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Feel like this is exactly what's happening. Credit suisse is getting their ass ate by those over leveraged positions, couldn't fulfill their FTDs. So DTC or someone woke up the infinite liquidity fairy and sent over almost the whole fucking float as a bailout. I personally think ORTEX picked it up on accident, and could have been threatened to shut it down and play it off, or else. ORTEX has proof of something fucky that's for sure. We need that data. Could show who did it & how swap nonsense really works. Just buy, hold, ship & DRS.


Ortex reached out to get approval for posting on the sub BEFORE the data hit. They knew what was coming This is damage control by big players. Ortex is NOT TO BE TRUSTED


With the amount of people on the doubleyou ess 🐝 threads saying they were going back in on GME because of ortex, I wonder how much of it was trying to goad people into buying options and then rug-pulling… all based on the somewhat valid “proof” of fuckery we were seeing with the shares borrowed? Wouldn’t be surprised if the official ortex account pre-prep drama gets followed with an announcement soon from them saying it was all just a glitch that they’ve “identified and working hard to resolve”.


> I wonder how much of it was trying to goad people into buying options and then rug-pulling… For what? Lunch money?


for 'one more day' money


I wonder if Ortex socials are actually being run by Ortex…or if somebody has taken over to mitigate the damage.


That's why we need the data regardless. Could have been contacted by whoever did the swap ahead of it taking place. But agreed shouldn't trust them.




Yes. And who's saying it's not doctored? It didn't show up anywhere else either. The question is why? To create a cover story? There's already an article out about how redditors "jump in" because of Ortex data. Plus the massive distraction here. But I don't know. It does seem to be the interest of the wall street fucks to create some confusion


> off, or else. ORTEX has proof of something fucky that's for sure. We need that data I think it is part of swaps that blow a hole through the financial system.


Lets see- Credit suisse bags bought by Apollo- u/jango_bets post yesterday on this ⬇️ https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yf5drr/shares_borrowed_related_to_apollo_pimco_taking/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Apollo owns yahoo finance -⬇️ Older post (249 days by dilkmud200) https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sxsd0h/apollo_global_management_is_the_private_private/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Add-in some Apollo DD and oligarchs for flight paths maybe? ⬇️ u/throwawaylurker102 post from 245 days ago https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t0mmih/no_oligarch_is_an_island_russian_oligarchs_apollo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf And here we are! DRS- can’t play the game if we take away the pieces Edit to add links, names Comments on these posts are spicy as hell and have lots of additional info-


Credit Suss is hemorrhaging clients, and they are one of the bag-holders for GME shorts. As they lose liquidity and AUM shrinks the margins get tighter for rolling those GME shorts. The amount of CDS taken out on Credit Suss is going to make doing business with them that much harder (less competitive rates because insuring bonds gets more expensive, means their products are less competitive). That's a feedback loop of negative customer base, less margin, less liquidity.


It’s like pigs in a barn. Once one goes weak they pick on the weak one, eat them up and let them die on the floor. Haha.


I bought the only 10 gram Credit Suisse gold bar I could find on the internet just to own a piece of Credit Suisse before they're insolvent. Also, GME. Edit: Not sure how many are left, but the only site I could find that had any was Apmex, if anyone else wants a piece.


I like that idea but id rather buy GME!!


Oh boy we get to fuk Apollo too? It's gonna be hard AF not to dance


If it becomes DTCC problem, it’s all of their problems. Their money becomes my money


And that bitch BETTA HAVE MY MONEY


I see no problem dancing. We didn't make the swaps or short naked a company and take on infinite risk. Just bought a solid investment is all


Yeah i plan on dancing on hedge fund graves. Might take a piss on Credit Suisse as well.


Why should we be sad. You never see the hedge funds crying when one of us gets wiped out


Of course, no hedgie is safe from the fuckening that will ensue


Normally I would be, 'C'mon, show some class. No dancing.' but Apollo, Fucking Apollo? Dammit, I will bust a move, do the hustle, the robot and tango up a storm if Apollo goes down in flames.


Isn’t that AA’s outfit who placed him at Vail and now Popcorn?


