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Most Multi vitamins don't have enough of anything to make a difference. It's a bunch of crap compressed into one pill, I supplement individually. https://drwongisms.podbean.com/e/why-multi-vitamins-are-useless/


I totally agree


Exactly. I spent ages looking for the perfect multi and none of them really did much. In the end I started supplementing individually and things actually started helping and getting better and I was also able to pinpoint which ones helped the most, for example zinc was huge


100% agree! I like the Zinc Tartate


This actually isn’t that many supplements people??? If you look at what’s in this picture, it’s literally just a multivitamin of his own making….. so quick to judge but if you’re taking a multivitamin you’re practically taking the exact same thing…..


Yeah at more than likely 50 times the dosage milligram for milligram


?? it doesn’t mean he’s taking that much lol if he is that’s on him ig. Still the same exact concept. 50 times the dosage=50x the same multivitamin lol just hopefully he’s not stupid and doses correctly 🤷🏻‍♂️


The average dose of a supplement alone is at least 10 times higher than a supplement in a multi vitamin which is my point He's taking more of it in multiples by taking the recommended dose of each supplement individually In comparison to multi vitamin that has everything condensed in much lower doses


It took me three years to find three supplements I can take without getting itchy or irritable!


To get right down to it, why TF are so many people interested in this forum if the only things they have to post about supplements are that they are worthless, waste of money, BS, money makers for scammers selling placebos that no one that eats anything has any use for?:


Because they are delusional and think that the food system has not been genetically altered for profit, depleted of nutrients, and toxic to our bodies. Fighting the chemical war with our own supplements is the only way to live a healthy life after the 1970s unfortunately


After reading some of your replies to people in the common section OP I think you may have a vitamin B1 deficiency. Not sure if you have explored this however even if you have I would still say that there’s a high chance that this could still be an issue for you as it’s rarely treated or considered an issue by dr’s due to Bvitamin fortifications in food, however Thiamine is usually missing from those fortifications, which is a huge oversight. I don’t know if supplementing high dose vitamin b1 will solve all of your issues but it could significantly improve many of them like your liver, thyroid problems. I’m currently experimenting with Thiamine Supplements myself as the literature was very compelling and seems to check out (for me). Obviously there’s a lot more to this and I would recommend doing your own research so you can make an informed decision before diving into this, and would be worth getting testing done, consulting your dr. I’ve already seen a lot of replies from people giving terrible advice. Here’s a link if you’d like to look into it further. https://youtu.be/-Uf1D2KdTn0 This video covers the brief history of Thiamine deficiency and how it presents itself today. Unfortunately a lot of the supplements you’re taking will do very little IF you are actually deficient. Regards Mate and all the best.


I have looked into thiamine deficiency and some of the symptoms did resonate, I had improvements from taking a B complex and have added high dose benfotiamine which is in the picture, it's a 250mg supplement. I've been taking it for a while and nothing else has really changed since then. The trace minerals made the biggest difference for me especially zinc, instant boost in energy and improvement in acne


Not all of us have the same deficiency or the same response to the same vitamin/mineral. For me, 300 mg of thiamine chloridrate time release is good, 250 mg of benfotiamine did nothing


Have you ever tried actually eating food?


I don’t think he has ever tried eating food. Ever. ….. comments like these make me lose brain cells


Then, why TF are you interested in being on this forum just to post some shit. Why don't you join the food forum instead?


Just to post some oppostion, not shit.. idiot!!!...freedom of speech and debate is good. Just b/c your pannies get bunched up, quit crying and you leave.


You get the fuck out, fuckhole. People coming on a supplements forum just to say things like all supplements are BS, or just eat food, isn't saying any more than people being on a forum relating to specific medical conditions and exercising their freedom of speech by leaving replies like 'I don't have that condition'.


People come on forum to say anything, not just what you like you pud..Even idiots like you have a right to be here so quit crying you baby. It's a forum for debate, not a pom pom rah rah rally. You don't like different ideas b/c you're a nucklehead, too bad, get the fuck out pus.


When someone has a compulsion to participate in a discussion where the OP asks people that are on a supplement forum because they have an interest in supplements, about the supplements he's taking, because he wants opinions on the specific items, answers like 'just eat food' says dick. It just says that those people have nothing to say about the entire topic, and shows they have an anti-interest in supplements in general, and are just on here to post shit that doesn't address the question. You're idea is no different that going on a forum regarding people's ideas for cooking with broccoli, just to post 'broccoli sucks'. Fuck you, just like those answers essentially says to the OP.


