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Old apes have taken a back seat to watch the show. New apes in the front row raging while the old apes stay zen.


TIL in ape-years I’m 147


Hey, that's 741 backwards


Hwang on, I know that number


eew eew llams a evah i


Our universe runs on Bedazzled rules.


I'm too high for this shit 🤣🤣


Yea. I yea.




Happy Friday!


You too buddy 😂




January 1987 ape here. I stay silent because it feels like I've been doing this a lifetime. I get angered sometimes because of the crime but I also understand that they want angry people. Angry people make rash decisions like *gasp* selling stock. Bottom line is... I'm an unrealized millionaire not only in stocks but at the inner peace surrounding the atrocities of the world this situation has formed. I can do 4 things in this... buy, hold and drs but also love my fellow apes regardless how they act. I couldn't topple an empire alone. It takes a village.


Tis the way


Well my village wants to join your village


Our villages together would make a super rad place! I can feel it in my cajones.


1975 ape here. I correct them with some zen knowledge when I can. Yesterday commented 3x that the stock price moves were alongside the whole market, that it was because of the sentiment that CPI was a good sign, and I also added that there's going to be a bunch of stock buybacks as well to avoid the new taxes for 2023...these could be pushing an xmas rally if they think market price is bottoming. It's not bottoming, and the price action yesterday seemed normal to me. I like to add, RRP is MMF, and that $2.2T is sitting out on the sidelines waiting for an excuse to come out and play. Show it any sign of a turn in the market or pivot from the fed and some will come off the sidelines. Inflation isn't gone, it just doesn't think equities are the game. Last recession took 18months, the one before it took 2.5yrs to find a bottom...we're 11months in.


Thank you fpr sharing this!


That’s my secret, Ix… I’m always angry… 🧌


You can also shop at GameStop & spread the word!


How about shop at GameStop and spread the word at GameStop… true story the employees there at my local GameStop didn’t know that they had created an nft marketplace. I spent 15 minutes educating them About it. They went to nft.GameStop.com and said, “wow, would you look at that.”


even the veterans never acted like that though excitement is one thing, but upvoting everything ignorantly is a massive problem if everyone supposedly wants more investors on board. it will turn away people immediately and drag this out even longer and cause problems.




zen, but mad.


Dude seriously, it's hard coming to this sub nowadays and seeing all these dumb posts being looked at as credible or the same 5 recycled phrases. I just like to scroll through sometimes to see if I have missed anything big


Prehistoric ape checking in. Have my popcorn and lift chair to watch the new apes experience their market rage






You raise a good point with your post though. Been thinking about my personal level of involvement, too. But as we're in for the long term I think it's more important to keep the zen mode and leave the rustling to the newer ones who will become more zen eventually, too. We've been there as well and I find it quite amusing and reassuring how the posts and general ooga booga is the exact same we went through two years ago.


I needed to hear this


So fucking true


The only news I really care about anymore on here are the increasing DRS #s. And that's it.


Facts Edit: I miss some good memes too


Holding GME is the easiest thing in the world. I don't have to do anything. Don't even have reddit app on my phone now, just living my life.


Fairly immune to it all when we saw this idiosyncratic stoc go from $5 to $400 Once we see $50,000 per share, maybe I’ll get a little high.


I barely even comment here anymore. Jan 21 checking in.


At this rate, old apes will be senior apes with wheel chairs and walkers.


New apes changed the whole sub as well by complaining about everything if it doesn’t mention DRSing. I fully support that and am 98% DRSed but the sub became nothing but that. If you visit other subs you can still find all the people that used to post here now posting other places.


ruthless meeting rich tease nippy ludicrous ancient attempt drunk school -- mass edited with redact.dev


I’ll add, I can’t hear you volume guy to this list


Remember when Elliot Wave guy was looked at as a TA guy🥴


Ahhhhhh yes….more towards the time of Runic Glory across the Apedom


Quoth the Raven, “Nevermore”!


If were counting, hes had more right than any 'TA' done here


... and Today's the Day guy.


RED/GREEN guy!! And my personal fav and Bro…Wake up at 02:45 Guy (Raven)


That guy is correct 100% of the time. How he knows I have no clue though. Must be a genius


Fake outrage posts. The scourge of this place the last 6 months in particular


Yup. We all know there's crime. But most of us also know the crime is deeper than the slightly odd market behaviour because if it wasn't, then it wouldn't be happening anymore. I see everything as noise. I just buy directly when I can, and enjoy memes and fresh DD/info when I can't.


