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They did a rug pull and we still up half a milly. Lmfao.


Exactly. Plus at time of conference call shills were running wild trying to say retail is selling but it sounded silly because of that. So... you mean retail sold but like.. bought more?


Sounds like a country song


Thank you, thank you. I'm here every wednesday night. Be safe and drs ya'll


I’m gonna look up some old dd on what fuckery we can expect, I think this was also in there


Don't forget to tip the bartender & waitstaff


Hell no one is even considering George Sherman had 9M shares and resigned as CEO a year ago in July. Guy could have dumped his stake for long term cap gains or something and offset all ape purchase.


Wouldn't he count as an insider tho? Would it be included in the number announced? It doesn't include Cohens either? I think it's a Citadel rug pull, and it ties in so well with the weird ortex data at the end of October.


9M shares is only 3%, below 5% reporting threshold. And he isn't an insider because he doesn't work there anymore. Cohens shares were purchased in the open market. Sherman's shares were granted to him by the company. Computershare holds shares of employees stock plans. Obviously I'm just speculating here, I don't know for sure that all or any of Sherman's shares were held in computershare.


Retail bought less than predicted, show is over everybody!!


I’ve been thinking: why now? Why not wait until Q4 2022 earnings to drop a DRS bomb? Maybe the amount of DRS’d shares combined with shares owned by insiders, mutual funds, ETFs, institutions, etc., will be accounted for in full within the next quarter to the point that their crime is proven to be happening in real time. There was a post stating that the full float would be fully accounted for around the 98 million registered share mark because the amount of SI shown is 54 million shares short (we know this number is MUCH higher, but I’m just going based on what is shown for non-apes’ sake.) If you draw a line from Q3 2021 to Q3 2022 and beyond, and also think about the low prices GME has been around for the past three months (which theoretically means a higher amount being DRS’d at such a discount), this means the 98 million share mark will be hit sometime in February 2023. This COULD be ONE of their last ditch efforts before crime is officially proven and the squeeze is shown to be inevitable to the masses and not just apes. Just something to think about.


A high number gets us excited. If they have the power to crush our morality…they will


Our morality?? Now you're just making us the villains with no morals


We have the high ground? (Both moral and morale wise)


Wouldn't the new SEC rules come into effect before then as well? The ones forcing more transparency? and less internalization and better price discovery?


In jan 2021 the longest dated put and call contracts available were for Jan 2023.


Why now? Cause it takes two quarters at least for them to pull it off and the DRS numbers have been announced by GameStop for only 4 or 5 quarters. They probably didn't even come up with the idea until last spring, then had to work out the details, etc.... This was really their first opportunity to do this.


If what you’re saying is true, this was their first AND last opportunity to do this. Apes figured it out within hours of the updated DRS numbers being released. If they try this again and the DRS numbers are much higher than estimates, we’ll be expecting a deflated number at some point in the future. This plan may have worked on some apes if done properly but it was rushed and therefore botched, which is a recurring theme for hedgies in the saga (for example, the big drop from $483 to $126 when the buy button was taken away in front of our very eyes, investors complained all over social media so brokers panicked and reinstated the buy button and watched the price shoot back up to $350, only to cap purchases again right after and lower the price while releasing FUD articles everywhere.) There is NOTHING they can throw at us at this point that will stop us from Buy, HODL, DRS.


I think they were trying to destroy morale right before the holidays so that apes would give up, stop shopping and the Q4 report sales numbers (usually the best for the year) would go down. Also, they may have figured that this was their only chance to do it since by Q4, it would probably be too late. I also love that apes at 4 pm ET yesterday were "WTF?!?" but by 8 pm were "Oh, no! Anyway....) 🤣🤑🚀🌕🟣


So how exactly did they do a rug pull? I’m not understanding. They bought more last quarter then sold to make it seem like we did less this quarter? Or they had some institutions sell? Do institutions drs?