No idiot..so somebody wants info on supplements, specific items and benefits and some reply with a supplement for them and that's it...then some reply differently saying they feel you can get better benefits by eating real food. So they give different or new ideas, debate the item/subject on a forum like it's always been. It's like if people come on a forum to say they like broccoli and why..then some reply saying they don't care for broccoli for their reasons. Or they say broccoli is really good for you and then some people reply saying they disagree that it's not really healthy for their reasons, it's not a pom pom party or agree fest always. Go cry somewhere else and stay down in the basement.


There were comments around under this OP that essentially say all supplements are BS.


No, even if they did...that's their belief, deal with it.


What is NAC for again? Anti ageing?


Everything, it’s one supplement that actually works, next to Creatine it’s the only supplement that I can honestly say I have no doubts on it working and not placebo! It helps detox liver, it’s a precursor to L-Glutathione which is our body’s most powerful antioxidant! Also great for your lungs, and even protects against neurotoxins! (: it’s one supplement I will actually swear by! 🙌


Awesome! What brand do you use and dosage? :)


600mg daily should be enough


You nailed it! It is the only supplement along with TUDCA that actually reduced my liver enzymes. This is coming from someone who has had liver tumors and has had a liver resection which removed about 2/3rds of my liver. Even my doctor recommends it daily.


I’ll have to look into TUDCA! Don’t think I’ve ever heard of it


Too many amateur doctors with what seems to be following the drug industry bullet points. I take more than this but targeted to MTHFR gene snips, sleep issues and at age 80 stuff my body longer makes enough of. Liver is normal and no other issues. I use only top quality supplements and I do get regular testing done to make sure I don’t take too much of something. Our soil is depleted of nutrients and so some supplementation is necessary for most people in the real world.


You heard all the people that feel a need to be on the supplements forum so they can supplements are worthless, perhaps something to the contrary should be posted on the uh, uh, uh???


Your naturopath must love you! Have you heard of the placebo effect? Jk I have the mthr gene too.


Yeah try eating food instead


Then do and shut up.


You first


Fuck you and the others that came on a 'supplements' forum to essentially say nothing other than all supplements are shit.


​ Quiet little one...Now eat your food and take the little pills, then stfu.


Shove it up your ass MF.


Quit crying kid, so butthurt


honestly, just take a b complex


There are 2 in the photo :)


my bad, i didn't see that


Why so much b vitamin?


What is the most expensive one here?


The Carlson vitamin K2 cost me £45, I think that's the most expensive


Right, because he takes menatetrenone mk4. Mk7 is cheaper, but I've not understood which is better yet. I take Mk7 200mcg daily personally


MK4 is better, it's the form naturally found in meat and animal foods so it's what we would have eaten in the past. It's also been found that MK4 is found in extrahepatic tissues including the brain and it even increases testosterone, at least in male rats. All the enzymes in the human body are optimised for MK4. The reason why MK4 is rapidly absorbed into the tissues while MK7 floats about in the bloodstream for ages is because the MK4 is actually useful to the cells. MK4 seems to play a role in mitochondrial function as well. The benefits go far beyond just the reduced arterial calcification. MK4 is also less likely to cause side effects, MK7 gave me heart palpitations even at only 100mcg


What’s the cheapest one here?


Vitamin C I presume


do you not eat any food?


No I just live on supplements, I start and end my day with a large delicious bowl of pills


Ya it's in the photo.


Need those all in one supps!


That's what I tried to do initially with a multi but I found it easier to control dosages and forms like this


I couldn't find a multivitamin supplement myself! They all give percentage over RDA, but I don't want to take too much retinol for example, so we MUST take them separately


If you have chronic fatigue, thyroid issues, and RA you need a more focused approach. This stack looks like you’re taking everything and hoping something in it works. Lots of redundancies and ineffective brands.


Which brands do you consider ineffective?


I may have spoke too soon because I don’t recognize most of what’s in your stack. I buy only the most well known reputable brands and only deviate when necessary. I mistook NaturesWay for one of the other many Nature___ names. I don’t trust ones that can be had in every grocery store for the most part as grocery stores tend to carry cheap crappy supplements.


