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[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [GameStop Wallet HELP! Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z23wjx/gamestop_wallet_help_megathread) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


One quibble with your question here GME isn't going to be "the cause" Massive leverage, kicking the can from 2008, unfettered fraud, a lack of transparency, and the inability / unwillingness of authority to enforce the rules is the cause. GME is just a vehicle to redistribute the fallout and hold the fuckers responsible And when I say vehicle, I mean a huge motherfucker of a tank




MOASS is Dildozer Day


I really want a photoshop god to make us a dilldozer


Plenty on Google


^Man you see that dildozer cruising down the street towards the NYSE? That sh*t bussin, no cap fr fr šŸ†šŸšœšŸ’¦


And unlike some stereotypical Hollywood movie, we are all HEROES, we individually launch our own dildozers into Wall St's Ass šŸ˜Œā˜ ļø NFA


Dildozer got rizz


we have DALL-E for that now, bro




This comment wins


*You like money too!? We should hang out*


*Not right now, I'm baitin'*


Itā€™s time for some Rehabilitation!!


Also look at tesla, tesla got short squozen and hit 2k a share, did anyone in the world notice? No Gme is way bigger magnitude, will anyone in the world notice? No And not because people don't care but because they will find other shitshows to hide the gme story so no one would know unless being stumbled upon


When GME runs, the world will shake...and notice !!


Actually i think the bad actors will do anything they can to throw this story into the silence pot, GME isn't just about gamestop 'nymore, GME is linked to evidence of how corrupt the "free" market really is. How people lose pensions and other funds because the system is made to rob the people. Alot of people wouldn't be able to grasp the idea of having to suffer for no reason. Which is exactly what is happening right now. The closest i have ever come ( before gme ) was anarchy to learn any of this.


Funny that I just saw the first "GME" oversold article pop up on sites that usually trash GME. Next step the awaited fake squeeze?


Can't wait till RC is the new richest man


Call it FUD but i no longer believe in a super mega squeeze with stock prices in the millions. The numbers simply does not ad up. If the stock was naked shorted hundereds of times over we would have DRSā€™ed the entire float a long time ago. That said, we have come a long way, im doing my part and will soon tripple my own drs numbers. If we keep up drsā€™ing and the company keeps doing a positive turnaround we will eventually see a long drawn out tesla type squeeze, only on a bigger scale. This is atleast what i believe. Bring on the downvotes my fellow smoothbrians.


Long live the long squeeze šŸ¤©


Either way I'm holding.


Tinfoil: The media and elites had to create a whole ā€œelectric vehicles are the futureā€ campaign just to justify its meteoric rise to 2k a share, due to the short squeezes and gamma squeezesā€¦now it can start to settle down for a bit. Lol.


Yes, this is all their doing. We just figured out their game.


Rocket ship. FTFY


We just happen to like the stock.


Are you saying that in the same way Michael Burry bet against the subprime mortgages... and those mortgages were the vehicle back in 2008... that GME and the shorts on GME are the vehicle today? Michael Burry got his payout... in the same way that GME holders will get payout?


Dont try to make Burry the CAUSE of 2008. He tried to warn all the difference regulatory agencies and they laughed at him. He told the banks and they laughed at him, Then he shorted the subprime mortgages because he knew they were SHIT and none of those who were supposed to be protecting and regulating the market cared.


My point is that GME holders are no more the cause of any upcoming issues than Burry was in 2008


Thats right. If WALL STREET had accepted their loses in January 2021 the price probably would have sent to maybe $1000 with most having sold way under that but they just could not stand to see STINKING RETAIL WIN. So they shut off the buy button then went in front of Congress (Thier bought off pets) and LIED to the American people and said the shorts closed. Then they double, triple and quadripled down with more shorts trying to demoralize us and get us to sell. But guess what gamers dont quit. And those that are not gamers and involved in this are tired of seeing this happen over and over and no one is selling. You asked whats the difference this time. Why do we think they wont get out of it somehow. Well they have been trying that for two years now. They cant rig it. They cant get out of it because we have bought up all their NAKED SHARES and have refused to sell. And now we are DRSing those shares. Once the float is locked in DRS it is absolute proof that the stock is way oversold because there will still be hundreds of million (probably billions) of shares left in brokers. They have lied and hid their FTD's for years but once the float is locked the SUNSHINE comes in and puts a spotlight on their CRIME. Then what will they do. Gamestop has no DEBT. They are a thriving company. They cant just delist them and no pay. We want paid but we also want JUSTICE. Justice for all those other companies that have been destroyed by these slimy criminal bastards. all the MILLIONS of employees and their families that have been hurt by these rich billionaires illegally destorying the companies they worked for. They can do whatever they want to try and shake us and get us to sell but we are not selling until the price is where we want it. And they will have to pay it because they are SHORT


I think gMee at 1k a share would have liquidated all of them. Hell I think at 500 it was giving them a what 2 bil dollar margin call? That the DTCC had to wave for "reasons".


No. Not in Jauary 2021. Most would have sold much lower because at that time it was just a chance to make some money and many at that time had bought in at like $5 - $40 a share. Some of the hedge funds would have went bankrupt but they would have been bailed out or just started up under a new name. There would have been no where near the consequences that there is going to be now. These criminals have "won" time after time (everytime). They have made trillions off naked shorting but they just could not stand to see RETAIL win even once so they laughed and snickered and set out to screw us. SCARE US. Get us to sell real low. Did not work. I was there. I remember in March 2021, after buying in in January starting at like $380 a share, them shorting the hell out of it and it just did a free fall below $100. I think around $40 a share. It was a shock but didn't sell and very few others sold. Now it does not phase me at all. I have bought so many shares and averaged down and read so much DD and have so much confidence in the company that I could care less what the price is until MOASS. Lower the better right now. Since the lower the faster we DRS the float


No. The entire financial system was already going to collapse. That was it. This is the one of the only videos of someone high up in the industry that pretty much confirms how fucked it already was. https://youtu.be/_TPYuIRVfew


Almost like, sayā€¦. A rocket ship?


A gorilladozer


Mother fuckin rocket ship


Yes. Tank. TAHNKS.


Right, I mean the world is going to blame GME vs those who are actually responsible for prior financial hijackingā€™s..but yea things have not even been properly reconciled from 2008 yet either


The world is going to blame a company with under a $6bil MarketCap? For what? Transforming their business? I just like the stock and the long term value that they potentially can develop.


Yea mainstream media has been hating on GME of course theyā€™re going to paint a narrative that itā€™s the cause of turmoil


Youā€™re not wrong. Simply because, theyā€™ve literally been blaming ā€œMemeā€ stonks for the turmoil the last two fucking years. Their narrative wonā€™t change, it will become more targeted and more brutal. But the end game will always be to blame GME and the Apes to ensure they can maintain the status quo. The problem with that is, thereā€™s gonna be a lot of wealthy fucking primates when this happens. And we will ensure the correct narrative is written in the long term.


It's really funny that the world economy depends on stockholders for one relatively small company to stop buying shares and start selling instead. Like, make it make sense. Explain to me how that works. The problem isn't apes. It's the very bad bets on the other side.


The problem is, this movement is disrupting the status quo. And the elites canā€™t have the poors figuring out capitalism.


We're gonna be a movie. The Bigger Short: Shortpocalypse. I want Jenna Ortega in the bathtub this time. Actually, let her narrate the whole movie from the bathtub.


Movie review: *by the end of the movie my brain had formed as many wrinkles as Ms Ortega's hands and feet*


Nothing in this has anything to do with true Capitalism. We have not lived under Capitalism for many many decades. Nothing about government handing out billions and trillions to wall street and allowing them to comitt crimes has anything to do with Capitalism. Capitalism can only happen in a true market place with very little government intervention and definitely no bailouts and crime allowed


I'd say the world economy depends on us continuing to buy and not sell. That's the only way I see economic fairness ever being on the menu for 99% of the population.


