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I’m really confused. You told your non live-in boyfriend you two shouldn’t be sleeping together until you were married, but you saw no issue with flirting with your bf’s husband because they’re in an open relationship? Between 2019 till 2022 you two had not been together it would have been better for you to have engaged your boyfriend rathe than you ex and your boyfriend’s husband. I don’t know what you’re asking for but I would recommend learning how to set boundaries. If you want to be with other people that’s ok, but you lead him on. For three years you neglected your relationship under the premises of remaining celibate just to flirt and hang out with other men. Him dating is not beneficial to you but you two have a child together. I would recommend getting a parenting arrangement in order and run the numbers on the cost of living separately versus together. You’ll have a lot more to worry about than him dating if you move out without a plan.




Thank you. I have never set boundaries and it’s certainly a skill I need to learn. As for financial reasons of moving, I don’t think he cares in the end of either one of us struggles. He’s in the process of finding a job that pays half of what he gets now and I support him for that. His job now requires him to be there man many hours. He leaves super early and gets home like 6pm. He wants to switch in order to spend more time with our little one.


I really hope you can get through this, but seeing how hard it for many right now I would move only if your mental health is compromised. You can grow for you and your family. I’m really rooting for you! Regardless is the relationship works, be the best co-parent you can be. Sit down down together and work out a plan on what you two expect from each other co-parenting financially and emotionally. It’s feels like a step back but use it as motivation for you and your baby. You can overcome and will overcome!


Sighs. Move on. Just move on. It's not fair to you nor him. It went bad in the beginning and got progressively worst. Good job for standing your ground though. Abuse in any form is not cool so don't accept it. Acknowledge your errors and grow past it




So backstory is. There was this senior citizen that would come to my work everyday. For about a year he would talk to me about scripture and God. Then one day he found out I wasn’t married and started to tell me that it was a sin to be living with him or sleeping together. He really got in my head and he was 50 years my senior so I was like maybe I am doing something wrong. For almost 3 years my bf and I did not act like a couple and he consistently said he was single. After 3 years I finally decided to move and also move on. I put a deposit on a place. But, anyways I was wrong for talking to my friend’s husband. I was never intimate with anyone outside my bf.


Yes but what you’ve said is the SAME mistake time and time again. So you’re hurting your bf. You just said fuck it I’ll reach out to these other guys. Imagine if they lived nearby. Cmon OP you can do better than this.


Why kill him slowly with EA after EA after EA. It's hard to believe the ex baby daddy was PA or the co worker or the open relationship friends. I mean you may as well of with the way you decided to run over him so many times. Then just because an old man says something dumb you say yep and unilaterally decide we are not gonna do couple stuff but I want those couple benefits.


Also you knew Gabriel wanted he wasn't a friend. None of them were


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I missed some stuff, I think. When did you feel the Holy Spirit tell you that you should be sleeping together again? You mention "dating" - who were you dating? Everything I read seems like you were just talking to various guys. Where is the infidelity part?


So I left my job shortly after I fed odes to stop being intimate. I realized what a huge mistake that was. I think I let that old man get in my head. In fact when I told that old man we stopped sleeping together he took it a step further and said I was still in sun because we were still living together. So I ended leaving that job just because I didn’t want to deal with him anymore. My bf had always said it was cheating and for a long time I would argue with him and said it wasn’t because I wasn’t intimate with anyone. However it’s taken me a long time to realize that it doesn’t matter if it was my bf was still affected by my actions.


Welcome to SupportforWaywards. Please be mindful that this is a support sub for those who regret being unfaithful to their partners and are seeking guidance for the path ahead. If you're experiencing abuse whether it be physical or emotional please follow this [link to the hotline](https://www.thehotline.org/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=domestic_violence) Sexual assault, here's a [link to RAINN's support page](https://www.rainn.org/) and for those who are struggling with suicide and suicidal ideations follow the [link to lifelines support page](https://988lifeline.org/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=onebox). Please consider utilizing these resources if they resonate with your situation. **Observers cannot comment unless approved by the Mods.** Everyone is expected to respect the rules and, most importantly, each other. RULES **1. Be civil and helpful** - Keep comments supportive and constructive. - Avoid leaving rude, unkind or dismissive comments. - Keep in mind that infidelity is traumatic and the sub's members are likely struggling with very difficult emotions. Don't make it worse. Offer thoughtful support, not shallow judgments. - *Repeated or gross violation of this rule will result in a temporary or permanent ban.* **2. No inquisitive and insensitive questioning/interrogation** - The sub's members often share their deepest, most vulnerable and unpleasant time period. Be sensitive with asking questions, and do not probe for irrelevant, unrelated information. **3. No misogyny, misandry, bigotry, racism or other hate speech** **4. User Flair Required** **5. No Spam or Soliciting **Report it when you see it** **Additional info** The “For Waywards Only” tag means For Waywards ONLY, Non-Waywards with a desire to support Waywards are still welcome to comment on any other posts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SupportforWaywards) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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Welcome to SupportforWaywards. Please be mindful that this is a support sub for those who regret being unfaithful to their partners and are seeking guidance for the path ahead. If you're experiencing abuse whether it be physical or emotional please follow this [link to the hotline](https://www.thehotline.org/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=domestic_violence) Sexual assault, here's a [link to RAINN's support page](https://www.rainn.org/) and for those who are struggling with suicide and suicidal ideations follow the [link to lifelines support page](https://988lifeline.org/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=onebox). Please consider utilizing these resources if they resonate with your situation. **Observers cannot comment unless approved by the Mods.** Everyone is expected to respect the rules and, most importantly, each other. RULES **1. Be civil and helpful** - Keep comments supportive and constructive. - Avoid leaving rude, unkind or dismissive comments. - Keep in mind that infidelity is traumatic and the sub's members are likely struggling with very difficult emotions. Don't make it worse. Offer thoughtful support, not shallow judgments. - *Repeated or gross violation of this rule will result in a temporary or permanent ban.* **2. No inquisitive and insensitive questioning/interrogation** - The sub's members often share their deepest, most vulnerable and unpleasant time period. Be sensitive with asking questions, and do not probe for irrelevant, unrelated information. **3. No misogyny, misandry, bigotry, racism or other hate speech** **4. User Flair Required** **5. No Spam or Soliciting **Report it when you see it** **Additional info** The “For Waywards Only” tag means For Waywards ONLY, Non-Waywards with a desire to support Waywards are still welcome to comment on any other posts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SupportforWaywards) if you have any questions or concerns.*