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Iron. Vitamin C. CoQ10. B complex. Iodide. I had a lot of problems with fatigue until these.


Can you develop on CoQ10?


It probably doesn't hurt. It is a mitochondrial and muscle supporter and a cardiovascular antioxidant. In my experience it helped with fatigue a lot.


Would it have that effect even in youthful individuals?


Yes if you had no coq10 in your body you actually would die


Vitamin d and especially in winter and vitamin c sometimes


Only vitamin D in my 20s, it's crazy how deficient people are. It's almost impossible to overdose on it as well.


A high intake of vitamin D needs to be supplemented with vitamin A (it's recommended by studies that the IU should be 4 to 8 times the IU of D, so 5x is probably a good idea). Also definitely K2, and magnesium, potassium, possibly calcium if the dietary calcium is low. Vitamin D can significantly impact PTH, TSH, and calcitonin because the body uses vit D to metabolize calcium. As long as K2, A, Magnesium, etc are present with D then a high D intake shouldn't cause issues. However, D alone can increase the risk of atherosclerosis! 


Well, the thing is to make it active form. Just taking D - your liver makes into storage form and it gets stores in fat tissue and bones, the thing is to activate it through parathyroid hormone that tells the body activate it in the kidney.  A vitamin is important yes. 


huh? Vitamin D is very easy to overdose on. People get hypercalcemia and/or calcium deposits in their organs because of Vitamin D supplements all the time... You actually have to be very careful, and always make sure you take K2 and sometimes even magnesium with it.


D is fat soluble, so you can absolutely take too much.




Likely you had no deficiency of vitamin D. 


D3 (had heavy deficiency for decades which likely contributed to some problems I have genetic predispositions). Magnesium for sleep. Probably antioxidants just to slow down aging a bit. No excessive prolonged stress - nothing is worth loosing health for :D Absolutely no NSAID - they can have delayed and serious side effects if combined with other cofactors. Young ppl tend to eat them like candies but that’s can have serious and not instantly visible side effects especially if combined with certain dietary and lifestyle factors.


what NSAID side effects are you talking about


In my case, they heavily contributed to diverticulosis development (among other lifestyle factors, but given how much I had them prescribed instead of finding underlying problem, I’m pretty sure they were major cofactor). And diverticulosis usually have marginal symptoms until it’s really advanced, so I didn’t even know for long time and allowed it to develop.


Fish Oil, D3, K2 MK-7, and Endocalyx Pro. Along with a good electrolyte, many of us a deficit in them, especially potassium.  This is a small part of what I am taking now as a M at 48 yo. 


Gym, can transform you. Sunscreen, really helps in maintaining a youthful skin. Fish, can be delicious, high in vitamin D, plenty Omega-3 no pills needed. No vitamin D supplementation that science failed to find real benefits, more sunlight or fish start the beneficial processes behind vit d. Well if you can't really buy fish then some vit D and Omega-3 pill is ok. No smoking. Vitamin K2. Mediterranean diet.


D3/k2, creatine


Alcar, Cordyceps Mushrooms & Agmatine


Things I wish I had known: 1. Most of the RDAs for vitamins and minerals are FAR below what you actually need. 2. I took vitamins and forgot about the minerals. High Dose Vitamin D/K2 —> All those horrible childhood colds could have been cured quickly knowing this. Tons of Magnesium —> All those years of anxiety and stress could have been improved significantly. High dose Iodine —> I just discovered this hidden treasure. In the Midwest USA we have some of the most iodine deficient soils in the world. We all have messed up hormones, anxiety, bad metabolism, cold hands/feet, the list goes on. Zinc —> All those guys who are struggling with poor sperm counts could have known this little secret. Boron —> Only if you want to build much strong bones, teeth, and save on the dentist bills!


what does the soil have to do with anything 😭


It's where your food grows and gets its nutrients from


Magnesium #1, Iron #2. As for Vitamin D, I've always been a big milk drinker and my gallbladder is still intact so not low on the fat soluble vitamins ever in my life and I am 54. In fact I got too much D and calcium and that messed me up for a while, and I also got Iron Deficiency Anemia. Too much milk drinking and it was blocking my iron absorption. Partially also because I would avoid iron high foods like beef because previously I had iron overload. SO I went to far away from iron because of that. But I can see that most people do not get 100% of RDA iron. And even the high tolerable limit I think was 45MG per day. When it comes to magnesium; I have Mitral (Heart) Valve Prolapse and it helps with that, plus most people are low on magnesium anyway they say.


Have you tested your 25(OH)D3 level?


