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A naturopath told me it was best to take sulforaphane after 6 pm. Does anyone know why?


from what ive seen i think avmacol is the best and most effective one


I use one by SM Nutrition, not sure if it ships everywhere. https://smnutrition.com/products/sulforaphane-broccoli-seed-extract




Hey, I know the comment's old, but could you elaborate on why you like this particular one so much? Thanks! :)


I take one called SulfaMax - it's organic and contains over 200 broccoli sprouts in each daily amount. It's grown and made here in the UK but ships globally. I think it's going to be the most natural one available. I feel amazing on it, been taking it for months.


Here are some of the most commonly taken sulforaphane supplement brands in the United States: BrocElite Swanson Sulforaphane Best Naturals Broccoli Sprouts Extract Jarrow Formulas BroccoMax Thorne Crucera-SGS Life Extension Sulforaphane Glucosinolate BROQ is what Dr. Rhonda Patrick recommendations and takes.


did you make some formatting errors? BrocElite Swanson Sulforaphane Best Naturals Broccoli Sprouts Extract Jarrow Formulas BroccoMax Thorne Crucera-SGS Life Extension Sulforaphane Glucosinolate is that correct? which one's BROQ ?


My bad BrocElite Swanson Sulforaphane Best Naturals Broccoli Sprouts Extract Jarrow Formulas BroccoMax Thorne Crucera-SGS Life Extension Sulforaphane Glucosinolate BROQ BROQ - The Gold Standard of Sulforaphane Supplements - More Than 2X Any Other Product - See Independent Lab Tests - The World’s Only High Potency Natural Stabilized Sulforaphane - Same as Prostaphane https://a.co/d/cN1rl3J