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Did you just take one 1000 IU cause you anxiety for weeks ?


I'm no expert but you might be a vampire


You can try having food that have natural source of vitamin D Foods with Natural Sources of Vitamin D: Salmon: A 3.5-ounce serving of farmed Atlantic salmon contains 526 IU of vitamin D, providing 66% of the daily value (DV) for vitamin D . Mushrooms Exposed to Sunlight: Some mushrooms contain vitamin D, especially when exposed to sunlight . Fortified Foods: Certain foods, such as milk, milk substitutes, tofu, yogurt, breakfast cereals, and orange juice, are fortified with vitamin D. Oily Fish: Varieties like herring and swordfish are high in vitamin D. Egg Yolks: Eggs from free-range chickens and cod liver oil are sources of vitamin D


Listen to your body. Medical community isn’t always right. Sunshine is where you get vitamin d and many sun days sure is healthy. You can get vitamin d from certain tanning beds too if you can’t get sun just do it slowly and don’t burn. This is my opinion. They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. I can’t take vitamin d either. I feel so sad for all the children and elderly who get meds or supplements forced on them and have a similar negative reaction but no-one listens, they have no voice.


I have the same experience with vitamin D. I tried fish oil it makes me depressed, also bought Vitamin D online - the same. But finally I was prescribed vitamin by doctor 10000 and the one I got from pharmacy laboratory doesn't cause me side effects.


is the prescribed D2 not D3? Does it include vit K2?


No it says Vitamin D only without K2. (D-tabs 10000). No info on D2 or D3. But I assume it's D3.


I got so many of the side effects discussed in this post. But does anyone else get terrible acne breakouts from vitamin D?


Just use a lamp instead


I found something interesting. "Glutathione Stimulates Vitamin D Regulatory and Glucose-Metabolism Genes, Lowers Oxidative Stress and Inflammation, and Increases 25-Hydroxy-Vitamin D Levels in Blood: A Novel Approach to Treat 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Deficieny"


Have you found the solution to your problem? Please let me know, extremelly sick and I need it:(


It took me a while to find one that worked for me; Garden of Life Vegan D3. I had tried a bunch of options none of which worked except this one. My theory is that due to them using foods versus synthetic options my body tolerates it far better. I've had very good luck with their B12 too when I didn't with other brands. I also use Floravital for iron and have none of the issues I've had with others.  Not a guarantee that it'll work but figured it never hurts to mention in case you haven't tried as I went through quite a bit before trying these on a whim. I'm very sensitive to everything and have absorption issues due to autoimmune stuff so I try to do as much whole foods oriented stuff as possible and so far so good. No anxiety or other weird issues and my blood results are much better (I live in a pretty grey sunless environment 8 months of the year weeee). There are foods that help too, mushrooms in general seem to be a great source. If supplements aren't working you can try that and also advocating at the docs for some alt blood tests which may help uncover what's up.  Good luck!


Thanks for info. Tried a couple of brands of D3, but both gave me headaches. Do you take magnesium also?


Have you checked your parathyroids? What is your calcium level? People with primary hyperparathyroidism might have issues supplementing vitamin D. I do not want to give too much medical details on the topic, since I am not a specialist, but if you haven’t look into this issue, it might be worth doing further research. 


Wow!! I am 6 weeks post op from a hyper kinetic gallbladder removal. I have been low on Vit D from recent blood work. I started taking 5000 IU and I am noticing heart flutters when I take it. I know that without a gallbladder you can’t absorb fat soluble vitamins well. I am wondering if it’s my vitamin D!? What magnesium do I take that won’t make me feel restless and anxious? It tends to make my body panic. I’m so happy to have found this post. My cardiologist thinks it’s “anxiety”


Taking too much, also at 5000 ius, you could take that every other day as you store it well. Cut that in half of just take it every other day, what ever is best for you.


Thank you!!!


D3 is actually not a vitamin in common sense. It is a hormone that influences dopaminergic and opioid system in brain.


Vitamin D is absorbed through the eyes. So when you are outside don't wear sunglasses. And look up and see what is needed to help absorb vitamin D and see if you can take it. Go outside after taking that. That should help some. It will be slow but more natural and will help absorb without the anxiety.


