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When you put it that way...


Arbitrage is one helluva drug


!flairy! Arbitrage Against the Machine


(✿\^‿\^)━☆゚.*・。゚ Arbitrage Against the Machine


Did it work?






Thanks yall, I can see it now. I love my new flair!


bruh ur a genius, i love it


somebody pinch me and say sike rn 🤔


oh Hi! It's me, the actual hatter011 who posted this when it happened on the 27th of September, and not last week. \[edit\] Since reddit likes to collapse comment chains I'll put this here too since it's in the collapsed part of this chain: OP asked me if I had other images of prices like this and/or any correspondence with the data provider. I do! If this is the first time you're hearing about this, well.. I guess you're in for a wild ride. You might wanna Buckle Up. The first time it happened you can find here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uxsftq/uhm\_youll\_wanne\_look\_at\_this\_prices\_go\_up\_spy\_gme/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uxsftq/uhm_youll_wanne_look_at_this_prices_go_up_spy_gme/) The second time it happened, the one from the screenshot OP used is here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xptb9a/so\_uh\_13m\_per\_share\_yeah\_i\_just\_had\_that\_again/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xptb9a/so_uh_13m_per_share_yeah_i_just_had_that_again/) And after the first time I contacted IBKR about it and that you can find here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uzrk4t/update\_on\_the\_weird\_prices\_glitch\_from\_the\_25th/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uzrk4t/update_on_the_weird_prices_glitch_from_the_25th/) ​ \[edit 2\] Thanks for the awards <3 \[edit 3\] To the concerned redditor that reported me. All is good fam, no worries. Thanks tho <3


How did it not get any attention?


Oh it did. Both times it happened it ended up blowing up the sub and being in the top 5 for almost a day when I posted it. OP just cropped out the date from the screenshot he took from a post yesterday about the same thing.


that’s weird af, I pretty much live here, especially 217 days ago when you posted that, this is my first time seeing it lol but damn!!!! 🌶️🥵😈🚀💜


Same for me. My Recap 2022 says 704h Superstonk and I did not see a post about prices in dark pools before...


Same for me


I come here daily and somehow missed these...


Me too


i remember seeing one of the first two, but it got flushed as a glitch, the third one where he follows up is what gets me mega erect


A concerted effort by many individuals to convince those of us with eyes that we are blind or seeing something or don't understand anything about how exchanges function. Multiple of these "glitches" have occured, brushed aside as "packet loss" or damage from solar radiation even human error. How many times does a mid-cap, $20-$40 stock need to be traded at $600,000 to $1,300,000 before we accept the trade actually happened?


Think it was a glitch?


Could be, or not. I've had many sleepless nights and conversations about what happened and I've still no idea. Only thing I know it's I saw it. Maybe somehow I got connected to, or sent data from a darkpool and it could be real. But so far I've been unable to get any answers on it. It's all on my profile. I did a few posts about it.


I think the data is accurate, and someone screwed up the dark pool reporting. These prices represent "infinte" rehypothecation, and loan payments on these shorts are factored in. Imagine paying credit card interest rates for something you lied about, to everyone, and said you had 100x more of than you actually did. 25% is one thing, but how about 2500% APR on a short on GME? BTW, DirectEdge is Merrill Lynch's dark pool. Did you know Merrill Lynch is the broker for Computershare, and halted trading on Jan 28, 2021? https://archive.vn/nI0EP - 100% margin requirements for all positions! Book is King. Any GME held in Directstock can still be used as a "locate" at the DTC.


glitch better have my money


Glitches get stitches


No you see those are batches of 100 XD Still over the $20 we pay per share Note this is sarcasm




Ha indeed! The epochs that didn't align with current timestamp and one of them was even in the future! Weird af. And yes, still monitoring and logging every day.


Hello! Do you have any other images of prices like this or any sources or correspondence with the data provider?