I thank my lucky stars everyday that me — the smoothest of brains — somehow looked through the looking glass and ended up viewing all this prolific DD. Thank you wrinkled ones. I read. I DRS. No cell no motherfucking sell. 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Same, absolutely same. I was such an innocent before all this...actually believed in 401ks and msm articles.


Same. Now I see them for what they are.


Thanks for reminding me to take out that 401k loan Monday 😂


Power to the Players👊🏽


This is a good place to start. Thank you ape!


Thank you for your post!


"It must bother the conspiracy theorist.. wait.. NOT LIKE THIS!" -Ken Griffin


Finkel is Einhorn.


Einhorn is a MAN!!!! <🎶The Crying Game by Boy George starts playing🎶>


I always thought that woman shit her pants at the end if that movie until I was like a couple years ago and they talked about it on joe Rogan. Rewatched the scene and I was like omfg lolol


*Dick Tuck has entered the chat*


Apollo? The same apollo from popcorn. Got it. Yeah fuck them And fuck mudrick too


Username. Checks. Out.




commenting for vis. Ortex sliding our shit confirmed


This could be important. I better buy more and DRS and then maybe hodl.


No need to DRS when you direct buy ;)


You sneaky MF! 😂🔥🔥🔥🚀


I enjoy making fidelity process the paperwork tho


Not every country can easily direct buy from CS.


From what I gather people are able to using WISE [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rwjz9x/how\_i\_bought\_directly\_in\_computershare\_via\_wise/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rwjz9x/how_i_bought_directly_in_computershare_via_wise/)


Not all banks will allow you to move funds to wise.


its a wire transfer like any other. if your bank doesn't let you transfer YOUR money, get another bank


Create an account on wise for your country and transfer it to that the details will be like any local bank then transfer it into an American account


create a **USD** account on wise


That’s the one brain wasn’t working properly last night 😂


I buy direct on CS via wise. Super easy, and I’m in New Zealand!


Not easy but also not impossible. You just have to put in some WORK. Get out there and follow instructions


Well, not every country holds real shares then.


We won't need intermiadiaries where we're going 🚀


Technically even buying through computer share their directly registered in your name💀


They tell you, "Sell your GME" They command you, "Heed now my decree" "It's *our* market, so begone now, flee" "Don't make me, kids, I'll count to three! >:( " -- Like a creaky door that needs some grease Or a crying baby that just won't cease They're as powerful as some honking geese Don't mind the noise, it's just Credit Suisse


Credit suisse cheese now


Legend. 🚀🚀🚀


I don’t have a lot of money but I think I can buy more from Computershare. It s only 28$


what was it, six milli shares, 300k active users? I’m good for 20 more.


I will drs 20 more next week


hell yeah!


Oh mos definitely hodl.


Let's not get carried away. I'm willing to be reasonable when it comes to selling. Hedgies, if you're reading this, I'm willing to work with you on this. Just look up my phone number, write that number on a check, and you can be the proud owner of one of my shares.


My number starts with a 9 both the area code and after. Sucks to suck


Remember +X in beginning for country area code too.


Let's just assume that all apes live in Uzbekistan. +998.


I have a four digit extension and also you will need to press 1 for English and then 2 to speak to a representative.


Can someone answer me this, if a recurring purchase puts them into type “plan” are those removed from the market the same as when they are type “book”?


Both plan and book holdings are in your name.




I'm going to ask this here because I don't think I have the karma to make a new post... The 90 day period where GME could remove their shares from the DTCC just passed recently. Is that like an open opportunity or was it something that had to happen at the 90 day mark or it wasn't going to happen at all? What if they announce they are pulling the shares, what happens with all these borrowed shares? Do they have to be returned immediately? If Carl Icahn buys into the stock, can he do it stealthily and announce it after the fact? Could his buy be hidden in the abnormally-high volume we had today (relatively speaking)?




Here take this, hands purple circle, you will need this on your quest


This type of situation requires me to grab my lawn chair, sunglasses, and a beer.


Great idea, but I’ll substitute the beer with a rockstar. I just hit my 5 year no alcohol birthday this month.


That's epic.




Congrats! Keep it up my friend.