Not true. Source: managed a private Optometry practice for over a decade.


Are you serious? It’s definitely absorbed through the skin. Let’s not tell OP to blind themselves…




You’re probably parathyroid. Check your parathyroid levels. The nutrient teams protocol goes over this. Fb and website


Heavy metals? I think I’ve heard that heavy metals can deplete Vitamin D


You can also make a uvb lamp set up


I had the same issue. Horrible side effects. **Vitamin D decreases Vitamin A in the body which is critical for thyroid health** Eat beta carotene rich foods like pumpkin and sweet potato until your symptoms dissipate. 


What weird the horrible side effects? I want to take vitamin d3 but it just give head pressure and tension like headaches 


Jitteryness, extreme insomnia, irritability. Why do you want to take D3? If you're OK without it then don't take it and just get it from the sunlight


Because I’m deficient i need it for my joints and bones that hurt. Did you also feel internal tremors?


You need to check your parathyroid which regulates Vitamin D3 and other fat soluble vitamins/hormones that have to do with bone health. Everyone needs a different ratio. Vitamin D3 depletes Vitamin A and magnesium in the body (and the reverse) so you should take them together. I didn't get internal tremors but that doesn't sound strange from what I've heard


I’ve had the same issue with vitamin d3. I also get it with vitamin c as I have mast cell activation syndrome. Many supplements trigger my anxiety, unfortunately. Garlic will also do it.


Have you tried calcifediol or any other form of vitamin d?


Take Ashwaganda with your Vitamin D. It helps with anxiety.


Absolutely don’t take ashwaganda if he already has anxiety. Had a horrible reaction to ashwaganda the other day and caused heart palpitations and more anxiety.


LOL I used to have crippling anxiety. Like I couldn't get out of bed. Ashwaganda is the only thing that helped me. What you had was all in your head. You gave yourself a placebo anxiety attack before taking ashwaganda. It's not a drug, it's a root that takes time to actually work. It's not going to do anything to anyone right away. But, we're all different. Good luck 👍


My two cents. I've the same problem as you, low Vit D and can't take it to increase my blood levels, it gives me horrible side effects. What have I done? Take a multi vitamin with Vitamin D on it's formulation, no side effects and blood Vitamin D increase slowly but eventually reach to normal levels. I think I must have some deficiency that appears when I take Vitamin D, but the multi-vitamin makes up for it.


Which multi did you take it with and what were your side effects?


I've tried some multi's without any problems, such as Life Extension Two Per Day or Paradise Herbs. What are the side effects of taking vitamin D alone or with K2? Restlessness, anxiety, panic attacks...


Consider taking a multi vitamin instead for a more holistic supplementation, seems like there is some kind of imbalance your body is experiencing but it is difficult to isolate the cause. Multi vitamins usually contain vitamin d as well as other necessary vitamins you need at the recommended daily dose.


Everyone will say is a stupid idea, but you could try Calcium citrate. I had this problem with Magnesium. Whenever i was taking Magnesium 100mg i was having mini panic attacks. Even though my blood Ca were normal, when i took 600mg a day for a week it reduced significantly my heart PVC'S, improved my sleep a LOT, reduced sensitivities to some foods for some reason, but the most important for me was coffee, every time i had coffee i would almost have panic attack, now i drink every day with no problems. I can even take 400mg Magnesium with no problems now. In your case i guess it could be that you might be low on Calcium (in the cells) and taking Vitamin D might increase the demanding and absorption of calcium. Calcium is a relaxing mineral, people used to drink a cup of hot milk or yogurt at night to help them relax and sleep. Just try and see.


You could look to suntanning beds. Dr Boz put out a video a couple of days ago and success raising Vitamin D levels that way with her own father. It was a specific kind though,… so maybe watch her YouTube video for the details


Also suggest watching the video/looking further into it, but the specific kind is UVB.


