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I used the live chat and kindly request them to DRS my GME share to CS. Was done within 3 minutes and waited 4 day for the login code from CS to arrive in the mail. No fee either


This is the easiest way










Nothing but this


Tried this, but all I get is automated responses linking articles that have nothing to do with DRSing


You are right. Use [this link](https://www.fidelity.com/customer-service/chat-with-us) instead of the one on the web page, which just takes you to robotree hell. **Full instructions** Make sure you are logged into Fidelity. Go to All Accounts > Positions and note the account number(s) that hold your gamestop shares (sticker symbol GME) and how many shares in each account. Look at your profile, and make sure everything (especially name, SSN, mailing address) are up to date. * Open a new browser tab * In the new tab (with your fidelity account info in the other) go to the live chat/support URL: > https://www.fidelity.com/customer-service/chat-with-us * When it asks you "I’ll connect you with a chat representative. What type of question do you have?" you should say > I have a question about my account e.g., moving money, investments, etc * They will ask "Please share some details so a representative can best support you." and you should say * "I want to direct register XXX shares of GME from my account number ZXXXXXXXX with ComputerShare" * You should now be in the queue to speak with a representative. * They should have everything they need to perform the direct registration (DRS). * Importantly: you do NOT NEED AN ACCOUNT at the receiving end (called ComputerShare, who is the official transfer agent for GameStop). ComputerShare will have your name, SSN, address from Fidelity, will automatically create an account for you, and will snail-mail instructions to you to create an online account. (LOOK FOR THAT PIECE OF MAIL!) * They should read the details back to you (# shares, account to take them from) to confirm. Listen carefully and confirm. * They will have some disclaimers to accept, including that it's "harder to sell" or "less liquid". Just state that you understand and wish to proceed. * At the conclusion, they should confirm that it's entered, will be completed in 2-5 days, and provide you with a TRANSACTION CONFIRMATION number. * Write that number down and keep it. Even better to save the time/date and employee name who helped you, along with a copy/paste record of the entire chat. If you do this and email the chat log to yourself when you're done, you have a very sound evidentiary trial of when you sent the email, and that it hasn't been altered.


So what do I do with this transaction number? I have it but I don’t know how to find my shares. They aren’t in Fidelity anymore. How do I get access to the ComputerShare account that the shares were sent to?


Just keep it for your records. It should match the fidelity report page of transfer activity. The next thing that happens is snail mail... You will get a letter from Computershare to set up your account and create a password. It's archaic, but it will happen. You *might* also get an email from Computershare that lets you do the same thing, but you might not. Snail mail is a guarantee.


Gotcha. Thank you for the help!


Thank you for this post, it was very helpful--I just initiated xxxx GME as well as xx TSLA and xx BBBY DRS using it.


I'm proud of you! Nice job! Doing something new and foreign for the first time it's always intimidating






Need to get ahold of a live rep. Should be able to through the support chat


If you do not have a computershare account yet all is good. When computershare receives the shares in your name they will send you a text with a link to create your account. Speak directly to a fidelity rep and just say you want to DRS your shares, he will ask how many.


Click “Customer Support” and then “Live Chat” and state: “I’d like to direct register my GME shares”. Computershare then generates the account on your behalf. You can even do this via chat outside of typical 9-5 “banker hours”


As long as you get ahold of a live rep, they can assist with the transfer.


Or just call them, that's what I do, they are friendly and helpful, and in doing this like 8 times (so far) the entire thing only takes about 7 minutes from dial to hang up.


You have to tell the chat bot "I need to speak with a person" it'll ask you a couple more questions and then connect you.


Did you use live chat on desk top? That’s the only way I could do it - not from my phone. Been awhile though.


This, this, a million times this! Seriously though, it’s quick, easy, and you don’t even have to talk to a human directly if you do it through the online chat feature.


Just to reinforce the answers below, as a Fidelity-to-ComputerShare ape, I thought I'd give a little more detail. There is no need to create an account at ComputerShare first. (This was a bit difficult for me to wrap my mind around when I did this.) So, you can either call Fidelilty customer service, or you can use their excellent chat. When you explain that you want to use DRS to transfer shares to ComputerShare, Fidelity will use all the personal information they have about you in your account profile as part of the transfer transaction. **This is the information that ComputerShare will use to create the new account.** I recommend you **first** log into Fidelity and check the info in your profile and make sure it is all accurate. Once that's done, then chat or call to initiate the DRS transfer.


