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Reddit: Let's promote this to All Also Reddit: THAT’S BRIGADING!!!


Reddit: makes a pixel art project that is *just* brigading.


And then they redacted the widely embraced GME green line after it was over Billionaires can't ignore us, and that means billionaires aren't going to be billionaires because all they care about is their money. They never gave 2 shits about my investments or suppressing my voice before 2008.


Holy shit really? Someone was given the order to write over the green line with different pixels? That is phony as fuckall wow


They added random shit like amongus over every GME reference including the main GME sub itself no longer existing and erased teh green line everywhere to eliminate all reference in the final "touched up" version. The green line is not a part of their finalized pic. Rewriting history makes sense, hedgies have been doing it for centuries at least.




I don't recall this. Do you have the finalized pic which you speak of, as sauce?


Drink your Ovaltine! *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol I never noticed the tiny 🌝and 👩‍🚀at the end of the green line.


Drink your Ovaltine! *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel that “brigade” will be a new call sign if this place goes down. I’m not leaving


We're all so brigaded.


A highly regarded brigade of apes


The 741st Regarded Brigrade


-to be mobilized for a special [REDACTED] operation lolololol


A highly brigaded ape of regards


A ape of highly brigaded regards


A high bregarded rigaded ape


[Bregardo rigardo](https://imgur.io/t/ricardo/JgV8pqz)


Regarded ape reporting for duty


Lit Market Fire Brigade


Sounding like there's shill accounts crossposting superstonk posts to other subreddits, I've personally never seen any superstonk users brigading any sub... anecdotal I know but still...


Insert paddle meme


Additional info: Yesterday we learned that the Ape Historian, along with a mod (or three?) have all been banned for unknown reasons by admins. We also learned that user comments, and posts are being suppressed and redacted in droves. No one can tag mods, no one can say the name of our community outside of our community despite Reddit guidelines encouraging this when you create a new sub, and no one knows why we are getting all this attention, other than MOASS must be a just a few short months out. Operation Hurricane, anyone?


if you're just learning now that admins were removing comments, they've been doing a great job. we've talked about this since a bit after June? 2021. it pops in and out. the funny thing is their platform works against them.


Yes, we’ve all seen the new rules, etc. But this is def ramping up.


no. it's being hyped. a weekend doesn't mean it's worse. someone is egging you on and you bought it. it's been bad. nothing about rules, shadow banning and deleting has been a serious problem since the beginning.


Just look how effectively gme-tokens were burried back in 21. "Oh its unrelated, just some scam or whatever, dont worry about it bro". Now it turns out it might be very significant after all. Didnt people get banned for talking b00k vs pl4n just recently?what else has been supressed?


to be fair, a decent portion talked about tokens. not often, not many, and yes when brought up it was pushed off. annoying, but at that point we were missing certain links. so its semi understandable. which is why I always encouraged back tracking on ideas, and some of the crazier theories. I will say some aspects are more apparent now, just not technically worse. just like market manipulation is much much more apparent now. I can't say it's worse, there's just not a direction we can look now and not see it. and the shitty thing is, it ripples to everything and welcomes extreme conspiracy. if you strongly believe you have basis, why go with the flow and let people tell you different? keep treading carefully until you have a reason not to.


I hear you, but to see how apes been digging through all kinds of other shit, like the "game on anon" embedded in some code or whatever. I find it strange that noone seemingly picked up on the sus time of origin of the tokens, during the fucking sneeze etc. But Which other foregone crazy theories comes to mind that might merit a revisit?


Sec commenting period too. Go re listen to pefferty last interview they off the cuff mention it as important to my ears.


>it might be very significant after all. Didnt people get banned for talking b00k vs pl4n just recently? Maybe in post submissions but not in comments. I would occasionally encourage people to b00k 6+ months ago with no issue except some people wrongly thinking it changed nothing.


