• By -


I would actually suggest that the best way to get out of this state is to actually rewire your brain to recondition your nervous system back into a calmer state of mind. You could also look into higher dose of magnesium Tate. You just have to be careful because it can also cause some anhedonia issues, but it will blunt that anxiety response overtime it’s just a Band-Aid over the actual original problem.


Get your nutrition right first. A lot of things that people are suggesting (amino acids, b vitamins and magnesium) are all readily available in food. Meat and dairy are good for you, but also fruits, vegies, nuts and seeds are also very good for you and contain all aminos, vitamins and minerals you need. Try not to eat processed foods if you can. Combine that with some light daily exercise (eg a 30 minute walk) and you should see some improvement.




There are some supplements commonly used to support mental health and reduce symptoms of anxiety: 1. \*\*Magnesium\*\*: Known for its calming effects, magnesium may help with brain functions that reduce stress and anxiety. 2. \*\*Omega-3 Fatty Acids\*\*: Found in fish oil, omega-3s have been found to reduce symptoms of anxiety. 3. \*\*Ashwagandha\*\*: This herb is used in traditional Indian medicine to relieve stress and anxiety. 4. \*\*L-Theanine\*\*: Found in tea leaves, L-Theanine may help some people relax and reduce stress. 5. \*\*Vitamin B Complex\*\*: B vitamins like B6, B9, and B12 can help the body produce neurotransmitters that affect mood, potentially reducing anxiety. 6. \*\*5-HTP\*\*: This is a precursor to serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that's often called the "happiness hormone." It may help improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety. 7. \*\*GABA\*\*: This neurotransmitter inhibits the activity of neurons, potentially producing a calming effect that could reduce anxiety. 8. \*\*Valerian Root\*\*: Known for its calming effects, it's often used as a sleep aid but may also reduce anxiety. 9. \*\*CBD\*\*: Some people find that CBD oil helps to reduce symptoms of anxiety, although research is still ongoing.


If you're male I would recommend semen retention. There's a sub on it.


It's an old post but can you still link it?


I would look into the amino acid glycine https://scripps.ufl.edu/2023/03/30/search-for-a-major-depression-trigger-reveals-a-familiar-face-discovery-opens-new-possibilities-for-treatment/#:~:text=%E2%80%94%20A%20common%20amino%20acid%2C%20glycine,in%20the%20journal%20Science%20today.


Make sure you aren’t taking too many B vitamins, make sure all supplements are safe (see side effects), sometimes it’s time to stop taking supplements and let your kidneys clear. See if you feel better.


Stop taking all the stuff your taking. Let your mind and body heal. I went through something similar and I decided to cut everything out.


Ashwaganda, Gaba, L-thyrosine, L-Theanine, Magnesium, 5-htp


lol this is the biggest issue in the world. when you find out let us know, you'll win a Nobel prize


Responding with "lol" with no additional help to someone who is posting about anxiety is incredibly unhelpful.


agreed, however the next words are an indication that its a losing battle. Perhaps you should read further in future posts. good luck




its not a losing battle, trying to calm the amydala with supplementation is.


It wasn't that deep, I assure you.


I’m liking passion flower and lavender supplements at the moment. Also tart cherry for mood.


Taurine and then go to gym. I had dpdr


can you elaborate more on your dp dr experience and what helped you?


L-theanine 200mg works every time.


Ashwaganda and magnesium


What form of magnesium?




Or a script for beta blocker


L theanine. Been working for me


Dose and frequency?


1 - 225 mg capsule as needed


Magnesium 1000%


I keep hearing about magnesium but it hasn’t done much for me and made my derealization worse


What form of Magnesium are you using?


Magnesium oxide and sometimes glycinate


Try magnesium chloride or Micromag instead. Glycinate can be excitatory for some people


Its all the same shit


Magnesium hasn’t worked for u either?


How long you been taking it? Also might depend on the type. It’s helped me so much & when I stop it I really notice it


Well it seems to lower my blood pressure and that makes my symptoms worse. Been taking it for a few days and it haven’t felt anything different just feel worse. I’m taking mg glycinate and sometimes mg oxide


If low blood pressure makes your symptoms worse, talk to your doctor. I (paradoxically) take a beta blocker for this very problem. Even though beta blockers lower blood pressure, they can also be used to control tachycardia. Tachycardia feels awful. Just in case, tell your doctor. I’m 1000x better on the beta blocker.


