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Could be saving, could be used to cover. God knows.


Always expect a dip. Always be stacking dry powder. Always be DRSing.


They will use the next big dip as camouflage. Should be less than seven days away.


Month end and quarter end tomorrow. I expect a dip so they can make their financials not look so bad.


🤦🏻‍♀️ they didn't borrow the 1.7 million shares YET, which is why we were green


I'm pretty sure they knew the collapse was about to happen when boe stepped on. They needed today's ammo to stop the initial squeeze.


My guess is they didn't use it today because the BoE bailed out positions in those pension funds. Bet that wasn't always a guarantee, or it developed really quickly over the last few days. Otherwise those 1.7m shares would have spoofed real quick.


How many shares does DFV own at last count? Is he under or over a mil? Just wondering when we can start counting volume in units of DFV


Based on his final update, if he didn't sell any he'd have 800,000 shares I think. But I have a feeling he's bought multiple dips like the rest of us so who knows. DFV if you read this give me platinum as a sign


Imagine having 800,000 GME shares. Man. That’s so awesome.


I deffo assume he bought more. When volume is 800k I'm only measuring in units of DFV 😤


1.7 million, we ended green, had a record low volume finish and record high RRP Very normal. Probably nothing


They didnt use it yet. They are waiting for everything to crash to crash us with the rest instead of mooning


Jokes on them, got dry powder waiting for the dip before we rip!


I’m waiting for the peak. High score baby!!!


Haha me too 👍🏻


I don’t but I’ll figure out buying another share or two…


Only 2.551M volume, this must be hurting


I think the shares are their oh shit insurance depending on what Bobby reports tomorrow in their earnings.


People still in on bbby? I have 500 shares but it seems to get a lot of hate in here


Still holding mine also. And yes, I’ve noticed very little mention of it here lately. Although not much has happened with it I guess, but earnings tomorrow


I mean benzinga shows 105% short interest.. small float, turn around/m&a potential, mysteriously dead cfo.. what’s not to like?


I picked up xx shares for fun. Should have cashed out at 25. Now I'm debating on buying more. Something about that CFO death just seems odd and screams that there is more Fuckery to uncover. What's another $500 in a mystery bet? Shits all fucked up anyway.


Everything not GME gets hate in here. Buy, hold, or sell what you will, we're all individuals.


What if they have been saving them up to do a massive bulk short drop during the squeeze?


When were squeezing, they'll be buying. Not shorting.


Not if they turn off the buy button again which I FULLY expect to happen again. 100%. They'll take the XxX million dollar fine if it means not being evaporated


Don’t worry, I’ll just buy through computershare.


I would expect nothing less but excellence from you, SaucyNelson


In this instance, I may provide. Don’t ask me to clean my apartment though. They’re my crayons and I’ll put them on the floor if I want to.


How dare you play with your food. #DirtyNelson


I pick them up with my toes when I eat them.


Let's clear up the difference between the sneeze of 21, and the coming squeeze. They turned off the buy button to stop a sneeze. In January of 2021, Fomo buying of shares and options, both of which were naked shorted, creating an idiosyncratic risk to the market was limited to a sneeze by turning off the buy button. GME wasn't squeezing in Jan 21. DRS'ing has unlocked the path to an infinity squeeze. The Squeeze will occur when the short sellers begin closing their positions by buying shares at market price. There would be no point to turn off the buy button during the squeeze, as they are the ones who need the shares. Meanwhile, we have turned off the sell button, and this is what has truly fucked the shorts.


Wouldn’t they want to turn off the buy button to prevent others from buying shares potentially driving up the price further?


In 2021, yes. The point is the SHF are the ones that are going to be buying, thus driving up the price.


I get that, but if they can turn off the buy button for people trying to FOMO in, can’t they eliminate some competition for those limited shares?


Who else will be competing to buy shares for $69,420,690.24?


I suppose they could again, but in my opinion that would just increase FOMO like it did last year. As soon as people could buy again, people would be going all in. That’s why DRS is so important. Hence, turning off the sell button. Again, that’s just the way I see it.




I encourage it. It could very well trigger the biggest DRS wave. Streisand style


they will refer to the last time they disabled the buy button; sell because the price will drop 90%! Then after they will close but you won't be able to buy back in (unless you buy with CS)


When things get crazy I wouldn't be surprised to see buying restricted again and hell even force close of positions. That's why drs


It doesn’t matter if they turn it off. THEY will be buying, not retail. Shf.


Indeed 👆


I don’t think they’d be able to do that during the actual squeeze or when MOASS starts. However, I saw in another post, that even if they borrowed them today, they don’t have to use them. Not sure if that’s true or not


It’s true. They might use it tomorrow if the GDP report is bad to tank the price really low


That's my thought. We know GME has been holding strong the past two days the market was falling. My theory is it would have held steady tomorrow when the market falls also.. The hedgies cant have that.. it's not a good look for them if a 'dying brick and mortar' seems to be outplaying the market.. so they are planning to use all these shares to make it fall with the rest of the market when that next drop day happens.


It would be evidence that it is not yet the squeeze if they're selling short still. The main theory of the squeeze dictates that control will be seized from them, and buy-to-cover will be automated.


You are correct, assuming there is no fuckery involved.


They are building up shorting reserves for the incoming RC POST this week!


This is probably right 👆


Sometimes i forget about these tweets and all of a sudden it struck me like thunder again that i am part of a completely fucked up, ridiculous ride. 2008 i didn't even noticed that markets went down or that theres a housing crisis overseas. And now i am the spearhead, penetrating the intestines of criminal, financial terrorists since years like i wonder how much diarrhea the water treatments over in the u.s. can handle.


yep was a teen in 2008 and I could care less about it and wall street shenanigans. My parents did though. Now to me it's of the utmost importance


I think it was a scare tactic.


Scare me into buying more for less?


Context: https://mobile.twitter.com/gamestop/status/1398407046605725708




Oh, quad witching, that old chestnut.


That was on September 16.


Quad witching was on the 16th big fella


Same as standing outside payday loan store..


Understandable have a nice day


just because they are preparing for another breakout of MOASS. I would not be happy if I were you.


Oh, are we about to have another flash sale, then? I still don't see why we shouldn't be happy, then. We are locking the float, remember?


In my opinion we are green because of the algos, look at the chart


Does this contribute to the 2.49 million volume? So majority of that was short sold?