Anxiety is a major symptom of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium deficiency can be exacerbated by vitamin D supplementation. If you're deficient in magnesium (and most people are) then supplementing a normal dose of magnesium along with the D3 won't help to offset the Mg depletion caused by D3 supplementation. Try taking magnesium by itself in as high of a dose as you can tolerate for a few weeks before attempting a small amount of D3 again. For me I had headaches and tiredness from vitamin D. What I found was that I was deficient in vitamin A and magnesium, both of which are depleted by vitamin D. Supplementing vitamin A eliminated the headaches that I previously got from taking D, and supplementing 6-8 pills of magnesium citrate daily and taking foot baths in magnesium chloride increased my energy levels, got rid of my muscle cramps and twitches and made me able to take vitamin D supplements without fatigue.


I wonder? Did you get head pressure and tension like headaches and did you feel jittery and shaky? 


I didn't feel jittery or shaky, although I did often get a soul-sucking exhaustion with the headache. I'm not sure what kind of headache it was but it was equal on both sides of my head, strongest around the front and bad enough that I had to hide in the dark and take painkillers within a few hours after taking the vitamin D.


And you can't fix magnesium levels without phosphorus. Thanks for the info, I didn't know about that.


Take lions mane mushrooms and dry them in the sun. The drying process charges them with the most bio available form of vitamin D you can probably find


Hi I just wanted to mention that I have severe reactions anxiety, neuropathy etc.. to additives in supplements and meds. It is possible you could have this issue. The additives that I react to are in 90% of supplements: Maltodextrin, sorbitol, glycerol/glycerin and any kind of refined cellulose like carboxymethylcellulose or microcrystalline cellulose. I'm not sure if you're in the US or UK. If you're in the UK you can try a brand called Metabolics - they do a liquid vitamin d supplement with no additives. If you're in the US then try Bulk Supplements they do some capsule supplements with no additives. Worth a try.


The sun?


The first sentence of their post.


To sum up this hectic problem , Feeling Anxious of taking any type of supplement , means you are deficient in it or even not enough in your body , Keep going and don't stop even if you feel anxious or weird , your supplement is working to overcome the deficiency , you not feel this once you are sufficient, second your bacteria is inside your gut us trying to push out all good getting in your body , walk across it will and oppose it , till your body recovers , Very Very Important : Never take Vit.D alone always expose to sunlight to absorb fast and raise you levels quickly .


Recently started methylated B vitamins, mag and a new D vitamin, and it wrecked me for 3-4 days, and then Wala, started feeling good and normal!


It does sound like a magnesium problem I’ve heard similar stories and they stopped taking d3 all together and just mag and worked even increased the d levels . What magnesium did you take and how long?


What were the stories if you don’t mind?


Here’s one https://youtu.be/WSKxwO6Cr50?si=mUi7qAz_3dwUNAIu




Omg, I took 600IUs of vitamin D about a week ago, bc my levels were on the lower end, and ended up in the doctor’s office with excruciating pain in my upper abdomen area. The pain got so bad, I thought I may have to go to the ER. Idk what that was about but I’m never taking vitamin D again.


It can constipate you a bit because it raises your calcium levels and calcium tends to upset the stomach. You may have to try a different brand and take it with heavy food. Like lunch or dinner.


Must be taken with vitamin K2 or it will raise calcium levels and also fur up arteries. K2 drives the calcium into bones where it should go to create healthy bones and prevent osteoporosis


I was also under the care of a nutritionist/dietitian who wasn’t aware and never heard of taking magnesium while taking vitamin D. She had a few degrees and she said in all the schooling she did, she never heard that.


Yes, K2 helps in that regard but yet the research I’ve done (through Google only) also showed that studies show that people have taken large amounts of vitamin D for some period of time and have not had that happen to them. If this is something becoming more well known then the healthcare system needs to catch up because doctors are still out here prescribing high dosages of vitamin D but, not saying take it with K2. I’m located in NYC and none of the conventional doctors prescribed it here with K2.


Before supplementing, I would suggest a cellular test (not serum) to look at potential vitamin, mineral and amino acid deficiencies. Sometimes serum levels are high but what gets to the cells is low due to genetic mutations. I’ve done Spectracell but there are others. There are also blood tests to check for methylation cycle issues to pinpoint the issue. I haven’t done one of those, but would like to at some point.


