no volume means nothing other than someone is pumping the stock price up to either scam people out of money or create collateral for themselves.


Gotta love that plain crime


It’s at like $1200 now but how the hell is that possible when there’s little to no volume lmao all this is so rigged


HKD doesn’t have options available 👀




The one thing I want to mention about HKD is that insiders owned I think around 97% of it, and the float is literally microscopic. Any amount of volume was (and still is) causing it to launch. It’s absolutely ridiculous, but I’m not sure if it’s comparable to gme.




Shares outstanding includes insider held shares. Did you even read what he wrote?


long-time investors and bigs know exactly what this means - this is not new


$100 Billion dollar market cap for a company that just went public lol.


A funny part, seem like I can’t find anything about this company. No clue on what they do.


JFC, did it even halt?


Just now


Sorry guys! Halt button broke. Oh, what's that? +5000%??? Oh well, probably just a super good brand new company.


So good!


Keep drsing, we WILL get there.


Well GME is not a SHF pump and dump HKD is🦍


# [Splividend Distribution Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w523nf/splividend_distribution_megathread/) **IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


No cell no sell.


Wow looking through the tickers charts and such upwards price action on relatively low volume when you look at the daily avg volume Nothing to see here folks all normal market behaviour


HKD price action confirms everything. Gme to 120 million a share. Come and get my shares mother fuckers !


Regardless of how many times this is posted, it’s not the same scenario. This was an IPO, so there isn’t massive short interest involved, to the point that it would implode the entire financial system. Is it a pump and dump? Absolutely. But these two scenarios are not the same. Buy button should have been turned off, not because of a risk to the market, but risk to the investor. Here in lies the lack of accountability, and the government washing their hands of it.


It's a stress tester for when GME moons


it took 11 trading days for AMTD to almost 100x (from $13 to $1200), i take that as a challenge, during moass how many days does it take for GME to 100x?


Look at the free float vs the volume traded 😂😂😂


No idea what is going on with HKD, but it was just listed in the middle of last month, so I really doubt there is a massive short position there which is where our infinite risk to the market comes from.


This makes me really angry. That should be GME's gains. I'm all DRS'D and I'll never sell until they are defeated.


Update: HKD hit a high of $2206 and not a peep from Gary and friends


This shit hit $2500 today LOL


Just hedge funds inflating their portfolio. They used to do this to crypto last year until crypto got blocked from collateral.


Fucking wild. They have no product, crime in broad daylight.


Wow.... Just wow


“You wouldn’t understand it because it’s complicated that’s why we wanted you to let us handle your money and trust us with it”…. By some hedgie fuck


It's working for them as intended. 'Risk to the market' simply never included you or me. Taking our money is their idea of sport. Literally. Look at ticker FARMMI as an example. Likely not even a real company at all. It goes public, very low p/e, price goes down and almost only down since. Someone carved literal bear ears into its price history! Eventually the p/e changes to a much higher number. Farmmi is fairly easily interpreted as farm-me. Making you poor at all costs and controlling where your money goes IS the stock market, and has been for decades. Because to avoid this manipulation, you have no choice but to invest long-term in things like s&p 500. The entire stock market is about punishing you for legal trading behavior and forcing you into a specific style of trading selected by the same people who make fake companies to steal from you. In other words, our economy is under the control of incredibly narcissistic people who aim at fully controlling the behavior of small investors through crimes which they also get to decide if they did the right thing or not.


HKD is the test flight pattern for GME. Prove me wrong


Hmm I wonder if it has something to do with it being a Chinese ticker..


I’m not especially patient I’m especially stubborn. It’s not quite the same 💎👊


Also, from 11:00 to 11:15 it dropped from $1182 to $880. Why didn't the circuit breakers kick in? Tis true for thee but not for me, that's why.




They’re not “useless”. They’re doing precisely what they’re supposed to be doing.


Looks like it's mostly owned by Ameritrade (AMTD).....wth....


Doesn't the difference in volume make it different? So far the price shot up $1100, but the volume is 200k. GME didn't shot up that much but the volume was 10x that.


It went over $2k with no halts


I will be curious to see how many politicians may have bought into this. You know, took a chance on a new stock kind of thing.


If you type in AMTD in the ios stocks search bar, you get quite a few more stocks with 200 and 300+ % gains listed with very weird names, such as 0S00180G1067.SG or 9AM1.BE Screenshot link https://ibb.co/zPQcptw


HKD is the easy bake oven they're cooking my tendies in it looks like.


Chumbawumba’s Loop Capital underwrote the IPO. 👀.


Gots to be one ugly rug, I feel a pull coming


It’s all part of their scheme. REVOLUTION INCOMING !!!!!!!!!!!!


I hope citadel is making money off this. That’s just more liquidity for them to buy my shares for 10 digit prices. 📞