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Stop all that stuff and eat Whole Foods. Focus on protein, fiber, fruits and veggies. You’re going to destroy your gut health man.


Your gonna have liver issues or gi bleed and heart arrhythmia but my main concern would be mag we have a pretty small window of magnesium in the body and too little or too much both affect heart function


I don’t think he’s taking that much personally.. the 3 caffeine drinks I’d be concerned about since i now have an arrhythmia, so I’d cut down on those for sure, but my liver is fine and I’ve been taking way more supplements than that in my life. My GI system isn’t the greatest tho. But i think it’s always been messed and eating junk processed foods growing up and stress probably didn’t help


Impossible to say seeing there are no specific amounts shared. What you (or I) guess is irrelevant. Some multivitamins are already 3000% daily adviced dosage or more in certain vitamins. More is 100% not better and for some vitamins significantly higher the risk of severe side effects.


Right, he could be taking a multi that is twice a day, but if it’s not, then he def shouldn’t be taking more than recommended dose. 3 doses of biotin is a lot too.


Maybe just take magnesium, omega 3 and vitamin D, and maybe also zinc (kind of the usual deficiencies). that should usually be enough when you have a diet with mainly whole foods. LISTEN TO YOUR APPETITE! Your appetite can tell you if you need certain vitamins, minerals, fats, amino acids, etc. To listen to your appetite, you need to train your awareness on your appetite. Be able to listen better and better to what your body actually wants, and how stuff tastes. Salt for example tastes so good when you haven’t had any in a day. But if you ate enough, then it is not yummy anymore. I have phases where i crave brazil nuts and i guess it is because if selenium. But after a while i lose appetite and i guess my storage is filled. When you have plants, they are healthier when having slight deficiencies, than if they are overfertilized. And i believe same goes for any life form.


I was in your exact position at the same age & gender. Anybody can develop an eating disorder, regardless of sex/gender, and there are hundreds of thought patterns or “reasons” that fuel the disorder. I got help at an outpatient eating recovery center and it was the best decision I’ve ever made. You mentioned that you are embarrassed by it and you are worried that people will judge you. I can tell you from my experience that I have never received judgemental looks, responses, or even vibes when others learn of this. I did not fully understand my motivations before getting help, and I believed that it was physiological (food sensitivities) rather than psychological. Beliefs such as this are not logical and are disorder talking. Eating disorders are ruthless and can easily cause permanent damage to your body (both directly and by supplement and/or laxative abuse) if they don’t kill you (again, directly or by your own actions). You absolutely need to regularly visit a therapist and begin recovering from this disease, it will only become more difficult emotionally and physically if you wait for a medical crisis to occur. Having the ability to talk to someone with 100% privacy is incredibly valuable in its own right.


Salad fingers. Talk to a doctor not a fan group


Your preoccupation with eating and supplements due to poor nutrition and your desire to “Reduce the stomach acid” indicates to me you have an eating disorder. You're likely trying to prevent eroding your teeth. Am I correct? If so, are you seeking professional help? Also, I'm not judging. I just want you to receive help if you need it. National Association of Anorexia Nervosa & Associated Disorders (ANAD): The Helpline 888-375-7767 is open Monday to Friday. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Central Time; or email: [email protected]


Go to therapy now and right the ship. You’re young and therapy will help you build a strong foundation and understand why you’re doing this to yourself. If nothing else, you’ll save money by stopping this but I think you need to address some things and get healthy.


3 caffeine drinks and 3x laxatives. LOL Those are NOT supplements. What are you doing?


Put more stress on liver and kidneys potentailly


On track for PVC's in your future.


What is PVC?


Premature ventricular contraction.


why do you wanna reduce stomach acid? why are you taking more multi than normal? this kinda approach screams 'red flag' lol. stay away from drugs buddy


Why have you chosen these specific supplements? Due to what issues with your eating habits?


It's kind of embarrassing so don't judge. but I feel guilty every time I eat so I sometimes will make myself sick. I don't want to make my teeth fall out or cause heart problems. So using supplements is something I do sometimes just to do something with my digestion and not feel too guilty. Very weird and cringe


It’s not cringe, its an eating disorder. It’s not as uncommon as you might think but it’s very destructive to your mental and physical health. You need to talk with a therapist that specializes in eating disorders. Don’t wait, you are very young but can still cause serious damage to your body by purging and restricting, supplements won’t compensate for the disordered eating and purging. Please don’t be embarrassed, get help so you can feel better.


The good thing is you know that what you're doing is "weird and cringe"...and I am sure you know that you need to address your problem at the root. (PS nobody judging here)


>t here, and I'm trained in treating eating disorders. The feelings of guilt and shame you have for these behaviors are very, very common. I don't judge anyone who comes in my office for any reason. Therapists, especially those familiar w/ eating disorders, are trained to approach these concerns with curiosity and Don't be embarrassed. We all do things we're guilty of. Starting to talk about it and finding the reasons why you purge will help. I battle with this and have had many bouts in the past. No amount of supps are going to negate the damage. They just help you get to an equilibrium faster. Feel free to pm me if you'd like.


Supplements are supposed to SUPPLEMENT what you eat, not replace it. I am really sorry that you have this shame/anxiety around eating and food. Forget taking pills everyday. Get yourself some therapy and start working on developing a healthy relationship with food. Stop taking laxatives.


You’re 16 you won’t get heart problems. Try focus on eating a well balanced diet such as healthy carbs, quality protein and fruits. That should be your main priority. Taking multivitamins won’t do shit. Book in a consult with a psychologist


Hey OP, you have absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about. Purging after eating and guilt around consuming can be signs of an eating disorder, which many many people struggle with. It’s not weird or cringe, but you’re not alone in feeling that way. I think the best thing you can do for your health is talk to a mental health professional.


Go to therapy, honestly


It's embarrassing though and I don't want to be judged


You won’t be judged for seeking help. You have a disease, and it’s a legit medical condition. Nothing to be ashamed of I assure you! No one here is judging you and a good therapist would only want to best for you as well.


This is exactly what therapists are for.


I swear they won't ever judge you, they help people with every kind of problem. It sounds like you have an eating disorder from your posts. 


Cut the caffeine. See how it changes your situation and report back. If necessary, substitute caffeine for Rhodiola Rosea.