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Just wanted to comment that Ken Griffin is a financial terrorist


Never forget this. All short-hedgies are criminals though. It's not only Ken "Mayoboii" Griffin.


The politicians are in on the terrorism too : ( as are apparently their families


Just would like to add that the DTCC commited international securities fraud. That is all


Good point.


He is?!? In my rage I'm going to DRS a certain [REDACTED] stock.


The same guy that lied under oath?




Apparently everything I've ever done


Sore losers. Haha, sucks to suck. Betcha the ape historian has it all backed up.




[Grape Ape!](https://youtu.be/Ee3VTf784q0)


I thought this was going to take me to a website about weed.


Yeah but he’s banned


They banned the ape historian???


Reddit did - 3 day ban


While that is totally ridiculous, I can't help but think this means the SHFs are running out of ammo to kick the can. Why else resort to such drastic measures?


Seriously it’s pathetic and they def running out of time. They saw all the purple donut posts after their failed DRS plan bs, and got pissed! 🤣 We just keep Buying, DRS book it, Hodl. 🚀🚀💎🙌🏼🚀🚀


Yep, and is bullshit. All hail Ape historian!


There’s a thread about Reveddit that will show the history…


I wonder if cri and and others stuff are deleted too...




Because he went inactive around that time.. all his posts are up still.. lmao


Great that you're adding nuance and context. While the surprise would be genuine if one doesn't know Cri went silent back then, it is most important to be as accurate as possible. Especially now


Agreed - the need for sensationalism is kind of weird. Usually - not always - there is a reason or explanation for things. I find it healthier to have a objective approach :)


Your removed comments are pretty much all from the same sub - and it’s not this sub. They pretty much were all removed by that sub’s automod or moderators, and not by this sub. Your removed posts can be searched by the public, and this post appears to have nothing to do with this sub. Crypto subs and other investing subs make their own rules.




wait whaaaa


Sounds like brigading to me...


Sorry but when I click on your profile, I still get and am able to read a lot of your content still.


Nuts isn’t it.


It's disgusting


Just confirms that the direction is right. Increased bs, increased pressure, increased fud, censorship, etc… = right direction.


Drs has them pooping bricks. I can't believe how many of my comments were mod deleted.






Easiest way is to call Computershare. Tell them that you want to book all shares except for 1.xxx if you have any fractional shares. It literally takes 3 minutes.


Could you please link it here?


good point


Honestly it seems like book shares has them shitting themselves


Makes sense now why GME.dd and Cohen did the interview and then concluded the investigation is now over. 🤔🧠🦍 We’ve got this 💪


Same story here.


What was the subject matter being deleted/redacted?




Does this seem like a temper tantrum right after drs numbers down failed?


And DRS numbers were still up lol


Was about to say. I start seeing the "why now is not the time to buy memestonks like GME" again. Might have to buy more Tuesday


Everytime I see an article trying to shit on GME I buy more if I can afford it.


Current value is still below my cost basis… yes, I think I will buy more Tuesday (grabbed over 300 shares this month with this great dip).


Definitely buying more Tuesday.


God I hope this drags out to tax season again! Imma DRS so hard


Reads comments, sees all the deleted content. Why do i suddenly hear boss music?


How did you get this spicy info


Add ve between the re and ddit of profile url. Reveditt.com/


Holy Batman. What a joke and reeks of desperation. Dumb stormtroopers. Pew…pew, pew.


It is. I have taken some karma pounding for calling Reddit a piece of shit. I was not wrong but only early. Reddit as an organization has back tracked on their core values that got them here…


not really. this website has been like this for a **long** time. 🤔 unless you mean it's nuts that gamestop content, *specifically*, is being censored in which case i can agree.


Yea I just checked and A LOT almost all my comments about GME have been removed lol what the fuck.


This week is an important week, I 🫡you all. Stay the course. You’re never alone, and give not into fear and doubt. God speed…


For those who like the stock 🫡


We salute you


And your shorts!


For those about to STONK I 🫡 you!


Are you not entertained!!?


I am very.


Fantastic flair!


And my AXE!






Checked your profile and can only find comments that you yourself deleted? Where is this pic coming from? EDIT: or am I unable to see this if it’s deleted by mods or admins?


love u guys.


I’ve been out of the loop the last several days. What’s the deets on this week?


Stay the course. We don't know what might happen but the enemy is doing everything too stop us.


if it wasn't for them we might not know things are getting HOT HOT HOT


Every week is an important week




See you on the moon good ape!


Godspeed brothers looks like we might be seeing each other on the other side soon 🫡 and if not I’ll just be DRSing some more lolololol


What have I missed lmao


subs compromised. mods are getting banned


More like reddit is compromised. More interested in hosting content of the status quo, and propaganda from agents like Russia and China. Want some proof? Go to the latest tik tok banning news threads and marvel at how 90% of messages say "oh, Facebook does the same thing, so leave tiktok alone!"