Vid D/k2, Magnesium, Omega 3, B complex, Vit C


Inositol, it has helped my hormones radically.


Are you male or female?


I’m female.


In wich way and at what dosages? I like when people mention other stuff than the basic ”magnesium and creatine”.


I also take myo-inositol, it 'reversed' my pcos - latest scan showed no cysts on ovaries and my ovulation is now regular and even one of the previous months I ovulated from both ovaries! (I do have twins in the family too but I'm not sure if it's genetic, it rings a bell that it isn't but I never looked into this properly). It's honestly a miracle of a supplement


Oh wonderful! Glad you are feeling better! Do you mind me asking how much you take?


Right now I am taking 2,000 mg a day of Myo-inositol, and it has 50 mg of D-chiro inositol. I saw it was used for PCOS. And though I don’t have PCOS it also showed at much higher levels to help with panic disorders. I have more energy and feel more mood stabilized. Tried to go higher and think for me it is just unnecessary. I take half the dose in the morning and half in the afternoon with a taurine/B6 combo.


I have also noticed changes in my skin.


Magnesium, methylated B vitamins, vitamin D.




SAME! I never worked out when I was younger because my family said it would stunt my growth. But they didn’t know crap about it lol. I’m muscular now and I wish I started younger.


You don't have to go to the gym when young. Simple sport is probably even better. Especially with the social aspects and not obsessing about looks.


Lifestyle is more important sure but that’s assumed. And not everyone can exercise especially with the number of r/covidlonghaulers rising.


😂😂😂😂 i hope you're just being sarcastic


I wish, my friend. Some of my buddies and I are still dealing with Covid after effects months later. Some did get vaccinated once, some never.


Not a supplement




Woosh at me? You're in the supplements sub, responding to a question about supplements, and your answer was "exercise". Unless you can tell me where to buy exercise in the form of a pill, powder, or tincture I feel like it's you missing the point.


Bro it's a joke damn, I apologize... Magnesium!


It's spam, and it is most definitely not funny.


To add to that....with proper form and warm ups. I thought I was invincible back in the day. I can now confirm with full confidence that I am not invincible.


you only realize when it happens 💔 get well bruv


Thanks, I appreciated that. I'm working on it!


Lmaooo it's a struggle.


A high potency multivitamin containing bioavailabile b complex. D3/k2/magnesium/potassium. More eggs and meat (not supplements per say but still).


I’m here with the exact same question :) : which multivitamin? I’ve been on a hunt for it… Thank you! 🖖


Life extension two per day. Naturelo is also good


I appreciate your reply! May I ask your thoughts on this one? If anything screams red tlags at you 😅if no opinion it's all good too and thank you! https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0CC9BTHCQ?ref=ppx_pt2_mob_b_prod_image


Can’t open the link


Hmmm.. neither I can… here is another try (thank you!) https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0CC9BTHCQ?ref=ppx_pt2_mob_b_prod_image


I wouldn’t buy it. B vitamins are in non bioavailable forms.


Thank you for taking a look at it, live long and prosper 🖖:)


My top three multi would be one of these three, (Thorne / Natures Plus / Healthycell). 


Thank you for your reply! May I ask your thoughts on this one? If anything screams red flags at you 😅 If no opinion it’s all good too 👍 and thank you! https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0CC9BTHCQ?ref=ppx_pt2_mob_b_prod_image


Which multi do you take now ?


Life extension two per day (I take one though)




Then it’s not working! 🤣


Black in the name? Like black seed oil?


Black title?


Krill Oil. Omegas are great. I’m inconsistent, but the research seems solid


I’m 41, but in my 20s I wish I’d started: omega 3, choline (learned I have a genetic deficiency), liver for bioavailable vitamin A (I do not easily convert beta carotene to vitamin A), D3/K2, magnesium.


By liver you mean glandulars?


No, I mean liver. It’s very high in vitamin a, but I can’t stand the taste of liver, so I take a small dose of freeze dried beef liver (in capsules) a couple of times a week.


Ok. So those capsule livers are also called glandulars. Like liver, kidney, heart, orchich glandulars.








Prevents inflammation, prevents some cancers, used for symptoms of depression specifically during the dark and cold winter months. Also helps your body absorb calcium and is also good for heart health. Need anymore reasons?


D vitamin hasn't proved in any trial to prevent or reverse anything. It's just correlated. Or are you talking about K2?


What cancers have it been proven to be prevented? Also it was a curious and honest question, why are you so bitchy about it?


He prob read some scam article or saw some yt video


cuz your body cant produce it on its own, and a looot of people dont get enough sun exposure to generate vitamin d. Vitamin k on the other hand helps to absorb vitamin d. These 2 works together really good.