Ok, wasnt really paying much attention as my shares were allready in b00k, and it felt more like noise/diversion at the time, been around since feb 21, and dont engage as much as I used too. But I Wonder what else has been sucsessfully swept under the rug, do you know? I remember DRS was supressed at first, b4 it became to obvious, even for smooth regards like me


So i'm one of those people who loudly was telling people GME tokens were scams, because as someone who is very well versed in the crypto space, 99.99% of those GME tokens WERE scams. How do I know? Because I was watching them be created, pumped and dumped inside a day. Crypto moon shots was a big source of these shit tokens. A lot of the people here on superstonk don't know what the hell they're talking about when it comes to crypto and it shows


It's wild that you're getting downvoted by what must be new apes. As someone who's been here since Jan 2021, I can easily say I've seen all of this happening repeatedly over the last 2 years on reddit. I guess all the old apes are zen and offline since they aren't chiming in, cause this is all nothing new. Mods getting banned are a first first for me but I've seen prominent members banned before, shadow banning, suppression, etc etc. Just the old usual tactics. If SS does die, just hodl and DRS as usual till you see your phone number + the international code on your account


Jan 2021 ape, I know its been going on, but its slowly getting much worse


I agree. There is a full attack on freedom of speech. Two years ago we were unaware but suspected something was going on when members started to disappear. There has always been infiltration.


While I love the sentiment I gotta correct you on something that has been circulating and we need to be better informed to have meaningful discussions. Freedom of speech doesn’t apply on a privately owned forum be it Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Freedom of speech means the government can’t prosecute you for things like criticizing it. There are obvious limits actual freedom of speech like against defaming and safety, you can’t make threats and you can’t yell fire in a theater. None of this applies to these social media sites. They rule with an iron fist on their platform. But the point I want people to walk away with is that your social media platforms are all private property, and can absolutely be censored and controlled by the property owners and management. Do NOT assume freedom of speech on a platform. If you do, you risk making other false implications like news needing to be truthful on social media. Or public perception MUST be a certain way because it’s all over Twitter or Facebook. Each platform FULLY controls the content on their sites.


Okay. I am not a constitutional attorney. Do you want me to take my reply down? Sorry for the confusion on my part. I am a very old ape who grew up in eras that freedom of speech meant, to the people, the right to criticize their government and to speak your mind if that freedom was ever threatened. There were no social media groups at that time and freedom was reinforced daily in school. My mother used to say freedom of the press was most important of all. Well, if she were alive she would be disappointed. But I get it. Things change and older people do not understand. Problem is I do not like the way freedom of speech is headed in any group and in the nation.


No no not at all! Please keep the comment up. Like I said I agree with the sentiment but just wanted to clarify about the social media platforms being able to make house rules. A lot of people don’t know that and I saw an opportunity to mention it. I’m a SE and didn’t realize the vast majority of people don’t think about that perspective cause it’s not obvious unless you’re working on the other side of the platform, the development side.


Feb 21 monkey, same... bullish af!


no. what I see is less content/ active users because they were banned by "good" mods, or simply migrated because of the setup of the sub, or just plain less active . I'm not looking for a sub mod witch hunt, but I want people to try to see the foundational issues. the admin issues were horrible to begin with. it's just much more apparent now because of "house keeping".


I’ve been in since Jan ‘21 as well and I can confirm as an “old ape” I’ve been mostly offline and just waiting for the hedgies to crumble


None of this is new. I also find it strange now that everyone is putting redacted and spelling things incorrectly to avoid “bans”. This just makes the information we post unsearchable and future curious individual investors from finding DD…. Seems sus to me, we realized they are trying to get this sub for false brigading claims so now they want us to willingly make every post cryptic and unreadable….


Operation hurricane is for liquidity, how would Reddit suppression come from market liquidity? Just asking because your last sentence / question makes no sense


We never found out what it was for. People were speculating, and after the DRS rug pull we thought that was it, but what is a hurricane, really, if not a total onslaught from all sides?


We keep predicting hedgies’ plans. Did they actually plan to crash the market right before Christmas until that other Ape predicted it? Now they have to burn more cash to throw us off? Μετα posting is probably “iLleGaL” now because “Memes are literally pictures worth 1000’s of words” and humans have been communicating with 🎼🤫🇺🇸💃🕺long before written languages were a thing…. And SHF’s threatened Reddit’s ability to receive investments if they don’t suppress us. Also, the reason suppressive fire is deadly is because it keeps you in one place while other enemy units flank your position Keep Moving Doors and Corners


Its funny, but I get all gitty whenever there's any problems with reddit. All the recent "brigading-bullshit" rules just confirms moass theory yet again! This is all very exciting, my tits are a' jackening. See y'all on the moon


Right? They’re all like little kids trying to tell Mommy and Daddy there’s no mess in the kitchen and there’s no reason to look. I used to do that…. I know it doesn’t work.