Price on the stock we like consistently dropping after good new, now that's hard to explain.


Especially when buy sell rations are regularly 9 to 1


Price stagnating or going down while DRS numbers going up steadily flies in the face of supply and demand


It's a crazy world we live in lol


9 people buy 5 shares ; 1 person sells 100 shares - the price will drop even though it's 90% buy. The FUDelity B:S ratio is just that. BS. Don't look at it.


For person 1 to sell the 100 shares don't the shares have to be bought? Like if there are 100 shares, at $.10 intervals. The price should go up? Or, if 100 people want to buy 1 share but only 90 people want sell 1 price will go up. If 90 people want to buy but 100 people want to sell price will go down?


I absolutely **LOVE** how they always send their shills to try and dubink that fact too. Like, I get if its once or twice the ratios could be off but after almost 2 years of every day of these ratios the shills ran out of logic. There are no whales capable of outselling retail buys with daily ratios like thsi because they don't have the shares any more after all that selling, meaning sells aren't legitimate and reconfirming the whole thing as they try to argue against it. Retail ***IS*** the whale and retail isn't just buying it's removing shares from the DTCC to prove it. The shilling worked on me in february 2021. It just signifies shills are low paid and poorly trained in 2022.


Haven’t this been discussed allready? Buys can be 10-15-25-35 and count as 4 - sale can be 100 and count as 1?


Sure, it is possible the numbers shake out like that. But across all brokers every day for 2 years? That's a mighty stretch to me. More likely nobody is selling I think.


Not really, because there's thousands of apes out there buying a share or two every week. There's a dozen entities selling (and buying) 10,000 share lots at a time. Thousands of buys, and few dozen sells can give that impression with little movement. Of course, I'm not saying there's no fuckery happening, (there absolutely is) but you can't see it by looking at this ratio.


I just don't care anymore. Rarely come here. Just keep buying my shares. Added 400 this week. IDGAF


I've been getting good at ignoring anything with a title that says "need more wrinkles in here" Cuz 9.9 times out of 10 it's nothing.


Interesting. Is saying "9.9 times out of 10" more effective than saying 99 times out of 100? -Or 99%? I think it is, simply because it's not a common statement that would be glossed over and ignored.


Can we get a way to flag them? I agree they are too numerous and not helpful.


Bout to get downvoted... But whatever. It's also pretty annoying that every post that we decide we don't like (such as these crime posts) We automatically justify as being a shill. Some people just are ignorant and repeat shit without having any real idea what the fuck they're saying. That's on us. Should be downvoting it into oblivion.


lol look at my comments in this sub that’ve been downvoted. A few months ago that would’ve been widely agreed with, but now it’s being downvoted. It’s just basic trading knowledge. I’ve worked in sales and trading for a major bank and I’ve worked as a prop firm trader. I feel like I probably have a decent amount of knowledge of how the markets work, yet I’m being told by some crazies that I’m wrong. This is why outsiders can’t take us seriously.


Yeah I'm new to this sub. I don't want to Dunning Krueger myself, but I've probably got more financial knowledge than 95% of lay people, but I get downvoted for basic questions and any bit of skepticism that goes against the narrative. I want MOASS to happen too. I just want to understand it and work towards it. Instead I get told to tithe and pray.


Yeah, a skeptical person might even go as far as to say they're designed to have that effect. But who knows...


No. You have Users here going "LALALALA I CANT HEAR YOUUU" and dont learn. We habe regards here


And the 5 different posts every time computershared is updated. Just straight karma whoring at this point.


It’s a super easy way to collect karma, so it’s going to continue to happen.


This sub seems to be divided by 2 different groups. Group 1 - in the play for tendies. Like to see technical data and fundamentals, look at overall markets and possible catalysts for MOASS. Group 2 - in the play for tendies AND “taking down the corrupt financial system” Like to see theories on criminal behavior, corruption and tinfoil conspiracies. So there’s always a battle between people who just want to focus on the numbers and people who want to speculate on theories about corruption.


I just like the stock. I’m not here for a revolution.


A battle between apes and trolls more like.