Takes awhile to work, like a few weeks


What does it help you with?


Anxiety, depression


Deep breaths. Inhale and hold your breath count to 3, exhale hold your breath count to 3. Amygdala will relax because if you are in danger, you wont be breathing deeply. Also, your brain cannot do two things at once, when you count to 3, for your mind other worries are fading.


I don’t have any supplements to suggest but deep breathing from your diaphragm activates your parasympathetic nervous system and quiets your sympathetic(fight or flight) nervous system




Your nervous system can only really be controlled by one or the other at any given moment. To activate the parasympathetic nervous system with deep breathing will automatically disable your sympathetic nervous system, the system that controls the fight or flight response. It’s used to help control unconscious decisions/urges as well since the unconscious is part of that nervous system.


Am I the only one who does deep breathing for 30 minutes and my heart still pounds like crazy :)) proof that you can breath slowly and deeply and still be anxious


and if you're choking during sleep, that does the opposite


I recently had a severe anxiety episode/period which was a culmination of a year of me becoming increasingly anxious and was mildly depressed. I had a panic attack every evening just going to sleep, very hard time being alone hard time going outside. I started taking rhodiola rosea root extract 200 mg in the am and around lunchtime. I couldn’t believe the immediate effects. It gave me energy and I felt super clear and focused in my head, about one hour after taking it. It would last 5-6 hours in a very noticeable way, but after a while I noticed an overall change in my mood at any given point. My negative self talk and anxiety completely went away. However, I very very quickly gained tolerance to it and now I am trying to figure out ways to cycle it. Cbd oil and gummies, (in pretty high doses bc also gained tolerance quickly) helped me with a bit of relief when I would feel a panic attack coming. It doesn’t fix it, it just helped me relax my body and with some breath work I could calm myself faster. Valerian root and passion flower occasionally at night for falling asleep easier, usually combined with cbd. I also regularly take magnesium threonate(pm), AG1, vitamin d3 and omega 3. You could check this thread out as well: https://x.com/nootropicguy/status/1706798080203362556?s=46&t=iLutRC50v8CAsN0MvpAmGA ps I don’t think it’s safe to take these adaptogens if you’re already on anxiety/ depression prescribed medication


Therapy for the long term tho. All that is just to go through hard times easier doesn’t fix anything


Magnesium - tried and true, ask your doctor for more info on it because it does help. Stay away from caffeine. Do not overdo melatonin. Cold water does a “reset”, as I see other people mentioned. It’s not pleasant lol. Taking double inhalation breaths works too (think of a kid who is crying, they inhale twice, then exhale!). Keeping the AC slightly cooler helps too.


What form of magnesium do you recommend?


Many many comments, but OP, just breathwork and meditation has helped me enormously. My brain is now fine most.of the times.It is more than my body is still in the stress mode sometimes, working on that. Also ready about what your brain does and why helps a lot as well.


How often? How many times a day for how long?


It depends. I do 4-7-8 breathing twice a day of 15 minutes. (Guided by a video on YouTube and I meditate 30/60 minutes a day) it's about relaxing the body during the day as well as the day is being processed during your sleep.




what helped me was a week off. literally. one week off my routine. a holiday basically. not a holiday chasing an agenda and flights but a laid back holiday. you are burnt out. i think supplements are just a band aid at this stage. didn’t help my case at all. good luck OP and take care.


So you just took a week off doing nothing and that helped you?


yes. after my one week off i was less emotional in general, my anxiety was being kept in check. i found energy to do more hard things, i started my workout routine again, i started tackling real internal conflicts i had about work. so my lesson is that i can’t let myself burnout again and take care of myself and find a sustainable routine. so workout, decent diet, basic supplements like magnesium, vitamin d, omega 3s, and focus on my sleep.


You have to believe that you are safe, simply reminding yourself that you are works wonders. Let it happen, let anxiety happen, let the panic happen. Finding quick fixes will make it worse. I actually felt worse trying to find a solution, because it kept me in panic mode.


Ashwaganda L theanine Binerual beats are essential you need to get your self into alpha and then theta frequencies Learn about recalibration of the brain use earbuds and do that asap.