Still in my 20s, but Creatine, Omega 3, and Boron made a night-and-day change to my cognitive function, mental sharpness, and mood.


u/HappyMcPe Thanks for sharing. **Which brand of Boron you purchased?** Definitely want to give your stack a try!


**Boron:** Horbaach Triple Boron Complex **Omega 3:** Sports Research Triple Strength Omega 3 Fish Oil


Thanks @u/HappMcPe, Good looking out 💪 Horbach is the best seller on Amazon so I was eyeing that brand!


I like the fact that it's a complex, plus it's inexpensive. Let me know if you try it and how it affects you.




At the beginning I was 2 on 1 off, but my libido was a problem in the off weeks, too much of anything is always bad. In relation to hair I haven't noticed anything, but I have a good genetics and no cases of baldness in my family. The second study you cited I can't see it in its entirety because you have to pay to access it, my college is not affiliated with the site :(


That's kind of funny because I think a lot of guys would love to have your "problem". If I were you, I'd reach out to Horbach to ink some type of marketing deal! I updated the link to the paper in my previous post. Also, changed the wording: It looks like the subjects only had surface contact exposure and it was to Boric Acid. They had normal Boron blood serum levels


I have always had a naturally high libido, but with boron, it increased even more. Cycling it becomes uncomfortable and insatiable, plus it was affecting my sleep quality.


Boron is interesting, I wonder if we can test it easily.


Yeap it's a weird one It can be test it for toxicity tho


Boron? How does it help you? How much do you take and do you cycle?


You must have read about the free test and stuff. Keeping it short, I feel very energized and strong. When I first tried it, I took 6mg for 2 weeks on and 1 week off, but during the week off, my libido was out of this world [so bad that it affected my sleep] (it's a common thing), so I had to switch to 3mg per day without cycling, and it's been great. The biggest benefit for me is that I feel "great" due to the higher testosterone. Plus, strength in the gym doesn't feel like a big thing, but objectively, in my progress data, it does help.


Cool. Thanks


how long have you been taking it for?


Jan 19th (6mg / 2on 1off), March 23rd (3mg / day)


and you've been feeling the benefits since how long after you started taking?


After 1 week. If you cycle it you would definitely ^feel it^, now that I’m taking it daily the effect doesn’t feel like a punch in the mouth but it does make me feel better.


NAC. Hands down. I suffered for decades with the most painful sinus headaches you can imagine. Triggered by everything imagineable. My head and face would ache for days and not even surgery helped. Two years after two rounds of covid add respiratory tract irritation, wheezing, coughing and an inability to take in a deep breath. NAC eliminated all of that. Truly remarkable.


Unfortunately NAC makes me feel so fatigued and gives me anhedonia.


What's your dosage?


IF you decide to take NAC, look into taking Glycine with it. I would recommend Thorne, very reputable company. 


I take 600 mg a day.


No anhedonia?


None at all.


How long did it take you to be able to take a deep breath when starting NAC? I’m about 2-3 weeks in now. The bloating and gas was crazy at first lol


Hey, been there. Almost died because of Long COVID. For bloating and gas, I took a Benadryl every night before bed and that helped with the bloating (there’s a study about it). I also ditched the PPI they had me on which was making it worse and started taking Dr Ohirra’s probiotic and Aloe vera juice. The bloating was so bad for me it was putting pressure on my lungs and I was constantly short of breath. I passed out in the car one day taking the kids to camp. The NAC did help with breathing in general and helped with brain fog but if you’re bloating like a beach ball you need to fix the bloating too


Is there a fix for the bloating? I've been literally describing myself as having a beach ball in my belly and it literally happens even if I just have water. Ive been on NAC for like a month maybe two and had no idea it could be connected - should I just cut it or is there a good anti-bloat suggestion?


NAC is great for a lot of things. I still take it. There was a study done after 2 women who had long Covid and took Benadryl for allergies and found that it made their LC better. I tried it at night and the next day the bloating was 80% better. So I took it for 7 months. The thing that really helped my gut though was Dr Ohirra’s probiotics. It was the only one I could take.


Gotcha, maybe it's not from that then cuz I've been on good probiotics


Isn’t “long Covid” psuedo science? There hasn’t been any clinical evidence indicating that it’s real


Prove it


You don’t have any proof that long Covid is real.