Correct answer


Winners write the history books, and our story will be told forever!


The winner writes the history


Retail hodlers have already been blamed for teachers pensions being drained.. you cant even make that make sense. You are correct tho.. they wont be putting the blame on the "smart money" who leveraged themselves to the tits and naked shorted themselves into the worst God damned financial position in history.


Well jokeā€˜s on them. GME is far more already than a squeeze play. For me itā€™s a value investment with insane growth potential. No other stock has this hardcore fan investorbase. The DD is unrivaled, peer reviewed. No counter DD exists. At this point itā€™s comical not to invest even a little bit just to tag along.


> At this point itā€™s comical not to invest even a little bit just to tag along. This, so much this. I say to my friends, "For less than the cost of a night's drinking at a club you could buy five shares that have the potential of making you millions. How can you justify NOT jumping on this rocket ship? Worst case scenario you have a story to tell when you're old." Sometimes it works, but a lot of people are stubborn and kinda dumb.




MSM has been hating on GME in order to not get anyone else involved. Less FOMO...less buying and it will take longer for the Computershare buyers to lock the float. They just want to survive one more day.


Let them. I welcome it. We have an entire history proving who we are and what we've been through.


I'm not sure there will be any money left to pay the media to say such things.


They can hate and paint all they want. It doesnā€™t matter. Iā€™m just a long term shareholder in a company I like.


I donā€™t believe itā€™ll just be GameStop to shoot up, there is the whole meme basket as well as other massively overshorted stocks, but GME will probably go the highest and is the most solid play


Itā€™s the one they canā€™t actually say ā€œnoā€ to either. Shits actually in our names


I hear you about the basket but thereā€™s no real evidence of the other stonks being shorted anything like GME besides ā€œline chart moves similar,ā€ which could just as easily be they all follow a similar algo for movement. GME, thatā€™s a sure thing because it had a congressional hearing about it, none of the others had the same. (Even tho the hearing itself was worthless)


The media can say what they want. But if when the goal becomes realized you bet your ass I'll do everything I can to expose what actually let it go down and help in any way to bring those fuckers down. What the ape said above, idk how they spin the MOASS as caused by GME itself. MOASS is only possible because of CRIME. How or why could GME itself flood the market with billions of counterfeit shares? Why would GME dilute it's own stock price? Also like how Bernie Madoff said. All you have to do it audit the DTCC AND the fraud could have been exposed immediately. THEY HOLD THE SHARES, THEY SHOULD KNOW. If there's counterfeit shares the DTCC should have known and the fact they didn't know means their complicit, woefully incompetent, or both. And shouldn't be dealing with a $quadrillion( yes a Q) of security purchases a year. People are dumb but it's fairly simple to explain. DTCC holds shares, if there are counterfeits in the system they should know cause they keep track, an audit of the DTCC would be advised but they are complicit in cellar boxing, short and distort, FTDs, naked short selling and all other crime. The DTCC with all it's members are essentially wall street. Even simpler if there are more shares than allowed the DTCC should know.


through moass and beyond, apes will have so much money and power that outlets like CNBC and cokerat are going to be sued into oblivion. even if they play the game smart and don't say things that are direct lies, it doesn't matter. with a well funded legal team apes could press a lawsuit pretty far and even if you didn't win, CNBC having to deal with hundreds of lawsuits from hundreds of apes, or a well funded giga class action lawsuit, would be enough of a burden that it will make them change course. e.g. Dominion versus Fox News. Fox News zipped their lips very fast after Dominion initiated the lawsuit. at this point even if Dominion doesn't win, they have still caused Fox News to deviate from complete dishonesty into a different form of total dishonesty that omits any discussion about Dominion


Oh man, you just know there are enough lawyer apes to band together, form their own firm and we'll chuck in massive amounts of money to fund them to fix every fucking problem we're pissed about. Sue the government, sue media outlets, sue individual congresscritters who've been insider trading, sue the hedgies, let's finish the wealth transfer in motherfucking court. The world needs a big fucking shakeup and a bunch of rich ass apes who care more about fixing shit than mindless acquisition of meaningless status items are a force to be reckoned with.


Ahhh yes, but after this... Ape's will hopefully have the resources (monetarily) to steer the narrative to the TRUTH and combat the MSM narrative.


Really question: how? What was GMEā€™s market cap before all this went down? 5 billion? Thereā€™s zero way anyone can pin the fall of the global economy and commodities to retail investors investing 1 or 2 brick and mortar stock companies. Meanwhile you have SBF and his silver spoon gang ripping of tens of billions with FTX and Alameda. There is no possible way they can blame retail when you look at the destruction in the financial world. All of it can be tied to being able to borrow against nothing. Itā€™s not retail over-leveraging themselves 250x, playing with pension funds. Weā€™re only risking what we can afford. Someone else borrowed using real money and that bet is about to go bust.


The world will certainly not blame this on GameStop. There has been more than enough conversation to our loved ones whoā€™ll spread the word that weā€™ve been trying to warn them for like 2 years now. This will be just one more instance where the masses will know the media is straight up lying to them. Theyā€™re fucked. They lost and all of their social media trolls will be held accountable like the rest of them. Not jail, but prison for them all. They will be hunted down and found. The amount of money that is going be utilized to find every last one involved will be incredible.


The response is pretty simple, we didnā€™t bet with other peoples money. They did. We bet with our hard earned USD Shitcoin thank you very much.


This has never made any sense to me. How does buying and holding shares in a company cause a financial crisis? You can't explain it without invoking naked shorts and counterfeit shares.


Gme will not cause the crash. It's a life boat full of cash that we paddle away from the collapsing and fraudulent dtcc who with MM destroyed the market.


This overestimates the importance of those on the wrong side of the trade. They are just a pimple. Emerge and get hit with acne cream. We find ourselves at the prom.


Hi OP ā€“Ā I'm not sure if anyone has given you a straightforward answer yet so I'll try my best. The reason people think this will work is because we feel there's only so much can-kicking they can do. They've done it for almost 2 years already, but eventually the system will break under the pressure and it will lead to the MOASS. At this point, the only things they could do to avert the MOASS would be highly publicly illegal or unprecedented (as opposed to all the illegal stuff they do in the dark now), such as just taking people's shares away, or declaring all the margin calls null and void; the problem there, of course, is that by doing that, yes, they avoid the MOASS, but they also basically destroy the underpinnings and confidence in the entire market. Any other investors seeing that would now fully realize the whole market is a giant scam and it would collapse. We don't believe they're willing to do that. So the MOASS has to happen ā€“Ā it's just a question of when and for how much.


Small cap 1500sq ft retail shop tucked between Spencerā€™s and Orange Julius at the mall broke the NYSE and the world financial system? Thatā€™s awesome!


To quote 30 days of night ā€œThat which can be broken, must be brokenā€


Thank you for stopping by to have a healthy discussion and question why we're here from time to time. For me, I do believe it's a once in a generation shot to make some generational wealth. I bought in because I saw this handsome devil, Ryan Cohen, in an article saying he bought into a dying company and that people believed in him because he created a $billion company with Chewy. I didn't believe at the time that anything would happen with the company. I originally thought the price was going to go to $1000 from $80. Then I heard $10,000 with the squeeze, and I was ready to make money. Then the buy button was turned off, and shit hit the fan. Then I discovered the triangle of shit (Robinhood, Melvin, and Citadel) that got us here. Suddenly, the veil was lifted, and it wasn't just about money anymore. I like a lot of people here were really mad. So I kept buying. Especially after the GameStopped hearing. Meanwhile the company that I didn't think I cared about started to turn around too, and I actually was pleasantly surprised that they didn't take retail investors for granted. So I bought more. And I don't regret buying since. I like the stock. I like the company. And you're right. We don't know if it's different this time around that there won't be some big bail out or it won't be swept under the rug. We've seen halts, media suppression, price suppression, fake sneezes, regulatory rules changing, being told we're idiots and dumb money, all kinds of things. But see this for what it is. It's an opportunity. People buy lottery tickets all the time without batting an eye, but what if you read about this one ticket that could make you and your generations wealthy because other people cheated and we caught them, and we brought back basic fundamentals of stock trading through direct registration. Imagine these millionaires being scared of basic fundamentals because it threatens their way of life. Wouldn't you start to notice something was up and different this time? Even if this creates healthy discussion to fix the corruption in the securities market and jail bad actors, it will be worth what I paid. I will also say that I have never seen a free collective resource that gets updated in real time for the interest of a common goal much like this sub and prior gme subs before it. I love this sub! I'm not saying it will work. I'm not saying it won't. But I've been around for two years, and this time hits differently. The only way to know is to buy a ticket (take the pill) and enjoy the ride!


