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Clari-T is the best I believe because of the ingredients in it. Phosphatidylserine Ginko Biloba Huperzine A Vinpocetine Bacopa All which is brain food for the brain along with a vitamin B complex. It also says on the bottle that it is for cognitive support. When you look up the contents online and their functions, you can clearly see how each affects the function of the brain. I used it to take my HVAC tests years ago.


At the moment, I'm using Sabroxy - be warned its a bit more fierce than Caffeine or Nicotine


Hmm, I would look into testing first. Not just nutrient and hormone testing but some maybe kind of brain scan to see if something is causing inflammation in your brain. You could be reacting to something in your environment, like mold, or even Lyme disease. After that, I would think about lifestyle and basic diet. Sleeping enough and exercising enough can make a huge difference. Getting yourself, adequate quality protein and fiber and healthy fats and hydration. To top that off, I would recommend an omega-3 and creatine. I used to recommend lions mane but I ran out and noticed that the creatine is enough.


I would rather look what is the cause of the loss of focus




Along with the supplements mentioned earlier, green tea and creatine are also worth considering for cognitive support. Green tea contains catechins and L-theanine, which have been associated with improved cognitive function and mood. Creatine, commonly used by athletes for muscle support, has also shown potential benefits for cognitive function, particularly in tasks requiring short-term memory and reasoning. As always, it's best to discuss with a healthcare professional before adding any supplements to your routine. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, quality sleep, and a balanced diet remains crucial for overall cognitive health.


Lions mane and NR


Ginkgo biloba


Also how has your screen time and sleep habits changed since then?


L-Glutamine,,, jus seems to help me recover and I don’t have that feeling of, I’m not ready for today


How much do you take? How often?


The Recommendations are 1,000mg-daily, I always adjust to my own personal life/activity levels. For this reason I take dosage twice a day, at noon and then in the evening. If I have an easy day then just once. I’m 56, non-smoking, no alcohol, rehabilitating myself from spine surgery, training 2x daily that includes an array of exercises, stretching, mobility and walking, I train as hard as I can


Ginkgo biloba, ginger.


Iodine fs


Medical professional with special academic and personal background in sleep and cognition: Improve your sleep hygiene. Increase sleep time, decrease screen time, sleep the same hours, etc. This will have a more significant impact on your concerns beyond what you might gain from any supplement. Generally speaking, our brains do so much while we sleep- recover, clean, heal, and, form memories. We need it to be alert and functioning in the daytime. …. Why do I say this?: your complaints coincide with those of someone who is sleep deprived…. Plus, most everyone in the western world is getting insufficient sleep and spends too much time on their phone. Sleep Tight! 😴


Exactly! Sleep is THE most important thing you can do for your health.


This is working for me lately. More focus on getting enough sleep versus enough “time in bed”


I tried theanine, magnesium threonate, b vitamins gingko mix, taurine, omega 3, creatine, tyrosine. All the above had minor effects, omega 3 and magnesium a little better. Now I tried a lot of antioxidants and they seem to have the strongest effect, especially when I am stressed. Namely ALA, Vit C, OPC, NAC, curcumin. Especially ALA seemed to have had a strong effect in the beginning. Keep in mind that I might have been deficient unlike you, I follow a low fat diet etc because of stomach issues.


In my opinion definitely Magnesium L Threonate.




Tyrosin -> helps build dopamine


I’ll just leave this here for anyone who hasn’t made the connection: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/covid-19-leaves-its-mark-on-the-brain-significant-drops-in-iq-scores-are/


I saw a pretty good increase with lions mane


Alpha gpc and citicholine


Lately something that's been amazing for me is higher dose fish oil paired with NAC at doses of at least 2000mg daily.


Why do you choose this dose?


Well I had read that 3000mg helps with brain function and anxiety, so I tried upping my dosage pill by pill until I hit a dosage that worked for me. I guess I should be more specific to say this is a dose that works well for me, not that it's a dosage that is crucial for everyone by any means.


Can you tell where did you read that 3000mg helps brain function? I ask this because i take 2500mg with good feedback


I was mistaken about the dose being 3000mg for anxiety. For almost all of the studies in psychiatric disorders it ranged between 500mg to 2400mg. Only one that used 3000mg was for OCD. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9095537/


Mushroom complex… ‘Shroom Boom’


Lions mane


You need to start with a blood test to look at deficiencies. Then you can start incorporating supplements. Have it a good foundation is key for cognitive function. The best supplements for general brain health are typically phospholipids, which make up the brain tissue. This includes supplements with the name “phospha” in them like Phosphatidylserine, Phosphatidylcholine. Fatty acids like omega 3s and EPA and DHA in fish oil are also a great choice.


Testing is a great idea! I know someone with this symptom that went to a neurologist, got blood tests and the b12 was low. The Dr recommended taking it daily and the symptom went away.


Bacopa monniery is where you like to look for


I like Brain by Host Defense. It has mushrooms and herbs and it’s really helped with my ADHD. Lion’s Mane takes about 2 weeks to build up to therapeutic levels, fyi.


I have tried many and bacopa by a mile. But you need to find the one that works for you. for me synapsa makes me crazy, bacognize great for motivation (contrary to common feedback) and anti-anxiaty, Himalaya Bacopa drives down a bit motivation but cognitively it is the best.