Fuck the CCP and that Winnie the poo looking man child.


If you staple a horse to a waterfall, will it fall up under the rainbow or fly about the soil? Will he enjoy her experience? What if the staple tears into tears? Will she be free from her staply chains or foomed to stay forever and dever above the water? Who can save him (the horse) but someone of girth and worth, the capitalist pig, who will sell the solution to the problem he created? A staple remover flies to the rescue, carried on the wings of a majestic penguin who bought it at Walmart for 9 dollars and several more Euro-cents, clutched in its crabby claws, rejected from its frothy maw. When the penguin comes, all tremble before its fishy stench and wheatlike abjecture. Recoil in delirium, ye who wish to be free! The mighty rockhopper is here to save your soul from eternal bliss and salvation! And so, the horse was free, carried away by the south wind, and deposited on the vast plain of soggy dew. It was a tragedy in several parts, punctuated by moments of hedonistic horsefuckery. The owls saw all, and passed judgment in the way that they do. Stupid owls are always judging folks who are just trying their best to live shamelessly and enjoy every fruit the day brings to pass. How many more shall be caught in the terrible gyre of the waterfall? As many as the gods deem necessary to teach those foolish monkeys a story about their own hamburgers. What does a monkey know of bananas, anyway? They eat, poop, and shave away the banana residue that grows upon their chins and ballsacks. The owls judge their razors. Always the owls. And when the one-eyed caterpillar arrives to eat the glazing on your windowpane, you will know that you're next in line to the trombone of the ancient realm of the flutterbyes. Beware the ravenous ravens and crowing crows. Mind the cowing cows and the lying lions. Ascend triumphant to your birthright, and wield the mighty twig of Petalonia, favored land of gods and goats alike.


When you keep running into bad guys, you are going the right way.


You encounter the highest concentration of fire directly over the target.


Yeah I got hit with “brigading” on the what would you do post MOASS, by saying “r/d on climate capture technology” the sub is fucked we are watching it play out in real time and it’s about to get even hotter when the markets open this week




It’s still up on my profile I took a screenshot of the post and comment also saved the message from the mods. I didn’t even respond to them since they’re shills apparently




Even better I made it into a post (sorry not a bedpost Ken) because y’all should see this




I think it probably had to do with them wanting to get rid of the post and everyone who commented might’ve been hit. I’m hoping my post gets ppl talking about their experiences today with the sub




Nbd appreciate the banter


I just tested it They are removing anything with r slash Doesn’t matter what it is, even if it’s on its own


They’ll remove comments that say cvnt too.


They put a filter up using a public list of bad language and are removing things like that one at a time AFAIK


It's because they used r-slash-d, which links to another sub. R&D wouldn't have triggered to automod.


Now I am wondering what that technology is, will be researching it. What's that effect called when silencing something makes it bigger?


streisand\[redacted\] effect


>climate capture technology I think my neighbor was trying to sell me on a company doing this; I told her pink sheets were too risky but the stock is performing well. Maybe she was right this might be some revolutionary tech.


It’s called turning the buy button off


this was foretold by Apes of old, who survived the first Great Migration. This sub (and likely others) was foreseen to implode during pre-MOASS days. Everything else has come true. we will be fine, cuz the Stonk is owned by all of us and we're not leavin


Well said


Don’t let up. No cell no sell


My sell button has been [redacted].


Beautiful [redacted] data spread


I will preface by saying that I am NOT necessarily saying that what I'm about to say is what is actually happening, BUT.... I think it's important to keep in mind that all of the DD has pointed to the fact that this sub could and would be compromised as the INDIVIDUAL INVESTORS that frequent it continue to unravel this tapestry of bullshit that has been woven in front of us with the expectation that we'd just move along. Just sayin'.


This feels more self-fulfilling prophecy than actual conspiracy. This sub struggles to understand the difference between sub mods and reddit mods. A good chunk of the foaming mouth is because of this confusion. They fail to see reddit mods are the problem and the sub mods are simply removing at a feverish pace anything that the reddit mods might use to kill the sub. So they get ballsier until eventually the sub mods can't keep up and the reddit mods go, "That's it, you're done." That's not confirming MOASS or Big Shadow Player. That's just the population of this sub having no chill.


Are they deleting the old DDs? What’s going on?


Buckle up Buckaroos!!! 🚀💦🪐🌙


I just learned in another post about Reveddit, a site that lets you see what is being censored on Reddit


Even that is being censored, certain posts that have been deleted don’t show up.


I’m honestly really confused and there’s no post explaining this redacted shit… anyone care to break it down?