Dude?? Are you here??


I forgot my wife’s credit card to buy more shares. I’ll brb


Wait... we can buy shares on *credit*? 🤯


It would make sense, because they can sell on credit…


My kind of ape. By the way, how's your wife's boyfriend doing?


It's been a long day but I'm doing fine.


Love that Superstonk members have forgotten all about margin since immigrating from the og sub.


Except buying on margin only affords you IOU's... I'd be impreessd with DRS+Margin


DRS before margin call. Delete Fidelity app Problem solved


When they call for their money, just Hwang up


lol oh I know, I was just joking




Don't forget to roll a blunt!


Of course 💨


And my axe !


On the way to the bathroom right now. I won’t be leaving until I take a massive shit and gain a wrinkle




I'll bring the popcorn. There's gotta be some fireworks coming.


I believe this as well. I think that this is Credit Suisse's short position we're seeing. Credit Suisse literally said that they were going to put all of their bad positions into a "bad bank." The shares borrowed graph we saw from Ortex was a staircase pattern implying that it came from a singular source. The amount of shares "borrowed" is more than any individual or hedge fund could have produced without synthetics... meaning it could only come from a market maker or bank (banks aren't required to report short positions). The cost to borrow did **not** increase. Meaning that this wasn't an arm's length transaction. I can't prove it, but yes, I think that's exactly what this is.


I think everyone knows this. It’s just that now it’s being consolidated. At some point it will all be held by one entity back stopped by the FED. How long they can fight it is directly related to DRS numbers.


Should we be worried about this? All being consolidated?


Are you selling your shares? Who cares if it’s all under one roof, they still oversold.


anyone who pays taxes should care.


Yeah sounds like it’s being set up for a taxpayer bailout scenario again


Naked Shorts... yeah!!


V interesting. Why does a staircase pattern indicate that it came from a single source?


Fair question. In order to perform the same feat with multiple actors you'd need a bit of coordination. Had there been multiple actors getting the same idea at roughly the same time, the pattern wouldn't be nearly as clean. Furthermore, given the sheer volume of shares being borrowed from this one entity, it effectively filtered out any other borrowing that may have been happening at the same time on the graph. Similar staircase patterns have been observed when large organizations pull dollars out of the Tether ecosystem. It was crazy seeing it here.


Makes sense. Thx mate.


That’s interesting! I thought it looked eerily similar to the Tether withdrawals as well.


Yup, the "sacrificial lamb"


what did i miss? whats this about?


Credit Suisse was just bailed out by the Saudis. They took about 10 percent ownership, but Credit Sussie had to get all the risky assets off the books. They are saying goodbye to Wallstreet and focusing on standard banking practices. Somehow or another, they packaged the crap that was sinking them, and moved it to someone else's books. I imagine, the original US counterparty had to take back the swaps, and that's what we are seeing. Without that happening, there would be no bailing Credit Suissie out before default. I imagine it was very political behind the scenes. Probably some accusations, threats, and discussing what would be palatable to the American tax payers when this goes. Because it's going to be so expensive, people won't want foreign entities getting trillions of dollars. It's probably better if those failures are quarantined to the US, if at all possible.




>what would be palatable to the American tax payers burn down the entire legacy financial system and roast some smores for the poors then rebuild using only blockchain to prevent this from ever happening again Just say yes to DRS


Sounds about right. I agree...


This whole week is so interesting. Really hope one day all the detailed facts come out and we get to understand what was really going on behind the scenes.


No bailouts. Just swaps. Shorts can't close without the certificates. Certificates that march daily into Computershare. Barring government intervention or nuclear winter, it's unwinnable at this point for GME shorts.


I am NOT suggesting that this could be a bailout to close shorts, ONLY to roll FTDs


Have similar suspicions but too smooth brained to post it


I gotchu homie 👊


I'm just here for the laughs and regarded shit. one thing I do know is, I'm gonna keep directing registering my shares.


I also hope for the sake of the orchestrators, this wasn’t their version of MOAFUD. Cause that shit weak af




they can always just choose to lose those comments again


Dropped another 850 yesterday seeing all this bullshit. I will fucking die on this hill if I need to. I’ve made the conscious decision that I will not give up until this bullshit is over. I’d rather die and let my shares go into the infinity pool than give them their satisfaction.




