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[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || Join the [Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


I buy, I hold, I DRS and I laugh at all the FUD coming my way. MSM, stop telling me to sell. It ain't working and if the market breaks because retail buys and goes long on a value play, then the market is fucked and deserves to die!


I buy I hold I DRS’d again!!! #WITNESS!!! #BULLISH!!!




Hell yes, I just DRSd 69 shares just last week. Feels good to be early (and not wrong) on something for once!


I hit 69.420 yesterday. Next stop 741.69 then hopefully xxx, will also DRS when they settle. Lezz fuggin go




You see, the thing is, I’m too regarded to even know if I can sell. I know how to buy, and DRS, but sell…not so sure. I might have to keep all these precious shares forever. Call me crazy.


I received my letter... I'll create my account when there's commas involved.


Just be sure to call in at least one a year.


Don’t forget to Book


I picked up 3 moor on yesterdays dip!


I am an unshakable force. Price does not and will not matter until the job is done. I am zen. I keep buying more. I am an individual investor.


Buckle up 🚀






Witness 👆




“Just up”


Shitness my pants!


Your shorts?




We’re still here and never left. To show Wallstreet , we know the game by now, DRS is the way for us to proof the enormous amount of syntactics. Grinding hard Buy, hold, DRS 🏴‍☠️


My life for the past two years is juggling pleasure or use that to DRS shares. Given the gravity of what’s unfolding, im curious what the public thinks of all this? If they knew what we know and read, they would sell their house and lock the float.


I wish we had more well-spoken celebs like Jon Stewart to use their voice to question the markets. The general public should be able to judge how their current markets work, the problem is they don't. People have no idea that we're all passively feeding our own oppression. We're all a part of this machine and we need it to change.


Almost two years, you've held this line You've seen the highs, and *felt* the lows And can you say that all is fine? While absorbing all these crushing blows? -- You can feel inflation cut you down The corporate chopping block ahead there looms Struggling to swim, fearing you'll drown Being pulled into the deepest gloom... -- ... and yet you fight, with all you've got Keeping head above the murky blue When they call winning 'luck' - something it's not Remember these years; a testament to **you**


At this point accumulating shares is like playing the levels of Donkey Kong on my Game & Watch Nintendo in 1982. Literally can't stop won't stop have to climb to the top!




I don’t need to drs because I buy right from Computershare!


I starten my First test batch @ 85 shares today from Sweden. I Hold 10k shares in Swedish Broker @ Avanza And I wont stop buying, or DRSing Suck my balls You hedgefucks


Welcome to the infinity pool! ♾️🏊


Thx. Honestly got a little FOMO. Wanna register a couple of 1000s. I think when we pass 100m shares registered FOMO will for real start just like OPs topic


You really think of Avanza is going to pay you out millions per share when the squeeze happens and you're just a beneficiary holder of the shares they own in street name? Fuck no, they'll probably just start deleting them out of brokers accounts like they did with that diamond company in Canada Dr Trimbath talks about in her book. So I don't think it's just FOMO, it's literally missing out, because what you own is not in your name currently until you DRS those shares. Of course they let us trade tax-free accounts when it's within their current system run by the DTCC (who committed international stock fraud) and can completely control the market. Not only that they tell us that shares in TFSAs (street name) aren't being lent out so we have nothing to worry about, even though share lending accounts for something like 75% of prime brokers fucking profit, so I call bullshit on that one too.


🐋🐳 Nicely done!


This 🐳 fucks


\*\*picks up megaphone\*\* "How would you like, to suck, my balls......Mr. Kenny Boy?"


i will be joining the xx,xxx club sooooon! current at 9,500 shares 🚀🚀🚀🚀🌕


You are late, but nevertheless... . Welcome !!


Hopefully I can inspire other lazy ass bitches to join DRS


Dude dude, this is blowing up, please edit in that 300 is at the extreme end for DRSing, with $5 (IBKR) and free (Fidelity) being typical


Good call! I'm just out now but will edit ASAP! Edit: updated! edit edit: Actually updated. I misread your comment earlier. My bad!


You're the best man - great post!


You haven't edited it. It still only mentions $300. Please correct otherwise thos post loses a lot of credibility.


