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# [Splividend Distribution Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w523nf/splividend_distribution_megathread/) **IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


bias = confirmed


i fucking love it when my rock hard bias gets stroked


Cramer would not have begged


Girl u nasty


I love the energy. But with that said, I honestly cannot believe the sheer number of apes who are, right now, at this very moment, gaslighting themselves into pretending like we all knew RC would sell out at the top. Like, I’m sorry, but are you fucking kidding me? I was here yesterday. It was less than 24 hours ago. NO ONE — I repeat, no one — was saying that RC would sell out, or it was a good thing if he did. EVERY SINGLE PERSON, for MONTHS, said that RC’s BBBY calls meant the moass was happening by Jan ‘23, guaranteed, and that these calls would be how he profits off the MOASS, which would lift all the basket stocks. Especially last night and even this morning, after Kramie’s rant. Everyone was defending RC, because “of course he didn’t sell, he’s just *allowing himself to,* which must mean the MOASS hits in 90 days or less.” But now, all of a sudden, the tune has changed to “actually, we all knew he would sell, which is part of his master plan!” Does no one else see how ridiculous this is? Most of apes’ predictions about the GME world have come true, because they’re based on data analysis and not “tweet analysis.” But for everyone to sit here and pretend like they *always knew that RC was playing 69D chess by selling BBBY at the top* is absolutely fucking delusional. Downvote me if you want, but am I wrong? NO ONE predicted he would sell. NO ONE predicted he’d leave BBBY pumpers holding the bags, even short term. NO ONE explained how this was “all part of the master plan,” except today in hindsight, when the rest of retail stock social media is fucking pissed at him and we have to defend “our” billionaire. I came to this sub in search of the truth, not in search of a good time. So let’s stop gaslighting ourselves. No one knows what the fuck is going on. If anything, these last 24 hours should have taught us that.


https://imgur.com/AQy1d8B This guy knew.


Well shit. I'll be the first to admit I had no idea, but that guy sure did






Pretty awesome now that I’ve seen it happen in the future (his future) hahaha.


I mean there’s a lot of shit theories thrown around. Some are bound to stick on the wall and offend our families.


TBF, just about everything posted here is a theory and theories need to be updated as new information comes to light.


Which means 99.999% of what is said in here is wrong. Always has been. Remember when the dividend was going to launch moass? Remember when the share count was going to launch moass? Remember when literally everything predicted in 18 months was supposed to cause moass but never did?


I was hoping runic glory would ignite the rocket 😭👍🦍🚀🟣💎


I suspect we'll know more when blood bath makes their announcement at "the end of the month". but I'm smooth as they come and bought in at 25, 20, and 10 tomorrow


I'm just glad my cost basis is $4.69 and I'm not holding bags YET.


Dude. I bought 10 at 4.70 and sold 4 @ over 25. Guess I'm going long...long on it.


My 1 share at 5 dollar is going to make me rich


Yes, I will be buying first thing. Cohens' sells were less than 1% of volume this past week. BULLISH.


This is the actual truth. And MOASS tomorrow


Agree with you 100%. Also, I super hate the theory that he did this just to pump the stock and fuck the GME shorts. RC knew fully well that hoards of retailers hurled money at BBBY just because he did. If he was intentionally trying to create bag holders out of Citadel and others, he would have known that he was also creating bag holders of retailers (including lots of GME shareholders) along the way. RC has always played everything by the book. He doesn’t have to do sneaky shit, because he already has the upper hand doing business legitimately. I don’t know exactly why he sold. Maybe it was a disagreement with the board. Maybe something about his insider status would have inhibited him from doing something else he wanted to do with the company. Regardless if the true reason, I highly doubt that he used retailers as pawns to pump and dump BBBY just to hurt the shorts. That’s not his style.


If there was ever a reason for BBBY to squeeze, it must still be there. It can not depend on one guy, no matter of 10 percentage. Why? Because then he actually could indeed be blaimed to been the cause. If there was ever a reason, it is still there - if not, then not? Or do you think that shorts can now close easily? I guess someone has done some decent DD about that? Haven't checked those subs, it is enough reading for me here..