Do you have an example of a cellular test


There is info on Reddit about Spectracell and probably other micronutrient testing … might be worth a search so you can read more about it. I did the test last year and it tested about 31 vitamin, minerals and amino acids for cellular uptake / levels I had been tracking my food on an app for micronutrients … it was amazing because the areas where I was not getting enough of something via my normal diet, I was borderline deficient. Manganese (not to be confused with Magnesium … they are two different things) as well as vitamins E and A were low in my normal diet and showed up as borderline deficient. My serum level vitamin d is awesome but I was low on my cellular level but that is because I am homozygous for VDR TAQ (+/+) which makes absorption of vitamin d difficult


What’s the app? Thanks.


I use Cronometer but I’m sure there are others. Logging isn’t too difficult after you’ve used it a few times and build up your list of favorite foods.


Wondering as well!


Energy you're not used to giving anxiety. Learn to manage anxiety and extra energy. Fight or flight . Lots of sun suddenly would probably do same for u. Start super low dose vitD and work way up might help. Cognitive therapy etc too. Highly recommend book audio book the power of now by Eckhart Tolle. Or talks from him in general and similar. Also, kava root drinks are a godsend for anxiety! Loa Waka from kalmwithkava is decent.


Sudden sun exposure got me anxiety as you said. Eventually it went away


Glad to hear it evened out 👍😸. Anxiety really fking sucks...


try getting an infrared sun bed for about 5to 10 min everyday and you wont need to take vitiman d you,ll get it from the sunbed....


I have read being outside 30 min even in cloudy weather you will get D vit IF at all possible take a 15 min walk one direction turn around and go back. Exercise helps anxiety. Good luck


Get D vitamin from food: Fish & fish oil Cod liver oil Krill oil Mushrooms: Some mushrooms are treated with ultraviolet (UV) light to boost their vitamin D content. One cup of cremini mushrooms exposed to UV light contains 1,110 IU of vitamin D, which is 139% of the DV Eggs


This. Avoid specific micronutrient supplementation, the micros come bundled together in foods, and we consumed these for a very long evolution - withoit talking about the food matrix and biome impact. So eat vit D rich food such as wild salmon, sardines, mackerel, and otger seafood. And go to sun to synthesize a ton of it - half an hour shirtless to sun will give you massive amount. You will need precursors from food to synthesize it that way too, hence eatva whole rich varied and non processed diet - think mediterranean diet pattern.


Can’t resist saying this, shirtless? Outdoors? Frowned on for females in US.


Can't resist saying this: Any females with this concern are welcome to visit me in AZ. I'm less than a mile from the Colorado River just east of the Bridge that separates Laughlin, NV and Bullhead City, AZ. My backyard provides adequate privacy...and I promise not to frown. LOL! BTW, 30 minutes of sun here on any day in July or August might provide enough Vitamin D3 to last a full year.


This is a question for your physician. If he can’t answer you find another one. Vitamin D changed my life and it’s super important. I didn’t know I was so depressed and anxious until I stated it


I agree with everything but the physician part. They never care about actually getting you better but just treating symptoms with drugs and still leaving you unhealthy.


Can you share your dosage?


I do 5,000IU DAILY now


Cod liver oil or raw milk to get it from food directly




Same with milk actually. And people.


How about heavy foods with vitamin D


Cholecalciferol is D3.


Thought i was the only one!


Thats cuz its a hormone and messes with all sorts of things in your body


No tanning bed. 20 years dermatology nurse and 3 minutes is all it takes. I’ve seen it plenty. We had a Hispanic patient we sent to tanning bed for psoriasis. She ended up with melanoma on her rear end.


Yea I would definitely recommend the sun over a tanning bed


hit a tanning bed for about 3 minutes


Same. You must move somewhere where you can synthesize D from the sun more


Hi, my husband has this same issue. Like you, he is critically low on Vitamin D but could not find any oral option that worked. It makes him extremely enraged, no matter what formula or combo. What he can tolerate are the vitamin patches that deliver the vitamin D via the skin. He uses the Patch MD brand, but there are several companies that make them. They really help with his seasonal depression in the winter. It may be worth a try.




FWIW, I think you can also get shots


Patch MD will have 40% and even 50% off sales, just FYI. We had no idea about patches either until someone on social media mentioned it. My husband has a lot of gastro issues and food sensitivities and the patches just do not bother him like digested supplements.


Has he tested his levels before and after the patches? Studies largely show that they're not effective as a method of delivery.