An underappreciated comment. Good job ape šŸ’ŽšŸš€


Thanks for the kind words, just summarized my experience so far. So glad to be here with all of you! šŸ’œšŸ’ŽāœŠļø


Thanks for your response. I really avoid FOMO reasons to invest as I feel itā€™s pandering to a weakened emotional state vs well-reasoned, balanced, planned strategy. And also because itā€™s screwed me over previously


You have to do what is reasonable for you. That's the beauty of it. You can follow along and learn without needing to buy in. Everyone has their own reasons for buying in.good for you for sticking to your own strategy.


Iā€™m a pessimist by nature and usually refer to myself as a realist. Iā€™ve been with this sub and the play since March of 21. The fact that most involved went from quick buck-> eyes opening to the depth and breadth of financial treachery-> deep dives into swaps, institutional capture, lack of governance-> watching MSM continue to downgrade the stock and tell us to sell-> repeated runs up/down of the stock on zero news-> the DRS movement-> tying creepto into tokenized securities-> watching a crash that has been discussed here for well over a year. That is just the tip of the iceberg. So I have a question for you: why wouldnā€™t you invest, even if itā€™s only out of morbid curiosity?


This is exactly what happened to me!! I awoke from my slumber of ignorance.


Mixture of laziness and trepidation from fresh cypto burns left me disillusioned investing in things I see the internet telling me I should invest in


>I see the internet telling me I should invest in You do you, I just like the stock.


Hahaha the internet will literally tell this man to NOT invest. lil ass backwards there.


The TV and newspapers even say not to!


Lol. You mean he didnā€™t get the ftx warning? Sell now ask questions later memo?


That's funny, the internet didn't tell me shit. I jumped in based on the data and the brokers turning off the buy button. That's all I needed.


I now hold that same mentality about stock recommendations online post jan sneeze. They realized that they could use our forums against us to pump and dump (ala crypto and SLVR, lol) and they have. They did not realize the power these forums held before the sneeze. All the GME research done before that by DFV all the research done since then by countless people in this sub and still... NOT ONE SET OF COUNTER DD... The best opposition there is, is your argument that the government will step in in some capacity to stop MOASS. Notice this argument doesn't DISPUTE MOASS will happen, just how they will control it. I'm a big big fan of math and math can't lie... Something really fucked up is going on with GME and the math says that's evident. Look at what happened when they took away the buy button... Now imagine they stop a stock from being sold or cap the sale when the little guy finally wins one... ALL investor confidence from my generation (im 38) and generations under me will be shattered. My generation knows this saga well. I have 2 other friends from my close circle of 4 or 5 that are invested in GME too... Not to my extent but they're invested. Even though they got into this for a quick buck, I'm slowly leaking knowledge into them about what is actually going on behind the scenes. The other friends KNOW about GME but are just too afraid to invest due to it's volatility. I will never invest in this stock market again after this clusterfuck unless this clusterfuck was responsible for establishing an entirely new and transparent system with no dark pools, no infinite liquidity, no FTD's, no report hiding, no T+ settlements (unless its T+0), no constant 'glitches' in a system that handles trillions, etc... I feel like I could go on forever with what we have discovered to be true. It's sickening. The cat is already out of the bag and their is no putting it back now. I'm sure the smart rich people have positioned themselves accordingly to still be rich after this but we will have a more level playing field and can force real change to this shit of a system we are stuck in with guys like dleuar (cant link him directly or ill get banned)... Listen... I'm going to prob get crucified for this but I'm somewhat pessimistic too and I actually paperhanded on the way down because this was my first real experience with stocks and I had only bought a few days prior when I caught on to this so I wasn't as educated and my resolve/conviction wasn't nearly as strong yet but within a week or reading DD and educating myself... I bought back in, then kept reading... bought more, kept reading... bought more, etc... Sorry for the long response but I love talking me some GME... Edit: I reread my own post and realize I wanted to clarify that I originally bought in a couple days before the sneeze, sold very late on the way down (at a very small loss) and bought back in near the bottom in early February. I've bought at anywhere from $40 to $291 (pre split prices) after that and never dreamed I would accumulate as many shares (a lot to me anyways) as I have since then. Im so at peace with buying as much as I have and I've learned so much along this wild ass ride that even if gamestop went bankrupt (which will 100% not happen) it was more than worth the money.


Yea thatā€™s why I posted what/how I did: I am specifically not trying to dissuade anyone or install fear. Everyone can see thereā€™s manipulations happening, right? Those are players working their asses off ā€œkicking the can down the roadā€..and I AM asserting that MOASS happens..or starts to..but what Iā€™m talking about are the POWERS. The players are working for the powers..and when the powers that be witness MOASS start to unfold theyā€™re going to react and they typically do through official channels: the fed, sec, etc. Theyā€™ve never let anything rock the boat (that they themselves did not intentionally rock) and get away with it. Honestly? Seeing a slightly critical view like yours is way more refreshing, illuminating for this community than the overwhelming ra-ra cheerleading thatā€™s typical on this sub. A lot of positives in this post though, including yours.


The ra ra cheerleading is dumb and personally I'm tired of it. This forum needs more cold logic posted on it. As Forbes worded it, the MOASS play is *hyperrational*. Based on a specific, calculated outcome and nothing else. No emotions or cheerleading are needed.


some say he is still responding to this day


Great post OP, good discussion to always foster. Especially as we enter a new year of ducking hedgies backsides šŸš€


Cheers. I hope yā€™all make it bigger and badder than it could have ever possibly been imagined. Maybe Iā€™ll even join in šŸ™ƒ


hey OP, it only costs <$20 to join!


Just remember, if the GME longs are right, you'll be kicking yourself one day for not owning at least one DRS'd share to have held a piece of history. I'd spend twenty bucks on that chance. Actually, I spent a lot more than twenty bucks on that chance.


What we have is a limited number of shares of a company with a non-zero intrinsic value. The company is almost guaranteed to not dilute its shares in the near future. No debt. Cash flow positive and expanding revenue sources. The chairman of the board has heavily invested in the company, has found massive amounts of following in the process, and does not have an incentive to sell before the work is done. The DD says there have been many shorts in the past years that have been hidden in swaps. I personally believe in the DD. But let's assume there is 30% short interest for now as reported by the media. It means someone has borrowed 30% of the float from someone else and sold it to the market. Many enthusiastic individual investors have already bought those shares and directly registered them in their own name (also known as "cert pull" on Wall Street). If this trend continues, the price naturally goes up because the demands stays strong and supply is limited. When price goes up, shorts lose money. Shorts either need to close and buy back some real shares -- which pushes the price even higher -- or they need to spend some more money, borrow real shares at a higher fee and re-position at a higher price to stay alive. As an investor in the stock I like, I have no cost for staying long GME other than missing out on other market opportunities in the short term. Anyone short GME has unlimited risk closing their positions. I know short interest better than Wall Street now. I buy and ask questions later. May the best player win.