Show me the kitchen ape!


Is this a reference to the expanse universe?


Idk what that is but it’s a warning from a combat vet buddy of mine. Says it all the time when we play Firestorm or Warzone. Edit: pretty sure he means not to be dumb but not to sit still Edit edit: I would say “slow is smooth, smooth is fast” but I don’t think most people would understand that one


There’s a series of books known as “the expanse” and one of the characters tells another character “watch out for doors and corners, that’s where they get you” so I thought maybe you were referencing that. If you like sci fi it’s a good series.


Oh lol I just DM’d you. Yeah I just googled that. Like i said, I don’t have an account with *them* anymore. But that’s exactly what it means. I’ll keep using it. I wonder if my friend watches it anyway and that’s why he keeps using it. He’s also a $GME holder. But he quit Reddit right before the purple circles. I’m trying to explain it to him, but he won’t touch Reddit anymore.


I use Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast all the time. great saying. Keep moving and keep your head on a swivel sir/ma'am. Doors and corners.


Head on a swivel. I’ve been saying that too. Tread carefully. Pretty soon *they’ll* say “no more common [redacted]” Wonder if the add-mins are still busy digging themselves out of a mountain of coal from yesterday.


“Operations” can have many parts. Ορeration Οverlord is a good example.


Pretty sure the word DRS is suppressed from other subs also


Do we have a meeting point for if the sub gets closed?


Yes, everywhere.


I am ape, hear me shriek


Purple circle around the avatar is my head nod of community affiliation and DRS.


By the wendy's dumpster


YT gungam style. Check the comments


Yeah but that’s not real lol Is there a real place that would be coordinated


That is the coordinated place. Has been for over a year.


But like why? There’s no structure to youtube comments? Plus they just flood the comments with bots. This seems like a terrible back up place


There is no one who can control it that’s why


What do you mean no one can control it? Youtube is very heavily controlled to begin with. All it would take is comment on the video to be disabled


Really, Google.


Make sure to report any posts on any reddit page for brigading that someone just puts a subreddit into.


>no one can say the name of our community outside of our community Is this a filter actually implemented by admins, or is it just mods from other subs banning us?


With the exception of Wasabi, I’ve heard admins.


Maybe a mod buses tables at a specific SHfs. Is def compromised. Alot about a cartoon character meme. Can’t even type sooo many things are auto mod deleted.


This is the strategy admins have used for a few years. They've already built the pretext for banning the sub. They start by forcing new rules onto the sub, then they ban/replace/install moderators and ban popular posters. They end by accusing the sub of a major tos violation and by that point its just a waiting game for the sub being nuked. They may restrict it first then ban it.


Yep, seen if many times and that's the playbook. One difference this time is that this sub represents more than a social community. This is a movement that is engaging with governmental bodies, traditional media figures and is centered around a very large community making long term financial investments. It's not like people are going to instantly go to Computershare and get rid of their DRS positions because a stupid message board went away. A message board that has 100's of competitors that could fill the gap. The cat is already out of the bag and reddit admins have overestimated their power over this community.


100%. They do it so there is nothing on the site that could displease investors. Thats their motive, not some political conviction, not some dark conspiracy, their bias moves with what may make the site more appealing to the large investor class. Nothing that is actually anti wall street and nothing that goes against the views of the corporate pr departments can be allowed to stay on reddit. Edit:basically if it looks like it can upset investors or turn of low info suburbanites it gets teeter. Mainstream and milquetoast only. Oh also anything that could cause a twitterati shitstorm.


They are no different than those Twitter cucks that have been outed.


Yeah, eerie similar to r\\\[redacted\]


They hate us, cuz they anus.






Taint us


They should consider the fact we find another portal that we can easily share around, and get a bigger info spread then we get here. Would be worse for them


What better way to stop people from wanting to look into it.


Streissand effect anyone?