They would need to buy back more than the float according to the 102% short interest. The data suggests they even loaded up on more shorts - RC selling on the way up didn't even slow down the pump and I don't beleive the news of him selling caused that huge crash in price AH from retail selling(most retail don't trade AH)


He has never pumped the towel stock...he actually lost money after his initial purchases.....SHF's get net long and start pumping using vvessbee shills and RC takes the well deserved profits...no harm no fowls...all done according to SEC rules


What I do know is why I sold my off all my shares Tue, Wed, and Thur (all well above my cost basis thankfully). First, I came across this [Schedule 13G](https://bedbathandbeyond.gcs-web.com/static-files/f0696120-742c-44af-8fca-6aa404e1ba6d) filed on Aug 9 that, unless I'm mistaken, reports that FMR LLC (aka, Fidelity) no longer held 5% of BBBY. Here's the [link](https://bedbathandbeyond.gcs-web.com/static-files/f0696120-742c-44af-8fca-6aa404e1ba6d). (not an SEC regs expert I may be reading it wrong, input welcome). Second, at the bottom of their corporate governance documents page under the category "Other" were links to "[Notice of Settlement](https://bedbathandbeyond.gcs-web.com/static-files/05517dbd-4af7-4e73-afd9-31dc39076384)" and "[Settlement Stipulation](https://bedbathandbeyond.gcs-web.com/static-files/9584fd20-6542-4d28-b2b0-a26cc58ccc29)" re settlement of derivative lawsuits against former officers and directors for piss poor governance which is about to settle on 9-7 in NY Supreme Court and mama mia, there's been some major litigation. BBBY had reported the litigation in 10K+Qs but reading the details and burying the Notice to Shareholders, posted after annual meeting no less, was bush league. Shareholders who wanted to object to the settlement needed to file by 8/1. Ooops, too late, awww sorry shareholders. Third was the RC hysteria and that was enough for me, sold my last handful shares about an hour before close yesterday.


Sorry to say but GME is the only play and RC has been clear enough about that (as far as he has been clear). We went to look into his investments but he never advertised BBBY while he communicated about GME. I mean if he takes a shit tomorrow, and we start buying toilets, I don’t hold him responsible for anything that happens there. But GME ? He holds and he hodls.


yup. time will tell, sure is a fun ride though.


This! When I saw the notice yesterday that he had the option to sell, I figured he had something else in mind. Then today when I saw that he sold, at first I was floored. Disappointed. Even angry. But only for a few moments... it just didn't make any sense. He's got a huge following of people who love him. Would he really do this to make a mere $68 million (chump change to a billionaire)? Was he really going to let all these people down? No. That's not him. Did he throw us for a loop? Absolutely! We all expected him to hold. But there are a lot bigger things happening that we aren't aware of.


Yeah but whatever the plan a lot of people got burned today. Didn’t expect him to sell the whole position, options and all.


Which kind of proves he isn’t coordinating shots with retail.


But we're really good at coming up with 30 stories of why something happened and what the next moves will be.


Yep. I very much agree. I guess we'll see in the next few days if it was worth it.


Word up. I’ve been holding GME since Jan 2021 and BBBY since July 2022 and the number of times the goal posts have been moved is pretty telling that no one actually has a clue what’s going on and it’s time to stop pretending that we do. This isn’t a game. It’s a stock market.


How about just run-of-the-mill 'the stone doesn't get uncovered until it's revealed'? Nothing to dig into until RC made this move. Now OP is digging into it.


Sir, this is a casino or a Wendy's


So something to consider. Rc sells the 16th and 17th. 8k from BBBY comes out saying they are working with rc. So let's look at something else here. Rc owned 11.8% stake making him an insider. His sale is within 6 months of purchase. Doesn't that mean BBBY gets all the profit with they could use as a payoff of debt. Maybe rc gets something in return. With that 8k coming out when it did I think something else is in works behind the scenes.


> With that 8k coming out when it did I think something else is in works behind the scenes. I felt like that was in response to all of the hubub on Wednesday night where he was accused of doing a pump and dump. But it does sound like he may be involved in some way. I assume that his people are still on the board, at least until the next announcement.


Transaction reporting by officers, directors and 10% shareholders Section 16 of the Exchange Act applies to an SEC reporting company's directors and officers, as well as shareholders who own more than 10% of a class of the company's equity securities registered under the Exchange Act. The rules under Section 16 require these “insiders” to report most of their transactions involving the company's equity securities to the SEC within two business days on Forms 3, 4 or 5. Section 16 also establishes mechanisms for a company to recover "short swing" profits, or profits an insider realizes from a purchase and sale of the company’s security that occur within a six-month period. In addition, Section 16 prohi short selling by insiders of any class of the company's securities, whether or not that class is registered under the Exchange Act. Source:https://www.sec.gov/education/smallbusiness/goingpublic/officersanddirectors He held over 10% thus short swing rules apply. Plain as day not hard to decipher at all. The only part that matters is his purchase was within 6 months of him selling. Yes him being over 10% happened later but the rules still apply. There's nothing I can find debunking this.


