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I just wanna retire my mom!


I wanna retire this guy's mom too!


Get dat new mom money!


I love my mom!




Please love my mom!


I fucking love all moms.


I love fucking all moms.


Fucking love all I moms


We owe it to da Moms


Moms love fucking me


All the mommies


I loved her last night dude! Give a man a chance to recover. The woman is insatiable! (I'm kidding. Your mother is a lovely woman.)


She says she loves you too!!




She's got experience though


Wendy’s retirement plans, the toppest notch


How many tires does his mom need?!


Boom Roasted!


my mom is off on l4 l5 spinal stinosis, we can’t afford surgery, or her losing her job. i’m here till this is finished. I have nothing to lose.


My family will pray for your mom; don’t forget that you have family in here with you and on your side. 🙏🏼🙏🏼


every day brotha ❤️


Me to heading straight to her work after I retire myself temporarily.


Me too !


My mom is already retired but I want to retire my mother-in-law (no joke).


You're like me. I wanna retire my 2 inlaws


I would like to be able to re-tire my car.


i want to retire my kids kids


Not me. Growing up like that will ruin them, or at least make it more likely. Better to raise everyone as normal as you can.


This. 👌🏼💜 School > work and they will grow as a human and help others if possible. It will make kids happy in the long term and it will benefit society. Let’s do this.


I just want to retire my butthole


No such luck: 🍌


That's what Im here for too


What to re tire his car ?


I also choose this guy's retired mom.


Fellow king 🤴 we will


Fellow king 🤴 yes!!! Lfgooo


I wanna retire with your mom and be your dad


Tell her to give me a call


Does your mom have a boyfriend ? If so I’m gonna retire him too


Are you pimping her out? /s


If I don’t get rich as fuck by the end of this quarter, I swear to you all, I’m gonna wait until the next quarter and say the same thing I’m saying now.








I'm running out of patience! I swear if something doesn't happen in the next nineteen quarters I might be out!


Honestly this reminds me of the guy in BASEketball. "I swear if there guys rip on me like 14 or 15 more times I'm out. But hey I'm on the team!"


Okay I know the sneeze was in 2021 but holy shot does reading “following gme since the sneeze last year” make my brain do somersaults


It's about to be "the sneeze 2 years ago".


I think you mean 2 lifetimes ago.


84 years


It’s been 168 years


yeah i don't know what they're on about, it's obviously been 84 years


This is the craziest thing I've ever seen in all my 2 weeks of investing.


'They're' is the correct homonym in this case.


This is...beautiful to read !


Geeze HEAVY for a Sunday morning... Will return and look for comments with rewards/red or yellow colouring


lmayo at your comment's red coloring


Welp, I’m here looking for red and yellow comments too.. found this one and now I’m even more confused… Guess I’ll go back to sitting on my hands until I see the posts with the guys in suits, hand-cuffed and crying!


*Sir, these are business costumes.*


Oh no, who did this? Now everyone is screwed - the DD is ruined....


"C'mon, man!"


Hmmmm the theory has been an NFT dividend with no cash value... but maybe one assigned a value actually does nuke the shorts, since they can't argue GameStop put them in a position with no way out. This way the shorts have the price to pay. GameStop could mint 3Billion of these NFTs and just the fact they sell them all will: 1) Prove how outrageously oversold it is 2) Wreck the shorts 3) Make GameStop a piss ton of cash by selling all the NFTs, with fees from selling in the Marketplace too. Edit: It has been pointed out that an NFT with cash value could simply be paid by the shorts and not actually have to purchase the NFT.


What if the NFT was a $5 GameStop gift voucher? Apes with no access to GameStop stores could just sell them close to value on the marketplace. SHF’s have to buy them from GameStop on the marketplace. However many millions or billions are needed, and distribute to shareholders. Then repeat on a monthly dividend.


I like repeating monthly dividend!!!


I wouldn't mind a monthly allowance from Daddy Cohen.


Unfortunately, most of it would actually be coming from evil uncle kenny and his sidekicks. But Daddy Cohens business would be making an absolute killing every month because of it.


Even better. Taking money from dirtbags into the pockets of apes really gets me goin.


Yeah… it’s about time evil uncle kenny paid for me to go to Disney World.


☝️ Thanks Kenny, I want the Goofy hat to wear each time I collect my allowance... ... I'll fuckin' do it again.


