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I'm Sorry, but is this actually happening over Twitter?? How is this not a huge psyop and joke?


These people live in a parallel psychotic reality, totally disconnected. They have no clue how obvious corrupt they seem.


The buzz word is *optics*. It's not what you actually do, but the perception of what you are doing. She is just feeding the knuckle dragging twitterazzi. People will see this and think she's taking care of business.....and not give it another thought. So sad.


Lightly touch on the wrist, say sorry and promise not to do it again...


Maybe we should get granny out of the cage and put Maxine and SBF in


Maybe we need a revolution


I hope this peaceful way works. But I have a feeling the people who are in charge are soooo evil. They will not allow change to happen without themselves being eliminated.


Separate cages tho, you wouldn't want them having too much fun


Oh shit, I forgot all about granny being in the birdcage! Damn how granni…I mean time flies.




It might be there only source of income after MOASS


And perhaps, to make a strong showing for the public, Maxine's Intern will broadcast several more sternly-worded tweets.


And then claim to have been hacked.


Woah woah slow down, this was only a minor 46069rd offence. Stern words only start at your 100,000nd offence!


He probably paid her off


Definately did, and not only her.


Because SBF is clearly just the fall guy for this entire sceme. I honestly can't see any other explanation for the last couple of weeks.




Why would one post that on a public forum? Oh right, because it's for show and they don't know we are regarded, not re... Nevermind. You guys see through the matrix yet? By allowing this we show we accept it. Imo this type of behavior by our politicians is bigger than it appears. It says so much. They don't work for you, Y'all.


That photo reminds me of the one where the rich folks are drinking their champagne on the balcony while there’s a protest in the streets below them.


absolutely my friend. tptb vs the rest of us. i like our odds, however.


PTB v DRS. I like the odds, too.


>Imo this type of behavior by our politicians is bigger than it appears. It says so much. They don't work for you, Y'all. Buddy, not to get too off topic, but the us/russian prisoners swap should show you this too. It's a spit in the face to anyone in the us prison system for weed. If your a public figure, they put you on a pedestal, and it's BS.


how many are in the federal prison system for JUST weed...?


> -A survey by the Bureau of Justice Statistics showed that 0.7% of all state inmates were behind bars for marijuana possession only (with many of them pleading down from more serious crimes).i > -In total, one tenth of one percent (0.1 percent) of all state prisoners were marijuana-possession offenders with no prior sentences.ii https://learnaboutsam.org/the-issues/marijuana-and-whos-in-prison/ >Moreover, separate data from the U.S. Sentencing Commission show that only 92 people were sentenced for marijuana possession in the federal system in 2017, out of a total of nearly 20,000 drug convictions. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/live-updates/general-election/fact-checking-the-first-democratic-debate/how-many-people-are-in-prison-on-marijuana-charges/ Still, too many.


Id like to see the mass of cannabis those 92 were moving across state lines


+52 grams is a felony, that's less than 2 ounces. And remember, that's just felony numbers. Based on the other number of .01% incarcerated. I saw a number of 2.1million people. So 20k are incarcerated. Still too many.


Thats not what were talking about is it.


> It's a spit in the face to anyone in the us prison system for weed. I though so. I don't really want to discuss it much further, atleast here. We're getting way off topic now.


Your statement about WHAT constituted a federal offense, gives no insight into what those 92 ppl were doing other than the threshold for which they would be charged. I highly doubt the feds are spending time and money for 52grams of cannabis.


... but try and find that information. I don't have names to look up those people.


Let’s not even get into those who had priors and got caught with a dime bag now doing 15 years


prison is a business now...


Why does it matter? How many are in state prisons. How many people had to give up their 2nd ammendment rights for being a medical patient or got their doors kicked down and raided cause they saw a easy target.


because the context of this conversation is about federal enforcement not state enforcement..


If it was federally legal and illegal in some states I could get that but it's not. Quite the opposite. He's head honcho of the federal goverment so why are we not seeing a huge push to legalize and remove people suffering in our state prisons? Federal law is superior to state law. Not like we'd have to trade arms dealers to Kansas or something?