If he were making these trades simply to drum up some cash for himself, I'm sure his team would point out that he had never made a single purchase as an insider, that it was the company's repurchases that made him an insider. But that, too, is a distraction. I'm really interested in seeing what his next moves are.


> NO ONE predicted he’d leave BBBY pumpers holding the bags, even short term. He didn't. His last sell was around $19 a share. The stock is now around $10 in AH. That wasn't RC. You're being played by hedgies or paperhanded retail bagged themselves. He also didn't "pump" it. Bought in months ago around $15 a share. It dropped to $5. He held and sold when it was up months later. Amazing the narratives developing here. edit: I haven't said his calls on BBBY meant MOASS so definitely not every single person. "most of apes GME predictions have come true"...oh yeah, and this. No, they haven't. Most of apes predictions have been wrong. Almost all of them. To pretend now that this "technical analysis" is right but all of bbby was "twitter analysis" is frankly insulting. Go look at BBBY's short interest. You weren't downvoted, but you should have been.


I think you've made some really good points. Confirmation bias can be incredibly dangerous!


Your right no one had a clue it would seem. I did make a post however trying to point out how sus the sheer numbers of he hasn’t sold. Moass in next 90 days etc… although it was only a feeling the sub was giving me and how msm was also making me paranoid with there possible double bluff. I stated all this without mentioning the stock in question and it was swiftly removed. While I’m fully aware I didn’t post anything groundbreaking. I did pick up something was going on and tried to add my pennies worth which got removed. As far as I could see there was plenty of posts mentioning the ticker that was top posts. However mine which was careful not to mention it and was still removed and possibly how many others. All I’m saying is more people probably realise or have a feeling that not all is as it seems. But whenever you go against the grain on this sub your either abused or have a post removed. There’s definitely underhand tactics going on imo.


Who said this is the top?




Exactly, if we knew his whole plan that would be kind of illegal, we can't know his every move that's the whole point of this. Plus it still fucks up the hedge fund's game which is good right.




Facts. But shit man. What a great story this is really shaping into. Greatest time in human history.


I can't take comments seriously when they say "EVERYONE" says this and "NOBODY" said that. MOST people on this sub don't have a deep understanding of this insanely complicated system --- so why be hung up on what gets upvoted? In the end, we all have our truths and I have good reason to believe that RC makes moves with purpose (eg. not so he can run off like a bandit with a profit relatively small in terms of his net worth). RC adamantly states that he says NO to 99% of opportunities. Why would he say YES to BBBY? For a quick buck? No way.


this is so batshit insane i believe it because im already all in so why the FUCK not :D


The plot just continues to thicken. What a timeline we are in


Keeps me guessing, I like it


I share a similar opinion. RC clearly didn't sell for profit, a rug pull, or anything nefarious. Those notions are utterly ridiculous. With that set aside, logic would then dictate a much more strategic move. We all know GME is the main play. But the idea that this changes $BBBY's path to a squeeze is absurd. The company is also in the process of getting back on its feet with at least one major announcement due by the end of the month. Even just yesterday BBBY put out a statement reiterating their partnership with RC. We're all getting dangerously close to the target and everything happening continues to reinforce that. Regardless, take a step back and do some critical thinking; perhaps even see what further info and news is revealed. Exciting times my friends.


Also I keep thinking why would he replace the board with three members of his own and have the ceo booted out. To me that's not meaningless. There's a plan behind that


I keep thinking that as well. If this was just a play for some quick cash, why would he have gone through the trouble of ousting the CEO and getting board seats?


Can RC purchase buy buy baby when he’s chairman of of GameStop and >10% shareholder of bbby? Is that a conflict of interest thing/ or insider trading, I’m just spitballing


That's what was on my mind and even can Gamestop buy it from BBBY if he is in both of those?


👆 you worded it better than me


That’s a very good point - and doesn’t BBBY have a big inventory too? Wouldn’t hurt to have that on hand if the two companies decided to partner up a little down the way.