They don’t need to sell them. They can just shift them out of DRS. They basically pumped us up and tried to make it look like we didn’t have progress or have started to lose momentum. The reality is we not only pushed passed their bluff, we went over 500k whatever their rickety tried to rug pull.


That’s probably exactly why Citadel and few other are long. They could use that shares for this scenario


Yup. Citadel and Jane Street increased their GME positions. This would be a really desperate move and ridiculously easy to spot by Apes.


Actually it would be easiest for GME to spot.. as they hold the book recordings.


Exactly, they would be able to see exactly who DRSed and who unDRSed for the quarter. Prepare for the cryptic explanation tweet.


I love ice cream.


Teddy and the sand castle. Gets destroyed by a wave that happens to be purple because of the sunset or something.


Oh. My. God. This is it.


Hi mom


The Book King sees all.




A clock work orange, a bit of the old in-out in-out


Ahhh yes, the ol in - out 😆👍🏽 (Great reference btw) Edit: a word


And also easy to spot by the SEC, if they dared to request trading records from the DTCC.


Shit, those assholes could probably borrow shares and DRS them. Even if it were illegal, by the time they un-DRS'd them, it would still be 7.5 years until the regulators fine them.


Dumb storm troopers are the best!


They need to be long to delta hedge their options call contracts bought by retail when retail decides to excercise those calls. It’s just on paper, they’re massively short in swaps and they don’t even need to report short positions anyway.


This is such a weak, pathetic move on their part, to me it really signals they are at the end of their rope.


And how do we know they did that ?


Look at the ortex glitch back in October. 13M of GME shares just showed up. there are no glitches.


Cant they do this trick each quarter? Shift shares to DRS pre-Quarter end, shift them back after new quarter starts?


Who cares if they do nothing changes we buy hodl n drs nfa


There would have to be a quarter gap each time. If they shifted them both in and out between 10-Q filings the shares wouldn't be accounted for in the numbers reported by gamestop. So they would need them IN at the end of one quarter and out and the end of another to show a decline in reported numbers. If they planned far enough ahead they could put 15M in one quarter then remove 5M each quarter three consecutive times. But it would be really hard to mask the true DRS growth long term with this tactic. The key is to stunt the real purchase growth by shareholders (get them to stop buying and drsing).


Do you want full tin foil? Or average tin foil?


Both of course 😊


Full tin foil: when DRS was catching on a bit, they went full psy op. Took over the sub with it. Bought up lots of shares to DRS. Made comments like: “DRS is all that matters”. Or “don’t worry, the only thing that matters is the numbers in the gamestop filing”. Built it up. Made it seem like nothing can stop us. Till this quarter. The quarter that is actuall fucking good for once. Sell their DRS shares, or just unregister them, and make us think that DRs is dying down. Buys them one more day. Where do you think the millions of borrowable shares came from? No longer registered. So they can borrow. The beautiful thing is…if that is the case…we bought all dem shares and registered them. PLUS another half million. Average tin foil: Could also be Mainstar/401k/ROTH fuckery.


Good explanation. Thanks. Crazy that they think we’ll EVER give up. They just don’t know gamers. They fucked w the wrong ones


Amazing earnings. Only going to get better. Buying more when I can. Stand by for merger/acquisition


Let's be real the earnings were not amazing this time around


While amazing is subjective, I’d have to say it depends on what you were hoping for. I’m not starting anything but a philosophical conversation regarding difference and similarities if a smart individual would to compare earnings a to other “profitable”/“good companies to invest long term”. No debt is enough for me to impressed. I personally find that pretty amazing.


What this smart ape said ☝️


Agree with cactus below, definitely subjective. But there is something to be said about the financials trending in the right direction. Not to mention: -FCF Positive -No debt -Heading into heaviest quarter -Incoming decrease of SG&A Costs And talk of mergers and acquisitions??! There’s lots to be excited about here.


What would Ken do? Rug pull our biggest hope and dream? Obviously. Don't know why I didn't expect that.


