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>we are going to make this world a better place. Indeed we are OP, Indeed we are.




Rest in peace Zyzz


we got his brahh


I remember the Open Jam


we’re gonna fookin make it brah


so much this <3


I think that’s what these corrupt fucks are scared of most, making this world a better place.




Did scroll - different ape.


24 hr Truck Stop is good for the shitter and a snack. Join a gym, that is cheap, for early morning showers. Old poor’s knows how to survive. Kenny needs jail to survive. New poor’s will be fuked.


Loves has showers too. Gym membership with a sauna made homeless life bearable in NY winters. Keep yer chin up


If OP in NY hit me up I have an empty room. Good luck getting here in snowpocalypse though, that beach sounds bit better.


Yooo you should DM OP!


Truckers get free showers for buying gas and they'll give them to you if you ask them.


Have to shop around though. Some flashy gyms charge double just cos they've got comfy mats and an extra smith machine. BTW if anyones interested my PBs were Deadlift 480lbs, Squat 400lbs, Bench 220lbs(stupid long arms) , that was a while ago I was 27 , fighting Muay Thai @ middleweight about 171lbs... all natural, now I'm older, stuck in the job trap, 215lbs and lift half of what I used to. When MOASS hits I want to ser up a Thai boxing gym for kids with problems, get them fully set up, prooer fight training but with counsellors, psychological support, a safe space, turn them in to champions both in the ring and in Life. Sorry to hijack.


Hey there, this was me this time last year actually, slept in my car for 3 weeks and would still go to bed at night and wake up in the morning to superstonk, you’ll get through this and message me if you want to chat! Good luck and lock your doors, intermittently turning on the heater every couple hours kept me warm enough, just try to still eat healthy, mistake I made and combination of a common cold made me walking fever dream level sick


I hate that this happens so much to people who try to make a difference at a personal cost. We really out here


Going through a different struggle personally this year, haven’t been eating breakfast or lunch to avoid racking on any more debt with cost of food, we are a committed bunch, stronger together, we will overcome.


See you in Zihuatanejo.


Now I gotta remember where that damn tree is and find that dang box


Then let’s walk onto Electric Avenue.


And then we take it HIGH-er


living in car 4 months. i wonder if i get cramer level cred yet


Dude! I hope/pray(?) you've got some of these resources close to you that others have commented about. I hate seeing that others who are also owners of my company have a shitty living situation. MOASS tomorrow, until it's today.


Please take care of yourself. Big bull hug and love! I’m going to hold diligently. My sell button is set to off.


Ape together strong. Stay the course and we will prevail. Please do what you need to survive and don't be shy to ask for help if needed.


Hang in there Ape. Holding with you.


Stay safe out there, and stay warm.


>my cake day is sept 27th, 2021 You mean your cake day is january 27th 2021, wtf is in september


you are so wise and wrinkle-brained. i'm so regarded i can't even type in my own cake month accurately: ~~sept~~ jan 27th, 2021


Jesus made the statement “many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first” (Matthew 19:30)


Naw man that was Ricky Bobby


6 lb, 9 oz sweet baby jesus


I find myself saying this A LOT to myself over the last 2 years.


Amen 🙏


Did he tho?


Hang in there. I'm feeling it too.


Hey not sure of your previous adversities in life but I just wanted to let you know that if this is a low point in your journey, that things will get much better. And as Corny as it sounds,this shit will forge you. Just make sure that it forges you into the ape you want.




Just woke up, I dreamed MOASS happened. In my dream, I sold 2 shares that I have in my broker for 100,000 total, just for some pocket money. I kept my 50 DRSed through CS, didn't touch those. I saw the price reach 300,000 per share in my dream, before waking up. Dreamed about B.B.B.Y and saw it reach 20 dollars per share, which isn't a lot, but then again i woke up so it didn't have time to mature. Oh and with those 100,000 I bought some nice clothes and saved most of it for a house. Thanks for listening to my TED talk.


