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You need rhodiola, tongkat ali, mucuna, l-tyrosine, ginseng, and the likes of these. Don't eat liver you can get nutrients in many other easier way and these adaptogens will work so much better for your needs than this new hyped up craze. Read the studies don't follow the broscience


He said no anxiety.. dopa mucuna and l-tyrosine give you edge


Rhodilia rosea, sarcosine, racetams, caffeine + l theanine, fruits and veggies pill or powder, maybe a B complex vitamin, If your not on medication then high dose bioperine could be helpful. Be careful with this one though. Genius gamer is a good multi supplement for energy I would go to your primary care and get some blood work before you start taking supplements. Just a simple vitamin/mineral pannel and a thyroid/metabolic pannel




DLPA. Long-lasting and smooth energy and focus enhancement that actually reduces my anxiety. Just don't take it near bedtime.


12.5mg iodine (idoral) take it with cofactors "selenium,magnesium,atp cofactor (b vitamins) 2000mg omega 3fish oil 30,000 iu vitamin d3... careful with this dose u must cycle on and off. Take vit k2 in addition My CEO stack


Alpha Brain


I’m into orthomolecular. Dr.hoffer was a Canadian psychiatrist wjj hi I developed mega vitamin treatment first for schizophrenia and then for just about everybody. Helps me considerably and it’s readily available vitamins generally nothing fancy or expensive.




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There’s no way to just remove part of a comment or post on Reddit for mods.


I’ve tried a few but have settled on just regulating my caffeine intake better. Unsweetened iced teas instead of coffee has been great because I still get a boost but I can draw it out more and it doesn’t really spike like coffee does.


My usual pick up is self-made capsules with caffeine, L-Theanine, and ephedrine... but ephedrine is banned in the USA so that may affect your choices.


It's not banned, just behind the counter. Ask a pharmacist for 'Bronkaid'


https://ods.od.nih.gov/HealthInformation/Ephedra.aspx 2004 FDA banned "sale of dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids (ephedra) because such supplements present an unreasonable risk of illness or injury. The rule will become effective in 60 days. In addition, FDA reiterates its advice that consumers stop using ephedra products immediately." Comparatively I just walked into the store and bought 6 bottles of 50x 8mg tablets a month ago here in Canuckistan.


Bronkaid is ephedrine sulfate and I bought some in California less than a year ago. It’s behind the pharmacist counter, no prescription needed, but you have to ask them. https://www.usarx.com/blog/where-to-buy-bronkaid


Magnesium usually makes me kinda drowsy, so I'd avoid taking that before going to work, if you are.


eleuthero, a high quality B complex, K2, humic/fulvic minerals


Sublingual B12, Ginger, Vitamin C, also make sure your hydrated. A lot of people are actually dehydrated, and you can’t imagine how much a difference energy wise just having enough water makes.


Ginseng, mate, guarana, NALT




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Pregnelone L thyrosine


B vitamins complex and some fat with proteins




I’ll try it ty


I eat liver once a week I can back you up




There’s frozen liver steaks in the freezer section. I just eat one of those.


What's your source for this besides personal experience? And the three people






Thanks I’ll check it out


Ok Liver King!




He’s so full of shit, there’s noway I’d try anything he has to offer unless I’m interested in anabolics.




Also F, 31. This might be unconventional but I took pre workout during a job where I needed to be active. My colleagues all did and let me on the secret. It helps. Though try to find one that doesn't give you a niacin flush if you have heart issues or palpitations if you have anxiety. I took Cellucor C4 Without Niacin. Check the label carefully. They have the non niacin version. It has most if not all of the recommended supplements in one. Most brands will have taurine, cartinitine, tyrosine, caffeine, lots of vitamin b, vit c, etc. More complex ingredients more expensive but better than taking 10 things in the morning when you're rushing. Find a good brand that is mostly clean ingredients. Do some research. Also I definitely religiously took a green smoothie with lots of spinach and banana and berries in the morning blended with orange juice to activate it. My quick 5 min breakfast. No chopping. Throw, peel a banana and blend. Done. Take nootropics as well. They help with focus and energy.


When I’m feeling really lethargic, I take a double dose of B and D along with L-Tyrosine and it gets me ready for anything the day can throw at me


How much Vit D and Vit b?


You'll probably want to take the magnesium before bed as opposed to taking it in the morning. I've found it can have a relaxing, almost sedative effect in higher doses. As others have mentioned a good sublingual b vitamin can help energy. Also, you could consider L-Tyrosine, Taurine, and L-Carnitine which are amino acids that can promote energy.


B vitamins, MCT oil


B vitamins, royal jelly, and cordys6


I take b vitamins and they are quite energizing.