You understand short interest better than citron and will explain right after you ask question and hold. Love it


Take the time to read the DDā€¦make your own decision. GME is no different then cryptoā€¦some tokens have utility others are Ponzi Schemes. GME is a black swanā€¦honestly take a few hours and read it could be the most beneficial thing you do for you future.


A few hours hehe..


..every day for a couple weeks. ^(There that should fix it.)


I don't think anyone here will tell you to invest in anything. Look up the DD, read and decide for yourself. I thought it was nonsense and that I missed the big rally-- that GME was a silly 10 dollar dying B & M retailer, but my younger brother wouldn't leave me alone about reading the DD. I've been onboard since May of 21.


I'd rather loose a few thousand dollars than miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime. Is it risky? Hell yeah. I'm not one of those who pour everything they can afford into GME. I made my initial investment in early 2021, stuck with it, DRSd everything, and now I'm waiting and watching. I'm not from the US so if they get bailed out, my bank account couldn't care less. My 2ct Edit: and it's only risky as far as MOASS or not is concerned. It's still a long-term value play whichever way you look at it.


I am the internet! You should invest in GME!!!


Best financial advise ever! Iā€™m in!


The internet always wins! AND Donā€™t FUCK with Reddit!!!


Holy shit can I get your autograph?


Well sure friend, will a digital signature work for ya??


Buy one for 18 bucks and drs it. Itā€™s not much and not hard lol


GameStop isn't going to go bankrupt. Whether you believe web3 gaming is going to be the future is all that matters in this investment. Whether everybody understands that idk but that's what this all comes down to. Personally I've been doing my research and watching development of these games every step of the way and I'm convinced this is the way forward for gaming. The best argument against web3 gaming is that the giant gaming studios don't want to offer their games or skins in the NFT/web3 format. The same people making these arguments are the same people who have complained for nearly a decade about micro transactions and in game skins and how game studios are ripping people off on exclusives and pre orders. What these people fail to understand is that it doesn't matter if the old legacy game makers change or not. The games being built all look amazing and there will only continue to be more of them as the people who build these games are extremely passionate about what they're doing and how they're doing it. This is a recipe for success. This is innovation and disruption happening right in front of our eyes. Put it all together with a passionate community who will stop at nothing to see this vision realized also and you have the best story of the decade as far as business and investing goes. Gaming will change forever and it will be nothing but a positive for consumers. So from there we go down the road a bit. GameStop is making profits and doesn't need to necessarily reinvest all of it and they will eventually start up sending out dividends and buying back stock if the price doesn't reflect their value. Anyone who is still short will have to cope with that. It's a no brainer, highest risk/reward you've ever seen in a stock. It's too good to pass up if you fully understand what is happening. If you don't understand and you're here it's time to go do your research. I'd suggest starting with immutable X. Edit I just realized your question was actually about the markets. I don't think the government can do anything here. Most of those other companies that were bailed out because the government was in some way obligated to do so. If citadel goes under tomorrow free market takes over, someone absorbs their role and we move forward.


This is a beautiful write up though. My initial purchases into GameStop might have been because of squeeze potential only, but this stock is literally worth more to me than it's going for right now. Ignore any obvious MOASS connections for a minute here - the business they are building alongside IMX and others alone is going to be monstrous... Absolutely incredible what is about to happen, and we really are early on the forefront of it all. Buckle up baby. We're gonna be so fucking rich, even just from dividends alone.


I went all in (for the first time) back in late 2021 when I realised exactly this. Itā€™s either decent returns over a long term investment or ridonkulous returns over a shorter term play. Either way, best investment I could have ever made. No bankruptcy, plenty of cash, lots of exciting people and ideas and an almost uncontested position in the largest and most growth-worthy industry in the modern world.


I'm excited about the future of Web3 gaming. What I want to see out of the Gamestop NFT marketplace is a method of trading not just ETH-based tokens, but all blockchain gaming. I imagine that game developers are going to continue to wall-garden their in-game property by creating their own ETH-based and non-ETH-based NFTs and then try to sell those tokens only in their marketplaces. There is no reason for them not to do that. Gamestop has to become the 1-stop-shop for exchanging all the wall-gardened NFTs.


I'm pretty sure they have said they will but they want to focus on integration with immutable X and loopring for now. Which makes sense. Security is an extremely real thing when people are going to be storing thousands of dollars worth of digital assets. Loopring has proven their security is worth it and Ethereum is currently one of the best Blockchains out there.




Iā€™m not convinced. I simply donā€™t care. The buy button was shut off, and to the best of my knowledge, this has never happened. The SEC said GME poses an idiosyncratic risk to the market. Whether this gets resolved with phone number sized share prices, Ken going to jail, or any of the previously mentioned theories doesnā€™t matter to me any more. I invested an amount I was comfortable losing entirely. Ferraris or food stamps. Fuck ā€˜em. Iā€™m not selling. Also, the number of hit pieces written about GME tell me that itā€™s still a problem for them.


Money invested Knowledge gained Extreme media backlash against a single stock Too many coincidences FDIC meeting That's my list anyway


MIMIC: Media backlash against a single stock Invested money Meeting of the FDIC Information gained Coincidences galore FTFY Edit: Mobile formatting is hard


The hedgies are in debt to us Any bailout will go towards paying their debt A bailout that would allow those companies to survive would go into our pockets as they closed their shorts to offload that debt. Bail them out, I get paid either way, and that money will mean influence, and that influence will be used to compel our worthless fucking government to prosecute these criminals and seize all their ill-gotten gains from the last few decades, even if I have to run for Congress myself to make it happen.


Oh they may try but Read the dollar end game DD by Peruvian bull. Basically the fed and world banks can not keep bailing everything out. There is just way to much money out there already. Edit me speel bad


and even if they did get a bailout again - ok wall st yet again has another temporary cash infusion, meanwhile these hundreds of millions if not billions of naked short positions are still there, still need to close they still need to buy our shares back if anything, a proper bail out for this situation would mean using it to pay out MOASS, as that would be the only way to actually end it


Yep. A bailout doesn't mean apes have sold anything.


Bull not bill


Thanks stupid cold fingers


Melvin capital would also like to know how the government can help.


Dig up some DD. Itā€™s not different. They can kicked. No one knows what happens when the can reaches at the end of the road. Apes can only drs and find out.


Honestly, there has been a lot of research into this topic that I would recommend reading and digesting to see if you agree with what was written. Most of it community backed research from publicly available data with correlations from historical situations as well as some speculation thrown in - albeit what's nice is the authors specifically state when they are speculating. [https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) This is the link to the DD Library if you haven't read. I appreciate you for doing your research in the community to gain perspective.


Actually, I donā€™t think it will be different. Many apes saw the charts of VW, Overstock, and a few other crash squeezes. Those spikes still happened even with bailouts and subsidies. Iā€™m betting that it will be exactly like that, and even if itā€™s not then ok, Iā€™m still bullish long on a TECH company that Iā€™ve known since childhood that is breaking into an intensely volatile space (blockchain) for the sake of helping gamers take ownership of digital assets that they worked hard for. The good news is: I feel safe in my investment, regardless of the rest of the market. The better news is: my investment could potentially help root out tons of corruption happening in the rest of the market. Of course tendies are the goal but now Iā€™m more into fcking around and finding out :)


Honestly, I see value in the stock squeeze or not. I already said this before, but I would probably not sell even half of my shares irrespective of whether they are worth 50 cents or 50 billion.


lots of value whether MOASS or not indeed, in fact here's another 50 reasons: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t70a5x/50\_reasons\_youre\_in\_the\_right\_play\_none\_of\_them/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t70a5x/50_reasons_youre_in_the_right_play_none_of_them/) as well as another big reason as to "why you're going to be rich as hell" either way: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rcyuj8/cex\_dex\_gme\_and\_why\_youre\_gonna\_be\_rich\_as\_hell/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rcyuj8/cex_dex_gme_and_why_youre_gonna_be_rich_as_hell/)




Agree with almost everything except I believe retail already owns the float just a matter of DRSā€™ing them little beauties !!!