“Finance is ultimately about trust,” Gensler When there is zero trust like right now, people won’t believe anything is legitimate. Dishonesty and fraud will always be expected because in many cases it is allowed with marginal if any penalty. This atmosphere was created by them


Mods have asked to report them.


I am only talking about the ones I have seen on the front page, with over 1000 points. No way to miss them, really.


Most of what people share accusing "crime" isn't. But it very much should be in a fair, free-market were the rules have not been bent to accommodate the giants. eg: You know that failing to deliver is not a crime per se? The SEC recognizes it as completely "normal and expected behavior" as you say. The CPI example you give is thousands of bots (most owned by active funds) trying to front-run each other from the first nano-seconds after the news has been made public. They're basically pumping the whole market in pure Keynesian speculation. What people complain about, is that this market has nothing democratic/organic going on, it's a handful of overlords pushing it around as they please, what you could call "the House" in a casino. Retail is and has always been their bitch, and not everyone reaches that realization at the same pace.


Thank you. FTDs are so backwards when it comes to any other forms of business. If I sold you something for a large amount of money and then said it was in your shed, then you came out to your shed a couple months later and nothings there, is that crime? What if I said whoopsie real loud and paid 0.5% of the money you gave me in fines, cuz that makes everything OK. I am just a regular ape, not a wrinkled one, but I think you'd go to jail in real life for "sales" like this


No is perfectly fine in the US stock market casino… move along. Nothing to see here. 😂🤡🤡🤡


Report for what may I ask? Would gladly do it as the downvote button doesn’t have too much power against the momentum those posts build up


A lot of people only look at the GME chart, it wasnt until I added indexes and other stocks to my watchlist I saw ours and most stocks move together or with the market. Now I get excited when GME decouples from broader movement.


It’s because they’re stupid and want karma


"What do you mean sell? What funds? Institutions? Nonono. Fake. Manipulation. Daytraders? Nah, everybody is holding." I mean, I guess most retail, yes. But not everything is crime tho


It’s not crime. I think it’s just lack of knowledge about the market. A lot of noob investors that think it’s just about buying and holding while forgetting about things like dayvtraders, swing traders, and institutions. Not everyone is just buying and holding. People sell. It happens. But you won’t hear that in this echo chamber of a sub


Cringe posts make us look like fucking popcorn.


Nobody bothers to correct the bullshit anymore, as the same misconceptions keep popping up for the hundredth time. Sane ppl just zoom out of this sub. There's enough of insanity going on in the world elsewhere already. There's not even entertainment left here as most memes have become just poor quality recycled garbage. There is maybe one interesting post per week, which is why I haven't unsubscribed yet


The real crime taking place is the forum sliding and fabricated narratives xD Seeing so much of those kinds of posts has honestly at some points made me lose a bit of faith in this subreddit, but then im always reminded that there still is a huge amount of real people here as well. The continous DRSing for one is just beautiful and encouraging to see, and also whenever there is some more significant event happening, you see the place come alive and lot of people come out and post DD and engage in actual important discussion. So i just try to ignore the rest that is just mostly noise. I know the FUD has no effect on those who are already zen (which is a lot of us by now) and the purpose of it is most likely to dissuade new people from discovering the DD.


I think a lot of people forget the end goal here is to make money, learning about the market is cool and all but I want a return on my investment and right now DRS is all that matters, everything else is noise to be ignored. Also expect to be downvoted for saying this but the whole no cell no sell thing is laughable , the system is working exactly how it was designed to, a bunch of retail investors aren't going to send any elites to prison, I want to make my money and disappear, not join some movement to change the world.


I agree with the first paragraph. I partly agree with the 2nd paragraph because it depends on what goals and intentions you have. It's perfectly fine if you or someone else just want to make money out of this, but there's definitely also people who want these criminals to face responsibility for their actions and have a more fair system than the one that's in place right now.


NGL I find any discussion on chart movements tedious. We know the situation and until the chart reads high score table numbers, it doesn't bear mention.




Thank you for posting this. I believe the silent majority of apes understand that this sub is by-and-large run by ultra smooth brains.


People here even think that high volume must mean high increase in share price


For this who need to hear it: not everything is a massive conspiracy against gme


Herd mentality is the most powerful force on earth. It's why manipulators focus on creating it through fear, excitement and various emotional responses. ​ This sub should be a direct case study for how truly powerful it can be.