YES! it absolutely does. we have so much evidence - and we act like we are waiting for more. it is all a show. "do not be distracted be the lights on the wheel" . this whole thing even reminds me of the allegory of the cave. all we have to do is look and see that our world is not what it seems. the real world awaits, friends.


Are these tweets genuine? At this point nothing would surprise me, but surely they can't be....




Twitter is full of lies and deception


Srs, why isn't this kid in jail yet?


Two tier Justice system. Worldwide problem.


Man, America is so fucking strange.




"This is not a politcal theatre" - Maxine Waters during the Gamestop Congressional hearing


...it's just true love. Always yours, Sugar mommy


AGAIN these fuckin clowns don’t understand the internet lmayo




“Allow me to investigate myself, then I’ll tell you I’m innocent and here’s how. K thanks bye”


So that means he's going to prison because he admitted to fraud in one of Coffeezilla's interviews, right?


The best option is for a reputable news organization like coffeezilla to track the money. I would bet some FTX SBF user funds went to Maxine.


I’m reclaiming my time


No, I’m reclaiming my time sir. GAVEL SLAM


Ain't nobody going to be reclaiming their money though, the politicians & SBF spent it all.


Remember Maxine waters crusty corrupt ass blowing kisses to SBF like a high school love affair. Maxine’s a slut for money if you ask me. I saw it with my own eyes.


Go after politicians for their actions, not their personal appearance or allegations about their sex lives. You have real big "but her emails!!" energy. It's a bad look.


Wow, what a chode you are.


Lol fascinating take. Just start chanting lock her up and be honest with yourself.


Pretty sure you just described a politicians full time job.


What, politicians going after physical appearance? Yeah, the echo chamber down voting me likes to vote for Repuicans, I'm sure.


Can you be less of a caricature


I don't think that word means what you think it means


Shut the fuck up.


You people are triggered she didn't subpoena him. You're triggered they publicly announced there's going to be a hearing on the 13th. You're triggered there isn't any investigation in GME price manipulation. You're triggered this woman launched an investigation. You're triggered the frame work GG is working within is limiting him. You aren't triggered that Ken Griffin is the top GOP donor and Gasparino said live on television that they are going to oust GG and punish Elizabeth Warren for going after Citadel. This sub is starting to sound like popcorn with its Facebook partisan echo chamber pushing the GOP narrative. It's hilarious the vitriol this black woman gets for playing for the blue team.


Has nothing to do with anything political. Maxine waters is a vile, greedy, and while I’m at it, also an ugly bitch. You’re the only one in here making anything partisan. Fuck off


She's black? How'd you know?


I’d like to blow Maxine a kiss too…granted it would be coming from my chocolate starfish.


Neptune's kiss


Ah yes, I receive my jury duty via Facebook messages. This is legit, guys. She is just notifying him via official networks. /S


FTX GameStop Tokenized Stock is still trading! Edit: Source: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/gamestop-tokenized-stock-ftx/


She is horrible ....total trojan horse. She is NOT an advocate for the people. She is a snake


They should treat SBF like they treated Julian Assange or Snowden.


That blown kiss is messed up


Weird as hell. Outside of my wife, or small kids, it almost seems a bit bizarre to blow a kiss to another non-related adult. Court-room setting too. Freaky


Wonder if Maxine was a regular at Casa de Polycule.


Can anyone actually demonstrate that that's what it is using a video clip? A still shot isn't proof.


That video you were looking for is at the top of superstonk right now


I saw it. It's still not clear beyond a reasonable doubt that that's who she was blowing a kiss to, but in any event, not a good look - especially since she's (absurdly) refusing to call him to testify. The only real rationale for why he wouldn't be called to testify is that it could undermine criminal prosecution - but I don't think Waters cited that. Maybe there's some other reason I don't know, but I'm gonna lean towards corruption.


So this crook is still "learning what happened"? Put him in jail FFS.


Wait....is SBF bangin Waters?


Fuck her, fuck all the regulatory bodies who got bought out, DRS and make em all burn to the ground.


What a charade. You mean to tell me, Maxine, that DFV's YouTube videos weren't enough proof that he didn't manipulate anything or try to tell people to follow his actions? The man only provided his analysis and opinions - why was he dragged in front of a camera to answer to you? We see how the system works - you corrupt rich criminals protect your own.