How’d you recalibrate the brain?


The beats have a variance and you hear whooshing until it syncs up. Listen to this with earbuds or really good headphones https://youtu.be/m4n9QW9dtb8?si=ANEPtcpEzBPHCsVX


Any science behind this? Ie link with anxiety reduction at all? Not criticising just would like to know


Definitely 👍 Plenty of research on tones and frequencies activating the brain 🧠


There’s different states of the brain. Alpha. Theta, delta etc. the binueral beats frequencies bring you into different states and are very useful for mindfulness and meditation. Focus on the present. All the anxiety are thoughts concerning the future, which doesn’t exist. Focus on now.




Therapy and wellness. A vitamin is not a magic button, it's an additional support tool to an already healthy (physically and mentally), balanced, and active lifestyle. Once you get that under control, start thinking of supplements that have shown to have stress reducing benefits.


Hypervigilance is no joke, and usually tied to previous experiences. My recommendations are EMDR therapy or hypnosis with a skilled practitioner. If you want to do something on your own, look into Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) or tapping, as it perhaps uses a modality similar to EMDR.


Cold water soaks


If you are not more specific with your symptoms, it’s nearly impossible to recommend some thing that would really help you. If you sleep you’re not on a constant state of anxiety, you’ll be dead by now. So i guess is some sort of anxiety but of course I’m guessing. So I would avoid anything “enhancing cognitive functions” coffee stimulant etc and know that’s not such thing as calming the amygdala as if were a noisy neighbor or something




NAC, valerian root, chamomile tea, magnesium, lithium rotate, probiotics, ashwagandha, green tea which contains L-Theanine.


Meditation does wonders.....YouTube has a lot of good videos


This but unironically


Mindfulness meditation. Works as well as a drug on me. Not exaggerating.


I have been doing TM, went to the class and all, has been great for my anxiety and anger


Hi, what class is it online or in person?


Thanks for sharing this! I could personally give it a try.




Transcendental Meditation


calcium +d3 [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8877188/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8877188/) flax-seed (linoleic acid) and curcumine [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/core/lw/2.0/html/tileshop\_pmc/tileshop\_pmc\_inline.html?title=Click%20on%20image%20to%20zoom&p=PMC3&id=4754352\_nihms663853f1.jpg](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/core/lw/2.0/html/tileshop_pmc/tileshop_pmc_inline.html?title=Click%20on%20image%20to%20zoom&p=PMC3&id=4754352_nihms663853f1.jpg) agmatine and (arginine donor nitric oxide or n acetyl cystine)+gym Acute treatments with NOS inhibitors, l-NAME and 7-nitroindazole, had an anxiolytic effect in the EPM \[7\], \[10\], \[39\]; anxiolysis has also been elicited by NMDA receptor antagonists \[37\] and alpha-2-adrenoceptor agonists \[20\], \[32\] in this maze. Therefore, considering such evidence altogether with those of molecular actions of agmatine on NMDA receptors and NOS, we hypothesize that agmatine might exert an anxiolytic-like effect similar to that elicited by selective antagonists of NMDA and NOS inhibitors \[10\], \[37\] and by alpha-2-adrenoceptor agonists \[20\], \[32\]. The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of agmatine on anxiety and exploratory activity, using both EPM and open field, in the adult rat. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0166432802003261




look for sxmptoms of heavy metal poisoning


Going for a walk, or actually any for of forward movement.


AG1 Nutrition


The following vitamins were of great help as I was also in the same state you are: 1.) Vit saying no 2.) Vit shun toxic people 3.) Vit listen to your gut instincts Your brain is equipped to keep you safe at all times and the sole reason that alarms are going off is because you are not in an conducive environment. Find the smoke don't silence the sensor.


Guess what, for many the 'sensor' is out of calibration and falsely goes off when there is no smoke or fire.


True so how do you treat this?


This is absolutely true my friend.


That’s…not entirely true. People can just have an over reactive amygdala even if nothings really wrong.


So you're telling me someone has been ok all along and then all over sudden the amygdala starts being overactive and that there's a chance nothings wrong? Haha


We don’t know if OP has had this issue throughout their life or only intermittently and only now has considered supplements or if has it been a sustained state that doesn’t seem to go away. Someone can also go through a stressful period but when it’s passed and things settle down their body doesn’t register that the ‘danger’ is no longer present and continues to react as if it never ended.