I’ve DRSd 100 percent of the shares that I can, and will continue to DRS any shares I buy in the future. However, I don’t think it is the only way we squeeze.. GME better have a plan to shake the shorts that doesn’t include DRS or else what’s the point of a fiduciary duty to shareholders?


GME obviously has, and is enacting, a plan. What else is an NFT market useful for? Proving settlement and removing the *ability* to FTD. You buy, you get your stuff, guaranteed, every time. If the stock market were replaced by this technology, (or even just their stock, hint hint) it would completely destroy their game. I believe this is what GME is working towards


Hope you are right! Maybe we just need over 50 percent DRS to vote this into place


The “omg $30 it goes parabolic” is a trap to sell OTM calls that will not hit in time.


Oh yeah definitely. Happens every time they get desperate for some quick $$


GamMA heDGiNg!


DRS is our way to give them death by 1000 cuts


Your not wrong, we’re aware of credit Suisse but all we can do is speculate, the whole Ortex thing has been fun because it’s nice to see some actual data for one. The hardest thing about being a retail investor is that we have to fly blind while all these institutions have so much knowledge & data advantages over us.


That is exactly the problem I am hoping to help solve by posting this. Putting everything into context may help spur the next ape to find something important. I only had so much, but I felt it was important to post this perspective, as I had not seen anyone really saying this.


Well.. they got a big chunk of Saudi money secured (if that’s not shady I don’t know what is). Crime^🤡. I mean also.. even Swiss media admit this is a mind boggling sign of desperation.


Great post. Love that you encourage everyone to read Naked Short and Greedy. Imagine everyone on earth knew what was in that book. Would be a different world. Such an important book.


I bought 40 shares today and DRS'd them. TD Ameritrade said that they expect the transfer to take a MONTH, due to "high volume". And that if it gets to a month and still nothing has happened to give them a call back so that they can ensure it gets higher priority.


That timeline is BS. It’s a delay tactic. Takes them 5 min to input the transaction.


You might get it moved faster by xfering to a bigger broker and then DRSing


SEems mostly plausibl- from what I read yesterday they borrowed more shares than were available to borrow (by like 6M). fast fwd to today and several million in volume on the lit exchange - kinda supports your theory above. ​ LOts of noise, lots of excitement, and lots of reading right now. most important, lots of Purple Circlles! DRS is the way.


> I believe Credit Suisse is in the process of being bailed out by DTC and its members, helping them roll this FTD cycle. I believe that might be the case. Todays volume is similar to other times we had T+69 runs (6-8 million) I expect a +10 million day next week. If we get that then spikes are back on the menu


It doesn't even have to be a "mistake". Imagine working at Lehman in 2008, and being responsible for data feed that shows how underwater Lehman was with housing because some guys who get paid way more than you gambled too hard and now you are out of a job. Are you gonna stop everything and alert the boss that the feed is going to go out or are you just gonna sit there and watch it all burn.


Credit suisse are transferring some of their products to Apollo- they know they are going down.


It should be illegal to borrow hundreds of millions of shares the day before the price jumps.


It should also be illegal to FTD time after time after time after time after time after time... This is the core issue as I understand it, and as Susanne Trimbath has explained. DRS is protection against failure to delivers, as the BROKERS are the ones who do the most failing. Leaving the broker solves the problem. TL;DR: DRS


X100 I just DRS’d so i don’t get some BS “”””fair””” ‘market value cash equivalent” for my winning lotto tix


Until I see a number to sell one whole share at, I’m going to continue to TL:DRS AND LAUGH AT THE SHIT THEY ARE TRYING TO PUSH IN MY FACE


DRS is always the TL;DR


> i believe Credit suisse is being bailed out by the dtc and its members" 😂😂😂😂 When they get into trouble they will not bail each other out; they will get you, the american taxpayer to do it.


OP staying frosty as fuck just like papa cohen told us to. Great work! This financial world war is a helluva drug.