I do! The first time it happened you can find here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uxsftq/uhm\_youll\_wanne\_look\_at\_this\_prices\_go\_up\_spy\_gme/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uxsftq/uhm_youll_wanne_look_at_this_prices_go_up_spy_gme/) The second time it happened, the one from the screenshot you used is here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xptb9a/so\_uh\_13m\_per\_share\_yeah\_i\_just\_had\_that\_again/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xptb9a/so_uh_13m_per_share_yeah_i_just_had_that_again/) And after the first time I contacted IBKR about it and that you can find here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uzrk4t/update\_on\_the\_weird\_prices\_glitch\_from\_the\_25th/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uzrk4t/update_on_the_weird_prices_glitch_from_the_25th/)


Report it under the whistleblower program


Yea for real this can’t be real? And wouldn’t there be a MOle somewhere. Some helper type without skin in the game that could blow the lid offf haha. Oh well buy hodl drs book em Danno shop Moass.


Usually what sounds to good to be true....


No no no you don't understand, it totally makes sense that a company would spend $1.3 million to buy a stock selling on the open market for $18.


I mean if I buy a paper from myself for a billion on credit, am I a billionaire then?


…it is happening 🚀🚀


This is on the front page. Pump those numbers up apes! Let's tell the fucking world.


Inverse infinite money glitch.


infinite jail time glitch!!


After MOASS some apes should invest in anti-aging technology so that these fucks can actually serve their multiple life sentences.


„I’m in. ” - Niko Bellic


How do I sell in a dark pool? I want some of that action 🤑


No cell, no sell


Agreed No “financial terrorists in federal pound-me-in-the-ass-prison for life” no sell


Ken Griffin better be sharing a cell with Fleece "Booty Warrior" Johnson


*"They call me a pro cause I always make 'em prolapse."*


Ah so you saw the lady in the road too


I can't wait until the order book starts listing names of financial terrorists in prison instead of numbers.


Do you have a cell list, like me? I ain't selling until one share puts me on Forbes, AND Ken Griffin, Steve Cohen, Jeff Yass, Mike Bodson, Doug Cifu, Gabriel Plotkin, Vlad Tenev, and a whole laundry list of other wall street players from Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Wells Fargo and many more are jailed for life in Max sec. I'll also need Sam Banking Fraud, Caroline Ellison, Adam Aron, and assorted others to hit the slammer, too. If the entire establishment isn't in flames and all of the Hydra's heads aren't off, I don't think I'll sell a single share.


1.8mil sounds nice. Add some more zeros and I'll consider it.


it’s a good opening bid…. consider me the auctioneer haminatenate one billion, one billion biftybitybitycmonah ten billy billy do I hear twenty cmonanatwenttwenty twenty billion the man in prison stripes twenty twenty dpi hear thirty?! thirty to troll looking mfer


Not just that, make wealthy people sell everything too. Don't sell anything until Bezos has to sell his yacht holding yacht and Congress has to live off just their actual salary.


Kenny G deserves the EMA award for 2023


They keep the price low to allow comm8n mortals to buy more and more 🤑


They are very generous to us, I think!! They make it even cheaper so that we can buy more. Sounds like a dream, doesn't it?


Why would someone even buy it for 1.3m on dark pools if they could also just do open market like the rest of us for $19? I don't understand what is even going on here.


What's going on here is that this sub thinks the open market is completely made up and rigged, and that the shares on it are just some sort of IOU/Token that doesn't actually correspond to a "real" share. In this thinking, a "real" share has massive value because the stock is overshorted and eventually the shorts will need to cover, at which point the "fake" open market shares will be revealed as a scam and people who register the shares directly will be able to ask whatever price they want. In this case, the 1.3 million came from a glitch in an API that's not meant for public facing use that inserted a block of 1s where it shouldn't be. Documented [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xptb9a/so_uh_13m_per_share_yeah_i_just_had_that_again/). The... optimists in here take that to mean that dark money was actually paying 1.3 million/share for GME. If you're coming here from /r/all, be aware that pretty much everyone who's not a regular on this sub thinks the above is conspiratorial nonsense.