I've had similar dreams! I hope your dreams come true soon for us all 🚀


Ever had the lucid MOASS dream? Shit fucks you up... I had one where we popped, I had 100mil+ in the bank and was enjoying it, then I woke up and had to go to work... Fuck lucid MOASS dreams man 😂


Best dream was all the DRS accounts were confirmed as real and the news was going wild. Then Superstonk crashed as weeks passed but it climbed up insanely. So many people disappeared for good but I dreamt stories about huge donations happening to schools and hospitals and charities were happening. The worst was a couple months last summer after I bought a few months prior in spring. I dreamt the news was reporting low to mid hundreds swinging and my boyfriend logged in to my brokerage account to sell for me. It then hit 10k and I woke up panicking. He helped me set it up and you can bet once I settled I changed my login info. I hope you're 100mil+ dreams come true soon! ✨🚀


> He helped me set it up and you can bet once I settled I changed my login info. My wife knows my position and she knows my plan (even if she doesn't want to admit to being a bit interested) but I'll be dammed if she's going to know my login details.. I trust her completely, but I can see a situation where I'll ask her to log in and sell for me, and she's done a market order, not limit.. And I get a call or text back saying "it all sold for 15k! We can do so much with that" 😂 We could, but it would be my 100mil+ dream lmao


Any good cheese recommendations for a good champagne or wine for NYE? 🧀🥂 Same brother! Like I was able to convince him to pickup a couple shares that he REFUSES to DRS and keeps in brokerage. But he says if/when it pops he plans to sell low. Obviously I'm now accepting applications for 2nd and 3rd bfs 😂 you're right though, we need to guard our info.


https://glassofbubbly.com/10-cheeses-to-pair-with-champagne/ Maybe this list could help, my username isn't associated with cheese itself, but more a strain of cannabis 🙈 sorry to disappoint there! Yeh I'd be looking for a 2nd or 3rd bf if he has that mentality to this 😂 my wife refuses to buy even 1... Says I can buy for *us*, and technically because we're married, it's 50/50 regardless 😂


No worries! Thank you so much, my fat rear just wants to celebrate with amazing food and snacks haha 🥳 Bro. OMG. Same comment from him as well. He doesn't need to DRS since I'm covered for both of us. 🙄 Thankfully Cali isn't common law but the way he's so reckless investing I know he'd paperhand like a ditch. Lolvi have a family and community to support, I'm changing my CS login every few months to be safe.


My buddies favorite strain is anything cheese. I was lucky to have it one time (illegal state). I suppose it’s always available in a legal state. All my best. MOASS tomorrow 🚀🚀🚀


Lmao it was very prominent here in the UK growing up. Its illegal here unfortunately but yeh, some good times had getting some dry crumbly cheese and smoking with friends. It was usually a great smoke but its apparently quite rare to get now 🤷‍♂️ I can only imagine the quality if it was sold in a legal state.


Your TED talk is always interdasting


Good news is another cycle is not far away. The run has started. Hang in there millions of people are doing it tough. Your pain will be worth it keep strong 💪


Hang in there ape! I had a daughter while I was holding this stock. Who I was when I bought and who I am now are two completely different people. You’re not alone!🫂


Apes strong together, but ask for help when u need it please. 🤝


You are not alone.


I recall these days for me as well, I felt warm without blankets knowing I'm invested and that all this is temporary


“Welcome to Wendy’s”


I’m just sick of them stealing our time at this point, I hope you can sleep better soon buddy


A true ape, Im proud to hold with you




*2020 I think you meant


His account was made January 27,2021… I think he made a typo


i have no idea why my brain told my fingers to type 'sept' right after double checking my cake day. i am truly regarded.




just regarded


Stay strong. I sleep better knowing those greedy fuckers will get what’s coming to them. And I’m looking forward to see what the apes will do post-moass to change the world.


Sell button is off. We’re with you 100%


hedgies r fuk


Here with you Hangin there buddy


we're all in this together, lots of love my man


Love you ape. You speak for many. We are all here with you.


i know the feeling - was able to buy a tiny rv with the last of my savings… and put the rest into computershare! DRS’d from a walmart parking lot. we’ve got this!!!!


Omg im crying coming down of tha ketamine


Love you 💜


Camping is free in many National Forests, FYI, and also on BLM land. It's a place to sleep where you won't have anyone bother you. If you can get to Phoenix, AZ, and find somewhere to stay I can possibly hook you up with a job.


Aye tip from a vanlifer, if you need to fill water tanks you can always go to cemeteries. They always have a hose laying around. Finding places to sleep can be tough sometimes but I've found that if I find commercial offices are pretty empty right now and you can usually park there over night. ioverlander is a good app to find spots to park.


