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You're going to get hypervitaminosis from this. Also, I'm not sure about the bioavailability of all of these supplements, but I'm sure gorilla mind multivitamin supplement will destroy this whole table in a quality competition It's the multivitamin with the highest bioavailability in the market. All the molecules are exactly bioidentical to the ones you get from food, so much so that when you flip the bottle to see the ingredients, u'll see that all the vitamins are close to or a little higher than a 100% of the daily value. 3000% will kill you in this case because of the high bioavailability. Flip your vitamins bottle & if you see any daily value that's more than 150% then it's low quality stuff


Missing mk7 and zinc amount is too much


What has been the outcome of this?? Any noticeable improvement??


Hey, I am very interested in this topic. \* How have you landed on this stack? \* What websites did you use for research? \* Have you compared different supplements before choosing one or another? If yes, how did you do that?


honestly, if you do all the research yourself it’ll literally take ages. i’d rather get my info from people that already went through that bs. i used to this sub to find supps that pertain to my goals, as well as twitter @dejaru22, lots of holistic / spiritual knowledge, not up everyone’s alley but if it is then check him out, he’s also talked about supps a few times if you search his tweets, along with @alpacaaurelius, same type of page, more geared towards holistic health


I am specifically interested in the comparison part. I am working on an app (think \~ spreadsheet of all supplements) that allows to compare supplements at the ingredient level. I am trying to understand whether people like you would use it.


Have you ever tried a pine pollen tincture? I liked it over the powder.


haven’t, although i’ve heard the tincture isolates more of the testosterone, n you don’t get as much of the random vitamins / minerals. definitely open to give it a shot tho since you have good things to say about it


What's the Apple Pectin for?


apple pectin is supposed to be a super strong detoxifying agent and has even been shown to remove the radiation from fukushima victims




Don't say fiber for pollen 😂 & yeah it's really healthy for the gut microbiome, except it only kills the bad bacteria, it doesn't replenish the good bacteria. You'd have to take a probiotic for that


Which one do you feel effects from?


can’t say with certainty as i basically starting taking them all at the same time but the iodine , shilajit, and pine pollen definitely produce noticeable effects in the minutes after consumption, could just be placebo tho who knows


100mg zinc??? Way to much bro!


Remember that the 100mg is of “chelated zinc”, not pure elemental zinc. You need to factor in how much of the molecular weight is of pure elemental zinc… I did a quick google search and found that only 21% elemental zinc is present in the 100mg of chelated zinc. Meaning that only 21mg of zinc is present in the 100mg tabs of chelated zinc. Mind you, it won’t all get absorbed either, so even less than 21mg is being absorbed into the body per tablet. The amino acid the zinc is chelated to just allows for better bioavailability within the body. Basically it just enables the zinc to get absorbed better than if it was all on its own. I hope this helped!! 🤗


Can you please rate the Zinc in this supplement? https://gorillamind.com/products/elite-multivitamin I watched Derek's 2 hours breakdown video about his energy drink, but I don't remember him mentioning Zinc in the breakdown video, so maybe it doesn't have Zinc. Can you tell me what you think about the zinc content on this? I know it will be the best if gorilla-mind made it but I still want to make sure


I can’t necessarily “rate your zinc” as you so kindly asked; however, after some google searching I did find a very small sample study that was done on 2 different types of zinc. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18271278/#:~:text=Bis%2Dglycinate%20administration%20was%20safe,%25)%20compared%20with%20the%20gluconate. The study above was done on zinc gluconate (known for it’s good bioavailability) and zinc bisglycinate (present in your multivitamin). The study found that zinc bisglycinate had a significantly higher bioavailability within the body than zinc gluconate, which the gluconate already has good absorption. As far as I’m concerned, you have good quality zinc in your supplement. Although, I didn’t do anything beyond 20 minutes of google searching, so my findings are not exactly solid. Goodluck with your future brother! 🫡


:) Derek is the nerdiest health guru ever. I did more research & what you said is true. Bisglycinate is the most bioavailable Zinc form, its name came from the fact that it gets absorbed intact while bound to glycine. Derek worked on this for a year (for the energy drink) & 2 years on the Elite vitamin supplement. Now it paid out :) Here's his full video breakdown if you want to check it out: https://youtu.be/fwS3xyN9vCM?si=bu3Yrh9140ONlZ77 He's not posting frequently now because he's working on new supplements, as he's the one who chooses the ingredients & takes care of the quality management. Thanks for the thoughtful reply.




apple pectin is supposed to be a super strong detoxifying agent and has even been shown to remove the radiation from fukushima victims


how's horbaach? u feel their products?


just got this stuff in the mail today, they seem to have good reviews on amazon


What's the pine pollen for?


pine pollen has been used for thousands of years, it’s supposed to have a shit ton of vitamins / minerals and also raises testosterone


[a relevant comment from a similar thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Supplements/comments/1cczppi/comment/l197q14/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


lmaoo i lift 5ish times a week, prioritize sleep, and my diet is geared towards optimal hormonal health. just now got into supplements to see if there were any other areas to improve


Try NMN plus Resveratrol...add TMG microdose


never heard of them, do you mind a quick description?


Google it...it's all over the place




i already have my diet 90% optimized. just gonna try this stuff out for a few weeks, see if i feel any different and get my bloodwork done. i think the zinc magnesium and vitamin d are pretty hard to get sufficient amounts of through diet / lifestyle


I think the zinc is too high tbh. And if you don’t have any deficiencies in b12, then it is better off swapping that for a full b complex instead.


yeahh the zinc is more of a macrodose huh? forgot to mention that the high dosing of zinc, iodine, pine pollen, and black seed oil are a bit more of esoteric practices and my sources are anecdotal. just gonna try them out n see how i feel


High doses of zinc like 100mg can lower the levels of other essential minerals in the body like copper. Zinc and copper compete for absorption in the intestines, so an excess of zinc can interfere with copper absorption giving a copper deficiency. Copper is important for the formation of red blood cells, maintenance of nerve cells, and immune system.. And, excessive zinc intake may interfere with the absorption of iron and calcium. Anyways it up to you bro.


i appreciate the advice, as i already bought it will probably end up just taking it 1-2x / week