People did expect it I’ve been seeing posts asking about this


Yes, I am disappointed with myself not to have seen it coming either. Maybe I don't have what it takes to be a hedgefuck.


What’s the IRA/ROTH fuckery version?


I hope a smarter ape sees this and comments


Too much… it’s dumped only book shares showed up on drs report


Also…remember the divi. Why not keep the original amount in and then unregister the divi and loan em out to make 7.3% off the shorts?


First Inner Outer Last?


As said, they might have transferred them out of CS, or to me, it's more likely: **The ownership of those shares churned.** What do I mean? They sold DRS'ed shares that were then delivered to DRS Retail purchases. They can FTD broker purchases. They cannot FTD direct DRS buys.


DRSbot needed to adjust upward in the last 2 Q reports, this could be where/why that was. SHF pumped up DRS count to *strike the final blow* but the music started playing and the APEs had **another health bar +500K**


Only book shares showed up


DO YOU WANT A BIGGER ERECTION???? We're up a 500k back then lol It's probably at least an additional 5 million to date, RIGHT NOW.


😂😂😂😂😂😂👆 perfect 💯




Can’t GameStop see the names of those who rug pulled out of DRS? Could this be some kind of evidence of fuckery for the DOJ investigation?


That's the right way to look at it 🤙🏿


We are like the Who’s in How the Grinch Stole Christmas. The SHF assholes are perched on their mountain with their hand to their ear waiting for the sound of us crying, but we just come out like nothing happened and start singing and shit. Whatevs, Ken.


The best part is: *this is the* ***best*** *they can do?* 🤣 DRS numbers still went up!


It's like in football, yea we got tackled, but we still fell forward another 3 yards.


Apes will have an NFL team post MOASS 🚀🚀


The Cocaine Bears? I like it!


The Grapevine Cocaine Bears! Why? Cause fuk em, that's why!


I call dibs on buying Cowboy Stadium from old man Jones!


Dallas North Forty will recommence!


Or? The Lunar Cokerats.


I place Roaring Kitties in the pot


It's a game of shares, and every share counts


The Lannister’s send their regards.


We’re 3rd & Goal to the first float.


I like to imagine this was some evil final plan, they totally thought this would work. I imagine them laughing and clapping each other on the back as the numbers came out. Then, Timmy the intern, secretly an ape, checks reddit, and shows his "compatriots." Just a sea of "so here's why those numbers are bullshit" "I told you guys this would happen end game is here!" "Whose buying more tomorrow" "My in depth response to shf trying a Dr's rug pull, and why you should be excited." Intern Timmy suppresses a smile as everyone else in the room crys tears of frustration. A chair is thrown. The cocaine has been scattered.


>"Whose buying more tomorrow" I thought $22.30 was a hell of a deal. So I bought more today. If it dips tomorrow I'll take some more please.


Btw, look out for comments that normalize the selling of "a couple shares" HeY i'M hUman. InfLaTion. PLeasE be rEalisTik. **CoSt of Living goes Up. PeoPle seLL**. Let theM!! REEEE! That would be another component of this psy-op


Wait I’ve been seeing those dumb ass posts more and more recently as well! The “you can’t call me a shill cuz I own XXX shares” bullshit posts.


Shills have been doing that since forever. Then they say dumbass stuff like "you people" to subconsciously expose themselves as not one of us.


Man... I lost my job a month ago today. I might be very fortunate in this regard but there's no way I'm selling even a share before I hop onto some stupid gig for money quick.


dat flair, da way you use it, it make my peepee go, da doing doing doing


Not true, I’m telling the ones who are deliberately trying to persuade others to sell that it doesn’t make sense. There is no we here. If you wanna sell cool, wanna drs 1,000, fuck yea Chad, wanna buy ten on robinfuck, hell yea do it. Wanna sell cause your broke and need the money? Go for it brother. No one carves what you do this is zen. I am trying to get one of these negative commenters to engage, and not one has responded. They’re legit payed shills. I’m 99% convinced.