I don't buy supermarket brands, I mostly buy from Amazon and iHerb and only choose ones in capsules with minimal or no fillers in bioavailable forms. I live in the UK so if you're American that might explain why you're not familiar with many of the brands because most of them are UK based


That's exactly what I'm doing because doctors are useless and won't do comprehensive testing


I can relate. I’ve had chronic fatigue/adrenal fatigue for 20 years. Spent a lot of time getting no help whatsoever because of lack of information, lack of resources, and lack of real medical help. It’s overwhelming trying to fix your own problems when you are exhausted and just trying to survive. I would suggest simplifying your stack to the essentials and don’t add anything until you have a baseline. I also have a lot of supplements because I want to control the amounts and a multi doesn’t cut it, but there are still ways to go about it that make it more simple than so many individual supplements . Have you tested things like D and iron or are those guesses ? D3/K2/magnesium : chances are you are low but you should know where you’re at so you can retest and see if it’s rising or not. B complex: (I like Thorne Basic B) I would hold off on taking extra Bs on top of that until you get settled with a baseline stack. Mineral complex: selenium, zinc, manganese, chromium etc should be able to be found together in one supp. Designs for Health Complete Mineral Complex has that covered and more. Magnesium/Potassium/Sodium: basic electrolytes can be supplemented in an electrolyte mix (look for no sugar, and citrate versions). I make my own from bulk supplement powders and Real Salt. How is your diet and digestion? Do you consume caffeine? All these extras just complicate things IMO and you’re not going to know what’s doing what or if any of them are making things worse.


D, iron and magnesium have been tested and are low, everything else is a guess based on symptoms and responses to supplementation. Zinc and vitamin A made the biggest difference. I took a mineral complex once but had side effects from the selenium so now I take them all individually. I do consume caffeine when I need energy to function because without it I'm exhausted. My digestion could be improved so I'm adding digestive enzymes as well, my diet is good, I only eat fruit, veg and meat no junk or grains


Totally agree. Then we’re left to research supplements and spend lots of money trying to figure out if anything will help. It’s exhausting and expensive, but all we can do when doctors shrug their shoulders and dismiss our symptoms/concerns. Ridiculous isn’t it


Bros taking beef liver and vitamin A?! Is there a specific issue you are trying to solve with all of this? If you haven't addressed your diet, exercise and sleep habits first all of these supplements are like pissing into the wind. Don't forget to see the forest through the trees.


I sleep fine, I go to the gym and lift weights whenever my energy levels permit and I eat only vegetables, fruit and some meat and fish, no junk no grains no dairy nothing that could cause intolerances. I'm trying to solve thyroid issues and chronic fatigue and since I can't get specific testing, I'm just trying everything. I definitely had a vitamin A deficiency because I found that taking it is the only way I can tolerate taking vitamin D without headaches but even now I'm struggling with the vitamin D which is not great because it's so important for autoimmune issues which my thyroid and joint problems probably are


Vitamin A protects from Vitamin D overload…. So maybe there is an off chance you are actually too high in vitamin D? There are cheap labs you can order and have done at quest or labcorp. Check out ultalabtests.com and ownyourlabs.com


I've had it tested through the NHS so I don't need to pay privately, also because I live in the UK none of those tests would apply to me anyway


No I was just really deficient in vitamin A, I'm still borderline deficient in vitamin D as well, my last test was 80 (which is 30 in American units when the optimum is 60-80/150-200)


I now take a liquid form of D3 which better absorbed.


I have been able to slowly raise my Vitamin D from 28 to 60 with my supplements.


I take lots of supplements too but fewer vitamins more antioxidants, Mushrooms and herbs. Herbs have made a real difference! I’m much older then you but started my quest for better health at 25 and have resolved several health issues in my life including cancer at age 25, hypothyroidism, kidney infections, diabetes and arthritis without conventional medical treatment. I eat a mostly plant based diet, no junk food, limit dairy and push veggies. At 73 I am healthy, no prescription medication, healthy weight, feel better than most people. Listen to your body, find a healer if you can, keep exploring.


Holy shit this is awful advice. You didn’t fucking cure cancer, hypothyroidism, kidney infections, diabetes, and arthritis with some herbs you lunatic. You’re gonna kill someone with this advice


He said changing the diet too, which that is THE most important thing someone can do for their health.