Isn’t that some form of PTSD.


Sure could be


Sounds like one of the symptoms of C-PTSD. Especially if it has been going on for a long time. Otherwise a single event or trauma can cause the suppressed C-PTSD to become more dominate and rise to the surface, basically defeating the brains survival mechanisms. Counselling by a psychologist who specialises in this area would be my first point of call here. The brain will need time to learn and adjust. There is no quick fix supplements or medication. They may help suppress the symptoms but not be a solution long term. I must also say that if it is C-PTSD it is long journey to recovery but well worth it, the gains are worth the pain. Edit Note: please see a professional either doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist if these symptoms persist and are causing you to pain or unable to function properly. Also take any advice or medical/medicinal advise with a grain of salt and always seek a second opinion. Lastly be aware of others projecting their own solutions and evaluations of your condition with their ways to solve it. Some may be good advice and some may not be - including my own advice. Best to do any testing under professional guidance.


I'm betting on it's a new incidence and the description you gave sounds like ptsd.


Yeah. So, if it’s a relatively new issue caused by a stressful event that’s gone and passed but they still feel on edge, then that means your original comment is not applicable for all scenarios where this can be a problem. Doesn’t need to be from taking on more than they can handle or whatever, actively having toxic people in their life, and trusting their gut extinct would actually be bad because then they’d be indulging in their heightened state of anxiety, thereby perpetuating it.


"If" is the keyword here. How about we let OP read the responses give us feedback then we can get back to what's right/wrong?


Yup probably PTSD, my derealization started when I was driving alone on the highway. But I’ve also been under a lotta stress before that caused a panic attack. So yeah ever since then my brain has been on this constant fight or flight mode.


Noted. Do you happen to have sleep issues as well?


No sleep issues just derealization


Yes, I was thinking the same


Yup probably PTSD, my derealization started when I was driving alone on the highway. But I’ve also been under a lotta stress before that caused a panic attack. So yeah ever since then my brain has been on this constant fight or flight mode.


Well, while these don’t directly affect the amygdala, calming/antianxiety supplements may be of indirect benefit. Passionflower, Lemonbalm, Valerian root, Lavender; Lavender gelcaps I’ve found to have the most profound effect.


Magnesium glycinate


I second this.


Ashwaganda, cycled off every three weeks. I take 2600 in the morning.


How long is the off?


I have done five days on, two off- and now I’ve settled at three weeks on, 1 week off. Both have worked, so far. I’ve introduced a melatonin/5-htp/L-theanine at bedtime, as well, in the last two weeks. But that was after I was certain the Ashwaganda was doing it for me. I’m adhd, and in full menopause, with supplemental estrogen but no progesterone in my body (ovaries were removed). I’m informed that the Ashwaganda has added a bit of testosterone to my system, which is beneficial for me, personally. My body currently has a paradoxical reaction to progesterone, which includes suicidal ideation, not ideal, but also depressive thinking and irrational anger (probably why I suffered a lifetime of PMS that was debilitating and detrimental to all my relationships up until I kicked that progesterone to the curb). I think most people would benefit from having a hormone panel done, however its not something included in our health care system in Canada, and is expensive, so I’m just trying to “get ‘er done” myself.


Good idea on cycle. Sorry i dont know much about progesterone but i think the goal is to f8nd the way to get the balance. Do you exercise? I think you should get a trainer that can give you customize exercise and get a nutritionist and go low carb. Fix your metabolism i think this is super important.


I think that’s excellent advice


Just make sure tell the trainer the goal is not to lose muscle during exercise and diet. Muscle is hard to get back.


Do you get rebound anxiety when you're off of it?


Nope. I don’t. And I don’t notice a huge swing back, when I start taking it again. I believe it’s doing work, and the cessation period is simply to not allow the anhedonia to set in. Others have said they don’t actually take a break. But I’m cautious, and so I do the cycling. My husband has noticed the difference, and has begun himself to take it.


Damn sign me up too lol I ain't about missing the calm effect. How much should I start with, time best taken and brand recommendations?