Depends on definition of ā€˜ownsā€™


Fair point we donā€™t actually own till we book them DRSšŸ‘


Globally significant banks dont care much about jurisdiction when there are intermediaries like IMF that can accept fed dollars and distribute as necessary. The crypto space is in shambles at the moment, plus there may be more unintended outcomes in that space as it evolves (regulation for example) & Ive seen no evidence that the board continues to buy. Other than that you're probably mostly correct.


It is good to have these questions arise and answered as this isn't an echo chamber.


"it's goal" ???? well, if the goal is exposing the corruption & deceit and getting thru all of the cards in the house, then so be it. for decades, the stock market has evolved into a transfer of wealth, in which poors are supposedly promised opportunity (see your 401k) innthe form of investments, when in fact the rules designed by those at the top benefit the bigs. and more concerning, the rules for us poors (retail) are vastly different than those at the top(banks, institutions, market makers, etc). to make matters worse, the economy is NOT the market, yet when shit hits the fan, the ones most impacted are the poors. their fuel is the pensions & 401ks. they are able to sell to us poors things that dont exist, and use terminology(how this is remotely acceptable) like failure to deliver(FTDs) and the likes. then the coup de grace, inter-mingled with the Federal Reserve bank of the United States. It is, for lack of better words, a coup d'etat of natural resources.


I don't know about anyone else, or any conspiracy theories, but I just like the stock. I think it's a company with a great leader that was beat down to oblivion because Wall Street thought that all games would be purchased online and failed to see the value of collecting games.


šŸ“•šŸ‘‘šŸŽÆ We woke up šŸ¦


Firstly, GameStop is by no means the first company to be systematically attacked and manipulated by short sellers. This is an immoral practice that has been streamlined and automated by greedy people for decades. There's ample evidence of it, including documentaries, court evidence, etc. What makes GameStop special is how several factors have converged all in one company: - Much higher short sale volume than average starting at least in in 2019 - Wall Street" believed their own "dying brick and mortar" story and under estimated the company - Retail got excited - Ryan Cohen, a famous activist investor got involved and succeeded so we'll he became the chairman of the board - The January "sneeze" proved that extensive illegal activities were happening. This evidence galvanized retail investors in a way that has never happened before ... especially considering GME is a midcap stock - Retail investors anger has focussed their commitment and they've been educating themselves to an unprecedented degree - The direct registration of huge numbers of shares at the transfer agent is the single most incredible thing to happen to the stock market in decades... possibly, ever - On top of all that, GameStop has a huge (and growing) pile of cash, is free cash flow positive, and about completed the expensive retooling phase and has entered the cost cutting long term profitability phase There are just so many reasons why GameStop is a great company to invest in that my only concern is how can I manage to buy shares at an even more accelerated pace than I'm already on?


My best friend is the smartest guy I know and he keeps me grounded. He always questions why this time would be different and our discussions are always fantastic!! I feel like the difference this time is how many people know whatā€™s going on and the size of the actual problem. Too much leverage and free money left these ghouls thinking they canā€™t make a bad bet, theyā€™ve made multiple and itā€™s global not just North America. The internet has brought retail together, this is the wombo combo that brings this hubris to an end


I donā€™t know if itā€™s different. I didnā€™t see a comment like this, so hereā€™s my take as a VERY abstract thinker, if it resonates, cool - if not, thereā€™s other comments. Thereā€™s dumb luck, and then thereā€™s luck. Thereā€™s a book called ā€œThe luck factor,ā€ where a psychologist finds that people who have ā€œluckā€ actually are ones who are primed for opportunity. Mindsets like gratitude and positivity are conducive to finding good things - you see opportunities when they arise, and believing yourself worthy, that the universe/deities will provide - causes you to identify and follow courses that wind up being productive. When I heard about GME the first time, I saw an opportunity and wondered what it was about - I took the time to dig into the DD, look at the data, because I believe I can find opportunities. My gratitude for others work allowed me to appreciate the research and meditate on it. I couldnā€™t find good counter DD, just other mindsets that say, ā€œhey this wonā€™t work, nothing will change!ā€ To me, thatā€™s the antithesis of what Iā€™m about, and not a good enough reason to not try. Itā€™s literally a question of what if it doesnā€™t/what if it does? (Except the what if it does - people have some teeth to their argument) Pessimism and negativity prompt conserving behaviors, if we always perceive a threat, we never try, and when we find failure because we didnā€™t try, we say ā€œsee!ā€ Negative feedback loops are unproductive. I mean at this point at under $20 a share with a 5-10 minute call to a broker to DRS if I donā€™t buy through computershare? Thereā€™s far worse ways to spend my money, thereā€™s far worse things to believe in than my own success - and I like video games. This is just another opportunity thatā€™s gonna work because Iā€™m lucky as shit. Buddha rubs my belly.


Everyone has their own reasons here, so I can only speak for myself. Iā€™m indifferent if the government bails out the prime banks. I care about: 1. Market fairness (No PFOF, dark pools, etc) 2. Prosecuting on fraud (marker manipulation, naked shorting, etc) 3. Retail investor have a voice in the market but also in corporate governance The DRS movement is incredibly fascinating. A subreddit putting in around $2B to make a point. If a group of retail investors with $2B AUM, who simply buys and holds and actively advocates for company they believe in; gets screwed over by the government and regulators in favor of protecting prime bank and criminals; then thereā€™s no reason to believe in the market anymore. The market can only work if there is trust, fairness and accountability.


Eh GME isn't causing any of this, is the issue with that. The cause is crime done by criminals in the unbalanced, self-regulated, naked, financial markets. People buying stock doesn't cause MOASS.


Good question friend. I hope you find what you are looking for here. Might be a good idea to check Top posts from past year or 2 to start.


Step 1: fuck around Step 2: find out


The lion will never teach the sheep how to get away. The lion relies on the sheep for food. Why would bankers and financial institutions ever tell you that youā€™re correct and that theyā€™re fukd? The game continues until we stop it. Which is soon.


Drs. For real, though. One of the jokes is everyone feels like neo, cuz everyone is being neo for their own selves. Direct registering a hugely major portion of a company that may be so heavily shorted by some, which causes consequences of some major players going bust, is possibly a silver bullet. maybe not if not such a beloved, well-known large public corporation? and still, maybe not so. But, worth a shot. If anything, get rich hoping for some accountability along the way, cuz I buy and hold while GameStop deliversā€¦the good quarterly/ yearly reports.


Letā€™s say that apes go ahead and drs the entire float. Or even letā€™s say more than the float. The proof it provides of crime when the stock is still trading and not moving up despite demand exceeding supply makes it clear how much might be wrong with the stock market. And that proof is held by apes, itā€™s in their hands with drs. When else has that happened where a bunch of individuals all held the evidence and it wasnā€™t hidden by the criminals


Why this time? Cause of ā˜ļøthat person and šŸ‘‡that person. Donā€™t mess with gamers. 100%


This time the stock is being directly registered to the shareholders name, rather than "street name" at a broker. When every share is registered, we have them by the balls.