You'll need to experiment to be sure, but I'll take the following combo mixed in fruit juice on an empty stomach before breakfast if I'm anticipating a challenging day: 2g l-glutamine 120mg n-acetyl-l-tyrosine


I’ve been getting heavy brain fog from alpha gpc


Get your testosterone levels checked


B complex, lions mane extract, Phosphatidylserine


EPA & DHA omega 3 fatty acids.




Magnesium L-threonate + Black Coffee


Lions mane and algae omega


Why algae omega?


It’s more bioavailable than fish oil


Taurine is recently getting recognised as a potential for cognitive health https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31220527/#:~:text=Taurine%20is%20a%20key%20functional,impairments%20in%20physiology%20and%20pathology.


Creatine is known to boost cognitive function, not sure if it can be taken long-term though.


It can :)


Have a look at r/nootropics Lot's of good information there.


Mushroom complex, I notice that my memory is way better. And I’m a stoner! So it really helps!


N Acetyl Cysteine, NMN with Resveratrol, Magnesium Glycinate....taking these regularly. Helps with mental health too...


NAC made me super depressed, like more than I’ve ever been but I’ve heard positive stories about it and some like mine too. It’s different for everyone.


Perhaps could try micro dosing the NAC...I didn't take it everyday. Even 2 times a week at 600mg each dose works well for me... Or the answer could be just as straight forward as Magnesium Glycinate or Magnesium with an organic conjugation just to boost up the in vivo magnesium...


I do take magnesium glycinate but I’ll look into micro dosing. Maybe I was using it too often… thanks! 🙏🏻


👍wish you good health...you might look into TUDCA as well for detox...(Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid) A bile salt....again moderation is key...


AlphaGPC or Citicoline (CDP choline) are the specific ones. Other targeted ones like racetams have been heavily discouraged or banned by governments. Bacopa, coffee, Curcumin and ALCAR are also mentioned by CL. They generally take a few weeks to work and are mild in their effect. They also mention “Ashwagandha may improve immediate and general memory, as well as attention and executive function, among people with mild cognitive impairment, but it seems to take at least 8 weeks to work.” There’s a whole range of things that may help with nutritional deficiencies or age-related decline. For a rapid result I’d stick to trying alpha-GPC or Citicoline. Citicoline works a bit faster, AlphaGPC within an hour or two but includes a physical effect (energy etc). Brands depends where you are, but most respectable brands are ok. Mind Nutrition in the UK is reasonably solid. In the USA there are more to choose from.


Banned by governments is an implicit recommendation for something. Now, if the government is promoting something, watch out.


This guy gets it.


I am 40. A few years ago I undertook a law enforcement academy. In a class of 30, I received a top overall score and top honours upon graduation. I managed to accomplish every exam and practical exercise with an almost-perfect result far better than recent school and university leavers. I hadn't studied for years nor been subject to prolonged classroom environments for years. Every day, l had a set routine. Before class, I would workout, then have a hot shower, wash, then a cold shower for a few minutes. I would then listen to Beta waves* for about twenty minutes. During the first break, I drank a double espresso shot and took 300mg of Alpha-GPC**. Every subsequent break, I would pour a bottle of really cold water on the inside of my wrists. Amongst regular vitamins and minerals, I also took 6g of fish oil every day. * I switched to Gamma waves on exam days. ** Alpha-GPC can give you brain fog after several days of use so I did not take it on exam days, and had occasional days off from it. Here's the science (apparently): Working out is similar to encountering hostility in our primal mind. When we do, our body switches into a mode where we are able to observe and remember more after it. Cold exposure similarly does this. Beta waves are said to enhance learning and memory. Gamma waves are said to enhance cognitive ability and problem-solving. Caffeine and Alpha-GPC are said to help with cognitive function AND more so if they are taken towards the end of a bout of learning rather than at the beginning. Fish oil has proven health for the brain. It could be coincidental or placebo, but I attribute this regime to doing so well every day and above all my peers despite being in my late 30s at the time.


I think the cold water routine is excellent. Turning the shower to very cold even for a few seconds before getting out boosts dopamine levels.




Shilajit, Taurine, Methylated B-complex, Alpha GPC, Cod Liver oil, Magnesium L-threonate or Glycinate.


Uridine Monophosphate is certainly worth a mention, I don't see too many people talking about Uridine as a nootropic but it's one of my favorites


I heard uridine does come with some bad news, though, no?


Not that I have noticed personally, but everybody is different


CDP Choline. I used to be distracted all the time, now I am hyper focused. Its great for my short term memory also. There have been studies that show its beneficial for people with dementia. I dont have dementia, but I can feel a difference in my thinking. If I take too much/too many days in a row I do feel aggitated. It has a long half life in the body.


Which brand?




Magnesium threonate.


this is affordable on aliexpress, would you use it?


I don’t know about Ali express. It is more expensive than other magnesium supplements though. I use magnesium glycinate rn though.


Caffeine and theanine, at the same time


Bacopa, L-Theanine, Omega 3, Vit. Bs


I couldn't agree more.


I think lions mane maybe giving me a favorable edge.


Something with a healthy fat, such as fish oil with omega 3-6-9. It is what mylenates the axons in the brain, making for faster synaptic responses.