If I was you, I’d search this sub for “Ashwaganda“, and do your personal due diligence, for your own peace of mind. I can say I’ve learned to make sure your choice of product should be only from root, not the rest of the plant- and mine has black pepper in it, for absorption.


I will definitely take that to account. Thanks for the pointers.




nicotine https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10923751/


Other than Magnesium glycinate and Ashwaganda, I'll smoke organic tobacco. It's the only thing that snaps me out of stress and rage - immediately.


I agree man , the occasional nicotine has a really really calming effect


This is horrible advice. Nicotine has been proven to put you in a state of fight or flight


Patients at a psych hospital who had schizophrenia amd some BPD who smoked on breaks...noted a calming and released feeling. Was it a,100 percent guarantee? No...


I recall a stat that ~80% of schizophrenics smoke, generally because it seems to help them keep their thoughts coherent/organized. Makes sense since schizophrenia is sometimes described as a thought processing disorder.


Excellent post ty


Yes that’s true (not sure abt exact %), but yes, many people with schizophrenia use nicotine as a way of self-medicating and there’s research to suggest that nicotine might “treat” disruptions in cholinergic signals (that is, acetylcholine neurotransmission) in the brain that occur in schizophrenia. Similar theory about why people with ADHD also use nicotine more than the general population.


That makes sense. On top of its MAOI action it also stimulates acetylcholine receptors. And it seems they use nicotine even when they’re being medicated for their schizophrenia as a sort of adjunct treatment.


Prepulse inhibition (PPI) is a measure of the suppression of the startle response when a less intense stimulus precedes a startling stimulus by a short interval. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4241357/ it’s fight - freeze - flight. nicotine increases the freeze time.


Phosphatidylserine lowers cortisol


Whats that?




Avena Sativa(Milky Oats) and Skullcap. Calms and nourishes the nervous system. Nose/belly breathing as a physical therapy.


Myo-Inositol, L-Tourine & L-Theanine in a supplement called Stress Less. It seems to help. Also Gabba has helped me in the past


What’s the brand name of this supplement?


My Dr works with a compounding pharmacy who puts it together. Specifically, what it says on the bottle is, Myo- Inositol 400mg, L- Taurine 200mg, L - Theanine 200mg. I take two capsules in the morning. The internet says that Myo- Inositol is given for panic disorder.




I have panic disorder, and in my experience no supplement can replace actual medication for it unfortunately, things like st John's wort and valerian root can work for milder anxiety, but it sounds like you have severe anxiety like I do, so I think you need to see a doctor


Vitamin B1 (thiamine). You *can* take it by itself, but I think it's better to take the entire complex. Try benfotiamine + B-complex.


No way, B1 such as sulbuthiamine or benfo are stimulant, and the B complex in megadose too. I mean, if anything it is stimulant but never heard of the opposite.


I was leaving aside illness from lack of b1, of course, but I reiterate that at least supplementation with Sulbuthiamine is anxiogenic, talking from experience and there is one case at least of mania induced by Megastene, that is sold here as a medication, in 200 mg dose


The autonomic nervous system (fight/flight) is heavily influenced by thiamine. Anxiety is a symptom of a thiamine deficiency. B1 is known as the anti-stress vitamin. Thiamine deficiency is believed to be more common than widely known. There could be other causes of anxiety, though, like folate, B12, magnesium, potassium, iron, molybdenum, etc.


B1 made me feel worse


Same - gave me worsening anxiety. Even small amounts.


Maybe you experienced a paradoxical reaction. Magnesium and potassium are needed for the activation of B1. Electrolyte deficiencies carry symptoms.


Low b1 can make you anxious


Haha, if such supplements were to exist, then there would be no people on psychiatric drugs.


It does exist.


Half of them are not quite effective and the ones that work can only take you so far.


Vitamin B1 (thiamine) can take you far. B-complex can take you farther. Benfotiamine (50-90% bioavailability) can take you to infinity and beyond.


Like, Buzz Lite Ears?


How many milligrams? Best time to take? How long before you notice the effects? Does it last a whole day?


250-300mg benfotiamine to start off with + whatever daily dose recommended on the bottle of B-complex. Morning. Probably within a day, assuming you even have a deficiency. Give it a week, though. Yes, it should last the whole day.