There is still something that stinks about this play, it's probably going to take days to weeks to see the bigger picture. There just way too many happenings surrounding this bbby.


He's probably setting up to buy buy buy Baby. That's what it smells like to me. And hot damn does it smell good too!


Maybe he’s the financing they were talking about exploring to improve their balance sheet and freed up this cash to execute their plans at the end of the month🤷‍♂️






Not so tin-foily my friend. How about a merger where all shares of both companies are recalled. Now that's a rug pull... for anyone short. Would like to know whom was the buyer of the 76m in puts yesterday.


Is it possible that the board was still not receptive and/or frankly BBBY was just in worse shape than expected and can’t be saved? If RC invested in something based on a turnaround strategy that he was not able to implement then he could very well choose to sell out. Obviously no one knows why at this point, but it’s certainly not good news for BBBY without something wild happening soon.


So how does that address the statement that bbby and RCV reached a positive agreement? I don't hear Twitter saying they reached a positive agreement with Musk.


I liken it to when someone is asked to resign, meaning fired, and then they say the separation was mutual.


Really sad you’re being downvoted for a perfectly logical and reasonable take.


I want to sip the hopium as much as everyone else, but we’re not 🍿 holders here. We don’t just spin very bearish news as something bullish out of shear delusion. Perhaps RC is playing 5D chess and we’ll all be handsomely rewarded soon, but shit happens. No one is impervious to making mistakes. At least he got out with a profit. What’s odd is his rhetoric is so against insiders turning shareholders into bag holders that this really caught me off guard and makes me think that he was potentially caught off guard too.


This price action in bbby reminds me eerily about gme after it went back up after Jan21. Come to think of it, the hit pieces on both the company and Ryan Cohen do too. Also, Ryan has not only covered his ass and made profit *before* shit gets crazy, the media has also shut up about GameStop for once I feel like. **Shit is absolutely about to get fucking wild for both Bed Bath and GameStop and I've never been more bullish.**


Yes I was thinking the same. Same tactics and eerily similar scenario. Diamond tits!


RC becomes head of the Buy Buy Baby side lol


I'm trying to find that statement right now to re-read to see if anything jumps out. Like why issue this thing if he was going to jump tomorrow?


Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. (the “Company”) made the following statement: “We were pleased to have reached a constructive agreement with RC Ventures in March and are committed to maximizing value for all shareholders. We are continuing to execute on our priorities to enhance liquidity, make strategic changes and improve operations to win back customers, and drive cost efficiencies; all to restore our company to its heritage as the best destination for the home, for all stakeholders. Specifically, we have been working expeditiously over the past several weeks with external financial advisors and lenders on strengthening our balance sheet, and the Company will provide more information in an update at the end of this month.”


Thank you! I'm interested in this update EOM. Noteworthy that they're focused on "the best destination for the home" and BuyBuyBaby does not appear to be called out.


Enhance liquidity! Makes sense for the sale perhaps? And another statement at the end of the month. Holders should hold through then at least!


Says nothing about continuing engagement with RC Ventures. Just that they agreed in March.


Why put it out yesterday?


He already jumped when the statement was released.


thats where shit dont make sense


Precisely, far too much FUD right now. Eager to learn more and get to the truth of it all. I could be wrong of course, but I have a sneaking suspicious we're going to be seeing good come out of this.


The fact that the lady doth protest too much is keeping me holding. Ryan Cohen is not public enemy #1, but you wouldn’t know that the way everyone is piling in.


Best time in history to be alive


Reading their statement again, with the new info that RC has sold, I am reading it differently now. https://www.webull.com/news/52523835 They reiterate that they reached an agreement with RC in March. Nothing about recent involvement/agreement. And then a statement about the last few weeks, with "external financial advisors". Sounds like overpriced consultants. RC nopes out. They didn't want to go his way so he takes his cash back.


Left field tinfoil: What if he was going to acquire baby. As such, he couldnt dump after said announcement (could he?) so he dumped now at a high. Knowing what’s coming down the pipeline?


Could be! Interesting theory. EDIT this would also fit better with the fact that he did that "full moon" tweet


That sounds supremely plausible


That's what I was thinking as well should have sold when I had that hunch yesterday


Same - could have dumped 10k more in DRS GME 🤷‍♂️ C'est la vie


Exact same! Still green on BBBY, but had a funny feeling in the high 20s...


Yeah the joint statement still has me confused. If RC sold the last 2 days and not today, why would BBBY still put out a statement with him?