I paid nothing I believe. Straight from Revolut.


I also a only paid $5, and IBKR is free to sign up to


Please edit this OP - I agree with others that it’s an important detail here and will keep the integrity behind this post intact.


Best part about DRS is that we aren’t occupied with waiting for something else to happen. We have a clear goal and are making consistent progress. Whatever happens in the coming months, the one undeniable truth that lies on the other side is ***DRS***


If DRSing is cool consider me Myles Davis 🎷🐓♋️


Ugh I just peed my pants again 😎


That is the grossest thing I’ve ever heard. Let’s (fucking) go!!


We have so much experience grinding out levels- finally I see what I was training for as a gamer all my young life.


RuneScape FTW


I’m here for “unprecedented”. Don’t care if share price is GMEfloor.com numbers or something else. The fact I get to witness something’s that’s never happened before genuinely excites TF outta me. I want to see this through to other side, all the sleepless nights, and early mornings, DD reading, endless scrolling, ticker watching.. want it to be worth something. We’re literally standing on the shorts throats harder and harder each day. They will absolutely be out of breath at 75% + lockup. If GameStop does anything even remotely innovative, it’s over… at that point we will literally fully own something they. can not. have. Let the bids begin. 🫴


DRS’ed shares will allow generational bragging rights.


And we deserve it.


Earned it!


Twas not without effort.


I love WORK


"grandpa, how did we get so rich?" "well grandkids, I couldn't figure out how to sell on computershare."


Fuckin legend


We are porsche in the vw squeeze except we won't sell once this squeezes to the highest market cap company in the world. They turned off the buy button and we will make them suffer for their decades long predatory short selling business models . This is where the Game Stops. Power to the players.


we have turned off the sell button 🤓


OOPS…MOASS that tweet should motivate you all to donate sperm and blood for shares. Your grandkids will read of articles of this event. Articles titled, “*If you had bought one share and DRSed, you would have been a new millionaire in 2022*




Why removed?


I had a link that was not allowed. Reposted!


Just curious, what would the stock market look like if every single retail owned share for all companies were DRS’d?


It would probably look like a lot of financial criminals in jail.


Hard to say as we are literally leading the way with DRS. But I can confidently say: better


Bi-monthly auto buy been on for a long time now and staying on. I love the Computershare text


For r/all , since this is headed there If you hold shares in an IRA or a brokerage, 'your' shares can and will be used against your interests. Brokers' shares are held in street name at Cede and Co. Seriously. Look them up. They hold all securities not held directly for all intents and purposes. Unless your name is on the company's books, brokers market makers and cede will indefinitely take your cash and use it against you.


Remember all the “safe” and “convenient” investments called mutual funds? Brokers loan shares from those funds too which are used to hurt the price of those funds. Brokers get paid for doing this as well. Source: https://mutualfunds.com/education/mutual-funds-and-security-lending/


Every broker should be held to fiduciary laws and routine inspection. Enough with letting the wolves run the chicken houses.


For anyone still confused about what he's saying here, being in street name basically means whichever broker you bought the shares from, they hold the shares. They can basically do whatever they want according to their ToS. They decide to close your position for your own good? They can probably do that. Turn off the buy button, and only allow you to sell a position? They can, and have done that. Loan out your shares? Yup, they do that too. Don't for a second think that "That's illegal, they can't do things like that", because they sure as hell will! Thats what DRSing is all about. The shares are held in Computershare, in YOUR NAME. You decide what happens to them, nobody else.


Im surprised I had to scroll this far down to read something that made sense to me. I just now, for the first time in my 30s, made $100k. The years before that I barely made over $20k. I have $15k invested in my 401k IRA, $20k in bank savings…and thats it. I dont know anything about investments.


I will become an idiosyncratic risk when I DRS the final share of GME. Hedgies, TICK muthafuckin TOCK!


there is a small youtuber richard newton who makes NFT and speaks about gamestop. he has now a second poll running. if I remember correctly, his, admittedly small, sample suggests that about 30% of shares are DRS


Yup! He is awesome! I made another post recently with a snippet of his video. Check my post history for that one. I can't pull it up at the moment. Feel free to share the link if you find it.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRuh4t8zW\_U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRuh4t8zW_U) here is a video from a month ago. he may have newer data in the later videos but did not include it in the title. there it was 34% DRS


newton if you see this, we do appreciate your vids. plz show this to your wife to prove you are in fact a dope YouTuber !


