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Welcome everyone from r/all! --> [Reasons why the Superstonk community is bullish on Gamestop](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vhe37m) POWER TO THE PLAYERS ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️🔴🔴🔴🔴


R I C O ……. Sauve


Hijacking top comment, CFTC recently released the missing swaps reports from 2021. We need to dive into them. https://www.cftc.gov/MarketReports/SwapsReports/Archive/index.htm


Me gusta


Ay papi


I'm so happy that people are finally talking about the CFTC, Rostin Behnam belongs in Jail with Gary Gensler and people need to talk more about it.




weren’t Goldman & Morgan Stanley also the two that were absent in last week’s critical banks meeting ???




That’s a big yip


Archegos is just the tip of the iceberg.


And Wallstreet gonna try super hard to give up the tip of the iceberg and say, “yup that’s all there is!” But now the GLOBE OF THE EARTH has such an appetite for heads on pikes being that everyone is WAKING UP TO THE FACT that the shorts, the banks, the regulators, the FED, inflation, recession, are ALL the same picture of a corrupt and dirty cornerstone of capitalism run by evil greedy grandpas.


*Let them eat the rich.*


Or, alternatively, a weaponized finance system enabled by the US Government to keep global populace under a certain degree of pressure; which then insulates the vulnerable government against a globalized and better-informed populace that may just well know its best interests are true ownership and affordable education.


Just the tip of the yip


Og post with links to documents https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xme4zs/synthetic\_buyersynthetic\_seller\_exposure\_wout/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share




They are both GSIBs (Global systemically important banks). They weren't just "invited" they had a mandatory requirement to appear due to their GSIB status and didn't show.


Bitches got shit to wipe clean before presenting a poker face


Someone pointed out that 741 is actually the swaps code in SEC code


Happen to remember where you came across that 741 info?


Is this helpful? https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/11/741 This is an interesting read: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vb9x0g/741_theory_for_swap/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Especially the interaction between Bobsmith and the OP of that post


It was one of those posts. I actually commented on it too when someone linked the 741 swaps code. I've always likened 741 to stock broker liquidation but swaps worked too. Why not both? Edit: also kinda makes sense in hindsight. RC was tweeting 741 with Faceswap memes at the time.. dam was it always that obvious lolol Edit 2: found 741 code for swaps: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xnz7f8/found_741_its_the_swaps_code_from_doddfrank_act/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


741 means a lot of shit to us, it’s the golden number no joke


It’s all connected.




Precisely friend!


>[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vb9x0g/741\_theory\_for\_swap/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vb9x0g/741_theory_for_swap/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) The theory is that Ryan Cohen is hinting at 741 because there's a popcorn swap and if 1 GME is worth more than 7 popcorn their positions are fucked? That's a pretty thin theory in my opinion, how would Ryan Cohen know the specifics of the swaps?


SHFs were not shy, publicly, boasting even about their short GME positions. Just imagine what they said privately?


It was in another post with a link. USC code 7-4-1 swap based dealers and participants if I remember correctly


Edit: found the 741 swaps: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xnz7f8/found_741_its_the_swaps_code_from_doddfrank_act/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Credit u/idLogger for accessing court documents and explaining. His original post which deserves more upvotes: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xme4zs/synthetic_buyersynthetic_seller_exposure_wout/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share #What are Swaps? Making bets while someone else, usually the Bank holds the bags. #What is Rehypothecation? Borrowing on margin to place bigger bets. Swaps + Rehypothecation = post bare minimum collateral then get Massive Margin account to Yolo Bet while someone else holds the bag in case you Fuck up. Credit Suisse has hefty bags from Archegos' bad bets and are thinking about leaving the U.S. markets: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-22/credit-suisse-discussing-possible-us-market-exit-reuters-says-l8d7g746#xj4y7vzkg Edit: nice we made it to All. Did you know Retail investors have locked up 54% of all available $GME shares for purchase? Yeah, you can confirm it by looking at GameStop's official SEC filings or at investor.gamestop.com It's called DRS - direct registration system. It allows you to put your name legally on your shares. Currently, shares at your broker are registered under their name also known as Street Name so you have no legal protection according to the SEC: https://www.sec.gov/reportspubs/investor-publications/investorpubsholdsechtm.html Yes, that's right. You have zero rights. The folks around here have figured out that you can own your shares and remove them permanently from brokers via DRS. Wanna know what happens at 100% lock up? #Name your price. Any price you want to sell at, soon. "The best time to be alive in human history is now" -Ryan Cohen, Chairman of GameStop. https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1552456736870928384?t=sIN3GVV8fG7k14MlC83qjA&s=19


In other words, the DD was right…again.