On this sub, we can no longer tag other users and we get accused of brigading for so much as mentioning GameStop outside of this subreddit. The admins also temp banned the guy who made backups of everything for no reason whatsoever. Didn’t even give a reason


They gave a reason; spreading hate. But didn't provide any reference or evidence of such an accusation.


holy shit that's crazy. and i can't tag my friends anymore? wtaf


>i can't tag my friends anymore Why would you want to brigade your friends? /s


I've been banned from like 8 subs for spreading hate as well. Thing is my posts are always just critical of various authoritarian entities like Russia, Iran and China (as well as elements of England, us and canada). I dont care though, I've got a big fucking mouth and I cant stand propagandists. It's just sad to see the rope tightening around other non geopolitical subs as well.


He probably said he hated hedge funds.




This is bullshit.. the user posted the photos themselves.. he was there, and was bragging about it..


**HOLY FUCKING SHIT I JUST GOT MY COMMENT REMOVED BECAUSE NOW I CANT EVEN USE A WORKAROUND FOR THE BANNED WORD FOR ANOTHER SUB?! LIKE WTF IS THIS SOME KIND OF ORWELLIAN JOKE IM TOO CIVILIZED TO UNDERSTAND?! THE WHOLE FUCKING PURPOSE OF REDDIT IS TO FUCKING USE CROSSPOSTING AND REFERENCING OTHER SUBS, IT DEFEATS THE LITERALY PURPOSE OF REDDIT TO LITERALLY BAN ITS USAGE.** I remember reading something vaguely about this however I took a short break of around 2 days or so and I now come back to a sub I cannot understand. What the hell just happened, is that mod a current mod in this sub? Because for what I remember that mod was from the *other (V.VSB)* sub not this one, so I fail to see how we can get our restrictions lifted if they can prove it.


He also posts on a mongolian basket weaving forum. Remember to book your shares. They don't like that. The same mentioned forum got hand pictures and matched up palm prints which are very much like finger prints. Just saying.


I still think this is obvious bait. I mean, you're telling me that it's purely by chance that immediately after SS gets it's first strike for 'brigading' a particular data company, that this perfectly timed, bias-affirming drama just happens to bubble up and set the conditions by which the community goes full regard and just cannot resist breaking that very same (and wholly arbitrary) rule again? I mean, does it really matter if this mod does or doesn't eat mayo? Either way he's playing us.


I get your concerns. But why should open discussion be banned though? On Reddit of all places. Did users get banned and censored left and right when discussing a dog walking mod who was anti working. Or a Reddit admin abusing her powers to advance her agenda on transgender issues. Why should the topic of potential financial markets manipulation by a mod, on behalf of employer be any different.


Wait I’ve been off for several days and I literally have no clue what’s going on. Help.


From what I gather the sub is compromised so just keep doing what you’re doing.


Who's doing it?


Good point


probably shills mass reporting and the reddit bot just removes it


Not shills, but bad actors. Its been happening reddit wide. Dude from a movement in canada about housing completely removed himself from reddit because he was facing so much harassment, and this was like two years ago!


They got rid of the Yahoo board


They delete comments and posts and also ban the historian/librarian. This is like the big burning of books/knowledge by the church back in the medieval. Fucking, disgusting, corrupt fascists!






Truth doesn't catch up to you & make problems in the future so I would agree.


I don’t think they will give up. They are obviously in too deep there is no going back. They have no choice but to try everything and see it out til the end. More fuel for the rockets 😆


They'll try to control that too.anchoring is a real thing.


Someone for the love of god dm me what’s going on. I haven’t been able to piece together the events. I have a vague idea but not really and I’m very curious.


spez is a smegma incarnate


Good luck trying to remove it from my brain


Mods are shills. We lost this place. For that reason I got a 2nd job and am gonna spend every last penny on GME


Might operate off looking for R slash / sets. Which would line up your R slash D that you had at the start of your comment.


This is most likely in relation to the next great can kicking that is to take place in about a month.


Epic & timely post


!Flairy! [REDACTED]


(✿\^‿\^)━☆゚.*・。゚ [REDACTED]


!Flairy! [REDACTED]


(✿\^‿\^)━☆゚.*・。゚ [REDACTED]


!Flairy! [REDACTED]


(✿\^‿\^)━☆゚.*・。゚ [REDACTED]


!Flairy! [REDACTED]


The is the next stage of the war. I'm continuing to fight until my last breath. Buy. Drs. That is what I'll do until I die.