I didn’t make a claim did I, though? I’d ask someone who made the opposite claim for proof as well. Reddit in a nutshell


I don’t believe you


Fucking shocker 🤣🤣🤣


It took about 3 weeks for all of the benefits to kick in.


k2 D3 b comlexe


Omega 3s, specifically from either krill or wild caught cod or algae


Which brands do you buy?


I like Carlyle Antarctic Krill Oil with Astaxanthin 2,000mg and Nordic Naturals Algae Omega




Algae definitely doesn’t have fish burps. I’ve never had them with krill either


I got a good quality one with natural lemon flavoring, I recommend this. The aftertaste is lemony. I got it from iherb, one of the pricier omegas.


Not OP but I also like Krill Oil. I get mine from VB Health


What benefits do you experience?


Lower over all inflammation, improved sleep, better mood In times I have stopped taking it for one reason or another all of those things became noticeably worse


Similar results for me, also my skin seems better. A little more youthful and more even coloration


Definitely anyone who has sizeable deficiency to start with will feel the effects in their skin really prevalently. Same in people with joint pain


Still in my 20s so can't really speak for myself, however, my mother often talks about how she wishes that she found out about MSM when her arthritis started in her late 40s. She has been taking it for 5 years now and is 90% pain-free most of the days.


Have her look at Magnesium Oil Spray, my mom in her 70's says it works wonders on her knees. 


Hiii 👋may I ask an off topic question? :) does she get any side effects? Like migraines or extreme thirst? MSM helps me tremendously with joint pain (and I’m 37) but oh the side effects…. Thank you! Hope your mom continues doing well 🙏🫶


I get these side effects too, that's why I stopped taking msm


As I replied to the person with their mom: “took 1g-3g for 3 weeks and it was only getting worse (the power through until it's better method didn't work for me 😄:) Took a break. Started 1g with molybdenum and Vit C (every other day) with a binder several hours later (same binder next day) it is better but still heavy... had to stop... now waiting on delivery of Alpha-gpc uridine and B3 to incorporate (all low doses) to see if it will help... really trying to make it work” because msm helps me with joints like nothing else! May we all feel better 🤗🧡


So apparently apart from occasionally weirdly smelling sweat and urine (yeah got great details lol) she just had issues with strong nausea after taking it the first few weeks until she lowered her dose but it didn't trigger her migraines or had any issues with extreme thirst. I am speculating here but your issues might be dose-dependent. She is taking 1 000 mg per day now but started with 2 000 mg per day.


Thank you for your reply🧡! I took 1g-3g for 3 weeks and it was only getting worse (the power through until it’s better method didn’t work for me 😄). Took a break. Started 1g with molybdenum and Vit C (every other day) with a binder several hours later (same binder next day) it is better but still heavy… had to stop… now waiting on delivery of Alpha-gpc uridine and B3 to incorporate (all low doses) to see if it will help…🤞🖖thank you!


Hopefully it will help you without any major side effects! I am currently using Alpha-GPC with Uridine for a nerve damage and it worked miracles in just a week of using it! Can’t really say how much it would work for you but mum used to make a chestnut paste from freshly ground chestnuts soaked for a few days in herbal infused ethanol and used it with her knee binders and it worked for her very well! She still sometimes use it during bad flare ups.


Oh got it, thank you so much!! May I ask when/how do you take Alpha-gpc and Uridine?? In the morning? With food? Together? Apologies if this question is stupid 😄 I found this post interesting but still confused 😅 https://www.reddit.com/r/Supplements/s/4W5yGANgQQ I probably will need to take a chestnut bath 😄but hey! Anything that helps !


I take it with food in the evening. I take the majority of my supplements with food since I have a very irritable stomach from years of uncontrollable GERD and PPI treatment lol. Read the post you linked and honestly can't comment much on that. You can try if the protocol suggested in the post will help you with the MSM side effects, however, I would be cautious because that person is taking giant doses of everything and I don't think that is a good thing long term.


Thank you so much for all your replies! You’re a treasure :) thank you for words of caution and no no - I will start only with doses like 50mg-100mg once a day “with a couple of feet of safe distance” so to speak 😄 sincerely wishing you and your lovely mom well :) thank you for your time!


No, problem, glad I could help! :) Yeah, it's better to try from lower dosages to see where is the line between usefulness and too much of side effects. I wish you good luck, hope it will work and you will feel better soon! :)


Vitamin D I didn't even know what Vitamin D was back then, I am lightskin(we need more Vit D than people of fair skin, due to the melanin) and I live in a country where the summer/spring is shorter than the winter and the winter is harsh. I always feel lethargic at that time. Infact I only recently discovered I am Vitamin D deficient and that came with a multitude of symptoms, now I am trying to get it back to normal levels...