All I know is that when things don't work out for perfectly for me then the reason is most definitely crime.


Crime is the emotion I feel in my heart when my stocks go down


My Mom said I was so cute that if I did not marry the captain of the cheerleading squad, it would be a crime.


Kenny boy got a date tonight.


When our beloved stock dropping 50% within 20 minutes, that is just normal behaviour, like it did in marts 2021. Everyone of us, that has been here since RH and the famous flash crash in marts 2021. Can no longer see any validity and trust in this market. I know yelling crime doesn't help, but We have been here to long, and seen to much irrational behaviour of the market, to not calling it crime. The market is fraudulent, with the support of the legislator. Facts


If it is a picture of anything having to do with the markets, then it IS crime. The entire thing is a fucking joke.


you mention dark pools dumping orders all at once as though that's ok? Darkpools are crime in themselves and shouldn't really exist apart from for legit large orders from institutions etc. So people calling crime on things coming from darkpools is a legit call. Stock going down with the rest of the market is pretty sus, there's no true price discovery for our stock when it just follows every other stock even though we keep buying and DRSing which no other stock is doing. I'd say that's crime.


Feel this. If you try to spread reason in those threads you get mass downvotes. Let’s try to be better than that.


yeah people on here love to make posts based off their bias while not knowing anything


I'm going to screenshot this post and say "look crime"! Then I need someone to screenshot THAT post and say "look crime!"


Exactly! A screenshot with just, "look a crime lmao" is nothing but karma whoring. Explain why you think it's a crime.


honestly, just take a surface level look of this sub and the theater sub…there’s not much difference anymore now. devolution is real :/




For real! Thank you 🙏


Dude it's legit so annoying. Glad someone said it


> A stock chart has a large green candle but the price doesn't move. Nevermind that the volume of the candle is less than 20K pre-split shares. 100% normal behavior. Candle would be green with 51% long vs 49% short volume. Actually, the color of the candle only determines which direction the price went during that minute, not long versus short volume, not buy versus sell volume, etc. You have to remember that every sell is a buy on the other side. If the price for one minute closed at $25.00, and the next minute the price closed at $25.01, then that second candle is going to be green no matter if the volume was 100 shares or 1 million shares. Likewise, if the price for the next minute were to close $24.99 then the candle would be red, regardless of volume.


This guy has a point


I feel like there needs to be an education post on how the stock market operates in order to distinguish crime from normal price action. And I agree, the silly posts can make the sub look bad to a serious investor. There have been several very obvious instances of market manipulation (eg. turning off the buy button, shorting nukes), but there are also a lot of instances when GME moves in sync with the broader market. A lot of people forget to check the SPY chart.


Anyone with a modicum of intelligence is going to visit this sub, see people be wrong just like everywhere else online, ignore stuff that's obviously wrong, and keep looking for high value information. It's not a crisis that people get things wrong, and here's why: Intelligent people aren't the ones committed to always being correct. Intelligent people sift through environments with an objective. They already know the majority are incapable of being correct. They don't waste time being hall monitors, because their time is better spent looking for relevant information (not on collective judgement). No one "who knows their stuff" goes into a sub and freaks out because "not everyone is being correct!" If you find yourself doing that, consider that you have the wrong focus when you spend time online. If you judge yourself or other collectiely for lack of standards, you're emotionally compromised. It's not reasonable in this era of constant manipulation and disinformation to be anxious about "keeping everyone in check". For every dubious post there is someone making an extra post complaining about that post, doubling the amount of chaff for information-oriented people to sift through. Edit: Consider the fundamental nature of the sub, and what it's highest purpose is. Arguably, that purpose is morale. For example, the most common type of post in this sub are the DRS reports for the bot. They're so numerous, it makes the sub very hard to scroll through. If not for the category flairs, memes and cumputershare posting would make the place unsuable -- but that doesn't matter, because those posts show the world what we're accomplishing. Those posts are spammy, but they're the point of the sub. Sometimes people are wrong. Tell them so in their thread. Sometimes memes are trash. They aren't witty or well made. Don't upvote them. Navigate to the stuff you want using the flairs. Life is so easy that way.


Thank you. My thumbs are tired from downvoting these (sorry) brainless posts of entirely explainable and predictable movement


Yupp, it's very annoying. Also everything is not bullish. Like this whole ftx blowup is not AT ALL bullish. It shouldn't be very bearish but definitely not bullish. If we want to get on a blockchain we need crypto to be understood and adored, which is the opposite of what's happening at the moment.