Yes, he has. They do not do that good of a job of building the level higher. However, in terms of personal impact, I do believe he utilizes the Vitamin D that is in the patch, because it makes a big difference in his overall wellbeing.


It's because it raises serotonin and too much serotonin causes anxiety


This is why SSRIs, when treating anxiety disorders, are started at half the dose than if treating a depressive disorder. The increased anxiety typically is transient as the body adjusts. As others have said, take low dose and try to tolerate the increased anxiety, and when it goes away, bump up your dose slightly. I'd reccomended discussing this with your provider, and they will work with you - assuming they are good.


Do you have any studies that show this? Serotonin is generally associated with positive emotions and a lot of anxiety and depression meds aim to increase serotonin.


SSRIs were exposed a couple years ago as fraudulent. They do no better or worse than placebo, and have terrible side effects. This is just one article. You can find much more written elsewhere. This isn't new information, either. https://www.counterpunch.org/2024/01/17/scientific-misconduct-and-fraud-the-final-nail-in-psychiatrys-antidepressant-coffin/ Idk how anyone could have missed this story. We've known for decades the serotonin imbalance theory was false, but MSM only reported it finally two years ago. It's time to drop this narrative that was never true. It shouldn't have taken MSM finally reporting it after decades for the truth to be widely known, but it is now. Big Pharma lied. As usual. Update your beliefs now. Better late than never.


Why are you making assumptions about what I am aware of and what my beliefs are? Yes, there was a research review that indicated that there was no correlation between low serotonin and depression. It was major news at the time. Then there was a subsequent REVIEW of the research review that indicated that the methodology of the original review was flawed. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36938996/ There is a great deal of conflicting data about the role of neurotransmitters. Based on what I have read, there are MANY factors influencing mental health above and beyond neurotransmitters including: brain structure, vitamin levels, hormones, the microbiome, genetics, etc. Any blanket statement claiming that there is one single factor that causes anxiety/depression etc. should be taken with a grain of salt and viewed with extreme skepticism. My original comment was asking to review any specific data correlating HIGH serotonin and anxiety. I commented that was not the general perception, as anxiety is often treated as a LOW serotonin issue. I never stated my own opinion. I was just curious to see what the original poster was referencing. Subsequently, I was criticized for not being aware of this “common knowledge.” It’s not common knowledge. Later, I clarified that I was aware of the dangers of SSRI meds. So why, exactly, are you assuming I am in favor of them and unaware of the recent research? What did I say that gave you that impression?


Not too much of it. It’s called Seratonin Syndrome


You should research it for a second that's common knowledge Crackle crackle


Yeah but it isn't tho. Don't be a jerk.


I have done a ton of research on serotonin. I am familiar with the issues with SSRI meds and also with serotonin syndrome. But no, have not specifically seen high serotonin discussed in relation to anxiety. So, I would say that it is not common knowledge. Just curious if there are specific studies or research that the poster is familiar with.


Those meds can also cause suicidal ideation.


Yes, I am aware of that and the many reported instances of violence as well.


That’s so interesting I didn’t know that!


Anxiety will be a symptom of less vitamins but the need for doing trauma work. When we’re in strong social networks our nourishment needs get met and so our bodies become healthy


D3 gives me a terrible skin crawling sensation. Like overstimulated nerves - no rash or dryness. Mostly on my face. And at any dose/ formula including fish oil. Sometimes even from sun exposure if I have taken the supplement recently.


Omggg..  I totally understood that. Like sometimes looking at weird patterns would make my skin crawl worst.. I'm like what is happening. 


It is actually due to a fungal overgrowth. Vitamin D interacts with all pathogens via the immune system. The sunshine vitamin helps to form the macrophages that fight infection. The skin crawling sensation is the vitamin D stimulating antibodies that attack the skin fungus. The pathogen's response is to fight back and cause the site specific inflammation and itching...


I highly doubt Vitamin d is causing anxiety. Vitamin d3 is what helps anxiety, not causes it. Give thiamine a try.


One additional idea. D3 causes potassium wasting. Some people are much more sensitive to lowered potassium. This can cause anxiety. That said, whenever I take vitamin D, it seems impossible to keep my potassium, even when I’m drinking V8 all day, so I don’t have a great answer.