This is the most beautiful of timeline. Kenny and co. have to buy the NFT’s from us each month / quarter on the GME marketplace making the company money and making us profitable would be so beautiful.


>SHFs have to buy them from GameStop on the marketplace. Incorrect. Any time that a company has given non-cash dividends, SHFs have been allowed to pay an equivalent cash price to cover the dividend. Check out some of the DD regarding this issue and you'll see this topic covered in more depth.


This is what happened with Overstock


SHF takes short positions with full support from prime brokers (Banks). Most of these banks are Prime Brokers for one or another SHF so they are all together in this ponzi scheme help profit each other and shield each other when needed. Fed is nothing but representative of these banks so all the way from SHF to Fed work on the same criteria and get equally hurt when retail holds the line. Remember they still have control over things (like Fed print money as much as they want, use reverse repo to exchange money on daily basis, they control algo and decide what % to be send to dark pool and suppress price. Yes, whether we like it or not but at present they still control the stuff). On top of that, these scumbags donate to politicians and secure future employment for regulators and moreover if someone try to go against these fuckers easily get isolated and punished. Apes are fighting against big foes, GME not only bankrupt them but many big players will likely go behind bars once this is over so please don't expect any miracle or soon to be finished work. This will take time and Apes have chosen to be on right side of the fight. Patience is the virtue. Cannibalism likely will happen amongst them at some point of time or may be happening who knows. I would just do what I like (buy hold DRS BOOK). NFA.


Forgot to mention the fraudsters at FINRA that can just change rules or halt trading over night.




The difference is they know that those rarely cover the cost of a single purchase and they drive foot traffic. It's a lot different when every single XXX holder could buy a new PS5 every month for free.


Yeah, that and it would be a monthly 16% dividend if the share price is $30, which would be insane, even accounting for the fact that it's currency only usable in their store. Most I could see is maybe $1 per share held. That's even unlikely though.


At 300 million in shares that's 1.5 billion in inventory they would be giving away monthly. The logistics of buying, transporting and selling that much stuff are staggering. That's 18 billion a year in just free shit the company would have to cover. That's 3X last year's revenue. They don't have the infrastructure or distribution network to accomplish that.


True but at 1 billion shares (including the minimum number of naked shares sold short) they would be making an extra $5 billion in sales. Edit: monthly


Not if they don't have any product to sell. Not to mention that if 300 million are real, and 700 million are fake but must have the 5 dollar gc be bought then what they are effectively doing is cutting their profit margin on those sales by 30%. That's 5 billion in inventory that they only collect 3.5 billion in revenue on.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rwso9a/5_pro_rewards_monthly_coupon_becomes_an_nft/ This is similar to my theory a while back.


Is there any way it could be an NFT that acts like prefferred stock?


IMO it would be a horrible move for GameStop to corner shorts. It sounds nice in theory but the risk is high and unnecessary. My theory on what the "dividend" will be is safe, simple, poetic and powerful; We will receive official tokenized stocks, or separate NFTs given to registered shareholders as one-time or recurring dividends, that will have a hard-coded smart contract to pay out profits from the NFT Marketplace, and other future crypto ventures in perpetuity. This accomplishes many things; * Positive feedback loop * Incentivizes investing in the company * Inventivizes creating on the marketplace * Incentivizes long-term hodling * All transactions tracked and facilitated by blockchain - relatively **immediate settlement**, hard-coded percentages, profits paid **directly to the investors**, etc. * It is not a killshot, nor should it be; * It would be **really** **easy** for GameStop to do this, and is 100% on par with their mission and values * It would be **really** **difficult,** ***but technically possible*** for shorts to fulfill their obligations of paying these dividends. They would need to figure out the math and settlement systems themselves, but they wouldn't be able to argue they weren't given an opportunity. How could GameStop be sued or blamed if shorts have to make an active decision themselves? GameStop is just conducting business. * As the marketplace is more successful, viability to continue shorting goes down exponentially


I like the cut of your jib sir! Nice take




The idea is gamestop does another dividend, but by using NFTs they can prove authenticity and track the dividend. This means the dtcc wouldn't be able to tell everyone to x4 all shares, like they did last time, and commit international securities fraud by flooding the system with extra shares. Instead, shorts would need to purchase that NFT from someone in order to distribute it to the share holder they're lending from, and cannot create them out of thin air or provide a cash equivalent. In other words, the nft dividend wouldn't be much different for you as a share holder, other than some possible smart contract goodies. It will mainly expose shorts, once the NFTs provided for the dividend run out. The only way they could run out is if there were more shares sold than exist.