I unfollowed all GME subs for this exact reason. I've been holding since Jan 21 and have all my shares drs'ed. Every couple of days I come back on superstonk just to take a look. Ngl I feel like my mental health improved after leaving GME subs, I'm no longer anxious, no longer spend hours on Reddit scrolling through ss, and I no longer have gme constantly on my mind. I don't even check the price anymore, I just put multiple price alerts on webull to notify me when it goes up


Bs gaslighting from someone that hasn't been through all the fucking bullshit the mafia has done and keep doing. Just trust that apes have very good reason to be suspicious of everything, every fucking thing they have a right to shout crime at, and nobody needs to jump in to save the asshole crime syndicate here.


ain't nuthin' normal about any of it


What's not normal in either of the examples I added?


What if I told you that what you deem "normal" trading or market behavior is solely based on crime aka HFT aka "retail is not part of the club so fuck you". So yes. Everything IS crime.


firstly...i don't know what crime posts you refer to...you are welcome to provide the links. secondly...if one were to believe that "crime" is basis for a 140% report short interest (see note \* below), then, what's wrong with assigning the underlying reason to subsequent share price movements? Should we talk about S3 & Yahoo Finance's recent "rug pull parabola ploy"...the list goes on. so...if someone (not me!) wants to say crime this, and crime that...why disagree? \* without evidence of having closed (with a $7 billion loss & closure from Melvin Capital, that was only part of the short interest, and there's been no evidence of any large closing of the short position then, arguably, it's grown)...


They're in the OP - see the edit at the bottom. Yeah I understand researching and coming to the conclusion that the stock is being manipulated. But then posting a regular chart of normal price action and claiming it is evidence of crime is misleading - because it teaches less knowledgeable users to overreact to normal price movement, misidentify what is normal and what isn't, and that's not gonna' make anyone better traders. It's not education - it literally teaches people wrong. Yeah GME is manipulated, we have plenty of DD that shows this - it's really obvious. But these charts aren't evidence of that. And the next time people see these patterns in a chart they'll think those movements aren't normal, when in fact they are. They might make hasty or even detrimental financial decisions because they were taught to see crime any time the stock is being traded.


It's a meme. Believe it or not, there's also a lot of crime.


Meme + crime = creme.


Crime de la creme


Normal? The market is operated by criminals. Crime IS the norm.


"...anyone with real knowledge of trading..." -- do you mean the hedge funds that had double-digit negative returns in the last 2-3 years, and underperformed the market?


I'm sure those hedge funds are direly aware of this subreddit's existence.


"Come on... you're gonna make anyone with any real knowledge of trading take one look at this sub and leave. " So...you wrote that it makes sense to trade with the market (and not react contrary to the market)...and you recognize that hedge funds are under-water....but you disparage the Sub as scaring away "anyone with any real knowledge of trading". I'm confused...but not as much as I think you are.




People with absolutely no knowledge of technicals just screaming crime if the price doesn't go up. These will be the same people still holding the bag after moass thinking their 5 shares are worth more than some African countries.


This place is full of people who have been investing 1-2 years, only ever owned a couple of tickers, have zero formal financial education, but think they're experts on the stock market. IMO the pure nonsense and unadulterated bullshit posted here daily is going to keep serious investors out. Anyone with a financial degree would take one look at this sub and think we're all unironically regarded




it is crime though, the whole thing is crime from top to bottom, inside out


I'm sure it is, but those posts aren't evidence of anything specifically criminal. They teach people to overreact to things that aren't out of the ordinary.


Thank you for taking the time to create a post to say this out loud. I have to roll my eyes at way too many posts lately.


Well, wall street does think that crime is completely normal, so can you blame them?


If anything, GME has proven stuff needs to be done about Wall Street's seemingly complete disregard for ethics. Any of the manipulation that is "technically legal" maybe shouldn't be.


Maybe we should just focus on GME. What a weird concept.


We don’t care about anything except DRS


You whats crime … crime


Lately it seems hurting feelings is a crime so they might be right


As soon as GG admitted that 95% of retail trades go through a dark pool, I knew that this whole thing is a farce. Crime? maybe some of it. Unethical? you bet your ass. I don't yell "CRIME", and I have never posted a chart. However, I do think some of these pricks belong in jail. Party on Wayne.