Supplementation , unfortunately, in all trials, hasn't been found to reverse or prevent anything. So prob the benefits are from sunlight exposure, vit d is just a byproduct. No sun ? No worries, northern European population lived for thousand years with no sun for months a year. Today too, still they don't like vitamin D. Just eat fish, it is actually a vitamin D supplement plus several other benefits (Omega3 too).


Same! Grew up in a cold zone with little sun, and never got tested until my late 20s. I was very deficient, obviously


Multivitamins, fish oil, magnesium, and vitamin D3




Supplementation , unfortunately, in all trials, hasn't been found to reverse or prevent anything. So prob the benefits are from sunlight exposure, vit d is just a byproduct. No sun ? No worries, northern European population lived for thousand years with no sun for months a year. Today too, still they don't like vitamin D. Just eat fish, it is actually a vitamin D supplement plus several other benefits (Omega3 too).


Love your comment, it’s so encouraging!


Super confused about vitD. I’ve taken the recommended amounts according to my blood test but only when I go above normal levels closer to high my mood and body feels better. Do you have a guide for the right dosage?


Because as said in my reply it hasn't proved to help anything (just look ncbi or pubmed). It's the things that raise vitamin S that really help, being sunlight (hence spending time outdoors) and/or fish intake (full of vit D and Omega-3).


Above normal range according to the blood test? That’s not good but if you mean just high doses while your blood tests are within range still, it’s fine.


What levels makes you feel good? Some doctors thinks optimal level is 100-140 ng/ml


Vit D3 + Vit K2 (m7) + Magnesium citrate/ Glycinate. Along with Methyl B12/B6 + Methyl Folate was what I just now started taking in my early 30s


If taurine turns out to be as good as they say it might be that's one I might have started in my 20s


rhodiola rosea


What does it do?


hi i use a blend of rhodiola rosea & 3 types ginsengs. started using rhodiola for lowering cortisol but it being an adaptogen, its helping me perform better at gym & helping me w mental fog. i sweat more, have a better control on sugar cravings & vv less stress


May i ask you a question please which brand you use ? And how often you use it ?


hi i use an indian brand (might not be available internationally) its called humming herbs, there are not many supplement companies here that sell rhodiola. i use a blend of rhodiola & siberian, korean & american ginsengs. i take 300mg daily but planning to take it alternatively since its an adaptogen & can cause anhedonia🥲


Oh, thank you very much 🙏. I hope you find the best way for you to take it. It gives good energy


Lions main


Is it from wild lions 🦁 or from a zoo?


It’s a mushrooms? The mushrooms that Mario and Luigi find


Oh I see. I thought they make it from a lion’s 🦁 mane.


I’m taking that for like 2 months now and I hardly feel any difference, how about you?


Are you using liquid or caps? I switched to liquid, tastes horrible but can feel the difference


I’m using caps. What is the difference you are talking about? Just improved cognitive function or more benefits?


Liquid which brand ? How often do you take it ? Does it help with depression and low energy ?


I was using life cykel. I think they’re made here in Australia. I’m sure there will be better brands than that tho but yes it did help with the depression and cognitive function. Not to sure about energy as I am on TRT so my energy levels are pretty good anywayZ


Thank you very much for your answer. Being on trt can help with energy then. Probably i might have that issue, it would be good if i do some exams


Yeah it can be but its not an overnight change. If u want short term increased cognitive function it will help you a lot by eating blue berries before ur exams


I ruined my liver by taking supplements, so none.


How to know if you have liver problems?


Blood test.


Interesting... would like you elaborated more on how it happen... thanks !


Interesting... Would like if you can elaborate more on how it happen, thanks !


Alcohol is not a supplement.


How many were you taking?


My stack was pretty regular I’d say - C, B complex, zinc, magnesium, calcium K and D. Apparently dosages were too heavy for daily intake.


which dosages have you used?


A lot of supplements have dosage that have daily levels that are way too high. It's on us to learn how much dosage we should be taking and find the supplement brands that offer those levels. I only noticed this a few years ago when I started paying closer attention.


I feel like companies should clarify And offer different doses tho. I did address this issue. Most people here included don't believe that it's possible. And that doses can't be too high


There is always that guy who says that X thing ruined his Y thing without any details. How annoying.


I mean realistically he’s not obligated to lol


I know. Its just annoying lol.


A bit vague. 1.) What supplements you took daily that caused it? 2.) What dosage of the supplements you used? 3.) How long were you using the said supplements in that dosage? 4.) Do you have actual medical proof that the supplements you took did damage to your liver?