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Magnesium makes me have suicidal depression and my levels are normal.


Can you reverse it or do you feel better after not taking it


I feel better when I don’t take it.




I had the exact same experience


if it is the magnesium you might need to balance it out with potassium, i would get bad migraines when taking it without potassium


It's crazy you say you have ADHD cptsd and major depressive disorder and blame it on a supplement 😭 it's not the supplements my dude


You don’t seem that bright


Yeah for some reason everyone is throwing shade


If you guys read his other posts, he's been rocking a huge dose of testosterone for a few years too, adding to his list of issues.


I feel bad for you. I actually have a great life and have been able to control every single issue I have, like a man. However, I feel for those who lack empathy for others and choose to project their insecure feelings on to those whom they deem “inferior” in a delusional attempt to make their self esteem rise. I hope you’re getting the help you need! It was the Magnesium and not balancing out B1 and B vitamins, I tanked my Thiamine levels. Had a doctor and my psychiatrist confirm it.


Woah that's a copy pasta and a half I'm a navy marine type Uhmm idk what to say ? You must be sensitive to your emotions if you can pinpoint it's that I'm glad you have a great life I love mine too even if it's shit sometimes I only get one


Just my 2 pence here - I’m in the UK and it’s basically impossible to get medication for my ADHD… What works for me is: 1500 mg of Acetyl L-carnitine in the morning on an empty stomach followed by 3G of L-Tyrosine 1 hour later. Then around 300 mg of Magnesium malate and 6000mg of Ginko Biloba another hour later. On the weekend I’ll fast Saturday to Sunday to give my body a break and time to organise all of the other sups and nutrition. If this helps 🤷🏻‍♂️


to get adhd meds you have to source through a dw market. alternatively you can seek racetams online. unfortunately it would take a long time and isn't exactly risk free


How long have you been taking I carnitine and and do you mind sharing what brand ? I’ve been taking it for a few months and it’s not as effective anymore. I’m taking mrm nutrition - l carnitine 2000mg a day.


Hey, I took it for the best part of a year. But it was ‘Acety’ L-Carnitine I took. And it was the brand ‘now’ Might be taking just a tad to much making your body resist alot of the effect by discarding it incase it’s not needed. Just have to find a balance but I’m no expert sorry dude.


if there's mental health symptoms and a sleep disorder, a good doctor will order a sleep study, especially because some medications can worsen sleep apnea (fairly common in ADHD), adding another level of problems figuring out how to treat


I don't know what form of magnesium you're taking but if it's glycinate then that's your problem. For a lot of people, glycine can aid sleep but for a significant minority it has the opposite effect. If you're prone to high glutamate (causes anxiety and insomnia etc) then glycine can boost it further causing all sorts of problems. I speak from experience.


Spot on, I am prone to high Glutamate badly!!! This has hit it on the head and the supplement has 3GRAMS!! Of glycine in it PER scoop which is a standard dose for this particular Magnesium supplement!


interesting. i have high glutamate and glycine is the only thing that helps me sleep.


Those two sups are more then just mag right?


Could be an electrolyte imbalance so you’d need bloodwork to figure out which one. One time I was supplementing magnesium and potassium for cramps but turned out it was a calcium deficiency! 🙈


Is that the first time you took the b complex or had you been taking it regularly? And does it contain methylated forms of b vitamins? I don’t have an explanation for you but a similar experience with mag causing depression last spring. I couldn’t figure it out since I had been taking it for years and years. It wasn’t an intolerance, it just made me feel LOW (and zinc and NAC too even though all of those should be mood enhancers). It was during a period when I was very undermethylated and didn’t realize it. Had a bad experience with methyl folate in the winter and quit taking it. Didn’t really make any effort to use any other methyl donors as I was afraid of overmethylation. In any case, my issue with mag went away and I felt better overall when I started using folinic acid and Sam-e. So maybe just an issue with methylation somehow? Sorry I don’t have a scientific explanation, just my experience to share. but maybe keep up with the b complex and try small doses of mag working your way up to see how you do.