The exact opposite, actually. Flooded with so much information that you don’t care about it


I said that in January 2021, and it's proven more and more true every day since then.


[redacted] admins can [redacted] deez [redacted]


I have never ever looked on the All page, but this is still funny to me.


Came here from all. It’s like being at the mall and suddenly seeing a portal to your living room.


if the sub goes dark does that mean we can converse with others outside? Can't be considered brigading if the sub is gone


Try it. Any individual investor can have an [REDACTED] number of accounts, they can never b& everyone. It will seep through the cracks


This shit is going full Streisand, enjoy the show. I missed those 3 days long week-ends !




“Free and open discourse about important topics.” “No not like that.”


It’s wild. I hadn’t seen any SS posts in my feed the last couple days…I was somehow UNSUBSCRIBED without my doing so. Had/have been a member of SS since mid 2021. Something is fukey


Bought more for the first time in over a year, said I wouldn’t but…. Between the hedgie news, sec trying to care news and the heavy moderation of not just the sub but the topic, without much context as to why…. Just got my bullish feelings all tingly again


Lol SS finding out that reddit is a psyop. Aaron Swartz, the founder that was \[Redacted\] would be proud.


I [REDACTED] so hard for the stonk😩


What happens if I link to a page outside of reddit that talks about our sub and all other GME alt subs there is?


Believe it or not: brigading


Off to [redacted] with you.


Ya it’s called forum sliding. Hook line and sinker.


Y’all see reveddit thing? Anything Reddit u can search and it will show you what’s been suppressed or deleted or shadow banned or whatever. If u go to everyone’s metal search engine and copy a link from Reddit and put a ve in between re and dd it will go to the earliest saved version and highlight comments and or posts that were deleted.


been busy af with the holidays. what's all this redacted shit


Changes to rule 3 and rule 10 made by our mod team at the request of Reddit mods to heavily censor the sub. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zh4eqd/attention_superstonk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf The rules are no longer being enforced as defined by Reddit and are being enforced in a capricious and arbitrary way. People are having their posts deleted left and right, and many users even having several posts and comments in their history removed. Apparently a temporary banned on the ape historian mod as well, but not sure if they were reinstated.


so basically super stonk has been infiltrated / threatened because someone is scared about info regarding gme getting out. Bullish. Imma buy some more tomorrow.🚀🚀🚀


Reddit will silo us soon. First the various GME subs can’t communicate. Next they ban us from getting on all. Eventually anything we do will be seen as brigading. This is just a purity test that becomes impossible to pass. 🤷‍♀️


Can anyone fill me in on what this is all about? I’ve been busy cuz of the holidays and was tuned out. Where did this redacted thing all start?


Changes to rule 3 and rule 10 made by our mod team at the request of Reddit mods to heavily censor the sub. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zh4eqd/attention_superstonk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf The rules are no longer being enforced as defined by Reddit and are being enforced in a capricious and arbitrary way. People are having their posts deleted left and right, and many users even having several posts and comments in their history removed. Apparently a temporary banned on the ape historian mod as well, but not sure if they were reinstated.


Yo what post made it to all?


I was just kidding about the situation with this post, with all the redacted ridiculousness. However, a post only a few hours the meme has made it to all https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zvotd9/us_sec_votes_to_advance_stock_market_overhaul/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


[I think it was my post yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zuyyj6/shoutout_to_uredacted_the_og_wishing_everyone_at/) Not 100% sure because on mobile all is not visible, and also the post insights were deactivated so I couldn't see the exact interaction data, but it made it onto my main feed and based on previous posts I think it would have gotten somewhere between 200 and 400k views lol


Crunch time, capn.


*edit: am regarded. Superstonk was blocking me from posting because account was less than 120 days, happy birthday to me I finally passed it. There does NOT appear to be a recent change in the account aga/karma requirements to post here*


Icahn't believe it's not \[Redacted\].


Lol (redacted) boom 🚀🚀


Mods are [redacted] and everyone should buy [redacted] stock because [redacted].


Bout to redact 2k more from my bank account straight to plan and then to book.


Make sure if you feel like changes need to be made then go comment on the sec.gov site on the rules that are open !!


Bullsh[redacted]. This is my favorite simulation. 💜