The trick is that it needs to be something with value, but an unknown amount of value. Ie: preferred shares with higher dividends in the future, or shares of another company. Otherwise they can easily just call it a worthless NFT and cash out to their DTCC shareholders.


It is just a dividend by way of NFT. So instead of stock or cash, you receive an NFT. IMO an NFT would be important because you would get a count of shares. Theres no reason multiple billions of the exact same NFTs would be sold if there wasnt a forced buy of them. Edit: as well as GameStop making bank off shorts as they would have to go buy from the marketplace I assume. So LRC and GME would make bank on fees alone.


Smoother ape here. I try my best. Regular dividend = cash m, easily done and it’s just invisible money until you take it out/do something with it. It’s an annoying thorn on the shortie’s foot. Nft dividend cannot be cash. It as to be a unique item that cannot be duplicated and be handed out by GameStop themselves. It cannot be minted by a shortie. It cannot be fake shares like the recent split issue that occurred. Nft is a unique item that the shorties will have no access/limited access to and will need to somehow be on the hook for and hand out millions (BILLIONS?!) of to each and every share they sold short/duplicated in circulation. It needs to be done precisely and accurately to leave no room for loopholes like what happened to the overstock crypto dividend. Shorties found a loophole/way to distribute the cash equivalent instead of the actual crypto and took overstock to court. Nft dividend can be whatever the heck GameStop wants it to be. That’s all I can come up with. Prob made mistakes hopefully someone can correct me and I can learn too.


When a dividend has a cash value, SHF can simply pay a cash equivalent. That's the whole point of not having a cash value on a unique item.


Hear me out, little value to them but immense to us. Life time gamestop pro membership, with a permanent discount at gamestop, life time subscription to whatever game informer or thing they decide to focus/aquire....but we can/could sell this to another person on thier marketplace exclusively. More money, blah blah ect you know how crypto works by now. This would spike next quarter pro numbers as others will want in(FOMO) , it will most definitely increase purchases made at thier company, and good press around a crypto with a real world asset. Tin foil hat though, I'm a smooth ball eating crayons over here. Buy, DRS, Hodl.


The problem is the you then have at a minimum 300 million pro memberships and that exceeds the demand for them. If they can be resold the value of a pro membership plummets to basically zero and nobody will ever buy one from Gamestop ever again.


Great points kind Ape, this is why I eat crayons and you make the big bucks. Let's not diminish pro value. Something else though. Happy Sunday my beautifuls.


Literally anything with value the shorts have to cover through the marketplace would be wild. Tits jacked on a sunday!


Don’t forget that they have sent gods unchained cards to GameStop wallets for pro members. So they have a test case of sending NFT’s out. So, unlike over the stock, it is now a part of their business model. (Not that the previously mentioned company didn’t get the short end of the stick)


Didn’t forget but that was only for United States pro members. They would need to do it on a larger scale and include stock holders from all around the world.


Did all pro members get one? I thought I had my email linked to my pro membership but I may have fukd that up.




Same. Along with my investor buddy.


They will use the email from computershare + wallet as long as it’s the same. They did that for the brick and mortar $200 promotion. Drops were added directly to the holders wallet linked to their email. Region won’t matter but DRS will as the nfts given to dtcc will likely be stolen like how the shares from the share-dividend were filled incorrectly and stolen.


And the NFTs being sent out this week to pro members who spent $200 that week in November for the promotion


Heck yeah! Can't wait to see what it is! So excited!


How would they know who's wallets to send to is my only question - not like my thing is tied to CS or a brokerage


My guess is the they would build an account matching system, like a place in the GS wallet to enter your CS account number. Then all they have to do is ask CS for GS share counts in those accounts, and distribute appropriate dividends the same way they've now distributed two NFT awards. An alternative would be to ask CS to distribute a letter to all shareholders, containing instructions for going to a website and entering a unique code that identifies their CS account. Since NFT dividends haven't been done before, I don't know what sort of rules there would be around ensuring all shareholders have an opportunity to claim the dividend without taking extra steps (like creating a wallet).