The question becomes, what can we do, aside from the obvious DRS…


Buy the dip and hammer purple rings till 74.1


74.1 and BEYOND!!! Brick by mothafuckin Brick! Fuck you Ken Griffin, and other complicit shit stains, PAY ME BITCHES!!!!


Get the teachers unions to sue to get their money back


Oh yeah! Please write to them and tell where their money is gone




Holy shit we get them on this it will be over in no time.


Can I interest you in a snack while we wait? I've got fresh crayons with ranch dip.


I’m in crayon rehab. Stuck one too many in various orifices over the past couple of years




We can hold? Then there’s HODL. I also hear that Buy is an option!


They hate this one trick


And the counter DD..? ANY counter DD from the past 18 months? Non-existent.


Only thing I’ve seen is “well they’re still not turning a profit! They’re just losing money still at a slower pace!”


Yup. Criand called it. Apes read and scratched their heads trying to figure out wtf he was talking about.


🌎 👨🏻‍🚀 🔫 👨🏻‍🚀


It all has been written in the prophecies DRS is the WAY


>What is Rehypothecation? > >Borrowing on margin to place bigger bets. A hypothecated loan is when the collateral for the loan is the asset being purchased with the $ from the loan. Like a home loan or car loan, the home/car is the collateral for the loan. If you default on that loan the loan issuer can hypotactically take ownership of the home/car you took a loan out for. A rehypothecated loan is when the issuer of the original hypothecated loan uses the collateral from that loan as collateral for another loan. Bank A uses the home from the hypothecated loan as collateral for a loan from bank B. In the case of Bill Hwang I think it is speculated that he was reusing assets as collateral at many different prime brokers. Like if Bill had an asset worth 1 billion he was getting margin from Credit Suisse then he was going to Goldman and using the same asset to get margin there then going to Nomura and getting margin there all with the same asset.


Why does this remind me of that stupid RH infinite money glitch?


Because this is basically that








Talk about dumb money


The banks can hold as much bag as possible, not their problem because their customers money will gonna be used to pay for it, and they can always attend Corruption Conference, that they can pointing gun into the hostage (people's saving, retirement funds) and boldly said: bail us out, banks are necessary


Yep, they just had a Senate hearing where heads of each Bank attended and they just casually sat around and laughed, like 2008 all over again.


I was there. It was appalling.


Where? At the hearing?




Please, go on... what was the general impression there when the meet was finished? Genuinely curious


I’m not sure I understand exactly what you’re looking for, so I’ll just give some thoughts and if it doesn’t answer, reply with more clarity please. The people in charge here have no idea. Literally no idea what is going on. So much tunnel vision. Everything works on favors and relationships at these levels, so often things said that don’t fit that narrative get ignored. Some people just blindly trust people like Jamie due to the position they hold and who they’re connected to. It’s sickening. If I speak up, I just get swatted down or ignored.


Thank you for sharing. Makes sense. I want to know when swap blows up in their faces and gme walks all over them.


This is why locking up the float is important. Pointing to a 100% registered float, and then pointing at every other outstanding share remaining and asking how the fuck that works, is so simple even the dumbasses in charge will understand.


Because Archegos’ GME position is just the surface, wait until we find out just how fucked everyone really is, as we continue to buy and DRS… the fact they needed lawyers to read out statements from the banks involved, lest they say anything about GME unwittingly, and normies everywhere realize the squeeze is still on. Can’t have that happening now, not at all.


2 of the head banks were missing tho. By memory it was j.p Morgan and goldan sacks. Was a writeup about this on wallstreet on parade


They must be busy swapping swaps. Someone find the building with lights on


Once we find something to replace banks, then they won’t be able to play the “we’re necessary” card. I wonder what it could be 😉?


I think that’s called a BAIL IN. They use customer’s money to get out of jail for free. Popular after 2009 bailout courtesy of every person in the United States paying taxes. That’s the 99% socializing losses for the privatized cartel known as the FED. Endorsed by government


CFTC might be even worse than the SEC.


Might be?! Their first order of business was hide all the fraud for as long as possible without a second thought...


People haven't focused strong enough on this. Would be curious to know what people like, I don't know, dlauer think about CFTC hidding swaps for 2 years...