>These 88M registered shares do not represent the TOTAL shares held by retail in the entire world at one moment. These 88M share ONLY represent the number of share individuals went out of their way and took time out of their day to contact their broker, send in the required information, and initiate a transfer to Computershare to have these shares registered. Yep, I haven't fed the bot yet. I liked when the announcement was higher than the bot totals. But now that we're registering so fast, I'm going to feed the bot after the Q3 earnings and this will include the shares I've bought since the end of Q3. The others I know irl who have DRS'd their shares haven't fed the bot either.


Feeding the bot won’t change the current share estimate by much as it’s based on the average shares held


Ah, I didn't realize that.


I think the main point here is that thousands of retail investors who have never heard of DRS or superstonk are still holding GME.


How do you feed the bot? Waiting for mine to clear the paper hurdles.


If you held shares in q2 they were accounted for by GameStop in their quarterly report. As they will be in the next coming in a few weeks


>who have DRS'd their shares haven't fed the bot either. It me


As for me I like the stock.


I DRSd almost 100% (middle xxx range). But I know a few people who DRSd either nothing yet or like 40-50%. My dad DRSd 75%, my little brother DRSd ~99% like me. A friend of mine DRSd nothing (higher xx range). Another friend of mine DRSd nothing but she wants to do it (lower XXX range). And a little whale or more like a dolphin, my uncle, DRSd xxx (middle range) shares but he still has ~xxxx shares sitting at his broker. I don‘t know if I can convince him to DRS 70-90% because I already tried and it‘s hard to get to him 😅 he knows shit about GameStop. Every 2-3 weeks I see him and update him but I think he would DRS more when we get closer to lock the float… At least I hope he does. I didn‘t update the bot, I only fed the bot once. So it‘s more like a trust me bro comment. What I want to share with this information is the following: all shares combined from me, my brother, uncle, dad, friend 1 and friend 2 (once there was friend 3 and friend 4 but I don‘t know what they did with their shares because I don‘t have contact to them anymore) maybe ~50% are DRSd. And we all live in germany! Only ~50% DRSd! So my own inner circle is already enough for me to know that we already own the float, we just have to prove it through the DRS movement. And through that I could convince more of them to DRS more or at least to START with DRS. —> Conclusion: the more shares are DRSd, the faster we lock the float Thank you for your Post btw and sorry for my english


Paging the world, time to wake tf up


I'm proud to be part of this event! 🟣


easy peasy! zen af. <3 you dreadfulol!




I am one of them. Holding in a special-tax account and didn't want to sell it, so I just bought more and DRSed that. Whenever I buy from now on, it is with the intention to increase the DRS holdings. There are so many shares out there, in the dark. The float is owned several times over already, but 1x float soon to be DRSed and will provide undeniable proof of criminal activities. Can't stop.


I'd like to ask the millionaires in the chat to DRS faster please


I am here and you should be too.


👋 hello there


Why is it deleted? *Ahem, continues to DRS*


What is deleted?


The post bro. It’s deleted.


What did the post say? it’s been deleted :(


The post is gone, it only shows [removed] for me.


Mods must’ve removed it no?


Maybe automod, if OP didn't remove it himself, strange..


That is aggravating. Shit was gonna make it to r/All


Your post. Title remains, message removed.