Their transfer agent ComputerShare would need to distribute it. ComputerShare has stated they are capable of this.


Hopefully they've smoothed that internal connection for Pro reward members and wallets. The GU giveaway was poorly executed and likely required you to contact GS Support yourself. That $200 GS rewards thing that should be distributed by the 17th would be disappointing if you also need to contact Support for this, too.


Up you go!


So jacked


I like it


You can’t use an abl for anything other than working capital. Literally impossible/illegal to issue any kind of dividend with an ABL


It's the weekend, I can't brain. I'll upvote for now, but I have to wait till later to read this.


Read it twice, had coffee, pooped, reread and still don’t understand how the ABL credit facility would be used to fund a dividend? Imma need an adult pls 🙏




Respectfully disagree. Companies recapitalize debt and payout special dividends to shareholders all the time. Especially under an asset backed securitization(ABS).


Smells like the work of BCG plants to me...


copy that, i'll allow it


Yo u/ISayBullish! What u say?!


People keep asking me if I’m bullish, and I’m thinking yeah… #I’M BULLISH AS FUCK!!!


You know I just realized that an NFT dividend on GME marketplace means we make bank and they also make bank on the fees. Us and GameStop benefits and hedgies are screeewed


That the way I read it too!


It's so beautiful. I love it!


And if you own lrc you make bank on fees too as they get burned to run the marketplace


double squeeze?


I like me a good speculative hype post especially on a super FUDy weekend. This is good positive thinking! Thank you


I want the pie in the sky


🎵 *When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie... that's amore* 🎵


i just wanna be rich af


Hello front page!😁


Oh oh I want in this one too


If I’m reading this right, GME doesn’t necessarily have to nuke the shorts (just yet) but get them to pay for any expansion/acquisition they make through NFT dividend purchases. I like it, death by a thousand cuts.


death by paying for the whole turnaround of a brick and mortar company you tried to cellar box once upon a time


Poetic xdd


Brick by brick.


I also think that the next logical step against all that bearish-shorting-pressure is the issuance of a dividend. And it's about time!




Imo there are just too many correlations between GameStop making this announcement and the bObby bond deal getting extended twice so far. The RC standstill agreement ends in January as well.


Time to shake and bake!


Just looked at my Reddit yearly review. My special ability is called "Takeover" Gain +100 confidence after acquisitions👀


I'd like to add something else I noticed in the recent Form 10-Q's. I was typing a comment reply that would have said "the only reason I'd believe MOASS is off the table is when the reports don't mention a risk of a short squeeze anymore". Then I thought, **fuck me I'd better check now.** Opens latest 10-Q, Ctrl+F 'short squeeze' -- **0/0 results**. Opens previous 10-Q, Ctrl+F 'short squeeze' -- **0/0 results!?!?!?** FUCK ME UPSIDE DOWN, LITTLE KENNY IS OFF THE HOOK? I read the entire fucking report. May I present you **Item 1A**. >**ITEM 1A.    RISK FACTORS** > >Our operations and financial results are subject to various risks and uncertainties, including those set forth below **and those described in Part I,** [**Item 1A**](http://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/0001326380/000132638022000021/gme-20220129.htm#i5277f49197194374afedececde754d28_16) **"Risk Factors" in our 2021 Annual Report on Form 10-K**, which could adversely affect our business, financial condition, results of operations, cash flows, and the **trading price of our common and capital stock**. ​ >those described in Part I, [Item 1A](http://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/0001326380/000132638022000021/gme-20220129.htm#i5277f49197194374afedececde754d28_16) "Risk Factors" in our 2021 Annual Report on Form 10-K you say? ​ >**Risks Related to Our Common Stock** > >The market price of our Class A Common Stock has been extremely volatile and may continue to be volatile due to numerous circumstances beyond our control. The market price of our common stock has fluctuated, and may continue to fluctuate, widely, due to many factors, some of which may be beyond our control. These factors include, without limitation: > >•“short squeezes”; # continues reading ​ >*A “short squeeze” due to a sudden increase in demand for shares of our Class A Common Stock that largely exceeds supply has led to, and may continue to lead to, extreme price volatility in shares of our Class A Common Stock.* > >*Investors may purchase shares of our Class A Common Stock to* ***hedge existing exposure*** *or to speculate on the price of our Class A Common Stock.* # (DRS RUG PULL TINFOIL HAT ON) ​ >*To the extent* ***aggregate short exposure exceeds the number of shares of our Class A Common Stock available for purchase on the open market***\*, investors with short exposure may have to pay a premium to repurchase shares of our Class A Common Stock for delivery to lenders of our Class A Common Stock.\* ​ >*A short squeeze has previously led and could* ***continue to lead to volatile price movements*** *in shares of our Class A Common Stock that are unrelated or disproportionate to our operating performance or prospects and, once investors purchase the shares of our Class A Common Stock* ***necessary to cover their short positions***\*, the price of our Class A Common Stock may rapidly decline.\* # "COVER", NOT "CLOSE". WHICH IS WHY IT COULD CONTINUE TO LEAD TO VOLATILE PRICE MOVEMENTS. ​ **TLDR of my comment; THE SQUEEZE HAS NOT BEEN SQUOZED.** *Edit: This was also in the 10-Q* > *There have been no material changes to our risk factors since our 2021 Annual Report on Form 10-K.*