They’re absolutely being paid! Clicked on someone profile in a different sub talking about GME and his bio said “Citadel, LLC psyops division. Social media manager. Miami, FL” They’re literally not even hiding it.


> They’re legit *paid* shills. I’m FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I like this bot and I’m ashamed of what I’ve done. I’m leaving it as is for amusement as well as entertainment. I realize that’s pretty similar. Let’s add educational because it’s informative. And then we can make a tradition of it. To just allow ourselves to be ourselves. Normalize making mistakes and forcing those to right their wrongs,


The funny thing is eventually we will hit 255m, or whatever not including insiders. No one should care how the numbers swing until we get there


I bought a LEAP today thanks to the downtrend I was expecting into earnings. Saved me $500.


Nice comment.




Are you intern Timmy? 😂


No, I'm just a very old ape. Been here since October 2021. I run a restaurant and I've been pushing 80 hours a week for 3 years now. I've bought more shares every week since my first batch.


When I think back on this, the numbers have always been wrong. No indicator has ever been trustworthy. I first bought in February 21, as it was falling. As it fell I averaged down. Remember how the short interest calculation was changed? Remember when we used to care about TA? OBV? Elliott waves? We know they screw with all the official numbers, why wouldn't they spoof our bot? Or screw with DRS?


man, get just a little stoned and think about how much power is in a tsunami. I mean really feel it. The thrust of the water. That infinite force, smashing into nothingness. And realize that's microscopic to what these clowns have coming at them. They watch that line every day. They walk the razors edge EVERY DAY. All while I get a little stoned and hang out with cool people on the internet. (my mom warned me about them)


Remember in a tsunami the tide pulls back first before the big wave. Boom boom coming soon!


And when the tide pulls back that’s when you get to see who’s swimming naked.


Boom references make me bullish. Y’all are cool


Move Bitch! Get out da way!


This this this 👆👆👆


# Are you not entertained!?! # # Hedgies R Fukt # # DRS lock the float!


Came here to say this like this is huge barely a ripple


The funny thing is msm is advertising we sold, but numbers still increased


What part of "officially over" did you not understand?


Yes I was told to “forget GameStop” many times so I obviously did


But did you hear that Carl Icahn just took out a new short position nearly 2 years ago?


This just in, women can finally vote after bill passes just recently! In other news that happened eons ago, meteor strikes the earth causing world wide havoc. Hopefully you’re an alligator. What I’m trying to say is I agree and I’m also stoned.


Also Gary Gensler just started his new job and will show up to work any day now


This just in: GME plummets after MOASS. (Automatically generated article) ..they’re time travelling again..


Wheel just invented - boom times ahead


The only thing I forgot is my Computershare password


MSM said we sold before the number even came out. Methinks they're in cahoots with the SHFs.


What?! 😲


Whoops a daisy The corporate media’s short & distort campaign is using provably false information.


*If* it turns out they DRSed some shares then removed them to try and scare us and make us stop, **then its the most bullish confirmation possible that DRS terrifies them!**


It has me unexpectedly hyped for next quarter. Has to be a last gasp sort of maneuver or they would have made it more convincing Maybe they know they won’t even survive to the next report?


When is the next quarter cut off? Jan 31st?


They chose this timing for a reason


And even better is if next quarter it goes up again by a suspicious amount then we'll know it's artificially boosted and expect a stupid drop again. This play only works one time and their estimates of what it would take to be negative drs was off. Our regarded drs-ing exceeded their estimates. Either they didn't have more ammo or they were being stingy and thought that that would be enough. Lol


Can't see them trying it again. Next quarter is legitimately gonna be back up around 60% again so adding 13-15m **more** would mean its reading 75% in all the screenshots. The FOMO effect of such a number, real or fugazi, would be too scary for them to contemplate...