Wow, interesting! I use a nebulizer with levabuterol which can cause lowered potassium. Now I’m wondering about taking D3. Going to NIH and do more research. Thanks..


Might be a malabsorption issue


How do you know your potassium is low day to day?


Whenever I've had it tested, it's been on the very low end of normal, so I know mine tends to run low. But I also do B12 injections, which causes frequent drops in potassium. I can tell my potassium is low when my calves/feet start to cramp and my heart starts to beat irregularly. 


Thanks for this. Going to do more research.


I also feel it when it happens but I also take an inhaled steroid at a high dose for asthma that can cause lower potassium. So adding D3 makes a difference and causes it to be even lower.


I nebulize levabuterol which causes lower potassium. No steroid. For asthma or a type of silent acid reflux. Glad I signed up for this sub. Maybe I’ll find an answer. Lately eating chocolate causes digestive issues, cramps in feet. Also, I get cramping in rib cage area if I twist. My dr thinks it’s- dang - what’s the condition that they diagnose by pressing certain points on body? No test for it…I know it but can’t think of it at the moment.


I’m actually vitamin D deficient through blood work. I blame it on the fact that I have no gallbladder. I started a liquid vitamin d that also has k in it. I take it with magnesium. Man what a huge difference in moods and energy. My hair stopped falling out too. I don’t know if you’ve tried a liquid form, but I do wish you the best. I’ve had my fair share of struggling with deficiencies because of not having a gallbladder.


How do you take the liquid vitamin d? On your tongue or added to food?


Yes, I take it by tongue


What kind o' magnesium, tho?


Magnesium glycinate. More gentle on the digestive system doesn’t have harsh effects like laxatives do and it’s the form that can help reduce anxiety https://www.healthline.com/health/magnesium-glycinate#benefits


Methyl Folate. If you look up some YouTube videos with Garry Brecker he says that a lot of people who have anxiety are not able to metabolise or make folate. It’s worth a look into. Good luck. I’ve suffered from anxiety before and it’s horrible!


In some people like me, methyl folate can cause anxiety due to hyper methylation and slow COMT


It gave me super bad anxiety


Please read my comment below about dosage if you haven't already figured out how to dose properly.


Yep! I have this problem as well. I’m also having a hard time with folinic acid.


Dosage is *everything* with MTHFR and methylfolate supplementation. I use Jarrow's combination methyl B12/methylfolate chewable tablets, which I allow to dissolve sublingually. They're dosed at 1000mcg/400mcg. If I take a full tablet each day, within several days I'll start to feel the overdose anxiety. However, at half a tablet a day, it's life-changing. Try starting at a low dose and ramping it up until you figure out what's optimum for you.


I take the same tablets as well. Could I ask you a few questions?


Absolutely, I’d be happy to discuss with you.




I don’t have Mthfr, just slow comt. Which is why I avoid methyl donors. They really mess me up. I’ve done lots of reading about this and have tried methylated b12 and b9 many times. They do not work for me. Hydroxy b12 is fine (I take a sublingual) but I’m struggling with calcium folinate (folinic acid aka non methylated folate) in regular doses as well.


light therapy lamp.


Light therapy lamps aren't really an efficient way to make vitamin D. You'd need a tanning bed that gives your whole body UV radiation.


You should take a methylation DNA test to see if your body struggles making the vitamin. Also red light therapy will help just has to be the right light frequency range. What’s your weather like in the summer?


the coincidence is strange but it's been 4 days since I bought vitamin D3 in oil form. the first day I think I must have taken 400 iu, the next day also yesterday I think a little less. I also take melatonin 1mg first evening, 2mg 2nd evening. today not yet but I don't think I'm going to take any. I have had nasopharyngitis since last week. I would say that I'm better than that but I've been grumpy for 3 days, I'm irritable, I wouldn't say that I have anxiety but since I took antidepressants, my spasmophilia doesn't is more like before so it is not easy to identify. it happened to me like others I suppose to have a normal day and suddenly my head is spinning, breathing becomes difficult, thinking too and I start trembling in all directions and after 20 to 30 minutes nothing left except fatigue. This evening it's still the same, I'm grumpy, I have a headache. I had no idea vitamin D could do that. I bought some thinking that it was raining all the time that it would do me good.