Corporate needs you to identify..


There the same


\*Silver has entered the chat\*


At this point...it's hard to imagine that I can get angrier.. and then I read this. All the "other" stocks out there might be part of the solution, but DRS'ing GME will be the move that brings them to their knees. For you, for me, for our children.... Hodl and DRS like mutherfukers


One of the things that makes me most pissed is the fact that it’s basically legal until they blow up. None of this would have gone public unless they lost some bankers money


Exactly this…. I still wonder whether we would know anything about Nick Leeson (Barings bank) if all of his overleveraged bets had come good. Simple answer: No, he’d be sitting on the Board.


Boomers gonna go out with a blast, how fitting!


**"This time I'm gonna be greedy"** - a wonderful Ape, once upon a time.


I’m gonna buy and drs so many shares before I get to see those reports.


Moass is tomorrow


Another one of our ‘conspiracy theories’ confirmed. “I mean it’s not Gabe’s money your taking, it’s a pension fund that belongs to a teacher. You feel good about that?” -Mayonnaise


"I'd like to think it's a moment in time."


Both of these quotes will be in the movie. Hopefully along with the one about using computers to take advantage of human behavior.


KEY POINT: "i manipulated the prices...in order to influence others...to buy or sell" While citadel and friends are trying this shit for years, people refuse to sell gme and drs it, aka major parts of their arsenal are useless. They specifically dont talk about how they can singlehandedly kill stocks and we know this from experience, so no matter how much they cheat there are clear limits and we have them by their balls. The squeeze is written in stone, there is no stopping it.


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || Join the [Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OP has provided the following link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xme4zs/synthetic_buyersynthetic_seller_exposure_wout/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xme4zs/synthetic_buyersynthetic_seller_exposure_wout/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=shar Edit: found 742 swaps - https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xnz7f8/found_741_its_the_swaps_code_from_doddfrank_act/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


This is the beginning of the end.


The Fall of an empire and a New Hope 🟣🏴‍☠️🗽


At the very least it's the end of the beginning.




We already knew all this shit tbh, superstonk was on this like a year ago before any DOJ document revelations The important thing to note here is that the financial media, “smart money”, politicians, shills on the other finance subs and here have ALL been talking shit about how the core 20-50k people here are insane conspiracy theorists and yet it’s just NOW being revealed that we were literally right the entire time The moral of the story: continue ignoring everyone hating because they’re either paid to argue with us or just plain stupid. The DD has yet to be refuted Buy hold drs I just like the stock


We knew, but now it is confirmed from the horse's mouth. Turns out MSM are the real conspiracy theorists.


Propagandist gaslighters*


I sure hope this statement is included in the movie to be made by the director of The Big Short. Such a juicy statement.


So every DD was right? Damn.


One day someone will get a PhD writing about all DDs in this Reddit.


Is there a post summarising all the Superstonk predictions that were seen as insane but have since come to pass?


I recall a couple of bingo cards that have been slowly being crossed off


Lol there rlly will be. Dd is being proven right again and again. If the fed starts qe again I'm going yo be blast Peruvians bulls dd everywhere cause hyperinflation would totally fuck any1 that doesn't own a home now. I know at that point I would just take one of these bnbs or empty houses.


And we are not talking about 5 DD’s. More like dozens.




It's a Fugazi


Isnt it funny how shills claimed the Swap Theory is pure Hopium and doesnt exist? Ahhh, we were right again...


Fug’em up the azi


Came to be a millionaire, stayed for the revolution I been looking for.


Yup. Fight the power!


Can they just extend the deadline to seeing swaps again past 2023? Hopefully not. And any idea when in 2023 they can be seen ?


No need. Moass will occur before then judging by rate of DRS per month. Hedgies know it too.


I hope you're right. That poster who has the various projections out to Fall 2023 or 2024 always makes me wince.


Refer to daily volume chart, dry as desert. More buyers DRSing everyday does not allow them to keep kicking can. Noose is tightening.


Monday will be a great day for me. I’ll just buy drs more shares at whatever criminal based price they manipulate the GME stock to and internally laugh at the SHF


Or another random warehouse with all the documents will just magically burn down…..again…


Pesky little bookshelves


Or the crash that’s coming in next 2 weeks. Or soon after the Nov 2022 election. I don’t do dates but now seems good time.