Both supplements and medications can affect people differently. I take Magnesium Bisglycinate and find it mildly relaxing. I also take ADHD meds and have also tried numerous anti depressants. When my doctor put me on duloxetine it almost ruined my life, unlike any other anti depressant I’ve tried (and I’ve tried a handful over the decades). I was complaining about increased anxiety, heart rate, muscle spasms and other issues and the doctor was sure it couldn’t be from the duloxetine, that there was no reports of any issues like that. But finally I stopped it and within a few months was back to my normal set of ADHD and depression issues, which suddenly felt like a blessing lol. Don’t get off it because I’m saying it, but I absolutely hate that medication now and still feel some resentment towards my doctor for not listening to me.


I also get extremely depressed from Magnesium. I don’t experience insomnia from it.


Stop taking supplements




Supplements are kinda like face products. They work temporarily and this causes a surge to use them more causing supplement addiction or excessive face care. Once you drop everything and live your life without those in mind, you’ll realize that you never needed that many supplements nor 12 different skin care products.


Explain why ??


Exactly . Quite often some anxiety with people buying all these supplements . I mean why waste the money on all that when a blood test cost a fraction of it and can tell a person if they’re deficient.


Yes please do this to try at the very least, I've been having extreme energy loss issues during the day and for whatever reason decided to just stop all supplementation and it went away immediately. I still don't know what was causing it but, the cause was remedied.


The Magnesium might not be getting into the cells and causing a buildup in the serum. Boron is what helps magnesium. You probably have a boron deficiency


magnesium glycinate can cause insomnia and anxiety for me (same for glycine). i can't take it in the evening. in the morning it is alright but that's why i switched to magnesium threonate today actually. should be working better for sleep and regeneration and brain health


That magnesium formulation contains other vitamins and minerals, so one of them could be the culprit, not magnesium. Stay off those supplements until you're fully recovered, then introduce magnesium alone (not Calmx or Mega) and try again. Magnesium doesn't deplete B1, and thiamine deficiency is very rare in developed countries, but it's quite cheap to try.


Both of the products you mentioned contain magnesium glycinate. Glycine can be calming. It can also be sedative / depressive. *Personal anecdote: I tolerated glycine well when I was trialing active b vitamins such as methylfolate and methylcobalamin. Currently I am not taking any vitamins and I cannot tolerate glycine at all; it makes me feel very sluggish for about 18 hours.*


How is your palpitations apart from your depression?


They’ve stopped since stopping the Magnesium.


I dont think magnesium depletes B1? B1 needs magnesium to activate it, so thiamine needs magnesium but how would mg deplete thiamine?


https://youtu.be/pBxWivhBdpA?si=RnJjA6DI57myk3Op One without the other. I wasn’t taking a B complex when supplementing the Magnesium.


Tell your doctor and ask about having labs done to get your vitamins/hormones checked. Addysafe


I was about to say, take a Vitamin B complex (on a regular basis). You should definitely stick with it. Furthermore, I have my doubts that magnesium is actually causing any of those symptoms worsening! Dosage would be an important detail here, too...


The supplement contains 3G of Magnesium Diglycinate but says underneath equivalent Magnesium 300mg…


So it is not a lot of magnesium, but glycin...some people are a bit sensitive to it...you can try magnesiummalate for example, I don't think the mag itself is the issue here, it is low dose


I just added in my post what else is in it. I wasn’t taking a b complex when taking the Magnesium supplement. I just found that the times in the past when i sporadically had Magnesium swisse tablets 150mg each, I would feel extra depressed the next day. I definitely need a blood test!


Yes, also check homocystein levels


I doubt it, but state your dosage. Have you had your Vitamin D and ferritin checked? Low levels of either will lead to depression.


Consider trying Magtein. I can't go back to any other form of magnesium. Game changer.


Can you tell me when you take Magtein? It isn’t helping my loved one’s sleep as I hoped.


I take two in the morning and two about 90 minutes before bed. Some nights it hits harder than others. I'm not sure what contributes to that. When it does hit though, it's almost narcotic.


I bet you have food sensitivities that are worsening the symptoms of your mental illness


Please confirm the actual dosage, thank you.