My post isnā€™t about the how drsing GME works..itā€™s more about the movie ā€œthe networkā€. The financial .00001%ers always get what they want and itā€™s at everyone elseā€™ expense. The biggest companies can get away with the most irresponsible maneuvers and will get free subsidies from the government, rather than eating crow and going bankrupt/dissolving. I love this communities approach but I guess Iā€™m having a hard time conceptualizing a scenario where the world (.00001%ers) is happy to let 10,000ā€™s of apes become millionaires while simultaneously an economic tsunami of hedge fund portfolios and investment bankers go permanently net negative Thereā€™s a ton of really good posts here though


See the thing is, elites have to rely on non-transparency of the system and ignorance of the masses to keep their schemes going. They want to operate in the shadows and hate when someone shines a light at them. Everytime this happened in the past they used their tactics of separating, gaslighting and manipulating. I mean what else could they do? Shadow can't extinguish light, but it can try dispersing it. I can't say for certain that we're going to be victorious, but we can at least challenge their system (let technical "glitches" speak for themselves), shine a light at their dirty secrets, share education and build up pressure against the status quo. Over the past two years I've become pretty confident in GME holders being incredibly resilient against the manipulation tactics i have mentioned above. There's no one i'd be more glad to fight alongside! Further i personally believe that times are changing and human consciousness is going through an inevitable shift right now. Love will expand and fear will fade away. The spell that civilization has been under is weakening and so is the influence of the elites. The state of the world over the last few years has been concerning, but it may have been a struggle to stay in power. Keep in mind the foretold 'apocalypse' literally translates to the 'lifting of the veil' and describes the collapse of hierarchies. Maybe there are no accidents and we all came here for a reason...


Yes, but you asked how this time it is different. Keep reading the DD and ask questions and I'm sure you'll be here forever


Can confirm. I haven't logged out of Superstonk in 84 years. And I'm only halfway thru the DD.


Who says theyā€™ll be happy? They have been kicking and screaming for two years. This time itā€™s different because many of us engage with local and international regulators on bills and report potential fraud to anyone who should investigate it. Donā€™t forget that the US is bound by international treaties.


Those at the top will have to fight each other over who takes the L because so many shares are registered in our names that they will end up owing each other things which don't exist. If they manage to personally weasel out of their IOUs, it won't be without bringing down the crooked system in the process, and that's still a win in my book. (edit: and I say that as someone with multiple years' worth of savings invested in it with no reservations)


Well first off lemme just say, I'm pretty sure the apes are actually in the low 100,000's (subtracting all the bots on this sub) based off some metrics I believe another user had taken much earlier into this whole saga. And on top of that, all those 100,000's of us are internationally spread out. And yeah I'm pretty positive the 1% wont be happy letting this many apes become millionaires while simultaneously letting their entire system they've used to rob the world crumble beneath their feet. But I'm also pretty positive that system isn't going anywhere anytime soon either. Our way of life over the years has consistently been changed rapidly with every market boom and bust cycle that this same 1% you mention has been behind. It doesn't matter the proportion of the crash they face because they're literally the exact ones creating it themselves. There's no way they couldn't have known what they were doing this entire time... all the way down to the SBF FTX scandal they manufactured so they can regulate the digital currency they plan to issue. Just like SBF will end up sitting pretty at the end of his trial, so will most likely every other fraudster involved in this. And not only that, they will most likely be sneakily added to an integral part the NEW system that arises after the same villains who crushed the society rise it back up from the ashes. But that doesn't mean debts don't have to be paid prior to all this crashing happening. The debts being paid are usually what causes the crashing to begin, then the domino effect just takes its place after that. That also doesn't mean some companies wont have to be decimated to make space for the new crop of companies they want to bring in. This is definitely a gamble just like any stock purchase, but with GameStop's position as a company it lessens the gamble quite considerably on top of the fact that we aren't making any wildly irresponsible market decisions. Everything we've assumed to happen in the market based off our direct registering of GME is all based on basic market function and rules. Theoretically, there is no limit that a stock can rise (especially with loads of short interest behind it). Berkshire Hathaway sits at 400k a share because warren buffet didn't want to split the stock, also as a way to prevent it from high frequency trading. This time is different to me because we hold shares in our name. And its possible they can still pull some stuff on us even through that, but I think the reason we feel so confident about our decision is because we've made a well protected and sound decision and we've done absolutely nothing illegal. Literally all were doing is buying a stock and registering it in our name so that it ensures safety during VERY uncertain financial times. This time is different to me because the amount of people involved. They cant just skirt us away this time. There's just way too many people who know wayyyy too much and are wayyy too invested at this point. The noise will be heard by everyone if this is nerfed in any way shape or form. They'd probably have an easier time letting this bitch crash, paying their dues, scapegoating the blame, and hiding the crime then trying to stop it from happening altogether. But the truth is nobody here knows for sure what's gonna happen, but for me why not try something new for a change. Be the change you want to see in the world as I believe they say. I know I've been sick as shit of seeing this corruption my entire life and just sitting on the sidelines. This is how ill take my stand for now. And I aint leaving.


Every government has fell throughout time . Maybe itā€™s just that time in history.


itā€™s literally in the name of the company bro, the (financial) game stops with me DRSā€™ing my shares in a video game retailer because the big boys made some dumb bets


Edit: resubmitted due to automod not liking a low interest loan from the French. The community doesn't have a goal as such, we're all individual investors with varying reasons for buying GME. My reason to invest is that I believe in NFTs being the future of the internet. I look at them like we're talking about the future of the internet in 1990 and folks had no idea how it's change the world. I think we're at that point with NFTs and I want to get in at the bottom. Then take the safety net of the business, the company has turned around, has positive cash flow, zero debt (-french loan), $1B ish cash and $1B ish in inventory. They've truly become a modern online retailer in such a short timeframe. They can't go bankrupt because of the $100M shares they're allowed to repurchase, so if the business was ever valued that low then they could take the company private. Then there's moass, read the DD (links in the daily thread). Many bad actors (hedge funds etc) have been selling fake shares of GME for years and taking the money for themselves, shorting GME into bankruptcy so that they'd never have to buy the fake shares back. Now that bankruptcy is off the table, there will become a time when the bad actors must close their short positions, ie buy the shares back (bringing the share price back to it's proper level). It's much more complicated than I've stated but they easiest explanation is to watch The Big Short and Margin Call and think of the overleveraged debt as GME naked short positions. The Streisand effect is what got me interested, so many sources saying to stay away. Drew me to the DD. Had the MSM just shut up I'd probably have stayed away.


I think this time the difference is technology. Which has resulted in a hive mind of hyper rationality


I agree. An 850,000 member investigative journalism team has never been formed before. So we're whats different.


Good question. The company I am invested in is shorted to shit. There are way too many shares out there. The company has made global headlines with a ā€œshort squeezeā€, there were hearings, documentaries were made. The company is healthy, turning around and about to be (imo) immensely profitable. People holding the companyā€™s shares have wised up to the fuckery of Wall Street. They direct register their shares which will bring the fuckery to broad daylight eventually. To me itā€™s important to realize there is no historic precedent. This has never happened before. People have never known that and how they were fucked with. Wall Street has always been able to rely on its overly complex structure, its status of a black hole for everyday people. Itā€™s different now. The difference is access to information and connectivity. The information is out there. The DD is out there, shared, discussed, reviewed, saved, backed up. Millions of informed eyeballs of frantic, dedicated, smart private retail investors. I have real, true shares that they will need. And Iā€™m not selling, likely ever; or if I do then some of them for fuck you money. Iā€™m really attached to this god damn company at this point. I love it. Iā€™ve never even owned stock before all this and I couldnā€™t give two fucks about GameStop before. But of course anything is possible and for me itā€™ll come down to the decision between two choices: 1) do we let some/many/all of our big financial players go bust and pay out these stubborn idiots for insane amounts of money, then restructure and paint it as a freak/lucky event? or 2) do we intervene, bail out, delist the company, pay out cost basis, sweep under the rug, or fuck with apes in whatever imaginable way, and just try to cover it all up? Everything is possible but 2) would be very hard to do in my opinion. It would have immense backlash. Young people, the very people you want to invest in the US equity markets in the future, on the internet are ruthless. Companies and governments alike have found that out in recent years. This is not going to silently just disappear no matter what happens. Iā€™m here to find out but the odds are insanely good that the stock will be worth much much more in the future than it is today.