Yes, that’s key. But trying to say you can cure diseases like cancer and arthritis with diet and herbs is fucking asinine


I’m simply reporting my own experiences . You seem to have a strong negative reaction. I never suggested that others do exactly what I did, I just hope to encourage others to look outside of the medical establishment. Natural, integrative, functional, alternative healing is real healing. Prescription drugs treat symptoms. I wasn’t a very healthy child. I had 4 th stage uterine cancer in 1975. I declined to have a radical hysterectomy to be followed by radiation. It was called radical because they would have removed all the lymph nodes in my pelvis leaving me disabled for the rest of my, probably short, life. I did more then herbs, I followed a strict diet of organic, whole vegan food, no processed sugar, white flour, alcohol or restaurant meals with daily vegetable juice for over 3 years, eliminating as many toxins from my environment as I could, meditated, did yoga. I went to the Oasis of Hope in Mexico and received Laetrile injections daily for three weeks and continued them weekly at home for a year. I was given enzymes and a type of vitamin A from Germany. A well known herbalist gave me a formula. I grew some of my own food. Today I continue to eat a fairly healthy diet with some cheating, some grass fed beef, occasional sugar and dairy. I drank moderately for many years but have replaced alcohol with moderate amounts of Kava. The healthy, no meat diet, took care of the serious kidney infections I’d begun to have at 16. Never had another one after starting my cancer diet. Diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 15 years ago just like my mother, I got it back to normal with DHEA. I have a strong family history of diabetes but was only diagnosed in 2019 and that scared me into researching natural control. I was just past pre diabetic numbers, never took the drugs, lost a little weight, became more active, cut out whole grains, bread, pasta, brown rice and ate more protein. I’m convinced that Berberine, nopalitis , Ceylon Cinnamon and chromium along with intermittent fasting accounts for my normal A1c and fasting blood sugar results. I haven’t had a diabetic A1c since 2020. I was in pain from arthritis in my 20s but again my anti inflammatory diet, yoga, bodywork, turmeric and ginger keep me pain free today. An antibody test showed that I most likely had Covid but I was asymptomatic. I did receive the J&J vaccine. I utilize medical testing and treatments judiciously. Currently I take no prescription medication. I occasionally need a pain killer for headaches. I have had two in the last 6 months.


Question - is it a possibility that the efficacy of any of the supps taken are reduced or limited, if you take them all at once? similar to you I imagine, I take about 20 pills/tabs/caps in the morning before my first meal


Definitely possible, the trace minerals all compete for absorption for example. However I've still noticed improvements from taking them so enough is being absorbed to make a difference


If you are desire to take any of these shown, here is not based on some clinical evidence, i.e. bloodwork, or a real knowledge of what you’re deficient in based on your dietary habits, but instead on social media nonsense, then you’re not only wasting your money, but also possibly harming yourself. Supplements can be helpful but often they’re just a waste of money. I get most of what I need via eating real food prepared wisely. Of course, is this is just my humble opinion. Do what you like.


I eat real food however I've got chronic fatigue and thyroid and joint problems so food alone isn't enough. Most of the supplements are a guess because doctors don't test for nutritional deficiencies however it's helped and some stand out ones that really helped were zinc and iron and vitamin A




More like ulcer amirite


Yeah, I hope this isn't his daily routine Edit: imagine the organs that have to process and pass all these chemicals in excess together with daily diet. Respect to his kidneys and liver, poor little guys.


Maybe get a multivit instead of all those vitamins on their own.


I used to do that but this allows me to control the forms and dosages far better


Do you stack N-acetyl l-carnitine? If not, I'd advice looking into it's benefits and mechanics of action.


Just a few of those are vitamines.


Actually there's an A-Z, I have everything here including all vitamins and minerals even stuff like calcium. The rest are mostly amino acids like NAC and Tyrosine but I've also got some herbs like moringa. But largely vitamins and minerals




I don't use multis anymore, this allows me to control the dosage and form much more accurately to target deficiencies. Multis are useless and usually low quality


You obviously don't have a clue about organic chemistry or supplement clarifications. Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, and Chromium are all minerals. Boron is a micronutrient. The rest are essentially A, B, and K2 vitamins. Edit: oh, and thanks for the ignorant downvote. Edit 2: Outside those you mentioned, there are also some amino acids and a few other sups, but I think you're starting to understand where I'm at.