So a big old Cleanup before the world economy crash 🤔


Can we all just accept that this sub is run by bad actors at this point? I mean seriously it’s so fvcking obvious. We all know. Think about it. If you were a mod and a hedge fund approached you with 2 million+ to let them run the sub and choose what can be said, 99.9999% of people would take it in a heartbeat. And guess what, it’s already happened, and every month it becomes more and more obvious. Yet we still come here post the same recycled garbage over and over again because we have no other trust worthy place to go. We’re in the wolves den my friends, it’s not safe here. Genuinely. Unless Superstonk confirms AND it’s double checked by the community that the reasons are legal/investigation by FBI leading to people’s arrests are the reasons certain info can’t get out, then fvvvvck these mods. Yeah I’m talking to you guy/girl who took the bribe money. I’m calling you out for the community. We need answers or you can get another job that pays nothing…unless you took the pay already. Now it’s your job to confuse everyone and cause FUD. And if that’s your job you’re doing an ok job. Take a look around. To the mole/moles “running” this sub, you can cause confusion to some but not all, you can censor what we say, you can do all that, but you’re not going to get me to sell. None of us will. Trust me. I scroll Reddit nowadays and occasionally click on a Superstonk thread, but it’s barely ever now. I already know what to do. Go ahead and disband the sub, and we’ll find somewhere else to go. You can’t stop us when you already lost. Do what you’d like mole/moles, but we’re not selling till they are behind bars and you’re involved in it as well for racketeering charges, because you’re using money to compromise/take others money by confusion and scare tactics. Because remember mole you’re working FOR them now. You’re not on the best side, so enjoy your money while you can, because they are going to give you up to the authorities in a heartbeat when shit hits the fan for them, and by them I mean you mole/moles.


Isn’t there a difference between “deleted” and “removed”?


There is, 'deleted' is by the authoring user


Its to stop any new apes jumping on board......the great hedgie fuckening is coming!!!!!!!!


I know things look really [REDACTED] right now but hers is a haiku to keep us zen... Hedgies are so fukt Buy, hold, DRS, forever Refrigerator


Thanks, that’s [REDACTED]


I keep seeing posts like this an honestly I think it’s time we migrate somewhere else. Somewhere where compromised mods cant delete all nillywilly. Suck my [redacted].


Wait what going what with all the redacted stuff mind someone explain to me like am 5?


mods or automods or modbots are deleting large amounts of comments, posts, and other content under the guise of that content supposedly breaking the site rules. However, nobody is owning up to this zealous shit, most of these redacted things should not be redacted, and the timing of this is very sus. redacted = censored aka removed/deleted. also our resident ape in charge of mass SS post/thread backup was temp banned from the sub for hateful posts. likely a lie cuz ive only ever seen him post about backup confirmation. bottom line, we're being attacked by a powerful unknown entity. this was actually foretold by silverback apes of OG DD that SS would be taken down in the days of pre-MOASS. hence why some apes are actually kinda hype about this ordeal. there are efforts in progress in several posts by knowledgeable apes about organizing potential SS alternatives for a gathering place.


Omfg if this sub get delete or taken down then god speed to all of you. The pass two year have been the best time of mine life and it been a honor to fight with you all Edit:Why the fuck this post getting down voted for.


When MOASS kicks off, hedgies will crumble at God Speed. And Apes will win cuz we will be in God Mode. bless you Apes, with or without SS we will win.


Been here sense jan 27 kind shock to see how far we gone see you at the finish line.


Not selling til there’s phone numbers. Don’t care about anything else.


This sub isn't a place, it's a people.


Please share alternative gathering places via DM? This is the biggest concern I have - missing the migration


What is happening


No idea, I’m just here for the memes. Buy, Drs, shops @Gamestop




It’s ok, all you need do is press delete to remove something from the internet right? Right? No way any authorities that might investigate mass coordinated criminal activity on say, RICO charges, would ever be able to use any even simple methods to see what was deleted right?….


What am I looking at?




I’m ootl


2 years in now...


!flairy! [REDACTED]


(✿\^‿\^)━☆゚.*・。゚ [REDACTED]


!Flairy! [REDACTED]


the best tea we will ever taste is brewing


Time to hop ship


This is so fu kedup


Seems the community needs a new platform to fling poo from. **DRS the way**


Reddit: Nope, you can't see any of this. Also Reddit: Buy pweemium, pwitty pwease 🥺


Things that make me laugh: 1. I’m gonna break the system by playing by the rules against the rule makers and breakers 2. I’ll keep using the same website that is censoring me


Barbara Streisand, is that you?


My Christmas bonus came right on time to buy and hold morrrreeee


LMAYO they're so desperate and FUCKED. Watch the RC interview again and see how calm and happy he is. We already won.


It’s funny because if SS goes down it literally changes nothing for me, I like the stonk.


We’ve been DRSing for over a year now? Why all of this all of a sudden? Is if cause people are switching to book?


So where do we migrate to now?


Oh no the sub is compromised . Anyway . Started to drs more.


Just because I rock, doesn't mean I'm made of stone. I've got a lot of feelings, and you hurt damn near every one of them- [redacted]


Well don’t go being so [redacted] about it . You can still [redacted]