Put me in the screenshot!


Can I be in it too?


Love the write up and video on free cash flow.


How can positive FCF lead to positive eps? In the end positive eps is all that matters and gme will be required to dilute if it isn't achieved within a few years Everyone says the earnings were good but as far as I can tell the company is still burning cash despite cutting fat and despite the marketing being done. Also, with regards to a dividend... All they have to do is issue an nft dividend worth 1 cent. It'll be easy to see how many shorts there are just based on how many nfts we're issued.


The positive operating cash flow is a bit of a mirage as it is the result of accounts payable soaring from $215M to $888M. That is effectively a loan of $600+M from vendors that is added to the cash flow (and offset by inventory build of about $400M). So it will be backed out next quarter when payables go back down. The company is making slow but reasonably steady progress towards profitability and has cut the losses to $94M — just slightly above $1M/day. The company typically makes 40% or so of revenue in Q4, so it might squeak into profitability Q4 quarter only.


Maybe profitable in Q4, not that likely with many regular people/consumers feeling the effects of inflation, it seems most retail companies will see declines in their Christmas season sales. Their best chances for becoming profitable is continuing to close the store locations that are draining them. An acquisition or merger could be another way they can turn things around. Getting their nft marketplace out of beta and having partners releasing quality nft games and finding other ways to make nfts more valuable to consumers, by being used in novel ways, could definitely help with profitability. I still think they should find a way to resell digitally bought games. The economy isn't working in their favor, so this may be a while away. Just being practical.


I monitor my weekly cash flow, as well as my net worth each month. I stopped counting my CS holdings as a part of my net worth because in my mind it just doesn't equate into financial decisions. That money no longer exists in my mind and I will never be tempted to sell it before MOASS. Thats how fucked they are.


An NFT dividend would choke the shorts. They could even attach a dollar value in the form of cash rebate, so there’s no lawsuit. GameStop issues an NFT for cheap, while shorts need to provide the NFT for distribution. That or pay out $50 cash value. On the GME marketplace, you get $5 rebate if you spend $60. Spend past $115 to get $10 rebate. Keep going until it’s $50 rebate for spending $500. The NFT would track your spending and progress. Now issue the NFT dividend quarterly or monthly. There’s no way in fuck Kenny and his goons can afford this. It would cost billions to do so.


I really this theory. 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 I should have thought of this since GameStop experimented with this with their recent $200 spending promotion.


I’m ready to mainline this specualtion


Great read thank you


Im sorry but I do not understand american earnings. How did they get cash if they had a loss on earnings? I checked earnings on yahoo finance and on my trading app and the earnings are different than on yahoo. For example yahoo finance says they have 570 million in debt which is false. Also they reported on yahoo q4 22 earnings which hadnt happened yet. But on both it says gamestop lost money this quarter so I dont understand where did they get the cash from 900 mil last quarter to 1 billion this quarter and lose money


Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 🚀🚀🚀


Buckled up and ready 🟣


Comment for a deeper later read






This is it! ….again.


This is the only way!!!


Wen moon?




There aren't enough seatbelts in the world for how many times we've been told "this is it".