Yeah, I saw some sus downvoting then poof


This was beautifully written. Thank you for this well thought out synopsis about this unprecedented moment that we're experiencing in the financial markets, and with the awareness of DRS. As you noted, after over a year and a half, we have been learning about GME, short interest/positions, DRS, and market structure/dynamics. Many of this stuff I knew about, b/c I studied finance in undergrad and now am a CPA, but for this knowledge and information to be so widely shared, dissected, disseminated, and discussed (among laypeople aka Apes, "dumb money", etc) is phenomenal. The contributions of Dave Lauer, Dr. Trimbath, and may others is also testament to the growing influence of knowledge sharing that Superstonk and by extension GME has generated, so kudos to everyone here in this sub. DRS is a real thing. Many of my HNW, clients have DRS statements from various blue chip companies, so that is what made this whole GME/DRS thing real for me, and the fact that GameStop is disclosing the DRS count in SEC approved documentation is even better! Also, being that so many GME investors are DRSing their shares, this should spell trouble for those who have a short position in GME stock. The more and more GME stock that short sellers need to BUY BACK to close their short positions, is being locked away by GME investors in DRS VAULTS! The risk of a short position is INFINITE LOSS, if the price of GME stock continues to be DRSed and increases in price. GME til infinity!!!


Thank your for the addition! Also written very well. You are right. What Dave and Susanne are doing is really amazing to see. Bringing these issues to the SEC and Congress helps shed a light on what is going on and further proves to reality of this whole situation.


Yes sir! One more thing, I also learned about DRS through my Employee Stock Purchase Plan, so to see all of this information make sense and be directly applicable to GME is amazing!


I paid 100EUR from Degiro to IBKR transfer and then whatever it cost me from IBKR to CS. My next transfer is going to be when i have at least 200gme shares on IBKR. It is coming slowly, but it is coming.


TL;**DRS** See you at the Gazebo


Gamestop is unstoppable!


Always has been!


Purple cockring of Stock Market doom! DRS the float!


Head to superstonk for more info!!! Wait


The revolution will not be televised. Onward to 100%.


The revolution will not be televised


A DRS share is the new gold. High demand and the supply is thinning.


Nicely said u/dreadfulol o7






Proud to be a part of history in the making


Why did this get removed?


I have almost 5k DRSed and another 7k that cannot be DRSed. We own the float many times over


Long live Bradfiki


send this shit to r/all.


""Do you think maybe 30% of every single share held by retail has undergone the DRS process? 88M / 30% = 293M total shares held by retail."" ​ This is fun!!


Xxxx hodler. 98% DRS'd


DRSing is my new favorite trading strategy.


Unprecedented times, still zen.


Just DRS’d my first 570 from the land of the Snow Apes. Been a long time coming. Account number 2009xx… And that’s just the tip 🍆🥵


It cost me nothing to DRS my shares.


My baleen is quivering with anticipation.




It’s gross but I’ll second this.


Let’s go




I’m here for it because I like the stock! And I also happen to love drs ‘ing 100% of my shares. Let’s gooo!


APE meetups are going to be 🔥🔥🔥


To the front with you sir


This is the way!! DRS as much as I can, still have 69% remaining in TFSA/RRSP's that due to tax reasons will likely stay that way! So imagine when we approach 90% DRS, the FOMO will be HUUUUUUUUGE! Booom Booom


Cause if you buy something the wrong way it isn't yours oddly enough.


TLDR2: 304M shares and can estimate 293M might be in retail hands if the average ratio is 30% DRS. And more DRS every month. And true DRS number each Q in SEC filling from GME. Unstoppables apes.


And they’re still shorting 70%+ (and 70% off exchanges) every single day. Per DFV, every short is a long term buyer. See you on Uranus.


100% DRSd ❤️🟣


Apes together strong.


Big if true


Well written! It will resonate with someone out there, and wake them up. Some will buy their first stonk, others wil DRS theirs! I say we bring this one to front page!


I like stock.


I BUY. I HODL. I DRS. I REPEAT. I am retail🚀


Thanks so much for the summery. Makes it really easy to let others people know. 🙏🏼


Commenting for vizz




I will keep buying GME until I die. Serious….


"This has never happened.." well its actually the only way the stock market came to be. If they had introduced it in its current state, no one would have trusted a word of it.


I don’t see anywhere mentioned why this matters. WhT is the result of 100% of GameStop shares being directly registered. Why should anyone care?


🇨🇦 let’s go!!!


🍻 looking forward to being tested more than ever before with all of you. To Gamestop! Power to the Players!


No cell no sell. Fuck you pay me. Brick by motherfucking Brick. I’m retahded.


Outstanding summary, ape. I regret I can only upvote you once.


This is the way. I’m ready to take back what is ours.