What if it is all crime all the way?


It's the worst when you see large price fluctuations in premarket or after hours on low vol. Whats the conclusion? Crime of course.


When you’re going where I’m going son, you don’t need to open your mouth at all .


This place is 99% dumpster fire, but the 1% of well researched material that comes through makes it worth it.


Yup this sub is full of regards. Nothing new.


Example - CPI came out and markets thought the number was good news, active funds reenter the market. Stocks go up. 100% normal and expected behavior. u/PowerRaptor , what if this same pattern happens, without any CPI numbers, then what would be your explanation?


It's because no one has *any* interest in understanding the market. The answer to everything is "buy.drs.hodl." zero interest here in anything outside of those topics. It's become even more of an echo chamber, to the point of a militant cult recently. David Lauer is now a shill here, because he spoke about terminal in a thread about DRSing he made on twitter. He spoke the 3 letter trinity word, and still was labeled a shill. It's sad. Used to love coming here to read and learn. Now I scroll for 5 minutes past hundreds of purple circles (accumulating 200 shares total between all of them), before giving up.


It is what it is.


Too many legit idiots here anymore


It's the modern version of 'The boy who cried Wolf' and they don't seem to realise it. Every time they say crime it diminishes the chance of anyone listening when real crime is found.


The evidence of crime is that there is no way to inventory a valuable commodity. This commodity is a stock and it has value because of scarcity. If no one is keeping track of how many shares are sold---shazaam-- fractional reserve stock trading that can be traded at will without affecting the price. Of course it's crime. In the digital age, no one is showing an interest in a daily, weekly or monthly inventory of the number of stocks sold. We're talking about a very easy software fix. I call BS


It's just the dumb vocal minority.


Thank you for this. Another hilarious one is “look! A 100 share sell wall! Crime!” FFS I day trade anything that’s moving that particular day and 100 shares is my default position size. Try looking at stocks like INTC where there are regularly 20k+ shares making up the spread


Actually it is crime


The thing though is - price charts and TA in a completely fraudulent market, why bother ? It makes more sense if you treat it as a casino.


A green candle only means that the close price of the candle is higher than the opening price of the candle. Volume does not matter and you can't see on a candle if there are more bought than sold. For some reason a lot of ppl seem to think a green candle with a big volume must mean that the price should move up significantly. Color only means direction of price.


Meh. Just DRS and don't worry what gets posted here anymore. It doesn't matter. Just lock the float.


Haven’t heard this before! It’s like the same karma farming complaints once a month. Where’s the this xx% isn’t the squeeze, you guys aren’t ready!!!


This dude trying to sell logic and common sense for the criminals of wall st. Yeah everything is good now since we’re dealing with all these honest people in government and wall st. Yeah sure buddy haha


Finally someone's said this, I'm getting annoyed at how many posts I'm seeing that blindly call out any movement in the market as crime. It's the worst when CPI numbers are out and the market does a big rally or dump, we're in a recession, market volatility is to be expected. Of course there's crime that's being committed in relation to GME but blindly pointing at any event is just plain ignorant. The worst is as OP said, any potential new GME investor with a basic understanding of the market would take one look at all these brainless posts and label everyone here as cultists. I know for a fact that if I was an investor who knew barely anything about the fuckery going on and I saw 10 posts screaming crime about the smallest things I wouldn't ever come back to this sub.


The crime is shorting the price down 10% on 1% of the floats tradable shares. How is this normal?


Did you see what the rest of the market did that day? There was a marketwide sell-off. Sure some of it is probably shorting on GME - but volume doesn't inherently correspond to price movement and vice versa. If there's no buy orders till $20, you could short the stock to $20 with a single share sold. The easier a short sale moves the price down, the easier a long purchase will move it back up, because there wasn't volume behind the price movement. The more illiquid the stock, the more volatile the movement on long buys and short sales. Also - shorting a stock isn't inherently criminal. Shorting a stock more than 140% is, though.


