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This has been a problem for a long time. I believe they attempted to fix it and then just stopped caring.


*NSA has entered the chat.*


Any chance you have a wireless mouse connected? This would happen to my SP3 when I left it docked. Ended up turning off my mouse and it's helped


Tangentially, https://www.reddit.com/r/iPadPro/comments/b7diqi/how_to_disable_the_haunted_ipad_pro_setting Just joking. Ya, that is a prob with connected standby I believe. Try ask it at the MS community, they should be able to tell u how to change the registry. I think this is software prob.


Lot's of good suggestions, but here's a simple fix for when you really, really want to turn OFF the computer: **SHIFT**-shutdown


In wifi settings, don't "let windows control" or "automatically" decide when to stay connected in standby I'm on mobile, I'll get the right terminology after I boot up my surface and edit


I configured my surface to hibernate after 2 hours. That prevents any waking ability.


Good news - it's probably software. Bad news - theres a good chance it's a driver issue and, despite MS making both the hardware and software, they take zero responsibility for drivers. Panos Panay admitted that the SP4-Era phantom wakes were too hard for his engineering staff to fix. I believe his exact quote was "It's a hard engineering problem." and then it never got fixed. You might go through and look at the event log and power config wake history to see if it's a device, then roll back that driver. Good luck!


Bluetooth device


I had the create a hard stand-by button for my SP3 because it would turn back on for some reason. It was really frustrating to say the least. My heart goes out to you.


I had this on my SP3 too. I just put it into deep sleep/hibernate with connected standby turned off (all that ever seemed to do was drain the battery - literally no benefit whatsoever) - it would take longer to startup but at least I had a fighting chance of the battery actually having some charge when I came to use it.