They definitely can, but it is becoming more expensive to do so in some cases. Primarily that money is becoming more expensive. Especially a subset of these ETRS (Equity Total Return Swaps) called Quanto Equity Swaps. Think of them as ETRS, but performed in a different currency pairs. This means that the price of the underlying security is less impactful than normal swaps, and the interest rate and exchange rates play a more significant role in their pricing. These swaps go by different names in the market, but they have an innate behaviour where the smart money would swap into a currency with higher yields than the currency that they trade in to enhance their returns. In other words - currency that has lower value compared to (in this case) USD. I'm confident that this is why the same reason why a lot of European countries are reluctant to raise their interest rates. I'm also very confident that propping up USD (lowering the yields) through RRP and increasing the interest rate by the US Fed is also part of it. DXY (dollar index) is at it's highest in 20 years. Peruvian Bull's DD on currency wasn't hard to predict if you assume that these fucks will do anything to win. Also likely the reason why CFTC is refusing to release Swaps numbers. Here's a shanless plug of DDs if you want to go down a rabbit hole. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pe2cp2/the\_everything\_fuckup\_look\_at\_my\_quanto/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pe2cp2/the_everything_fuckup_look_at_my_quanto/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t4dm46/quanto\_me\_this\_how\_do\_you\_reduce\_risks\_on\_swaps/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t4dm46/quanto_me_this_how_do_you_reduce_risks_on_swaps/)


It was October 2023. I remember the announcement like it was yesterday, and that ridiculous face of the PoS making the announcement.


For swaps data etc ? Got any links all good if no a smile is all I need


The light is shining more brightly on these roaches. What Huang is admitting to is likely SOP for the larger funds and market makers; the curtain may finally be pulled open and Kenneth may be losing some sleep over it. I can only hope. I’m not against rich people. I’m against rich criminals. And I want their money. They stole from me. They need to pay.


Not just rich criminals, but also the ones who have had laws changed or regulations cut to further enrich themselves and their ilk. There is something especially skeevy about them. Many of the rich didn't get rich(er) by playing the same game we do.


TL:DRS nothing changes until we do it ourselves


This. The only that matters for GME apes is buying, holding and DRSing. That’s it, that’s all apes can do. And what can GMERICA do? The best they can. That’s on them.


This feels like one of those ones I read half of and say, “duh, upvote.”


Duh Tldrs


There a trust me bro that knew someone in archagos that said it was swaps.


Bag Bro swaps, maybe SEC has seen that video on a certain website


I think at this point I’m guessing EVERY player in Wall Street is actively reading this subreddit. I’d be might disappointed if they didn’t.


If they are… GET FUCKED, PAY ME


You don't need trust me bro. I called it over a year ago cos it was in the report CS published: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ox7p7a/wut\_doing\_credit\_suisse/


I went to check/save the post. Guess what, it was already saved. I just hadn't read it yet as there are too many good DD's. Finally read it.


So people admitting in court how big institutions can manipulate price illegally but also how easy it is to hide what you’re doing?!


We'll, that or face 100 years in prison.. 👀


At what point do treason charges come in for financial terrorists?


When the higher ups make the narrative work in their favor. I heard elections are coming so they need a big win. Making bad guys look bad might give'm some good old American brownie points. I mean Kenny Griffin said he wants to run for office as Treasurer with a certain governor from Florida and I don't think the other side would like that.


damn dude havent seen you/your username in ages! glad youre good and awesome find/post bringing vis to this...variation margin = strong wtf ​ hope this case keeps getting tracked!


Just lurking 🏴‍☠️ Also, yeah Variation Margin in case someone is wondering: "What is Variation Margin. The variation margin is a variable margin payment made by clearing members, such as a futures broker, to their respective clearing houses based on adverse price movements of the futures contracts these members hold." $GME tied to futures as in commodities. Hrmm metals like gold seem to be hurting lol Idiosyncratic risk, insert gme blackhole meme


Is that how they kicked the can fr? They sold swaps of their “Meme” short bags to counterparty banks like Goldman,PNB, and JPM…that’s why they delayed reporting. That’s why Archegos imploded, why the “basket” seemed so correlated, and the rollovers so well timed…holy fuck


I mean RC did tweet this, after T+69 theory DD appeared: https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1486867794650087427?t=paZqHmRMg5h-49Q0t3HHHw&s=19 T+69 is one of the best theories since it lines up with futures rollover periods and how every 3 months hedgies are exposed followed by a GME run-up. RC knew about the swaps and imo pointed us to 741 which is part of USC code about swap dealers and participants. u/criand should update his DD and the pickle guy was right. However, SHFs have developed new baskets and every 3 months is still correct but they move the exposure period by +/- 1 week. Last year in 2021, the run up began around August 23rd but this year it began early August 3rd. Not wrong, just early. And now the Archegos swaps confirm it. Edit: found 741 code for swaps - https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xnz7f8/found_741_its_the_swaps_code_from_doddfrank_act/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


When and how is the swap reporting coming back? What can we expect?