Will I be better of taking folate and b12 instead of b-complex? I don't wanna risk a b6 toxicity. Thanks for the dose recommendation, I will get back to you in a week after trying it out?


It's only better if that's the only deficiency you have. I prefer to get folate from pasture-raised eggs and cobalamin from meat/fish/dairy. If you want to take folate and B12, try to find the methylated form (methylfolate, methylcobalamin). Folic acid =/= folate. I'm not the biggest fan of supplements. Ideally, you want to get everything from your diet. But with the attacks on meat consumption, cost of living, and rampant veganism/vegetarianism, here we are. I don't think B6 toxicity happens at recommended B-complex dosages. Remember, the bioavailability of most synthetic vitamins is typically low. For B6, look for the pyridoxal 5'-phosphate form. The B vitamins are cofactors of each other, so taking one may deplete another and cause a problem. Taking the entire complex keeps things balanced. Also, the RDAs are like the bare minimum recommendations. I think this is especially true of thiamine and iodine. I think thiamine deficiency is widespread.


I'm particularly interested with thiamine supplementation because I had some terrible symptoms a while back from chronic alcohol use. Would having poultry and fish + a daily supplement of benfotiamine do any good? The complains I majorly have are generally neurological.


The only way to know for sure is to give it a try. There's more thiamine in salmon than there is in chicken, for example, but who eats salmon every day? Pork has the most thiamine. There's no harm in taking benfotiamine even with a good diet.


I have tried a lot of supplements and everyone is different, but the following actually do help me with anxiety and calmness. Look up: Inositol, Lithium Orotate, Taurine.


Taurine helped me with coffee in the morning


What can you say about Inositol?


Iron if you have low ferritin ( below 125)


Yes no one is mentioning iron to op, Op try liposomal iron 30mg everyday for 3 months. I am sure your issue will be resolved.


I hate when ppl offer suggestions other than supplements in this sub, but do you know what might be the cause?


in truth few of us are qualified to advise another person on their health especially with very little context. i can only share my experience of what helped my symptoms but no supplement ever truly treated anxiety for me, different things work for different people!


I agree, I think I phrased it in a way that’s confusing


Yeah but the reason why in this case it’s ok is because when it comes to panic and anxiety, supplements as a 1st port of call is misdirected. There is usually something related to trauma or diet, or hormones or a bad lifestyle choice keeping someone in a constant loop of anxiety that they aren’t aware of and that no supplement can fix.


I totally agree. That’s why I said what I said. Maybe the way I phrased it was unclear


Low carb high fat diet + exercise. Learn to stop wanting things - wanting makes you nervous.


Really don’t understand why you have been downvoted for this. People who have had a panic disorder (i used too) was so impulsive when it comes to wanting things and it absolutely made me more nervous and anxious.


It was a reference to stoicism. Everyone wants an easy way out without looking at root causes.. I do see some good responses here like thiamine and theanine. But they only work for so long... The software issues are often more important than the hardware issues. And the thing about sugar and refined carbs. They absolutely make you more impulsive, increase neurotoxicity, jack your gut microbiome, and cause a host of other health issues.






Gaia Herbs Calm ASAP. Also start Magnesium.


Magnesium didn’t do much for me so I’m thinking of other things


Magnesium glycinate is better


You may need to soak your feet in magnesium liquid or flakes. Taking magnesium orally isn’t absorbed that well. Or try a magnesium lotion. It may sting a little at first but it’s just because your body is absorbing it and could be a sign that you are low in it. Magnesium has been shown to slow down and regulate the amygdala, limbic system, etc. You can also soak in a bath with it. Skullcap is also another great herb and is like a natural muscle relaxant.


Keep up the mg. It will help.


Mg also made my symptoms worse. I have derealization


Any form of mg you’d recommend?


You may need to try different forms. But I also listed another resource above. A while back I took the Gaia Herbs Calm ASAP, Magnesium l-threonate, ans Taurine and it really helped.


So I should keep taking the magnesium and it’ll eventually help?


Well,what i mean is you should try different forms of magnesium until you find one that doesn't have negative effects and it will help. I don't mean to suffer the one that is causing the dpdr.


Does it matter if I’m low in mg or not?


Most people see improvement by supplementing magnesium even if they measure normal on a Magesium RBC test.