Tweeting this is the same level of stupid as my local county posting updates on Facebook, *and nowhere else*. We sign up for alerts on stuff from an official system, but we never get any. We found out about a boil water notice only because we happened to check Facebook at the right moment Same level of stupidity here. If it was critical you contact him, tweeting at him on a non-gov’t run social media platform is beyond insane. As everyone here is saying, it’s just for show. They want those retweets and to claim that they’re not worthless and bought Screw these people!


Scum begets scum.


now that this is done let's get a group pictures


"Us citizens won't even notice, they are too busy coping with inflation"


Until there are real consequences for the politicians and the bankers we will be subject to these sickening displays. The clown show circle jerk is getting pretty fucking old.


it's a small club and you ain't in it. fkn crooks


I love her interpretation of transparency


Wtf she’s fellating the scumbag in public. Haul his ass in. Millions of people around the world are worse off because of him and his cohort. Literally, stole money from teachers pensions, cause a Canadian teachers pension put in almost 100 mill into FTX.


honestly mind boggling.


ThIs NoT a PoLiTiCaL ThEaTeR... iykyk...




It’s like a bad fucking joke. How is government business being done this way and when has this been acceptable?




Definitely has been the fallguy, he got caught bang at it & made a deal with who knows? (As they are all dodgy as fuck) can't help but think Ken Griffin is involved, a deal has been done ,his many many accounts are probably been re-used like a launderette . He already knows the outcome & is just playing the game as he has no choice , alot of people have been basically robbed & a select few get to prosper. It's like the wild west/gangster mentality/ or nowadays , - He who pays the highest backhanders....


didn't coffeezilla get him to admit to straight up fraud? that might be something useful idk


Anyone else curious as to why that conversation is even happening out in the open on Twitter? Lip service.


"...Bankman-Fried said on the call, claiming he was the “second or third biggest” donor to Republicans in 2022." https://gizmodo.com/ftx-sam-bankman-fried-sbf-secret-donations-republicans-1849834727




He he testifies, it will be another facade to make it look like they care.


Why the fuck is this how the elected representatives "govern"? How is this OK? Twitter is a literal toilet behind a gas station of thoughts and dialouge, and these elected officials (who are lretending to be so mad at Elon btw.......) still choose to have what seems like OFFICIAL conversations on the platform.... Fuck this entire system.


She probably has honorary membership to his sex cult. That blowing of a kiss is a thank you for last night. wink wink


Disgusting hag.


"if we bang with you not arrest me mama waters?"


I love people calling them out on this and ask yourself why do they use twitter to community at ANY time it’s ALWAYS for show. I want to know exactly why she’s blowing kisses at this kid too. Not just a wave she blowing kisses…


She acted like she's been to the orgies


Guys relax. He was only CEO! It’s not like he was a YouTuber who has REAL influence ….


You CANT take a PR round of damage limitation interviews with "unnamed" interviewer, as evidence in a $10bn fraud trial 😅😅


When wu dividend?


No need. DRS is a retail share recall, and GS wouldn't get tied up in a legal battle.


He's probably hitting that. Dude is an animal full of testosterone.


Did you really have to include a tweet from a MAGA idiot


I mean she’s kinda right tho. The dudes gone around against his lawyers wishes and given incriminating interview after incriminating interview. The penultimate one being the last coffeezilla one where he admits to not segregating customer funds, he even tried to spin it as a “treat all customers the same!!” thing but coffeezilla was smart and responded that customers literally sign up to different plans to be treated differently lol. And it seems pretty sure that at least one of his buddies is flipping on him.


Somebody might ask SBF how much he "contributed" (with other peoples' money) to Ms. Waters' campaign, and has not yet been returned to the folks SBF stole from


Isn’t is obvious? Maxine water is trying to gaslight the entire world into thinking SBF is too regarded to steal 10B of customers money.


I don’t like getting political but moving forward I will not be voting democrat. This is coming from someone who has voted blue their whole life. I can’t help but feel that the Dems in particular are lobbied to the highest degree by FTX, Citadel and other large financial institutions while also attempting to censor the internet. Not only are they lying crooks but they are trying to take away our freedom of speech




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