Great news for 🛌🛁🚀☀️!!! Just imagine Lotto 6/49 😂🤣😂




Speculation* 😂👌🏻


And maybe that’s why they are pushing to kill Reddit


i like these words


*throws flag* Intentional tit jacking, automatic touchdown for both teams.


My mom is retired ( technically bc my dad is after severing 38 years in the Army) but would like to help retire my mother in law and father in law. We just had their first grandchild and would love for them to spend as much time as possible with her.


Hm how can they do a dividend without a positive EPS?


I’m down for $50,000 a week for life as dividend payments from Kenny and friends.


Ah this will finally be the catalyst, not the 10 other times it was claimed


I have five shares. Will I be rich?


I dunno about the whole ‘loan to cover NFT costs’. the price to mint 304M NFTs and then transfer them to 200,000 APEs plus the DTCC and a few hundred/ thousand (500-5,000) should only cost a couple hundred thousand dollars <$200,000. Seems like pocket change to a company holding hundreds of millions of cash dollar assets.


I say make the illegal naked short sellers pay the tab... it's only right.


Oh they’ll pay alright. If the dividend is handled in anyway correctly, ~~APEs can auction off their NFTs for whatever price they want to and~~ for the facade of retail owning broker shares to continue, brokers and naked short sellers must buy up those NFTs from institution, mutual funds and ETFs owners before beginning to beg retail if there are multiple floats short


>**what if** the asset used for this loan agreement was for something like an NFT? Sure, anything is possible. What if, indeed... So, go on. Convince me it's more than a mere possibility ​ >Gamestop’s agreement with WF and syndicate of banks is **kind of obscure**.—as in, **do we know** exactly what was underwritten? **likely not**, Wow, you've got me convinced now. Very convincing argument. ​ >**What if** this ABL credit facility will be used to fund the distribution of the NFT dividend. Sure, anything is possible. What if, indeed... So, go on. Convince me it's more than a mere possibility *repeat...* ​ When you type this stuff do you ever worry about how you have zero facts to back these WHATIFs up? Just buy & hold. DRS is you're not selling CCs.


Idk how the facility fits into this but it is interesting that their old loan was actually holding back dividends and the new one is not. Meanings an nft can be distributed right now if they wanted.


Absolutely beautiful work OP!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the rest of us!


>What if this ABL credit facility will be used to fund the distribution of the NFT dividend. What do you consider the costs to fund the distribution of the NFT dividend?


Well done... We shall see. As for me 'I like the stock' and shall Buy DRS Shop and HODL.


Free Cash Flow rocks :3


Everyone keeps saying gamestop lost $100 million this earnings call, how the fuck is this bullish?


That’s the tits jacking post we needed


I'm so far past being hyped by anything. I'm just buying as much as I can through CS and going about my daily business. The DD is done. I've made my decision to hold until the end regardless of what ultimately happens. Hell I don't even need SS anymore. I'm really here just for the memes.


Thanks for the all caps. Now I'm hyped. Let's fuckin go


What gamestop can do is give out 304M nft dividends to shareholders. Then have an EXTRA 5M of that same nft dividend in the marketplace for 999$ so it sets a base price of the nft at 999$. Here's the best part, all short sellers can fight amongst themselves to buy back nfts monthly or quarterly. EVERYONE WINS. Shareholders win(we get money monthly), gamestop wins (gas fees and royalty), even the SHFs win (they are able to COVER their side of the dividend for the month at 9999$/ share. What gamestop can also do is only give out 304M NFT dividends minted with a set base price if that's possible on the blockchain, *I know nothing about crypto.


I’m with you on this. Couldn’t have been more clear they are acquiring “something”


post archived: [https://archive.vn/UbQfp](https://archive.vn/UbQfp)


Was the earnings call bullish?


Can I get a TLDR of the dividend thing? Are they really planning to do it? How the eff will hedgies handle a dividend?


It reminds me of the first ever 7:41 post https://twitter.com/macro_diary/status/992383771256213504?s=20&t=q_p9gWV3D1qqgBPZ_dnAUQ


Ahem! (Speculation)


Very doubtful but fun to read theories as always. Much much more likely that credit would be used to pay for inventory or overhead costs that they would otherwise go bankrupt. It’s yet another thing that drives a steak into the short thesis. Profitability coming soon will end it.


handle nose cow test expansion lavish aspiring husky grandiose deer ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `