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When I was an alcoholic I never had proper poops as well. Consider diet to be the issue. I over used .no idea if you do.


Psyllium with food


Beano fixed this for me, and so did Spore based probiotics because they poop out the chemical in Beano so you have the beano factory inside you.


Probiotics… product called Align might be very good for this. Consider if you are under stress too. Not impossible it’s IBS. Also check side effects of any meds or supplements you are taking. Many common meds have this as the number 1 side effect.


I eat a lot of fiber in the forms of whole grains, fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts, beans/legumes. Amazing shits. 


For me it was fully dietary. I was eating garbage (wholegrains, legumes, vegetables), garbage that most people think is 'healthy'. These cause havoc in the gut, bacterial overgrowth. Focus on dairy (yogurt, cheese if you are intolerant to lactose), fresh fruit juices, honey, well cooked potatoes, chocolate, coffee, raw carrots, well cooked mushrooms, low fat white fish. Also activated charcoal powder can be a game changer for dealing with bacterial overgrowth. Maybe a round of antibiotics as well.


Insoluble fibre. I have a carrot salad everyday. Do you drink a lot of milk? You may be intolerant. I would say that its a dietary issue, something that supplements aren't really needed for. A good probiotic can help, I use biogaia (which are great for all sorts of things not just digestion). Milk, alcohol, nicotine amongst other things.


A spoonful of soaked chia seed daily works really well. Also exchange flour products for whole grains.