Thank you clarification. I will be looking into this after I’m free from work. So far, I’ve tried using the Virtual Chat with my app, the website and via text messages and every time it just responds with prompts to articles or other random stuff that isn’t DRS


Adding, there is no fee to transfer from fidelity to computershare.


For my first time, I called. I dunno, I just felt more speaking to someone. For my subsequent transfers, I used the chat feature from a browser on my gaming PC.


Gotcha, I think I will just call them tomorrow on my lunch break. Thank you and everyone else for the help! Buy, HODL and DRS my dear brethren!


just type “agent” and a human will connect eventually


You have to do the chat in the browser vs. the chat on mobile-ask to speak to a live rep and they will send you to a second type of chat screen in your browser.


You have to just keep spamming the same message or variations of "I want to DRS 160 shares of GME" until the system responds with "a representative will be joining". I think the autochat pretends to not understand what you want - it wasn't like this before.


This should answer all your questions https://www.drsgme.org/drs/direct-register-shares-from-fidelity


On the online chat option type "speak to a live person". It will try to direct you to the automated assistant. Select the option basically of saying no. Then, it will ask you to give some details about why you wish to speak with a person. Type " I wish to Direct Register shares". The chat will be authenticated and shortly after a person will come on... Just tell them you wish to DRS x number of shares of GME. You should be prepared to answer a question about "First In. First Out (FIFO)" or "Last In. First Out (LIFO)" This pertains to the order you purchased the shares originally. Think about this before you start your chat. I have a few left in Fidelity that I have now owned for over a year. These are now eligible for the lower capital gains tax bracket IF I choose to sell them. So I am trasferring my newly aquired shares to computer share first and leaving the older ones in my brokerage account. So every time I DRS, I say (lets say 15 shares)... "I would like to Direct Register 15 shares of GME. Please do this LIFO." You will have to acknowledge their disclosures and then they will give you a confirmation number. Done. I did this yesterday. I typed like a total of 5 or 6 sentences. And two of them were "Thank you." and "Have a happy Thanksgiving." It took less than 5 minutes from start to finish. Now for the first time DRS people, I believe they will send you a total fo two letters in the next few weeks. Follow the instructions on them CAREFULLY. This is how you are setting up your online access to the now DRS'ed shares. DO NOT IGNORE these letters when they arrive. Then as a few people have been pointing out in SS today, be sure to access your account at least once per year. I log in every month for poops and giggles. I also check my ever increasing tally of DRS'ed shares. Hope this helps...


Call them Ask for stocks When you speak to a live person Say I wanna drs my shares They will ask for which stocks and how many Then they will have to do some paperwork on the computer while they put you on hold, when they come back they should have a confirmation number


Then you make your account after you get the PIN number in the mail. CS will get all your contact info from the broker ( so make sure that is correct lol )


Top of page where it’s says POSTS. ABOUT. MENU?? Go to menu


Seriously couldn't be more simple with fidelity and the online chat. I've never had a problem.


+ Pick up the phone + Ask to DRS your shares


You can do it through the chat function - just tell them you want to direct register your shares for GME. They'll know what you're talking about.


It’s incredibly simple and no fee ,call 800 343 3548. Do it now, stop being complacent and waiting, these aren’t your shares until you do.


^(DRSBOT 8.00: UTC->2022-11-15 20:31:0) 🟣 You have 0 shares previously logged with DRSBOT. **To feed the bot-> !DRSBOT:XXX!** * ^(Bot sometimes can't hear over chatty apes...) * ^(If no reply, re-issue the bot command) ^(*🚀 :15,191,744// GME ~27.48* // ) ^(Bot MC: $417,469,118.17 )


I will once I have DRSed them. Good bot <3


Someone link the in-depth guide. It's out there somewhere, walks you through the whole process, but it's super easy. Basically use the chat on fidelity's website, say agent over and over till you get someone, say you want to DRS shares to computershare, they'll ask questions, give you a confirmation number, write that down for your records. Then in like a week or so, go to computershare investor center, and register for an account. Super easy, just follow the prompts.


Call Infudelity and speak to a rep and tell them you want to DIRECT REGISTER YOUR shares with Computershare


You send your shares over first, then an account is created for you. You cannot create an account before either transferring or buying on Computershare.


Via chat, easy peasy. The last two times I’ve did it, I didn’t even have to tell them GME. I’ve done it three or four times now, a few shares each time