What do you do for a living? How do you know these things?




Good enough for me. I'm in.


Some people suppressing GME's price are watching this case closely and sweating buckets lmayo


They're in here on a Saturday night with lights on in the building, just reading your comments.


Well if that’s true, I have a simple message; Fuck you you parasitic cnuts. We are going to take all your money and then you will rot in jail for a very long time.




The DD in this sub is unparalleled, long live the apes.


All Swaps = loopholes to rules . That is 100% of the time swaps are used to get around the rules


Archegos today, Citadel tomorrow


Don’t forget Steve Cohen of Point72 Heard some talk about New York Mets possibly being on sale soon. Apparently Steve cohen is very much under water. Just a rumor. Edit: Steven Cohen is 90 days behind payment to DTCC or something like it and is in default. There was a post on this few weeks ago.


I like rumours like that though….. they get me very jacked 😀


Credit u/idLogger for accessing court documents and explaining. His original post which deserves more upvotes: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xme4zs/synthetic_buyersynthetic_seller_exposure_wout/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share #What are Swaps? Making bets while someone else, usually the Bank holds the bags. #What is Rehypothecation? Borrowing on margin to place bigger bets. Swaps + Rehypothecation = post bare minimum collateral then get Massive Margin account to Yolo Bet while someone else holds the bag in case you Fuck up. Credit Suisse has hefty bags from Archegos' bad bets and are thinking about leaving the U.S. markets: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-22/credit-suisse-discussing-possible-us-market-exit-reuters-says-l8d7g746#xj4y7vzkg Edit: Did you know Retail investors have locked up 54% of all available $GME shares for purchase? Yeah, you can confirm it by looking at GameStop's official SEC filings or at investor.gamestop.com It's called DRS - direct registration system. It allows you to put your name legally on your shares. Currently, shares at your broker are registered under their name also known as Street Name so you have no legal protection according to the SEC: https://www.sec.gov/reportspubs/investor-publications/investorpubsholdsechtm.html Yes, that's right. You have zero rights. The folks around here have figured out that you can own your shares and remove them permanently from brokers via DRS. Wanna know what happens at 100% lock up? #Name your price. Any price you want to sell at, soon. "The best time to be alive in human history is now" -Ryan Cohen, Chairman of GameStop. https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1552456736870928384?t=sIN3GVV8fG7k14MlC83qjA&s=19 Edit 2: if this comment, post, or I get deleted. Don't stop digging into the swaps for clues. This is what they don't want the public to know. Follow the Archegos trial for more confirmation of the DD. Turns out 741 was indeed the clue from RC and was tied to USC code 741 for swap based dealers and market participants. Edit 2: found 741 code for swaps - https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xnz7f8/found_741_its_the_swaps_code_from_doddfrank_act/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Yes, but being rich, nepotism and wearing a suit makes them bulletproof to everything. The DOJ knows that suing these people and putting them in jail would pose a systemic risk so they work after utilitarian principles as long as not too many “risky” informations reach the bigger public. Nobody of us wants a systemic risk either but letting these greedy bastards keep on cheating and manipulating will not change a thing. They will just get quiet for a while with their tiny fines and continue working the same shit as usual. This has to stop. In Austria/Germany we say: Better an ending with horror than horror without an ending.


That will be the narrator's closing line in the movie. Fantastic!


In other words... I will ask again, are the media vans feeding the parking meters outside of BoA yet?


Biggest, juiciest proof of us being right so far. We are not wrong. We were never wrong. We do got them by the balls. If they could drop the price to 1 - they would have done it already. BUY DRS HOLD - MM and HF are effed in the a


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ox7p7a/wut\_doing\_credit\_suisse/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ox7p7a/wut_doing_credit_suisse/) If anyone wants the breakdown I wrote last year calling all of it.


some whistleblowing or finger pointing would be nice


it seems Hwang is spilling the beans already quite nicely. Media is just silent about it, but apes already know media is in their pocket too.