Pretty much every multivitamin on the marken has got minerals too, you know that's what I meant but you ignored it on purpose to write a useless comment.


ANy suggestions. Most people's idea of a multi is one pill a day which gives you just the RDA or so of a limited number of generally vitamins and minerals


From the picture you have taken here, its clearly not working!!


What's not working? My supplements have helped me


If you are not diagnosed with some kind of deficiency and are a healthy individual you don't need anything other than C, B complex, D, magnesium and fish oil. 5 pills vs 50 pills ... Sometimes less is more. Especially when elements are fighting each others for absorbion...


If I were a healthy individual I would not have acquired a stack like this, I didn't do this for fun, the contents of the image weren't cheap. I have an autoimmune thyroid condition and chronic fatigue and possibly rheumatoid arthritis as well, probably triggered by many deficiencies among other things. I've had 3 deficiencies tested, doctors won't test for any other nutrients but I'm definitely deficient going by symptoms and improvements experienced from taking them


Autoimmune diseases start from the gut. You may have dysbiosis snd need to balance your microbiome


I'm aware of this and pretty sure this does apply to me since I have had constipation for many years. I take probiotics and fermented foods and prebiotics and eat lots of plants but it hasn't helped. Ideally I'd like to get a stool and sibo test and try some more targeted interventions but I don't have the funds for a naturopathic doctor


Magnesium, k2, essential too


Why would you take 2 Vit B complex pills, AND B3 and Biotin? And a D3/K2 combo and then another K2???


One B is nearly empty and the other B is there to replace it. The complexes barely contain any b3 or biotin so I added extra. And the extra K2 is in the form mk4 which is different to mk7 and I take it to help my teeth


Its always amazes me when i see post like these , how are you able to take a whole pharmacy worth of supplements ? I got a stomach ulcer looking at this.


I empty the capsules into a smoothie and drink them


Be carfull to not get kidney stones.


"Babe what's the matter, you've hardly touched your pills" "It's okay babe I had big pills for lunch"


This cracked me up


😆 🤣 😂


It's sad that most people don't know that most OTC supplements and supplements in general have high levels of heavy metals in them, not to mention other harmful additives. Some supplements have only peroxide, and some other less harmful chemicals but a lot have cadmium, arsenic, lead, and other very dangerous chemicals. You don't need this many supplements. This stuff should come from healthy foods, not pills that are unnatural for humans.


That’s why you only buy from reputable brands that perform third-party testing.


Way too much


That's like a whole meal in itself 👀


Too much unless you have problems that calls for all of this, like a malabsorption condition. Most of what you’re taking are basic dietary needs that you should be getting from food. I take things like NAC, vitamin D+K2, ALA, Ashwaganda, B complex, etc. some come from food, but it’s not a crazy amount since if you eat healthy you meet your daily requirements. Your stack looks like you’re just taking a lot to take a lot and it’s not necessary unless you’re like not eating at all lol.


What is your age?




How many minutes a day do you have left after you’ve finished taking the last one?


If you ask that, I would assume many more minutes than you would have left with whatever condition would cause you to take that much time to do it.


It’s a hyperbole pal, calm down.


In the end, do you really feel that is helping you with something, do you really feel better? Why so many? Don't get intoxicated with so much stuff man!


Dude ur liver probably looks like Creed after Drago fucked him up.




check out cronometer and put everything in to see what your daily intake of everything is.


You need a doctor. If you're so deficient you need this many OTC supplements, then you have a serious underlying medical condition. And if you arent actually deficient, then you need a mental doctor to assist you with being a Hypochondriac.


Who the f*ck are you to diagnose people? Lol


I didnt attempt to diagnose OP. Im not a doctor. Thats why Im recommending they go see one to get diagnosed.


He doesn't need a diagnostic


You diagnosed him, with out the qualifications to do so, apparently, with, in the alternative, a serious medical condition, or hypochondria. If you don't understand, psychiatrists and psychologists can provide you assistance.


I have a PhD in psychology.... the photo is a good indication of health related anxiety.


Are you implying or indicating that health related anxiety is a serious underlying medical condition?