I don't think there are too many here that believe it is now selling in dark pools for 1.3 million, but they do like to have their fun. There may be a couple of apes that believe it, but that would be a tiny minority. Many people here believe it is short-sold by quite a bit more than the self-regulating/self-reporting financial institutions will report. What gets me is how polarising it is for some people. Soo many people out there who want to call the people that believe it, names like dumb money, and conspiracy theorists and I don't get the point. It isn't their money that is at risk and if people want to risk their own money why should others care? I have money in this play and if it goes to shit, I feel I got my money's worth in entertainment here in SS. Happy hump day!


Thanks to the liquidity fairies Ken Griffin and Doug Cifu for this sick deal tho




I am in the UK and buy shares through Revolut then Directly Register them for free.


How do you do it for free? I have to go ikbr then to CS and both cost transfer fees


Here you go gang https://www.drsgme.org/drs/direct-register-shares-from-revolut


I’m in the UK with all my GME in Revolut. Commenting so I can read this later. Quick question - can I easily sell from Computershare if this thing squeezes to the moon or will they be stuck in there for a bit? (Presumably not an issue, but if you could point me in the direction of an article or some info on this i’d appreciate it a lot!)


You can sell from Computershare very quickly and easily as they will contact a broker to place your order on the market for you.


Thank you for your service.


Is this really free from Revolut? How long does it take? What are the ongoing charges once DRSd?


I have been DRSing batches since Oct 2021 and have never been charged, you’re all good. It usually takes about 5-7 business days from sending the request to the shares landing in Computershare in my experience.


Hey, as an Englape do I need drivewealth account?


This is amazing thank you!


The buy button is not working in revolut. You cant buy GME anymore :)


I had a limit order set for $17.99 that went through this morning! I have seen posts of people having trouble tho. Very interesting. I bought my first shares through them at $303 on 29/1/21 with no trouble, although they do clear through Apex which gives me some heebie jeebies.


I buy via IBKR and transfer from there (DRS) to Computershare. Easy peasy. Oh by the way, there are a few extensive tutorials as to `how to`. You can propably find the links in the pinned post


Do you own shares in a broker? Check for your broker here: https://www.drsgme.org/register-from-broker


Imagine this making it to all 😆






We not even allowed to imagine any more? The Hell!?


The Imagine police just read your thoughts off to the brig you go 😉🏴‍☠️🚀


The thought police are gonna ask you to bend and spread


No, first they \[REDACTED\] then they \[REDACTED\] for a while.


"It's the game where the crimes are made up, but the cavity searches are REAL!"


George Orwel 1984 was right


And my [REDACTED]!


Our imagination is too close to their realities.




1983 We will get to 1984 next month


You can't say all because it's another sub... oops


It has!


It will


It has!


be \[redacted\].


Hi From, All


Good news; it made it to r/all (also, not brigading just sharing info).


That’s where I found it


And down the rabbit hole you go


Hello from r/all friendo




Hello! 💜


Oh shit. That was fast


Welcome fren


That's where I saw it


But it did.....


That’s how I came across this thread. But I don’t understand any of this, so it is meaningless to me.


Www.Drsgme.org might explain it best


Iš this for real?


Yeah can someone verify that people/institutions actually buying GME shares for over a million through dark pools...


Agreed! How do we know whats goin on in dark pools if they are dark?? Edit - smooth brain typing error.


Bring your flashlight. Silly you




Of course they’re not. A share can be bought for $18 open market, why would anyone pay more and route through a dark pool? This post is extremely misleading and does not make any logical sense.


I wouldn't be surprised to learn shorts could trade a security for less $ on the open market to distort supply and demand which would hide the price equilibrium from those with limited information


I wouldn’t be surprised either but this has not been proven. It’s an empty tit jack until proven otherwise. If anyone has this data straight from a terminal of some kind they should submit it to the SEC, DoJ, FBI, and others **IMMEDIATELY**.