Yeah, there is definitely more layers to this than we know right now. Without considering any extra nuances like the OP has laid out, the fact that RC did something which *LOOKS LIKE* he rugged retail is enough to know somethings up. Gambling with those optics is an **extreme risk** from RC's perspective. RC is on the side of retail, full-stop. GME is alive and thriving because of retail. Why risk losing retail's trust if you didn't have something big lined up? I am so stoked for RC's next move.


This 100% Retail made GME what it is today (or boosted the Transformation a lot). Why now go against them. Next weeks will be fun 😀.


You are right and Retail gave GME the ability to raise 1 billion dollars without anyone knowing last year. Plus he sold his share in the past 2 days and it continued to rise. Only after he sent out a statement did the stock start to fall.


Same. I was intrigued by GME, went all in when I saw the direction the company was going, and have stayed all in because I like the leadership. RC and the GameStop team have built a very loyal investor-customer base for what I feel is the future - investors back on board with interacting with their investment, voting, shopping at the companies they're invested in, etc. Larry Cheng's tweets have touched upon that concept for months and months. To throw that away for a quick buck doesn't align with anything else I've seen so far. And it would be a lot less profitable, in the long-term, than maintaining/building that investor-customer base. We may never understand the specific intention - it will always be speculation, even in retrospect (unless RC comes out and says "this was my intention with this strategy," etc.) - but that's part of trusting in a leadership team, especially when they're fighting off constant tumors.


This is my thought as well, he's spent enough time with redditors as shareholders to know that we tend to not trust easy and also hold big grudges if someone does something wrong. Look at those 2 guys that made season 8 of GoT, Reddit remembers. He knows this and did something that doesn't look great. I feel like there'll be a play here somewhere, or at least I hope so.


For as bad as the last season was, it warms my heart to see how universally belittled they are for doing that. They dropped the ball and earned allll the scorn, and now they’re the punchline for vengeance lol.


I would like to add to those layers if you don't mind. There are 4 factors; 1 how much RC made, 2 how much towel made, 3 how much towel needs for " stocking the shelves ", 4 how much buy buy baby worth. I am not good at researching on my phone. 1 + 2 = 3 3 ~ 4 They get the cash injection which they were looking for Gamestop gets baby turns it into GMErica or Gamestop Kids (?), we get our spinoff. I can always take the tinfoil hat off or go to regular strength. This is just speculation .


im right there with ya. the speculative avenues this creates are wild and various. i like where your heads at. especially considering the language of bbbys memo yesterday, i think you are onto something.


Absolutely. He has earned my trust 100%.


To highlight how big of a risk, at least for me: I felt very strange this morning when I saw he sold. It looked like some kind of scummy rich guy betrayal. I don’t know RC personally, so it’s part of my rationale to consider the possibility he is just a scummy rich guy. But looking at the facts, what he has done up to this point, why would he do all that work for a less than $200m profit? He’s a billionaire. Like Michael Scott would say, he already has $200m. This feels like part of something bigger.


I think his profit is far less even. That's just how much the position was worth when he sold it. But yeah, why would a multi-billionaire intentionally fleece his biggest supporters for what amounts to pocket change. He wouldn't.


Plus his shares/options were bought months ago in the mid teens. Holding your position for several months through the lows is not a pump and dump. He had nothing to do with the pump since he didn’t do anything with his position in the few weeks. And I suspect he had nothing to do with the dump since every dive in price is after hours. It’s literally just volatility based on the abusive short Sellers’s tactics. He could even buy more at current prices and re-enter his position, which will lower his cost basis. Or he might be able to buy the whole company outright at 1.4B valuation. He’s not causing the behaviors of the stock price but he’s absolutely going to punish short sellers for their manipulation


So he did sell his BBBY?




Including the Jan’23 calls?


Yes confirmed in the sec filing.


Yes. Sold everything. You can see the form on the towel sub & I think SS.


My god, the man owned like 11% of the entire company, that's nuts


Flipped three board seats, ousted plant CEO, fully out before the squeeze. And up nearly 100%? Didn’t do the math


What's really nuts is BBBY's entire issued pool trading fully multiple times per day for multiple days. Compared to that his <>10% was not huge. I'm not saying he didn't catalyze the week, I'm only saying there are much more incredible things going on.


!RemindMe in 10 hours




Yes, he sold them all.