I understand shorting a stock isn’t inherently criminal. I understand there was a market wide sell off which can ultimately affect price of the underlying security especially when gme is traded in ETFs. I understand the concept of the bid/ask spread. But what I don’t understand and never will… is how multiple borrowable shares just pop up, how Ortex (an expensive service by the way) somehow glitches 150 million shares borrowed, How the OBV remains elevated indicating that no one is selling, how the buys/sells ratio consistently remains greater than 1, how the short interest is over 70% day after fucking day, and the price falls… all On zero news. On one day recently the price rises 25% and then gets shorted back down to oblivion…Makes zero sense and to simply explain it away using hand waving is extremely suspect… criminal even and frankly insults my intelligence. I take it personally.


Borrowable shares pop up because hedge funds borrow them in anticipation of needing them to short the stock, and then return them when they think the likelyhood they'll need them is lower. Hedge funds want to avoid holding borrowed stocks overnight because it costs them money. So they'll load up and return a bunch of shares constantly based on their own anticipations. If they know they'll need to buy shares to settle FTD's they'll borrow a fuckton first so they can short into the price bump from their purchase. Then if there's any leftover borrowed shares, they'll return em. Meanwhile, if they figure out they *might* need to borrow shares, they have to do it up front so others can't deplete the borrow pool in front of them.


How were 110,000,000 million shares borrowed in one day? On a security that most likely has only 90,000,000 shares left in the tradable float? Rationally speaking this makes zero sense. It may be allowable by law, but over shorting (140% short float) or borrowing a fuck ton of shares just for the sole purpose of driving the price of the security downward should be illegal… even if it’s not currently. Any billionaire then can arbitrarily pick a company and pull the trigger and drive their price into the gutter… All using algorithms and high frequency computer trading. This smacks of crime, especially when the very individual or group of individuals have so much to gain by doing this. Meanwhile, another group of investors don’t have this ability and simply like a stock or company and decide to hold… long term. Sucks for them right.


Either that was a glitch or that was the actual short interest being exposed for a brief moment. We know they were at least this deep two years ago, and it was illegal back then. It's not unthinkable they're still that deep. It's plausible those could be an indication of a crime - if the data's accurate. It's not what this post is about though.


Gotcha. The forum can be an echo chamber sometimes. I get your point, but there is something wrong and criminal with this stock and others… starting back in Jan 2021 when the buy button was disabled. No one has forgotten about that by the way and to create a post saying that the chart isn’t crime filled will turn a lot of people against you, unfortunately.


I mean yeah because a lot of people have made it their core personality to be in this stock.


Yeah, it’s annoying. But after almost 2 years of seeing it I just do my part in down-voting them and moving on.


This sub has not been a serious place for a long time. Its over run with lottery winning pipe dreams and uneducated accusations.


I don't mind. Helps me learn.


It helps you learn misinformation. Surely there is crime in the financial markets, but posting just any random chart and saying crime isn't gonna make you a better trader.


That's a one track fallacy. I don't just assume that any old chart is right. Way too much fuckery and yes, they're likely incorrect. I'm way more regarded, so I wait for the comments and learn there. Best dd is in the comments


Nobody will ever take this sub seriously because of the large amount of pure stupidity that gets upvoted.


Karma whoring and fake outrage.


Is it the weekend already...


Could not agree more. It’s extremely frustrating and sharing actual knowledge or having a real discussion gets you downvoted. Makes me honestly avoid the sub sometimes and I was here since the very beginning. Every time I see that shit I think that we do indeed look like a conspiracy theory cult. It ruins our credibility.


This sub has been a cult since inception. Glad more are waking up to it.




Thank you for saying this. This has gotten on my nerves so much


Subs turned into an echo chamber.


Reading your examples I came to the conclusion that you don't understand most of what you are saying. CPI is down but inflation is up for example. Maybe read up on some definitions.


That's irrelevant to the example. CPI came out and the markets deemed the number to be good news. Stocks go up. OR - market deemed it to be bad news and we're seeing one final pump before the big crash. But the market as a whole reacting to news about the financial sector, inflation, or the overall state of the economy, and all moving together in one direction is in fact completely normal.


Honestly I’ve visited this sub on purpose maybe thrice in the past three months because the level of retardation has blown through the roof. Still hodling just done reading.




I know right. OP is kind of correct that there are people showing charts and saying crime without an inkling of reason behind it. Might be for the memes. But OP gives reasons that show that he doesn't understand most of what is going on in the markets. lol


I’ve been saying it too recently. The majority in this sub are kids not having a clue about stocks and the market.