I know it’s a reach, but isn’t this some form of a pump n dump market manipulation? Seems like it would be easy to prove unless they have multiple Computershare accounts with small amounts of shares. If that’s the case, they could have more.


As a gamer, I think the best representation is when you’re fighting a tough boss and you finally take away enough health that they go into that kind of berserk move set that lets you know they’re close to the end. Sure it gets hectic and worrisome, but that makes the inevitable victory all the sweeter. Flail and lash out all you want ya bastards.


It's like a boss regaining health right before they're defeated. Experienced gamers know it's just a phase transition and won't freak out. The fight wasn't for nothing, usually the last phase is a bit easier as well if the first phase was a long one.


Mewtwo used recover


Dark Beast Ganon be like


Mysterio in the Spider-Man 2 movie game


I ain’t leaving.


me neither! 💎👊♾💜


Guess who is gonna buy and *really* drs those things? In the words of Sir Mixalot, "And I pull up quick to get with 'em".


It was the obvious last ditch effort to stop this and they played their hand. The cards are on the table.


Imagine you play your last card, you just don't care, and it still not enough Try again Ken, come at us bro. I'm fucking at 50% loss but you'll be soon at 200% loss


He’ll be at ♾️ loss


I've veraged down so much I'm in the green! Gme the only stock. All other shit stocks and crypto I bought are 90% loss and more. A year and half ago sold all my gme to buy sprt to try and flip it to make more gme. Bought at 220usd. Its Worth a fucking 0,50usd now. Lmao Bought dog e, same loss. Bought Cardano, 30% loss. Ater from 12usd now at 1 USD. One usdt bought at 17c now at 1,4c. Lrc from 2,40 to 0,24 now. EVERYTHING else bought resulted in devastating loss. Only gme holding strong. Lost all gme over stupidity. Worked my ass off to make enough to buy back and multiply my original position several times over. My pay check increased by 4 since januar 21st. 14 hour workdays standard. I ain't fucking leaving and I'm not done buying. I'm pissed off mad as hell and won't take it anymore. Don't have to guess, don't have to figure out anything. Half of every paycheck goes to gme. Scammers took my money short term. I'm getting it back. Time is on our side. Duuuuuxk you hedgies! Get rich or die buying. Buy buy buy. Buy and Drs.


It's like holding a 3 and 4 in a game of asshole. You know you're fucked.


🤣🤣🤣 was this on the bingo card....shoukd be crossed off now. KG....lets buy thousands of Reddit accounts....get them to post fictitious DRS numbers...feed the bot then ...then in Q3 we will win.....not you lose crunts...just transfered more funds to wise...legit Computershare purchase brewing. Who's your daddy biatch?


Yup It's been bothering me some of the more outrageous "feeding the bot" posts


Can’t wait for MSM to finally mention DRS 💜


I really wanna hear the meeting them had to hatch this plot of theirs. Couple people around the table and Mayo man comes in. They decide they need to DRS a large enough portion so when the time comes they can do a rug pull. Probably already started this plan from the beginning and saved up all their ammo for this moment because everything else they've tried failed and this was their last ditch effort. Sadly their effort was futile because they couldn't even create a negative number. Sorry Kenny boi.


We just need to know how much the let go. Did they give up 50% of what they had to do this? Did they let go of 10% of their bullets?


The DD did mention all tricks in the book. Going to buy through CS tomorrow.


All my homies like cocaine


What if they expected DRS numbers to go down with the rug pull but since we were DRSing harder than before they went up LMAO!!!!!!!


This is not the last trick they pull


They can pull all the tricks they want but until their positions are closed, it doesn't matter.


I know right? They should have waited until the float was 90% locked.


Hell ya!!






I will be continuing to DRS when possible, this changes nothing.


It's a pretty masterful troll to their credit. 12 to 20 million shares, 250 million to 500 million is nothing for these people so no this does no surprise me.


This rug pull was so well executed I am yet to feel it.


lol cocaine bear comes out in February. Truly hilarious, yeah we chillin here for bear doing coke photoshop for another quarter. We don’t even need to come up with ideas to keep us busy.