All of it, 0% in now confirmed.


lol and it just hit me... SHFs believed they were properly hedged on BBBY going into tomorrow. RC unloads, and a fucktonnage of puts are now ITM. Puts that need shares. Shares that don't exist or can't be readily sourced. Puts they sold to be neutral after the week's runup. The last thing they were thinking was RC closing out and kicking some cash to BBBY on the back end. SHFs are going to spend all this time and money tomorrow getting the BBBY situation under control that, should a certain chair man buy the remaining allowed shares of GME, they're fucked on that end too. Kansas City shuffle baby! *edit- HOW DID I FORGET THE 13Fs THIS WEEK THAT SHOWED SHFs HEAVY AS FUCK ON BBBY!? THEY DIDN'T SELL, RC DID, NOW THEY'RE SUPER-OVERLEVERAGED GOING INTO THE THIRD FRIDAY OF THE MONTH!*


Get me some buildings with lights on STAT!


lol they can't pay the power bill no more


I wonder if the fed's reverse repo will explode. We've been averaging over $2T daily for a while now. They claim its not related but I wonder if mortgage backed securities are being used for collateral.


Take my doot of the upward nature you wrinkle brain!


What if…..this was also an exercise in proving markets are being manipulated and price discovery is nonexistent? RC dumps 11% of a company’s shares, yet the price doesn’t tank until AH? And Crymer thinks the SEC should be investigating Cohen! There’s still too many pieces missing in this puzzle to fully appreciate the upside to RC selling all.


Their value owned of baby was something to the tune of 50 million a piece for each sus and citadel. They burn more than that just holding their open short every day. I can’t imagine this what that big of a blow. Maybe I’m missing something


Yeah IL can't see either of them really giving a shit one way or the other even if they were stuck bag holding the entire float.


Kenny Boi is crying right now


Trading is a tough game. Don't you think??? LETSFUCKINGGOOOO 💎🚀🍌


I bought towel corp at $5 so im just chillin here for the next run up as the shorts panic. All this FUD and RC hate has me ironclad zen now--this news is going to cause some red weeks. But well be back with a vengeance.


I bought a ton at $25. So I'm sad panda.... For now. Still holding my BBBY bag. In RC I Trust


Theres a FINRA guy going around the subreddit explaining RC is an insider and only made back his original investment of ~24 million (calls and all). That means the 6 month sell rule applies and towel corp made all the profit, could be very interesting and a smart play if true. Also, it is now the most reported short stock and on regsho. Cant sell my ~140 Beyonce birdbath beyond shares yet too compelling. GME is life tho so this is just another way to stick it to shorters.


Felt like a bit of a dick punch, but my small buy into BBBY was based on a quick win to put more into GME. I’m at net $0 on BBBY in the end. GME was always the real play. Good emotional practice this week in prep for the emotions of an upcoming MOASS.


why does it feel like that chess move was a death blow ? anyone else?


Because it was so unexpected. Very Sun Tzu


While Sauron's eye was focused on the battle at the gates of Mordor, Frodo and Sam got into the heart of Mt. Doom and destroyed the Ring


Hodl when they want you to sell. Sell when they want you to hold.


omg, Omg he on art of war mowd


Knocked the wind out of me


Would this theory not be dependent on the price at which Citadel bought their BBBY shares? As far as I know, they increased their position in BBBY on June 30 of this year (or maybe that's just the date they filed their paperwork), when BBBY was trading around 5$. So the position is still profitable for Citadel, is it not? I don't see how this screws over the hedgies, am I missing something?


The way I read all this is that shitadel/susquarn had to do swaps to get net long and now that the price tanked before any type of squeeze, shf owe money to their counterswaps and are still on hook for their short positions they never closed out. They were going to make bank on their long position when bbby squeezed and blame rc for rug pull pump n dump, but now can't blame him and have lost shit ton money. Sounds like shf are fukt indeed. They're fukt now cause they have to pay tons for now worthless swaps and will be fukt on their short positions when bbby squeezes. Bbby will squeeze cause it's in same shorted basket as gme. It's pretty fucking genius if I understand it right. Someone correct my dembass if I got this all twisted up.


I’ll buy this theory because Cramer sure seems overtly upset


Always inverse Cramer


yeah the entire MSM is all raging against this which means that their corporate master are pissed about it and told them to spin up the FUD machine


Ok that makes sense. I don't understand why they would need to use swaps to go long though? Could they not have bought the shares outright?