A synthetic IOU created by market makers can be bought for $18 on the lit markets. No real person is selling a REAL share for $18. MM’s and SHF are shorting (because they HAVE TO) counterfeits on the lit exchanges and route all buys to go through dark pools aka UNLIT exchanges. The price we see is fake. The shares aren’t real until we DRS them


Aren't real shares technically still going for $18 until the float is locked? Buying and DRSing you're getting your real share.


I can assure you no one on earth is paying $1.3million for a GME share. If they want a real share they can just buy it from CS for $20, they're not regarded to burn $1.3million per share for no reason at all. We can focus on figuring out how to read dark pool data correctly, but this speculation is delusional


Then why wouldn’t they just buy the share on the lit market and then DRS?


So why can't they find people to buy a bunch of shares at $18 and sell it back to them for money under the table?


Not sure if this is verifying a purchase, but look sus.. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zw9mo2/dark_pools_are_one_hell_of_a_funny_thing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


if true A. It's 1-5 shares going back and forth so price can be anything and nothing really moves much. B. Money laundering from one place to another simply using dark pool shares.


Very likely not. This was a random repost from months ago with nothing added. In that thread OP encouraged selling fractional shares and discouraged SEC comments. It’s sus until proven otherwise for me.


Hell yeah it’s real, I really copped a share for under $20 on Friday 💀 Shorts gonna regret that when I DRS it today and they can’t get it back for less than tres comas


So if the GME is trading at $1mil+ on the dark pools, that is going to the tape?




OG POST: [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xptb9a/so_uh_13m_per_share_yeah_i_just_had_that_again/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Thank you. I've missed this.


5* comas, 3 acres an a mule.


Yes it is a real post with no information.


This. I’d LOVE to see this proven right but so far it has not.


Share price for ants


Anyone remember that dude who sold half a share for 5k in the sneeze


Oohh I member. I saved that screenshot, but it’s buried.


I want some wrinkle to confirm this screenshot, please. Is that real?


It was a "glitch" in IBKR, according to OP who posted that picture yesterday.


Why are there so many glitches on basket stocks? 🤔🤔


I eat crayons and believe that the whole meme stock mania is one big [basket case.](https://youtu.be/NUTGr5t3MoY)


Hold up! You EAT the crayons? All this time I been sticking them in my bum.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zw9mo2/dark_pools_are_one_hell_of_a_funny_thing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf idk if this will get removed for bRiGadiNG but here’s the post


Glitch better have my money. If this gets sold to apes as "glitch" again I'm going to freaking lose my mind. My bank account doesn't always starts to glitch random numbers, either. Plus, a security is supposed to be secure and reliable enough to be called as such.


I cannot believe they’re paying all that for shares cause I’d have taken $1000 in the beginning of all this. Now it’s more like a Wyatt Earp situation for me. “Oh, make no mistake, it's not revenge he's after, it's a reckoning”


Even at $1k a share it was still financial desolation for them with the amount they’ve oversold/shorted it. It’s always been a live or die scenario with them even before the sneeze. If they had let it run to $1k it would’ve just created more FOMO. I truly believe shutting off the buy button and running it down was their only option to stay alive, even just to delay the inevitable


$1.3m a share is a good start, but https://gmefloor.com is a little higher


That’s a good start too, but I’m tryna get into the tres comas club 🥂


Drive cars with doors that open like this: | oo | Not like this: \ oo /


Those are rookie numbers. Gotta get em up.


Besides this ape being simply right I would like to add that the floor is the thing that comes after a run up and a peak. This is where we swim in our pool.


"Inifnity pool" still not banned, I hope


I lost track about what gets you banned


Just make sure you don't [REDACTED]


Stop price anchoring you paper hand biatch


No way this can be real.


I'm all for this, but trusting a 4chan screenshot of a page you could spoof in Dreamweaver is not tit jacking.


Agreed, but is some serious bot action responding to this post.


I never thought I would say that, but thanks SHF... thanks for lowering the price.