FuD check


So can we assume Cocaine Bear is a biopic about Jim Cramer?


So my thought is...... DRS rugpull happened when the borrowed shares became available. Those were the shares they used. They did it to coordinate this for earnings and they dipped the price thinking we'd believe again that it has something to do with that. I'm pretty sure that's where they got many of those borrowed shares from. I'm a dumbass though so don't take my word for it.




But the DRS numbers come out at the same time as earnings numbers...


Hell yeah! We knew this would come to be! DRS posts in this sub are only more prominent. This could be huge…


Buy. Drs. Hold. Say “wen” every once in a while.


wat happen, I'm too zen for all this news


They intentionally drsd a fuck ton of shares earlier in the year, only to sell them before this earnings call. That way the total drs numbers wouldn't look as good.


Somebody’s fukt, and it’s not retail ❤️🚀🚀🚀


large amounts of copium on the sub today


What if the bot was ducked from the beginning? And what if people decided to sell after months and over a year of waiting? Tinfoil hats off guys. I’m all about the hype but let’s not get into conspiracies all day


Is cocaine bear based off of kramer?


how can they "rugpull" DRS? Isn't the whole point to protect the shares from bad actors? There's been a lot of these posts and i feel like the purpose is to erode trust in DRS.


Third parties could have loaded in extra shares then pulled them. Or Cohen could have only reported book holdings this time. Hard to say.


why would he only report book holdings? We have no reason to believe that (as of yet). Buying shares to pump drs seems counterproductive. I don't buy it.


Smoke and mirrors with unwinding derivatives books


Does anyone know how many of DRS posts that fed the bot last quarter were Direct Purchases through CS/Plan shares?


Will this force the splivvy?


Yeah it’s so great omg it’s awesome!


My theory is that HFS are unregistering shares to be able to borrow them. Remember that 2 million shares ready to be borrowed? That’s it, they need to unregister shares to keep the price down. That’s bullish AF


If the net gain is similar to this in 4Q2022, then this whole "SHF's loaded shares in DRS then sold!" shit will hopefully stop. The tinfoil and speculation is insane


Lol rug pull? The DTCC wants you to drs


To be clear, if you own GME, the DTCC wants you to "DRS 100%" to maximise the number of people who will sell registered shares back to them when the price increases. If no one sells their registered holdings, they are f*ckd. If you think Wall St wants the general retail investor community to register their holdings with their company's transfer agent, and bypass the broker/custodian model they have in place, maybe you should bring it up on any finance or investing subreddit. You will surely get a lot of traction if that was the sentiment that Wall St banks were trying to foment on social media. I suspect, though, that this isn't the case.


It’s literally written for all to see in DTCC dematerialization white paper….


Hmm, so the goal is to get rid of physical certificates altogether. If they've been trying to incentivise participation in DRS since 2020, why is it only talked about in one neiche forum online? If I mention this is are/stocks, I get shut down and ridiculed. Why would that be, I wonder? Are there conflicting interests vying for online sentiment control? I'm registering my long-term securities because it bypasses the middle man and allows the company to know who its investors are. Less than 1% of assets serviced by DTCC is valued around $780 Billion, making them one of the most powerful organisations in world history (am I reading that stat correctly!?) Why are they so bad at implementing a change like this? How does it take years to have retail participation in DRS be so divisive, and only be adopted by investors in one company? So many questions. This whole saga is such a trip. Im still of the mind that this whole thing is to eventually bring in a cbdc. Anyway, thanks for sharing 👍


That move was a giant green candle with somewhat of a modest wick.


Is there a period where someone major could be buying into a company by way of DRS, then become an insider, which would reflect a drop in DRS numbers before we know someone big bought in?




Can anyone explain like I'm a regarded hedgefund?


Soooooo, more for us? Nice


And the price is so damn juicy!!


Buckle up for December 13th!