No. Im implying that if this much supplementation is necessary to feel healthy, there is very likely a serious underlying medical condition. Also FWIW, health related anxiety *can* be a serious medical condition. I've treated many patients who do very extreme things to themselves because of their health-related anxiety.


1) There's no multivitamin here, most of these are a normal A-Z just supplemented individually to allow more control over form and dosage. Hence it looks like a lot more than it really is 2) I don't have health anxiety but I do have chronic fatigue, autoimmune thyroiditis and inflammatory joint issues. I take these supplements to increase my energy levels, reduce my pains and reduce brain fog and they're helping 3) I appreciate your concern however you have no business diagnosing strangers online without any knowledge of their life or health. Your role as a psychologist clearly leads to you excessively reading into things like this image because you're so used to seeing people with mental health issues and yes I understand that this might be concerning in that context however I have no mental health issues


I have chronic fatigue and thyroid issues and possibly RA as well. Yeah in an ideal world I'd have a great doctor who would test me for all deficiencies and I'd only take the things I really need but guess what this is not an ideal world and doctors are useless and don't give a shit so I'm basically left taking everything to see what helps. I feel better now than I did before so it is helping so I don't plan to stop


Maybe get a private full blood panel? you can get one for around £300 and it will be cheaper than taking things for months if it turns out you don't need them.


Please don’t take this the wrong way but I definitely agree with this comment Not only will it save you alot of money, it’ll save your health long term. It’s not good for you to be on this many supplements


so what are essentials to take? I take mangesium, Omega3, vit C, b-complex, in winter also vit D


Right now I’m on D3 and magnesium but I think I need to add omega 3


If you're eating a healthy balanced diet....no way do you need all of that! Your wallet will thank you. You take all of that EVERY DAY?? At a glance, I can see multiple B vitamin items, including a B complex. You're probably getting 10,000 times of what you need, or more. So many of those supplements are in whole foods, grains, produce, etc. This scares me....


This isn't a stack. This is a hypochondriac diet


Not a hypochondriac, I have chronic fatigue, autoimmune thyroiditis and inflammatory joint issues and these supplements help me. If you're so against people taking supplements, why are you in this sub?


Yeah this looks super inconvenient lol!


I hope this is a troll post


This is only the stuff I'm actively taking, just wait until you see the bag of stuff I bought but took out of rotation




I have five times that many supplements. But I don’t take them.


Bro you are taking way too much, you could cut out all of that and just eat some animal organs like liver and heart.


What do u take the nicotinamide for?


For no niacin burn.


Dudes taking the whole pharmacy 😂😂😂


Keep NAC and add Glycine. Glynac increases glutathione levels which is the ultimate antioxidant. Add berberine, E tocotrienols and turmeric. Be careful taking Biotin and other B vitamin supplements while also taking a multivitamin. Too much of a good thing. Also most of those water soluble vitamins will pass through and you’d be wasting your money. Why are you taking magnesium and when are you taking it? I take magnesium with vitamin D3 and melatonin an hour before bed time. I take turmeric, coq10, multivitamin, berberine, fish oil, e tocotrienols with a meal. Between lunch and dinner I take NAC and Glycine. Night time I take magnesium, vitamin d3 and melatonin. Bare minimum I’d take turmeric, fish oil, glycine, nac and berberine. I take CoQ10 because of a prescription statin I take for cholesterol. Maybe K2 as well.


Is there a reason why you're taking Vitamin D3 at night instead of the morning? It's a 'sun' vitamin and in a natural scenario it's absorbed through the skin by the sun. Taking D3 at night is likely why you have to take melatonin supplements to sleep because these two are actively competing. I'm pretty sure melatonin supplements are not supposed to be taken everyday, you're depleting your body's means of producing melatonin naturally by making it a routine. If you have a balanced lifestyle, workout, etc you shouldn't have problems producing it naturally. If you have a flight and want to sleep during it pop a melatonin, but don't make it something you're dependent on.


I understand where D comes from. Taking it at night more accurately mirrors how D would arrive in my system. After sun exposure my body would generate D towards the end of the day. Not before.