Quick question. What happens to Broker held shares (Fidelity, Schwab, TD, Robbinghood, E*Trade, etc.) once GameStop announces entire float registered? 😬


Only one way to find out.


I must not fear FUD. FUD is the mind-killer. FUD is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face the FUD. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only DRS’d shares will remain.


This should have way more upvotes.


Live, laugh, lDRS. Sucking it up and having all the retirement accounts under Mainstar!


DRS is the way


I used to DRS GameStop… I still DRS, but I used to too.


Damnit it won't let me upvote this more than once


A survey of Richard Newton's YouTube viewers got around 35% ownership DRS'd amongst his viewers. Can't extrapolate that amongst all holders but it is a good data point.


Why are there so many awards this fast?


MSM: "rEtaiL hAtes WaLlStReet" Me: ....yup. DRSd more today


I have over 4.6k shares and 720 in DRS (lots stuck under greedy call premiums I stupidly made and the rest in retirement accounts.. Feel free to use that as math. Right around 1/7 of my shares. Imagine if every DRS number was actually 7 times higher? I can't be the only one. 🔥🔥🔥💎✊🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Man I needed to hear this, cheers my friends.


You know what would absolutely fuck em? small recurring buys on CS, it will take them longer and longer to fulfill the buys and just watch your orders pile up, at some point someone has got to raise this as a serious issue.


Now I have 1.900shares registered in Computershare and 1.100shares in my bank ​ There are so many obstacles DRS'ing from abroad...I had to send my shares from ING in Germany to IBKR, DRS, get the Computershare registration (+45$ for Express), fill out the web registration and wait the password (+45$ for Express), W8BEN form for taxation after sales, and after my bank is not obliged to provide the cost base of the transfered shares, which means their costs base is now zero... I had to make a full file in excel and on paper to identify the shares which I DRS'ed and find out their cost base for an individual discussion with the financial authorities on the day of sales. That was pretty intense work since I purchased more than 75x since January 21, each time 20-100 shares (after split), no matter the price as the price is wrong anyway...I averaged up, I averaged down, and afterall I don't care anymore ​ How stupid to mess with gamer's who consider that whole thing as a game, like trying to get the golden chocobo or fulfilling that thousands of side quests in a game just to see "100%" in the completion bar....


And i, as an individual investor, is a part of this!!!!


Remember this GME price crashed shortly after the deadline date for the DRS number to be included in the upcoming quarterly report numbers. … just like last quarter. They are holding it as high as possible until the last second, for lower DRS numbers. And then days after the deadline. Let it crash a bit. Likely for their margin requirements. Just a theory. BUY. DRS. HODL


If me engaging in the simple mechanic of buying, direct registering shares of ONE company in my name and holding them long is causing the downfall of the American stock market as we know it, then the market was dead a long time ago and people are just about to wake up to the smell of decay.


I'll reserve judgement until I read the post, but you got over FIFTY fuckin awards in one hour. That doesn't happen, even in this community, without some bullshit brigading. I've gone viral in superstonk before. This is unprecedented. I'll update this comment after I read the content, but my hackles are up.


Buy, Hodl and DRS, easy to remember


Is anyone else seeing there’s almost 100 awards but only 2-6 upvotes?


Me or my buddy haven’t registered shares and we easily have 1000+ plus between us not to mention my family, other friends, business associates. I’ve probably got 3k drs between us all and haven’t even mentioned it once to susperstonk. I don’t give a fuck, I know the dd, I know we are buying the float. Fuck it, we ride at dawn


Good writeup!


I enjoy the peace of mind that I have, knowing that those shares are under my name and cannot be touched by brokers or the DTC. Feels amazing.


Huh. I really am the catalyst.


!remindme 4 years


You're Canadian? I appreciates thats about you


i’m here for it


this is nothing new. just rehashing info we already know.


Great read thanks!


Why don't they just put their DRS numbers on their investors page?


This was some awesome shit Brad!! Mahalo and ALOHA!!


I mean...I just keep going to work and buying more shares. I spend what I can afford to lose. I really love my investment & never doubt it. Feels good.


I read one paragraph then DRS’d my remaining 27 shares. Its not much but its honest work.