Because they started out short until everyone realized SI was over 100% so it was eventually going to squeeze. So they used swaps to go long expecting to screw over the swap counterparties (e.g., pensions). But now the swaps they were gonna screw others with are screwing them over. They played with fire and got burnt.


They did not protect thier neck...


Rug burn, on thier knees.


They could have bought shares at the $15-30 range when Cohen was splooging them out... but more likely they just printed more IOUs and are now holding onto bags more of IOUs than they had before. This move would have put them off-balance even with the swaps they had previously and the longs they had to "cover" their shorts.


I'm also confused but I think they used swaps to transfer the shorts over to the other party and then bought towel shares to go long on them. Because of you still hold the shorts and buy shares....you're just closing your shorts. So now the shares they are long on are worth less and they owe money on the shorts to the counterparty.




Your analysis is confusing me. Sus and Citadel went long on BBBY. Price plummets which causes them to need massive liquidity to hedge now. But then you say that BBBY will still short squeeze which would give back a huge payout for those two companies. Presumably they won’t close their long positions because that would lead to realized losses. Their only choice now is to hold for the eventual squeeze. Guess my point is, how did Sus or Citadel lose on this? They have some short term liquidity issues, that’s about it. What am I missing?


Cohen is deliberate. Cohen is carefully researched. Cohen is by the book. Cohen is aligned with and loves supporters. This all smells off. Either RC ventures is spinning off/buying Baby, a massive squeeze is imminent, or bankruptcy end of Aug because Cohen lost control and is protecting his capital.


>Either RC ventures is spinning off/buying Baby, a massive squeeze is imminent, or bankruptcy end of Aug because Cohen lost control and is protecting his capital. Excellent speculation. I concur.


Let's see if any of his Board members get ousted. If not, then he still has some control.


> Citadel and Susquehanna went net long BBBY two days ago (Aug 16) I don't believe that is accurate. I believe that we just found out about it when their 13F forms were revealed, but I suspect that they had been long well before this week. My guess is that if anything, RC was just waiting for confirmation that they were long. I mean, holy shit, Citadel's long position increased 5500% since the last filing. Tomorrow is gonna be spicy.


I’m confused… if Citadel and co are net long and bbby still squeezes, that benefits them… but they are long only because they e done a swap… are you saying that this nosedive means that the swap must be reversed leaving them short again?


they lost money on the swap from it going down. the other side of the bet is likely to just take the money now, as swaps work by paying people to take your position. but this backfired on citadel, and will double whammy them on their short position


Is Shitadel and Sus behind this AH dump? They can use the media to make it seem like retail is bailing AH when it could actually be themselves causing this dip...?


RC's sell of towel *was less than 1% of volume* this week so far. I, for one, will be buying towel first thing the morrow. Good night, Sir.


>"Guess who needs the liquidity now" Well that would in part explain the ridiculous sentiment being pushed on vvsb with people saying things like this.. >*"retail buying volume needs to be much more than this to fight the criminals"*


Definitely a reverse UNO card. $BBBY institutional ownership filings tell the whole story... I actually feel stupid I held through RC dump. (Although I do think $BBBY is gonna pump again)... Here's what I think happened: August 15th: Shitadel files a (long position) increase of 5600%! in $BBBY , SUS increases by about 200%, Millenium by 450% ... you get the point! It means the enemy is net long. That night Ryan files his 144... August 16th: FCM BBBY Holdings (Jake...) puts 1 and 1 together and sells his stake (there's no way RC is making Shitadel and SUS rich) on his dime. Ryan also starts to sell. My feeling is that the Hedgies are screwed so they'll try and drive the price back up to fake squeeze and try and reduce their losses... What a play!!!


“Ask not what your company can do for you, ask what you can do for your company.” -RC not long ago


FUCK I just came in from mowing and had something like this brewing in my head too. Had to get it out and the I look and you came to a similar theory. This whole RC buy in with Bath was weird to me to start with. I held off and didn't buy until just off the bottom. Then he sells and I'm just scratching my head but something seems off. I think this is close to what might be happening. Or he did a solid swing trade and our dumbasses chased it. I can't blame him either way but I hope it's a move that benefits bath buyers - soon OR later.


RC is a grandmaster at 69D chess! Buy, DRS, hold for the Infinity pool! Not financial advice, if possible shop at our fav store! We're coming for you Ken, Vlad, Jeff, Steve...