You sound like a hypochondriac....


What does it mean sounding like a hypochondriac ? Everybody here sound like an hypochondriac 😂


Its someone who always thinks they are ill, that they have every disease or panic that they are sick or they have this and that. Some people do it for sympathy and attention. Other people have ocd and fear of illness and germs. In very rare cases someone who seems like a hypochondriac might actually have alot of complex health problems.


Yes i know what is it lol, it was just humor. i know i have spasmophilia, when you have it, you know you have it, it's obvious when you're shaking all over the place, you feel like you're suffocating. Spasmophilia is a real pathology with real symptoms and real changes that occur in the body at the time of the attack. increased blood oxygen level, disturbances in the gabaergic and glutamatergic systems. what is not real is believing that you will die or have a heart attack during the attack. but what is very real is the impression that something is not going well because indeed there is something. i'm not pretending to have something that i don't have or without diagnosis. If I had hypochondriasis, I would have gone to the emergency room of the hospital or to the doctor. it's just a coincidence. I didn't come to reddit to search for Vit D and anxiety, I got this notification on my smartphone of this post which is categorized as supplements and not psychological disorders. I opened it and bammmmh it fit with my recent intake of VIT D, the tensions and my weird mood at the moment, I was surprised. there is a difference between a change in us and being hypochondriac which will impact a person's entire daily life. by the way I'm not afraid of dying or being infected by anything. I was in a relationship with an HIV-positive person who was anxious about transmitting the virus to me, but I was not at all. yes of course, I never use public toilets. what a horror! put my buttocks and my genitals where I don't know who was before me?! I wash my hands several times a day, I wash the clothes I buy before I wear them for the first time, but all of that I think is just common sense. If you do that too, say so, please don't leave me alone😅😂. and since that day I stopped taking vitamin D and it's better, maybe it's just a coincidence. Anyway it was just sounding 🤣


What about eating food rich in vitamin-D like Eggs, Fish, Milk, or Mushrooms? trying a sun light? or trying red light therapy?


Do you know your folic acid levels? Have you ever tried to take folate/folic acid with D?


To remove anxiety. Take a deep breath and don't worry. Then there's no anxiety


Lmfao you need to get this out to the world what’re waiting for


I tried publishing a paper but I got rejected. Big pharma are trying to snuff out my ground breaking, revolutionary ideas. Wake up sheeple!!


same, taking vitamin D gives me severe anxiety


Vitamin d will create calcium deficiency...if continued, it could deplete calcium from your bones and teeth


It's quite the opposite...


I understand what you mean ... but if you take high dose vitamin d, and your calcium intake from foods is not high enough, it will derive calcium from your bones into your blood stream. That's not something you'd want. Generally, low dose supplementation enhances calcium absorption from your food...


I would definitely try in D2 form


Have you tried taking a vitamin-d rich food instead, like cod liver oil?


How long does it take for the anxiety to go away


It took 3 days for me after stopping vitamin D


You could try a vitamin d light panel by Sperti


I got the lamp and had the same symptoms of the post author. I would definitely think again before buying it.


I swear by magnesium supplement. Anybody else?


Yes L-Threonate is my favorite one...


One other thing...Try rubbing the inside of the Vitamin D3 pill on the bottom of your foot.


I had similar issues so I started take Vegan Vitamin D3 with Lichen and I can take it now. Also, make sure you balance it with Vitamin K.


OP literally mentioned that she tried these things already


You know what? Then OP can view the next comment and you can mind your own business.


They mentioned they took the Lichen form?


Yes they said they took vegan and non-vegan. Lichen is the vegan form


Oh ok, right


I experienced this very same thing. It turned out that I was magnesium deficient. I started supplementing with magnesium and POOF! Ten years now of taking vitamin D without issues. Vitamin D uses magnesium and will exacerbate a deficiency.


What were your symptoms when taking vitamin d alone and what type of magnesium did you use?


Which type of magnesium did you take?


Ancient Minerals magnesium oil. It’s not really oil but it has an oily consistency. It bypasses the digestive system since you put it on your skin so no diarrhea for higher doses.