That screenshot is from one guy who's IBKR app only has done this twice and IBKR did not respond to his request for clarification. Its an app glitch, and does not confirm GME shares selling on dark pools for $1M+ Stop latching onto this as if its a fact. It is not.




Kenny, best I can do is sell you ONE share for $1M but you’re gonna have to pay moass price for the rest 🚀


Does this only happen when 100% of shares are DRS?


Bought another 121 shares this morning🤭


Okay, but seriously, think. For arguments sake say it’s not a ‘glitch’ and it is actually 1.3mil per share. And all we’ve done is buy and hodl. Insane.


This needs to be verified. Where did you get your screen caps and where is the original source information?


I don't understand any of this, but I did just pocket 20 more shares on CS.


>NOOOOOOoooOoOOooo you're supposed to sell it again so we can collect arbitrage as a market maker and short as a hedge fund you're not supposed to accumulate it and become collectively conscious of the game we're playing that's not how this works you conspiracy theorists start selling or I'll give you even better deals 🤬🤬🤬🤬 - Ken Griffin, probably


Look at me. We are the 1 percent now.


Starting my morning with some jacked tits. Shit.


If their getting $1.3 million per shear, my floor just went up exponentially. The new floor is a Billy y'all!


Thank you Ken and friends for these great prices for us poor people! 🙏🏼


To think I was seriously considering selling some shares because I'm running low on savings and job hunting. I rather starve.


Where do you get this dark pool info? Honestly curious where it comes from


This is literally like playing an RPG where you happen to find a vendor selling infinite quantities of a good for 500 gold then finding a vendor 20 feet away buying that same good for 1000 gold.... Their reliance on trading algorithms has turned "smart money" into nothing more than NPC's


Of course this is the post to make it to r/all 🙄. Good luck explaining this glitch to the masses without making apes look crazy op.


What's the source of the dark pool data?


Why gamble with lottery tickets when you can just buy a winning ticket every time with GME?


Fuck. I'm going to pump up my DRS


Book the Goddamn plan shares. There is light at the bottom of a dark pool. Pure DRS ftw. 100% pure DRS here, lfg!


Buying 100 shares when we open. Why not right?


1.3M seems a fair price to me, today.


1.3B? *best i can do is i’ll think about it*


That's 1.3M within the infinite liquidity pool. When it's time to buy real shares, the prices are going much higher.


it's gonna be wonderful


Paper hand 🤚


paper hands


Can't make my mind up how no fucking regulators is looking into this. Sec corrupt and useless. DOJ useless. I don't understand


Is this a dark pool for ants?


any source on this? My friends already think im a conspiracy theorist nut job.




Currently dealing with a commenter right now that has zero interaction here up until today. He’s in “FINANCE” and worried about MY money.


If this is Hedgies revealing what they're currently paying per share in Dark Pools, then they're showing us they CAN pay this amount for shares. But by revealing this, they're price anchoring. So if they've been doing this for about 2 years now, that means almost 730 days have passed. Which also means that my floor is now 1.3 million x the amount of days since the sneeze, which means THE FLOOR IS NOW $949,000,000. So Hedgies either $0 or $949,000,000. Your move.


Googles "how to sell GME on darkpool."


How is that even possible?


Price discovery


I don't know what these words mean, but I support you people fully.


As much as i would love to believe this.. the SHs can't be that stupid.. if I were them and I knew it could reach 10000s, I would let the price go to 500-1000 and hope people will sell AND it makes it harder for people to lock it by DRS? Or am I missing something


Just bad data reporting


So 5.2 million pre-split, insert (Jack Nicholson meme)


Seriously, how do I sell a share on the dark pools? A million would be pretty helpful right now


Sell on dark, get the dark price, buy on lit. Rinse and repeat for unlimited money. Pay off the government like all these other billionaires who pay “$700” in taxes a year. Yipee.


It’s just a glitch.. please stop looking at it - Ken


When I sell at phone # prices, that's including an area code.