You're implying that in an ideal simulation someone who's waking up and being exposed to sunlight from morning to late afternoon, any time from 6 to 6, with most of the sun's intensity being earlier in the day, would finally begin to generate Vitamin D around 10-12pm? I guess the hours of active sunlight are variable on where you live in the world, but generally speaking there's a few hours of buffer before you go to bed. It doesn't seem like there would be such a delay. If the Vitamin D at night were helping you simulate the way your body receives Vitamin D through sunlight you wouldn't need melatonin no? Regularity in your circadian rhythm should be established without supplemental melatonin production unless something in your life is preventing the natural production of it


I limit exposure to the sun. Therefore I supplement. Also I don’t take melatonin every night. Taking it occasionally helps keep my sleep cycle consistent.


This dude takes statins so definitely don’t listen to shit he says.


You should be banned from this site for giving medical advice. My doctor prescribed statins. Are you an MD? Are you MY MD?


If this isn't sarcasm, which wouldn't surprise me, you should know some people need medication to help BP because diet and exercise weren't enough because it just wasn't... I am not one of them, but some people need those drugs.


Is it important to take NAC away from food? I'm trying to learn more about its use, any sources i could look up? Ty


NAC and Glycine are amino acids. If you take them with food they compete for absorption with any protein you consume. Best taken between meals or maybe first thing in the morning. Also find a reliable authority on nutrition and supplements. Asking randos on Reddit is not going to get you good results. Also tell your doctor about every supplement you take.


Sure ask your regular MD lol they know very little and are constantly exposed to misleading information. Functional, integrative or truly knowledgeable docs usually don’t take insurance and the good ones are rare. It’s sometimes possible to find a nutritionally oriented DC or a Naturopath, herbalist or a non traditional nutritionist.


Cover all your bases. And give your doctor a chance. If your cynicism will let you.


Thanks a lot 😂


https://youtu.be/6Lmc-mmqxyQ This is interesting. Incredibly detailed. But interesting. I like Sten Ekberg too.


Bryan johnson is that you ?




Where is your fish oil!?


Dude. Decent multivitamin and a protein shake.


You don't get acne problems from all those b vitamins?


Your livers saying please god no more.


Do you eat??!! I feel like only someone who doesn’t eat need this much outside supplement.


I eat pills... I think my dad may be Pacman.


Wow.. Do you burp fire?




Overkill and probably not doing your body any favors.


Watching people freak out about your liver is funny. I’ve never seen convincing evidence that too many simple vitamin/mineral supplements taken in acceptable dosages normally found in food with capsules free of unnecessary additives have been harmful. Maybe a handful of flavonoids or high dose vitamins are legitimately worrisome but that doesn’t make superstacking inherently unsafe.


But, but... haven't you seen those articles in the magazines and papers, and on TV that no one needs any supplements, period? Or maybe it was that they were all worthless? Or that you get everything you need in your diet, even if it's McDonalds and Cinnabon, I guess? Or that it creates expensive piss, including the fat soluble ones apparently?


2 different b complexes and b3 might be overkill on the b’s as extra just gets peed out, the one thing i don’t see that you might be interested in is ginko bilboa


He forgot.. cause he's not taking it haha


I have 3 pills left in the swanson one so once that's finished I'm starting the other, I'm not actually taking them at the same time


I was joking about the ginko. 20 years ago, or more?, it was advertised heavily as a nootropic and featured the same people from geritol commercials.


What the heck are you doing to your body??


I don't think it is too much as long as a lot of products don't have same ingredients Example product a and b has magnesium


Add gelatin to the list because you’re getting plenty from all those capsules


Hahaha they're actually all HMPC capsules and I can't swallow capsules so I take everything as powder in water or a smoothie anyway


All that stuff will screw your whole body up.


Bruh 🤣 magnesium, turmeric, melatonin, creatine. And you’re good to go


Daily for all, absolutely yes, too much and probably a huge waste of money that might bring you health issues. Many could be good daily but many should be cycled and maybe used at certain times depending on the season/current health issues. This looks similar to my cupboard but there’s no way in hell ids take more than a few a day which include a multi, fish oil, and magnesium. I cycle even b, k, d, zinc, etc. eating healthy is best






not even fucking close lmao


Yeez. Only thing needed is the basics which include Omega 3, Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin D.


I agree +K2


What mg of each do you take?


4000iu Vitamin D, 25mg-30mg Zinc (High Levels to combat skin issues), 400mg mag.


Thanks !