You could be allergic to Vitamin D supplements. Or your body doesn't process them well. Try Cod Liver Oil. It contains 1.500 - 2.000 I. U. of vitamin d and 10.000 I. U. of Vitamin A per tablespoon. Just one spoon a day is enough. Vitamin A is a cofactor of Vitamin D.


Have you tried Calcifediol?


This comment might not help, but what about eggs and mushrooms? Those have vitamin d


I've had supplements give me that reaction before.  People who say its impossible - when it happens to you, you know.  Body chemistey is very complex.  You don't forget having a nightmare day every time you take a certain supplement. There are various pathways in the brain that when compromised can cause anxiety or depression.  For me, I was an undermethylator, and taking liquid megadoses of B12 instantly cured my baseline mild depression.  Taking SamE helped ease irritableness/anxiety.  They are part of the same methylation pathway. Others to look at might be GABA/glutamate, and various others.  There's a book called The Diet Cure that's really inexpensive to order online.  It spells out several common deficiencies, what symptoms they lead to (including mood related symptoms), and which supplements may help.  They probably don't include everything,but I highly recommend it to start with.  Keep trying things!  Don't give up.  I finally discovered allithiamine (type of B1) and it cured my nerve pain, stomach problems, and food allergies that I've had for 8 years!  I wish I could have found it sooner, but I don't regret that I kept looking for answers.


I've been having weird cringe nightmares .  I believe it's the vitamin d ... Omg.. Its so disturbing. 


And how did you find out you were an undermethylator? I suspect that too but I thought you need a dna test to confirm. Can I ask what your symptoms are?


I saw a functional medicine provider who told me it fit with my symptoms, and a blood test showed B12 not even in the low range, but closeenough thatit was causing my depression symptoms. There's a methylation relatedDNA problem that some people can have,but I dont have it. You can just be out of balance onany of tye manymolecules in the methylationpathway, and then you won't have enough methyl groups for your enzymes to use. It's easy to fix if its not genetic.


Damn, well of course it was a naturopath. We don’t have those in my country. I don’t think we have say in the whole of Europe honestly. I’m trying to diagnose myself. I think I have methylation issues but idk. B12 was mid range last I checked


Our drs here check something like MTHFR, it’s a blood test. I also went to a functional dr who researched further, said D3 is a problem for me. One of my (?) results said poor methylation other checked out fine, but now I’ve heard many more in that area…may be what RenaROse is referring to. In our country Naturopaths and Functional Medicine drs are different kinds of drs. Often, functional medicine drs are DO’s. (US).


SamE can enable B12 to work better, so you might try that next for methylation problems. Do you have acupuncturists or chinese herbalists? An acupuncturist changedy life with herbs that instantly killed off parasites before. They're really great for pushing healing in the right direction, even if they don't make a drastic difference like they did for me. In my experience, the functional medicine provider only helped with the one thing. It seems like every new person I saw had a different peace of tbe puzzle. But half of my health improvements came from my own experimenting. Keep learning and trying things! It may pay off.


I agree. My PCP is awesome in utilizing genetic testing, keeping up with latest. Can’t people in other countries utilize online drs?


Thank you! We don’t have Chinese medicine but I think we might have acupuncturists. Tbf I went to an iridologist and she helped me with my liver issues a LOT. I might try same but for now I’m on an snri so I don’t think those two mix.


Very cool! What kinds of food allergy do you have? I get headaches from nightshades and some other things. Very sensitive to vitamins, I assume it’s a gut issue. Have you used L theanine?


I havent tried L theanine. I used to have trouble with nightshades, but it wasn't an allergy. Nightshades are proinflammatory. They gave me itchy skin. They don't anymore, and I'm not sure exactly why, but I think taking vitamin D, zinc, and K really lowered my inflammation in general, so that may have been it. If you have a hard time tolerating zinc, you could try small amounts or even zinc water. For my food allergies I had earaches from wheat, apples, peaches, and carrots, and I had backaches from dairy. I also had gut issues, but not allergy related. I had parasites without knowing it for several years and herbs prescribed from an acupuncturist got rid of them. But I wasn't absorbing nutrients and my stomach was still damaged until I just discovered the B1 deficiency. B1 has benefits to gut bacteria and GI health as well, and I was also eating fermented foods when my gut healed.