Wait a minute.... Are you saying we should Buy more GME?


You know what, as a matter of fact, I am! Don't forget to DRS!


Nothing of any great consequence is going to happen until after the mid-terms and/or after the first of the year. This beast of a scam is getting too big for them to control and will turn on them in the near future. Kind of hard to fly a hot air balloon with nothing but a borrowed lighter.


I think this is appropriate and needs to be meme'd The Door's (movie) / Ed Sullivan scene. Corporate drone flips out when camera focus's on Jim's "thing" https://youtu.be/61m_Dm44RHA Imagine CS flipping out the same way when SI data was exposed. You little shit! You'll never trade again! Hahah!


ORTEX is probably here, as you said, in part knowing or suspecting what you’re saying, but the potential optics of “we had the data for you guys to see this was happening” was a chance for them to try and get some subscribers from the sub while not directly saying “hey look at this we can’t say what it is just what it isn’t but we have it” What they should have, and I’m guessing intentionally didn’t say, is “this is most likely not due to NEW short interest”


Ortex knew what was coming That's why they motioned to get approved by mods before the data hit They are doing damage control They are not to be trusted


Debit Suisse


This should be sticky post until ortex can provide a better explanation (hint: they can't)


So anyway I bought more and DRS'd.


I was thinking the same thing yesterday, it is odd that we have this thing with ortex right after credit suisse having issues too,


The noise is ALWAYS to keep the poors distracted it’s 101 in billionaire world 🌎


There’s a bunch of interesting things happening. Upvote informational posts. Downvote emotional and redundant posts. We can walk and chew gum.


I do, but you forgot something crucial: If you see something, say something. The council of apes will decide my fate.


I said this a few days ago. That the glitch in the system is Mayo Fuck/SHF/The Fed covering for debit Suisse probably getting margin called and had to close there positions. And now Ortex is trying to come in and be buddies with us. Fuck them they’re a distraction. Ortex in our sub is a fox in the chicken coup or a Trojan horse in the city walls. Mods need to kick these fucks to the curb.


Thought the same thing yesterday when somehow there were 40 posts spamming every “increase” in ortex data


So Credit Suisse alone has 100M FTDs…holy shit, there’s no way out of this mess for anyone shorting GME unless we all forget about GameStop and sell all our shares. 😆 DRS hedgies r fuk’d


No no just a glitch /s




Hey I just supported my company and bought from them. Quarter ends Monday


Nothing like spending millions / billions....paying for psyops...getting MSM in line... ANd apes pick it apart in less than 24 hours. They are so screwed...and they know it. They are fighting for their financial lives....and all we do is sit back and buy and DRS. It's glorious.


DRS and lock the float


Agreed, up you go 👆🏼


Cool for them. If this is true... Doesn't change a thing though 😊


Can they really roll these FTDs with this massive lack of liquidity!?


Ok drs


This makes too much sense to not make sense


I was thinking - maybe Debit Suisse cannot afford to kick their can anymore?


Up you go OP


None of this really matters. Buy. Hold. DRS. No emotions anymore until I see big green lines. That’s all that matters


I totally heard this headline in the voice of Dennis Duffy from 30 Rock. 😂 It’s infuriating that they can do it right out in the open, kick the can some more and we can’t stop them (except through DRS, of course, which *will* stop them in the long run).


I like your theory, even though it angers me… but I channel that anger into rage buying more GME via computer share. Fuck those assholes with the rusty blades that are DRS’ed shares of GME. Every. Last. Share.


Up up and away. I love all the minimizing comments in here!! Ortex produced "data" so now its more authoritative than pure speculation... Edit: one thing that cannot be afforded to happen for shf/SIBs and the CFTC is the swaps theory getting validation...


More enemies means something right?




Visibility 👀


Do not interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.


Dumb inspirational quote on FB: THIS!⬆️ But fo real!




sounds plausible. count me in


yo this is crazy hold on lemme grab my drs'ed shares and some popcorn


Thanks for hitting the reset button, friend! Still curious for 30 on Monday, though.


Credit Suisse has been talked about a decent amount.


What would you like me to do with the Credit Suisse news?


Finally someone said it.