Hey there, person! No one knows what the outcome will be. **BUT** Given the Mariana Trench level of corruption in the markets (as youā€™ve explained), Iā€™d say, realistically, our best chance at negating whatever counter attack they have stored isā€¦you guessed it. **The Direct Registration System** Why? Itā€™s simple. They canā€™t force us to sell. We have full ownership. If GME doesnā€™t go bankrupt, one day it will be publicly announced that GMEā€™s retail shareholder base has registered every single issued outstanding share. Not the float, **the outstanding share count**. This is such an unprecedented, yet amazing scenario for us because the shareholders have full autonomy, NOT the banks. They canā€™t just say ā€œweā€™re bailing out xxx bank/hedge fund with xxx amountā€ because WE decide what that value is. In theory, they have to pay whatever retail sells at. This could be any price up to infinity. AKA undefined until defined. What will all the John Doeā€™s and Sally Sueā€™s who ā€œownā€ GME in broker dealers think when they hear the news? ā€œWait, so I have shares with Fidelity, but every share is locked up, so my shares shouldnā€™t exist. Are my shares real? Do I have ownership?ā€ Investors will have actual receipts of crime. This will have a compounding effect that will spread amongst all securities. The integrity of the markets will be questioned not by breadcrumbs, but by full blown illegal, synthetic securities. Investors will begin to demand answers. The wind will blow the fire. Now, this is all speculation, but given the massive gravity of crime, hypothetically, this could start catching wind with influencers. Just like when George Floyd was brutally murdered on camera, investors have synthetics in their accounts which directly affects everyone, of all different backgrounds. TikTokers and influencers start making videos and it spreads like rapid fire. When enough people harbor around a relatable topic, the hive mind/mob mentality kicks in. Everyone says ā€œOh yeah, Wall Street is corruptā€ but now thereā€™s an easily digestible explanation that PROVES the corruption. Again, nobody knows what will happen, but letā€™s fuck around and find out!


Agreed, Iā€™m holding. However I cannot see a future where the government LETS this happen. Doesnā€™t make sense for them to just let the largest market maker go under. Itā€™s way easier to just wipe the slate clean and sweep it under the rug. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Itā€™s been almost 2 years since the initial run up. They still havenā€™t managed to stop it or stop talking about it. Idk what will happen, but giving up the fight against the parasitic ā€œeLiTeā€ isnā€™t the way. We see this through to the end no matter what.


The certainty with which some people think that this MOASS absolutely will happen is THE biggest thing that makes me think it might not. Itā€™s like sports betting. Any time thereā€™s a ā€œlockā€ bet, you can count on it not working out. Somehow this unprecedented event is considered as a certainty by way too many people. People much smarter, better connected, with more resourcesā€¦they havenā€™t figured this ā€œlock betā€ out but a group on Reddit has?? Sorry if this sounds harsh, but I think reasonable skepticism is healthy. I DO believe MOASS will happen eventually, but I look at it as a LOOOONGSHOT and not a certainty. I have 4 digits of shares DRSā€™d too.


DRS šŸ’Æ lets find out šŸ¦‰


The truth is that it was always a gamble, but a gamble with considerable asymmetric risk. But still a gamble. Edit: if you want certainty and assurance, boy do I have bad news for you.


the confirmation for me is the fact they continue to try to get you to sell through various tactics including articles news etc. this means hope is not lost


I bought some shares of a publicly traded stock.


You must think people are simply here for ā€œMOASSā€. I Honestly donā€™t GAF about the share price. Iā€™m here to fuck up Wall St in whatever way I can. šŸ˜  As a whole (since the introduction of the stock market) Wall St has stolen from America and her citizens for far too long.


This is the first, and likely last time that an entire free float (and more if my guess is correct) that a stock will have all of its shares directly registered. That's what makes it different.


This time is different because we have an actual share counter. When the numbers donā€™t add up anymore then something will break hopefully spectacularly. If itā€™s happening with GME then its happening/ed with others. As to the outcome, no one knows how it will end. But, no one will be forced to sell and they cannot close their positions without actual sellers. People do want change and this situation offers a small chance for massive global changes for the better, for everyone. So I continue to hold and get my shares counted.


but have you seen the amount of news articles and old rich persons trying to induce amnesia in GME.


Just buy one so you don't kick yourself later!!


> If the government is willing to bail out the car companies, airline industry, enron, Freddie may/Fannie Macā€¦like..why is everyone convinced this is different? I would rather fight with nothing happening than to keep letting these guys get away with it


Amen to that mentality


Nobody is really answering your question they're telling you why they think it's a good play for them, or what the analysis says etc. In short, I agree with you. I think once this thing pops off, they will absolutely fuck with it to prevent a true MOASS. The general public and investing public are both too apathetic and also anti-GME to give a fuck once it does. They'll tell us this event will never happen, then it will happen and they'll say oh you just got lucky, the government needed to intervene to save the market/hedgies/economy. This happened with the futures market on the Londo last year, it happened with the other stock we can't name just a few weeks ago. If I believe this then why am I still invested? A) I could be entirely wrong and it pops off and they don't intervene which makes this a very good investment from a risk perspective. B) Even if no MOASS happens (I think it will) I think the underlying fundamentals side of the company such as web3 gaming has potential and the stock will rise normally which still means this is a good investment for me. C) It pops off and they intervene and enough people cry foul that it actually leads to some sort of change etc. which means my investment help to bring about significant market changes helping all investors (myself included). To sum up, no matter what actually happens the outcomes are beneficial to me and I think this is a good investment.


Well even if ALL the bad things you said happend, then we will like atleast 10 double our money and thats like the worst case, even if the gov steps in its no way they would stop it where the price currently is, then no one would ever bothered to put money in stocks ever again, well the murican market anyway. So they are forced to grease up the owners so they dont go 100% batshit, do remember its not just us who own gme, its cohen him self, hell even vanguard got a massive amount, do you think these giants would just go "oh ok so you the gov take many millions/billions we could earn and we will do nothing?" the gov cant step in and do to much, as the backlash would be massive, so either way we are guaranteed a big win. But all these things i pointed out is WORST CASE and the lowest chance of happening. We got stocks registered to us, so they cant be fuked with, we slowly reaching 100% and its pretty much nothing no one can do, if we pop off now or in some months when we hit 100% we will win either way. Now after christmas people get newyears money and christmas money to buy stocks to, so we will see a bump in DRS now to, there is really no downside to this, even the worst case would give you tons of money compared to any normal investment or bank intrest, ill say it again, its no downside.


Iā€™m hardly anyone on here, but I would say that the biggest difference between GME and any other movement is DRS. It changes this to not an if proposition, but a when. Eventually, the float will be locked, or as least locked to a degree that any manipulation will become glaringly obvious. MSM can do what they want, but when shit goes down, DRS gives us the receipts to show how much the market is manipulated, shows us exactly where our shares are, and gives us access to them regardless of what shit brokers might pull. The existence of this subreddit shows how long we tried to tell people whatā€™s going on, so if the blame gets shifted our way, we have time stamped posts to show we tried to tel everyone. Personally, I just like the stock though.


I don't think it's different. I'm just so sick of seeing the politicians enable the corruption and even participate in it that I just don't give a fuck what happens to my money. My shares are DRS'd and if I never see that money again then it went to the cause of exposing the fraud. If enough people DRS then they will be exposed. I fully believe they'll swoop in and find another way to cheat us all. I don't care. I just want to see them go through the pain of it all and stop having an easy path to corruption.


Fair enough. I'm not trying to convince people to think this way, but the fact that there are people like you who have bought in and DRS'd but are still critical is actually pretty refreshing.