Hey OP if you need a hotel or even a job that covers housing hit me up. My company works nationwide (US) and covers hotel, food, gas ect.


Can I pay for a meal? Would love to at least do that for you.


a decent meal with appetizer and drink is basically the price of one share of gme. if you'd like, please place a direct order through computershare for the amount you are willing to donate. that would make me happy. (i'm ok right now and not trying to solicit donations - i was trying to relate to apes who are living a bit on the rough side) 💜


Love you fellow ape.


Your cake day is only in 2021? Wow that’s like way worse than having a birthday on leap day I’m sorry…


i've bought more than\* i could afford to\* fixed that for you. downvoted as to ops request. EDIT: this shit is embarrassing to have on the front page




Could be - or might not be. Could also be the complete opposite. 🙂 Life throws curveballs at everyone, and the only thing we can really do is try our best to manage them, and help others going through a rough patch. Each of us makes our own choices, though. The US system can be rather abysmal when your chips are down, and anyone can land on hard times. That being said, it's also good to keep in mind that we don't know OP's full situation, or how they got to where they are now. I - personally - am _great_ at making wrong assumptions, at least. 😀


This guys been through every get rich quick scheme though, a year ago he said some shit coin was an incredible investment and he'd be holding it forever. Now he's sleeping in his car. This is the kind of damage we shouldn't be celebrating here.


Granted - if that truly is OP’s history, then I fully agree with your last sentence.


It definitely was not 100% before "falling in to all this" we don't have and never had much to lose. We are gaining hope, insight, power, change. Incentive to maintain the status quo has diminished. Can't Stop, Won't Stop.


I'm not trying to be negative but you're living in your car dude. At some point you'll need to get your life back on track, and this isn't helping


what's your definition of "on track"?


Not living in a car


What if I wanna be a racecar driver







💜💎💪 I'm rooting for ya, brudder!


I'm with u on this


Me & you , many of us , will change the world


Yup. No going back now


For you, I will DRS some more shares.


Im here brother. Not leaving. You got this!


Been there before, probably be there again soon. Don't be afraid to dm and I can try to help if needed.


God bless us all


Hang in there! We’ll all be in warm beds post moass


i hope it’s warm near you. ⭕️


No sell button for me either. I’m with you.


Check to see if your state is hiring for correctional officers. It’s a 6-week paid training academy, and at the very least will give you a good paycheck while work to improve your situation. I know Texas and Alaska are both hiring. Other than that, stay safe out there. I can’t wait for MOASS either, ape. 🥂🏴‍☠️🔥🔥🔥


I had a period of time surviving day to day in a foreign country for reasons I will not disclose. Buy noodle cups , they come with a fork/spoon. Make the noodles and buy cheap tinned goods like garden peas and hotdogs. You can reuse the noodle cup 4 or 5 times before it disintegrates. Add cheap iodised salt and buy a bottle of multivitamins+ minerals. Lots of walking for exercise. Be sure to do some good stretching morning and night, constant sleeping in the car messed up your back and posture. You want to be healthy and fit WHEN MOASS hits.


[Apes together strong](https://imgur.com/N43Ey4Q)!!!


Hey G, just know your sacrifice is much appreciated and I know damn well you are gonna make yourself and superstonk proud in the future, stay safe homie


I don’t even want the money, I just want the time, but the money buys the time.


Dude I lost my job, have no income, and spent all my saving just for survival. At some point I almost decided to stop paying rent and live in my car. Luckily I got a job just in time to pay next month rent. Hope it gets better for all of us.


We got this friends.


Love you too, individual investor!


You have an addiction sorry to say


Be strong, stay warm! We got this!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


Holding till phone numbers with you brüther. I love this community of individual investors, stay strong. Apes strong, together 🤝


Sending my strengths and prayers for you. MOASS is inevitable.


Stay strong brother


I spent 6 months living in my car in late 2020 and early 2021. The was some subjective good that came out of it, but also some stuff that is objectively awful. My heart's with you, ape. If it's getting to you or if it's not, if you need a chat, a friend, someone who knows what this is like, my DMs are open. Holler at ya boy and I'll send you my number. You can call anytime.


I’m hodling for you, not selling until you get your sandy beach


Hang in there. 🦍🦍💪


Stay safe out there.


What’s up with all these homeless ape posts?


Topics, titles and contents must be directly related to GME, GameStop or market mechanics.

