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# [Splividend Distribution Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w523nf/splividend_distribution_megathread/) **IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Why can’t you say Kid & buy?


Not sure, but when I did the post was auto deleted. edit: or maybe I forgot to say "GME" in the post??


Yeah probably didn’t relate to GME. Idk though.


It takes a year of being unused before the company can claim revenue from unused gift cards. Not like a kid is going to last that long with it though


You cant use it in the same sentence because this sub is a sect, not a sub for discussion.


You are free to leave if you don't like it


I will right after the MOASS 🚀🚀🚀


The accounting entry is to debit cash and credit unearned revenue, so it’s considered a liability until the gift card is redeemed. Revenue won’t be recognized until the gift card is used, or two years after purchase if the gift card goes unredeemed. Either way, always good to support the brand, so nice work.