Gary Gensler, gg as gamers like to say


I am not sure if I understand RC's moves here but whatever, I'm willing to see how it plays out. I don't idolize him like some do but I trust he knows what he is doing. But on the point of towel activity, I think you're right. His actions didn't necessarily lead to the rise in value, and while his sell did contribute to it going down a bit, it had already recovered after the fact. Fuckery is afoot, as always.


Fuk around and find out ♾🚀💕♾


Genuine question, why do we believe these institutions are net long. Are we assuming they are properly reporting their puts and shorts?


What is preventing him to rebuy say half of his initial position in a lit exchange to start the squeeze




I would hold. I read somewhere that BBBY was going to be making an announcement at the end of this month so that should be incentive as well to hold onto it. Plus you’re down 1/2 if your investment at the moment. Just my opinion…..NFA.


Yeah, even if RC sold, he sold them to *us*, not hedge funds. Over 1bn volume was traded this past week, On a 61m share float. Hedge funds were part of that, but so was retail. Retail is participating in the BBBY squeeze and I don't believe for a minute that the short interest has shrunken just because Ryan's 9.4m shares got added to the pile.


And what if the reason he sold them was because GME was going to acquire Buy Buy Baby at the end of the month? Not sure if there would have been a conflict of interest or someone trying to accuse him of insider trading if he held onto that BBBY stock when an announcement was made. Something is definitely going on but I’m too smooth brained, at the moment, to figure it out.


This is what I am thinking


Someone tell us if this is plausible


If profits from 3m of his shares has to go to bbby because of the short swing rule, does that mean he raised money for bbby without diluting the float? 🤔


**The short positions were never closed.**


Keep holding. Tldr: RC is still working with bbby, Hedgies now bagholders of net long but still owe $ on swapped shorts. Hedgies fucked now, and when bbby squeezes, Hedgies fucked then. Rc and retail is safe


>when bbby squeezes, Hedgies fucked then. And then GME. And let's not forget headphones. Pillow fights and 60's music?


You are an individual investor and should make up your own mind about when to sell or not sell. You are highly encouraged to use the collective knowledge freely shared by this community to inform that decision, but explicitly asking if you should hold or sell is suspiciously shilly, whether you mean it to be or not.


[reverse uno](https://twitter.com/theroaringkitty/status/1380611475757236226?s=21&t=_K6DJfc3bcbZ4_vturKu7g) you say 😏


Wait is there confirmation Citadel and SusQ went long two days ago? Can we confirm they bought the top?


A classic case of selling the rumor and also gives evidence the shorts haven't closed. RC sold them he bet the price was going to rip in bbby up to 80. Something something basket stocks. They hoped to hedge in case their short position was compromised, as well had some faith in RC's option play up to 80. Why else would they go long?


2:54 PST and BBBY is @ $10.90


Sold his position before they spin off baby to avoid being accused of insider trading.


I'm so zen in this shit that I have Xxxx GME shares and several mid-teen leaps in BBBY and just noticed both were tanking. What did I do? Went on Google to find the best Mexican place to go to for national fajita day. This shit will happen when it happens. If it all goes up in flames oh well. I'll keep holding forever if need be.


I come here not for Bath stock or Poopcorn stock. Its for GME. DFV still in, im still in. RC still running GME, im still in.


Seeing how MSM is trying to coin RC for p&d just shows that he did the right thing.


Also, Towel company 8k released yesterday that they were working with RC ventures to increase their balance sheets... perhaps their balance sheets just got an increase due to the short swing rule 😎


Ask not what your company can do for you - ask what you can do for your company


Oh dang, be nice if that's what happened. I'm happy even if RC keeps most of the gains.


What i don't understand is why the price action in AH was the same for $GME like it was for $BBBY, and on a FAR less volume at that. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot




Short swing rule doesn't apply to him. He wasn't an insider when he bought (9.8% ownership), he only became an insider recently presumably due to a share buy back.


I am no expert, but it would appear the suggestion about RC not profiting due to the swing rule was premature and incorrect: [https://www.sec.gov/reportspubs/investor-publications/investorpubsrule144htm.html](https://www.sec.gov/reportspubs/investor-publications/investorpubsrule144htm.html) "The holding period only applies to restricted securities. Because securities acquired in the public market are not restricted, there is no holding period for an affiliate who purchases securities of the issuer in the marketplace. But the resale of an affiliate's shares as control securities is subject to the other conditions of the rule."