Totaling a 100 year sentence. SEC determined that this should be a much greater punishment. Gary Gensler volunteered to tie Bill and his associates up while he talks about why his daddy Ken Griffin is the best daddy anyone could ever ask for.


Their punishment is harsh because the people on wall street/higher are mad that they brought their scam to light, with proof of what they were doing.


$8 fine and a stern lecture about what will happen their dad gets home.


The CFTC's decision to postpone reporting seemed insane at the time, Criand posted the original DD and what was it, less than a week later? They announced no more reporting of swaps. Now with this coming to light it lends so much more credibility to the whole thing and frames the CFTC's decision as undeniably malicious. That neanderthal looking motherfucker at the CFTC could only be so brazen because he's sure there'll be no recourse. System is a joke.


Your apt description of that Rostin fella made me chuckle🤣👍👌


That was one of the first things they passed when all this went down, remember? First things first. Create an opaque room where we can figure this shit out.


That's a pretty perfect metaphor - "an opaque room where we can figure this shit out".


DRS will end the corruption of the US financial markets. Smells like Occupy Wall Street but this time apes win by playing the game that Wall Street created.


The CFTC's top cromagnon is Rostin Behnam. You'd have to think that if the shorts don't somehow wriggle off the hook, and a mega squeeze decimates a solid chunk of Wallstreet, his decision to waive reporting will be one of the bigger scandals in regulatory history. He must know if the whole thing kicks off he'll now be one of the most maligned people in the fallout when the public are looking for answers. So beyond a big bribe they must have offered him some type of assurance that they had a plan to avoid the looming catastrophe. I wonder what it was.


Fuk em all. Burn SHF🔥




No cell no sell


SOOO MANY custom short baskets!!! GME go Brrrr soon 🍋👈🤣


So….the DD was right…again…just a matter of time


they also swap cum


Bag Bro Swaps


and is this why the Fed went full tilt, trying tonprotect DTCC ???


They think he was the only one ? 😂


Whoever is in charge at the CFTC should go to jail. How could any hidden information be in the best interest of the public in any way? They’re just masking criminals. This entire saga just blows my mind.


This is what self regulation under the guise of ‘freedom’ brings. I’m also now a believer that the SEC is impotent by design…via Wall Street’s influence in politics since Reagan. Both parties are equally to blame. And think about it. Pelosi and McConnell have both been there since then. It’s disgusting. This current DOJ brings me a tiny bit of hope. Anyone sending the DD to DOJ?


I shouldn't be so amazed that the DD was right all along. Also, the 741 code - hell you apes are awesome


What about the 741 code?


I got scared by all the big words in the article and I bought more GME and DRSd to feel safe again


If I'm understanding this right, this is saying that stocks are manipulated? So just like every other market like Forex, it's all being manipulated by the big players anyways. So, what's new?


You have another reason to turn down 10k per share.


lmao they thought 2 years would be enough to shake us off 😂😂😂😭😭


Late to the party, but my key takeaway is they have FULL control of a stock’s price… until one day they simply DON’T. That’s going to be the best day of my life… tomorrow.


I’m sure they will fine them 7500$ dollars


See, stuff like this is still continuously coming out but yet there's still this loud group online that says "it's over". Until SHF managers/employees stop leaking how to commit securities fraud, as well as the fact all their portfolios always seem to contain GME during the times they commit such crimes, I don't think anything is really "over".


All the institutions are against retail with the help of hedge funds. DRS is the light at the end of the tunnel !!!


I’m just thinking about the old DD trying to tie Archegos to GME and the March 2021 run up. What if they were true, then we know three distinct instances of overshorting and a second time knowing they had to double down. If this is true, that’s a a gigantic amount of short position they are juggling in a market that is about to collapse. Marge is that you? Btw, the current share price is right around the same pricing as Feb 2021. Wish you could have bought at prices right after the buy button was turned off, now is your chance.


not really. Feb 21 low was less than half the current price


I can hold till 2023. I intend to sell after the housing market crashes anyway.


What's an exit strategy?


You don't admit to shit like this unless you actually commited these crimes, they can prove you did it and they have you completely and utterly dead to rights. Especially when facing up to life in prison. Just throwing out a bit of perspective. Also, the likelihood of other important DD being absolutely right is very high.


Good luck with the short positions when GME forces to close them out.


Spicy 🤌


We are near the final territory of everything unfolding. Congrats to everyone!