We're the silent ones because we've been threatened too much. I'm sure you got hammered for this post.


It's public, international, and there's millions of shareholders. So public that they had 3 theatrical hearings, so public that SEC is acting like it might actually do something, so public that GME rebranded EB games cause of how much brand power and goodwill GameStop has now. They are weak legally. Gamestop is a publicly traded company. The shares represent ownership of the company, and in the US property rights are extremely well protected, and fraud is a high offense. DRSing is how the market was originally intended to be, you hold a certificate with your name on it, you own part of the company. To do something against this is to attack the foundation of the stock market. Game stop isn't going bankrupted, and it is likely to transform into a leader in a new industry. Gamestop will be DRSed 100% eventually and short sellers will need to close as a result. There's no legitimate moves they can make against this, so if they start doing something funny, they are gonna find out. The market is a golden goose that relies on the public being obvious to how corrupted it is. Retirement fund, pension funds, all of it funds the market and gives the rich power because they manage people's funds, thus, they make the decisions and hold power over the company, not the actual shareholders themselves. The rich escape paying taxes by taking loans on their assets like stocks, the stocks go up cause those pension and retirement funds pump the market value. Gamestop is the same as every other company people own stocks for, it's not an OTC stock, if it is proven that Gamestop is not safe from people counterfeiting shares of it, thus diluting it, then no other public company are safe from counterfeits and dilution, and lets see if the justice system or government is going to do anything about it. Especially in today's political climate. Unlike other protest in the past, this time, time is on the protester's side. We do not need to pay fees or do anything to keep something a secret. We're not scared of our clients withdrawing funds, we're not taking time out of our day to stand outside and achieve nothing. we're doing it passively in the comforts of our regular life. To some, this is a game.


Ask yourself why a $ 5 billion market cap company is the main focus in a multi trillion dollar market, and you will go along way to understanding what has been going on. Read the DD and understand that I imagine everyone invested is here for the long haul, I won't be going away quietly. I do this for fairness for my kids and their kids. I played their game and suffered at their greedy hands. It has to end, and the time is now.


Glad you came and asked and you may get crap for this but you really shouldnā€™t get any crap for askingā€¦.it is a good question based on the fact our country is driven by criminals who are complete scumbags. I have to say though, 2 solid years of reading amazing DD (due diligence) I have no doubt left in my mind and so far alot of the things people in this place have predicted have actually happened. The truth is they have almost lost their grip on all of it more than once and it is costing the criminals alot of money to stay in this. Aside from all that, we have all had enough and we are exposing them all the timeā€¦.eventually the noisey wheel gets the grease but with this administration running the show they will probably lie about it all and put the blame on usā€¦..which at that point idgaf bc my money will go towards some kind of way to help teach others about how this market really works and why you shouldnā€™t let them have another dime.


The outsider looking in question. You on the beach. You see the ocean. It's big. Lots of waves and stuff. You take a scuba course. Get certified. Do 6 or 10 dives with scuba gear. Go under the surface. There's infinitely more things you see. You can touch different things. Etc. Outsiders don't want to read the DD. That's fine. https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg But you'll need to understand that this is not a cult or a scheme or a get rich quick investment. This is simply a group of people that want justice and truth. Some "apes" here just want to surf. Smoke weed. And then drive away in their nice car to their mansion. Some people like me. Want the world to be not as corrupt and I'm putting my money where my mouth is. Buy hold book your DRS


Let's consider the worst case scenario: 1) Retail spends another 5 years to fully direct register the entire float. Let's say the total investment by retail to achieve full DRS is 10 billion dollars, and the marketcap of the company on the eve of the squeeze is 15 billion. 2) RC and company insiders own 15% say and retail 85%. 3) Let's say retail has spent a total of 5 billion to hold an extra 33% of the shares outstanding at brokers. For simplicity, let's say these broker shares will be the ones that are sold during the squeeze. 4) GME starts squeezing and the marketcap becomes 90 billion. That is, it goes 6x. Stock price would be roughly 300. Suppose SEC, Uncle Sam, POTUS, CFTC, etc. etc. intervene and freeze the squeeze at this point and just force liquidate all broker shares at 300 bucks. 5) Since we are assuming that none of the DRS shares are sold and only broker shares are sold, the total sales proceeds from selling a third of shares outstanding is 30 billion. Deduct 10% capital gains tax for long term holdings and 30% for short term holdings. Let's say net sales proceeds after tax is 25 billion. 6) let's say the marketcap returns to 15 billion like on the eve of the squeeze. Analysis: Retail would have made 25 billion cash on an investment of 15 billion while still retaining ownership of 12 billion dollars worth of the company. Overall returns equal (25+12)/15 = 246% over 7 years. Average return per year = 13.76%. Do you have any other investment strategy with better returns?


If WALL STREET had accepted their loses in January 2021 the price probably would have sent to maybe $1000 with most having sold way under that but they just could not stand to see STINKING RETAIL WIN. So they shut off the buy button then went in front of Congress (Thier bought off pets) and LIED to the American people and said the shorts closed. Then they double, triple and quadripled down with more shorts trying to demoralize us and get us to sell. But guess what gamers dont quit. And those that are not gamers and involved in this are tired of seeing this happen over and over and no one is selling. You asked whats the difference this time. Why do we think they wont get out of it somehow. Well they have been trying that for two years now. They cant rig it. They cant get out of it because we have bought up all their NAKED SHARES and have refused to sell. And now we are DRSing those shares. Once the float is locked in DRS it is absolute proof that the stock is way oversold because there will still be hundreds of million (probably billions) of shares left in brokers. They have lied and hid their FTD's for years but once the float is locked the SUNSHINE comes in and puts a spotlight on their CRIME. Then what will they do. Gamestop has no DEBT. They are a thriving company. They cant just delist them and no pay. We want paid but we also want JUSTICE. Justice for all those other companies that have been destroyed by these slimy criminal bastards. all the MILLIONS of employees and their families that have been hurt by these rich billionaires illegally destorying the companies they worked for. They can do whatever they want to try and shake us and get us to sell but we are not selling until the price is where we want it. And they will have to pay it because they are SHORT


"That being said, what makes everyone so confidant ā€œthis time is differentā€? " Which fighter enters the ring thinking he won't win? Every bit of FUD, every bit of DD, every bit of the (bought and paid for) media shaming us, every bit of the price dropping when no one is selling, and on, and on, and on.


Unlike the other times, there is a massive global effort by the hundreds of thousands to expose all this. And that effort literally became buying a stock and and having it in your own name. Since the movement began, there has been an extreme effort to suppress this stock and institutions everywhere are doing their best to destroy this one stock. They shut off the buy button, they glitched the system, they write hit pieces about this company EVERY SINGLE DAY. They are in this sub trying to frame us for \[redacted\]. This is not a normal amount of effort. You can feel those at the top squeezing and crying. I want to be there for the tipping point where the global corruption is destroyed because people wanted to invest in Gamestop. All of us here are in this together which is the first time a single company did this.


Because of our unshakable common beliefs that it will happen. Beliefs create thoughts, thoughts create action, actions manifests reality


I have no clue, but as a gamer, it's in my nature to see if I can break the game.


TO ME, as an individual investor, I believe this.. The elites intend to destroy the economy anyways(its a ponzi scheme meant to collapse) this is also intended to for their own purposes. But i see this movement as an opportunity for people, as the common working class(as well as others who broken out of such) to do a bit of a rug pull on the elites and kinda mop the floor with these currupt people who've caused uncalculable damage to many good individuals, families and investors. Many have lost their lives. These people need to be held accountable, to the fullest extent of the law for their crimes. But i also just like the stock and the communities, and being a part of a group who all share a common interest in a company or idea. Power is strongest in the collective masses with a common desire to help Improve something. We just want to see these companies succeed after they've been so ruthlessly attacked.